HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190125Mendez Complaint.pdfRE(:TIVEDRaul Mendez 2712N. Goldeneye Way Meridian,ID 83646 PH (208)860-s037 Raulmendez2002@gmail.com RAUL MENDEZ, Complainant, VS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY, Respondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION L\'PH l: 2l+ cASENo. INT- G- lq-o3 CUSTOMER COMPLAINT NOW COMES RAUL MENDEZ, complainant charges as follow: Mr. Mendez complains against the above utility company providing gas for Idaho residents. Mr. Mendez notes that most of his communications over the past 1.5 years have been with staff at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission thru the Informal complaint procedure, Rule 402 01; IDAPA 31.21.01. He has received little correspondence from Respondent because they indicated that they don't respond to email even when their website indicate that it is one of the means to contact them. Mr. Mendez charges that the staff with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission violated his Due Process rights and Intermountain Gas violated his rights under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA). ISSUES I ) Is an account initiation fee of $ 1 4 dollars a valid charge on an already existing account? 2) Should the charges be consistently the same over the summer on an account that shows no use of gas? 3) can a customer disconnect gas service without incurring additional fees such as an initiation fee for restarting service? FACTUAL BACKGROUNI) On71612017, Mr. Mendez contacted respondent questioning why he had been charged $7.41 for July 2017 when on July 2016 and over the entire Summer of 2016 the charge had been $5.34. Mr. Mendez indicated that he does not use gas over the summer including heating for water. He questioned why there was an increase of 2.07 from the previous summer when it should be identical since there is no gas usage. Furthermore, he indicated that for many years it had been $5.34 over the summer months when he does not use gas. On 7 /7 12017, Respondent explained that the difference in the bill from 20 I 6 summer to 2017 summer is due to the customer charge going from $2.50 to $5.50 as of 5lll20l7. On7125/2017, Vfu. Mendez called utility to ask how to disconnect service over the summer since there is no usage of gas and to save money for the winter. He was told by Sydney in Customer service that there would be a 14 dollar reconnect fee to restart service in the winter. On713012017,Mr. Mendez contacted respondent via email and told customer service that he has not being able to find on their website anlhing in regards to a l4-dollar reconnection fee. On 8/3/2017, Mr. Mendez requested respondent send to him the information where it says that there is a l4 dollar reconnect fee. OnBl4l20l7, Respondent explained to Mr. Mendez that the $14 fee is not a reconnect fee but initiation fee for starting service. He was directed the FAQS on the company's website. see exhibit 1. On 81412017, Mr. Mendez replied to respondent pointing out that an initiation fee is entirely different than a reconnect fee. I already have the service on. therefore the l4-dollar charge does not apply. furthermore. I see that you do indeed charge a reconnect fee only if the service has been disconnected due to non-payment. The company's website indicate that an initiation fee is charged on each account opened with Intermountain gas. see exhibit l. On 81912017, Mr. Mendez contacted respondent stating that if there is no usage then there should be the same fee every statement during summer whether it's $5.34 or $7.41. How is it possible that the cost of gas per terms and the distribution costs varies from July 2017 to August 2017 when there is no gas usage. see exhibit l. On8l24l20l7, Curtis Thaden with the IPUC handled the informal complaint. He indicated that when the customer places a request to reconnect a $14'account initiation charge'is assessed to open a new account. He further indicated that the account number in the new account will be the same as the closed out account. He stated that if an account is closed for longer than 10 days and a request is made to reconnect service the utility company will consider that person an applicant and not a customer. Mr. Thaden indicated that though your furnace is not operating in the summer months Therm usage is being recorded More than likely the recorded usage is from a pilot light of the furnace and hot water heater and gas is being used to heat the water. This explanation was provided even when Mendez made it clear that no gas is being used at all during summer including heating for water and when for many years the per therms and distribution costs have been the same during summer months when there has been no use. see exhibit l. On9ll2l20l7, Mr. Mendez questioned respondent if the fees are being manipulated. It was 4 therms summer 2016 as well when there was no gas usage. However, it was $2.06 and $7.08 in 2016 when the customer charge was $2.50. It is still4 therms summer 2017 but because the customer charge is now $5.50, it appears that Intermountain Gas has lowered the same 4therms to $1.86 and $0.69. it was $5.34 summer 2016 and it is $8.05 summer 2017. No gas is being used at all during summer. Comparison between prior years and20l7 summer show a consistent 4 therms but somehow the statements for this year ends up being 3 dollars more. He got no response. see exhibit 1. On 4130/2018, Mr. Mendez contacted respondent again regarding a seasonal shut off over the summer since he does not use gas during warm weather. He noted in August 2017 that there was no point in disconnecting service that late since it would have to be restarted in October but he would plan on the seasonal disconnect in 2018. On 512/2018, Respondent talked to Mr. Mendez on the phone and provided him with Order No2738941026 and indicated there would be a $14 initiation fee to restart service. On 5/412018, Mr. Mendez told respondent that the $14 fee is for new accounts but his account has been open for 15 years. On 51412018, Respondent told Mr. Mendez that once your account is closed for 10 days you're no longer a customer. So, the $14 initiation fee for a new account would apply when you start service in the fall. see exhibit 1. On 5/12/2018, Mr. Mendez asked respondent to provide the exact location on the policies where it states that the utilities can charge the l4-dollar initiation fee on an already existing account. see exhibit 1. On 5/18/2018, Mr. Mendez told respondent that his account has been opened for l5 years and that they are trying to charge 14 dollars to restart the service on an existing account which is current and not stopped due to non-payment. see exhibit 1. On 61712018, Mr. Mendez contacted Mr. Thaden with the IPUC regarding the ongoing issues with respondent. Mr. Mendez told Mr. Thaden that the IPUC has approved a l4-dollar initiation fee on a new account but not on existing accounts that have been temporarily disconnected. On 6/8/20 I 8, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that Section 9.4 of the approved tariff allows intermountain gas to charge a fee of $ l4 or $40 whenever a customer requests service, even if the requestor previously had an active account. Ifa customer requests disconnection ofservice, service is disconnected and the account is closed. The account is no longer active and the former customer is no longer classified as a customer. see exhibit l. On 611412018, Mr. Mendez told Mr. Thaden that he had not being able to find anywhere where it specifically states that an existing account becomes a new account after it has been closed for more than l0 days. On 6119/2018, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that the word existing is causing confusion and that existing implies that something is current. when a customer closes out their account, the account is no longer an existing account and that person is no longer a customer of the utility. Only active accounts are existing accounts. A customer is defined by the Utility Customer Relation Rules as someone who is receiving service from a utility or has received service within the past ten calendar days prior to termination by the utility. see exhibit l. On 8/212018, Mr. Thaden indicated again that if a customer voluntarily disconnect service and then decides to reconnect service again an account initiation charge is assessed. Often. IG will issue the same account number as previously issued as a courtesy to a customer for the purpose of bill pay and automatic withdrawal from the individuals banking account. see exhibit 1. On8/212018, Mr. Mendez replied to Mr. Thaden that if the same account number is "issued" for the purposes of billing, then any reasonable person would conclude that it was an existing customer with an existing account with an existing billing information that is having the service restarted. ln other words, it is not a new applicant for service. On7120/2018, Mr. Mendez told Mr. Thaden that under section 9.4 of the tariffand under the fee policy (approved by the IPUC) there was nothing in the language indicating that "when a customer closes out their account, the account is no longer an existing account and that person is no longer a customer of the utility. If he/she, at alater date decides to become a customer again, and requests service be established, an account is opened." On 8/3/2018, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that the customer definition specific to "has received service within the past l0 calendar days prior to termination by the utility." Termination by the utility refers to any condition that brought about the termination of service which includes customer requests. see exhibit 1. On 8/15/2018, Mr. Mendez told Mr. Thaden that he could not find anything on the IPUC rules regarding to "any condition that brought about the termination of service which includes customer requests." On 1019/2018, Mr. Mendez contacted respondent noting that he received the bill for l0/2018 for which 14 dollars had been charged as an initiation fee on an existing account which now showed as being active. On l0/18/2018, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that if you file a formal complaint and the Commissioners accept the complaint, IG will respond to the Commission. see exhibit 1. On 10125/2018, Mr. Mendez attached a link from the Idaho Supreme Court for Mr. Thaden review. The link is a guide regarding the IPUC and utilities in Idaho. It asks the question: my utility charged me a deposit before they turned on my service. Can they do that? Usually. no. However. a utility may charge a deposit when they turn on your service if you had your service terminated for nonpayment at previous address. The link indicated too that IPUC rules applied to the water utility like Suez. yet. Suez does not charge am 'initiation' fee for restarting service after temporary disconnections. Aren't the rules the same for all three utilities? see exhibit 1. On 111612018, respondent told Mr. Mendez that the l4-dollar initiation fee as well as the interests on the past due balance is allowed, and even mandated by our tariff that is approved by the IPUC. see exhibit 1. On 111612018, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that if the Commissioners were to rule in your favor I am certain that Intermountain Gas would be ordered to remove the $14 fee and interest charges from your account. The l4-dollar initiation fee is allowed per each company tariff and is not a violation of any rule Also, keep in mind that both lntermountain Gas and Idaho Power incur costs when having to reconnect service and those costs are not recovered in rates. see exhibit 1. On 1ll8/2018, Mr. Mendez told Mr. Thaden that basically, the l4-dollar charge that is in dispute is for sending someone to turn on service on an existing account. it's just that IG are not saying that it is a fee connected with sending someone to turn it on; instead they claim it is an initiation fee on a new account. What about Suez? many people request seasonal disconnects during winter if they are away from home to avoid frozen pipes. They don't charge an initiation fee on existing accounts. aren't the IPUC rules the same for the utilities? On 121412018, Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that when you called IG to start service again an account was opened; often the company will issue the same account number as previously used for a customer's convenience for electronic payment purposes. IG assesses a $14 account initiation fee when a request for service to be established is requested. For service to be established an acaount has to be opened. In review of the company's tariff under section 9.4. the wording states "on each account opened" not new account. Suez water does not charge an initiation fee. Each utilitv company has its own set of guidelines. business practices. and rate design so policy will vary from utilitv to utilitv. I do not believe the commission will waive a fee that has previously been approved by the Commission. see exhibit 1. ARGUMENT Mr. Mendez has only included email correspondence on exhibit I for organizational purposes of this complaint. He refers to some links/attachments in the above correspondence that will be included as separate exhibits. He will refer to pertinent Rules and he will also refer to K.W v. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, State of ldaho. Case No 1:12-cv-00022. A US District Court of Idaho case involving violations of due process rights. He will refer to the FDCPA. On 5/18/2018, Mr. Mendez attached a picture for respondent of his IG account showing as the service being stopped. see exhibit 2. On 101912018, Mr. Mendez attached a picture for respondent of the same account number with the same account name for the same address showing as the service being active. see exhibit 3. On 101912018, Mr. Mendez also attached a picture of respondent's website showing the fees approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. see exhibit 4. Respondent and Mr. Thaden frequently refer on the above emails to 9.4 under IG tariff. see exhibit 5. On 1012512018, Mr. Mendez attached a link from the Idaho Supreme Court website to help people with questions about utilities. see exhibit 6. Rule 5 of IDAPA 31.21.01 defines an applicant as any potential customer who applies for service. Defines customer as any person who has applied for, has been accepted by the utility and is: receiving service from a utility or has received service within the past ten days prior to termination by the utility. defines utility as any public utility providing gas, electric or water service subject by law to the Commission's j urisdiction. IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 101.01 states that no utility shall demand or hold a deposit from any current residential customer or applicant for residential service without proof that the customer or applicant is likely to be a credit risk or damage to property of the utility. A utility shall not demand or hold a deposit under this rule as a condition of service from a residential customer or applicant unless one or more of the following criteria applies: a) the customer or applicant has outstanding a prior residential service account with the utility that accrued within the last four years and at the time of application for service remains unpaid and not in dispute. b) the customer's or applicant's service from the utility has been terminated within the last four years for one or more of the following reasons: i. nonpayment of any undisputed delinquent bill; ii. misrepresentation of the customer's or applicant's identity for the purpose of obtaining utility service. d) the applicant did not have service with the utility for a period of at least 12 consecutive months during the last four years and does not pass an objective credit screen. IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 104 states that if the utility requires a cash deposit as a condition of providing service, then it shall immediately provide an explanatim to the applicant or customer stating the precise reasons why a deposit is required. The applicant or customer shall be given an opportuni8 to rebut those reasons. IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 107.02 states that the utility shall promptly return the deposit (with accrued interest) by either crediting the existing customer's current account or issuing a refund. Rule 107.03 states that the utility shall pay interest at the annual rates established in Rule 106 for the entire period over which the deposit was held. IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 21 states that the Commission may provide that informal proceedings may precede formal proceedings in the consideration of a rulemaking or a case. Mr. Mendez has already spent a significant amount of time corresponding with Mr. Thaden in regards to his complaint against Intermountain Gas. The informal complaint has resulted in a violation of Mr. Mendez right to Due Process as Mr. Thaden has provided information that conflicts or overshadows the language of the IPUC rules, or just misrepresented information to Mr. Mendez. ln the Federal Case K.W v. Idaho Department of Health ond Welfare, State of ldaho. Cose No 1:12-cv-00022; Judge Winmill explained that the frst Notice reducing benefits to disabled participants failed to provide due process because it made it difficult for a participant to determine why his budget had been reduced and left him unable to effectively challenge the reduction. A second proposed notice failed to properly notifu participants of the reasons for IDHW's actions. Judge Winmill stated that one of those procedural protections is the establishment of clear ascertainable standards that "insure fairness and ...avoid the risk of arbitrary decision making." citingCarey v. Quern, 588 F.2d 230,232 (9th Cir. 1978). The explanations provided by Mr. Thaden thru the informal complaint violate Due Process because they make it difficult for people to determine why RespondenVutilities under IPUC Jurisdiction are charging $14 to restart service and the conflicting information makes it difficult to challenge the charge. Mr. Thaden explanations failed to properly inform the public why utilities like IG charge an initiation fee on existing accounts. Judge Winmill ruled against the IDHW in violations of Due process precisely because the lack of clear ascertainable standards to avoid the risk of arbitrary decision making. For example: Mr. Thaden stated that the l4-dollar initiation charge is assessed to open a new account and if the account had been closed for longer than 10 days and request is made to reconnect that the utility will consider the person an applicant and not a customer. Mr. Thaden also stated that Section 9.4 of the tariffallowed IG to charge the l4 dollar whenever a customer requests service even if the requestor previously had an active account. Mr. Thaden stated that the customer definition specific to "has received service within the past l0 calendar days prior to termination by the utility; termination by the utility refers to any condition that brought about the termination of service includes customer requests. Mr. Thaden stated that if the Commissioners were to rule in your favor I Am certain that IG would be ordered to remove the $14 fee and interest charges. Mr. Thaden stated that Suez does not charge an initiation fee and each utility company has its own set of guidelines, business practices and rate design so policy will vary from utility to utility and he also noted on his last email that he now did not believe the commission will waive a fee that has previously been approved. IDAPA 31.21.01 RuIe 5 defines utility as any public utility providing gas, electric or water service subject by law to the Commissioner's jurisdiction. The Utility questions under the the Idaho Supreme Court site to help people show that the IPUC adopts rules that apply to residential customers of investor-owned utilities such as Idaho Power, Intermountain Gas and Suez water. Mr. Mendez has seen nothing in the IPUC rules to indicate that Suez has a different set of rules than other utilities under IPUC jurisdiction in regards to the 'initiation fee.' IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 101.01 clearly state that a utility shall not demand or hold a deposit unless: 1) the customer or applicant has an outstanding prior account with the utility that accrued within the last four years and at the time of application of service remains unpaid and not in dispute, 2) the customer's or applicant's services from the utility has been terminated within the last four years for i. nonpayment of any undisputed delinquent bill, ii. misrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining utility service, 3) the applicant did not have service with the utility for at least 12 consecutive months during the last four years and does not pass an objective credit screen. It is clear that the l4-dollar initiation fee on Mr. Mendez case became a deposit that respondent charged (to restart service) to an existing account that did not met any of the above criteria under the rule. Respondent would not have been able to assess the l4-dollar fee if there was no account on file even if the applicant/customer was delinquent for four years or if the applicant did not have service with IG for 12 consecutive months during the last four years. Mr. Mendez account was already opened and was temporarily disconnected by the customer NOT the utility. Mr., Thaden stated that "has received service within the past l0 calendar days prior to termination by the utility"; termination by the utility refers to any condition that brought about the termination of service includes customer requests. However, that is not what the rule states. IDAPA 31.21.01 Rule 5 defines a customer as any person who has applied for, has been accepted by the utility and is: receiving service from a utility or has received service within the past ten days prior to termination by the utility. Due process requires that the rule specifically state that "termination by the utility refers to any condition that brought about the termination of service including customer requests." Otherwise, there is no clearly ascertainable standards. Due process requires that the 9.4 Tariff actually state that Respondent is allowed to charge the 14 dollar whenever a customer requests service even if the requestor previously had an active account. Otherwise, there is no clearly ascertainable standards. Due process requires that IPUC staff don't toy with people when Mr. Thaden first, state that "that if the Commissioners were to rule in your favor I Am certain that IG would be ordered to remove the $14 fee and interest charges," then later on he tells people that "I do not believe the commission will waive a fee that has previously been approved." It gives the appearance of arbitrary decision making and an attempt to discourage/prejudice people. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act is a Federal Consumer Protection Law intended to shield the public from the menace of unscrupulous and dishonest debt collectors. Among other provisions, The FDCPA makes it illegal to: collect charges not permitted by law (15 U.S.C. 1692f(l)); falsely represent the character, amount or legal status of the debt (1692e(2Xa)); falsely represent the compensation lawfully permitted for services (1692e(2)(B)); threaten to take any action that cannot legally be taken or that is not intended to be taken (1692e(5)); use false representations or deceptive means to collect or attempt to collect the debt (1692e(10)), and threaten to take nonjudicial action to effect dispossession of the property (l 692f(6)). Respondent never answered Mr. Mendez concerns with the charges being manipulated since there is no gas usage over the summer including no heating for water means that it should be consistently the same every month over the entire Summer. In fact, Mr. Mendez pointed out that prior to the Summer 0f 2017 it had been a consistent $5.34 every single month of the Summer for years. It was 4 therms summer 2016 as well when there was no gas usage. However, it was $2.06 and $7.08 in 2016 when the customer charge was $2.50. It is still4 therms summer 2017 br;/' because the customer charge is now $5.50, it appears that Intermountain Gas has lowered the same 4therms to $1.86 and $0.69. it was $5.34 summer 2016 and it is $8.05 summer 2017. No gas is being used at all during summer. Comparison between prior years and20l7 summer show a consistent 4 therms but somehow the statements for 2017 year ends up being 3 dollars more. While Mr. Mendez got no response from Respondent; Mr. Thaden told Mr. Mendez that the difference was attributed to a "pilot light of the furnace and hot water heater and gas is being used to heat the water." NOTE: Mr. Thaden provided this explanation even when told that there is no gas being used to heat water and when the readings showed a consistent 4 therms during Summer for many years, precisely because of the no usage. IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 104 states that if the utility requires a cash deposit as a condition of providing service, then it shall immediately provide an explanation to the applicant or customer stating the precise reasons why a deposit is required. The applicant or customer shall be given an opportunity to rebut those reasons. The assessing ofthe l4-dollar initiation fee to an existing account to restart service is an example of "collect charges not permitted by law (15 U.S.C. 1692(l))" and since Due process protections requires the establishment of clear ascertainable standards that "insure fairness and ...avoid the risk of arbitrary decision making." Carey v. Quern, 588 F.zd 230, 232 (9th Cir. 1978). Having discussed extensively how the IPUC informal complaint violated Mr. Mendez Due process, then stands to reason that the same explanations given by respondent are in violation of Law including the aforementioned FDCPA. CONCLUSION l) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission that the 14 dollar "initiation" fee assessed to his existing account in order to restart service on 10/2018 be refunded along with Interests accrued since l0/2018. 2) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission to Order Respondent to pay costs incuned in the drafting of this Utility complaint. Mr. Mendez has incurred costs of Gas/mileage in raveling to the Law library to do research and for printing/copies. His Costs totalT2 dollars. 3) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission to issue an Order baning Respondent from charging customer's fees for voluntarily disconnecting service. Especially ifthe reasons for disconnect are due to financial hardship. 4) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission to issue an Order warning Respondent that they must comply with the IPUC Rules. 5) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission to issue an Order waming Respondent about manipulation of fees to the detriment of Idaho customers. 