HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180510Comments.pdfSEAN COSTELLO DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 8743 Street Address for Express Mail 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RT C E IVED ;- ',1_iD i:ltBLlc'- ti l=," :,-f c0iitllssl0N IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER REGARDING THE TREATMENT OF COST ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS HANDLED BY WESTERN UNION CASE NO. INT-G.I8.OT COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Sean Costello, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Modifred Procedure issued in Order No. 34029 on April 11, 2018, in Case No. INT-G-I8-01, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On June 30,2017, the Commission issued Order No. 33805 which directed Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain" or "Company") to "meet with Commission Staff to discuss alternatives to convenience fees." See Case No. INT-G-17-02; Order No. 33805 at 4. As a result, and after discussions with Staff, Intermountain agreed to eliminate the $ 1.00 convenience fee charged to its customers whenever they made a payment at an authorized Western Union pay STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018I station.r As of February 1,2018, the $ I .00 fee passed through to Company customers utilizing pay stations was eliminated. See Application at3-4. As a result, on February 22,2}l9,Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain" or 'oCompany") applied for authority to create a regulatory asset to capture the costs associated with the elimination of the pay station fee, estimated to total between $75,000 and $125,000 annually. In its Application, the Company states it will "pay, and defer, the cost associated with customer payment transactions handled by Western fJnion."2 See id at3-4. Customers using an in-person Western Union Pay Station are no longer charged Western Union's convenience fee. However, customers using Western Union Speedpay service(s) to make payments by phone or on-line using a credit/debit card or electronic check will still pay a convenience fee.3 The Company asks that it be authorized to: (1) recover the regulatory asset in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) beginning in 2019; and (2) defer costs into the regulatory asset until the earlier of February 1,2021, or when the Company files a general rate case. See id. at 4. The Commission issued a Notice of Application and set a deadline for petitions to intervene. See Order No. 34009. No petitions to intervene were received. STAFF REVIEW Staff has reviewed the Application and supports the Company's request to create a regulatory asset to capture the costs associated with customer payment transactions handled by Western Union at authorized pay stations and to defer the processing costs for later recovery in the Company's annual hling of its PGA. The specifics of this support are detailed below. ' A puy station is an entity that collects bill payments from utility customers and remits those payments to the utiliry. A pay station that is under contract with the utility to accept payment on behalf of the utility is considered an "authorized" pay station. 2 Through informal discussion and discovery, Staff confirmed that the Company proposes that only fees for Western Union pay stations be eliminated, not all customer payments handled by Western Union. See id. at 3-4 and lntermountain Response to Stafls Production Request No. I (attached hereto as Attachment A). 3 "Convenience fees" are charges assessed by a third-party vendor on payment transactions. Western Union currently collects $ I .99 from Intermountain Gas customers who pay online or by phone with a credit/debit card or an electronic check. Until recently, customers who paid at an authorized Western Union pay station also paid a convenience fee. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,20182 Impact of Convenience Fees on Customers and the Benefits of Eliminating Fees Convenience fees often have the greatest impact upon society's most vulnerable population, including low income individuals who struggle to meet the basic necessities of daily living. Many low income people are unbanked or underbanked. "Unbanked" people lack a savings or checking account and do not have a financial relationship with a bank or credit union. "Underbanked" people may have a checking or savings account. Both unbanked and underbanked households rely on non-bank financial services for an array ofproducts such as check cashing services and payday loans, all of which charge high interest rates. They may also use credit and prepaid debit cards to pay their bills. Unbanked households have limited options to avoid paying a convenience fee since most fee-free payment options require payment from a checking or savings account. According to the 2015 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked households ,4 26.9yo of U. S. households were either unbanked or underbanked. In Idaho, 3 .60/o of households were unbanked, and 23.1% were underbanked, for a combined total of 26.7o/o or 159,160 households. Nationally, about half of people between the age of 18 and 24 are unbanked or underbanked due to lack of established credit.5 Customers use in-person pay stations for a number of reasons, including the need to pay bills in cash. For example, Intermountain does not accept cash payments at its offices. In fact, Company offices are closed to the public. Customers are discouraged from placing cash payments in the Company's drop boxes or sending cash by mail; therefore, some customers utilize apay station to pay their bills. Customers who wait until the last minute to make a payment also use pay stations to avoid the risk of having service disconnected. In addition, the Company does not permit customers to make payments by check who have four returned checks as a result of nonsufficient funds during a 12-month period. This restriction remains in place for 12 months following the fourth returned check. As a result, residential and commercial customers who are placed on restriction and