HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171027Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES lrurgnuouNTArN Ges Coruparuv 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD o p.O. BOX 7608 . BO|SE, TDAHO 99707 . (208)377-6000 o FAX:377-6097 RECEIVED ?0l1OcT 2? Pl{ h: 28 ',,,,1,!Hf#*?hl8t'o* RE October 27,2017 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-17-06 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with this Commission is an original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application seeking approval to place into effect a change in its Composite Depreciation and Amortization Rates. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by stamping and returning a copy of this Application cover letter to us. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the attached, please contact me at (208) 377-6168. Very truly yours, P. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure Scott Madison Mark Chiles Ron Williams cc INTBRMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NO. INT.G-17-06 APPLICATION AND EXHIBITS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOIINTAIN GAS COMPAI\"Y for Approval to Place into Effect a Change in Its Depreciation and Amortization Rates Ronald L. Williams, ISB 3034 Williams Bradbury PC 802 W. Bannock, Suite 900 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of TNTERMOLINTAIN GAS COMPANY fOT Approvalto Place into Effect a Change in Its and Amortization Rates COMES NOW Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain" or "Applicant"), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. with general offices located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), makes an Application seeking approval to place into effect a change in its composite depreciation and amortization rates. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: MichaelP. McGrath Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise,ID 83707 and Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury PC 802 W. Bannock, Suite 900 Boise,ldaho 83702 In support of this Application, Intermountain does allege and state as follows: Case No. INT-G-17-06 APPLICATION APPLICATION - 2 I. Intermountain is a gas utility, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, engaged in the sale of and distribution of natural gas within the State of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219 issued December 2,1955, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564, dated October 3, 1962. Intermountain provides natural gas service to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star; Bannock County - Arimo, Chubbuck, Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Moreland,/Riverside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonneville County - Ammon,Idaho Falls,lona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Parma, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancroft, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, Declo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferry, Hammett, and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker, and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Gooding, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewisville, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone; Madison County - Rexburg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyburn, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Bruneau, and Homedale; Payette County - Fruitland, New Plymouth, and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murtaugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Weiser. Intermountain's properties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines, a liquefied natural gas storage facility, distribution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. II. Intermountain's currently effective composite depreciation rate of 3.05% was approved by this Commission in Case No. INT-G-14-02,Order No. 33260, dated March 26,2015. Applicant has traditionally reviewed and filed an update to its deprecation rates with this Commission every three years. Case [NT-G-17-06 reflects an update to the Applicant's last Study. APPLICATION - 3 III. Intermountain contracted the services of AUS Consultants, the same outside vendor employed for the prior eight (8) depreciation filings to perform an update of the 2014 study. The results of this study indicate that Intermountain's current composite rate is under-depreciating its assets. Therefore, Applicant requests an increase in its composite depreciation rate from 3.05% (3.09% when the accrual rates per OrderNo. 33260 are weighted by December 31, 2016 assets) to 3.18%. This increase is required in order to accrue the proper dollars over the remaining life of the property. The effect of the higher rate would be to increase Intermountain's annual depreciation accrual by $451,824. IV. With each update of Applicant's depreciation parameters and associated rates, special circumstances regarding Intermountain's recovery rates are addressed. In the current study, the most notable adjustments pertain to the projected lives of Encoder Receiver Transmitters ("ERTs") and installations, distribution mains, and transmission mains. In addition, Intermountain will address net salvage values and the Nampa LNG Facility as directed by the Commission in Case No. NT-G-14- 02, Order No. 33260. v. Intermountain began utilizing ERTs system-wide beginning in 2002. ln Case No.INT-G-14- 02, Order No. 33260, the Commission directed Intermountain to not change the ERT depreciation rate until after it had replaced all the ERTs. Intermountain began replacing the ERTs in 2014 and finished replacing the majority of the ERTs in20l7 . Based on the manufacturer's life expectancy for the ERT's intemal battery and Intermountain's service life experience in replacing its first generation ERTs, Intermountain is proposing to lengthen the remaining useful lives of the ERTs and ERT Installations asset classes from ll to 18 years and from12.2 to 18 years, respectively, as seen on Exhibit No. l, Pages 2 and 4, Column (h), Lines l6 and 18. vI. The service lives of Intermountain's distribution and transmission mains continue to lengthen due to their modern construction, cathodic protection and increased use of plastic main materials. This necessitated the increase in the lives of distribution main (from 58 to 65 years) and transmission main (from 49 to 52 years) in this Study as seen on Exhibit No. l, Pages 2 and 4, Column (h), Lines 6 and 12. APPLICATION - 4 VIL In the current study, the recommended salvage values (i.e. gross salvage net of removal costs) have remained similar to those net salvage values experienced in Intermountain's depreciation study filed in Case No. INT-G-14-02. The only notable exception is the net salvage associated with Account 380 - Services. The net salvage of the services account has become increasingly negative since the Applicant's last depreciation study, with a negative net salvage recommendation of l2lo/o in this Study versus the current negative net salvage of 50%o. This increasingly negative net salvage is due to procedures put in place during 2013 which better tracks services removals versus new services construction. yIII. Intermountain's LNG investment for depreciation purposes is tracked separately for its Nampa LNG facility (storage and terminal) and its Rexburg LNG facility (vaporization and distribution). Service lives and net salvage depreciation parameters were considered and recommended for each facility based on the various plant categories at each facility, the investment amount in each plant category, and the life and net salvage expectancies of those plant categories. ExhibitNo. l, page 5 includes the additional detail discussed above as directed by the Commission in Case No. INT-G-14-02, Order No. 33260. Based on the service lives of the underlying plant categories, the recommendation forthe service life of the Nampa LNG facility is 32 years, up from 30.5 years as seen on Exhibit No. 1, Pages 2 and 4, Column (h), Line l. Intermountain recommends that the depreciation rate for the Nampa facility increase from2.00Yoto 3.56%o. In Case No. INT-G-14-02, OrderNo. 33260,the Commission directed lntermountain and the Staff of the Commission to work together to oore-evaluate the customer cost allocations associated with the commercial sale of LNG from the Company's Nampa LNG facility". The Staff has performed audits of the customer cost allocations since the issuance of the Commission's Order, and did not raise any significant issues. To date, Intermountain has applied the $0.025 credit per gallon of LNG sold to offset approximately $322,000 of capital expenses since 2013 when the Company first began selling LNG to non-utility customers. IX. lntermountain does not seek a change in its prices as a result of this requested change in deprecation. APPLICATION - 5 x. The current definition of depreciation used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the NationalAssociation of Regulatory Commissioners is as follows: "Depreciation," as applied to depreciable plant, means the loss in service value not restored by current maintenance, incurred in connection with the consumption or prospective retirement of utility plant in the course of service from causes which are known to be in current operation and against which the utility is not protected by insurance. Among the causes to be given consideration are wear and tear, decay, action of the elements, inadequacy, obsolescence, changes in the art, changes in demand, and requirements of public authorities, and, in the case of natural gas companies, the exhaustion of natural resources. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in its Accounting Terminology Bulletin #l defines depreciation accounting as follows: Depreciation accounting is a system of accounting which aims to distribute cost or other basic value of tangible capital assets, less salvage (if any), over the estimated useful life of the unit (which may be a group of assets) in a systematic and rational manner. It is a process of allocation, not of valuation. The prescription of depreciation rates is an important element of the regulatory process because it must allocate the full cost of an asset over the life of the property items in a rational manner. xI. The depreciation study update filed with this Case was based upon Intermountain's books and records as of December 31,2016. The calculation of the amount of the annualdepreciation expense required per year was calculated on an individual account basis. The method used in the calculation was the Simulated Plant Record Balances Method ("SPR-Balance"). The SPR-Balance Method uses the "lowa Curves" mortality distribution. The current study was conducted using Applicant's data and the "lowa Curves" as described in the NARUC publication of July 25, l9S4, "Depreciation Practices for Small Gas Distribution Companies". The current study is summarized and shown on Exhibit No. I as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A copy of the current depreciation study working papers, which is voluminous, is available for inspection and examination at Intermountain's general business office located at 555 S. Cole Road in Boise, Idaho. APPLICATION - 6 xII. Since Applicant's last depreciation filing in Case No. INT-G-14-02, the original cost of depreciable property increased from $478,544,370to$545,922,771 as shown in Column (d),Line27, on Page I of Exhibit No. 1. The accumulated reserve increased from $274,473,793 to $295,896,720 as shown in Column (e), Line 27,onPage I of ExhibitNo. 1. The current study necessitates an annual depreciation accrual of $17,341,387 per year over the remaining life of the property as shown in Column (n), Line 27,onPage2 of ExhibitNo. l. xIII. Exhibit No. 1, Pages 2 - 4, contains a summary comparison of the current depreciation rates, by plant function and by account, versus the requested rates in the Application. xlv. Applicant requests that the increase to the annual composite depreciation rate be effective January l, 2018 consistent with the beginning of Intermountain's annual financial reporting period. xv. Pursuant to Case No. INT-G-99-2, Ordq No. 28331, the Company changed the depreciation methodology for six identified general plant accounts (i.e., Acct. Nos. 391,393,394,395,397 and 398) from a depreciation method to an amortization method. xvI. Intermountain contracted the services of AUS Consultants, the same outside vendor employed for the Company's depreciation study, to perform an updated amortization study. The results of this study indicate that Intermountain's current amortization rates are over-amortizing the above mentioned six General Plant accounts. Therefore, Applicant requests a decrease to the total General Plant account amortizations from $2,066,577 to $1,648,415, or an annual decrease of $4 I 8, I 62, as shown on Exhibit No. 2, Page I , column (h), line 10. This decrease is required in order to accrue the proper dollars over the remaining life of the designated amortized accounts. Exhibit No. 2, Pages l-4, contains a summary comparison of the Company's current amortization rates, by General Plant account, versus the requested rates in this Application. Additionally, Exhibit No. 2, Page 5, includes additional detail about Accounts 391,394, and 397 as directed by the Commission in Case No. NT-G-14-02, OrderNo. 33260. ExhibitNo. 