6) Mr. Mendez asks the Commission for more accountability and transparency of the IPUC complaint process and to warn staffof not giving the appearance of bias. Dated: January 25,2019 o^J Vl,\,--r Raul Mendez \ I EA ,{ ulra4l - ru. 49vL ,f 1\-1\-1\-1\-1\-/\-Z\!JWW L raBtr+olll\ I have not being able to find where it says that there is a 14 dollar to reconnect service. would you please send me the link where it says that there is a 14 dollar reconnect fee? I asked to have the service disconnected during hot weather because I don't use gas at all and I need to sEve money, but I was told that there is a reconnect fee. I hope that you're not misleading customers. I might have to contact the ldaho Public Utility Commission to explain my situation and lntermountain gas unwillingness to work with customers when the statements clearly show there is no gas usage and I'm being charged 7.41 for 'maintenance'fees.....and please do not ask me to call you because I already did and you did not offer any solutions, -;' Raul lQuoted text hiddenl Rau! Mendez <raulmen dez2$i2@gmail.com> To : Customer Service IGC <CustomerService@intgas. com> Thu, Aug 3,20i7 at 5:54 PM I have not received a response and it concerns me that when customers contact you via messaging on your website that apparently any responses can disappear from custome/s email. I have these questions: 1) can you please send me the information where it says that there is a 14 dollar reconnect fee? 2) you can go back several years and see that there is about 4-5 months out of the year where there has never been gas usage on my account during warm weather. I have paid my bills for no use. \Mty do you need to send a technician to disconnect the service (then charge a 14 dollar reconnect fee) when there is clearly no use of the service during this time of the year? 3) can you just make a note on my account not to be billed during this time of the year when there is no gas use? do you need me to sign an agreement so to make sure that lwon't use gas during warm weather and you won't bill me for it? 4) do you need proof of income? I cannot oontinue to pay for no use during warm weather and when I'll need the money during winter to pay bills as high as over 100 dollars. As explained before, I have already tried the 'utility assistance' organizations such as ElAda, Salvation Army, St Vincent De Paul, etc but they all have limited funding giving priority to elderly, disabled and family with many kids. 5) lf you need to disconnect service then schedule for next week so that I can unlock the fence for the tech to access the meter. Call me ahead of time. Even though I believe it to be a waste of time/resources when l'm not using gas during 5 months of the year. thank you, Raul lQuoted texl hiddenl Customer Service IGC <CustomerService@intgas.com> To: Raul Mendez < raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Fri, Aug 4,2017 at 9:42 AM Hello Raul, I have attempted to contact you by phone several time to discuss your issues. The 514.00 fee is not a reconnect fee but initiation fee for starting service you can find this information on our website in the FAQs, https://www.intgas.com/utility-navigation/faqs. lf the gas service is on you will be charged a customer charge each month this is the same for every customer of lntermountain Gas Company. lf you x httnc.//rnail crnnrrlp nnm/tnail/rtlfic)ilr=a\'T0l.AaQAOPrriia.',_afP'no..^L-^ll0'-^*+L:l-+L-^^l 1-t ln ln^l 0 )IJJaLL - .r\r-i. clvv! t7 ./r,-/\-/\-1r-/\-/\./\vvv L raB,sJUrrr wish to have the service off during the summer you will need to contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-548-3679, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sincerely, Mary Customer Support Lead lntermountain Gas Company Phone : 1-800-548-3 67 9, M-F, 7am-7 pm ffiffiEy ffi From: Raul Mendez Imailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, August 03,2017 5:55 PM To: Customer Service IGC <CustomerService@intgas.com> Subject: Re: acct # XxxxxXXOO0 2 ** WARNING: EXTERNAL SENDER. NEVER click links or open attachments without positive sender v*erification of purpose. DO NOT provide your user lD or password on sites or forms linked from this email [Quoted text hidden] Rau I Mendez < rau lme ndez2002@g mail. com> To : Customer Service IGC <Cu sto merService@intgas.com> Fri, Aug 4,2017 at6:35 PM Hello, ."fl an initiation fee is entirely different than a reconnect fee. I already have the service on, therefore the 14 dollar charge does not apply. furthermore, I see that you do indeed charge a reconnect fee ONLY if the service has been disconnected due to non-payment. Here is what your website states: Does lntermountain Gas charge any special handling fees? Our goal is to keep costs for service to our customers as low as possible. ln order to do this we believe individual customers should bear the cost of any special handling they require instead of having all I'f+--.//*^:l -^^^lo ^^-/-^;l/,.lnDil,-^<1nAC.^OA(l9..,ia.,--+9-^^^-^L-^ll 9--^-+Lil+L-^-l t^rF /^n I rr \rltr.4lL - lw. 4vvL t lvvvvvv\vvv &rsSwvvl rrr customers pay for these services. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission authorizes lntermountain to recover the following costs: . lnterest on Past Due Accounts: Amounts due for your previous month's gas bill, which remain unpaid at the time of the next billing date, will be assessed interest at the rate of 106 per month. Participants in the Level Payment Program will be exempt from late payment interest charges.. Field Collection Fee $15: lf a company representative must visit your home to collect a past due payment, a $15 fee will be assessed. lf gas service is discontinued, this charge does not apply (see Reconnection Fee).. Roconnection Fee: A reconnection fee is asseseed when sErvlce b rEsbrEd ficr a customer afier a non-pay service interruption. This fee is $22 during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and $44 during the hours of 4:30 p.m. through 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A reconnection fee of $50 will be charged on weekends or Company holidays.. Returned Payment Fee $20: This charge shall apply when a payment (check or electronic) is not honored and returned by the bank.. Account lnitiation Fee ${4 or $40: Each new account opened with lntermounhln B a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, will be billed a $14 fee with the first regular bill. A $40 fue will be charged br all accounts opened after 5 p.m,, Monday through Friday, weekends or holidays. l'm troubled by your attempts to be misleading. I don't understand why you would not want to work something out with a customer with such an excellent payment record. I got laid off by Micron and so l'm working taking care off my disabled mom but it doesn't pay well. I don't have a choice but to disconnect then during warm weather when I don't use gas so to save money for winter. lt makes no sense for a tech to come twice during the year to disconnect then reconnect when you have documented statements over the years showing that I don't use gas during this time of the year, but whatever if that is what it needs to be done then fine. l'll probably wait until next year to start disconnecting the $rvioe afrer cold weather since it's already august and the tech would have to come in October to reconnect.......just to be clear though there is no reconnect fee based on the information on your website. Thank you, Raul Mendez [Quoted text hidden] .d, C ustomer Service IGC <C usto merService@intgas.com> To: Raul Mendez <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Mon, Aug 7,2A17 at8:38 AM Hello Raul, lf you would like to discuss this more you will need to contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-548 -3679, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. tq 7 p.m. We will no correspond with you by email on this matter. Sincerely, Mary Customer Support Lead httns://mail soosle aomlnailltt/Olik:e\1O46e.Rc19&vieu/:nf.&seareh:all,trnermfhiddhreed- 1) 11l)N I final - l(E: acct fi /\.{,/\ -Al\,^,vuv L lntermountain Gas Company Phone: 1-800-548-3 679, M-F, 7am-7pm raB,E / ur rr ffiffiIty rrEUffittdor*Httarur From: Raul Mendez Imailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 04,2OL7 6:35 PM lQuoted texl hiddenl [Quoted text hidden] Ra u I Mendez < rau lmen dez2O02@gmail. com> To : Customer Service I GC <CustomerService@intgas. com> Wed, Aug 9,2017 at 5:50 PM Mary, you have email and social media available to customers, presumably so that customers can contact you. I already call and talked to Sydney who told me that you would not waive the misleading 14 dollar reconnect fee. she also told me that you do not have any kind of customer assistance program for low-income people who would qualify for it. lt seems like lntermountain Gas is the only utility that does not have any customer assistance program. lf there is no usage then there should be the same fee every statement during summer whether it's 5.34 or 7.41 because apparently there is a customer charge of 5.50 that is now fixed. ldsnt understand then how .J: the charge for this month is 8.05 as opposed to 7 .41 from last month and 7.41thie month plus .07 inbrest. 'f'- The billshould be 14.89. how is it posslble that the cost of gas per terms and the distribution costs varies from last month to this month when there is no use? these are all valid questions. lf there is no intent to mislead then there is no reason why the questions would not be answered by anyone either by email, phone, or any other social media available on your website to customers to reach you. Thank you, Raul lQuoted text hiddenl Raul Mendez <raulmen dezZll2@gmail.com> To: Customer Service IGC <CustomerService@intgas.com> Fri, Aug 11,2017 at 6:45 PM no response from customer service to my valid questions/concerns? well, it isn't like I could just switch service to another company in ldaho and I wonder if this is the reason why you try to get away with misleading people. I'm not going to pay a 14 dollar reconnect fee and I'm not going to pay more for the 'cost of gas per terms and distribution costs' that should be the same every month while service is not r - _ _ ___ t--- -rtl--l^nll-_^E4AAr-o)t\ O--,:^----.O-^^^-^L-^ll 9--^-+Lil+L-^^l 1.t ln lnr|l 0 \[nau - r w: rnrc[rrounEun \rtls, r.aul lvlcnugz,rage r or ru Ra u I Mendez < rau lmen dez2002@gmail.com>lr4 Gmail FW: lntermountain Gas, Raul Mendez, 5 messages Curtls Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc. idaho. gov> To: "raulme ndez29O2@gmail.com" <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Thu, Aug 21,2017 at 4:03 PM Thank you for contacting the ldaho Public Utilities Commission concerning the issues you outlined in your email. Previously, the customer charge was set at a seasonal rate (Aprit - November $2.50, December - March $6.50). The Commission approved a year round rate of $5.50. The year round rate was approved (Case No. INT-G-16.-02) and went into effect May 1'2017. Having the same customer charge throughout the year is consistent with how the lntermountain Gas incurs customer related costs over the year. Costs most closely tied to specific customers are the capital costs and expenses of metering, meter reading, billing, the service line, and customer service. lntermountiain Gas asked for $10.00. Staff recommended $5.50 and the Commission approved the recommendation. The low usage of terms on your billing indicates possible usage by a pilot light, This might by why you are seeing 3 to 4 therms of use over the last two billing periods? ln June and July of 2016 term usage was 4 therms per month. lf a custorner requests as the tf is connected after hours fee is lf you are disconnected from service icr non-payment and then reconnected a 'Reconnection Fee" of $22 is assessed and if outside of regular business hours the charge is $40.00, and $50 on weekends and Company holidays. At this time lntermountain Gas nor does any utility in ldaho offer rate assistance to ldaho low income customers. El-Ada provides energy assistance grants to help with customer heating costs. The agency can be reached at (208) 377-0700. I will address the issue of your preferred method of communication with lntermountain Gas (email) and why the Company told you that you have to call them to get an answers. $40. Any time a customer voluntarily stops service and then a request is made to estrablish service again an "Account lnitiation Charge" is assessed. Please nob that if the account ig cloeed for bnger than 10- * days and a request is nrade to reconnect service the utility company will onsider that perso=n an applicant and not a customer. t - - - '-t t- - ,n o:l--- cFrn A a -o )^ g-- ': ^.. --+ g.