HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190802Mendez Fee Waiver - Redacted.pdfFull Name of Party Filing Document Gvt /t/ u,itoEz RECE,VED ,ifiI9 iU6 -Z pll l2r !g , r,,. i ?'u.ttorH##Bu, u *2lla N C"LDe.usYz w,") Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) lYleaiDt nru , Lg ( 3 6.f 6 City, State anO Zip CoOe/ @) \Go:jelf Telephone Anvt tYur,tDE 7"o1e GnniL. Gnt\ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Email Address (if any) ln the Matter Of: An, L w\frNDeL Case No. INT- ea' lq-o3 MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVERAlletr^u\ l&,rqltqi VJ vN ,/t\Ov / a[^',G to start or defend this case without paying fees, ldaho Code Section 31-3220, and certify: l. This is an action for ltype of case)A0PEat 2. I am unable to pay the court costs. I verify that the statements made in this Affidavit are true and correct. I understand that a false statement in this Affidavit is perjury and I could be sent to prison for one to 14 years. The waiver of payment does not prevent the court from later ordering me to pay costs and fees. 3. I am unable to pay the costs for assembling the administrative record. (Do not leave any items blank. lf any item does not apply, write "N/A". Attach additional pages if more space is needed for any response.) IDENT!FICATION AND RESIDENCE: Name:/Anv U /v\e^r p€ L Other name(s) I have used Address:Z1l?. N GrrVnauaue w*\/u"4Dtap , LV) a71Q5 Phone PAGE 1 *utq How long at that aooressz4?tlE4'9 P\n CF 7 La-r) (G"- 6ej I MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t01t2016 Year and place of birth !aDcI\LL S,*f vaQct Education completed (years): f'liGfl CCtuo,L I 5o r"n GLcEGL FAMILY: Marital StatusftnOle I Married I Divorced IWidowed ! Separated The following minor children live with me: Name (use initials only) Age Relationship Child Support Received ($/monthl EMPLOYMENT: Occupation c*Llet lt<x Employed by:Ston CwavivG t( \ t Salary:s 0ePr*rv2 Position 1l cN Prusec\ SiZL or $_ per hour your current position is temporary what are theMonthly gross income start and end dates?See A9.rr* oltug 2*v Sruf 4 Phone number to use to verify 2.6 lf you have held this job less than one year, previous employer Phone number to use to verify: Spouse's Occupation Employed by: Position: Salary: $or $_ per hour Monthly gross income lf your spouse's current position is temporary what are the start and end dates? I receive assistance or support from the following sources and in the following monthly amounts Spouse s Welfare s Food Stamps: $_Relatives:s Unernployment Compensation s Retirement: $_ Former Spouse: $_ other MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t01t2016 Social Security: $ PAGE 2 s lf unemployed, how long since your last regular employment? List all places where you have applied for work in the last six months Company Last Applied L r"l PL"'1 LD Reason for Rejection Are you willing to work now? _ What work can you do? WhatistheminimumWageforwhichyouarewillingtowork?$ List all employers you worked for during the last three years. Company Date Terminated Ending Salary Reason for Termination L q )"1 hto ftt*ut) NAE CtA }U a cl 6viY Ant v C-/\pLt€)c wcrrl( s; (E Are you capable of working ,o*r("s ! No lf no, why not? lf a health problem keeps you from working, provide the name of your treating doctor: ls your health problem permanent? [ Yes E No When will you be released to work? MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t01t2016 PAGE 3 ASSETS: List all real property (land and buildings) owned or being purchased by you. Address City State Wo >I Legal Description ,+I;L9 Value 1o1 \vql"RA(; L [rEX. t C) uGCJ,t tlc tt I Your Equity Value V,*tA)f'D List all other property owned by you and state its value. Description (provide description for each item) Veh inlac Nri s ou FRo,'\i trA )-*o BanUCredit Union/Savings/Checking Accounts Lve& Stocks/Bonds/lnvestments/CertificatesofDeposit Trust Funds Retirement Accou nts/l RAs/40 1 (k)s Cash Value lnsurance ltlotorcycles/Boats/RVs/Snowmobiles Furniture/Appli ances A-f v Jewelry/Antiq ues/Collecti bles 3v + rI |r/cl r"a,E- TVs/Stereos/Com puters/Electron rnQ Tools/Equipm Sporting Goods/Guns Ho rses/L ivestock/Tack Other (describe \ER MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t}1t2016 PAGE 4 Notes and Receivable *t *"" EXPENSES: (List all of your monthly expenses.) Expense RenUHouse Payment Vehicle Payment(s) Credit Cards (List last 4 digits of each account number.) Average Monthly Payment C-lrrr, Loans (name of lender and reason for loan) Electricity/N atural Gas n-lrWater/Sewerff Phon e Cellular Phone Cable/Satellite TV/l nternet Groceries Dining O Clothi Auto Fuel/Transportation Auto Maintenance Cosmetics/Ha i rcuts/Sa E ntertainmenUBooks/Ma g azines Horne lnsurance Auto lnsurance Life MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t01t2016 Fq^-i tY P\^^lif rnr} PAGE 5 \^-+ lncr rranno Average Monthly PaymentExpense (continued) Medical lnsuran .A Medical Expense Child Care Other (describe) When did you file your last income tax return? AO l1 Amount of refund: $rllt PERSONAL REFERENCES: Ohese persons must be able to verify information provided.) Name Address Phone Years Known C w tt I NJ Go\cAi AJ c -(rt--1?)- CERTIFICATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I certify under penalty of perjury pursuant to the law of the State of ldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Date:8 le lt1 Anv t lf\tr^t r)E- 7 Typed/printed Signature MOTION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR FEE WAIVER cAo FW 1-9 07t01t2016 PAGE 6 MTSCELLANEOUS: How much can you borrow? $ /vo\ S v Q€ From whom I /hc*pen I 5 icrfr-\ Eamings and Hours Oty Rale Curent YTDArnourn Employee Salary Federal So<ial Security Employee iiledicare Employee lD - Wi$holding Net Pay {ffi* {r:}r treiF -I; * C