2 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A copy of the current amortization study working papers, which is voluminous, is available for inspection and examination at Intermountain's general business office located at 555 S. APPLICATION - 7 Cole Road in Boise, Idaho. The current rates utilized by the Company are based on the rates approved by the Commission in Case No. INT-G-14-02, Order No. 33260. XYII. Intermountain does not seek a change in its prices as a result of this requested change in amortization. xVIII. Intermountain requests that this matter be processed pursuant to Rules 201-204 under the Commission's Rules of Modified Procedure. Intermountain stands ready to respond to any requests for information in this matter. APPLICATION - 8 \\'l lF.Rl:FORE. lnternrounlaitt rcspcctthlly pctilions llris ('onrnrission ltrr relicl'as follos's: l. 'l'hat Applicant be authoriz-ed to increasc the currcnt cornpositc deprcciation rate otl an account b1'account hasis liom 3.05% (.1.0{)% s'lrcn thc accnrnl ratcs pcr Ordcr No. 33260 arcrveighlcdb;-l)eccmbcrII.2016asscts)to3.Itl%asslrou'nirrColunrn(i).onl)agc I of l:xhibit No. L ?. That Applicant be authorizcd to change thc anronization mtes for the General Plant accounls as oullincd on Exhibit No. 2. 3. 'l'hat Applicant's currcnt priccs rcnrain unclurrgcd as a rcsult ol'this Application. 4. 'l'hat Applicant be authorized to rccord thcsr"'changcs in the annual composite dc'precation rate and anronization ratcs clli:ctivc on Januarl I . 2018. 5. lior such olltcr relicl':ts this ('onuttission ntav clclenninc pr()psr lrcrcin. l)A-l'l;l) at lloisc. ldalto. this 27tlr dlv ol'Octol^*r. 1017" INI'ERMOt'N'I'N IN GAS COMI'NNY Williams llradburl' I'C llv Mic lll'Ra t Jw- IVI I{onald 1.. Williarns Attorncv lor lntcrnrourrtain (irs C'orrrparrl,A I lirirs ;\l'l'l.l(',,\ I l( )N - () CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 27th day of October,2017,l served a copy of the foregoing Case No. INT-G-17-06 upon: Ed Finklea Northwest Industrial Gas Users 545 Grandview Drive Ashland, OR 97520 Chad Stokes Cable Huston et al. l00l SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Portfand, Oregon 97204-1136 Don Sturtevant J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, lD 83707 by depositing true copies thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the above addresses. Affairs P APPLICATION. IO EXHIBIT NO. 1 CASE NO. INT.G.17.O6 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY @epreciation Study) (5 pages) Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-17-06 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 5 N@- a oo d N @. @N sFqo oaN. @o- s a sa?o o N"oo .i o@ @_ @@\oo o@$o{O@ON-ot{ooNo60@{@o@@vt@@$NON-O-@N@NtF@ts@@Nvov60@ No t @vNo? o@*@F@@-'a -oo$ N FroN-tso POdrE o Nr BEe I S B'5lB-o o - ooO@?o@toOFOO?oOt@ ONN@ O{o- - O- O- -- O_ - O- o- F. o- @.F @!@tsO$-too-OOO@O@OO@FN-NO-9OFO--NOF ONNo@@@- o- o_o-O i@ ooFooFOtOtO@@NFd.frJd-FFF s-? ot*- o- a@ sss@*oc!c?qN@h ssssssssssssO@-OO@tN@NO@oqqqo?oqoq-ol\q.,{a -o-Nte6-@NNN o@@ -O@o. o- ?- 00Ft@ OFOOFNN$@ONt -NONOOOAFOOO F {NOOOFTFN@ --OONON?N@O@-NO"9@_N@FFO o9N AFOF{@OoOFOFOFN otN@ -@-@-P ONors- o-@oo+; El$. s ssssssssssssNFONFONF@@FO\':.!qqoq.!qcgol':qrONON-SNF-NN sssssrF@FO':6!q\qN@N@? ssssssssssssaqqqq9aqeqo?q-6OOOF+OOO-Nto@NooNDaoo sssssaclc?oqqN@O-6iioro o@NOOF -- O- O- O-@@o@@-F-$FO OOtstO@OFOO-NNSAtsFtFt@t@OF- @- -- O- @- @- ts- O- O_ O. -. 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INT-G.17-06 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Amortization Study) (5 pages) 398397391 lntermountain Gas Company As of Deccmb€r 31, 2016 A@unt A@unt 393 394 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-17-06 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 5 Account A@ount Line Number Deicriotion (a) Activity At 12-31-2015 5 ExiEting Amortlzrtion Rrt6 and Exponrs6 Amortization P€riod as ot'12-31-2013 (yoars) 7 Rate as of 12-31-2013 (%/yead 8 Expense ($s/year) 9 Propossd Amortl.rtlon Rrt!.nd Exp6nse 10 Age as of'12.3'1.2016 (years) 11 Amorlization Period as of 12-3'l-2016 (years) 72 Rsmaining Lif6 as of 12.31-2016 (years) A@ount Furniture and Office Equipment (b) a,536,a74 5,3L1,773 62.22% Stores Equipment Tools, shop, and Work Equioment 5,158,589 1,780,909 28.92% 18.t7 5.59% 344,265 A@ount Labo6tory Eouioment (e) Communications Eouipment (f)(c)(d) 5,950 7,799,775 -792,223 -LO.68vo 7.00 18.95% 341,045 N,liscellaneous Total General Plant EouiDment Amonizations (e) (h) 76,495,778 6,907,409 4L.880,4 L2.53% 2,066,577 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 9.25 76.79% 1,381,256 4.80 9.87 5,07 4.72 15.48 10.76 3.77 7.OO 3.29 a5 406,848 505,452 in Amortization Rata and Expense as of 1.2-31.2016 (Ss/year) l%lyearl 7,45% 635,115 Amortiration Summary 395 1 Plant and Reserye lnvestment 2 lnvestment {Ss)3 Reserue ($s) 4 % ReseNed Line Number lntermountain Gas Company General Plant Amortization Study As of December 31, 2016 Plant & Reserve Balances Ss (b) 8,536,874 5,31L,773 62.2% Acount 