^^^-^L-^tl p'--*+tri rl:fL-oor{ - I " /< /?n 1 g HiMr. Mendez, t Gmail - FW: Intermountain Gas, Raul Mendez,Page2 of 10 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on disconnection of services due to financial hardships, assistiance programs, and consistent utili$ statement fees. Sincerely, Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 OriginalMessage Subject lntermountain Gas From: Raul Mendez <raulmendez2002@gmail.com To: Beverly Barker CC: Good Afternoon, I have concerns and issues with this utility company. I don't know if I have to fill out the form on the ldaho Public Utility Commission website or if you can route my concerns to the right personnel. I'm low income and I don't use gas during warm weather. I contacted intermountain gas via their email address around 7EnU7 wondering why the he has gone up trom 6.34 ta7,41ewry mon$t dufing summer when for many years it had baan 5.3,4. lwas told that I had to submit any questions/concerns via their internal messaging system on the customers account. lG has social media, email, and phone as means for customer's to contact them. So, I asked them via their internal messaging system on my customefs account why the fee had gone up from 5.34 to7.41when there is no use during summer and when for many years it was 5.34 during this time of the year. ln addition, I asked them what to do in order to disconnect service during warm weather in order to save money for non-used service. I was told via their internal messaging that the fee increased had been approved by the Public Utilities Commission and that the difference was due to the fact that lG had decided that it would be a flat 5.50 customer fee every month as opposed to a changing customer fee thru the year. I was also told that there would be a 14 dollar reconnect fee if I decided to disconnect service during warm weather. A copy of the internal message and the company response are fonrarded to the customers email address. However, I noticed that afier a few days the company responses disappeared from the copy that had been fonrarded to my email address. only the customers inquiry show up now. On 7125117 I talked to customers service over the phone. Again, I asked them about the disconnecting of service during summer when I don't use gas in order to save money. I was told that there would be a 14 dollar reconnect fee that would not be waived. I was also told there was no assistance program br low- income custome/s. I asked lG for a copy of the policy stating that there is a 14 dollar reconnect fee. On 81412017 a supervisor send me a link of the special hes stating that the 14 dollar is an "initiation" fee for starting service. This is what the sites state: I J.,t Does lntermountain Gas charge any special handling fees? Crmail - FW: Intermountain Gas, Raul Mendez,rage J or ru ( Our goal is to keep costs for service to our customers as low as possible. ln order to do this we believe individual customers should bear the cost of any special handling they require instead of having all customers pay for these services. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission authorizes lntermountain to recover the following costs: . lnterest on Past Due Accounts: Amounts due for your previous month's gas bill, which remain unpaid at the time of the next billing date, will be assessed interest at the rate of 1o/o ger month. Participants in the Level Payment Program will be exempt from late payment interest charges.. Fleld Collectlon Fee $15: lf a company representative must visit your home to collect a past due payment, a $15 fee will be assessed. lf gas service is discontinued, this charge does not apply (see Reconnection Fee).. Reconnectlon Fee: A reconnection fee is assessed when service is restored for a customer after a non-pay service interruption. This fee is $22 during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and $44 during the hours of 4:30 p.m. through 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A reconnection fee of $50 will be charged on weekends or Company holidays.. Returned Payment Fee $20: This charge shall apply when a payment (check or electronic) is not honored and returned by the bank.. Account lnitlatlon Fee $14 or $40: Each new account opened with lntermountain 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, will be billed a $14 fee with the first regular bill. A $40 fee will be charged br all accounts opened afier 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, weekends or holidays. I pointed out to the supervisor that lG is misleading cu$tomers. An initiafion fee is when an account is being opened and there is a reconnect fee onl1i after eervice has been shut dorn due to non-payrnent. lreceived is no use. during his if the reason it is due to there is no late charges/interests)and in fact been the same every month when service has not being used Lastly, I believe that utilities should not be allowed to abuse and mislead customers. Unbrtunately, lG is the only gas provider and so it's not like customers can just switch service provide/s. Sincerely, Raul Mendez Raul Mendez <raulme ndez2002@gmail.com> To: beverly. barker@puc. idaho.gov Mr. thaden, See my responses below. See my responses below. Forwarded message From: Curtls Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho. gov> Date: Thu, Aug 24, 2017 al4:03 PM Mon, Aug 28,2017 at 11:03 PM r- _- rr o-- --.+Li l+L-^^ J 11t< t1fll I lntermountain gas stated that they would no longer answers my questions via email and I had to callthem; which concerns me since I already talked to them over the phone and told me that 1) there is a reconnect fee of 14 dollars that is not being waived, 2) there is no assistance program for low-income/poor people. I believe that there is an intent to mislead customers. assistiance same every monft ilttts prior years show that the rE.^^ vw, ^\4sr IVIVUUVZJ,Page 4 ot l0 Subject: FW: lntermountain Gas, RaulMendez, To : "ra u I m e ndez}O}2@g ma i L co m" < ra u I me n de 22002@gma il. co m> HiMr. Mendez, Thank you for contacting the ldaho Public Utilities Commission concerning the issues you outlined in your email. Previously, the customer charge was set at a seasonal rate (April - November $2.50, December - March $6.50). The Commission approved a year round rate of $5.50. The year round rate was approved (Case No. INT-G-16.-02) and went into effect May 1'2017. Having the same customer charge throughout the year is consistent with how the lntermountain Gas incurs customer related costs over the year. Costs most closely tied to specific customers are the capital iosts and expenses of metering, meter reading, billing, the service line, and customer service. lntermountain Gas asked for $10.00. Staff recommended $5.50 and the Commission approved the recommendation. The low usage of terms on your billing indicates possible usage by a pilot light. This might by why you are seeing 3 to 4 therms of use over the last two billing periods? ln June and July of 2016 term usage was 4 therms per nd that intermountain Gas decided to make it flat fee of 5.50 yeelg it same when there is no usage of service like in prior years lf a customer requests disconnection of service the account is officially closed. \A/hen the customer places a request to reconnect a $14 'Account lnitiation Charoe' is assessed to open a new account (account number used will be the same as the closed out account). lf service is connected after hours the fee is $40. Any time a customer voluntarily stops service and then a request is made to establish service again an 'Account lnitiation Charge' is assessed. Please note that if the account is closed br longer than 10- days and a request is made to reconnect service the utilaty company will consider that person an applicant and not a customer. I have read the entire policy of lntermountain gas and that is not what it states. I highlighted in blue on my previous message what the policy defines as an "initiation fee" and "Re connection fee" as approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Reconnectlon Fee: A reconnection fee is assessed when service is restored for a customer after a non-oav service interruotion. Account lnitiatlon Fee ${4 or $40: Each new account opened with lntermountain. I'll like to know how why is it i {J you came up with such inforrnation that the other utitfics in ldaho have reconnectlng servfr:e forthe sam€ are. you the ones regu the because it is are fees fur how is that fair across the board for all utilities and more importantly how is that protecting the public interest? l'm assuming that other utlities can sue the IPUC for allowing lntermountain gas to make the charges that you came up with. lf you are disconnected from service for non-payment,and then reconnected a 'Bgggrcgtlgffgd of $22 is assessed and if outside of regular business hours the charge is $40.00, and $50 on weekends and Company holidays. At this time lntermountain Gas nor does any utility in ldaho offer rate assistance to ldaho low income customers. El-Ada provides energy assistance grants to help with customer heating costs. The agency can be reached at (208) 377-0700. There is a misconception that all these "assistance agencies" such as EIADA, St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Ada County lhdigent Services, etc will pay for everyone that httns://mail onnole nnm/mai I /rr/O?ilr=a 5 1 ntA.6.o9 AA Rrrrianrmrfrocorale:^ll I'ro*+Li J-+L-^^ ,r 1alc/^,1ro Gmail - FW: Intermountain Gas, Raul Mendez, walks thru their doors, Unfortunately, I called qualify. they have limited disabled or large familiEs funding thru the year, Page 5 of l0 witr chlldren. !t is imperative then to quetffon why allowed to mislead customers trying to charge fees that are not applicable and not I will address the issue of your preferred method of communication with lntermountain Gas (email) and why the Company told you that you have to call them to get an answers. You did not address the initial portion of my message which raises questions as to why if you contact them thru the customer's account that the company responses can.he them Kon their internal meeaaging but the responses were was a 14 dollar me even though it for reconnec{ir€ the ls one of the means &e. LasUy, they hlrl A supervisor named Mary did notavailable for customefs return my last phonecall. so what do I do? it is clear to me they are misleading customer's Thank you for sharing your thoughts on disconnection of services due to financial hardships, assistance programs, and consistent utility statement fees. Unfortunately, I'm not at all surprised to find out that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission is now claiming that lntermountain Gas can charge bogus fees not in accordance to what has been approved by you. while other utilities don't charge reconnect fees and you can disconnect service if you choose to. The State of ldaho has a ne{arious history of violating the law and constitutional rights of the same people that put food on your table and that allow you to have excellent benefits/retirement. Just take a look at this links; https:/iwww.acluidaho.org/en/news/federal+ourt-rules-against-idaho{epartment-health-and-welfure- med icaid-class-action https://www.acluidaho.org/en/news/idaho-supreme-court-rules-favor-aclu-publicdefense-case The common theme of course being how much the Staterof ldaho despises poor people. I'm not surprised to see that you're allowing lntermountain gas to charge fraudulent fees for someone that want to disconnect due to harship given that the IDHW withdrew benefits from disabled people or that poor people cannot get proper legal representation in Criminalcases. i'lljust disconnect unused service next year during warm weather and if lntermountain gas wants to charge me a reconnect fee then l'll sue them. louoted text hiddenl Ra u I iiendez < rau lmen dez2$lZ@gmail. com> To: Curtis.Thaden@puc. idaho, gov Mon, Aug 28,20'|'7 at 11;04 PM ,,Y t polrcy Gurtis Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc. idaho. gov> To : " ra u I me ndez2002@g ma i l. co m" < ra u I men d e 22002@gma i l. co m > Hi Raul, Thu, Aug 31,2017 at 2:50 PM [Quoted text hidden] I Gmail - FW: Intermountain Gas, Raul Mendez,Page / ot lU the Commission approved the recommendation. The low usage of terms on your billing indicates possible usage by a pilot light. This might by why you are seeing 3 to 4 therms of use over the last two billing periods? ln June and July of 2016 term usage was 4 therms per month. ! understand that intermountain Gas decided to make it a flat fee of 5.50 year round. However, it does not explain why the per therms and distribution cost changed in the months when there has been no usage of gas AND when for many years it has not reflected a change in the per therms and distribution costs. it should be the same when there is no usage of service like it has been in prior years !f I understand you correctly you are stating that you understand the customer charge has been raised to $5.50 year round but your billing dollar amount should be the same every month when there has been no usage of service? I reviewed you usage history dating back to July 2014 and usage has been recorded every month and billed accordingly. I compared the past 3 months of (June,to the same months in 2016 - see below. Though your furnace is not More than likely the recorded being used to heat &c water. Last year your July, and August was $5.34 each month because the recorded Therm usage was the same each month. This year the Therm usage has been different each month for June, July, and August; therefore the billing amount each month will not be the same. June 2017 9 Therms - total gas charges $1 1.23 July 2017 3 Therms - totalgas charges $7.41 August 2017 4 Terms - totral gas charges $8.05 Note: the total gas charge each month is different because the recoded Therm usage waa a different amount each month. June 2016 4 Therms - total gas charges $5.34 July 2016 4 Therms - total gas charges $5.34 August 2016 4 Therms - totalgas charges $5.34 Note: the total gas charge each month was the aame because the recorded Therm usage (4 Therms) was the aame. Further Review: August 2016 billing total gas charge - $5.34, of that amount $2.50 is the customer charge. All charges associated with 4 Therms of usage was billed out at $2.84 August 2017 billing total gas charges - $8.12, of that amount $5.50 is the customer charge. All charges associated with 4 Therms of usage was billed out at $2.62 