HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190329Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOSEPH TERRY TERRI CARLOCK DATE: MARCH 28,2019 RE:INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANYNS REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE AND SELL SECURITIES; CASE NO. INT.G-19-02 On March 11,2019 Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain", "Company"), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc.("MDU"), filed an Application requesting authorization to issue and sell up to $75 million of unsecured notes on or about June 14,2019 with one or more maturity dates ranging from five to thirty years from issuance ("Bonds"). Additionally, the Company requested authority to enter into a base revolving line of credit facility for $85 million with the option to borrow an additional $25 million for a total requested line of credit authority of $l l0 million ("Line of Credit") through June 14, 2024 (five years). The Company included the correct filing fee with the application. The interest rate for the Bonds'will be set at the time of issuance based upon the term of the note. The chart below shows the differing tranches and their base along with the added basis point and the expected rates based on current treasury rates. Tranche (Loan Term) Treasury Term Base Added Basis Points Current Treasury Rate Expected Rates Low High 5 year 5 year 110-130 2.34%3.44%3.64% 10 Year 10 year 120-155 2.54%3.74%4.O9% L5 Year 10 year 740-770 2.54Yo 3.94%4.24% 30 Year 30 Year 155-200 2.96%4.51%4.96% DECISION MEMORANDUM I MARCH 28,2019 Net proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be used lor the acquisition, construction, extension or improvement of utility facilities; improvement or maintenance of service; and refunding the Company's treasury expended on utility purposes. The proceeds from the Line of Credit will be used for capital expenditures; deferred gas costs; and general corporate purpose needs. For the Line of Credit, the Company has the option to select between predetermined interest rate methods. The rate will be based upon the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), U.S. Bank Prime Rate, or the Federal Funds rate plus appropriate margins. Additional charges for the Line of Credit will include administrative fees of $ 1 5,000 annually and commitment fees based on a performance grid. The performance grid has lour levels with the rate determined by the ratio of consolidated funded indebtedness to total capitalization as shown in the table below: Pricing Level lndebtedness to Capitalization Ratio Facility Fee Eurodollar Advances/Letter of Credit Fee Base Rate Advances I > 0.60:1.0 0.300%1.45A%4.454% il 20.55:1.0 but <0.60: L.0 0.22s%7.275%o.275% >0.45:1.0 but <0.55:1.0 0.175%t.475%a.750% IV < 0.45:1.0 0.1,25%t.aao%4.a00% Therefore the higher the debt incurred, the greater the borrowing cost for borrowed funds. The debt ratio for the Company was 49.3% as of December 3 1 ,2A18, therefore we would expect that the Company to be in the III Pricing Level. Intermountain is not independently rated b), any of the rating agencies and instead is rated as parl of the MDU's family of companies. MDU was rated at BBB+ by both Fitch and Moody's. Because Intermountain is approximately 5o/o of MDU's net income, the probabitity is low that this authority will impact MDU's credit rating. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the aulhority to issue up to $75 million in unsecured notes. Staff recommends the Commission approve the authority to enter into the five year $85 million revolving line of credit with the option to borrow another $25 million. 1DECISION MEMORANDUM MARCH 28,2019 ilr Staff recommends the Commission order Intermountain to continue filing quarterly reports identifying the date of issuance, principal amount, interest rate, date of maturity and identity of payee for all promissory notes issued in that quarter. In addition, order the Company to continue filing its capitalization ratios with the quarterly report. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the $75 million in unsecured notes? Does the Commission approve the 5-year revolving line of credit for $85 million with the option to utilize an additional $25 million? Does the Commission wish to establish the filing requirements described? J Terry LldmemosllNT-C- I 9-02 Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -3-MARCH 28,2419