391 Furniture and Office Equipment Amortization Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-17-06 I ntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 5 Annual Amortization Ss/year (d) 5.03 9.25 0.1618 L,39L,266 4.80 9.87 5.07 0.0745 636,115 (t45,L5tl RateDescription (a) Plant and Reserve lnvestment lnvestment (Ss) Reserve (Ss) % Reserved (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 Existing Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of L2-3L-20t3 (years) Amortization Period as of 12-31-2013 (years) Remaining Life as of L2-31-2OL3 (years) Amortization Rate as of t2-3L-20L3l%/yearl Annual Amortization as of 12-31-2015 (Ss/year) Proposed Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of t2-3L-2016 (years) Amortization Period as of L2-3L-2016 (years) Remaining Life as of L2-31-20L6 (years) Amortization Rate as of I2-3L-20L6l%/yearsl Annual Amortization as of 12-3L-2016 (Ss/years) 39l Summary 17 Difference in Amortization Rate and Expense 18 Annual Amortization Change (S/years) Line Number lntermountain Gas Company General Plant Amortization Study As of December 31, 2016 Plant & Reserve Balances Ss (b) 6,159,599 t,7g0,g0g 28.9% Account 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment Amortization Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-17-06 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 5 (c) Annual Amortization Ss/year (d) s.03 18.L7 0.0559 344,265 4.72 15.48 10.76 0.0651 406,848 62,583 Rate L 2 3 4 Description (a) Plant and Reserve lnvestment lnvestment (Ss) Reserve (Ss) % Reserved Existing Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of 72-31-20L3 (years) Amortization Period as of 12-31-2013 (years) Remaining Life as of t2-31-20t3 (years) Amortization Rate as of L2-31-2O13 (o/o/yearsl Annual Amortization as of L2-37-2015 ($s/year) Proposed Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of L2-3L-2076 (years) Amortization Period as of l2-3t-20l6 (years) Remaining Life as of t2-3L-20L6 (years) Amortization Rate as of L2-3L-2075 (%lVearl Annual Amortization as of 72-3L-2016 (Ss/year) Difference in Amortization Rate and Expense Annual Amortization Change (Ss/year) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 397 Summary Line Number lntermountain Gas Company General Plant Amortization Study As of December 31, 2016 Account 397 Plant & Reserve Balances Ss (b) L,799,775 -792,223 -70.7% Communications Equipment Amortization Annual Rate Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-17-06 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 5 Amortization Ss/year (d) 5.44 7.0 0.1895 347,046 3.7L 7.00 3.29 0.3364 605,452 264,406 Description (a) Plant and Reserve lnvestment lnvestment (Ss) Reserve (5s) % Reserved Existing Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of L2-3L-2OL3 (years) Amortization Period as of 12-31-2013 (years) Remaining Life as of L2-3L-20L3 (years) Amortization Rate as of L2-3L-2013 (%lyearsl Annual Amortization as of 12-31-2016 (Ss/year) Proposed Amortization Rate and Expense Age as of L2-3L-20L6 (years) Amortization Period as of L2-3L-20L6 (years) Remaining Life as of L2-3L-20L6 (years) Amortization Rate as of L2-3L-20!6 (%lVearl Annual Amortization as of 12-31-2015 (Ss/year) Difference in Amortization Rate and Expense Annual Amortization Change (Ss/year) (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 397 Summary Line Number Account (a) Equipment lntermountain Gas Company General Plant Amortization Study As of December 31 ,2016 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-I7-06 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 5 lnvestment 12t31t2016 $s (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 (b) Account 391: Furniture and Office Equipment 391 Cabinet 18 391 Computers 7 391 Desks, Chairs, Tables 18 391 Furniture 18 391 Kitchen 15 391 Office Equipment 12 391 Software 7 391 Workstations 12 TotalAccount 2016 years (c) Lives 2014 years (d) 18 7 18 18 15 12 7 12 12I 22 18 10 20 2004 years (e) 22 7 22 22 12 12 7 NA 12 15 15 12 10 4,770,966 1,715,333 839,191 710,852 9,036,341 1,322,663 74,141 509,924 1,057,996 76,585 398,888 2,698,376 6,138,573 654,487 670,132 494,624 25,741 1,844,983 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 Account 394: Tools, Shop. and Garaoe Equipment Detectors 12 Emergency Equipment 12 Mains Construction 22 Power Tools 18Provers 10 Racks, Shelving 20 Micellaneous Tools 15 Tools 15 TotalAccount 15 24 20 12 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 Account 397: Communications Equipment 397 Communication 7 397 Radio 7 397 SCADA 7 397 Telephone 7 TotalAccount 7 7 7 Account Lives