Please note the Distribution Cost ($0.017187) is lower this summer than it was last summer ($0.196)I ln summary, the billing dollar amount for your recorded Therm usage this summer is lower than it was last summer. Therm usage has varied month{o-month which is the cause of a different billed amount each month. lf you believe there should be no recorded usage at your residence during the summer months then there might be a gas leak and lntermountain Gas should be contacted. lf a customer requests disconnection of service the account is officially closed. When the customer places a request to reconnect a $14 "Account lnitiation Charqe" is assessed to open a new account (account number used will be the same as the closed out account). lf service is connected after hours the fee is $40. Any time a customer voluntarily stops 10- an appllcant not what it staEs. I an'Account read the entire r ^ re r^n I o gas is is assessed, days and and not a I gae and t highlighted in blue on my previous message what the policy defines as an "initiation fee" and "Re connection fee" as approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Reconnection Fee: A reconnection fee is assessed when service is restored for a customer after a non-oav service inte . Account lnltlatlon Fee $14 or $40: Each new account opened with lntermountain. l'll like to know how you came up with such information because it is abundantly clear what the fees are. furthermore, why is it that the other utilities in ldaho have no problems disconnecting unused service and not charging fues for re-connecting service for the same accounUcustomer? aren't you the ones regulating the utlities? how is that tair across the board for all utilities and more importantly how is that protecting the public interest? I'm assuming that other utlities can sue the IPUC for allowing lntermountain gas to make the charges that you came up with. [When an individual requests service from lntermountain Gas the Company willcharge either a $14 or $40 Account lnitiation fee depending on the time of day and day of the week service is connected. lf an existing customer decides to disconnect service the Company will disconnect service without charge. lf the same individual decides to reconnect service lntermountain Gas will again charge an Account lnitiation fee. As an example, if a customer requests disconnection of service in April and then requests reconnection of service in October lntermountain Gas will charge another Apcount lnitiation Fee. Furthermore,,ono6 a cusbmer is disconnected from eervice for more fran l0dayed hs&ho b m bngerchsrifiEd as a cilstomer but rather an applicanl You asked how I carne up urith Urio infunration? Tho.Acsrlr{ lnHation Fee ie contained in lnUrrmuntain Gee Company's Erifion.fib with &€. Corfimhibn. {n the Company's Tariff the * fee is called Account lnitiation Charge. 9.4 An "Account lnitiation Charge" in the amount of $14.00 during regular business hours and $40.00 outside of regular business hours will be assessed on each account opened with the Company and will be billed with the first regular bill. This charge will not apply to landlord temporary service where a landlord has signed a Continuous Service Agreement or to code compliance inspections mandated by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. ldaho Power charges a fee anytime a request is made to establish service. lf an existing customer voluntarily requests disconnection from service and then asks for a reconnection at a later date the Company will charge a Service Establishment Charge of $20.00. Suez Water does not charge a fee when a request is made to establish service, only when a reconnection is requested when service is terminated for non-payment or a request made to temporarily turn service off due to a repair. Allthe fees mentioned above have been approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and are valid fees. ln summary, anytime a request is made to establish service (lntermountain Gas and ldaho Power), after service was voluntarily requested to be disconnected, a fee will be assessed to establish service. The fee was approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commissionl. At this time lntermountain Gas nor does any utility in ldaho offer rate assistance to ldaho low income customers. El-Ada provides energy assistance grants to help with customer heating costs. The agency can be reached at (208) 377-0700. There is a misconception that all these "assistance agencies" such as EIADA, St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Ada County lridigent Services, etc will pay for everyone that walks thru their doors. Unfortunately, I called around and all of them have no funding even if you do qualify. they have limited funding thru the year, rely on volunteers, or give particular preference to elderly, disabled or large families with children. lt is imperative then to question why lntermountain gas is being allowed to mislead customers trying to charge fees that are not applicable and not according to policy [You are correct. Not everyone who applies for energy assistance will get approved and there are times during the year when the agencies funding has been depleted. The fees that lntermountain Gas communicated to you are valid and were approved by the Commissionl I will address the issue of your preferred method of communication with lntermountain Gas (email) and why the Company told you that you have to call them to get an answerc. You did not address the initial portion of my message which raises questions as to why if you contact them thru the internal messaging on the customer's account that the company responses can be later deleted. they instructed me to contact them aB6vev^rv.- I i .,1,'.1 https://mail.eoosle.conr/maiUu/0?1]r=l57046c8d9&view=t&search=all&oermthid:thread-... l2l5/2018 tt lvvvvv vrvvv -raBE ru ur r. From: Raul Mendez [mailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2017 7:40 PM lQuoted text hiddenl lQuoted text hiddenl I ,!' -I-"t\ Rau I Mendez <raulmend e22002@gmail.com> To : C ustomer Service IGC <C ustomerService@ intgas.com> Tue, $ep 12,2A1V at5:16 PM Hi, This is what works best for me and the Commission assured me there was no reason why I could communicate via email since this is one of the many options you have available for customers. Here is the thing: Does that make sense? I don't use gas during warm weather including no usage of hot water. lt appears obvious that the fues are belng manipulated. lt wouldn't make much difference to people who have a decent income but for those of us who are struggling every penny counts. I was told that all these assistance agencies get federal funds for heating from November to March and I'll see what kind of help I can get. the IPUC regulates nothing and they sleep with the utility companies. \Mat a bizarre world we live in where people slave away to support the corruption of public officials. Just take a look at these: https://www.cheatsheet.com/business/10-states-with-the-most-minimum-wage-workers.html/?a=viewall http://boisestatepublicradio.org/topic/bottom-rung-living-low-wages-idaho http://www.idahopress.com/newslstate/shame-idaho-ranks-poorly-in-many-key-areas/article_69e564a4- 3f3f-1 1 e1 -a84c-00 1 9bb2963f4. html Earnings can affect everything as shown on poorly ldaho ranks top or near top on many areas. Public officials are responsible for this but it should not be a surprise given the nefarious history of the State of ldaho as shown here: https://www.acluidaho.org/en/news/federal-court-rules-against-idahodepartment-health-and-welfare- med icaid-class-action https:i/www.acluidaho.org/en/news/idaho-supreme-court-rules-favor-aclu-public-defense-case It is not surprising to see that the IPUC allows lG to charge bogus fees given how the above information points to not only a disconnect with the people of ldaho but how public officials despise poor people as a whole. ln short, I don't use gas during summer AT ALL, comparison between prior years and thb summer show a consistent 4 therms but somehow the statements for this year ends up being 3 dollars more. I guess there really isn't a solution to it, is there? Raul [Ouoted te)rt hidden] Raul Mendez < raulmend e22002@gmail.com> To: Customer Service IGC <CustomerService@intgas.com> Mon, Sep 18,2017 at 11:31 PM httOS://mail.SOOSle.ComlmailllulO?ik=aS7O46cRdq,Ovie\rr:nf,t'ccarnh=all,&namrhirl=th.a.,{11ln lanl 0 t- Jrnalr - ltE: acot r ^'-1*A-6,-AJ\ ,VUU Z rage ll o1 ll Mary, you did not respond to the last email on 9112120'17. you requested the following: lf you would like to speak about your billing exactly we ask if you could please log into your online account and use the contact us so we could correspond securely on our side and when we reply it willcome to you through email. I tried to see: Your system does not allow me to contact you and I need to have a response to my issue as to why lntermountiain gas is manipulating the fees so that starting this summer I'm being qbarged 3 dollars more for the same 4 therms that have billed on prior years. it might be dfficult to see how charges are manipulated during cold weather when people use lot of gas. is this going to be fixed or not? I should pay exactly as it has been prior years and i'm not going to pay more even if I get some heating assistance during winter. I might have to do some research to see whose the Federal agency overseeing the utlities maybe they are more responsible than the IPUC. Otherwise, the difference between this year and prior years would stay forever on my account because i'm not paying it. than you, Raul lQuoted text hiddenl q, so alt accourt X Rc$t 1r8A!&&3470 t6 a t r E ,a&6szh,2d0ndl.m * .i a ---,..,,-',, ..,r!/,.,i$ i:.,r !,,, -" iiFd...,^i A rr.it-r.,..dlr ( Emdl Addrutr Colmilt u. lh, x snd wb Url tr, ,r I !d ntr {l*,r!!rwr dsrd n'c tn dv I LcEflr{Biilrlb WlxtrS:iHr!lrs ij (ryJdBn: Mry qk[!!i WlrY\'dvl&] tu .lriffin ,h6ftllH{ rf ,i_r tt (l , '1, ,n ort F4Ata -o -ln O-,-: ----.-LO--- ----l---tt L-- ------at-:JJt----- l aa14 16A1 0 I i t Gmail - Contact Inquiry Good Momlng, I callsd customrr B.Nlc. on 5/2 to dbconnGc{ tho r6rvlca ovcr the Eummrr. I spokc wlth Mloholla who gavo mo r€quosEd to spaak to a mane06r Elnce shs told m6 that thore would bo a 14 dollar Econnoc't fo3 durlng wlntrr;lffF locofliarlyou hrvc FodmtE[.4& h.. m.d.! aouFL db! p.y{lLfibnollfic tulh !.h0 untl cold wBethcr ls to havo tho monoy whcn I ac,tuelly us6 Oa3 and bllls aro mucfi hlgher. ln addruon, leving mc 25 dollarE ttlg your pollcy lt lrgerdlno tlconncc.t fro: l! thera . charge tor ruconnectlon? A raconnec{lon fee B aas€ls€d when sorvlce b rastorad br a customcr after a non-pay sarvic. lntenupton. Thls f€a 13 S22 durlng tho houru of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and S44 during the houB of 4:30 p.m. through 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A E@nnocilon Eo of S50 wlll bo charged on weekends or company holldays. It ls claar that e r.connac.t fs6 appllas only whan tha sarvlco is r€stored altor nonpaymont srrvlco intoruption. Thrra b r la do,[.l h&&0 ha lor nil eccounb. howcver, rny accotrllt hat Daan opdl bf 10 ytal! md t{a b,[d t rlryohty @ d aan|I b rlul ttEIr?. I havc born dllconnccdng lcMco tomporarlly for othor utlltl.s aa woll to Bavc mon€y end thoy hava not chargrd e roconnoc't h€. I rvould llk€ to b€ ebla to n ofi thlng! out with lntrrmountaln geB so that thar€ 13 no reconnocl t66 contrary to your poliry. I igur6 that maybe Mlch6llo was miBt kon. Thank you, R.ul Iof4Page i -3 JQuo{ed t8xt hlddcnl Cultomor Sclvlcc IGC <Customers€rvlca@lntgaS.com> To: Raul Mond.z <raulmondcz2oo2@gmall.com> rf[ try 4, 20rt d 1r:t Ail Good momlng Reul, -g Thank you for your small. Unfortunately, ona. your reoufit ls clo..d lor ,0 days your arl.no lon0cr. ouabmatr go, tha 014.00 h![rlbn !6c lor. nav 6 aocount would apply *tlon you atartyour solvho ln ths fall. lf turther asll3tanc6 is necdcd pbase fB€l fr.6 to 6mall, or call Customor Servlco at 1-800-548-3679, Monday-Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM. Thank you, Kat, Cu3tom6r Suppod lntormounteln Gaa Company Phono: 1{00{4E-367t, m+, 7.m-7pm nffimy I$w- Frcm: Reul Mcnd6z lmallto:r6ulmendez2002@gmall.com] Ecnt: Frlday, May 04,20'18 11:21 AM To: Customer Servlce IGC <CuEtomersorvico@intgas.com> 9ubJcct: Re: Contaot lnqulry louolcd toxt hiddenl Raul lland.z <raulmond6z2002@0mail.com> To: Customor Servlca IGC <Cu3tomerserylo.