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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200320Response.pdfA INTERMOUNf,AIN"
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March 20,2020
Ms. Diane Hanian
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0074
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RE: Intermountain Gas Company Response to Order No. 34536
Dear Ms. Hanian:
Intermountain Gas Company, in response to Order No. 34536 dated January 21,2020, submits the
following plan to evaluate the Energy Efficiency Program.
Intermountain Gas Energy Efficiency Evaluation Plan - Proposed
Spring 2020 - Impact and Process Evaluation
lntermountain has contracted with a third-party evaluator to conduct an impact evaluation and
process evaluation. The two most redeemed measures from the initial Energy Efficiency Program,
the Whole Home incentive and the95o/o AFUE natural gas furnace incentive, will undergo an
impact evaluation by a third-party to verify savings based on actual billed consumption.
This study will also include a process evaluation of the entire Energy Effrciency Program. The
process evaluation will include evaluation of the following: program design, program
administration, program implanentation and delivery, customer satisfaction, and market
Due to the fact all the ranaining measures contribute a significantly smaller portion of savings to
the portfolio, these measures will be updated with the most current saving estimates and incentive
levels from the2019 Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA), and implemented based on the
findings of the process evaluation. These measures will be scheduled for evaluation once we
have a full year of participation under the revised program.
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Mid 2020 - Regulatory Filing - Commercial Program
The impact and process evaluation will be completed mid-year 2020.lmpact and process
evaluation findings, updated avoided costs, saving estimates and incentive levels from the 2018
CPA will all be used to design a commercial program. The proposed commercial offering will be
presented to the Stakeholder Committee for input and feedback.
Once all the feedback has been incorporated, lntermountain will file for approval to begin a
Commercial Energy Effi ciency Program.
Falt 2020 - Program Implementation - Commercial Program
Following approval by the Commission Intermountain will launch the Commercial Program.
Fall2020 - Regulatory Fiting - Residential Program
The results of the impact evaluation and updated Avoided Cost study will be used to update the
furnace and whole home rebates. The 2019 CPA study and updated Avoided Cost study will be
used to update other existing rebates as well as develop additional residential rebate offerings.
The results of the process evaluation will also be used to inform necessary revisions to the
delivery of the Residential Program.
All of these proposed residential program changes will be presented to the Stakeholder
Committee for input. Once any feedback has been incorporated, Intermountain will file for
approval of a revised Residential Program.
January 2021- Program Implementation - Residential Program
Following Commission approval, Intermountain will implanent the revised Residential Program.
Fall2021 - Impact and Process Evaluation
Intermountain will post an RFP for impact and process evaluation. The impact evaluation will
focus on residential measures that have not yet been subject to an impact evaluation, such as
fireplace inserts, tanked and tankless water heaters, and possibly new rebate offerings that have
had good uptake. The Company will evaluate whether or not to include some cornmercial rebates
in the impact evaluation or to postpone those for a year to allow more data to accumulate.
The process evaluation will focus on the commercial program. The process evaluation will
examine the lS-month performance of the commercial program (launch in Fall 2020 to December
2021), allowing for program ramp up time and one full year of performance to evaluate.
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lntermountain plans to eventually have all rebate measures evaluated on a rotating basis every 2 to 3
years. In the interim years that a measure is not being evaluated by an outside consultant, Intermountain
will establish a process to internally evaluate the measures using methods similar to those ernployed by
the consultant. This should allow the Company to identifr issues or concerns with a particular measure
quickly without incurring the high cost of an impact evaluation on every measure every year.
Should you have questions, concerns, or ideas to improve this plan, please contact me at (208) 3':.7-6015
Lori A. Blattner
Director - Regulatory Atrain
Intermountain Gas Company
cc:Kathy Wold
Preston Carter