HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171004Decision Memo.pdfRE: DECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: STACEY DONOHUE DATB: OCTOBER 4,2017 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY - COMPLIANCE FILINGS:l) INT-G-16-02: APPLICATION FoR APPROVAL TO CHANGE RATES AND CHARGES; 2) INT-C-17-03: APPLICATION FOR AUTHOzuTY TO IMPLEMENT DSM PROGRAM FUNDING MECHANISM; and 3) INT-G-17-05: PGA APPLICATION BACKGROUND On September 25, 2017, Intermountain Gas Company submitted to the Commission tariff sheets for filing in compliance with Commission Order Nos. 33879, 33888, and 33887 in Case Nos. INT-G-l 6-02, INT-G-17-03 and INT-G-l 7-05, The Company filed the following sheets: Thi(eenth Revised Sheet No. 5, Page I Sixty-Fourth Revised Sheet No. 7, Page I Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 8, Page I Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 9, Page I Third Revised Sheet No. 14 Original Sheet No. l6 (EE), Pages l-2 Original Sheet No. l7 (EEC) Second Revised Sheet No. C Cancelling First Revised Sheet No. C Second Revised Sheet No. I Cancelling First Sheet No. I Fifty-Sixth Revised SheetNo.3, Pages l-2 Cancelling Fifty-Fifth Revised Sheet No. 3, Pages I -2 Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 4, Page I Cancelling Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 4, Page I Cancelling Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 5, Page I Cancelling Sixty- Ihird Revised Sheet No. 7, Page I Cancelling Fourteenth Revised Sheet No. 8, Page I Cancelling Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 9, Page I Deleted DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 4,2017 STAFF ANALYSIS (l) INT-G-16-02I APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO CHANGE RATES AND CHARGES The Company filed its general rate case, Case No. [NT-G-15-02, on August 12, 2016. The Commission held a public workshop, a public hearing, a technical hearing, and issued Order No. 33757 on April 28,2017, granting Intermountain a $4.12 million (1.58%) revenue increase. Subsequently, on May 18, 2017, the Company petitiorred the Commission to reconsider the Final Order regarding: (l) the data used in StafPs weather normalization model; (2) the Commission's preference for Staff s weather normalization model over the Company's model; (3) the disallowance of certain afliliated operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses; and (4) the disallowance of incentive compensation. On June 15, 201 7, the Commission granted the Petition and agreed to the "limited reconsideration" of "the four narrow issues raised in the Petition." The Commission directed the Company, Staff, and other interested parties to meet to narrow disputed facts and issues and explore settlement. The Company submitted additional written comments and exhibits regarding affiliated charges and incentive compensation expenses. The Company and the Northwest Industrial Gas Users (NWIGU) engaged in settlemenl negotiations on these issues. The Company, Staff and Amalgamated Sugar also continued to meet to discuss the weather normalization issues. On August 16, 2017, Staff, the Company, and the NWICU signed a Stipulation and Settlement (the "Settlement") resolving all four issues. The Company filed a joint Motion with Staffto approve the Settlement with accompanying testimony and Staff filed supporting comments. No party opposed the Settlement. Parties to the Settlement agreed that effective October 1,2017, the Company would implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover $ I ,2 I 9,206 (l .36%) more in annual revenue than the amounts approved in Order No. 33757. Parties also agreed that new rates would take effect October l, 2017. The Settlement also addressed issues related to billing determinants, consumption and weather-related adjustments, gas consumption normalization, weather data, future weather modeling methodology, affrliated expenses and incentive cornpensation, and rate spread. The Commission approved the Settlement in Order No. 33879 on September 15, 2017, and the Company filed compliance tariffs on September 25,2017. Staff reviewed the tariffsheets, determined that they were consistent with the Order, and they were stamped to take effect October l, 2017, as contemplated by the Commission. DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 4,2017 (2) INT-G-17-03: APPLICATION tr'OR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT DSM PROGRAM FUNDING MECHANISM On July 27,2017, the Company filed an application asking the Commission for authority to implement a DSM Program Funding Mechanism with an October 1,2017 efTective date. Staff reviewed the Company's Application and exhibits and conferrcd with the Company about its proposed accounting treatment and reporting requirements. Staffcomments reflected the agreement between Staff and lhe Company to revise Rate Schedules EE, EEC, and RS and the $0.00357 per therm charge. However, Staffalso recommended consolidating the Company's proposed two-tier incentive structure into a single tier. On September 25, 2017, the Commission issued Order No. 33888, which approved the $0.00367 per therm charge and the revisions to Rate Schedules EE, EEC, and RS, including Staffls proposalto consolidate the incentive tiers, with an October 1,2017 effective date. The Company filed compliance tariffs the same day. Staffrcviewed the tariff sheets, determined that they were consistent with the Order, and they were stamped to take effect October l, 2017, as conlemplated by the Commission. (3) INT-G-17-05: PGA APPLICATION On August 14.2017, the Company filed an application with the Commission for authority to change its rates to reflect changes in gas-related costs and requested an October l, 2017 effective date. Staffreviewed the Company's Application, workpapers, and exhibits, and verified that the PCA proposal "would not impact the Company's earnings, that the Company's defened costs are prudent and properly calculated, and that the Company's WACOG request is reasonable." However, Staffalso recommended that the Company resume filing quarterly Summary of Deferred Gas Cost Balances and WACOG reports and recommended only partial recovery of the Company's requested rate case expcnses. In Order No. 33887, the Commission approved the Company's request for a WACOG of $0.26020. The Commission also authorized the Company to include $378,614 in external rate cases expenses over five years in this PGA (575,723 per year). Further, the Commission ordered that the Company resume filing quarterly Summary of Deferred Gas Cost Balances reports and WACOG calculations. The Commission ordered the Company to file new compliance tariff sheets to be effective October l,2Al7 . DECISION MEMORANDUM ocToBER 4,2417 The Company filed compliance tariffs on September 25,2017. Staff reviewed the tariff sheets, determined that they were consistent with Order No. 33887, and they were stamped to take effect October 1,2017, as contemplated by the Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish the minutes to reflect the Commission's approval of the tariffs filed in compliance with Commission Order Nos. 33879, 33888 and 33887 with an effective date of October 1,2017? theb{D^"h'\.Q, Sricei Dor@fe udmcmos/lntcrmountoin Cas Compliancr Filings rlcc mcmo DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 4,2017