@lnEas.com> Frl, May 4, 2018 at 11:42 AM HI, Would you plcaoc rcnd mr thc link to thls prr{cular lnformafion? I oould not flnd lt ln your polldc!. My conc.m b thal nono of lhr othcr ufrlluor chargo a rcconncct fca whcn a cultomar dl3connlc$ 3cesonally or dur to hard3hlp. Oncc you rrconncc{ wlth othcr ullltt.t, you ltll h.vr th. lrmr oxlltlno lniormatlon on thelr systrm. Thank you, Raul lQuolcd t€xt hlddenl I (Jrrranl - uullraur urqurry rags J ur rJ Cultomrr Sorvlco IGC <Customsrs€rvloa@lntgas.com> To: Raul Mendez <raulmondez2oo2@gmall.oom> ,6 Hello Raul, ffiffiEr Mon, May 7, 2018 at 3:55 PM Ws w€r6 unabl3 to r€rach you by phone to dlscuss your @ncsms wlth tho account lnltiauon too. W€ und€Ftiand that that othor uullt33 may havo dlfioront E€s when lt com6s to stopplng ssrvlc6, aven for a few months. W€ are also awar€ how lmportant lt E to kosp ths costs low for thosc thal wlll utlllz€ thc aervic€. A brlal oxplanatlon ot the account inltlauon bo B found at our w8bsite h the ar6a for Frequently Asked Quastionr. A moro detallcd vorslon can b€ found h our tarltls at ths ldaho Publlc Utlllues webslte httprtu/ww.puc.idaho.gov/fileroom/tarlff/gas,/approv6d.htrnl. lf you have sny turth€r qu33uon8 r€garding tho f€e, wo ar6 haPpy to spaak wtth you to bottor a8slst you. Plcas€ contact our otnco at E0O-54E-3079, Monday through Frlday, 7 AM to 7 PM. Thank you, AllBon, CuEtomer Support lntsrmounlain Gas Company Phono: l-E00{48.3070, t-F, 7am.7pm @-rm,- From: Raul Msndez lmailto:raulmendezoo2@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, May 04,201E 11t42AM To: Customer SeMc€ IGC <Customorservico@lntgas.com> Sublect: Re: Contact lnqulry [Quotrd toxt hiddEn] Raul Hondoz <raulmendez2oo2@gmall.com> S* lry 1e aofE at 3tut ru To: Customer S6rvice IGC <Customerservics@intgas.com> I dld not get tho link on your website ln r€gards to the 14 dollar inltiation fee on existlng accounts after dlsconnocl. I tlll get a tink ta tlo tafifi lor the IPUC, would y?u be ro Xhd b polnt mc dfr@ l,o ufiorr n spgomcafu ctatcs thrt you can 6fial!6 the 14 dg[ar Htlatlon lb. on m ffrt@ ad8&tr ar6owr? Here ie what I tound on your wobsite rogardlng f8es: Our goal 19 to koep coBtg for s€rv|@ to our cugtomors a9 low as possible. ln ordor to do thls wE beliove lndlvldual cu3tom€ls should b€ar the cost of any sp€olal handllng they requlr€ lnsbad of havlng all cu8tomsrB pay for fiese s€Mcas. The ldaho Publlc Utllliles Commlsslon authorlzes lntsrmountaln to rBcovor lhc followlng oost3: lntoEst on Palt Due Accountt3 Amounts duc fior your provlou3 month's gas blll, whlch r€maln unpaid at the tlmo of th6 nsxt billlng date, wlll bo aEsessed lnter€st at the rate of 1% per month. PartldpanB ln tie Lavel Payment Program will bo sxempt from lato paymenl lnt€rsst chargos. Flold Coltectlon Fec 115: lf a oompany Epr$entatve must vlslt your home to coll6cl a past due payment, a $15 Es will be assoss€d. lf gas s€rvioo ls dlsconthued, this charge does not apply (s6e Roconnecllon Fes). Rgconn6ctlon Foe: A reconnec{on iBe is a$tossod whsn s€rvloa ls restored for a ouBtromsr alter a non-p€y s€rvica lnbrruptlon. Thb fe€ ls $22 during the houB of 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and $44 during th€ hours of 4:30 p.m. through 7:00 p.m., Monday through Fr'lday. A reconnec*lon l€e of $50 will b€ charged on w66kEnd3 or Company holldays. Retumod Payment Fce 120; Thb chsrg€ shall apply when a payment (ched( or electronlc) b not honored and E tumed by the bank. Account lntuatlon F.o $'t4 or 040: Eaoh new account opened with lntermountaln E a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Fdday, wlll b€ bllled a $14 f€e with the firBt rogular blll. A $40 toe wlll b€ chargcd for all aooounts opGned after 5 p.m., Monday through Frlday, weekends or holldays. t-z---.u---2t -^--r- -^*t--:tt--l^q2l--^<1AAC^9Arl9..,:^.,--+0.^^^-^L-^1t9.-^*+L:l-+L*^^,I 1111 11A1 Q \Jlrlanl - l-uutaut urquuy rage o or lJ,; My account lhcw3 a8 b€lng cunrntly stoppcd I h.ua nC b.hg ablo b nM .ryUlne h rElflrh b fr hmffit fr.f lplum b m t$$rt & I hs b.ol dopad tl f0 fiy1 lt s€€m! b m. that thls b Jurt a calc of gfttcd on tlto pstf of lG bcllevlng thet you c.n mblcad pcopL. lt le ny undeistandlng thet bgatv you oannot lcav. peoplo wlthout ge! durlng wlntor svon It thcy ar€ b€hlnd on paymonb. would you dony ma Bbrtlng lhc lcMca durlng wlntor duc to thr 14 dollaB on an oxlstlng acoount? I will pay tho cun3nt balanco whicfi apparunuy you hsv€ now changcd lt frrom 36.65 to 37.02 du. to a ou3bmcr cfiaroc fot non- s6rvlc6? Reul lQuolcd l.rl hldd!nl J Curtomcr Ecwlca IOC <Cu3tom6rs6rvlcc@lntgas.com> To: Raul M€ndoz <raulmsndoz2oo2@gmall.com> Mon, llry la, lOlE rt 12:s7 PM Tho lhk la: https:/4,$yw.intgas.cofiVrates-sorvicas/ratos-tedfi8 Thl3 l! undcr rnoquenuy alkod qucaflon!. . looouri Ht{.8on Fil ftlor$0: Eactrnfl rcEuntopan {, urm lnhrrnolrnbh t e.m. to 5 p.n, Monday through Frtday, will b€ bilted a 014 fr€ wlth th6 flr3t regular bill. A $40 feo wlll be charged for all accounts opened afiar 5 p.m., Monday thmugh Frlday, w€ekend8 or holldays. . It furthcr aBsl3tanco ls naodad, plsasa call Custom€r Sorvico at 1-80G54E-3679, Monday-Frlday, 7 AM to 7 PM. Thenk you, Danlola, Cu3tom€r Supporl lntarmountaln Gas Company Phone: t {00+118-3679, t-F, 7.m-7pm nr[By $tm'- From: Raul Mondez [mailto:raulmendoz2002@0mall.com]Sont: Saturday, May 12, 201E 3:04 PM {Quot6d terJ hiddcnl IQuoted ten hlddonl Raul ilcnd.z <raulmand6z2002@gmall.com> To: Customar Servlco IGC <Custom.rssrvlco@lntsa3.com> ye3, I can laad and I !€c Frl u? 10,al8d 11:.rtAM thatonthctc€sapFovsdbyth€|PUCyoucanchargoa14dollarlnltetionfDefora NEWACCOUNT. !taco$*hatb-nI b crrtm@ lbppcd lo ..lo rrl mnry; look: Ii 7I' MAKE A PAYMENT as uax taouxT ? , tuffiad.& vilrturbr.lME :"'|J,:i|!Ja' ,,, 1: Li Eo,;,"",*, you'Eryh{tbohargG14rbilrl!bIt&tlhGlaMcaonancxffirgaooorIllutrhrrLcfirrfiandtrctdofporldarbnor}prymJll. tothscontrary,youhavo rocord lhat ElAde hes m8& e couplt t f pbdues lo mekr paymonts on my eccount therrfore the oaron to save money lor wlntor whan tha 3orvico 13 u3od and bllllng 18 much hlgher. 30, what lf I thc 8€rvlc6 wa3 rtoppod and th6n tran3t6r lo another r.sldcnc.? you dont cfrargc an lnithuon fE€ for fan3f€r! a3 fiar aswhattho|PUChaeapproved. youdon'tcfiargoa{b€foryourtschnblangolngtohom€sbchangothcmctors,lsilfyaltnttlrlnebctaOor{4(blhr EoPdbGc.u.c thc bfililoBr har b gob r qtliomc/0homcio rlsErtlcrvtsc on !n dthoard om!|rt€c@unm L++-..//-.il -^^^lo ^^a/*^:l/,,lnOil,-^<1nAA^A4(l9,,,:^,,--+9.^^^-^L-^ll 9.-^-+Li,l+L-^^l lnlll^A1 o 1 iG;;i,;lATNTIRMOUNTATN rF \Jluall - l\J rtrtrs M Gmail rage r ()r /J Rlul ilendez <nulmendez2002@gmslt.com> lG Fees 25 messages Raul Mendez <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 1:29 PM To: Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov Hello Mr. Thaden, I don't know if you remember me fiom last year about my complaint sgainst lntermountain Gas charging 14 dollars inithtlon fee. Here ls a refresh€r and the last of my contacts with the company: you're tryang to charge 14 dollars to re8tart the service on an existing account which is cunent and not stopped due to non-paym6nt. to the contrary, you have record that ElAda has made a couple of pledges to make payments on my account therefore lhe reason to aave money for winter when the service is used and billing is much higher. so, what if I the service was stoppEd and then transfer to anothsr residenca? you don't chaEe an initiation fee for transfers as far as what the IPUC has approved. you don't charge a fee for your technician going to homes to change the maters, so why are you trying to chargo a 14 dollar fee Just because the technician hae to go to a custome/s home to restiart seryice on an existlng and cunent account? you have not responded to my question in regards lo whether you'll refuse to restarl th6 service during winter without paying the initiation fee on an existing account? it is my belief that you cannot leave people without heating during winter. Basically, you told me that the IPUC has approved such a fee but you did not provide me the link to the speclfics of such approval nor ls it stated anywhere on lG policies. The policies state that a 14 initiation fee applies fur NEW ACCOUNTS. furthermolo, I did contact the FTC r€gaft,ing the matter who advise me that 1) the state public utility commissions have a formal complaint procedure in place to addrs8E such matters 2) the heating companies cannot leave cuslomers without gas during ceriain portions of winter. lcould not flnd Euch formal comphint procedures on your site. I will have to look up the Administrative rules slnce mosl agencies do have some kind of hearing with administrative Judges wherBby they issue rulings, which lhen can be appealed to the head of the agency, which then can be app€aled to the ldaho Supreme Court. How does your process works? Can lG refuse to restart my seruice during winter without paying the 14 dollar initiation fee on an existing account? My account is cunent and I have received some assistiBnc€ wlth paying my bills. It b cursnty dtscoonoobd b Eayo ng rmro than 25 dollao durlng su.m€r. ln addition lG doos not charge customers a fee for going to their homes to do malntenance Sudr as cianging msters,/egulpment, or charge i ,ee br transbnlng service to another place because such bes are nol approvedbytheIPUC. ThoIPUChasappmvedaladoilhrhrudbnEeooanowacccrdbdttotmdlthg8mlIrhlhathflab€cns€asorldly rtlroonnoc,tad lo satopoopb'a morEyand0Erlo3dto lolyon othtrsb pay 0loltbh ao[frdgafrsfng$ffifiEr$r. Sincerely, Raul Mendoz # Gurtb Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> To: "r8ulm6ndez2002@gmail.com" <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Hello Mr. Mendez, Thank you for the email. Yes, I remember you. Fri,.irn E,20rE at 2:53 PM Below is the llnk to lntermountain Gas Company's approved tariff on file with the ldaho Public Utilitles Commission. Contained in the approved tariff is Section 9 (Discontinuance and Reconnectlon of Servlce). xumber9.4albryclmeflrooatdoO.otodlar83Eia.Ef $faor$f$wiafnteraqrctoncrxqtnstrseMc!, evenlftierequegtorprcvlouslyhadanacthrcaccorrrt. [acumngrqurcts&cqrnedorofscnlc.,slntrbdlsconnedcdsndtltr.cGountbcbsld. The accdrm b no bnter actlue and thc formcr arctorner ls no lon8er Ehs6fflcd r a ctrsomor. ln summary the fee is allowed to be charged retardless of having a prevlous account or not. # lntermountainGas@!refusetorestartyoursewiceifyourclosedaccounthasbeenpaidinfull. Thepaymentofthe'accountlnltiationcharte'isnot required to paid prlor to servlce being establlshed, but rather the fee is added to your first billint. http://www. puc.ldaho.govfi leroom/tadfi/gadlntermountsin gas.pdf 9.4 An "Account lnitiation Charue'in the amount of $14.00 during regular busineas hours and 040.00 outelde of reguhr buslness hours will be aseessed on each account opened with the Company and will be bilhd with the flrtt rcgular blll. Thie charge will not apply to landlotd tomporary eervics whers a landlord hae signed a Continuous Service Agreoment or to code compllance inspeclions mandated by he ldaho Publlc Utilities Commiesion. Lr+--.//-^:l ^^^-l- ^^*/-^:l/"/nrr:I,-^<?nia^gAa 0-,,i^.,-+9-^^^-^L-^rt o--^-aL:lJL---l r^rtlAn I o ulllur-tvrvwo Sinceraly Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilitles Commission 208-334-0322 From: Raul Mendez Imailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.coml Santr Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:29 PM To: Curtis Thaden <CurtiE.Thaden@puc.idaho. gotr, Sublech lG Fees IQuotod text hidd6nl Rrul tcndez <raulmendez2O02@gmail.com> To: Curtis Thaden <Curtls.Thaden@puc.ldaho.gov> Ht, Thur.ln lt.201C at E:26 PM This long document i6 hard to read. Would you be able to specilically scan the portion where it says hat? all I know is what lntermounhin Gas has underthefeeeapprovedbytheIPUC. thehesspecificallystatethatthe'initiation'fueisbrNEWACCOUNTS. lhtlbndDom&bfid snnvholcrrhc,lltsp3oealyBt tosthatoedslhgaocountbccorreandrmunttilfrtlnlcqtcbadfunroIlflrl0&yt" i'mconfused so you're saying lG ian ctrarie an lnlthttofl Fc on t]t frsflng accoun0 but you don't approve them to drarge a he for transfurs td a new residence? so, does the IPUC have due prooes8 proceduro whereby people can hav6 their cases heard by a hearlng offcer just as tha other agencies do? i find lt hard to bellove that thls ls lt? just contacl you to be told the hes are approved by the IPUC? what lf people want to dispute il? Sincerely, Raul lQuotod toxt hidden.l Cuillr Thrden <Curlis.Thaden@puc.ldaho.gov> To: *raulmendez2002@Omail.com' <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Trc,.tn $,mltd2:t3 Ftl Hi Raul, Thank you for the email reply. I have attached a scan of the section in the lntermountain Gas Company tariff that you requested concerning "account initiation charge." out tf a later date, decides to become a customer again, and requests service be established, an account is opened, and a service technician is dlspatched to the residence. An "account inltiation charge" is assessed anvtime service is established. The wording in Section 9,4 of lntermountain Gas Company' tariff states that the charge "will be assessed on each account opened with the Company and will be bllled with the first regular bill." Only actlr/E aouDrf,rB 8l CrittiB Eccounts. Lastly, a customer is defined by the Utility Customer Relation Rules as someone who is receiving service from a utility; or lu3 recalved servlce wlthln the past ten (10) calendar days prior to termlnation by the utility; or has resumed responsibility for payment of service provided to another or others. Does my explanatlon help with understanding why an account inltiation charge will be assessed when you reguest service in the fall, and that a closed account ls not an o(istlng account? Let me know and we can proceed from there, Sincerely, +\ httns://mail.soosle.corn/mail/r:/0?ik=aS7046c8d9&view:ot&search:all&permthid:thread-... l2l7l20l8 ^-B As previously stated, if a customer decides to voluntarily disconnect service and then decides to reconnect service agaln an "account initiation charge" is assessed. lf an individual is no longer receiving service from lntermountain Gas (not using the company's services) he/she is no lonBer a customer of the utility and the account is no longer an active account. When service is requested again an account is opened and an order is placed to reconnect service. Often, lntermountaln 6as wlll is$ie the sene accotnt number u prevlously irsr.Ed a3 a courtasy to a customer for the purpose of blll pay and automatlc withdra$al from the individuals banklng/checlirts ecount. On a side note, ldaho Power will also charge an individual a fee for reconnecting service if he/she voluntary asked for service to be :i disconnected. As an example, let's say a customer requests service be disconnected because they will be out-of-town for a few months. When ' . i the customer returns and requests service be reconnected ldaho Power will charge the customer a fee too. 1 The Commission does not have an administrative hearing officer. When a complaint is filed against a utility Company, the Commission forwards the complaint to the Utility in an attempt to resolve the issue. An individual has the option of requesting what is called a formal complaint, but that can only be done after an informal complaint process is utilized. Sincerely, Curtis Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 -l From: Raul Mendez [malho:raulmendez2O02@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 4:34 PM lQmtrd t.rt hiddonl lOuot d toxt hiddonl B Dlacontlnuance and Reconnectlon of Servlce (Sectlon 9.4).pdf 82K Raul tendcz <raulmendez2oo2@gmail.com> To: Curtis Thad6n <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 7:38 PM Hi, I dont mean to sound like a probl€matlc customor/per8on. l'm only diBputlng the "initiatlon'fee becauB€ my frnandal sltuatlon it's not grcat as the ELAda contributlone prove; ther€bre the reason to 86v€ money. I wouldn't mlnd paying lt even when il'8 clear that tho atlach€d pollcy stales that such a fea applies only aft6r th€ utility compeny ha8 dl8connected the s€rvlc€ lo customers because it wae their declebn. See this: has received service within the past ten (10) calendar days prior to termination hl$gu!!!!!y Usually because issues with non{eyment. l'm guesring then that a brmal complaint can be establlshed onca the company chargee the 14 dollals? are these $o 6pplicable rulcs? httpE://admlnrules.ldaho.gov/rules/cunent/31/3101 0 l.pdf https://adminrules.idaho.oov/rules/current/3't/3 1 2 1 01.pdl Th6re 16 bunch ofstuff: l https://mail.goosle.com/maiUu/0?it-a57046c8d9&view:pt&search=al1&permthid:thread-.. . l2l7l20l8 Iteo - rLJ l'ti(iD raEq J uUJ \Mrat elee applles to a brmal comphlnt? there is actualty two IDAPA 31 .21.01. the one on the wobsite ls 25 pagos long and the one you attach i8 49 pageg but it doesn't say when or if lfg updated. Thank you, Raul lQuotrd tsxt hidd.nl Rrul tondoz <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Thu, Aug 2,20lE al 7:42 PM To: Curtis Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.ldaho.gov> lntermountain Gas will issue the same account number as previously issued as a courtesy to a customer for the purpose of bill pay and automatic withdrawal from the individuals bankinB,/checking account. existing account with an existing billlng lnfumation thal ls having Raul lQuotod toxt hlddsnl \-t,,,Y Publlc Utilltles Commisslon ACcy Cmdl(rd Kt in Ptroor (201, tl{43ml|fty vibrt IDAPA ll Admif,Bratiw Rutei ' r: r' nr,. lB / --ilr.,,rb u *JrrJ..srdAffi ,eri 44 k lrtrh ksr.E@glffi, l t1 c! tnlBt {!d)/,,!*! lirra-..*b r r'rr or i.ar.xf hrh r-.\k.*,ikntd * . r ll ol.,,,kA,nk u ,1.r! Or. art(r .d{un i;d rd Y{,$nilPlur ho&a , !r'v\ertriii D rP 5*, rrn ! ) | 4 0r. *t{u htrrrt tr.i n l:.* 1!, r,/e, " :&,f5tr* ltra Fr,.i45 lrs, | )r.t!.or, F.l, kdr,{rIrddq r& ,r I.st rl, {$$ h'k4, atulwi Mn irxir 0,k D ,: ar 0r, h ir e eprBl4l* ilrsr ?4& r l.rr o, rd!,d til{,., N. kiH\rrlr r rh n ,i l !t, hr?:'r!nr1bk,ii!{ trlr Curtlr Thaden <Curlis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> To: Raul Mendez <raulmend€22002@gmail.com> Fd, Ary 3, t016 at 3:52 ru Hi Raul, I do not perceive you as being problematic. I work with many of the CAP agencies and know firsthand from my position at the Commission that many people are stru8gling to pay their utility bills. You are correst, the link below ls the Rules of Procedure for the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. When you imhate service again. lntermountain Gas will charge you the S14 lnitiation fee. The fee will appear on your first billing. lf you still object to the fee you can file an informal complalnt by calllng the IPUC ftont desk at 208-334-0300 or online at htF:/ irww.puc.idaho.gov/forms/oonsumerassistance.aspx lf the issue is stlll unresolved you can then elect to file a formd comphlnt by fo[oxrln8 the requlEments (Ruh 54] contalned in the Rules of Procedure for the ldaho Publlc Utilitles Commlssion. The formal complaint must be in writin& state the tacts and specify how you would like the problem to be resolved, Unlike an informal complaint, which is handled by the commission's Staff, the Commlssioners must consider a formal complaint. The Commissioners will decide whether it is appropriate to accept the formal complaint. lf it is accepted, a formal legal proceeding will be started, lf the Commission does not accept the formal complaint, then nothing further will be done. swl !JS8 Lr<-^.//-^il -^^-lo ^^-/-.il/,,lnniV-d<"lAA6.oQAOf:viarrmf.Prsaarnh=otl.ezna*vvrthid=thrporl- 1', 11 nfil9 ullErl-t\rrwvD rage lf you decide to file a formal complaint, you are required to submit to the Commission, in wrltinB, the following information: r The utility or person the complaint is agalnst. . Fully state the iacts conctltutlng the acts or omlssbns of the utility or per8on agalnst whom the complaint is frled antl the dat68 wh6n the act8 or omissions occurod. o Rehr to the specific provlslon of statuto, rule, order, notlce, tarif or oth6r controlllng hw that the utlity or person haa viohted. r State what actlon or out@me should be taken to resolv€ the complaint. The address to send the formal complaint to the Commission isi ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0o74 Th€ cu$omer rleflnitiofl 6Fcmc to 'tlrs rr@lvcd servlce wtthin the pt t (1O) Galcndar &yi fior to tormimtioo bf tic ntillty.' Termlnatlon by tk utHty refers to any condtbn that brou$rt about tfu tcrmktailqn sf sprvice which includes customer requGstl. Lastly, one thing to consider. Even though the S14 service charge will be assessed, you will still have a net savings for the timeframe of when service was disconnected.hJ Sincerely, Curtis Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 -3 hftn<.//mail onnolp nntn/rnail/rrl0.'lih=a\lA46nQrlOfrrrierrmtProaamh:oll.P'-a..fLiz{:+t -o^J 1n11 /tf\l o 'i,',.';i.b/ - IG Fees PageT of73 From: Raul Mendez Imailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.coml SGnt Thursday, August 2, 2018 7:39 PM lQuotod text hidd€nl touoted tsxl hiddenl Raul tcndoz <raulmendez2002@gmall.com> $/b4lu$l!. U0tt st 3:t|4 PM To: Curtis Thaden <Curtis.Thad€n@puc.ldaho.gov> I work with many of the CAP agencies and know flrsthand from my position at the Commisslon that many people are struggling to pay their utility bills. Which agencies have you worted wlth? what klnd of wotk does the IPUC do wlth such agendes? lcan tell you rlght now fiom poconal experience and frrom accounts by otherE that lt ls extnmely difiqrlt to get "assistance' hom these agsndes because hoy elweyB tell people that theydonothavefundsnomatterwhatUmeoftheyoaryouatk. lfyoucall 2llwlthlDHwthentheys€omtobelhvethatbyglvlngyoualietwlth numbers from these agencl* that someho,v th€y will povide people wlth help. I know that th€se arg bderal funds glven to the |DHWwho th€n apparanlly hands out the monoy to lho 'agencles but somoholy they never have money to help out people? hae anybody ln he State of ldaho evsr boherBd to do an audit on such sgencles? becsuss lt seems rather strange that they always tell people lhey dont have funds but somehow they keep expandlng wllh dlftrcnt locatlons and pald stBfi. Thsy mlght g€t donationr and additional funding fom elsorflhera to support lheir organlzaUone, but that only helps to furher ocrutlnlze why hey never seem to have help for utlllty asslstance. ElAda i8 the only agencl that I know that at lo88t thoy p8y a uUli$ bill onco a y€ar. Ada County lndlgent Services do pay your utllltles blll but they ask people to repay the county later on.......6oe, lhoy g€t money twlce fiom the IDHW and hom he people repaying the county for the u0llty asslstanco; do you soo eomethlng wmng wi$ that? lt ls hderal money glyen b the county pr€cl$ly to asslst pooplel So, the IPUC knows that many people are etruggling to pay their ulility bills but somohow arc allowlng the utility companies to charga they are not entltled and not pr€viously apprcved by the IPUC although it appear8 that you're now twlsung the meaning of the policles utility company. lf you still object to the fee you can file an informal complaint by calling the IPUC front desk at 20&33t1-0300 or onllne athttp://www. puc.idaho,gov/forms/consumerassistance.aspx fees fur which i lo bvor the a. s( .c I thought that this inbrmal going back and brth email convsrsatlon was an infurmal complaint which has/tt will obvlously not resolve anything. lf the issue is still unresolved you can then elect to ffle a formal complaint by following the requirements (Rule 54) contained in the Rules of Procedure for the ldaho Public Utilities Commission..,.,..,lf the Commission does not accept the formal complaint, then nothing further will be done, There is no rule 54 under the ldaho admlnistrative rules for the IPUC. There are these: https://adminrules.idaho.gov/rules/cunenU31/310101.pdf. https://adminrules.idaho.gov/rules/currenuSl/312101.pdf Whlch make mention to a rule 54 but none exist. what are fof.rrrhkt the bmdcompldm? andln I such denial will state thatthe proee$ d.|ly pcople ade$Dte procedural I'm assuming it can be appealed to the ldaho Supreme Court? see:4 termination by the utility refers to any condition that brought about the termination of service which includes customer requests. Lastly, one thing to consider. Even though the S14 service charte will be assessed, you will still have a net savings for the timeframe of when service was disconnected I coulrt ftid ndhlnt on tne ruhs rG6ardhg to "ry condltion $at brg€ht abgut the teflnlffion of iervic€ whici tlEt(Elcustom6r requstsn . \// the key belng termination by customer therefore a 14 dollar initiation fee is charged. There ls most certainly no such speciftc definition on lG )1 website. ln fact, they initially told me it was a reconnection fee, then they chanBed their story to an initiation fee. How much do you think that l'll be saving myself after the 14 charge? no more than 12 dollars and how much do you think people pay monthly during winter for gas? if you know firsthand how much people are stru8gling to pay their bill then you would know that people are struggling because of the high fees during cold season therefore the reason to save money now when fees are low for later on. lguess that l'll be filing the lnformal complaint which would then become q formal complalnt since it appears the informal proceedings solve nothing. Raul lQuot€d t€xt hiddenl rage t/,\ Fromi Raul Mendez [malltorraulmendez20O2@gmail.com] SGnt: Friday, September 21, 2018 1:21 PM lQuoted t€xt hiddenl lQuoted toxt hiddanl lQuotad t6xt hiddonl lQuoted text hiddcnl lQuoted text hlddenl [Qmted taxt hiddenl lQsted tsxt hddenl . lQuoted text hlddenl lQuoted t6n hiddonl Wtat else applies to a brmal complalnt? there is aclually two IDAPA 31.21.01. th6 ono on lhc webclte 18 25 pagos long and thc on6 you attach ia 49 pago8 but lt doesnt say when or if its updated. , Thank you, louoted ten hiddsl Raul Rlul Xlondez <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> To; Curtis Thaden <Curtls.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> Tue, Od0, 10iE at 3:28 PM so, lcoeltrd&r{*xncotbr$irmffiffiSdcrlhdwolll0lZ)tNt1E. fiiemyunderstandlnglhatth6 14dollarlniliationheb6ingdisputoddooE not havc to be pald pondlng $o oubome of the brmal complalnt thorofore no lntereats should be chargod to thc 14 dollars. it will take me a{rme tlme to prepare the brmal comphlnt sinco Buch complaint mlght end up br review in front of the ldaho Supreme Court. I havenl had the chanca to read the entire rules but normally lG has to glve thelr sld6 or not? do you or do I have to nouf them hat l'll be frllng a brmEl complaint dlsputlng the 14 dollam? Raul Mendez louotod t€xl hldd6nl Curtlr Thrden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> To: Raul Mendez <raulmendez2002@gmall.com> ftu. Oci t0. 20re d 3$8 PU Hi Raul, lf you only pay your monthly usage amount in full and not the S14.0O, the payment will apply to any past due amount first, therefore you will never be up for a disconnection. Your account will always show S14 past balance plus a 1% late fee added each month (14 cents the first month). ln summary, as long as you pay for your usa8e you will not receive a disconnection notice; therefore you can take as long or as much time as you want to file a formal complaint. lf you flb a formal complaht snd the Commissloners accept the complaint, lntermountain 6as will respond to the Gomnbdon. Sincerely, I httns.//mail onnole cnm/mail/rtlfilib:a\7fi46nRrlO&rricrrr:nf,Prcaornh=all.P'-amfLirl:+L.oo.l 1', 11 lanlo ':ry l I II \Jrllall - uurrlaut ruqurry hurtdorGilumroucl t f,t tmeeeool.nno rag,c y ()r IJ Raul mondcz <raulmondez2002@gmall.com> To: Cu3tomer Sorvlce IGC <Custom6rscNlca@lnEat.com>Sat, Nov 3, 201E at 2:0E PM I hav€ boon lnbrm€d by EtAda that a plodgo tor 123 dollars would appear on my lG account som.Um6 ln tho mlddl. of Nov.mbcr. I rrc.lvod tha latrst 8tatem€nt 3hourlng .14 cants lnl€Est on tho dlsputod 14 dollar lnluauon tc6. Ploas€ do not utlllzo tho 123 b pay tho dlsputrd cfiargct a8 I'm ltlllwortlng on how to put togethor tho brmal complaint ln hont ot the IPUC commlE3lon€rs whlcft lf they r!tus€ wlll b€ appcalcd b tho ldaho Suprcmo Court. I wlll ralt ralo agaln do not use tha 123 dollar3 hom ElSde to pey tho 14 plust hterBgt. Thank you, Raul Mendez l0volrd lcn hlddlnl Guatomsr Sorvlco IGC <Cu8bm€rservl6@lntga3.com> To: Raul Mendez <raulm6nd6z2002@gmail.com> T|,l, ,aov t, 2010 rt 4:47 PII Good Aftemoon Raul, Thank you for your conospondenco. Unbnunatav, whon a paymrnt ls rBcslvod ln our olflco, no matbr th6 sourcq I airplo md tha trpd.h[tq{l.nl poaton of ttc bfi tl'lt Our sy3tem do6r not allow tor us to maks exoaptom and dlst€gad portons of thc balanc! whrn cGdttlng an account. IfU|€UHEAPp|€dg€ot$123.00 lsI€colvsdlnourolllco, ltwlll paythorntI€bahnc.. ltwlll rnottllk lynrultlnacGdltonlh€.ccountthatwlll balppllrd towad tufur€ chargos ar woll. Tlrc 114,00 srrrt hn 0or ts .t wdl !! lhr hb[!d ot ttl. pst Olc lC.ttc lt .tomd, rtld rytr m.ndabd, ry oqr T.r[t lhd b .gptoyGd by flc kbtro R.tbtcUfnrCtrmr*t bn. Plsase cllck the llnks balolrv to r6ferBnco tho appllcable rule8: http://puc.idaho.gov/laws/Utility%20CustomeP 20Rehtions%20Rules_2010.pdf 202. DUE DATE OF BILLS - DELINQUENT BILLS (Rule 202). 0t. Ordlnary Due Date. The utility may rcquire that bills for service be paid wlthin a gpecified time afier the billing date. The minimum specified time afrer the billing date is fifleen (15) days (or twelve (12) days atsr meiling or dellvory, lf bills are mailed or delivered more than three (3) days afrer the billing date.) Upon the expintion of this time without paymsnt, the bill may be conslrcrud delinquent. C/-1-93) http://puc. idaho. gov/llleroomltarlft/gaG/lntsrmountalngas.pdf 8.{ An 'Acoourd lnfraton Ch.rgp' h tto .mount o( 114.00 during regular buslne8r houB and $40.00 ouElde of rsgular bu8lne$ hours wlll be ass€ssed on oach accourd opafild urltr tha ComFIry $d Wll b€ bllled wlth the lirst l€gular blll. This charge will not apply to landlord tamporary servlce wh€ra a landlord has slgned a Contnuous Servica AgrBamont or to codo comPllancs lnsp€ctions mandatod by the ldaho Publlc Utllitles Commi$lon 4.3 All blllings r6nd6r€d shall bo net and oech monthly blll shall be due and payablo withh 1 5 days from the date ol rBndltlon, excopt as provldod for ln th€ ldaho Public Utllltle3 Commi$lon's CIPUC') Utilty Customer Rolatlons Rules. W?l€n the customer account ls partlcipathg ln the 6l6ctronlc transler of funds, the billlngs Ehall be due and payabl€ wlthin 11 days from tho dste ot rendiuon. Lk^.//-^:l -^^-t^^^-/-^:l/..lnqil.-^<nit4.^OAng..,i^..-+9.^^^-^L-^tl 9.-^-+L:J-+L-^^l 1llnl^A1 o dnail - IG Fees Page 13 of73 Curtis Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 From: Raul Mendez Imailto:raulmendez2002@gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 3:28 PM IQuoted toxt hiddenl Iquoled l6xt hiddonl Rrul fcndcz <raulmendez002@gmail.com> Thuio0t3fr.80u.tit3t PU To: Curffs fiaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> i 'r Ok. My next questlon then is lf I prevail on the appeal of the 14 dollsr inltiatlon h€ then the 14 dollar plus lnterost wlll bs eras€d ftom my account? plus lwlll request lG from cfiarglng improper bee in he fufurc to cusbmers. Does the IPUC regulatec water, healng, and electiclt? I see that the ldaho Supreme court web5ite has a placa br coud help ln whlch they mention that you do (cee link). ln adtlition, lt appeare lhst accordlng to such llnk they have the bllowing lnformatlon regardlng deposiUhe prior to starting servlce: My lumod on my no. llouEver, a ulllity ruy chargo a doposil when -it they so, t sr.m8 lfllB ths lG rebslb ls acenstl h that thry can dwp s tsc ody afrcr mn-peyment. h rddllgl, donl tho ruleE all th8 samo tur aH fiI€s uufl$Gs? Sincerely, Raul https :/courBelft olp. ldaho. gorr/brocfi ures/H-7. pdf lostrd toxt hiddlnl { l Curtls Thrden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gov> To: Raul Mendez <raulmendez2002@gmail.com> Tns, l.lov 0,2016 at 1:14 PM Hi Raul, lf the Commissioners wcreto rule in your hvor lam certaln that lntermountain 6as would be ordered to remo!,/e the S14 fee and interest charges from your account. fie Commlssion regulates investor-owned or privately owned utilities thal provide gas, water, electricity or some telephone services for profit, We do not regulate services provided by Co-Ops' or municipalities. The UCRR (Utility Customer Relation Rules) apply to electric, gas and water utilities. The TCRR (Telephone Customer Relation Rules pertain to telephone companies. Keep in mind that anytime a customer cancels service and then requests service to be reconnected, lntermountain Gas will charge the S14 fee. Idaho Power will do the same though the fee is S20. This is allowed per the each Company Tarlff on flle wtth the Commission and is not ln ,v vlolation of arry rule, Atso, l(sep ln tnind that both lntermour*ain @s End Halro Power kicrn costs when havhg tg rcconri€ct servlce and those ,'1 costs are not recovered in rates. Curtis rrmarl - lu lees rage zl ot tJ I do hope your situation improves. As previously dlscussed, in review of the Utility Customer Relations Rules a "customer" ls classified as someone who ls receivlnr service from a utility, When a customer requests service to be disconnected, the indlvidual is !g!g!ggI receiving service and therefore is no longer a customer of the utility. The account is closed out and a final billing is generated; therefore the indlvidual is no longer a customer of the utility. S[mru tarlfr, under Section 9.4 notnewac@$tt, Suez Water doer not charge an account inithtion or service establishmcnt charge. Each utility h6 lts oiln set of grddEllnss, business practk€s, and rate design so policy will vary from utllity to utility. Though I understand your position, I do mt believe the Commhsion wi$ waive a fee that h6$ prevbusly beell approyed by the Commlssion, but you can certainly file a formal complaint if that is what you choose to do. Curtis Thaden ldaho Public Utilities Commission 208-334-0322 From: Raul Mendez [mallto:raulmendez2002@gmail.com] Scnt: Thursday, November 8, 2018 3:07 PM ''\ To: Curtis Thaden <Curtis.Thaden@puc.idaho.gQ> Sublect Re: lG Fees \ \.t\ Curtis, '\. br new accounto. A reconnect fte applles when fie utility with the utility sending a tech to reconnect servlce for sending someone to tum on the Bervico after a soasonal 6hut ofr. saylng that ll is a be connected with sendlng som€ono to tum lt fum on the servica on an axis$ng account. lfs Just lhat they aro not they clalm lt ls an lnlllation be on an new account. Wtat Ebout Suez? I was told that a lot of poople requests ofis during winter if they aro away from homs to avold trozen pipes. they don't charge an inltlauon lee on exlEtlng accounts. aren't the it makes no sens€ to charge lnitiatlon bec on exlsting accounts and the only reason people non-existent in ldaho. ln my posi$on temporarily shut ofi ls to money since you already know that public uUlity aseletanc€ ls almost Besicslly, lt eppears that the is that in ldaho cannot shut off their servlces becauEe it loooes money to the ufllity companles? I hop€ my sltuauon will year but I still ifs worth to di8pute lhe chaEe Elnce tak6n ln the context of how mudt they are charglng br lnltation hes to oher chaEing 14 dollarg on exlsling accounb. I'm still then you realize they are mEking a lot of money on the gueEtbnable pradice of research so it might a while because I want to give myself the b€st chance ln cas€ it ends up belng appealed to $e lclaho Supreme Sincerely, Raul d- i I .r, ,46.t ?4 r. _oln o_,-:_____r0-_____L__ll O__^_+L.ll+L_^^l 1a11 la0lg for servtce tE be establblted ls requested. Basically, I ( rmage.png MAKE A PAYMENT PAYTEXl SOURC;, ADD BANK ACCOUNT v PAYgEilI OAT: 06t21t2018 v P4YtrE{1 ATOUNT t37.02 v , This rccount is on oBill. VIew your lalesi statemenl below. :intir:i).-lo.f]!tiler..!il,r!lsI)rfii$ rage I ot I ox q i.',,,rr' ADD AN ACCOUNT -2734513000-2 $topped t A 537 02 $37.02 05t25t2018 n,nGJr(o(Fnylu:l l _4Of INTERMOUNTAIN 6A5 COMPANY s'GN OUT Q lype hac to sorch iA/a/^nro XAKE PAYIEilT ConrallDili, rarln, "tr/ ,0.fm&(0'al t. = MENU 0 '1'llnlJ,,..,:,.3,],]1"i: j [l iI ( rmage.png Page I ofl $ Automatlc Paymonts Sign up for Autopay y' Tlrls account ls on 69lll. View your lalesl statement below ;i.i1ltL.t.iEi:aiu:!:jqi*rliaxlls VIEW STATEMENTS CURREI{T 9IATEM€NT AMOU}IT CURRE'IT PAYMENI DUE DAIE$2846 ES@ VIEW FRlt{T. OR OOW|ILOAD (ckcl or rhumbBil) niil slate$inr RacX of Blll Cr0$s 8ore.. PAYMENT HISTORY )aH Level Pay Sign up for Level Pay Prymcril Statua CURREtr"t STAIEMENT DAIE 10i44!2418 Galekeeper. CURRENT ACCOUitT BALANCE . 273451 C000 928.46 SELECTA STATEMENT STATEMENT DATE 10t04t2018 v {* ii?u!Lrl.4 l-]-ij il1-l .'.l,ll Tracking Numbct *Paym.nt D.tc 05/31/201 I P.ym.nt Amount s37 02 @ O Tvpeheretos€arch 0 t, q ADD AN ACCOUNT .$28 4{; c AIIT&:,,9!t$ArN n e $28 46 | 1At2?1201{l ntS@re:l6C - Onine Ac l,iiertrroutrta,rt Gd! Coupany [tlS] i htlp!'.s5lorcer.intgd5.aufir rY: ,i,,**P*0CftAlltCATflcr{R OomFlati{t (Slctl OUT 'l {cl,lr,!iial.ilrll arr,rrritiJ! fiur!trl =t€NU 213151300{) 2 Actil} 'Ei i! c$1r?'; fM 1 o/9/2i] r c Lrd .. flJ 4,) lmage.png A !| O rvr",,.,"*oi,.i-"'^-^- a,D ll'i:, 3:r-:.Y.;" v ir r..;:.i.rit, w a O Doae lntcrmountaln Gas ch.rge.ny cpcclal h.ndllng racs? Our goal is to keep costs for service to our customers as low as possible. ln orcier to do thrs we believe individual customers should bear the cost of any specral handling ihey require instead ol having all customers pay for these services. The ldaho Public tJtilit,es Commissicn autlrorizes lntermountain to recozer the follo,rring costs: . lntorc5t on Prst Oua Accounts Amcunts due for your previous month's gas bill, which remein unpaid at the rime of the nert billing date, u:ill be assessed interest at the rate cfl% per month. Participants in the l-evel Payment Program will be exempt from late payment interest charges. . Flrld Collectlon Fcc fl5: lf a company represeniai;ve mus! \,lEil your home lo ccllec! a past due payment, a $.l5 fee viill be assessed, lf gas service is diEr:c'ntinueC. this charge does noi apply (see Recon,'lection Fee). . Riconnactlon Fac: A re.otlhection fee is assersed when service is restored for a customer after a non-pay service inierruptiorr. Ttiis fee is $22 <iuring the hcurs of 8:CCt a.rn. to 4:3O p.nr- and $44 during the hours of 4r3O p.m^ tllrough 7:00 p,nr., Monday through Friciay. A reconnection fee of 950 will be charged on weekencis or Ccrrpany hcllidays. . Retumed Prym€nt Fcc 32O: Ihis chatge st''all epply w'hen a payment (check or electronic) is not honored and rerurnecl by the bank. . Accounl lnltl.tlon FGc $14 or !$4Oi Eaclr new acccurlt ooened \4iih lntermountain B a.m. to 5 p.m., t\,.londay through Friciay, will be billed a $]4 fee lvith llre f irst regular bill,.A $40 fee will be charged for all accounts opened after 5 p,m,, Monday tlrrougir F.riday, weekends or lrolidays. O How docs the Lrwcl Psy progrrm work? O How docs the Autopay progrem work? O llow cen I3witch to pepcrlcss bllling st:tcm.nts? O Do you havc a thlrd-perty notlficttion program? 0 Where can I gct motc lnformrtion about cntrgy assistancc? 0 Page I of 1 g ( :. , - - .:, Y C a lillp5 v/srv.r'rtrjd!-({rn 6 lA{.b " lnleror6ntB,n a;as C ril Ei El c,.. 8r,1,) r;XL;rYs U18 I Y- I.P.U.C. GasTarlff Secfron A Elohth Rs\rlgad SheetNo.6 Mme of U$lty lntermountain Gas Company tDAlto PuBuc ununEs commssloNApprcvd Efhctlw tlay l$ 2014 mry26,201.1 Jean D. Jewall Sectatary 9. DISCONTINUANCE AHD REGONI{ECTION OF SERVICE 9.1 WhEn a customer dEslres to dlscontlnue seMoe hE shall glve noflcg to the Company at lEasttwo business dap ln advancE and shall be responslble for all gas consumed for lhe two days after date of guch notce. The Company may dlsoontnue seMce for any of the reasons set brth ln the IPUG's Utllg Customer Relaflons Rules. SeMcE cannot be dlsconnectEd on legal holldays recogntsed by the state of ldaho or any dayr where the Company is not open for buslness. 9.3 Whenever seMce has been discontnued by the Company for any roason speclfled ln the IPUC's Ufllity Customer Relatlons Rulee, a charge to rscover the reconnec'tlon shall be collected by the Gompany before servlce ls restorpd. SeMce shal! be reconnected as soon as posslble, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the customer has made satiefuctory payment anangements with the Gompany. The chalge for reconnectlon shall be: $22,00, provlded saUsfadory anangemenE for payrnent of all proper drarges have been made durlng the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Monday throqh Frlday, except Company holldays; or $44.00 lf such arangements are made during the houns of 4:30 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Mondaythrough Frlday, except Gompany holldarc. lf such anangements are made durlng hours other than the aboro, the rsconnecton shall be oompleted on the follorlng day except br medlcal emergencles or where a customer has beEn dlsconnected ln enor. A rs@nnectlon completed on a weekend or Gompany hollday wlll be charged $50.00. Reconnec{ons required for medlcal emergendes or where a customer has been disconnected ln enorwilt be completed the same day, lncludlng Company holldays and weekends. 9.4 An 'Account lnltiaflon Charger ln the amount of $14,00 durlng ragular buslnesg houna and $40.00 olrblde of regular businese hourE wlll bg assossd on eaclr account opened wlth thE Company and wltl be bllled wlth the flrst regular blll. Thb charge wlll not apply to landlord temporary seMce where a landlord has slgned a Contnuous Servle Agreement or to code compllance lnspectlons mandated bythe ldaho Publlc UUlttes Commlsslon. hsu€d by: lntermountaln Gas Gompany By MlchaelP. Mc€rath Effsctve: May26,2O14 TiUe: Dlredor - Regulatory Affairs 9.2 nGcS? EI fr .E.a6g = uiof(EFo o6E *:0_=oEE8 E# [- LJ ,- 9,9tr oO8Eeo'E or ;EE! 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