HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180810Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES I rurenrvrouNTArru Gns Coruperuv 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD o p.O. BOX 7608 . BO|SE, TDAHO 83707 . (208)377-6000 o FAX:377-6097 August 10,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 tlt(-)m llr F.J:*EFF G-, c) -u -..fr T\) "trr, \.- U>oRE: Case No. INT-G-18-02 Dear Ms. Hanian: Attached for consideration by this Commission are the original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application for Authority to Change Its Prices on October l, 201 8. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by stamping and returning a copy of this Application cover letter to us. Should you have any suggestions regarding the attached, please don't hesitate to contact me at (208) 377-6168. Very truly yours, P. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure Mark Chiles Scott Madison Preston Carter cc: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NO. INT.G.18.O2 APPLICATION, EXHIBITS, AND WORKPAPERS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY For Authority to Change its Prices on October 1, 2018 (October 1,2018 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Filing) Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388- 1200 Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOLTNTAIN GAS COMPANY for Authority to Change its Prices BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. INT-G-I8-02 APPLICATION Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain" or "Company"), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. with general offices located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure ofthe ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), hereby requests authority, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 6l-307 and 6l-622, to place into effect October 1, 2018 new rate schedules which will decrease its annualized revenues by $24.5 million. Because of changes in Intermountain's gas related costs, as described more fully in this Application, Intermountain's eamings will not be impacted as a result of the proposed changes in prices and revenues. Exhibit No. I is a swnmary of the overall price changes by class of customer and is affached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Intermountain's current rate schedules showing proposed changes are attached hereto and included within Exhibit No. 2 and is incorporated herein by reference. Intermountain's proposed rate schedules are attached hereto as Exhibit No. 3 and is incorporated herein by reference. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to Michael P. McGrath Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise,ID 83707 and Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 APPLICATION - 2 In support of this Application, Intermountain does allege and state as follows: L Intermountain is a gas utility, subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, engaged in the sale of and distribution of natural gas within the State of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219, issued December 2,1955, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564, dated October 3, 1962. Intermountain provides natural gas service to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star; Bannock County - Arimo, Chubbuck,Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Moreland/fuverside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonneville County - Ammon, Idaho Falls, Iona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Parma, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancroft, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, Declo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferry, Hammett, and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker, and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Gooding, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewisville, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone; Madison County - Rexburg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyburn, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Bruneau, and Homedale; Payette County - Fruitland, New Plymouth, and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murtaugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Weiser. Intermountain's properties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines, liquefied natural gas storage facilities, a compressor station, distribution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. IL Intermountain seeks with this Application to pass through to each of its customer classes changes in gas related costs resulting from: l) costs billed to Intermountain from firm transportation providers including Northwest Pipeline LLC ("Northwest" or'Northwest Pipeline"), 2) a decrease in Intermountain's Weighted Average Cost of Gas ("WACOG"), 3) an updated customer allocation of APPLICATION - 3 gas related costs pursuant to the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA") provision, 4) the inclusion of temporary surcharges and credits for one year relating to natural gas purchases and interstate transportation costs from Intermountain's deferred gas cost accounts, 5) benefits resulting from Intermountain's management of its storage and firm capacity rights on various pipeline systems, 6) a portion of the costs accrued related to Intermountain's Case No. INT-G-16-02 General Rate Case and, 7) customer benefits generated by changes to the federal and state income tax codes. Intermountain also seeks with this Application to eliminate the temporary surcharges and credits included in its current prices during the past 12 months, pursuant to Case No. INT-G-17-05. The aforementioned changes would result in a price decrease to Intermountain's RS, GS-l and LV-l customers and a price increase to Intermountain's T-3 and T-4 customers. These price changes are applicable to service rendered under rate schedules affected by and subject to Intermountain's PGA, initially approved by this Commission in OrderNo.26l09, Case No. INT-G-95- 1, and additionally approved through subsequent proceedings. Exhibit No. 4 contains pertinent excerpts from applicable pipeline tariffs. Exhibit No. 5 summarizes the price changes in: 1) Intermountain's base rate gas costs, 2) its rate class allocation, and 3) adjusting temporary surcharges or credits flowing through to Intermountain's customers. Exhibit Nos. 4 and 5 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ilI. The current temporary and cost of gas related prices of Intermountain are those approved by this Commission in OrderNo. 33887, Case No. INT-G-I7-05. IV. Intermountain's proposed prices incorporate all changes in costs relating to the Company's firm interstate transportation capacity including, but not limited to, any price changes or projected cost adjustments implemented by the Company's pipeline suppliers, as well as any volumetric adjustments in contracted transportation agreements which have occurred since Intermountain's PGA filing in Case No. INT-G-17-05. The permanent transportation and storage costs included with this Application reflect a net increase of $620,781 as compared to those same costs included in Case No. INT-G-I7- 05. Northwest Pipeline transportation and storage costs reflect the reduction in transportation and storage rates pursuant to FERC Docket No. RP17-346-000 resulting in a reduction of $694,908 in annual transportation and storage costs to the Company's customers. The Company's upstream APPLICATION.4 transportation charges increased $1.3 million resulting from rate changes from the Company's upstream transportation providers in addition to the acquisition of additional upstream capacity. This same additional capacity puts the Company in a stronger position to leverage the capacity releases that provide benefits to the Company's customers as well as gain access to gas supplies through southern Alberta, Canada, which are projected to be some of the lowest cost supplies over the next 5 to 10 years. Intermountain continues to effectively manage its natural gas storage assets at Northwest's Jackson Prairie and Questar Pipeline's Clay Basin storage facilities. Supporting documents relating to Line 20 of Exhibit No. 5 include $1.8 million in savings from Intermountain's management of these storage assets. Exhibit No. 5, Lines I through 20, details the proposed changes to Intermountain's prices resulting from Intermountain's cost of storage, interstate and upstream capacity from its various suppliers. v. The WACOG reflected in Intermountain's proposed prices is $0.22724 per therm, as shown on Exhibit No. 5, Line 22, Col. (f1. This compares to $0.26020 per therm currently included in the Company's tariffs. Advanced drilling technologies continue to increase drilling efficiencies resulting in even higher production in shale gas wells. Deliverable shale gas reserves in North America are abundant and supplies, in the face of growing demand for natural gas, have continued to outpace the demand for this natural resource. This supply/demand imbalance has contributed greatly to the decrease in the Company's WACOG. From a historical perspective, robust natural gas supplies combined with significant storage balances have kept natural gas prices lower as compared to even a year ago. Additionally, the proposed WACOG includes benefits to Intermountain's customers generated by the Company's management of its significant natural gas storage assets. Because gas added to storage is procured during the summer season when prices are typically lower than during the winter, the cost of Intermountain's storage gas is normally less than what could be obtained on the open market in winter months. Additionally, in an effort to further stabilize the prices paid by our customers during the upcoming winter period, Intermountain has entered into various fixed price agreements to lock-in the price for portions of its underground storage and other winter o'flowing" supplies. APPLICATION - 5 Intermountain believes that the WACOG proposed in this Application, subject to the effect of actual supply and demand and based on current market conditions, provides today's most reasonable forecast of gas costs for the 201 8 - 2019 PGA period. Intermountain will employ, in addition to those fixed price agreements already in place, cost effective price arrangements to further secure the price of flowing gas embedded within this Application when, and if, those pricing opportunities materialize in the marketplace. Intermountain believes that timely natural gas price signals enhance its customers' ability to make informed and appropriate energy use decisions. The Company is committed to alert customers to any significant impending price changes before their winter natural gas usage occurs. By employing the Company's Energy Efficiency programs, customer mailings, the Company's website, and various media resources, Intermountain will continue to educate its customers regarding the wise and efficient use of natural gas, billing options available to help manage their energy budget, and any pending natural gas price changes. vI. Pursuant to the Commission's Order in Case No. INT-G-17-05,Intermountain included temporary credits in its October 7,2017 prices for the principal reason of passing back to its customers defened gas cost benefits. Line27 of ExhibitNo. 5 reflects the elimination ofthese temporary credits. VII. Intermountain's PGA tariff includes provisions whereby Intermountain's proposed prices will be adjusted for updated customer class sales volumes and purchased gas cost allocations. Intermountain's proposed prices include a fixed cost collection adjustment pursuant to these PGA provisions, as outlined on Exhibit No. 6, Line25. The price impact of this adjustment is included on Exhibit No. 5, Line 28. The Fixed Cost Collection Rate resulting from the adjustment plus the annual difference in demand charges from Exhibit No. 5, Lines I -20, Col. (h) is shown on Exhibit No. 6, Lne29. Exhibit No. 6 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. vIII. Intermountain proposes to pass through to its customers the benefits that will be generated from the management of its transportation capacity totaling $5.5 million as outlined on Exhibit No. 8. These benefits include credits from a segmented release of a portion of Intermountain's firm capacity rights on Northwest Pipeline as well as credits generated from Intermountain's upstream pipeline capacity. Intermountain proposes to pass back these credit amounts via the per therm credits, APPLICATION - 6 as detailed on Exhibit No. 8 and included on Exhibit No. 7, Line 1. Exhibit Nos. 7 and 8 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. IX. Intermountain proposes to allocate defened gas costs from its Account No. 1 91 balance to its customers through temporary price adjustments to be effective during the l2-month period ending September 30,2019, as follows: 1) Intermountain has deferred fixed gas costs in its Account No. 191. The credit amount shown on ExhibitNo. 