choose to pay in cash must use a pay station and pay the $ I .00 convenience fee, as discussed above. Customers who have a credit or debit card have aSee 2015 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households available at https ://www. fdic. gov,/householdsurvey 120 I 5 I 20 I 5r eport.pdf. s See 6 Reasons to be Unbanked or Underbanked available at https:l/www.bankrate.comibanking/6-reasons-to-be- unbanked-or-underbanked. STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018J the option of using it to pay on line or by phone, but must pay a convenience fee of $ I .99 for each transaction. The Company's payment options are detailed in Table l. Table I No cost options Western Union Speedpay Fees ($1.99) Auto Withdrawal Checking Phone Debit/Credit One-time Online Checking Phone Checking/Saving Account Mailed Checks Online Credit/Debit Company Office Dropbox Online Checking/Savings Pay Station (cash/check/money order) By removing the $1.00 convenience fee that customers had to pay when making payment at an authorized Western Union pay station, Intermountain has taken a good first step to bringing the Company's payment practices in line with those of other Idaho utilities. Furthermore, it will help lessen the financial burden on customers who are struggling to meet financial obligations, add an additional free payment option for customers, and help to improve customer satisfaction. Avista and Idaho Power customers are not charged a convenience fee for payments made at authorized Western Union pay stations because both companies pay Western Union for transactions made by their customers. Avista currently pays $0.76 per transaction and Idaho Power pays $0.78. At $0.85, Intermountain Gas's cost is slightly higher. Staff encourages the Company to seek to lower transaction costs in order to further benefit customers. The Company also expressed the desire to review additional data with respect to Avista's Fee-Free Payment Program.6 Avista provides quarterly reports regarding the deferral balance and participation rates of customers taking advantage of fee-free transactions. Intermountain has committed to "review the credit/debit card fee issue in July 201 8 and once another year of Avista data is available for analysis. The Company plans to assess the data and make a determination on whether to proceed in implementing a 'fee-free' program for credit and debit card payments." See Company response to Staff Production Request No. 14 (attached hereto as Attachment B). 6 Avista was authorized to defer the costs associated with its Free-Fee Payment Program in Case Nos. AVU-E-16-011 AVU-G-16-01. Avista's residential customers are not charged a transaction fee regardless of the payment method. 4STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018 Regulatory Asset and Recovery A regulatory asset encompasses specific costs a regulated utility may be permitted to defer to its balance sheet. When accounting for a regulatory asset, a public utility can defer the recognition of certain costs, bypassing the income statement in the short term, and moving these costs to the balance sheet. Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) 71, titled Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation, currently codified into Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Certification (ASC) 980, Regulated Operations, states that in order for regulated utilities to defer the recognition of certain costs, there must be an expectation of recovery of those costs through future rates. Generally Staff may recommend creation and deferral of a regulatory asset for future recovery if: (1) the expenses are beyond the Company's control; (2) mandated by a regulatory authority; and (3) significant enough in magnitude as to incur financial hardship for the Company. In its Application, Intermountain Gas estimates that it will incur costs between $75,000 and $125,000 as a result of the elimination of the $1.00 pay station convenience fee. Based on the historical number of pay station transactions, the data suggests that the upper end of the Company's cost estimate may be high, as illustrated below in Table 2 Table 2 Year Number of Transactions at $0.85 per transaction Total Cost 2014 94,891 $80,657 2015 94,686 $80,483 2016 76,494 $65,020 20t7 81,408 $69,197 5STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018 While Staff appreciates the Company's openness to pursuing a full fee-free payment regime, Staff does not believe additional data from Avista's Fee-Free Payment Program is necessary for Intermountain to implement a fee-free payment program and would encourage the Company to avoid unnecessary delay. Staff believes Intermountain Gas should implement a fee- free program that covers all processing fees. Regardless, Staff does not believe that the Company's payment of transaction fees to Western Union would cause a significant financial burden to the Company and does not warrant deferral treatment. However, because Staff continues to work with the Company toward the elimination of all transaction fees, Staff believes creating a regulatory asset now for later recovery is a fair compromise. Staff recommends that the Commission allow the Company to set up a regulatory asset account, into which the foregone pay station transaction costs can be deferred through January 31,2021 (three years). The Company requested recovery of deferred transaction costs through its annual PGA filings starting in2019. Id at 4. While Staff generally prefers to only track costs directly related to the purchase of gas through the annual PGA, Staff recognizes previously approved recovery of deferred rate case expenses are included in the PGA. Staff supports the recovery of Western Union pay station deferred transaction costs in the PGA. However, because the PGA provides nearly immediate recovery of the regulatory asset, Staff does not believe a carrying charge is necessary. Absent the regulatory asset, the Company would be required to expense these costs in the period in which they were incurred and would not receive recovery until a test year level of expense was included in a