9, Line7, Col. (b) of $15.1 million is attributable to a true-up of the collection of interstate pipeline capacity costs, the true-up of expense issues previously ruled on by this Commission, and mitigating capacity release credits generated from the incremental release of Intermountain's pipeline capacity. Intermountain proposes to true-up these balances via the per therm debits and credits, as detailed on Exhibit No. 9 and included on Exhibit No. 7, Line2. Exhibit No. 9 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2) Intermountain has also deferred in its Account No. 191 a variable gas cost credit of $5.0 million, as shown on Exhibit No. 10, Line 2, Col. (b). This deferred debit is attributable to Intermountain's variable gas costs since October 1,2017. Intermountain proposes to pass back this balance via a per therm credit, as shown on Exhibit No. 10, Line 4, Col. (b) and included on Exhibit No. 7, Line 3. 3) Finally, Intermountain has deferred in its Account No. 191 defened gas costs related to Lost and Unaccounted for Gas as shown on Exhibit No. 10, Lines 5 through 26, Col. (b). This deferral results in a per therm increase to Intermountain's sales and transportation customers, as illustrated on Exhibit No. 10. This per therm increase is included on Exhibit No. 7, Line 3. Exhibit No. l0 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. x. Pursuant to Commission Order No. 32793, Case No. INT-G-13-02, Intermountain has defened in its Account No. 191 variable gas cost credits associated with sales of liquefied nattral gas at its Nampa, Idaho facility. Intermountain proposes to pass back this $529,445 sales credit as outlined on Exhibit No. I 1, Line 7 . Exhibit No. 1 1 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. APPLICATION - 7 xI. Pursuant to Commission OrderNo. 33887, Case No. INT-G-17-05, Intermountain established a regulatory asset to amortize over a five-year period $378,614 related to extemal General Rate Case costs associated with Case No. INT-G-16-02. Exhibit No. l2 summarizes the amortization of those costs which are included on Exhibit No. 7, Lines 5 8. 6. Exhibit No. 12 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. XII. Pursuant to Commission Order No. 34073, Case No. GNR-U-18-01, the Company was directed to credit customers for tax-related benefits it received from January I - May 31, 2018 which amounted to$2.7 million. Exhibit l3 summarizes the customer class credits associated with this same tax benefit and is included on Exhibit No. 7, Line 7. Exhibit No. 13 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. xIII. Intermountain has allocated the proposed price changes to each of its customer classes based upon Intermountain's PGA provision. However, a straight cents per therm price change was not utilized for the LV-l tariff as no fixed costs are cturently recovered in the tail block of the LV-l tariff. The proposed changes in the WACOG, and variable deferred debits and credits as outlined on Exhibit Nos. l0 and I l, are applied to all three blocks of the LV-l tariff. However, all adjustments relating to fixed costs are applied only to the first two blocks of the LV-l tariff. xrv. As outlined on Exhibit No. 2, Page 1, Lines 2l through 29,the T-3 and T-4 tariffs include the following adjustments: a) the removal of existing temporary price changes; b) the Lost and Unaccounted for Gas increase as outlined on Exhibit No. 10; c) the LNG Sales Credits are applied to theT-4tariffasillustratedonExhibitNo. 1l,Line7,Col.(f);d)atemporaryadjustmenttorecovera portion of Intermountain's Case No. INT-G-16-02 General Rate Case related expenses and; e) defened credits associated with federal and state income tax reform. The net change from these aforementioned adjustments result in a rate increase for the Company's T-3 and T-4 customers. APPLICATION - 8 xv. The proposed price changes herein requested among the classes of service of Intermountain reflect a just, fair, and equitable pass-through of changes in gas related costs to Intermountain's customers. xVI. This Application has been brought to the attention of Intermountain's customers through a Customer Notice and by a Press Release sent to daily and weekly newspapers, and major radio and television stations in Intermountain's service area. The Press Release and Customer Notice are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of this Application, its Exhibits, and Workpapers have been provided to those parties regularly intervening in lntermountain's rate proceedings. xvII. Intermountain requests that this matter be handled under modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201-204 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. Intermountain stands ready for immediate consideration of this matter. APPLICATION - 9 XVIIL WHEREFORE, Intermountain respectfully petitions the ldaho Public Utilities Commission as follows: a. That the proposed rate schedules herewith submitted as Exhibit No. 3 be approved without suspension and made ef[ective as of October l, 2018 in the manner shown on Exhibit No. 3. b. That this Application be heard and acted upon without hearing under modified procedure, and c. For such other relief as this Commission may determine proper herein. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 10th day of August, 2018. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Givens Pursley LLP By (By Preston N. Carter Attorney for Intermountain Gas CompanyAffairs APPLICATION - IO / CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10th day of August, 2018, I served a copy of the foregoing Case No. INT-G-I8-02 upon: Ed Finklea Alliance of Western Energy Consumers 545 Grandview Drive Ashland, OR 97520 Chad Stokes Cable Huston et al. 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97204-1136 Don Sturtevant J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise,ID 83707 by depositing true copies thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the above addresses. - Regulatory Affairs APPLICATION - 1I EXHIBIT NO. 1 CASE NO. INT.G.18.O2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY SUMMARY OF PRICE CHANGES (2 pages) Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 'l of 2 >SisS;s;s;s:s;s;Sooa@+ooooqo?6{qcqqc?aa!oro@oNoEo0oo- oo@Nroo@H€@@@oooHo@@NoNNdoNN@@NOl<qq?c?aqoNo<-ia : c; o o o c; o o l Na++ol@6dooqqqoool l 60NSOF+AO@@o@@o@F@@Oqqqqqooooo cor @ooq @e d ao61rN(q N C G(C( oNo@+oN6d rNN@Noo@=l@ooo€Ndq(?c?qqq6!qfl : o o o o o o o l O c! ONo; o@NOOo- o_ c?to@@@@ $+ crrC6 @Ci €@q€oo)oQN N@- \N@o @oooN@NO@ ooNrs +@ .lcrlel^6l l=EI'l =l el=-l .l =lel^olo>lYol"l =l.gl€rl .l =lEl^ El- o6o- @_NOoo@- o-o@ r C€o N 66.E 'EEE =fE 39,5.qE..E.EE€ru);g #EgBgFBE EZE.'iEFFOEEd, P3 * E E T I P E @Nec!ao ao@NONNts- a- \ q@ooooo@oo_ a- N- qoortsSEoo @oo oo@oo@o<t:N@6 +$ t$cOFC@_ a_ 4ao€ooGo_ F- o@6ON o4ONryo_(qoFao$N +N NE E o o o oe, do =8co<EoF Eo a o oo o.=FEoo!oo EoEE6EoEo.= E ecoz. e oo.EJ o@r@eoN 6 ooo.tr@o-EONP=E=isE 'i:o9oooiEeuleo- o.= 6siEeOU-8gR EE= s+3.E€OBi a UJE so2.9,ec, g.E aoL-=^o o.!JgEE tE=< g.Eo FEE;'Et ooU'AsFoii>BE:2 6afPr-eEI oriZ?E6dE- o-,.=oF ^'-==; s6S'=EEEueo =e EoE.9>gEo-!!€E o- ,l Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 ol 2 Line No. (a) Deferrals: INT-G-1 7-05 Temporanes Removed Add INT-G-1 &02 Temporaries: Fixed Deferred Gas Costs Variable Defened Gas Costs Lost & Unaccounted For Gas Costs LNG Sales Credit Defened General Rate Case Costs Tax Reform Defenal Total Temporaries Added Total Defenals Base Rate Price Change: Fixed Cost Changes: NWP Full Rate Reservation NWP Discounted Reservation Upstream Full Rate Upstream Discounted SGS & LS Other Storage Facility Total Fixed Cost Change Changes in WACOG Reallocation of Fixed Costs II{TERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY ANALYSIS OF INT.G-18.{'2 PRICE CHAI{GE Amount $ (20,553,640 {'z) (5,040,702) p) 786,421 tl) (529,445) 6) 66,986 (6) (2,731,84\ t7) $ (619,134) {8) (44,1 26) p) 2,9'13,851 (10) (1,598,162) (11) (31,M8) {14 (13) 620,781 (11,955,M9) (11) (6,034,11o) (15) Total (b)(c) 20,840,697 (r) I 2 3 4 ( 6 7 o I 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 t4 $ (28,002,226) $ (7,161,529) 25 26 Total Base Rate Price Changes (17,368,378) Total Annual Price Change $ (24,529,907) Annual Price Change per Exhibit No, 1, Page 1 Difference Due to Rounding $ (24,529,$1)(16) $(576) {') See WorkpaperNo. S, Line2, Columns (b) - (0 times Exhibit No, 1, Page 1, Lines 2-4,6& 8, Column (b)(') See Exhibit N0.8, Line 3, Column (b), plus Exhibit No.9, Line 7, Cotumn (b)(') See Exhibit No. '10, Line 2, Column (b)(o) See Exhibit No, 10, Line 10 plus Line 18, Column (b)(u) See Exhibit No. 1'1, Line 5, Column (b)(u) See Exhibit No. 12, Page 1, Line 6, Cdumn (b) plus Exhibit No, 12, Page 2, Line 4, Cotumn (b)0 See Exhibit No, 13, Line 1, Column (b)(8) See Exhibit No. 5, Line 3, Column (h)(e) See Exhibit No. 5, Line 4, Column (h)(r0) See Exhibit N0.5, Line 5, Column (h) {11) See Exhibit No, 5, Line 6, Column (h) t12) See Exhibit No. 5, sum of Lines I - '19, Column (h) (13) See Exhibit N0.5, Line 20, Column (h)(11) See Exhibit No. 5,-line22,Column (h)(15) See Exhibit No. 5, Line 28, Columns (i) - (k), times Line 24, Columns (i)- (k)(16) See Exhibil No. 1, Page 1, Line 10, Column (e) Description EXHIBIT NO.2 CASE NO. INT.G.18.O2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CURRENT TARIFFS Showing Proposed Price Changes (10 pages) Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page I of 10 Line No.Rate Class INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Comparison of Proposed October 1,2018 Prices To June 1,2018 Prices Prices per Case No. GNR-U-18.01 Order No. 34073 Proposed Adjustment Proposed Oclober 1, 2018 Prices (a)(b)(c)(d) 0.57231 $(0.06675) $0.505561RS GS-1 $ 2 3 4 5 b 7 I o Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 CNG Fuel Block 1 Block 2 0.58312 0.55964 0.53697 0.46841 0.53697 0.46841 0.56864 0.58312 0.55964 0.53697 0 46841 0.30000 0.37581 0.35792 0.26956 0.03790 0.01506 0.00515 0.28092 0.02395 0.00847 0.00260 (0.07049) (0.07049) (0.0704s) (0.07049) (0.07049) (0.0704e) (0.06675) (0.0704e) (0.0704e) (0.07049) (0.07049) (0.06852) (3) (0.06852) (3) (0.05446) (1) 0.00083 6) 0.00083 (5) 0.000ffi F) 0.00647 (6) 0.51263 0.48915 0.46648 0 39792 0.46648 0.39792 0.50189 0.51263 0.48915 0.46648 0.39792 0.30000 0.30729 0.28940 0.21510 0.03873 0.01589 0.00598 0.28739 0.02395 0.00847 0.00260 'lo ls'R (1) ls.c (2)11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Demand Charge Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Demand Charge Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 LV.1 T-3 T-4 (1) The lS-R price is based on the RS price and receives the same PGA ad.justments (') The lS-C price is based on the GS-1 price and receives the same PGA adjustments (3) See Workpaper No. 6, Line 13, Column (e) (a) See Workpaper No. 6, Line 17, Column (e) (5) Remove INT-G-17-05 temporary from Workpaper No. 8, Line 5, Column (e) plus temporary from Exhibit No. 7 Line 8, Column (e) (6) Remove INT-G-17-05 temporary from Workpaper No. 8, Line 5, Column (fl plus temporary from Exhibit No. 7 Line 8, Column (f) Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 10 oNoo+@o6NNOO<29qooo oo@ts@o@46o-O9qcooo oo@o@N@64o-Qqqqooo oaOoc?o stso o6NNOQqqqooo a @ @Nqo oNooqo oNNNqa @oNN ci s@ c?o N6N@NO.!qoo @Nqo oNoaqo @ @6qo o E 3 6 @oo NO6a@eONNooo ooooo?o O-No-a oFOqqqooo o@@N NO@ts -@@Or|9=o?oooo 6NO+@-66 6@O@ -.':-qaooo ONN@NNtsNNqn.-:oQo <NONNONN@<l!-ooo I NIqoe o=!Eoo >.oNE9aooE6 CoE6OoI '-E o ICNc6 =FssF=6 o^99 -:,^o:b2=E z ecEE==^=-^-^=3.55=E_U= "dNRJ.gagiE9oo:e=!25=55j8.?=-+nj*;.d=P=*E Si cloYE-.E! =zzoooJil.===z-,2;9 =-6,'=n'E-E,IEB565Eroooo'.o=Eoooo>oo=aaaa=a<)a300300eo @ao12o N@oIo N@ =o o.E (L ooooc = o 6lotoolEI Ezl C)ot9?l- s o c EXl : v: x EFt 8888Hcl co o co co o IoIG o U ocU N 3 .qgvtEEl !!ol i< =l-l rNO$c'=l :rrYartooooE.91 _9 _a _9 _a 6ol ooooo o6oo 6o(,Eo@ooer oF o e o E,b- -nAad3E:o2zE6Xoav-60= =o.=gsEdd I E3l .: E5luo6OI QE}Bl i .9'-8e # 3 o*o@ts@@N@oe=-NOS F F v,(J .Du. CDEo'tro-JGo6>o =-c<J =!oaart =<9 =E<()Fts =F=EoF =a,mg =8I o oEE lt z . .lc ol =21 Co a 0 oo l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules +hir€l Revised Fourth Sheet No. 1 (Page 1 of 1) Name Intermountain Gas Gompanyof Utility Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-'18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 10 Rate Schedule RS RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer using natural gas for residential purposes. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectivellafrgffi funef.ffi P€+€r+lJ.{O+i} Diane M. Hanian Secretary $e€5426) (s0.07741) $€*€e2e $0.22724 $€'J€964 $0.18901 $0.16305 Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $5.50 per bill $+6723+* $0.50556 'l) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost Distribution Cost: EE Charge:$0.00367 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for the cost of purchased gas as provided for in Rate Schedule PGA. This adjustment is incorporated into the calculation of the Cost of Gas stated on customer bills. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CHARGE ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for costs related to the Company's Energy Efficiency program as provided for in Rate Schedule EEC. The Energy Efficiency Charge is separately stated on customer bills. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: JuneJ#{€ October 1. 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedulesfiffi Revised Fiftv-Eiqhth Sheet No. 3 (Page 1 of 2) Name lntermountain Gas Companyof Utility Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 10 Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill IDAHO PUBLIC UT!LITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveilafrC,{.l.le48 Jsne{,r2e48 P€iF€lilJ4e7il Diane M. Hanian Secretary $€5S€{+- $0.51263 $€€69e$- $0.48915 $e.63697* $0.46648 $9,169.t1* $0.39792 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: $e€€e€q ($0.07698) $g3€e2e $0.22724 $g3e{A7 $0.17772 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustrnent 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over $0.1 8465 $0.16117 $0.1 3850 $0.06994 lssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Eifective: Jcnet-+e+g October 1. 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules fi$fseveng Revised Fiftv-Eiohth Sheet No. 3 (Page 2 of 2) Name lntermountain Gas Companyof Utility Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 10 Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVIGE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge: $9.50 per bill Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: First 10,000 therms per bill @Ovel|0,000 therms per bill @ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveUafel+Cff fueefrfOff Per C),|* 3{073 Diane M. Hanian Secretary $es3€€[z. $0.46648 $€14€84+* $0.39792 $e€€€eq ($0.076e8) $0+€€2e $0.22724 $e3€{+7 s0.17772 $0.1 38s0 $0.06994 *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost Block One: First 10,000 therms per bill @ Block Two: Over 10,000 therms per bill @ PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: Any GS-'l customer who leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation related costs incuned to serve the customer during the GS-1 service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-1 customer. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: Jsn€#€{8 October 1. 2018 1. LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Feurteenth Revised Fifteenth SheetNo. 4 (Paae1ol2\ Name of Utility !ntermountain Gas Gompany Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 10 Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL !NTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERV!CE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otherwise eligible to receive service under Rate Schedule RS who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new intenuptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge $5.50 per bill $e#6€e$. $0.50189 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMlSSIONApproved Effective$*Vef#+e fsnefrfgfe P€F€rilJ4e73 Diane M. Hanian Secretary ($e-€€.426) (s0.07741) $0+€e2e s0.22724$€ffi4 s0.18901 Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost:$0.16305 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: June-l#+S Oclober 1. 2018 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 10 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules F€udeen{h Revised Fifteenth Sheet No. 5 (Paqe 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Gompany IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectivell*y++Aefe fuae-t#Off P€#€+LA.{$I3 Diane M. Hanian Secretary $€ss€{+- $0.51263 $€s€ger $0.48915 $e€3€97'50.46648 $€1468++* S0.39792 Rate Schedule lS-G SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer otherwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-l who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is intenuptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT GHARGE: All new intenuptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, priorto the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Charge Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 'l ,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ $e€6e€q ($0.07698) $e*€e2e s0.22724 s€i?+147 $0.17772 $0.18465 $0.161 17 $0.1 38s0 $0.06994 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Effective: Jun€i+2048 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules si*ratriflh Revised Sixtv-Sixth Sheet No. 7 (Paoe 1 of 2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 10 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectiveilafal#+e funefrfgf8 Per e,N, 31073 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: Per Therm Charge: $0.30000 per MDFQ therm Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block One: Block Two: Block Three First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill @ $0,37581. $0.30729$ffi $0.28940 $0*€856- $0.2'1510 *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: 1 ) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) ($€€{€84) ($0.04583) $9€0€29 ($0.01521) $e3€€2e $0.22724 $+.+e645 $0.09s88 First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ $0.03000 500,000 therms per bill @ $0.01211 750,000 therms per bill @ $0.00307 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO) amount, which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firm interstate transportation to serve lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule LV-1 . Additionally, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. tssued by: !ntermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. Mccrath Effective: Jrrf,€-{JO4€ October 1. 2018 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs 1. 2. Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 10 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Si*eesth Revised Seventeenth Sheet No. 8 (Paoe 1 of 2) Name of Utility !ntermountain Gas Company !DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveUafS+,-?g+8 fun++regf+ Per e,N, 31073 Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charge: Block One: First 100,000 therms transported @ $0€379e- $0.03873 Block Two: Next 50,000 therms transported @ $0€{€06- $O.OlSB9 Block Three: Over 150,000 therms transported @ $e€O+l€- $0.00598 *lncludes lemporary purchased gas cost adjustment of{$0€00€3} $0.00020 ANNUAL MINIMUM B!LL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE GONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing T-4 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. tssued by: lntermountaan Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath _ Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Eifective: Jrn€-li?e€ October 1. 2018 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fi*e€nth Revised Sixteenth Sheet No. I (Paqe 'l of 2) Name of Utilitu lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 10 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveilafrS4ff fune-+fgC8 P€#€rilJ4e7il Diane M. Hanian Secretary Rate Schedule T-4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILIry: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge:$S*8e92 per MDFQ therm* $0.28739 Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250,000 therms transported @ $0.02395 500,000 therms transported @ $0.00847 750,000 therms transported @ $0.00260 3. 4. 5. *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $eig€€8) ($0.01261) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges. 2.The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO), which will be stated in and in effect throughout the term of the service contract. The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those T4 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. An existing LV-1 or T-3 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T4 on the customer's same or contiguous property. tssued by: lntermountaan Gas Company By: Michael P. Mccrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Eifective: Jene.+.4{€ October 1. 2018 6. EXHIBIT NO.3 CASE NO. INT.G-18-02 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PROPOSED TARIFFS (8 pages) l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fourth Revised Sheet No. 1 (Page 1 of 1) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-I8-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of8 Rate Schedule RS RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLIGABILITY: Applicable to any customer using natural gas for residential purposes. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *l ncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $5.50 per bill $0.50556. 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.07741) $0.22724 $0.1 8901 Distribution Cost: EE Charge: $0.16305 $0.00367 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for the cost of purchased gas as provided for in Rate Schedule PGA. This adjustment is incorporated into the calculation of the Cost of Gas stated on customer bills. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CHARGE ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for costs related to the Company's Energy Efficiency program as provided for in Rate Schedule EEC. The Energy Efficiency Charge is separately stated on customer bills. SERVICE CONDITIONS All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Eighth Revised Sheet No.3 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 8 $0.51263. $0.48915. $0.46648. $0.39792. ($0.076e8) $0.22724 $0.17772 $0.1 846s $0.161 1 7 $0.1 3850 $0.06994 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Eighth Revised Sheet No.3 (Page 2of 2) Name of Utility !ntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge: $9.50 per bill Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: First 10,000 therms per bill @ Over 10,000 therms per bill @ Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 8 $0.46M8. $0.39792. ($0.076e8) $0.22724 $0.17772 $0.1 3850 $0.06994 *l ncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost Block One: First 10,000 therms per bill @ Block Two: Over 10,000 therms per bill @ PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE GONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: Any GS-1 customerwho leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation related costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS-1 service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-1 customer. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 1. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 4 (Page 1 of2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 8 Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otherwise eligible to receive service under Rate Schedule RS who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $5.50 per bill $0.50189. 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.07741) $0.22724 $0.18901 Distribution Cost:$0 16305 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 5 (Paqe 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 8 $0.51263. $0.48915. $0.46648. $0.39792. ($0.076e8) $0.22724 $o.'17772 $0.18465 $0.16117 $0.13850 $0.06994 Rate Schedule lS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPL!CAB!LITY: Applicable to any customer otherwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $9.50 per bill 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effeclive: October 1, 201 8 LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Sixty-Sixth Revised Sheet No. 7 (Page 1 of2) Name of Utility !ntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: $0.30000 per MDFQ therm Per Therm Charge:250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill @ Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 8 $0.30729. $0.28940. $0.21510. Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over *lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) ($0.04583) ($0.01521) $0.22724 $0.09588 $0.03000 $0.01211 $0.00307 Distribution Cost: PURCHASED GAS GOST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDIT!ONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO) amount, which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firm interstate transportation to serve lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule LV-1. Additionally, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill@ 2. 1. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Seventeenth Revised Sheet No.8 (Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 8 Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 100,000 therms transported @ $0.03873. 50,000 therms transported @ $0.01589. 150,000 therms transported @ $0.00598. 2 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $0.00020 ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customerwhich have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing T-4 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 J 4 5 6 7 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Sixteenth Revised Sheet No.9 (Pase 1 of 2\ Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 8 Rate Schedule T4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE Demand Charge:$0.28739 per MDFQ therm* Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: Block Three First Next Over 250,000 therms transported @ $0.02395 500,000 therms transported @ $0.00847 750,000 therms transported @ $0.00260 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of ($0.01261) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVIGE GONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges 2 The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO), which will be stated in and in effect throughout the term of the service contract. The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those T-4 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. An existing LV-1 or T-3 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T4 on the customer's same or contiguous property. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2018 3 4 5 6 EXHIBIT NO.4 CASE NO. INT.G.18.O2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PERTINENT EXCERPTS PERTAINING TO INTERSTATE PIPELINES AND RELATED FACILITIES (35 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of35 NORTHWEST PIPELINE LLC (10 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 3520170818-3011- FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/1-8/20]-7 160 FERC fl 61,008 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C.20426 August 18,2017 In Reply Refer To: Northwest Pipeline LLC Docket No. RP I 7-346-000 Northwest Pipeline LLC 295 Chipeta Way P.O. Box 58900 Salt Lake City, UT 84158-0900 Attention: Laren Gertsch Director, Rates & Tariffs Reference: Petition for Approval of a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Dear Mr. Gertsch: l. On January 23,2017, Northwest Pipeline LLC (Northwest) petitioned the Commission for approval of a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement (2017 Settlement), in lieu of its obligation to file a Natural Gas Act (NGA) general section 4 rate case.' Northwest states that on April26,2012, the Commission approved its Petition for Approval of Settlement in Docket No. RP l2-490-000 (2012 Settlement) which satisfied its requirement to file a NGA general section 4 rate case. In the instant petition, Northwest states that section 14.4 of the 2012 Settlement requires it to file an NGA general section 4 rate case not later than July I ,2017 , for rates to become effective not later than January l, 2018, unless Northwest has entered into a pre-filing settlement effectively satisfying the NGA general section 4 rate case filing requirement.2 Northwest states that the Settling Parties3 agree that if this 2017 Settlement is timely approved by ' The filing is made pursuant to Rule 207(a)(5) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. l8 C.F.R. $ 385.207(a)(5) (2017). 2 Northwest Pipeline GP,l39 FERC fl 61,071 (2012). 3 Article II of the 2017 Settlement defines Settling Parties as (a) any party identified in Appendix A of the 2017 Settlement or (b) any party or shipper not identified (continued) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 35201-70818-3011 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/1-8/2017 Docket No. RP I 7-346-000 1 the Commission, Northwest will have satisfied the requirement to make a rate filing in 2017 as to the Settling Parties. Northwest states that the Settling Parties have successfully resolved their issues through the 2017 Settlement in a practical and carefully constructed fashion, eliminating the need for testimony, discovery, hearing and briefing of the matters resolved. Northwest states that the avoidance of litigation is a valuable outcome, benefiting the Settling Parties, the Commission and the public interest. Northwest states that it does not expect the 2017 Settlement to be contested because 100 percent of the shippers who actively participated in the settlement discussions support this 2017 Settlement. Northwest states that92 percent of Northwest's long-term firm transportation and storage capacity shippers support and 8 percent do not oppose the 2017 Settlement. 2. In a separate filing made on March 29,2017 (March Filing) in Docket No. RP17- 567-000, Northwest states that three days after Northwest filed its 2017 Settlement, the Commission was left without a quorum. Northwest states that due to the lack of a quorum, no action has been taken by the Commission to approve the uncontested2}lT Settlement and that Commission staff lacks the authority to approve the 2017 Settlement pursuant to the Order Delegating Further Authority to Staff in Absence of Quorum.a Consequently, Northwest filed revised tariff records in the March Filing to extend the time by which it must file an NGA general section 4 rute case and otherwise amend (l) section 14.4 of the 2012 Settlement; and (2) Article X and sections l4.l and 14.2 of the2017 Settlement. Northwest states that the extension of time is necessary to preserve the rate reductions agreed to in the 2017 Settlement and accommodate the delay in Commission action on the 2017 Settlement due to a lack of quorum. The March Filing was accepted on April l2,2on.s 3. The Commission by this letter order approves the2017 Settlement to be effective according to its terms,6 and directs Northwest to file tariff records consistent with the proforma tariff records included in Appendix F of the 2017 Settlement, to be effective January 1,2018. in Appendix A that either supports, or does not oppose the 2017 Settlement as a whole and/or any of its underlying provisions. n Agrncy Operations in the Absence of a Quorum,l5S FERC'1T61,135 (2017). s Northwest Pipeline LLC,Docket No. RPlT-567-000 (Apr 12,2Ol7) (delegated letter order) (April 2017 Order). 6 According to Article XI, the 2017 Settlement will become effective on the date that an order approving the 2017 Settlement becomes a final order. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 3520170818-3011- FERC pDF (Unofficial) 08/a8/2017 Docket No. RP I 7-346-000 -3- 4. Public notice of the 2017 Settlement filing was issued on January 24,2017. Interventions and protests were due as provided in section 154-210 of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. $ 154.210 (2017)). Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. $ 385.214 (2017)), all timely filed motions to intervene and any unopposed motion to intervene out- of-time filed before the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late intervention at this stage of the proceeding will not disrupt the proceeding or place additional burdens on existing parties. No comments in opposition to the settlement were filed. 5. The following is a summary of the major provisions of the 2017 Settlement. 6. Article I states that the terms of the 2017 Settlement are a carefully crafted compromise and that the Settling Parties request that it be approved in its entirety without modifi cation or condition. 7 . Article II defines the Settling Parties and states that the 2017 Settlement is a negotiated resolution of only those issues expressly set forth in the 20 l7 Settlement 8. Article III identifies the annual cost-of-service underlying the Settlement Rates, and provides the two phases of rates that will be implemented. 9. Article IV describes the agreed rate design principles used in deriving the Settlement Rates. According to section 4.1, General Transmission System, the rates for all transportation Rate Schedules are based on a straight fixed variable ("SFV") rate design. Section 4.2, Storage, provides that the rates under the Plymouth LNG and Jackson Prairie rate schedules will be the same as those established in the 2012 Settlement. Section 4.3, Evergreen l5-Year Contract Roll-In, provides that the rates for Rate Schedule TF-l (Large Customer), TF-l (25-Year Evergreen), Rate Schedule TF-2 and Rate Schedule TI-l to be effective January 1,2018, through September 30,2018, as shown on Appendix B, reflect the allocation of costs to the TF-l (15-Year Evergreen) contracts. The section states that the rates for Rate Schedule TF-l (Large Customer), TF-l (25-Year Evergreen), Rate Schedule TF-2, and Rate Schedule TI-l to be effective October 1,2018, through the remainder of the Settlement Term, as shown on Appendix C, reflect the roll-in of the TF-l (15-Year Evergreen) contracts that will expire on September 30,2018. 10. Article V states that the depreciation, amortization and net negative salvage rates used in deriving the Settlement Rates are shown in Appendix D to the 2017 Settlement. I l. Article VI states that if the U.S. federal income tax rate applicable to corporations should be reduced or increased for any taxable period(s) between January 1,2018, and the end of the Settlement Term, then Northwest will record a regulatory liability or asset account. It explains how the amount to be placed into that regulatory liability or asset account will be determined and how Northwest will amortize the balance in that account over a period of five years after the Settlement Term. Exhibit No.4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 3520r-70818-3011 FERC pDF (Unofficial) 08/]-8/20]-7 Docket No. RPI 7-346-000 -4- 12. Article VII refers to the surviving terms of Article VI of Northwest's prior rate case settlement in Docket No. RPl2-490-000 relating to its ongoing treatment of Post- Retirement Benefits Other than Pensions (PBOP), and updates the amount of Northwest's regulatory liability related to PBOPs. 13. Article VIII states that the Settlement Rates for Phase I Rates are set forth in Appendix B of the 2017 Settlement and shall become effective January l, 2018, and remain in effect through September 30,2018, and that the Settlement Rates for Phase 2 Rates are set forth in Appendix C of the 2017 Settlement and shallbecome effective October 1,2018, and remain in effect through the end of the Settlement Term. 14. Article IX states that the Settling Parties may not submit comments to the Commission that oppose any provision of the 201 7 Settlement. 15. Article X defines the term Contesting Parties and explains that if there are any Contesting Parties, Northwest will file an NGA section 4 general rate case by June 30, 2017, with regard to such Contesting Parties consistent with the 2017 Rate Filing requirement. It also provides that Contesting Parties forego any and all rights or obiigations under the 2017 Settlement.T 16. Article XI describes when the 2017 Settlement will become effective depending upon whether it is approved by the Commission (a) without modification or condition or (b) with modification or condition. It details the Settling Parties' rights and the procedures to be followed if the Commission approves the 2017 Settlement with modification or condition. It explains what happens to the 2017 Settlement if it is withdrawn by Northwest or if it is rejected by the Commission in its entirety. It also defines the Settlement Term. 17. Article XII defines the nine month and one day Moratorium during which the Settling Parties are prohibited from taking certain actions inconsistent with the 2017 Settlement. It provides the standards of review to be applied if the Commission were to consider any change to the terms of the 2017 Settlement during the Moratorium as follows: "the standard of review for any changes to this Settlement proposed by a Settling Party shall be the Mobile-Sierro'public interest' standard."8 The standard of review for changes proposed by a non-Settling Party, or the Commission acting sua sponte, shall be 7 Amended by the March Filing and accepted by the April2017 Order. 8 Article XII (citing United Gas Pipe Line v. Mobile Gas Service Corp.,350 U.S 332 (1956), Federal Power Commission v. Sierra Pacific Power Co., 350 U.S. 348 (1956), and Morgan Stanley Copital Group, Inc. v. Public Utility District No. I of Snohomish County,554 U.S. 527 (2008) (Morgan Stonley)). Exhibit No.4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 3520170818-3011 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/L8/20]_7 Docket No. RP I 7-346-000 5 "the ordinary 'just and reasonable' standard."e Article XII also requires Northwest to file an NGA section 4 general rate case with rates to become effective not later than January 1,2023, unless Northwest has entered into a Pre-Filing Sefflement or a post-Moratorium NGA section 5 general rate case has been filed on or before January 1,2023, regarding Northwest's rates. 18. Article XIII states that the provisions of the 2017 Settlement are not severable and if the 2017 Settlement is not approved, then it shall be treated as privileged. It also states that the 2017 Settlement does not establish precedent, long standing practice or settled practice of the Commission. It states that no party shall be deemed to be the drafter of the 2017 Settlement and that it shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Utah. 19. Article XIV describes the actions Northwest will take if the 2017 Settlement approval process is completed before June 30, 20171' after June 30,2017; before January 1,2018; or on, or after, January l, 2018.10 20. Article XV provides that the 2017 Settlement does not constitute a recent rate review under the Commission's Policy Statement on Cost Recovery Mechanisms for Modernization of Natural Gas Facilities, l5 I FERC n 61,047 , clarification denied, I 52 FERC n il ,046 (2015), but that Northwest will not be precluded from seeking Commission approval for a cost recovery mechanism pursuant to such policy statement that would take effect after the Moratorium. 21. The Commission has stated that when a pipeline has negotiated an agreement with its customers and others to change its rates or terms and conditions of service and the pipeline desires approval of the agreement before making an actual NGA section 4 tariff filing, the pipeline should simply file, pursuant to section 385.207 of the Commission's regulations,ll a petition for approval of the agreement. If the Commission approves the agreement, it will direct that the pipeline file, pursuant to NGA section 4(d) and section 154.20312 of the Commission's regulations, actual tariff records implementing e See Morgan Stanley,554 U.S. at 535. 'o On Ma..h 29, 2Ol7 , Northwest filed tariff records to extend the time by which it must file an NGA section 4 general rate case and to make other changes to preserve and implement rate reductions agreed to by Northwest and its shippers in the 2017 Settlement. See April 12,2017 delegated letter order in Docket No. RPlT-567-000 approving these revisions. " r8 c.F.R. $ 38s.207(a)(s) (2017). 12 l8 c.F.R. $ 154.203 (zot7). 201-7081-8-30r-r- FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/L8/2017 Docket No. RP I 7-346-000 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 35 -6- the agreement consistent with the terms of the agreement as approved by the Commission. The Commission will treat such a filing as a filing to comply with the Commission's order approving the agreement, and the Commission will place tariff records that properly implement the agreement, as approved, into effect on the date provided forin the agreement.13 22. The 2017 Settlement was such a negotiated agreement filed in lieu of a rate case, relieving participants from litigation and administration costs of such a proceeding and, in addition, resolving system-wide rate issues consistent with the Commission's guidance for settlements outside the context of an existing proceeding.la In particular, the 2Ol7 Settlement will provide a reduction from Northwest's currently effective rates and provides rate stability until January 1,2023. Accordingly, the Commission finds that the uncontested 2017 Settlement appears to be fair, reasonable and in the public interest, and therefore, the Commission approves the 2017 Settlement. The Commission directs Northwest to file tariff records through the eTariff portalthat implement the2017 Settlement consistent with its terms. The Commission's approval of the 2017 Settlement does not constitute acceptance of, or precedent regarding, any principle or issue in this proceeding. By direction of the Commission. Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary. rt Dominion Transmission, Inc.,l I I FERC fl 61,285 (2005). tn Id. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 35 Appendix C NORTHWEST PIPELINE LLC DocketNo. RPl7- Summary of Daily Settlement Rates l/ Exclusive of Surcharges Effective October 1, 2018 Rate (b)(a) Line Rate Schedule TF.1 Resen€tion Charge Large Customer - E\,ergreen - 2s-year 5 Volumetric Charge - Large Customer6 - E\ergreen -25-yeat 7 - Small Customer 8 TF-2 I ResenEtion Charge10 Volumetric Charge11 Tt-1 12 Maximum Volumetric Chage Z 13 Minimum Volumetric Charge14 SGS-2F Pre.Expansion'15 Demand Charge16 Capacity Demand Charge17 SGS-2F Expansion18 Demand Charge19 Capacity Demand Charge20 sGS-2t21 Volumetric Charge22 SGS-2F Volumetric Bid Rates Pr+Expansion23 Withdrawal Charge24 Storage Charge25 SGS-2F Volumetric Bid Rates Expansion26 Withdrawal Charge27 Storage Charge28 LS.2F29 Demand Charge30 Capacity Demand Charge31 Liquetrction Charge32 Vaporization Charge33 LS-2t 3/34 Maximum Volumetric Charge 35 Minimum Volumetric Charge 36 LS-2F Volumetric Bid 3/ 37 Vaporization Demand Related Charge 38 Storage Capacity Charge 39 DEX.140 Maximum Volumetric Charge 41 Manimum Volumetric Charge42 PAL 43 Maximum Volumetric Charge44 Minimum Volumetric Charge 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $0.098ss $0.091 89 $0.08667 $0.081 94 $0.07696 $0.071 99 $0.06680 $0.06552 'l 2 3 $0.39033 $0.32039 $0 00832 $0.00832 $0.69427 $0.39033 $0.00832 $0.39865 $0.00832 $0.01 562 $0.00057 $0.04056 $0.00348 $0.00224 $0.01 562 $0.00057 $0.04056 $0.00348 $0.02587 $0 00331 $0.90855 $0.03386 $0.00662 $0.00000 $0.02587 $0.00331 $0.39865 s0.00000 s0.39865 $0.00000 45 Facilities ResenEtion Surcharge tcr the Columbia Gorge 1999 Expansion 4/s0.09855 1i Refrects resenation, demand and capacity demand charges as daily rates. 2/ Designed on a 100o/o load factor basis ofthe Rate Schedule TF-1 (Large Customer) rates. 3/ LS-21 and LS-2F \plumetric bid senice will also be assessed Rate Schedule LS-2F liquefaction and \aporization charges 4/ Rates br the years 2018 brward are as bllo\,\,s (surcharge ends March 31 , 2025): Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 3520180323-3075 FERC pDF (Unofficial) 03/23/2078 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D,C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION In Reply Refer To: Letter Order Pursuant to $ 375.307 Northwest Pipeline LLC Docket No. RP I 8-488-000 Issued: March 23,2018 Northwest Pipeline LLC P.O. Box 58900 Salt Lake city, UT 84158-0900 Attention: LarenGertsch,Director Rates and Tariffs Reference: 2018 Summer Fuel Filing Dear Ms. Gertsch: On February 28,2}ll,Northwest Pipeline LLC (Northwest) filed a tariff recordr to comply with sections 14.12 and 14.20 of the General Terms and Conditions in its tariff, which require adjustments to its fuel reimbursement factors by April 1 of each year. Northwest proposes the following adjustments to its factors: a) an increase from I .00 percent to 1. 16 percent for Rate Schedules TF- l, TF-2, TI- l, and DEX- I (transportation and exchange services); b) an increase from 0.15 percent to 0.17 percent for Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-2I (underground storage services); c) no change to the current 0.53 percent for Rate Schedules LS-2F, LS-3F, LS-21, and LD-41 (liquefaction and storage services); and d) no change to the current 0.53 percent for Rate Schedules LS-2F, LS-3F and LS-21 (vaporization services). Northwest also proposes no change for 2018 to facility charges under Rate Schedules LS-3F and LD-41. The referenced tariff record is accepted, effective April l, 2018, as proposed. Public notice of the filing was issued on March 1, 2018. Interventions and protests were due as provided in section 154.210 of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. $ 154.210 (2017)). Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. $ 385.214 (2017)), all timely filed l Northwest Pipeline LLC; FERC NGA Gas Tariff; Fifth Revised Volume No. l, SheetNo. 14. Fuel Use Factors.2l.0.0. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 3520180323-3075 FERC pDF (Unofficial) 03/23/20L8 Docket No. RP I 8-488-000 .) motions to intervene and any unopposed motion to intervene out-of-time filed before the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late intervention at this stage of the proceeding will not disrupt the proceeding or place additional burdens on existing parties. No protests or adverse comments were filed. This acceptance for filing shall not be construed as a waiver of the requirements of section 7 of the Natural Gas Ac| as amended; nor shall it be construed as constituting approval of the referenced filing or of any rate, charge, classification, or any rule, regulation, or practice affecting such rate or service contained in your tariff; nor shall such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation associated therewith; and such acceptance is without prejudice to any findings or orders which have been or may hereafter be made by the Commission in any proceeding now pending or hereafter instituted by or against your company. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date this order issues, pursuant to l8 c.F.R. $ 38s.713 (2017). Sincerely{fufrry"- Marsha K. P alazzi, Director Division of Pipeline Regulation Exhibit No.4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 11 of35 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I Twenty-First Revised Sheet No. l4 Superseding Twentieth Revised Sheet No. 14 1.L5% 0. s0t Rate Schedules TF-1,, TF-2, TI-1, and DEx-1 Rate Schedule TF-1 - Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge (1) Rate Schedule TFL-1 Rate Schedule TIL-l- Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-2I Rate Schedules LS-2F, LS-3F and LS-2ILiquefaction Vaporization Rate Schedule LD-4I Liquefaction STATEMENT OF FUEL USE REQUIREMENTS FACTORS FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF FUEL USE applicable to Transportation Service Rendered Under Rate Schedules Contained in this Tariff, Fifth Revised Vol-ume No The rates set forth on Sheet Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 8-A are exclusive offuel use reguirements. Shipper sha11 reimburse Transporter in-kind for itsfuel use reguirements in accordance with Section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions contained herein. The fuel use reimbursement furnished by Shlppers shall- be as follows for the applicable Rate Schedules included in this Tariff: t- 0.L7"6 0. s3? 0.53? 0.53u The fuel use factors set forth above shall- be calculated and adjusted as explained in Section l-4 of the ceneral Terms and Conditions. Fuel reimbursement quantities to be supplied by Shippers to Transporter shal1 be det.ermined by applying the factors set forth above to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt by Transport.er from Shipper for transportation, ,fackson Prairie injection, Plyrnouth liquefaction, Plymouth vaporization, or for deferred exchange, as applicable. Footnote (1) In addition to the Rate Schedule TF-l- fuel use requirements factor, the Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge will apply to the quantit.y of gas nominated for receipt at the Sumas, SIPI or pacific Pool receipt points under Evergreen Expanslon servj-ce agreements. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 12 of35 NOVA GAS TRANSMISSION LTD. (7 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 13 of35 National Energy Board Of{ice national de l'6nergie ORDER TG-004-2018 IN THE MATTER OF the National Energ,, Board Act (Act) and the regulations made thereunder; and IN THE MATTER OF an application filed by NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) with the National Energy Board (Board) pursuant to subsection l9(2) and Part IV of the Act filed under file OF-Tolls-Group I -N081 -201 8-01 . BEFORE the Board on l9 June 2018: WHEREAS on 12 August2010, the Board issued Order TG-004-2010 approving the toll design methodology and terms and conditions of service on the NGTL System; AND WHEREAS on 24 November 2017, the Board approved in Order TGI-001-2017 NGTL's application for interim 2018 rates, tolls and charges (2018Interim Tolls) for services on the NGTL System effective I January 2018, and NGTL's abandonment surcharges for 2018 effective 1 January 2018 (2018 Abandonment Surcharges); AND WHEREAS on 21 March 2018, NGTL's Tolls, Tariff, Facilities and Procedures Committee endorsed, through Resolution T2017-02 a settlement for establishing the NGTL System revenue requirement and its components for the period I January 2018 to 3l December 2019 (the Settlement); AND WHEREAS on 23 March 2018, NGTL filed an application requesting Board approval of the Settlement and the resulting revised 2018 interim rates effective 1 May 2018 (Revised 2018 Interim Tolls) and final20l8 rates (the Application); AND WHEREAS on l7 April20l8 NGTL filed revised versions of Attachment I (Receipt Point Rates) and Attachment 2 (Delivery Point Rates) to the Table of Rates that were provided as part of Attachment B, Tab-4 to the Application; AND WHEREAS on 19 April 2018, the Board approved in Order TGI-002-2017 NGTL's application for Revised 2018 Interim Tolls effective 1 May 2018, and continuation of NGTL's 2018 Abandonment Surcharges approved in Order TGI-001-2017; C"anad?f Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 14 of35 -2- AND WHEREAS on 31 May 2018 NGTL filed Updated Attachment 1, (Receipt Point Rates) to the Table of Interim 2018 Revised Rates (Table) of NGTL's Gas Transportation Tariff, effective I June 2018; AND WHEREAS in the Application NGTL advised the Board that the Revised 2018 Interim Tolls are consistent with the Settlement and NGTL's existing toll design approved in Order TG-004-2010; AND WHEREAS in the Application NGTL advised the Board that the proposed 2018 Abandonment Surcharges have been calculated in accordance with the Board approved methodology from the MH-001-2013 Decision; AND WHEREAS no party has actively opposed the Settlement or has proposed an alternative to the Board; AND WHEREAS the Board has considered the Application for approval of the Settlement, Final 201 8 Rates and 201 8 Abandonment Surcharges and has decided to approve the Application as filed; THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED pursuant to subsection l9(2) and Part IV of the Act that: l. The Settlement is approved as filed; 2. NGTL's 2018 Interim Tolls for the period 1 January 2018 to 30 April 2018 and Revised 2018 Interim Tolls for the period I May 2018 to 31 December 2018, as approved, respectively, in Order TGI-001-2017 and Order TGI-002-2018, are approved as 2018 Final Tolls; 3. NGTL's 2018 Abandonment Surcharges, as approved in Order TGI-001-2017 and in Order TGI-002-2018 are approved as 2018 Final Abandonment Surcharges; l, NGTL's Settlement Reporting Obligations to the Board are those described in Application, Attachment A-2018-2019 Settlement, item 2(F)(v), PDF page 8 of 54r, and item 2(Fxiii) as modified in item 5. below; 2. NGTL shall provide the Board with the capital project information on a quarterly basis as specified in item 2(F) (iii) of the Tolls, Tariff, Facilities, and Procedures Committee Reporting of the Application, Attachment A-2018-2019 Settlement, PDF page 8 of54; and 1 NEB Filing ID 49075 I - I TG-004-2018 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 15 of 35 -J- 3. NGTL shall provide the NGTL System unit transportation cost data in the Annual Plan for three historical years and the five forecast years covered in each year's Annual Plan. The unit transportation cost will be calculated by dividing NGTL's actual or forecast revenue requirement by the System's actual or forecast annual throughput. This filing requirement will take effect with NGTL's filing of its 2018 Annual Plan with the Board, which is expected in December 2018. NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD Original signed by Sheri Young Secretary ofthe Board TG-004-2018 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 16 of35 Table of Rates, Tolls and Charges Page 1 of 1 Service Rates, Tolls and Charges l. Rate Schedule FT-R Refer to Attachment " 1" for applicable FT-R Demand Rate per month based on a three-year term (Price Point "B") & Surcharge for each Receipt Point Average Firm Service Receipt Price (AFSRP) $207 .20 /103m3 / month 2. Rate Schedule FT-RN Refer to Attachment "l" for applicable FT-RN Demand Rate per month & Surcharge for each Receipt Point 3. Rate Schedule FT-D I Refer to Attachment"2" for applicable FT-D Demand Rate per month based on a one year term (Price Point "2") & Surchuge for each Group I or Group 2 Delivery Point Average FT-D Demand Rate for Group I Delivery Points $5.24 /GJ FT-D Demand Rate for Group 2 Delivery Points $4.99 /GJ FT-D Demand Rate for Group 3 Delivery Points $5.99 /GJ 4. Rate Schedule STFT STFT Bid Price = Minimum of 100% of the applicable FT-D Demand Rate based on a one year term (Price Point "Z") for each Group I Delivery Point 5. Rate Schedule FT-DW FT-DW Bid Price = Minimum of 125% of the applicable FT-D Demand Rate based on a three year term (Price Point "Y") for each Group I Delivery Point 6. Rate Schedule FT-P I Refer to Attachment "3" for applicable FT-P Demand Rate per month 7. Rate Schedule LRS-3 LRS-3 Demand Rate per month $129.55 /103m3 i month 8. Rate Schedule IT-R Refer to Attachment "l" for applicable IT-R Rate for each Receipt Point 9. Rate Schedule IT-D I Refer to Attachment "2" for applicable IT-D Rate for each Delivery Point 10. Rate Schedule FCS The FCS Charge is determined in accordance with Attachment "l" to the applicable Schedule of Service I l. Rate Schedule PT The PT Charge is determined in accordance with the applicable Schedule ofService 12. Rate Schedule OS Schedule No. 201794371r 2017939621 2017939620 2017939619 201794478'.7 Charee $121.30 $121.30 $l2t.30 $ 121.30 $121.30 /103m3 / month /103m3 / month /103m3 / month /103m3 / month /103m3 / month 2011475772 20t7849279 $9,250.00 $788.00 / month / month 2003004522 Applicable IT-R and IT-D Rate 20114'16052 I 20114760s4 $0.1 64 I $717,000.00 / GJ subject to Minimum Annual Charge 2017887638 / 201476092 I 2016721799 I 20167 59254 $0.095 $ 1,000.00 / GJ and / month 13. Rate Schedule CO2 Tier I 2 J CO, Rate ($/103m3) 543.5',7 430.09 279.2'.1 14. Monthly Abandonment Surcharge 2 $10.51 7163s137616n1,$0.28 /CJ/month 15. Daily Abandonment Surcharge 3 $0.35 /103m3/day $0.0091 /CJ/day l. ServicemderrateSchedulesFT-D,FI-PmdlT-DfordeliverystatiomidentifiedinAttachment2,mdstationsidentifiedonrateSchedulesOSNo.20ll4T6092,uesubject to the ATCO PifElines Frmchise Fees puswt to pilagmph 15.13 of the General Tems ud Conditions. 2. Monthly Abmdoment Suchrge applicable to Rate Schedules FT-R, FT-D, Ff-P, FT-RN, F[-DW, STFT, LRS-3, md the following Rate Schedules OS: 2017943711, 201't 939621, 20t1 939620, 20t7 939619, 20179447 I'1. 3. DailyAbmdommtSuchugeapplicabletoRateScheduleslT-R"IT-D,LRS,thefollowingRateSchedulesOS:2011476052,2011416054,201'1887638,2011476092, 201 6721799, 2Ol 67 59254, 2003004522, md if applicable Over-RN Gas. Effective: May 1,2018 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 17 of35 o TransCanada ln business to deliver 450 I Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 5Hl Phone: (403) 920-2603 Fax: (403)920-2347 Email: bemard_pelletier@transcanada.com Filed Electronically NationalEnergy Board Suite 210, 517 Tenth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Attention: Ms. Sheri Young, Secretary of the Board Dear Ms. Young: Re: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) Gas Transportation Tariff (Tariff) Updated Attachment I and Attachment 2 to the Table of Final 2018 Rates, Tolls and Charges (Final 2018 Rates) NGTL attaches for filing with the Board pursuant to section 60(lXa) of the National Energt Board Act an updated Attachment I (Receipt Point Rates) and Attachment 2 (Delivery Point Rates) to the Table of Final 2018 Rates (Table) of the Tariff, effective July l, 2018. The Board approved on June 19,2018 the previously approved Interim 2018 Revised Tollsr as the Final20l8 Rates effective May 1,2018 with OrderTG-004-2018 (NEB Filing ID:A92601). The updates to Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 of the Table reflects the new meter stations that are expected to go into service during July 2018. Attachment I to the Table has been updated to include a new receipt point at the Wildrose receipt meter station. The Final 2018 FT-R and IT-R rates for the station are provided in the following table: Attachment 2 to the Table has been updated to include the Hays Sales delivery point at the existing Hays receipt meter station, the North Heart River Sales delivery point at the existing North Heart River receipt meter station and the Wildcat Hills Sales delivery point at the existing Wildcat Hills receipt meter station. The Final 2018 FT-D and IT-D rates for the stations are provided in the following table: t NGTL's 2018 Interim Tolls for the period January l, 2018 to April 30, 2018 and Revised 2018 Interim Tolls for the period May l, 2018 to December 31, 2018, as approved respectively, in Order TGI-001-2017 and Order TGI- 002-20 I 8. Station Number Station Name Legal Description FT-R Demand Rate ($/103m3/month) lT-R Rate ($/103m3/d) Page No. on Attachment 1 5172 Wildrose sw-25-067-05 W6M 194.45 7.35 24 June 28,2018 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 18 of 35 June 28,2018 Ms. S. Young Page 2 of2 The rates were detennined in accordance with NGTL's current rate design methodology approved by the Board in Reasons for Decision RHW-l-2010 and Order TG-04-2010 on August 12,2010. If the Board requires additional information regarding this filing, please contact Mark Manning by phone at (403) 920-6098 or by email at mark_manning@transcanada.com. Yours truly, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Original signed by Bemard Pelletier Director, Regulatory Tolls and Tariffs Canadian Natural Gas Pipelines Attachment cc: TTFP NGTL System Shippers Station Number Station Name Legal Description FT-D Demand Rate ($/GJ/month) lT-D Rate ($/GJ/d) Page No. on Attachment 2 3694 Hays Sales 11-31-013-14 W4M 4.99 0.1 805 4 3693 North Heart River Sales 09-20-085-17 WsM 4.99 0.1 805 o 3695 Wildcat Hills Sales 16-15-026-05 WsM 4.99 0.1 805 8 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd Group l Delivery Point Number Group I Delivery Point Name FT-D Demand Rate Prico Point "Z" (i/GJ/mo) lT-D Rate (l/GJ/d) Attachment 2 2018 Final Delivery Point Rates Page 1 of 9 0.1805 0.1805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1945 0.1 805 0.1 945 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 19 of35 Yes Yes Yes Yes2 Yes Yes2 Yes 2000 3111',! 31 110 31112 3002 1958 3886 6404 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 5.38 4.99 5.38 ALBERTA-8.C. BORDER ALLIANCE CLAI RMONT INTERCONNECT APN ALLIANCE EDSON INTERCONNECT APN ALLIANCE SHELL CREEK INTERCONNECT APGC BOUNDARY LAKE BORDER EMPRESS BORDER GORDONDALE BORDER MCNEILL BORDER 31 000 31 001 3880 31 003 31 002 3'r 004 31 005 31 006 3214 31 007 31 008 3868 3297 3059 31 009 3562 31012 3488 3237 3662 32'16 31 35 3288 3423 310't 3 31014 3299 3068 3268 3933 3655 3067 3285 3468 3295 3225 3259 A.T. PLASTICS SALES APN ADM AGRI INDUSTRIES SALES APN AECO INTERCONNECTION AGRIUM CARSELAND SALES APS AGRIUM FT. SASK SALES APN AGRIUM REDWATER SALES APN AINSWORTH SALES APGP AIR LIQUIDE SALES APN AKUINU RIVER WEST SALES ALBERTA ENVIROFUELs SALES APN ALBERTA HOSPITAL SALES APN ALBERTA-MONTANA BORDER ALDER FLATS SOUTH NO 2 SALES ALLISON CREEK SALES ALTASTEEL SALES APN AMOCO SALES (BP SALES TAP) APL JASPER SALES APN ARDLEY SALES ASPEN SALES ATUSIS CREEK EAST SALES AURORA NO 2 SALES AURORA SALES BANTRY SALES BASHAW WEST SALES BAYMAG SALES APS BEAR CREEK COGEN SALES APGP BEAR RIVER WEST SALES BEAVER HILLS SALES BENBOW SOUTH SALES BIG EDDY INTERCONNECTION BIG PRAIRIE SALES BIGSTONE SALES BILBO SALES BLEAK LAKE SALES BOOTIS HILL SALES BOTHA SALES BOULDER CREEK SALES 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1 805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1 805 0.1 805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 0.1805 Group 2 Delivery Point Number Group 2 Delivery Poinl Name FT.O Oemand Rate Price Point "2" (t/GJ/mo) lT-D Rate (3/GJ/d) Subj6ct to ATCO Pipelines Franchise Feesl Effective: May 1, 2018 (Amended: July 1, 2018) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 20 of 35 FOOTHILLS PIPE LINES LTD. (3 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 21 of35 o TransCanada ln business to deliver 450-lStreetSW Calgary, Alberta T2P 5Hl Tel: (403)920-2603 Fax (403)920-2347 Email: bemard_pelletier@transcanada.com October 31,2017 National Energy Board Suite 210, 517 Tenth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Filed Electronically Attention: Ms. Sheri Young, Secretary of the Board Dear Ms. Young: Re: Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. (Foothills) Statement of Rates and Charges effective January 1,2018 Foothills encloses for filing pursuant to section 60( I Xa) of the National Energt Board Actl rates and charges for transportation service on Foothills Zones 6,7,8 and 9 to be effective January 1,2018 (Effective 2018 Rates). The following attachments are included with this letter: o Attachment I consists of supporting Schedules A through G o Attachments 2 and 3 are black-lined and clean copies, respectively, of the Table of Effective Rates for 2018 The rates and charges are based on the methodology approved by the Board in Decision TG-8-2004, as amended by Order TG-03-2007. The filing is also made in accordance with the MH-001-2013 Decision with respect to Foothills' Abandonment Surcharges effective January I , 201 8, which are also included in the Table of Effective Rates for 2018. The supporting information on the Abandonment Surcharges calculation is provided in the attached Schedule G. Foothills met with shippers and interested parties on October 18,2017 , and presented the preliminary 2018 revenue requirement and preliminary Effective 2018 Rates. Based on this consultation, Foothills is not aware of any objections to its proposal for establishing the Effective 2018 Rates. ' R.S.C. 1985, c. N-7, as amended, and the regulations made thereunder, Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 22 ot 35 October 31, 2017 Ms. S. Young Page 2 of 2 Foothills understands that any party that is opposed to the rates and charges will advise the Board accordingly. Foothills will notify its shippers and interested parties of this filing and post a copy of it on TransCanada's Foothills System website at: http ://www.tccustomerexpress.com/93 4.html Communication regarding this application should be directed to: Mark Manning Senior Project Manager, Tolls and Tariffs Canadian Gas Pipelines TransCanada Pipel-ines Limited 450-lStreetSW Calgary, Alberta T2P 5Hl Telephone: (403) 920-6098 Facsimile : (403) 920-23 47 Emai I : mark_manning@transcanada. com Yours truly, Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. Original signed by Bernard Pelletier Director, Regulatory Tolls and Tariffs Canadian Gas Pipelines Attachments cc: Foothills Firm Shippers Interruptible Shippers and Interested Parties Joel Forrest Director Canadian Law Natural Gas Pipelines TransCanada Pipelines Limited 450-l StreetSW Calgary, Alberta T2P 5Hl Telephone : (403) 920 -6 | 5 6 Facsimile: (403) 920-2308 Emai I : j oel_forrest@transcanada.com Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 23 of 35 Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd.Page I TABLE OF EFFECTIVE RATES 1.. Rate Schedule FT, Firm Transportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJ/Km/Month) Zone6 0.0053089826 ZoneT 0.0024594335 ZoneS* 0.0130154360 Zone9 0.0077406397 2. Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 6 0.0001919961 ZoneT 0.0000889439 3. Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 8x 0.0004706952 Zone9 0.0002799355 4. Monthly Abandonment Surcharge** All Zones 0.09 4 I 626428 ( $/GJ/lvlonth) 5. Daily Abandonment Surcharge*** All Zones + For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 km. 0.0030957522 ($/GJ/Day) **Monthly Abandonment Surcharge applicable to Rate Schedule Firm Transportation Service, and Short Term Firm Transportation Service for all zones. xx*Daily Abandonment Surcharge applicable to Rate Schedule Overrun Transportation Service for Tnne 6 & 7 , Interruptible Transportation Service for zone 8 & 9, and Small General Service for Zone 9. TARIFF_ PHASE I Effective Date: January I , 20 I 8 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 24 of 35 GAS TRANSMISSION NORTHWEST LLC (5 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 25 of 35201'7L228-3033 FERC pDF (Unofficial) L2/28/20L7 l6l FERC fl 61,305 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20426 December 28,2017 In Reply Refer To: Gas Transmission Northwest LLC Docket No. RPI 8-l 84-000 Gas Transmission Northwest LLC 700 Louisiana Street Suite 700 Houston, TX77002 Attention: John A. Roscher, Director Rates & Tariffs Dear Mr. Roscher: l. On November 27 ,2017 , pursuant to section 4 of the Natural Gas Act, Gas Transmission Northwest LLC (GTN) submitted proposed tariff recordsr to implement two new hourly services: Rate Schedule Firm Hourly Service (FHS) and Rate Schedule Interruptible Hourly Service (lHS). GTN states that the proposed new services will provide additional transportation options and flexibility to shippers whose intra-day gas requirements may not be uniform and who may require accelerated flow rates during particular periods of the gas day. 2. GTN states that FHS willprovide shippers greater flexibility by allowing GTN to offer firm transportation service at hourly flow rates greater than ll24th of a shipper's Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ). GTN states that under FHS, a shipper may contract for firm transportation service up to a specified Maximum Hourly Quantity (MHQ), and an hourly flow rate ranging between ll4th and ll24th of the shipper's MDQ.2 GTN explains that the MHQ allows the shipper to receive delivery of its MDQ at an I See Appendix. 2 Proposed Rate Schedule FHS, section 5.6. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 26 of 352077L228-3033 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/28/2017 Docket No. RPI 8-184-000 1-L- accelerated rate over a specified number of hours during the day. GTN states that, once a shipper has received quantities equal to its MDQ or MHQ, GTN will only offer further capacity to the shipper on an interruptible basis as overrun. GTN states that it shall offer FHS on both its Mainline and Extension Facilities and only when there is available, unsubscribed system capacity. GTN states that the addition of FHS will not degrade existing firm services, nor the operations of interconnection pipelines. GTN states that FHS will have the same scheduling and curtailment priority as firm service (Rate Schedule FTS-I) and limited firm service and that FHS overrun volumes will have a scheduling and curtailment priority equal to interruptible service (Rate Schedule ITS-l) and IHS. GTN states that the reservation rates for FHS are derived from GTN's currently effective Rate Schedule FTS-l mileage and non-mileage reservation rate components.3 3. In addition, GTN proposes to implement IHS to provide similar hourly flow flexibility on an interruptible basis to shippers who do not wish to contract for hourly service on a firm basis. GTN states that although IHS shippers will not be entitled to reserve an hourly quantity, GTN will attempt to flow the daily nomination at an hourly flow rate designated by the shipper as part of its nomination, on a best efforts basis. GTN states that IHS service will not adversely affect existing firm service on its system or the operations of interconnection pipelines. GTN indicates that interruptible service under IHS will have the same scheduling and curtailment priority as Rate Schedule ITS-l and overruns on any of GTN's firm services. GTN describes the rates for IHS as derived from the 100 percent load factor rate equivalent of the effective rate components (i.e., Mileage, Non-Mileage, and Delivery Charge Components) for a shipper selecting an MHQ equal to l/lOth of the MDQ under FHS. According to GTN, the derived rate represents the maximum recourse rate for IHS shippers regardless of their nominated level of hourly flow.a 4. GTN states that as FHS and IHS are new services and GTN is not able to predict the extent to which these services will be utilized, GTN is unable to adequately predict the revenue that may be expected from these services for the l2 months commencing January 1,2018. Accordingly, GTN requests waiver of section 15a.202(a)(l)(viii) of the Commission's regulations, which requires that tariff filings for a new service include an estimate of the effect on costs and revenues for the l2-month period commencing on the effective date of the new service.s GTN seeks an effective date for the tariff provisions ofJanuary 1,2018. 3 Filing at 3. n Id. at 4-5. s l8 c.r'.R. g ba.202(a)(l)(viii) (zot7). Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page27 ot3520L7t228-3033 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 1-2/28/20L7 Docket No. RP I 8-l 84-000 -4- 5. GTN's filing was noticed on November 28,2017, with interventions and protests due on or before December 11,2017. Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. $ 385.214 (2017)), all timely filed motions to intervene and any unopposed motions to intervene out-of-time filed before the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late intervention at this stage of the proceeding will not disrupt this proceeding or place additional burdens on existing parties. No protests or adverse comments were filed. 6. The Commission finds that FHS and IHS increase shippers' options without degrading previously contracted-for services. The Commission encourages pipelines to develop new services to use their systems more efficiently.6 Similar to the Commission's finding in Texas Eastern, we find the hourly services proposed by GTN to be just and reasonable.' GTN has satisfactorily demonstrated that Rate Schedule FHS and Rate Schedule IHS will not have any adverse impact on existing customers on its system. 7. When a pipeline proposing a new rate schedule lacks the operating experience necessary to provide a reliable projection of possible revenues or costs related to the new service, the Commission has often conditioned its approval upon the filing of an activity report following the first year of service.s This appears appropriate here where GTN acknowledges that it is unable to adequately predict the revenue that may be expected from these services for the l2 months commencing January 1,2018. Therefore, the Commission will require GTN to file an activity report within 45 days after the conclusion of the FHS and IHS Rate Schedules' first year of operation. The report must detail (1) the date service was rendered for each transaction, (2) the volume shipped under each transaction, (3) monthly volumes, (4) the name of the shipper for each transaction, (5) whether the shipper is an affiliate of GTN, (6) the rate charged for each transaction, (7) the revenues received for each transaction, and (8) the monthly revenues for this service. Such information will provide interested parties actual information that can be used to monitor GTN's FHS and IHS activity and revenues. u E.g., Gulf South Pipeline Co., LP, 157 FERC fl 6l ,054, atP 7 (2016). ' Texot Eastern Transmission, L.P.,134 FERC fl 61,068 (201l). 8 See Gulf South Pipeline Co., LP,136 FERC fl 61,086, atP 24 (2}ll); Northwest Pipeline Corp.,l00 FERC n61,336, at PP 9, 12 (2002). Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 28 of 35201-71228-3033 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 1-2/28/20L7 Docket No. RPI 8-l 84-000 -5- 8. Accordingly, the Commission accepts the GTN tariff records referenced in the Appendix, effective January 1,2018, and grants GTN's request for waiver of section 15a.202(a)(l)(viii) of the Commission's regulations. GTN is hereby directed to file an activity report within 45 days after the first year of service of Rate Schedule FHS and Rate Schedule IHS, as discussed above. By direction of the Commission. Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary. Gas Transmission Northwest LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. 1-A DAILY MILEAGE (a) (Dth-MILE) Max. Min. BASE 0.000434 0.000000 STF (e) (e) 0.000000 EXTENSION CHARGES MEDFORD E-l (f) 0.0027s9 0.000000 E-2 (h) 0.002972 0.000000 (Diamond l) E-2 (h) 0.001166 0.000000 (Diamond 2) COYOTE SPRINGS E-3 (i) 0.00r282 0.000000 CARTY LATERAL E4 (p) -- ovERRLiN CHARGE 0) SURCHARGES ACA (k) Issued: November 27, 2017 Effective: January l, 2018 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 29 of 35 PART 4.I 4.1 - Statement of Rates FTS-I, LFS-I, and FHS Rates v. 1 7.0.0 Superseding v. 1 5.0.0 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHARGES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS Rate Schedules FTS-1, LFS-1, and FHS For Rate Schedules FTS-1 and LFS-l: RESERVATION DAILY NON-MTLEAGE (b) (Dth) Max. Min. 0.034393 0.000000 (e) 0.000000 DELIVERY (c) (Dth-MILE) Max. Min. 0.000016 0.000016 0.000016 0.000016 FUEL (d) (Dth-MrLE) Max. Min. 0.0050% 0.0000% 0.0050% 0.0000% 0.004641 0.000000 0.000026 0.000026 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001283 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.166475 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 (k) (k) Docket No. RPI 8-1 84-000 Accepted: December 28, 2017 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 30 of 35 DOMINION ENERGY QUESTAR PIPELINE, LLC (3 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 31 of352017721-9-3036 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 72/t9/20L7 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY MARKET REGULATION In Reply Refer To: Letter Order Pursuant to $ 375.307 Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC Docket No. RP I 8-206-000 December 19,2017 Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC c/o Dominion Energy Services, Inc. 333 South State Street P.O. Box 45360 Salt Lake city, UT 84145-0360 Attention: L. Bradley Burton Director - Regulatory Rates, Certificates and Tariffs Reference: Fuel Gas Reimbursement Percentage Filing Dear Mr. Burton: On November 30, 2077, Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC (DEQP) filed a tariff recordl to reflect a change in its Fuel Gas Reimbursement Percentage (FGRP). DEQP requests the tariff record be accepted with an effective date of January 1,2018. DEQP's tariff record is accepted to be effective January 1,2018, as proposed. Public notice of the filing was issued on November 30, 2017. lnterventions and protests were due as provided in section 154.210 of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. $ 154.210 (2017)). Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. $ 385.214 (2017)), all timely filed motions to intervene and any unopposed motions to intervene out-of-time filed before the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late interventions at this stage of the proceeding will not disrupt the proceeding or place additional burdens on existing parties. No protests or adverse comments were filed. I Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC, FERC NGA Gas Tariff, Tariffs, Statement of Rates. Statement of Rates. 13.0.0. Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 32 of 3520L7t219-3035 FERC pDF (Unofficial) L2/79/20],7 Docket No. RP I 8-206-000 This acceptance for filing shall not be construed as constituting approval of the referenced filing or of any rate, charge, classification, or any rule, regulation, or practice affecting such rate or service contained in your tariff; nor shall such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation associated therewith; and such acceptance is without prejudice to any findings or orders which have been or any which may hereafter be made by the Commission in any proceeding now pending or hereafter instituted by or against your company. This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, pursuant to r8 c.F.R. $ 38s.713 (2017). Sincerely, Marsha K. P alazzi, D irector Division of Pipeline Regulation 2 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-I8-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 33 of 35 Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC FERC Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 Statement of Rates Section Version: 13.0.0 STATEMENT OF RATES Rate Schedule/ Type of Charge(a) PEAKING STORAGE Firm Peaking Storage Monthly Reservation Maximum 4/......... Minimum............., Usage Charge Injection Withdrawal Service - PKS Charge CLAY BASIN STORAGE Firm Storage Service - FSS Monthly Reservation Charge Deliverability Maximum 4/ ................. Minimum....... Capacity Maximum Minimum....... Usage Charge Injection 1/ Withdrawal Authorized Overrun Charge ........... MaximumU...Minimuml/.... Interruptible Storage Service - ISS Usage Charge Inventory 5/ Maximum Minimum....... Injection 1/ Withdrawal OPTIONAL VOLUMETRIC RELEASES / Peaking Storage Service - PKS Maximum 4/ ................. Minimum....... Firm Storage Service - FSS Maximum 4/ ................. Minimum....... Storage Usage Charges Applicable to Volumetric Releases 6/ Peaking Storage Service - PKS:............ Injection Withdrawal .... Clay Basin Storage Service - FSS: Injection 1/ Withdrawal .... PARK AND LOAN SERVICE. PAL1 Daily Charge Maximum Minimum....... Delivery Chargel/ FUEL REIMBURSEMENT - 2.0o/o (0.2o/o utility and 1.8yo compressor fuel) for Rate Schedule PAL1 Base Tariff Rate ($) (b) 2.87375 0.00000 0.03872 0.03872 2.85338 0.00000 0.02378 0.00000 0.01049 0.01781 0.303 1 5 0.01781 .40890 .00000 .57068 .00000 ...0.03872 ...0.03872 ...0.05927 ...0.00000 ...0.01049 ...0.01781 0 0 ...0.01049 ...0.01781 ...0.30315 ...0.00000 ...0.02830 Filed On: November 30,2077 Effective On: January 1, 2018 Exhibit No.4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 34 of 35 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ANNUAL CHARGES UNIT CHARGE (1 pages) Exhibit No. 4 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 35 of 35 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C.20426 FY 2017 GAS ANNUAL CHARGES CORRECTION FOR ANNUAL CHARGES LTNIT CHARGE June 26, 2018 The annual charges unit charge (ACA) to be applied to in fiscal year 2019 for recovery of FY 2018 Current year and 2017 True-Up is $0.0013 per Dekatherm (Dth). The new ACA surcharge will become effective October l, 2018. The following calculations were used to determine the FY 2018 unit charge: 2018 CURRENT: Estimated Program Cost $66,791,000 divided by 49,985,774,086 Dth : 0.0013362002 2017 TRUE-UP: Debit/Credit Cost ($316,993) divided by 47,717,356,257 Dth (0.0000066431) TOTAL UNIT CHARGE = 0.0013295571 If you have any questions, please contact Raven A. Rodriguez at (202)502-6276 or e-mail at Raven. Ro drigtez@ferc. gov. PUBLIC EXHIBIT NOS. 5.13 CASE NO. INT.G.18.O2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (10 pages) Exhibit No. 5 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of '1 =1uflfl ul*1fl u1='11 ifl*l: Alill: =li[3]. ul:l : E F Ea o .g E = E s 6'- Se l" f sr-o 9 g-o-o- SS NfN6NNdddddd SC ts- o- o- o- o- o- --+it'++ ! E Eqsb;;!a <=E NFNOON o G P o o ? oFz .! EE <Eo EN 3,qE -8Hfr? = Eo-G; E6 "9+6,io2 =eg o o66006 ociodcid cidctcicici8888 =$=E86qti<ooC, =d<c,z,o =Ed.iU=2o !.69E 8FEi@@€€ 6=EIoaEE<i HH3BET e3' E- 9ad=l 9e :; EE qq 6e ts =ccEUEE,E 600N9 ee 9€ s re E yO9 a6EE6-^I E EEgE?g E€qESE t s p F PE E E E E *x--NNOOoE,=.Ei d d d d>>d:JJ62ZZZ'AaZ=6_L_ € fi fi a afi f fi E = =0 l! l! l! l!€ E * o € 4f S S t t* * S s E f; 66666LnAJAA .€6=aocaoPi E E-E aF =,dto"n8EP.EE5hJ966 ci' ; I E 3 E ..!cf, -:EU I = EE#r I EE = g EgEF T 8EE E F I"rES 9 ==eq; E ggEg r9e< * { Ee'iE Ea3- a a !Esi 6 EE= E E EE€E I8E9 E:8fiPE E Ndd6ddii------J it'+d+i RAAAD=Ei9qFI:TE <=6 ooa-€Es a' = g eed-oE a g gcc=.4 i i I fi €€Y: eco eaE EsEE=g.s EEg ";Er. =EEEEEEaEsf$rsegEgEgo==:9=P9tr9PR eNR X K AN&R 85o .l =*l Exhibit No. 6 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 :=|:ll od NO oo AA N @_ rj N@- F NdtN\ N Na rtF @- o+oF.j(doiN OO+._OoNooN+o@@-N_N_d.jctriN@O-OO+6<-O- 60@o$- -_ @- o-s- <- <- N- .: -_ o_ ai -oNl_O@@oo6-o6+OS+!_<=OJ--@o€d^iN@@O6-+o!_@o6 +drjotF ddtaoNo@o_o-t-\ N oN+@+oo*@O+.-@NNFNOON+rt6ido-rto-d@@<+oN@+NOOO -_ .j ,j o- oo@oNts60€oNoNOOOOl-oooooooooooocicidcicic, oooooooociddc,d<roo ooooooo6@o6aN- O- O- O- O- O- 4606006_N-N-\N-N- -$++<+ oooo -idddONNN odo Fi--6-o r- j- o- o- o NrrNNO dc; --t- r ol- _"1_ r o N- @ N cd o_ o_ @- @<@-d E i6E i5E oE E oq E r; oE e E ^6g.o ^o9.Ee1E: XEE@o= .=-$ --o.^o r== *aEEd;:eEz J c ero - e ! hcOc=='3=38._9,C-iEE!-:ic =g,EEEhEJp-56-.3.ii>ol-'TE=E:6eY82E E.+E E60=o< {T5ot!o E o.92 ooEooo@LAAA =oo90 S6' ONNC=N.i?eE; i 6T *Es d E5 2 =i-=J- -5=1E E-e E 3+. s EE f KE€€!g 3 6€€ BEE E =;TEEE C HETg€E : EE*3.q= E E;E= *E E B.FEE 3 oE -!P @ E U N o (J o() o ! .xu oF N af;O 6=EE 809=aG=ion 5 0 0::= o o o.. - -=.4 ts E o6 O.O[o s s.9ni t *:: c c o - o EE=EEAA F€6 €.FS-fE#,98*x AEE a.EEEg ;EE EeasHssfr$,EFssr$g -Nore@N@o==S==PS:PPR o<o@N@oNNNNNNN JJ o(9 e Eo o o o o(, o4 (, F = oE-r:= 6-E3.i = EeEEo+-= }EE-rP9Ei=or;E.i E P=<= iE @d, EEe8 EE3gizEi4'E-E€S =*gEEE E?*-(9 oo o o =,l Exhibit No. 7 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 @Nqo oNooqo o@6 Io €o@Nqo NNqo o! EEEE =fEEO()s-d gg -NE P 66 JJq@^ ^^@@CEEOoo==vEE-oo^^^=!^66.a.aggllFFl)vEC6""A?P-EEEEE"dodE EE===-==== =!o6a\alo'-'-o-e-aoo----o--"_()uu--o@--N--<=NNN---:O6ooooooH'H'oooqqqEE6-6-E.E.E===5=o-o-=JJ--OOOO-NNO@O)- ooooocrooooz. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. €_o_o€9€_o=_o€ECEEEEEEEExxxxxxxxxxuJ u.l tu uJ tiJ lrJ LU lJJ UJ uJooooooooooooooooooooCD U> U> C,D U) U) U' CI> U) U) eoos00coog 0 !,oo ooo 6 I U' GooEoFt,oooCLo o- GoF @ oa aoo06 -(t9(u.oo ..LO6-*ot'-d * E =!60&,= s ,g64/?;; ;6EO€ =ooo=E o g 5?uaoooo--.!2 P P PO 6EE E E g 3LOOOd^-rrUoEcDaDtDaO5 > >s bE E.-+ g E; g E tsGoo=o=*.63PEFEd E.o.oO.obXeE;t;3;x'oowroE= = a O.^ O O OSSE=EEE 6 NO600oNo+€o@ooooOOO-qq<?qqooooo ooooqo ooooooqqooo $oooO-ooqqoo ? @sooN6S6NNOOON-Oq99qoooo !2 ooosN@@NoNOO-O$ON-OOO -+-OOOOqqqqqqqooooooo 6- S-OONr@€NNOON@6-N-OoN -SroOOoooooooocioooooo ! t rNO+O@N +F F J U'o at,d. G=!tEtJ o>ou cJ,<.Eo- -E =P8atats<!Eo6 -CL<bEFfrd9,=oE3Fo-2v-o eagEE =U) to a'tr(,ooo o . .lE Ol=zl Exhibit No. 8 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 1r) (o Cf)F-cr) F-: slo F-ls <\ ro(f) C\t a-)O) +C.)c{ 6t@(f, F-ro @ @rot-_ocOf.-- @ o(o @_s (o- o.) 6 ooo- o.,lr)$-lr) @ o _o U)EE=6o ro o)c:4 s c;z. oo-(!CLvo =co oo(5LLE.9(Eoo (l)o) <n coEo o(, o- Eo-cF oo- !,oatoCLo o- |r) F- Cf)(\l F- .ltoE E .J) -(p(EaE(D.N6Eoz. s '6 .ECL.!ctat,85(E5@6EE+g9aQ8EF8E'=oEqo, (f .=.c >66;.+.960-O- O-s(!clRCJz =ebEBg4o-aEc-C,FE6.9 E=P;E5 =oP F- r()F-O - C\lof ooo., - o @ -F-oro@- o)-ro -t-(O(\t ro !l @ c{@(\l (f)o- 6-@(o(os$- --c\-(, @ ooooo- o-cooc! coF- F-(fi '-ilt @ (! - 6l Cr) J aDo aDt EoF eo o a!(, -9 o.l' C9 o oo(J(\Io @ (9 Fz, Eo CL (,ooct >r'6 .ECL au(, E0 .EEoCLoEa! (, .-q o,CL>ir=\<eo-= =6OE(Jo(aP<caq a!>=<EL9>E =EDo.===F8 =E=t,o(, Eo.!(! =EE oE _9 (uIo 6'EO == Exhibit No. 9 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 ro (o c.tF-co F-: (\oFi <\t ro (f)c! Cf)O) $(f) c.)<\l$_ @(o @ o)s(?)d@<\lro @ c.)F*@_ rr)(oot @ los(o_oo ro @ o -o;CE =ood o) J $ oz.s (D =o-6A CD*a@6gE=(gOo-<u=u:gbci >Eze(!-ELL(t)(Do-Y=a8*+j=u6oo =E<o:S<uo(JoU)coU) oooc)Eo.xu- =!,o() oE" .! .J =v,igoCLEoF!,oU'oCLo o- o) F- (oc{ F- U'(D E E .D(DE(/) Eo.N(o Eoz. @ oao)o(\t ,S, !aH{R =o)o 69^ = X?cst =.':Ba dP!)oHo)€.il 3:4o.=od5 E3L\--i6r 6 =:- o.r EEHR E3_xoo).E<Al 6y.E -o E =P E 5- a Etscooo-E=^(E<o-a=!JO+T+EH3Ee:t95il_!!o6=e(5E@-.}9=u,Ets=e;s2ZE ESE EEsBE'eE # EE*8.EIsE E[L[L()=O-<F ct @@61 (.oF-61O)(OO)S@t'-SO-tlr)(.o@O)F-(oO(O -O@$-f @ 6l-|.-rr)lr)t-F-F(ac.j.+o6I C\l - O) Cf) Ooo oo .f co 6i c.tOO@-cOF-lr)cq(o-6I(f)c.tN J J!, @ I'-<!*(O@OF--F-F-(OcOo(o(o(r)o)(o<.t@@+@JF-(f)*(v)(O(Ooro+-\tF-Jrrirri <ri 6i |---C.)F-OO)lifO)O|r)o|r)66Cf)60lr)d '--: o.i ---: d ---:@lr)-lr)S@(o o) <\ -F-iooooc"t$ @ o @ (.t 3 -6I(fr$tf)(.oF- J tt,c, U'd. o(x,---^E3.ER=o, EE Ed HtEE.tiE ooo(, t,o,.x;u-=.<a'r= EE(r() 2a(9g,z,L<(, =utdF =E|v, oLu cLFF =6ItoooCLeo- Eo CL C.,o(l,o o .lE ol==l Line No. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Proposed Temporary Surcharges (Credits) - Variable Gosts Description Exhibit No. 10 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Amount 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 (a) Account 1910 Variable Amounts Which Apply to RS, GS-I, and LV-l: Account 1910 Variable Costs Normalized Sales Volumes (111117 - 12131117) Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) - Variable Costs Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to RS and GS-l: Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-17-05 (Account 1910.2120) Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amortization (Account 1910.2130) (Over)/Under Collection of Lost and Unaccounted For Gas from INT-G-17-05 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-18-02 Total Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to RS and GS-1 Normalized Sales Volumes (111117 - 12131117) Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) - Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs (b) $ (5,040,702) (1) 362,713,871 $ (0.013s0) $(639,441)e) 725,932 t3l 86,491 519,013 (4) $605,504 355,340,256 $0.00170 $(218,673) (5) 226,764 $l 8,091 172,g26 t7l s 180,91 7 364,463,691 $0.00050 $0.00050 31 3,530,305 $1 56,765 17,280,720 $0.00907 I 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 13 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV-1, T-3, and T-4: 14 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-17-05 (Account 1910.2120) 15 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amortization (Account 1910.2140) 16 (Over)/Under Collection of Lost and Unaccounted For Gas from INT-G-17-05 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-18-02 Total Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV-1, T-3, and T4 Normalized Sales Volumes (111117 - 12131117) Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) - Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs Convert T4 Lost and Unaccounted For Temporary from a Volumetric Rate to a Demand Rate Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) - Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs (Line 20) Normalized T-4 Sales Volumes (111117 - 12131117) Total Temporary Collected Billing Determinants Demand Volumes Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) - Lost and Unaccounted For T-4 Demand Rate (Line 24 Divided by Line 25) (1) See Workpaper No. 5, Page'1, Line 16, Column (f) (2) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 2, Column (c) (3) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 8, Column (d) (a) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 29, Column (d), plus Line 35, Column (e) (5) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 3, Column (c) (6) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 14, Column (d) (7) See Workpaper No. 5, Page 2, Line 30, Column (d), plus Line 39, Column (e) Exhibit No. 11 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 'l of 1 o o(\t f.-d@ryt- rr) (o c.tF-(o_t- (\lo-F-$ GI ro(f,(\t <.to) +(o(\ O)O)r.-o.i$ @ (O(O<!-(o<\t @ (ad|r)c\l @ ro =t$_o)c\lro @ Yo U'cE€oOc, -JP8JJ- c.)s doZ<!rt,oo)o-E(5'-cL-l=$Po)=H'5a- =rofi:ffu-o)So !+l-.,=CLE;ivo6b.N<=so(l)c.(D(l)c(/) <n < ego Eo F (l,o- Eo Eo o.J Lo-Eo,toCLo o- F- F- (f,(\I F- ano)E o at -9(Ea E(D.NEEoz. (o aE1oo@(\Aoro = (\t c\t9 Ffr<Dooco'o'J-- s Ed o-o> o.=(DE EHc<ndE6-.sr 8 F E'E E =ci>C)E^- C,<-P = = 6E=EEtsE=bb=(J600u, a96@.^o):5.oo=6-66=@EQ@=(9k(9(9slzz.zzoJ:-JJF @ * .= -|:ll tf)o)tfrF-(o (\t .<r lr,ct v cD (\lot J+ -N o !, (, @ o) o) (\l o)6trr)$o., ^r_-ry6{O l.- O)c!c\*<\- @ rO <\l l-- -@CrlOr-F- t- (f) l.-Or-s(oo st- @ .ct (! r_ C\J (f) .{' |r)ctz. $ F-oo (E(,o E'c,G'E(,o =t,o() oor!aD (9z,J(\toc, o F = t,c, attd. o@---^EP.ER=.F€Grio "E 5.E hd EatE*g z.o<=gEo(Jo .r, *#Zz<JF+ =O=Eo.9 -aE(l:(J H-e2< Eo EL (Joocr 6'E = 3tl etl :il Exhibit No. 12 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Pagel ot2 ?il Naoaoo g oNF o N f-' Ntsotoa- o @- N f-' NoF.: N Nrto N :ll :ll o o E I .o Nooo=ONQNNSOF6 @-f- N@Or NNO-60@@ ot@N@@o@O@@- -' od 6i @ooo$N@$ON@N<i d.j -ts€ N @d Yse- -QEU(J -i ci: O'.EoJ- od+@ci' oooc6lo-+dO.r = F,:!rov-6!6[:--@8:SRrL-oos.6*z+i(ii=EgxE& ==,iEooocooo<aaa< o(.,oooc,o Gd. Go o(, .=Ecc) oD6 o ateGg EoFEoooo.o o- ts N N oE 6 oEaEo.NE Eoz. N ao6' sBbfrrrOo-=; ^S E Eo-zxo6-xK::;g =EEarY=6 -x=N=<EEU 3€.ElE s eE,i 8 8 s,Sc?Eo.$ EE*€S.EE;EEEEooc6--pvvoo=-*€,E,EEEtdv vr< E -EEVOggEpti(, HB#€EE(,(,60sF o TF ar,(, F J atE, e o =cood.o Gd.o Gdt og.96oI NoFo ci =oEo =_=^Eg.EFis'-EEEgHtgE"tiE 0aoooo.U(,ooe,>o =Eo-o-(9o.()6gr..,g 3E2.93a2P =_E=gfr.;F>r =EoELEoFtoooCLo o- c.9a.CI o6 :I |]l ,.1E Ol==l Exhibit No. 12 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 ot 2 o-looqo 4 ooood -toooqo ao ooqo Nooqo e oNN.o@c!.N NN.o66-o-f 6 @-ot-o-N 6ro- N N 6oNrto,+ N osl+-N @ ot G.9GNEoE (Eo o oN 6o s €oc! No,(o oo- @@-@-f e oNN.oN O)cO cJ-o(.) oNts6ts -t @cotso a.oooot o Eoooq ooot(9Eo oooo.EC'6 EoE. oo @sloo c=oooS a.ooIoE. o EI6<Yaa 6085EEi\=se6dt;EqbNc-ozA(9Y E=aqbx<oi CD o t o lt Yo @cEa6ortr€.o-cc =E*Eciolxoooc6'i *o-Oo6o*-o:eoXc;xA,r=;6F 8-I IE q z.'_t! ia- EAEON<=;Eoo@soo6Eaa()< EosF oo- oEo=E oo o-ttoooCLo o- @ N o N N oEfE -!p(5U)Eo.NEEoz. 6N YF oF f (rt(, a/,E =oo =Eooe,o 6G.oo6o oEo 6(,I tslf,tsal':,(a(q Gtz. oEo 9.-3&E.EReEq E8-E $,8 E "*u goo(J>o,a =8=g8flaD ca6Ez,${u =EJO 8Et*uto =.E6(,s co CL (,ooo . .lt ol==l Exhibit No. '13 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 oooqo ooooci @o6oqo (o@Noqo o oc{Noo6t N NN.o66rt-t ro (ortNo-ts No_ Nt N ooryoo+ N -f6 cOcr)C\l c\l @rt oo,ro-o, No,Or- 6F-(o oo +o\ *6JCO\N o E') ! o .cI cE =oo ooo.=J '5@a@o-Qooo-o 66 O>^z.e6 oo$s6+dTUErEo6o.N =8Eol!Eo6qa@< Eo F oo- EoEo3E ot, o-E'oooCLo o- o N oN N oE =E o6U)Eo.N6Eoz. N o NoNN Efooo E o o,o Eo o)E. 6F 6 YF ort F J U'(9 -6 .E E q=eE*E.EE'g E IIfE E€(JEo66p =x<fl2-oo6 =EfitF: =< artd. Eo CL oooo o .lE ol==l