general rate case. The ability to defer these costs and recover them through the PGA mechanism is a sufficient recovery level and the Company should not be rewarded with a carrying charge. Staff notes that the prudency of any expense recovered through the PGA will not be determined until the Commission issues its order for the PGA. Staffwill review the Western Union transaction expenses for prudency at the time the Company seeks recovery of those expenses. Staff requests that the Company file quarterly reports with the Commission regarding Western Union pay station transaction and cost details. Customer Communication In March 2018, customers received a bill insert that outlines all available payment options and applicable transaction fees. The insert explains that no charge is applied to payments that are made at authorized Western Union pay stations. In addition, the Company's website includes a list of all available payment options and was recently updated to reflect that payments at authorized Western Union pay stations are free of charge. 6STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018 Customer Comments Customers were given until May 10,2018, to file comments. As of May 10,2018, one customer had submitted a comment opposing the Company's proposal, stating that customers who choose payment methods with convenience fees should pay the fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Upon thorough review of the Company's proposal, Staff recommends that the Commission: 1) Approve the creation of a regulatory asset to capture the costs associated with in- person customer pay station transactions handled by Western Union and authorize Intermountain to seek recovery of those costs in the Company's PGA beginning in 2019 until February 1,2021, or until the Company files a general rate case, whichever comes first; 2) Require the Company to file a report with the Commission every three months detailing fees incurred and the number of transactions at authorized payment stations; and 3) Direct the Company to continue working with Staff to eliminate all convenience fees and implement a fee-free program. &Respectfully submitted this / O day of May 2018. Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Curtis Thaden Kevin Keyt Johan Kalala-Kasanda i : umisc/comments/intg I 8. I sccjkskct comments 7STAFF COMMENTS MAY 10,2018 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: a. i. lVestern Union Pay Station lransactions fees are included in this filing. ii. Western Union Speed Pay transaction fees ore not included in this Jiling. b. The company is not seeking recovery for Speed Pay payments which include uedit, debit, ATM, and ACH payments. Each Speed Pay payment has a conveniencefee of $L99 per transaction which is assed directly lo the customer. Record Holder: Mike McGrath20S-377-6000 REQUEST NO.2: Please provide the annual volume per year of all Western Union transactions for the last three calendar years (201 6,2017 ,2018 YTD) by transaction type. Indicate which transaction type(s) the Company included in this filing for potential recovery. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: 2016 2A17 2018 YTD (March) Western Union 76,494 81,408 21,240 Speed Pay 108,773 146,534 43,442 Location: Sponsor/Preparer Record Holder: Location: Sponsor/Preparer: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 Mike Kineerv 208-898-7 I 69 Mike McGrath 208-37 7 -6000 555 S Cole Rd, Boise.ID 83707 Mike Kineerv 208-898-7 169 REQUEST NO.3: Please provide the cost Western Union is charging Intermountain Gas for each customer pay station transaction. Please also provide the cost Western Union charges customers for other transaction types. RESPONSE TO Rf,QUEST NO.3: Western Union charges the Compony a transaction fee of $0.85 per payment made at a C onve nienc e Pay locat i o n. Page 2 Attachment A Case No. INT-G-18-01 Staff Comments 0s/10/l 8 ICC RESPONSE TO FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. l4: Based on discussions with the Company, Staff understands that the Company is still considering whether to implement a fee-free debit/credit card payment program. Does the Company intend to file an Application to implement such a program in July 2018? If not, please explain what the Company intends to do with respect to implementing a fee-free program. Why has the Company chosen to eliminate Western Union payment fees now and other payment processing fees at a later date? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: The Company was directed in Case No. INT-G-17-02, Order No. 33805 to meet with IPUC staf.f lo discuss alternatives to convenience .fbes. During 2017, Company personnel met **ith IPUC sta//'to discttss the i.ssue o.f convenience fees including both the Western Union "walk-in" fees and the Speed Pay credit and debit cordfees. The Company chose al lhat time to eliminate the Western Union.fee as a charge to cuslomers based on the general demographics of customers using that payment program. The Company declined to implement a "fee-free" Speed Pay program due to lhe signiJicantly higher costs involved and the lack of data available to properly assess the magnitude of the program. The Compony committed to revie o* the credit/debit card fee issue in July 2018 and, once another year of dato is available for analysis, will qssess the data and make a determtnation on whether to proceed in implementing a "fee .free " program Jbr credit and debit card payments. Record Holder: Mike McGrath209-377-6000 Location: Sponsor/Preparer 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 Mark Chile s 208-37 7 -6124 Page 8 Attachment B Case No. INT-G-18-01 Staff Comments 05/10/l 8 IGC RESPONSE TO FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION I I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS IOth DAY OF MAY 2078, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. INT-G-I8-01, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL P MoGRATH DIR _ REGULATORY AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE TD 83707 E-MAIL: mike.mcgrath@intgas.com SECRET CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE