HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170804IRP Exhibit 2.pdfExhibit No. 2 Historical Tem perature Glimate Report Historica! Temperature Climate Report Prepared for lntermountain Gas Company May 9,2OL7 By RussellJ. Qualls, Ph.D., P.E. Climate Consultant Historica! Temperature Climate Report Prepared for lntermountain Gas Company By RussellJ. Qualls, Ph.D., P.E. !NTRODUCTION This report provides estimates of design air temperature values that are likely to be equaled or exceeded (in a "colder than" sense) in a year, with specified probabilities of occurrence and with specified average return periods. The estimates are made for monthly and annual daily- average temperatures, and for annual minimum daily average temperatures, at seven locations in Southern ldaho used by lntermountain Gas Company (lGC) in its gas supply and storage calculations. The estimated values are intended to assist IGC in developing its lntegrated Resource Plan (lRP). This report arose out of discussions with representatives of IGC regarding what information was most needed for development of the lRPs, and provides an update to similar earlier reports (Qualls, 2OO7; Molnau, 1994). Each of these reports relied upon probability distributions generated from historical temperature values measured at or near the seven Southern ldaho IGC calculation locations, and included the Normal Distribution ("NORM"; symmetric bell- shaped distribution) and the Pearson Type lll Distribution ("Plll"; a skewed distribution which can represent asymmetric data and converges to the Normal distribution for symmetric data). Selecting design temperatures from values generated by these probability distributions is preferable over using individual observations, such as the coldest observed daily average temperature, because exceedance probabilities corresponding to values obtained from the probability distributions are known. This enables IGC to choose a design temperature, from among a range of values, which corresponds to an exceedance probability that IGC considers appropriate for the intended use. Each successive report incorporates temperature data which occurred and was measured after the completion of the earlier reports. ln addition, this report includes temperature data from as much of the entire Period Of Record (POR) at each location as was deemed reliable. This extends the data pool for each location backward in time, making each dataset much larger (i.e., covering a longer time period)than in the preceding reports. This has some statistical advantages. First, it allows one to assess with greater confidence how well a particular distribution represents the observed data, and secondly, it generally narrows the range of uncertainty associated with a given probabilistic temperature value. This report includes additional analyses, not included in the earlier reports, which quantify the goodness-of-fit of each probability distribution and the range of uncertainty of each estimated value. These additional analyses include: t 1) Running hypothesis tests on each probability distribution fitted, to assess whether it should be accepted as a good descriptor of the data (Chi-Squared Test) 2l Calculation of the 90% confidence interval for each probabilistic temperature estimate. There is a 90% probability that the endpoints of the confidence interval, known as upper and lower confidence limits, encompass the true probabilistic temperature value. Further discussion of these additional analyses is provided in Appendix B. The contents of this report may be compared with lntermountain Gas Company's lntegrated Resource Plan (lRP)to estimate probabilities associated with design values presented there. DATA The data used in this report were either provided by Lori Blattner of lGC, or obtained directly from the National Centers for Environmental lnformation (NCEl, formerly National Climate Data Center, NCDC). The data consist of daily observed maximum and minimum temperatures, and/or daily averages calculated as the mean of the daily maximum and minimum values. Table 1 provides the IGC Zone lD, location name, and starting Water Year for the data. A Water Year (WY) begins on October 1st, and ends on September 30th of the following year, and is numbered by the year in which it ends. That is, the 1905 Water Year for Caldwell begins on October L, L9O4 and ends on September 30, 1905. A Water Year groups all winter months of a particular season together. The analysis for each station extends to the end of the 2015 Water Year (September 30, 2015). Table 1: Weather Station Zones, Locations, and Starting Water Year (WY) Zone lD Location Starting WY 3s0 Caldwell 1905 450 Boise L94L 500 Hailey 1909 600 Twin Falls 1906 700 Rexburg 1908 750 ldaho Falls L949 800 Pocatello 1939 Most long-term weather stations include occasional changes such as instrument replacements or changes, or station moves. The data used in this analysis span these changes. Some of these changes have occurred in the past 30 years, so the Molnau (1994) and Qualls (2007) reports, and the data currently used by IGC have some of these changes embedded in them, as would the current analysis even if it was limited to the past 30 years. 2 RESUTTS For each IGC location, results calculated over the POR at each station from data aggregated at the annualtime scale are presented in this section, and results with greater detail including monthly analyses and additional figures are presented in the appendices. "Annual" in this report refers to a Water Year. Table 2 presents POR summaries and statistics of station data and values of exceedance temperatures for annual mean daily average temperatures and annual minimum daily average temperatures. Exceedance temperatures are presented for a range of return periods lT=2,5, LO,20,50 and 100 years) and their corresponding exceedance probabilities, calculated byfitting both Normal (NORM)and Pearson Type lll (Plll) distributions to observed data from each IGC location. POR summaries and statistics of the data are presented in the top third of Table 2. ln this section, the statistics are calculated from the annual values at a given station over the number of years available for that station. For the annual mean daily average temperature shown in the left half of Table 2, the POR mean at each station ranges from a low value of 43 "F (Station 3 Table 2: Annual Station data and exceedance temperatures based on NORM and Plll Distributions ('F) Annual Mean Daily Average Temperature Station Mean Std Dev Skew Max Min No Years 3s0 450 s00 600 700 750 800 3s0 450 s00 600 700 750 800 51 1.6 0.2 55 48 TLL 52 1.6 0.0 56 48 75 43 1.5 0.3 49 39 LO7 49 L.7 0.4 54 45 110 43 1.8 0.1 48 38 108 44 1..7 -0.4 48 39 67 47 L.4 -0.1 50 43 77 10 9.7 -0.5 28 -18 LLL 10 8.6 -0.6 24 -16 75 -L 7.2 -0.4 13 -23 LO7 6 8.4 -0.3 24 -15 110 -6 8.1 -o.2 t6 -27 108 -5 7.8 -0.3 10 -23 67 0 8.0 -0.3 15 -18 77 T P Norm Distributed Exceedance Temperatures Norm Distributed Exceedance Temperatures 2 0.5 51 50 49 49 48 48 52 50 49 49 48 48 43 42 4L 4L 40 40 49 47 47 46 45 45 43 47 40 40 39 38 44 43 42 4L 4L 40 47 46 45 44 44 44 10 L -3 -5 -10 -13 10 3 -L -4 -8 -10 -1 -7 -10 -13 -1,6 -18 6 -1. -4 -7 -tL -13 -6 -13 -16 -19 -23 -25 -5 -77 -15 -18 -21, -23 0 -7 -10 -13 -16 -19 5 0.2 10 0.1 20 0.0s 50 0.02 100 0.01 T P Plll Distributed Exceedance Temperatures Plll Distributed Exceedance Temperatures 2 0.5 51 50 49 49 48 48 52 50 49 49 48 48 43 42 4L 4L 40 40 49 47 47 46 46 45 43 4L 40 40 39 39 44 43 42 4L 40 40 47 46 45 44 44 43 10 2 -3 -8 -13 -16 11 3 -L -5 -10 -L4 -1 -7 -tL -L4 -L7 -20 7 -L -5 -8 -12 -15 -6 -13 -L7 -20 -23 -26 -4 -LL -15 -18 -22 -25 0 -7 -10 -14 -77 -20 5 0.2 10 0.1 20 0.05 50 0.02 100 0.01 Annual Minimum Daily Average Temperature 700) to high value of 52 "F (Station 450) across the different locations. This is shown in the first row below the station number, labeled "Mean". ln the second row below the station number, the relatively small standard deviation shows that the collection of annual mean temperatures do not spread out very far around the POR mean at each station. This can also be seen in the relatively small difference between the Max and Min values in the fourth and fifth rows below the station numbers, which represent the largest and smallest annual mean daily average temperature for each station. The Max and Min values differ by no more than L0 "F at any of the stations. Because the spread of the annual mean daily average temperatures is small at each station, the exceedance temperatures for different return periods also fall within a fairly narrow range, as shown for the normal distribution in the left half of the middle third of Table 2. For example, at station 350, the two-year return period exceedance temperature is 51 "F and the 100-year return period exceedance temperature is only 3 "F colder at 48 "F. Furthermore, the asymmetry is small as shown by the small value of the skew coefficients for the annual mean daily average temperatures, in the third row below the stations numbers in Table 2. As a result, the Plll distribution nearly converges to the normal distribution and in most cases they give the same result for each return period (e.g., the 100-year return period event is the same or only slightly different between the NORM and Plll distributions for a given station; compare left half of middle and lower thirds of Table 2). ln addition, the small spread of the annual mean daily average temperatures indicates that the calculated exceedance values can be accepted with high certainty. Ninety percent confidence intervals have been calculated for the different return period exceedance temperatures at each station and for both the Norm and Plll distributions. Upper and lower Confidence Limits (CL values) are given in tables in Appendix A. For the annual mean daily average temperatures, Figure 1 shows the values of the 100-year exceedance temperature and their upper and lower CLs for the NORM and Plll distributions at each station. The range of the CLs around the 100-year return period value at each station is small, less than 1 "F at most stations, and the results are similar between the Norm and Plll distributions for a given station. The CLs are even smaller for exceedance temperatures with shorter return periods than 100 years. Thus, the exceedance temperatures for the annual mean daily temperatures given in Table 2 can be accepted with a high degree of confidence. The annual minimum daily average temperatures, summarized in the right half of Table 2, have a much higher degree of variability. This is expected because these data and statistics come from the single lowest daily average temperature observation from each year, in contrast to the annual mean daily average temperatures discussed above which are comprised of the mean of a full year's worth of daily values. Averaging, as in the case of the annual mean temperatures, 4 centralizes the results and reduces variability. The difference between the behavior of the annual minimum and annual meon daily average temperatures is clearly visible in the time series plots of each of these variables for each station shown in Appendix A. The upper line is the annual mean and the lower line is the annual minimum over the POR for a given station. The greater variability of the annual minimums is readily apparent. Summary statistics for the annual minimum daily average temperatures given in the left half of Table 2 reflect its greater variability. The standard deviation of the annual minimums is much larger than that for the annual means, and many of the stations exhibit large negative skew. The large standard deviation indicates that the uncertainty of the exceedance values of annual minimum temperatures is larger than it was for the annual mean temperatures, consequently the range of the confidence limits for the minimum temperatures is much wider. This is shown in Figure 2 for the 100-year return period minimum temperatures, where the CLs span a range from 3.5 to nearly 7 "F. The large negative skew suggests that the Pllt distribution should provide a more realistic estimate of the minimum annual daily average exceedance temperatures than would the NORM distribution. Results of Chi-Square tests of the "goodness- of-fit" of the NORM and Plll distributions for each station generally confirm this as discussed in Appendix B. For the T-year return period exceedance values of annual minimum daily average temperature, the Plll distribution provides better estimates than the NORM distribution, and the true values 5 Figure 1. 100-Year Annual Mean Daily Average Temperature lro o =o o0, Eo 50.0 48.0 46.0 44.0 42.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 f Norm Pilt Norm Pilt Norm Pilt Norm Plll Norm Pilt Norm Plil Norm Pilt - Upper CL - Lower CL . T-Yr Temp 350 450 500 600 700 750 800 Station and Probability Distribution Figure 2. 100-Year Annual Minimum Daily Average Temperature -5.0 II o, o oe Eo -10.0 -15.0 -20.o -2s.0 -30.0 - Upper CL - Lower CL . T-Yr Temp zoa3 !zoI3 ! = zo 3 !zo 3 T'=zo 3 T'=zoa3 = zo 3 ! = 3s0 450 500 600 700 750 800 Station and Probability Distribution of the exceedance temperatures could be several degrees larger or smaller than the values provided in Table 2 owing to the inherent uncertainty of this variable. Although estimated annual Tavg exceedance temperatures are very similar between the Norm and Plll distribution, for monthly Tavg and annual minTavg exceedance temperatures there are a number of cases where the Plll distribution represents the data better than does the Norm distribution and where the exceedance temperatures and confidence limits differ between the two distributions. For this reason, to simplify the selection process, it is recommended that the Plll exceedance temperatures be used in general. Where both distributions provide similar results it doesn't matter, and where they differ, Plll is usually more representative of the data. Routinely using the Plll values will avoid accidentally using the Norm exceedance temperatures when they are not representative of the observations. Further explanation is provided in Appendix B. Multi-Year Time Horizon Probabilities Probabilities of equaling or exceeding an event at least once during a multi-year period can be calculated based on the return period, T. Average Return Period T and annual exceedance probability have a reciprocal relationship , P=LfT. The exceedance probabilities, P, correspond to the likelihood of observing temperatures less than or equal to the indicated value in any single yeor.ln order to apply these numbers over a multi-yeor time horizon, one should 6 calculate the probability P1 that the temperature will be less than the specified threshold at least once during the J-year period. P1 ma! be calculated as P1 = (1-(1-P)r). Values of P1 for J equalto 5, 10, and 15 years are given in Table 3. The single-year exceedance probability of 0.033 which appears in the third row up from the bottom is the approximate exceedance probability corresponding to using the coldest day observed in a T=thirty year period as the peak design day. Thus, the likelihood that a temperature colder than the 0.033 or 3.3% exceedance temperature will be observed at least once in the next five years is 0.15 or L6%o, as shown in the S-year (J=5) column . Similarly, there is only a 5% chance of having a temperature occur at least once that is colder than the P=0.01 exceedance temperature (i.e., the T=100 year event)within the a 5-year span. SUMMARY T-year exceedance temperature values for monthly and annual daily average Temperatures (Tavg) and annual minimum daily average temperatures (minTavg) have been estimated for seven stations across Southern ldaho by fitting Normal and Plll distributions to long-term observations from the stations. Results for annual Tavg and minTavg are presented in Table 2 and Figures 1 and 2 above and in Appendix A, which also includes results for monthly Tavg. 7 Table 3. Multi-Year Exceedance Probabilities corresponding to different time horizons (J=5, 10, and 15 years) for different values of single-year exceedance probability. Single-Year Multi-Year Exceedance Probabilities, PJ T P J=5 J=10 J=L5 2 5 10 20 30 50 100 0.5 o.2 0.1 0.05 0.033 0.02 0.01 0.97 0.67 o.4L 0.23 0.16 0.L0 0.0s 0.999 0.89 0.6s 0.40 o.29 0.1.8 0.L0 0.99997 0.96 o.79 0.54 0.40 o.26 o.t4 For annual Tavg exceedance temperatures, results are similar between the Norm and Plll distribution estimates. For monthly Tavg and annual minTavg, results are often substantially different owing primarily to skew in the distribution of the data so that the Plll distribution provides a superior estimate of exceedance temperatures. The 12 (Chi-Squared) test applied to the results generally confirms that Plll is as good as or better than the Norm distribution. Because Plll usually provides a better estimate when results differ between the Norm and Plll distributions, it is recommended to use the Plll results from this report. When the Norm and Plll estimates are similar, this produces no negative consequences. However, when they differ, routinely using the Plll results avoids accidentally using the less accurate results from the Norm distribution. A measure of uncertainty of the exceedance temperatures is given by 90% confidence limits in Table 2 and Figures L and 2 above, and in tables given for each station in Appendix A. 8 REFERENCES CITED Benjamin, J.R. and C.A. Cornell, Probobility, Stotistics ond Decision, for Civil Engineers, McGraw- Hill, New York, 1970. Chow, V.T., D.R. Maidment, and L. W. Mays, Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, 1988. Devore, J.L., Probobility ond Stotistics for Engineering ond the Sciences,znd Ed., Brooks/Cole, Monterey, CA, 1987. Haan, C.T., Sfotisticol Methods in Hydrology, lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa, L977 lnteragency Advisory Committee on Water Data (now combined into Advisory Committee on Water lnformationl, Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency, Bulletin 778, http ://water. usss.eov/osw/bu I I eti n 17blbu I I etin 178. htm l. 198 1. Lapin, 1.1., Probability and Statistics for Modern Engineering, Brooks/Cole, Monterey, CA, 1983. Pearson, E.S. and H.O. Hartley (eds.), The Biometrica Tables for Statisticians, vol. 1, 3'd ed., Biometrico, 7966. 9 Appendix A Detailed Station Results Detailed data and statistics for each station are presented in both tabular and graphic form in this appendix. lnformation for each station is grouped together on a series of four pages in order of station number. Each page lists the station number and name at the top. The first page for each station lists the starting and ending water year, followed by a table similar to the top one-third of Table 2 in the main body of the report, except that it contains data for one station only, and contains monthly results for the mean daily average temperature, in addition to annual results. ln these pages T.ru refers to the monthly or annual mean daily average temperature; minTr* refers to annual minimum daily average temperature. The results in the last two columns are identical to those in Table 2 for the respective station. The left figure shows time series over the period of record (POR) of annual values of Trrg and minT.,r. These time series plots illustrate how the data vary from year to year throughout the period of record, and the difference in variability between T"r, and minTr,r. The two figures on the right present the annual data sorted by magnitude for T.ru (upper)and minT.rg (lower). The second and third pages for each station give tables of exceedance temperatures and Upper and Lower Confidence Limits (CLs) for the Norm and Plll distributions, respectively. As in the tables at the top of the first page for each station, monthly and annual values are included for T.ru, and annual values for minTrrr. The exceedance temperature values for annualTavg and minT*u given in these tables are the same as those given in Table 2 in the main body of this report. The fourth page for each station shows the exceedance temperatures and CLs graphically for annual values of T.,, and minTr,, for the Norm and Plll distributions. Each graph presents results for the full range of return periods analyzed in this report, that is, 2,5, L0,20, 50 and 100 years. Each left/right pair of figures can be compared to see the influence of fitting a Normal versus Plll distribution to the data. T.,, is presented in the top pair of figures, and minT*u is presented in the bottom pair. Weather Station Zones, Locations, and Starting Water Year (WY) Zone lD Location Starting WY 3s0 Caldwell 1905 4s0 Boise L94L 500 Hailey 1909 600 Twin Falls 1906 700 Rexburg 1908 750 ldaho Falls t949 800 Pocatello 1939 10 F-{FIr-l r{oFI t{O) F-{@ FIN r-l(o ril.r, F{sf rlrn r,{N F{ F{ r{ ooooooo(rl N r-{ rl 6l Cnlll (3.) arnleradtual =(uftrc.u EO g .E E-,otota =lE)trtrlE o0 g Eo ov, rl F{r-{ r-.1oF{ dOl t-l€ r{N r.l@ t-lln r{sl ri(r') FtN t-.1r-t rl r.o<fNo6(r,tn l..) tn rn sf sf (1.)ernleraduag bo (!FL E E)c L SIBEEi 1Ao =P(uLo CL E P (u trC o =T' (uL' lEo ooooooorolnst(nNF{ (1.)arnpradual ooorlN(nrtt oNoN oooN oo (oF .E E t bo (oF I .F F. I-r5 rlqF-- r a'Fr- ;,s 'o sl-ch tt .atE I If.tE t v - =H- t-{ r.r,ar.rl "o u- bo (EF t!)c L cl ,o9crlo)n F{ i .: IN N F!nFolflslFl o-(lJtt, oof 5 c J (! o- (l, s OJlJ- c(! 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E L CL L(o -oolJ- (I (Joo oz P(Jo ]nNOt-lFl lnc.icrdcdr-dro ro rJ) rn rn |J) coqoqcc!qNOtoo@r\(.of\|o(o(O(Or.O \4n'J.l40)sl N F..l O O) oONFFf\t.J)r.O \fqclaaq)(osf(Y)NFIOr.o (o (o r.o ro (o e\nn.!u'!o(otn<fmNlntJ.)lJ)tnl,1t,1 eo'!oqo:cet-{ oo F tO ln lJ1lr1 sf + sf sf sl nqneneslF{Oo)OOf\sl st <t (t1 (Y) (Y) qeqqneN(Y)O@r.O+(r1 (Y)(nc{c{N f\|o@(nm(Y)ct r; ^i c, r. u;(ONNNFIF{ qqqnoqo) NOO14mO@(t1(\NNNF{ \q4c'?oqo.!o) N rJ) sf N t-{m(orr1(n(o(o cqecqU?\nF{q)@f\(o(olnststst<tt -cloLo- o-4ctn388ooocrcrc, LF3 N,r|3R38 tioL:,P(ELoCL EoFo(Jc(EEoo()xUJ oo (!F .E E E,cc noqnul\nOF{(f)NN(gFlrrHH tt oo (!F 6 =cc c! o) (..1 \ c! oq F{ O) O) 0O OO I\rn<fsl+<f+ o- @tJ1 uo:f = c)- (! o- (! !(tJlJ- c(! (Joo oz P(Jo nqn4n\NCD@N(otnto tJ') tJ) ln u.) u1 qcr?c.ln40)FTCDooNtOIJlN(o(o(or.o(o d) F.l Or Ol Ol Fl$c.iddcdc/jf\NN(O(O(O N f\ u.) r.O N F.ldrdc.i -icio(oro(o(o(o(o oqqoq\nqoO(osf(f)NFrlolJ)|r)|J)|/)|J) qnclc!.!U.!o@Nr.otnt+rn+stsf++ qnoq\s4(O rl O) OO I\ lOsf<t(r)(Y)(n(n eq\U.)0coqlONCtrf\sfN(o(nNN(\N 0OF\F\O@tnoi+-io;'rid;NNNF{r'{Fl 4c.l 9qnnF{f\$NOlf\(r1 NNNFIF'l Nlnq)(oooroi d + d; c.i ci(nm(o(n(rlro qqocqn4F{OONF(Dt.otn<tsftsfsf Eeg€ uJd 4rn388ooocjocj 6LF3 N,",3R3g zotr =co d.FIo d =o3E'(!UoIn(o E .9 (I,Pth oorl ol/) 6ooHE T'o 0,oorrc =oG, rn c! a rn o rn o lJ.) 0 In o LoFrF{,ffTf (1.) arnleradural I ),,t ,,,,, ,,I JL) (lJ 3oJ .l I I I(UF,c E + J(J Loo-o-l II :1o o(,tr(Etoo(,,xtr,t oooIU o 3oo E J E J .= E a! Jtrtr E oot-l orn to ooo-)NF 1l .9 o -GHE =oE rJt N f t Nr{OO'l 0ON(Otnrnrn\fsf<t+ (1.) arnleradural i t,, ),, I,, J(J o, =oJ & ! ,, I(EF + J(J oCLo-l It I ]Ao o(JtroEoo(,xt! oq0o o =oo Gftrtr E oori ot) 6 oaOi(E !,o -oL,t o-H c =oc rJ) , t, o l.r) 0 ln o l,)r-{r{NN tt (1") arnpradural ,, ,,, ,t JU o =oJ ts $ I(!FC.E + J(J o)o.o.f It Ioo0o o 4q>E r!EogE9 ctr5g.!o>EEEioEg<,I o E oz N rJ) OFl r'{ oor{ orJ') 6LlEoRP !t .9 oet ooc tJ) I rl O O't OO I\ln !n sf sf =t (1.) arnleradutal , ,, I, JL) q) 3o)i I ,,, v(oF + JQ OJo-o =I?:ob0o!!o!u=>v<g>.o=o.85EF5(l,92rE EEE(JLXOurz N r.osfNr/) =o3! (EUou)(r1 E.9 (! Itt oco ooooNrlr{I (3.) arnleradtual oNI =.u5ctrtu 00 g .= E!toEotl F{r\ rlIo Flrn rl<t F{(n FlN r{r'{ F{ =G =ctr(! OD _(! =,ototn (o+No€(oln !n l.r) rn <f sl (1.) arnleradual o0 (!Fc E ii =Ec EE$fiHR II oo (!F E)cE 4'o899..nf,-i+il5,- o-oItl u0f J c = (! Lo- L(! oolJ- E(! (Joo oz P(Jo a,nSn"t-B";?EH* d') oH\"1 _Rd=RD'- '1orP'19-R"i=SB* .1 co9old?,n3';;R3'- Qo9d?'1-6 -:': sf N Nrn"'Oroln $nEE$n $;BIfin nmiQn-3+q$R- inBEEn n,nSn9-S+nSS* 9.n3ol 9-3d+sN- dloPQ'1-frd;Bs,- G-c=EE aE=g>>6;>> c a^oL +,t!Lo CL Eg E =ctr o.2o@ t!o ooooooto!n+(nNF{ (3.)arnleradual oodN oNoa! bo (oFC.E I oooN v(oF t E -::5 a z!t_ -o+ o orh'6 coolnsf .9P(! tJ\ lnr''loN i$.sEcUJ r-lsfql Fl iic E(EPtll =L(! o) o (g = f- EJ @(J LoE coU o3oJ ooE (oLFCc<.E oq e-.{ oq c.J n \@F{NtOONllFlFl tt oo (!F E5E eqn'4\c'lrl o'r or a r.\ N]nsf+sfsl=l o.o(n ho J J c =- (u CL (t -o(u II E(!- (Joo oz (Jo nn\noqoqfno@Flnstto ro 14 tJ) tJ) tJ) 0q(^!oqqc!=q NOoOf\t.ol/)f\Flo(ol.o(o qoqcqqnq <lFlOO)f\tof\ f\ f\ (D l.o (O q 0q c! o) 'r'! 'J]rnNF{O)@f\to(o(ot,1u)u1 qq4c'?qn NsfmNrlOlJ1rnu..lrnl/)l,) cJ\neqnO)r.olasfmNst sf sf sl sf sf a4goqn4NOr@(ornsf+mm(n(t1 d) nqqo'!q\tndolFtosf(r](nNNNN oq\qqqeoomooo(o<fNNNFlFlrl \oq\o_ro)4O(o+NOO)(rl NNNNFI n q .tl o] ct2 ct)ql(o<fNFlO(n d) (n (t1 (Y) (r') oqc!oqqcf!n FIOIN(Dl/)slrn sl <r <f st sf -oo o- o-4nn888oooctoo thF3 N'",3R38 .€ E =OJocoE CoU o)o.o. = boE (ELFCc<.E (oN(orol.f)N-i+ci^i,riF.Flrrr bo (l,F E Jcg oqnoqelqc!FlOqto)€€1r.} rrt sl sl sl <l o-o1r1 uo) =- c)- (! o (! -oc,lJ- g (o c) OJ() oz P()o nqnqqoqsfF{Oq)I\l.oto (o (o rr'l rJl In \qqqo'!n(Y)FlOqlFf\I\FFt.o(O(o qo]q4c!n lnNt-{OOIOOf\f\Nf\l.o(o qqU?nctn(O(nNF.lOOt(o r.o ro (o (0 t't nq\\90coo(osl(nNFlrJ)r,)rJ)lnl.,)rn q\1,.)q40q Of\tOlO$mtnstt=t<t<t c!qeencv)moo)00r\(o$sfmco(n(n \nno'!ec!(g(nF.lO)€FG.)rr1(NNNN (O f\ (Y) (n Fl rOcirr;d;-idF-CO(\NNF{r'{ qc,?u.!o)qnN6r.osf(Y)N(Y.)NNNNN n c',1 \ u': cl eONlnsffr.)Nt(nmmm(r.) \eqqqnNoOt@(Or.ot) t.r) sf sf sl <l do-oL CL 4c.{n888ooodcjct rhLF3 N'ngR3E oL =P(!Loo. EoFo(Jc(!Ec,ot)xlrJ oo (EFL E E Jcc FtOOOFT(oO ONF{sfFOFlrllri I o0 (!F (! cc 4qnqcl\F{OO)oOoof\lJ1!nst<fstsf Q.oa/\ h05 = c = (E o. L(! -oOJlJ- L(E () OJo oz P()o o'!q4c!oqo) fi)FlOre(gu.)(l,(Olnu.lu.)tn dloqnnnr'lfi)oo)€l\rof\f\(Ot.ol.o(o nnqoq4qrn N r.{ o'r oo r\f\f\Fto(otJ, nnq\n4t.0ft1 F{OCDoo(o(o(o(olnln q4.'lnoln CO lJ) sf (O Fl Fl!nlJ)|J)l/)u1rn qc.!qcocqOrF\r.otn(OcOsf =l sf sf <t sf oqn\qenN()0Of\(Orntstm(o(nm nn'J.)qc!n(^oNoo)F(o(nrn(nNNN \oqc!.-'! \nol=fNor\toNNNNr{Fl nqqqc'{cF{f\tJ)sfNO(NNNc\INN qqnoqnn or to tt) (o N Fl(r1 cO (O cO (n co eoqu?nncf!NOr@f-(ou1lf)st=l<fsf<f dsgf lr.l d ".)..!n8S8ooocrdc; rnF3 N'",3R88 zoF =coaF9o J E,oz ov,'6 @orn<t L .9P(uPtt1 .t E J OJ(J oE' Lo{J 0,, =oJ ooE>i(!LFCtr<.E mNO)lndF{oi-id;cd+odrtr.{Fa tt uo (!F (!)c L qoqqq4g F{ Ol Or OO F- f\rostsfstsf+ CLo,Jl oo = 3 c)- (! CL (! -oolJ- c(! (Joo oz (Jo ec'!nqen(no@Nt,)<ttoroln1/)lnrn \qqnqnNOoOF\(OlnNF\r|]orJo(O(O aqnoqn4+F{O@F-rJ)F\ f\ f\ t.o t.o \O cq'/)nqoqq If)NFtO@€(oro\o(ot4tn noqancnF\sfmNOOlnl/)lf)l,)tf)l,/) qU?c!noqqot(olrt+NNsf sl sl sf st sf c'inoq4qqNO)F\(osl(osfmm(rlcO(O \\n\eeIn F.{ Ol r.g Cn Ff(o(nN(\NN (nf\NOOild d; ci ti cr; ciNNa{FlFlFl 4.!nnn.1Ff f\ st Fl f\ sfrr.) (\ (\ c\l Fl Fl aqqq\nclt (o (Y) N ctr @(nro(Y)(r1 NN \eq4.!cf)FlCtlNrOl/)<frn+st+st+ jcLo o- 4ctn888ooocjoo F3 N'",3R3E E E =o(JEo)Es o(J Loo. CLf, ooE>J(ELFCc<.E qq\.'1 U]\Ntno(nNoFlllFl I oo (!F E =g L o] 4 oq c'? \ c.l FrOo)O)OO€lnrn+stsf+ o-oth o0J 3 5- (! o. l! -ooII c(! (J OJo oz Poo q\cf|q\\ <fr{OOIN(Oro(orolnrnrn encl.!na(nF{Oo)@FNNNTO{OlO \q\\qelncoF.root@f\f\f\N(^ot.o lno@6)cDrnd+6,i -icic;(o(o(ol()lc)r.o 'J.]no:qq.!oo(o++NNrf)!ornlr)1.f)lf) noq\oq\nOr\(ou1+<ltJ.) st sf sl sl <f nocnenc'lmOOlcOF-(o$sf(nmrO(n nqann4N(nFtq)NtnCO(OOlNNN rO(O(r1 f\u1 N.;drdcrF.'d(nNNNFlFl qn4qo:4(notrosfo00mNNNNFI \4ectnnOFlnsfNFtsfmmm(o(n enq.!c!'J.!NOo]ooF\(.ol,.llnsf+sfsf .clo o, o-4qn8S8oooocjcj r^LFE N,r|3RBE r^oLfP(! Loo. EoF (tJ(J L(!Eoo(JxlrJ 60 (!F.g E E =c L qqn4to) F{(nF{lJ)O(Y)FlrrF{c'.| oo (!F EfcC 4clnoqq\FTOOIOOOOF-tt t,) sl sl sf sl o-oar1 oo f- c (o Lo L(! !ol! E(o (J o)o oz Puo qqnnqq sfF{Ol@(olJ)to ro 14 rJ) ]n rn cQe4notnmoo)@I\toFF\rOrOrc)rc) qnqcqq lnNF{O1 OONNNN(^o(OlO olc,?nnqeu1 rONF.lOOlro ro (o ro to to o)4c!c!qc'] f\|J1slcnNFlrnu)l.r)tnrnlo qc!qqqc'lor r\ ro ro (rl rost st <t sf st st oqn\4.1c! NO€F\(Otnsf$m(n(o(Y) I.oN(ONf\Otd e.,i ci od ui d;filTNCNNNN anqq4qo ln F{ o) l/) (oft1 NNFI ElFl n.!n\c'{q(\ oo ln (\ ql to(nNNNF{Ft qeol.!loqO t.o <t (n F.{ O)sfm(o(o(nN cqe4nfYlu') NOI@F\(Olntnsf+sfsfsl Eegl -overri 4ctn388ooodcrct 6 LtE,OJ N'",3RBg zotr)dl GFIo d o.9ocl)oln<f E .oP(E ttt oorl ot/) 0 Go9 !o ooa =ooc Ln N s rnoutornornorlr{'if('\l (1.)arngeradual ,,,I ,a,,, ,,,, JU q, 3oJ t & I I(!F .= E + II, JU q)o- CLl It I 0)6!tE El,l' }E'69OoELEtr EPfoc9 =E=o=o=C'E.T d ooe.l oln qL.!oRi T'.9 o-o=tr=q,4 In N s (nNr{oorooN(oInLnu)rosfslsl<f $q, tr ,,,I (1")arnleradual I,,,, t, , JU OJo-o- =It I o(,tro!looC,xEI ou0(! o -> IEo E3trtr E oo F{ otn 6 l!og !t .9 o9G ool rn dt- , l.r)o!norrolnorir-r,fE'rT ?,t, ,, ,, ,,, JU o3oJ & $ , v(!Fc.E + a, J(J oo-o-f It t oa0.E o }Eo-JoEEE EE =e.=o =EES?oE83;o E oz N (1.) arnleradual oori or/) ?' ooR9 do Lo PE =oG rn t f#$ (nNF{OO}6NrOr/) lJ) rn u) <f sf st sf (1.) arnleradural ,,,It ,,, , JU oo.CLf It I oItroEooIJxEJ ouo lE o 5Go .E trC lE E oz & ,# '[r f (\ C'.9ocoorn+ C .9 (!P1r1 F..loF.{ FIO) FIoo F-lr\ F-tr.o F{ln risf FI(n F{N F-.1FI r-l ooooooNF{e'INCO ttt (1") arnleradural f =ctr(! u0 -tEF .E E!to o1n rloFl rlOl t-l00 r-lr\ t-{r.o Flrn r{st r{cn r{N F{r{ rl O0O(osl (\lO6(orn sf st sf sf sf rn cn (1.) arnleradural =t! =trc(! o0 p E'o otn oo (!F E Gfcc ;s+fi!H u- OD (!F E =L L n'ocn\ntrg.icjSBH o-ottt bo = J c5- (E o. l! -ooII c(! (Joo oz P(Jo O)-sfslstf-g;"DgS o)rn.1 .!n\ 3".i ?S8= 4rnd).1 orl\ E..i ?Rfr: o'!orntttrfr"icjBtH ulocooq\trfi"ic,fr$H 4rn-rqrqtrS"idfiS: '1m;nctltrS+ctgRH Q;oqn\N"ic,33H 4r.n9o\9+9R"j= ern.1 9s\N+9S"i: 4orc.!engsdesN= .1 0,Pnngrc, -: ti (l) o (,sl'-OrnsfFl G-c:EE },. .UOoC.l(!.=-a>>,5;>> c a^o =Plu o CL E_oF E ==tr g lE I .!o oNoN uo (oFC.E I I(oF IIIIII ooooooo(o!n+(nNr'{ (1") alnpladtual 4 g+- - :rq r-< a.d -4 *;r ar<E 16* brti FF{:-E-. 'oo oooFIN(nttt g (!IoorO L .9P(!Pv1 tnFloN intCIJ Oloo)F'l ilbE E(E (t =r^ (!o L(tJP(! = .f E J qJ(Jco)E coU o3oJ boEeiFCc< E qdl\'rl\oq N@F{sff\O)r r F..l Fl F.l Hlttt oo (oF Efctr f!oqqn\c.{(Y) r..l F.l O Or Ot=lslsf+m(n CLoVI u0 = )- c)- (! o- (! -o OJlJ- L(E (Joo oz (Jo 4oqc{'! n\oql.o (n c{ F{ O) OOu1 lnv)ln+=t qnc!nnnu1 (nNF{OCt)r.o r.o (o ro ro U1 c!qololoqq f\rn(Y)NFlFlr.o l.o ro ro ro ro qnqe4\ @(Ot(t')Nt-{tnlnu.)u1 rnrn t-{+OO)ln(O.iodr.';+d;rnt$slsfst nqnqqnNCttF\r.osf(Y)sl (o (Y) cn rr1 (o qolo)c!QnHf\u1+NFr(Y)NNNNN nq\\ne(Y)O)tO<fNFl NFlr{FlFlFl o'!oq\oqoqn€<lNo@Ft-{ F{ rl F{ u)rolnoo@ln.iNr;di.idNr{Flr{FlFl n\o')9\4f{00tolncnN(YlNNNNN \(^.!oqqnultO(nF{OOi€st <f <f sl (f) (n riooo-utctn888ooocjcjcj rnF3 N'n3RBE .: E Jo(Jc(uE' goU LoCL CLf ooE (ELFCc<.E c.{c!c!\4clO(ooti'{sf(olllF{F{Fl ttt oo (uF Ef Lc qc'{qqnqrrlNFrFrOO<f <f <f sf sf sf CLo)vt o0 - =- (o o, (! = -ooLL c(! (Joo oz P(Jo c!\nene I\sf(oNFlOrJ)1,) lnt,1ul |.,) NFIF{NNIOtrj+rdGi-ici(ororo(orroro O@f\@qrNF. 'ri -f cd c.i e.ir.o(o(o(o(o(o c!qeoqoqnq)Nu.) +cOcnrnl,)l,)l,)rnln oqenqo':n t-{ O) @ F lJ1 l,.|lnsfst+<tsf qqqnqnNo@N(Orn+ sf d) d) (r1 fr') qneac!n(\orr\lJ1+co(Y)NNC{NN \4nq\n+oooro+(Y)(\ N t-{ F{ F{ Fl qnqqoq\Ot,ostNOOrN Fl Fl F'l Fl qcq4eq N@F14(nNNFIF{FlFlFl qoqclqnnmoroorolnsf(ONNNNN nqee\qrostNF{oor<tst++$(n -oo o- o-4qn888ooocjcjc; F3 N',,3R3E OJL =(E OJo. EoF o)o (EEo)o(JxUJ oo (EFc E 6 cE erNslOOO) e{f\O(Y)tJ)I\I I Fl Fl Fl r''ltlll oo (EF E =EC nqcq\nqmNt-{OOO)stsf<.slifft) o.0)tl oo5 =- E = (E Lo- (! -oc)lJ- L(!- (Joo oz Poo o)Nq)Ntn(o 'd+c.,i -idoirJ1 rn r,) l/) ln sf or@r\r\r\o '/i d; 6i -i ci o(o(oro(oro(o .J.!nenn\ f\l,)<f(Y)NFIroro(oror{)(o qqecqc!nor.0tnsmNt.r) rJ) rn lJ) u1 t) lnol(otnNsf 'icdr-qrd+|r)sfsf<lsl<f l,)(oO@msf c.,i oic6dd+sf(o(n(o(Y)(n n4qnec!N@rot,)(r1 N(r')N(\NC{N ooo(oFromstoNln(oNNF{r{FlF{Fl ln ln rJ1 € qr to CDtfl(rlF{OlO F{ Fi Fl Fl qee\cq NOOtOSfNF{N Fl Fl Fl r'{ Fl lrtCO(ONr.ornc!oiN(osf(Y)(r1C!NNNN nqc'?c!nc'?(Oft1 NF{OCn<fstsfsr=lm Eqg€r!i ul (.l .-:888oooctcjcj rnF3 "!.o3R3E zotr =coaF9o J toz g (! Iooln .oP(E vl P- E J o(J LoE co(J o =oJ ooE (oLFCc<.E oqnc,?\0qqr-{ 6 N l.rt ctr NrrF{F{HNtttt oo (!F (o)c L q\q40]4(O r-.1 r-{ O Ol O)sl=t<fsfmol o. OJ an oo = = g) (o LCL (E -clolJ- c(E- (Joo oz P(Jo ro N o u.) @ t)ddic.iocdr.ln u1 u1 rJ1 =l sf 4c,?qq\ollfl(Y)NF{O)@ro(o(orot41n morolndNr.dff; 6,i .ictlo(o(o(oro(o c!qotqnqoo(oslstd)Nl.r)rnrntnlJ)lr) oqc'?qqoqq oooNtosfslln<t<t++=l o)@Norrn|J).iodF.'d+d;sf co co cn co (o n\\n.1qdF\rnsfNF{m c\l N N c.,l N aoqneqlro@rosfNOc! Fl Fl Fl Fl rl noq(-lqetO)slNOf\lnrl rl rl rl nnnqc'i\F.{ f\ l.r) (n d OlN Fl Fl Fl t'{ nqqololu?N6r.osfNr{(r]NNNNN qqqu'! c!nul(nFTOo)OOslsf<fsf(nd) lioL CL o-ulctn888oooocrct oLF3 N,r'9R38 .= E =ooc OJE o(J Lo CL CLJ ooE (ELFCE<.E 4\nen\ornotNLnNrrrlrlrl oo (!F (l, Jc L l/l(nNNf\+d;^i.i.idcisl=tstststst o-(lJt'l bof :- c) (! o- L(E .cloII c(E (J(uo oz P(Jo qqnn\9Nsf(nNoo!u.)rnullntnsf (Y)NdNNINd+dic.i -ici(o (o ro ro ro ro nq\eqoqCOIJ)=l(Y)NF{(o r.o ro to to ro nqnc,'!qno) F\ (o 1,) <f sflnu.)tn|/)lnu1 oqnennoq F{O)OOF(Dtoln st sf st <t <t qotoqqnq(f)OAf\lOtn<fst(Y)mfi)(n \f!4nqqNorlf\lcl<tco(n (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ o)N(o@ot(o+crodd+d;NNr-{FlFlFl U]4Anneor.osfNo@N r''l Fl Fl Ft oqnolqoqq NO)Fl,)rONN Fl F{ Fl Fl r'{ eqeoqc_.tn(oooo@lnsfCOftlNNNN 4nqqo)c!ro<lNNoo =f st <t sf <t <f rio CL o-4qn888ooocjcjcj tiLF3 N.nSRgg rhc, JP(!Lc,o- E OJFo(Jc(oE OJoIxl! bo (!Fc E (! J qqq\no) Of\OmNOtllrlrlrlrltttt oo (!F G =cC c''! q n o'! rq qd)NF{OOO$<ttsfstsf o-o)(n o0) = c J (! o. (! -oolJ- c(l, Ioo oz (Jo neoqnoq\f\sfNF{OIOOtt ln ln |J) <f <t coqqq40qlJl(tlNF{OO)(o ro (o to (o rn \4c!.!o) nf\ lJ|) Sl CO r.{ Flro ro ro ro ro ro \44\qn@(oln+mmrolnrnl,)loro eq:\\\qr-{@f\(Olnlnlnsf=t<lsf+ n4no-14qN('tOr.orOsfsl (n (n (Y) (n (n q4\.'{4SN@r.ou1 (ONTNNNNNN ne4\qnsfo)r\lft(nN NrlF{FlFlFl oq\c'')clanor1rlcoFt@NFldFlFl nec!'J.lqeN@(OsfNF{NdFlFlFlFl \a4olc!o]NOrNrnsfNCONNNNN eqeennlO(ONF{OO)ststsf+st(n d€gE rJ.J d u?qn388ooocjoo Ldl'(lJ N'",3R88 zoF:)coaF9o E '6 Iooln c .9P(!Pa/, oorl orn ti ^.!xg tto oor{ o.c =a,c, ln N {t. t J(J 0) =oJ OlnNNtt t,,, ,, rnou)rdFl tt (1.)arnleradual ,I ,,,, G'u0o EP>E =i!lEsog s5EF =G'.=P>€ EE =a)LXL IIJ =A rro J(J oo-o-f Is I I ,f + s s s oor{ oln ll ooal(\. !t .9 o-rHg =oE rJ) N € $ $ sf(nNF{OO)sslstsfst(n (1.)arnleradual f,,, s s,I, JL) o =oJ { I II d gs i+ I spO=oiE>LiBooOFrB=trCotrE =Edfi #ik # r iI- /d fl d9bEO- 'ao- .=Its i+ oor{ ou) IA .EooN> tt.9 ^O=otr =oG tl-JU q., =oJ & ss rnotrl0tnou)tr{rlNN rl , It, ,, ,,t o brOo o<8:>L AE aOtrcL =cEo, =0,>EE(! =a=o<9 o E oz N (1.) arnleradural oot-{ orn 6!l!0,alNl- E.9 o^o.Hc =0, OE rn I @ ,,,j,II , F{st ,, , 2 <f(nN<f <l <f J(J c, =I I{ I , I(EF +*obrO ra!!o9;<g>o=o. ESt!F=oE(,cE<€ EEE(,LXOurz N oorsl (n (1.) arnleradual g (!-ooln LoP(! UI t-{or{ FIOl r-l6 rlN rl(o r{ln F-{<l t-{(n r-lN r{r-l FI ooooooG.) N rl r-'l Ntt (1.) arnleradual =t!3trc(! u0 Ptr.E Eotovl t-.1ori r-l Ol d@ F{t\ r{(.o r{l/l r{<l r{co r{N r-{r-{ rl (o<fNooo(o<tNrr) rJt rrt lrt sl <i <f sf (1.)arnleradual =lU =gcG h0 FE'ototn r{ oo oN bo (oF .= E I u0 .oFItta, orl oNof\t F{oooo.l1 Nrl (1.)arnleradual ooor.o rn st tao =(uLoCL E_oF EfEtr Iolrc'= F oo (!F L.E E, E J;$ET3 lJ- oo (!F E)E L \r-+c''!qa$-;.jfi$= o-@1n bo) =- g = (E CL (! -o(ulJ- L(! (Joo oz (Jo olo,.1 qnC3rq33= .] tool .1 9OE.icjRS= nood)4olqs"iqRg= no'oU.)qqS"icjRhH \.roloCqafld.i3SH ulc.r.rnnA5dcjilg: ..1 ol o o] cQ o9d.,S8= o)odlqnCS+9$3= u')cn\d?ogR;q3"-= nrogqoqaR+e3S= 09+4\oqq5de$s= ulooqegg"iciRSH !(!II E'= Foo(o c .o (!Pv) r/) F{oc{ in .=E'cIJ rooqr Fl iri E(!P t /'t =ttL(!(u Lo (E = P. E5 o(.)coE' LoU o3oJ ooE>i(!LFCc<'E neoqnoqc'?lr)dlr)0)Nlnrrrrlrl It o0 (!F t Jc L 'J]ne\q'J)0Of\(olJ.)stslsf sf sl sf <f sl o.(tJ ar'l b!, 3- = (E Lo. (l, -ool-L L(! (Joo oz (Jo 4qq4c!d'!o)FrnsfmNrJ)lnu.) |,)rnu1 \U]r.{nnc''!0Ot.otnsf(Y)Nr.o r.o (c| (cl lo to qqc!c!qn d@f\@sfstF-toto'O(o(o nu]nolq\(ooo)N(olnro(o|r)tnl,1rn n\.lq\\loNt-rOOOf\Inl')|r)l/)+sl nnqqc!eI\slNF{OO)sl'=lsfsttm \qnn\\Or(OtnsfNF{rn (n (Y) (n (o (o rQnqcq4 NOOlO+FrO(NNC{NNN qaoqoqno)(ONOrf\u1 (Y)N N r''l !'{ t-.l E{ oq o) \ o') o) uloo+NoooNNNc!NF.{t-{ n90'!4qqf\<fc{F{Oo)(Y)(o(Y)m(oN c!\ncr?qqo) ro lj.) sf (n Nsfstslstsfsf -oo o. o-4qn888ooooCrC, 6r-3 N'",3R3E E E =o(JcoE oU o)CL CLf boE IELFCc<.E n4nqnclf\Ornl/)Orrlrrrri I OD (!F E, LE ol q o'! c'? \ c! 6 f\ tO rJ) lJ) lnsf<f=f<f<f<f CLottl o! = ) L J (! o. L(! -oolJ- g (g (Joo oz Uo eoqqqn\o N to r,r1 =f (n|otn|,.ll,)l,)U) n("lnc!._.tqo't N ro t) <t (nro ro ro ro ro ro \nc!c'{nn-lOt@N(.ol/)Fro(o(o(oro € (l) t-'l Fl O) Fldi-iddF.r..(ororoln|n!n nqd] .!qr.l(ofnNFlOg)u..lrntnrntnsf oteqotqe FlJ)(f)NFIOst sf sf sf <f <f U?0qnenaOf\(ou1<f(Y)<f (o (o (r1 (n ft) 44.J.)0qqogrno)r\t,1sfN(Y)NT!NNN N00(o@l\+cxicd-idF-dNNNFIFIT''l qc'{q\q\ Ot.o+NOOr(nNNNNr.{ c!nqoq4\co rJ) st c{ Fl ofnao(n(n(n(Y) qulc'lf?f1 4g)r\lolnsfmsf =f sf sf sf sf -clcLoL CL 4qn888oooodo rhFE N'",3R3E oL =(!LoCL E OJFo(J (EE'o OJ(JxIJ boE (ELFEc< E n\nnoqn@OslF\OcorrrFl t-{tt oo (!F Ef LC \eqqfY'!c6Nr.o(olnsf<fst<f+tsf o.c)v1 bo = = L = (! o- (I, -oot! c(! (Joo oz P(Jo o'!nnnq'-'! O) f\ (O rn (O fr1ulrntJ.)rnlJ)tn nq\oq\qO)(olr)sf(nm(o(o(o(or.or.o nq\\9qF{orr\lol/)sff\(Or.o(or.ol.O nq94e4(noo)ooFro(otolnlnrnu.) \noqqn,r'!lJ1 (Y) t-{ O O) oot,)t/) lnrn$sf u1 6st(nOFlF.+d;6i .icistsl$+sfst nnqoqnqOf\lJ1+(oNsfm(Y)(.rl(ofi1 qoq\qe\ N@(OlncOFl(oc!Nr\lNN l,)Fl@@NNF.d;cjdd'ri(\ N c! el t-{ rl n4U.!Cq\Ol lf)(nt-{O@(\frlNNNF{ oqolU'lqoqolr\sfrnNoo)co co fn (t1 (n c{ 4nqe\o')OIF-rn<fcONsfslsf$+<t deg€ uJd 4qn888ooocjdc, qF3 N,43R3g zIF)co E,FLo J d.oz I(!lJ- '= Fooro Co.E (!Pv1 ..!: E) OJI oE IcoU OJ =oJ ooE (ELFEc<.E 4nqnqc'!tnN(oot.r)00llrlrlrlttl oo (!F Ef c nqc'?oqc!oq00Fr.Dlnu1 sf =f <t <t <f sf sf o. OJtt, b! J J- c = (o o- (! -oot! c(E- (Joo oz P()o 4o'!nqoqo)O)(0ln+NF{lJ.) lrl]nu1 lnrl qr,?.!c!c!noo(otn$(oNr.o ro ro lo ro ro n4q\(.!nFl@f\l,slmr\ ro to (o to to \rrlc!eno]NOq)OONT.Oto 'o rn u1 rJ) rn nU]nnotnlr)NF{OOO@|J)tnulut<l<l qq\u.)c!e F\slNr{OOl<lsttsftco q\clcn={ Or(OlJ.)(Y)NFl(rl cn (r1 (o (o (o c'?qule\o)N00rJ.)(oo@(Y)NNNC\tFl enenq4NNO)tomoNNrlrlF{F{ no:c'{cqqch st N ot F\ t.r)c\l N N rl Fl F.l 4n40) q4F-slNO@N(o(n(i)(nNN nqnnqo)Ol(Olf)sfNt-{sf<f<fst+sl -ooLo- o-,1qn888ooocjocj t-(E'0)N'N3R3E v- E Jo(J LoE' IcoU Loo-q) ooE>J(ELFCC< E ctqqe!qqoooN(ooNrlFtF{tt oo (EF (I,)Cc cqqqnoq€FF\O(o|rl<f sf sf sl sl sl CLott oof = c (! o- (! -oOJt! c(! (J OJo oz P()o nq\\4\oN{olnsl (t1lo rn u1 l,t rn r.r) nc'?c''!4qn01 f\ l.o l,) st st(o'oro@ro(o qqqnoqq N qt CO I\ ln t/)f\ l|Jo t\lo lJo (O l.O qnn\q4(.r1F{OO)O)OOro ro lo tn tn !n nq'4n',!o)(Od)Nr{OO)lr)l,)rnlr)l.r)sl qnnno'!c! 0O ln st (Y) Fl F{<f <t sf sf sf <l qqqnc'{9oN(or/)stcostmmcococo ol\'4\4n(norF14(nN INNNNNN om|oN(n(t1oi+.ioitrt+N N N F'l ?''l Fl 94c.{nolc!o\o<fNo)@CONNNFIFI qqqqqoq€ t't sf N o ot(.t1(n(n(o(Y)N qqnU?n9Or\rorn+mrJ) =l sl sl sl sl -ooLo- o-U]qn888oooooo rhLF3 N'n3R3E th(ULf (o oo- EoFo() L(!E'(l) @()xUJ ooE (EL Lc<.E oq4q.1enrOOsf@NtrlrrrF{F{tt oo (EF (I, Jcc 9e\q\c'?OOf\tOrOu.)ul =t sf sl <f <f sf CL(utlt bof ) f- (! o. L(! -oou- L(! (Joo oz P(Jo qnnq\o)o)r\(ol,)d)N|J)|r)tnlnlorn oooooootdd,ri++d;(o (o (o r.o to ro ulq\U.!nn r.{O)N(o1.l)<fFrO(o(o(o(o .-.. o': oq n e efnooo)ooN(o (o |n lr) lJ1 lJ1 qno: qoqn ln(,FlOCDO)tnloln|J1sl=f u?oqu.lnna F\+coNFlOst st st <l st sl nnq\n'r'!Of\ln<fmN<fm(Y)(o(n(o nqqqr!e(Y)6toslNo(r1 NNNNN c'in'.,]ce9oo(Y)Of\slNNNNFIF{rl o)\c'] c.!qe Chl.r1d)Fl 6(ONNNNrlrl .'lneoqq\0otnrv)FIOooft1 rr) (Y) (n (f) N 4no:oqqoqqrF\!nsfmNst st st <f sl sf tegi uJd 4c,{n388oooooo L.E,OJ N,",3R8E zIF =co d.FIo E I (oII '= Fooro .oP(!Ptt oo F-{ orJ) ta ooo>. t,o ooo.rltr 3 oG, rn N {I !noFINtt s +,,, ,II orno lF{ I (1.)arnleradual , , J(J G)3oJ i -Sd $ ,I r/) I orl ouioo Ol,>o<=>rr=oE5g EEfo 'E'e 2o -t(!O=o-(,=*,a trt =o. oo.l oln t^ .!ooE !,o Lo eE =oc ln N I s' oorooF{olJ)stt/) sl st st =t st st (1.) alnleladutal t ,t, tI, IIt J(J L(u =oJI I J(J OJCLo-:) Ii I spo=oi!>LiBooclFr85ctrotr=t1EE6 oor'{ orrt 0 oo KF llo LoooFrt= oG, rn $ d oln0r/)orF{t-{N I (1.)arnleradual 6s ,tt, , ,,, I JL) Lo =oJ & I E +I ou0o o4o>E=-oEogEE cE =e.!o =EEEio:of,io E oz ,dr I { F & ? N r.r)oFi oor-l orn ta l!oa}lX- !,o Loet o,G, r.r) d,- f oorcoF(ol/)\trJ'l <f <t <l st =t =t (1.)arnpladual ,,, ,,, ,, JU o3oJ I a J(J oCLo-f ItIob0o!EogE<g>o=o.ESt[F =oc(,cE<{ EEE(JLXourz ir I $ r N rlorl r{ O) rl@ riN FI(o rlrn rlsl r-lco t-lN r-lri r{ ooooooN F{ F{ N (nttt (1.) arnleradual =(E =trC(E u0 .(EF .= E Eotorh rlor{ r{O) r'{00 Flr\ r{r.o r-.1r/! r{sl F{(n rlN r'{Fl ri O@(osfNO@(olnststsfsfsfmm (1.)arnleradual (E trtrG o0 g T'o-,o.tl bo (EFc E E =cc r-.{rNOu)oos;?s\3 II bo (EF E =LE \o-rcqqAS.;.,S5= o.oar1 o0 J = c) (! CL L(E -oou- E(o (Joo oz (Jo 09ord)c.!4tril"ie35: 9.no.'l oltr 3".i ctRnH \+.1 ct?ntr3.i9R3H nr-c.r44AB..i c,3fr: 9o,oeqAil.icjnSH 09+n\'14$;e3SH 9oc!n\99HdesSH nordlQorggNd93d= Qo'o\oqtrF+ciS=H 09-r.1 4\9SqPSIH o')oc!e\tr$;qE3H clrnnd?na3";eS?= GLEE 3x i.;oo(U-(E.=-a>>,5;>>c .Eo oo (!Fc.E I o! (EF t ooooooo(ol.r)sf(nNri rno =oLo CL E P Efcc brOLfltxoc, a"-fr -q.E'.f -g b.a tsb! - ;=€* =E- t !€ g rEEd, E-o- t FIF a ooooF{N(nsltlll (1.) arnleradual o0 =ltxo&.oor\ Eo (! tn l.l.eloN ii .=E UJ oooOlFl f'n L E(!Pt1 = (!o LoP(! = .= E =q.,(J L OJE co(J o3oJ ooE (oLFCc<.E nnoqqu?0)f\stNt-{=f(orF{F{C.{NNttttt oo (!F E:,cc 1,)g)o(Y)ln0 c.,i ci ci oi d cdsl+<f(nrr1 d) oottt o0 = )- c =- (E o- L(! -o(tJlJ- c(! (Joo oz ()o noqu?enc!1,)NFroor@rn rn rJ) rn sf \f c,'! n o'! ol oq qsfNOO'roOoO(o(o(o1nu1u1 nncr'!c'?Qq(o<l(Y)NF{Orororororo(o n\nnctnotro|r)<fmNlnlnlf)lnl')l,) (OFIF\lOfi1 t.ioiF.dd+tnt+sft<t nne4qqNOtr\ro|J.l<f+comcn(n(Y) q9cflac!\r{r.OslNOoo(ONNNNFI q4\noqn F{ (O (O r-{ OO f\C.,l F{ rl Fl ul\c'lqeqF\NOoOrnsfrl !-t Fl n.!o)qc4o'o(Y)(\o)ooNFlFlFt cr'! \ oq c! n (.1 FlNtnslNFt(NNNNNN 4 o'! u'! n q .,1 +F{OOl€f\++<f(n(n(Y) joLo- o-4c!n888ooocrcjcj thLF3 N,n3R3g .: E Jo(J LoE coU Loo-o- = ooE (ESFCE<.E n\ncqqlj.) Fl ln N Fl (nrF{F{FfNNttttt 00 (!F Efc o'!nqqcqo)NF{OOo)oOsl=lst<t(n(n CLoth bo:, = E = (! Lo (E -oolJ- L(!- (Joo oz P(Jo F.{ f\ ln ln (Y) (Odric',i -ido;lnl.r)u)rr)lr)+ o'! oq \ q o'! fq =fNF{OCDO)roro(o(otJ)ln qnnqc,?\ f\u|)sl(Y)NF{r.o ro r.o ro (o ro \4c']nn\orr\rolr1+(ou1 lnlolnu.) l') nq\\qoqNCtt€f\t.otnrn st sf sf st sf c.{ =q q oq ,r'l qmooFlolJ.)rf<f(r1(n(n(n .!nqcflanN0Or.oslNr-lCNNNNNN nc!\\nqCO@loGlFlOlC! Fl r'{ Fl Fl otqqneq@stNOoororl rl Fl Fl (o\O(oO)rloo.j r- d d; c.,i ciN Fl t-{ r{ r'{ rl c,? ol (.l e c! e.{NoOf\l/)sfm(OC!NNNN cloq'J?4nqInNFtOCDOOsfstsfstm.n -ooLo- o-4.tn8S8oooocjc; LF3 N'N3R3E vloL =(! oa. E OJFo(J L(gEo(u()xIJ oo (!FL E 6 =cc F{Olsf(t1rOoO(oc!roorNsfIt{rlF{NN ttlll oo G'F (o =c \c!n\eulNFIOOtO)OOsf sf st rll (Y) (O o.c,tt) b0) ) c = (! Lo- G' -o(lJt! (! (J @o oz P(Jo oqd?qq\o'!Itt(.rlNoqt@lrrrntJ)rnstsl qU)enn\<lNF{Oq)ooto (o to (o ln tn NNF@@N(osl(nNt-{F{(o (o ro (o (o r.o nno'!qoqnolNtnsl(omu1 tn l,) u1 ln lJ') q4.!c.iqc.{N CD OO f\ (O u')u1=f$slst+ ooottN@@e.i oi d F. ,ri +sfm(Y)fil(n(o qnc!naq F.f f\ u1 fO Ff O(Of!NNNN nnocqc!qNNsfNocoNFIFIF{F{ Nr.oNNOtsl@(nFlOl'Ot,1Fl F{ Fl qotaqn\r-r ro sf d) Ft o)Nr{FliFf oqe4nnfY)F{oo(Oln(nN(ONNNNN cnqq\csfNF{Ooof\sf=trfsf(r1(o teg€ uJd 4ctn888oooocro riLF3 N'.N3R3E .: E'= ooco)E Lo(J Lo =oJ ooE>J(EcFCc< E nnno'!q\F-sl@rr(O0Orr{rlNNNtlltt oo (!F E5 c noqqeutqNOOOT@@ =f=fsf(nm(r) a. 0,,(a b! = J L5 (E Lo. (! -clolJ- c(!- (Joo oz P(Jo noq.!qneln N t-{ Ol OO f\tn|J)ln=lsf<f NCD600(OCt)$.iddc/ir.(o(o(otnlot,) nf,?nnqnt.o<fmNoo(o ro ro ro (o ro qqnneqerou.)<rmNtnl,'ltn]nu.)u) U')olulnnc! F{€f\(oLnsftnsfsfsfsf<l (n(n(oN(oroc.ioiF.d+d;sl (o (n ro co co q4q\ne r{(O(l1 F{q)F(Y1 NNNFIFI \acl u.)d] nt-{ (O (Y) O F- lf)c{ Fl Fl Fl \\\qcqf\NOtf\mrlrl rl cjq\oq\eO(omF{O)@N Fl ?'{ Fl (\roln@otln.jr-'ridi.id(ONNNr\IN 40qeq44stFrootN(osfst<t(n(Y)co rioL CL o-Ur^!n888oooocrc; thF3 N'43R38 .t E =o(JcoE' Ico(J oo-o- = boE (BLFCc<.E 4nqolc'?4sf Fl sf N F.{ (Y)rF{FIF{NN o! (!F E =Lc O)tnF\N14Flc.i -icicidoislslslsfmm q o)v, o0) = c J- (! CL (U -ct(ulJ- E(E Ioo oz PC)o nqu?nnc!(.o(nNF{OO)rr)tnlnlJ1u.)sl qqqqnn lJ', N F{ Fr O O)r.o(o(oloLoln c.{c!ndle\ f\ ln sf (.r1 C! F{(o(oro(o(o(o \q4\oq.'lOl F\ r.o 1r) sf sflr)loln1/)u)lJ) 4qqe\qc{OoOf\l.o(orn|J1+ststst n4nqq\cnOo\f\tOlnsfsl(Y)mmm qc'lnc.iqq NOOtOSfNO(n (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ quloq4olq(, 6 rn (t1 0 ct)N Fl Fl F'l F{ 4\.1oqc!no! sf N o) N ]r')Fl Fl Fl oq0coqqn(r,! df\u.)slNF.lN Fl F.l r{ F{ r..l LO Fl lO O) C! F.{c.idr.d+d;CONNNNN nolqeanInNTIOOTOOsf sf sf sf rO rO -oo CL o-4qn388ooocjcjc, tiF3 N'O3R8E rhoLf (! o CL EoFo(,)c(EE OJoUxlrJ u0 (!F E E =cc oqoq4\ao'! lrt N lo cD (.Y1 lJ1| -{ F.l F.l N C{ttttr b! (!F (!) c f\Nst@F{r.oc.i -iddoicxtst st sf (f) cn (f) o-ot/\ hD, f Ef (! Lo- L(! -oou- L(E Ioo oz P(Jo olct)o)\dlnln(nF{OO)€rnrnlJ.)lJ1sl<t qnenn\slNFlOOroOr.o to (o to tJ) tJ) oq\\\\qtO sf m N r'{ r'{(oro(o(o(o(o .1 nqnn4O) f\ (.o 1r) st (Y)lnlnu.)lJ)lnln q4e'Jqqc!NOr@Nr.orOln <f st st st st oqo':nn\\NOr@f\u1 +tcrl(Y)(n(n(n oq4nn\n rif\rncnOO).ONNNNTI \4qncYleNf\<fNq)F\N Fl !'{ t'{ q\q'4\\6(n!.{6tnCOr-{ Fl !'{ O0)Ot-{NO'!-id+di-ioiNFlFlFlFl en,r')q.!qF.{@(.ostcONO]NNNNN eneoq4qln(\lr.{CDONsfsfsf(ococo te 9EuJi ,)qn888oooooo thF3 N'",3R3E zotrfco_G, FIo o- oo FI oln aa ^a!xg ttoobF{ o.c o4 rJ) N .( I tnoLnolnorF{r{NNCn (1.)arnleradual $ J(J o3oJ ss t a,,,,f , ,,, ,,, I,, t^o o o(Jct!T'ooIxt! ooo(! o =tEo Ea E J .sE6 =trc E I t d s + oo F{ orn 1A Goa)x- It.9 o -GEg oc r/) N , ,# =f(nc!FlooroN=l$<lstsr(n(n(n ,Itt (1.)arnleladual ,, ,,,, , JU LoCLo-f t spofoi!>gi$ tEOOFEg =trcoct1Edfi oor-l otJ) 0 .!ooN> !to aO =oc =oG, tn ffiI JI o, =oJ t E€ I OlrOl.r)Olr')c)Ir{rlNNfOrttlt (3.)arnleradual ,,, F 0,I ,, oa0o o<8 :>L AE a6lECL =Etro CF=o>E E(! =o=oi9 o E o2 JU oo.CLf, :+I i .E +N#r $,lf oori or/') 0 ooalNF to Loot , oG, t) , I st(ttNrloo)@Nst st sf <f sr (n ol (n (1.) arnleradual , ,,, ,, , J(J f ohOooogE<g>.o =q.€stEF=oE9cE<{ EEE(.,L,<orJz N g =.ctxoG,ooN c.oP(! t/l r-.,|(o riln rl<f rlrn r-iN rlr-l r-l ooooooNr{r'{Nrn rtt (1") arnleradual =tE Jtrc.! u0 -.U .= E !,otovl Fl(o F{tn r{st rirn r'{N rlr{ r{ o@(oslNo6(olrl+<lsfsfsfmrn (1.) arnleradural =o =trco u0 FEo ovl -n oo (!F.g E E =Lc TT$EfiE lJ- bo (!F (!) LE nr-a-19r-$;e$3- CLovt oo) f c J- (! L CL L(E -ooIL C(! (J(I)o oz P(Jo 4 -r d? c'{ 09 ".h;q3s- 09cooqq* 3..i ciSBb 9ero)n09n-B..i qSBto olrornul 9*f.idDHio 9r-no)ul*3"icj35l" '1oro'1ul*$.idBhb 4oQo'! \r-Sog$5- d] c.r .1 o9 ..1 a-E"j?S+. 09oulgg'\F+eB3- 9r-e!Q\r.-S;E3R- 9,o.r909n-S.i.j S S b 9rnd.l e_,.rNoqHr... G-c:EE }X US9;#SS: l!o oo (oF.g E I bo roF I t ooorlN(ntt oNoN oooNFI (1.) arnleradural a0oL +,GLo CL E_oF E5cc I ol! o.CGg -€- { =t'=tr-=-->. € .r#1 5 t .( I ..-€ o+ oooln+(n t- E5o(J OJE LoU Lo3o -J ooE (!cFCc<.E nqqoqd:q(oN(oot(or,)rF{r-{FINNtltrt oo (!F E =Lc oln9olc.l\(ONdOOOTsf sf <t <f st d) o-ol'r1 bof ) L (! q. L(E -ctot! L(E Ioo oz (Jo qc''l o)\c?n t\stNF{OO)ulr/)u.)LO1,1sf u]nenn\(D$mNFlOr.o ro (o ro lo r.o c!cqenn\@(orn<f(oN(o(o(o(o(o(o U.:c'{qqoqnOoOf\t.osl+(o In rn u1 tn u') q(".!qq\o)NOOrr\tOrnlotn<f<fsfst \n\qd] n(Y)t{Or@f\tO<fsfm(n(nm \qanaoq(.r) O) f\ rn (.r1 Fl(oN(\tNNC{ qo'!oqc!eemNslNorr\N Fl r''l Fl aqq4\oqANONT$NFl Fl r''l nqqYrlnF{tOslf{OO)N Fl Fl r{ r'{ q\o'!n\qf{oo(olnd)N(r1NNC{NN qqq9nq lnNF{OCn@<l+st+(od) -oo-o o. '4c.t,1 888ooocjcjcj tt,F3 N,n3R3g =E J (U(Jco:o IcoU oCL CLf ooE>J(ELFCc<.E (oomcDcDOd;cid;dcdorFiele{rlNttttt oo (EF E:,cC !nofn@dr\+dic.,i .i.idsf st sf st st sf o-o1r1 bo = )- c =- (E Lo- (E .cloII (! (J(uo oz P(Jo q4(.,lc!qc! @l,){(rlNdu1 lnl/)lJ1 lnln N(n(n|J)F\Flr-d+d;c.i^iro to (o ro r.o (o O) F{ N lJ) rO FlodFdr;++(oro(o(o(o(o cr?c!ncr?eqFr Ol O N l.o l/'lrou.)rnul u)rn n e! n .! .! 'r')(nF{OOt@f\tn ln In <f sf rf r.or\looqtN+ c.i -i ci cd od=f$stsf(n(n .! c''! a \ o'! \l/) F.{ O) N ln st(OCONNNN qc.{enotelJ1Of\r,)NrlNNFIFIFIFI e.!q4c!qolnNo6r.oNFlelF{ q9qqc!qN@(otornNNFlFlFlFlF{ nn4aeo-)mO@f\lJ.)sl(n(NNNNN O@f\OqlN6d;..i.idc;sf sl st <t <f =l -ctcLo CL 4^!n888oooctcjcj anF3 N'",3R3E rio =(oLoo- E(uF OJI (EE'o OJ(Jxl! oo (!F .E E (! c 00=l 00No'ro =lrrsfF\OmrFlFlrlNC{ lllll o0 (!F 6 =c N@o<lFc!+c.,i c.i .iddsl sl sf sl st sl oov1 oo J J L)- (! = L CL (! -o@u- c(!- (Joo oz T(Jo u1 O) tO ln N sfr.+dic.i-icit) rn |J) u1 t4 ]n oOOrCDOrrst(gsf(n(Y)NFl(oro(o(ororo 9\0qqn4orot,)tnsf(o(o(0ro(o(oro otr\(oFl.oct)ci od r. 'd '/i +rolnlntnl/)ul qoqq940cft1 OOt@f\(orolnsfsfsf=l n\nnc!nslFlOOr0ONsl st st (O (O (O 'r'l 4n\\nsloooro$(nd)anNc!NN r.o F-r G1 O! (ll ln +gllOfi1 FlOl NFIF{FlFl ennnqcOltFlOrto=fr{ F{ Fl oqoq\eq\dNtnstNo NFlFlFlrlFl q90q9qolNOrr\losfro(NNNNNN qne!a..JU)u1 (nNFrOO)ststst+sf(Y) teg€ rJ.J i 4nn3S8ooocjdd thF3 N'N3R3E zoF =coeF9o J G,oz I (ELLo (! =ornN CoE(! t'l ..!: E J OJ(J oE co(J L OJ =oJ ooE (ELFCc<.E qr'?nnnn(O(nF\Flt,)OOrF{F{NNN oo (oF (! Lc cnnqqo-)(r1 NF.{OOroOsf <t st sf cn (o oovl oo = = c J- (! L CL (E -clolJ- L(E (Joo oz (Jo eqqnsc!NsfNF{Ol@tn|J)ullnsfsf n rq q c! c.,l u')(osf(Y)NFlO(o(ololoto(o ulnq\no)@(^otn(nNo(o r.0 ro r.o ro ro c!nqe4qo@F(l'tntn(orolnu.)u1 rn nnqqoqnNo@Fro(o|,)tnsfsf+sf ulq4c?cq(Y) Fl O) OO tO (osl=tmfi1 (f)(o c!q\ol'J.!q<lo(o(oo@(Y)Nc!NNFI qqnqno)(oF\<fF{F\sfNFlrlrl .!qn\q4@NOrr.o(nF{Fl t-'l o!\qqoqoq F{(O+F{oO(ONelFlFl q4U?0qoen NootO=lNFlIONNNNN ONsfstNst,rir..,i .iododstslsf(fm(n -oo CL o-4c.{n888ooocrcrcj F3 N'O3R3E E E =o)(Jcq,E+EoL) Loo-o-f boE aBEFcc< E olqnqn\NOr(n(OOrFrr r rl Fl tl C{tlll bo (t,F E =cc qc'in\olnsfmN?'{OO(<fsf++sf o-(utt1 00) J cf (! Lo- (! -oot! L(!- (Joo oz Io a\oen\e@rftst(oFlolJ)tnrntJ)lJ)u) en4\oqc'?f\lnsf(Y)NNro (o (o (o lo (o enc!.!qqol r\ \o rJ) (o (nto r.o (o ro ro ro NcOst@Flr\.ioicdF.r.d(o rr) rrt ]n rn rn ndldl4\nmt-{OOrooOOu1tn|f)<fsfsf \dlnnqc,lsfNt-{OOtoosl st sf st ro co qqnnn4 lOFlOtF-sfN(Y)(NNNNN ..1\\c!nntooNtJ)NO NNFlF{FlFl \4e\e!'4olnNo@(oNFIF{rl c!q\e40.)cootro+No NFIF{F{FlFl 'r'! eqq\q(Y)O€f\lJ)slO1(.r]NNNN no: o:qnU?(O(ONNFi O+<lst++sf rio-oL CL ,1c.{n888oooodd F3 N'",3R3E (uL =P(!Loo- E(uF o)(J L(oE' OJ(u(JxlJ a0 (uF .E E Ef lnmomoto+ -i ,ri cd e.,i +rF{F{r{NNtttll oo (!F (o =c eeo: qnoq <lNF{F{OO)sf+sfsf<fm o.oar1 oo = = =- (o Lo- L(! -oo)lJ- C(o c)oo oz Io lrOInNF\(ONdd;c.icio;u.)lJ)rnrnl/)sf 0qccqn4(o<ffi)(Y)NFl(o(o(o(o(oro qq\4nnoo(otr)sfmN(o(o(o(o(o(o f\NOF.l=lOciodrrr.ddlou.)tnt,1rnl,) ot\\qoqcYNOOr@f\f\rn|,|<fsf<f<f n\ne''1 AsfFrOO)@f\sfsl<fm(t1(o .!oqn\\'J]lr)0@t,)NO(ocnNNN(\ OlcnFl+c!O+oidd;cidN Fl t'{ Fl Fl nnaqclcY)O)+t-{OO(o+Fl Fl E{ .!q4noln NNl/)rOOotN rl r'{ rl Fi \'J]\c!n.!NO)f\(o<fmGlNC{NNN 'r'!nqc?cqq!n(nNF{OOlslt=t=l+m Eeg€ uJd ulqn888ooodctct thLF3 N,r,9RBE zoF)coaFvlo E I (El! o !(! =olrtT\ L .oP.EPtt oor-{ ot, ra l!o9 Ito oo4r{c =oE tn c! f rnostorno 'rlrlNNmttrl (1.) arnleradural I ?, ,t, , ,, JU OJ3oJ s & $ , .= E + o oa0G Eg>.9 =a!l!!ogEE =oEFtotrg =EEE -- l,)LXL I.l.T =o- ,l r oot-l orn 0 .!^oHE !to ooo.r-l E =ooc rn N I lJ)st(nnlFlOOt@<l+<l<t\t=f(ncn (3.)arnleraduel t,,, ,tI ,, JU OJ3oJ t JL) oCLCLf I?I SEof oi!>Li1ooctFE8=trcoctl1EE6 oo F{ o|n to ooa)x- !,o Loo4F.l C oE tr} I { s ornolnolnorF{FINN(n lrlll (3.) arnleradutal ,,, , ,,, , & x , oo (!Fc.E + o UrO.! o (rn>E(!Eogco cc:o:F.L q, =EESioE8<xjEto E oz N oo F{ orn t^ ooo->NF tto Lo4o-F{i 5oG, rn P Lr)<trnNr-{OOl@<t+sl<lsftm(Y) t, ,,, ,, J(J o, =oJ * & IIo@o!! o, 9E<g>.o =q.4s(!F =octJcC<€ EEE(JLXOurz c{ (1.)arnleradual I (Eu- o (!9ornN Lo (!P(t) r-lN F-{(o F-{ r.r) FIsf r{co riN rir{ FI oNI ooooN F{ r'lI (1") arnleradual =.!fctr(E u0 p tr.E ttoto,h r.lr\ r-.1(O F{r/) r'{sl r{(n e{N F{ F{ r-l NO€(o<fNln ln =f sl <f <f (9") arngeradural =lu =trtr.u uo g !lotota oo (EF E Efc Es$E$R lJ- 00 (!F E)cc $:FH$N o-oUI q0 J c = (o Lo- (! -oo c(E C)oo o :oo txBEfir "l"rS"lolnrB",i +RS* Px*EEr (n-(n(o(nDxEShR ;rEi$r |J)^rlsfOg;:iBR nr-ilct4*hd?$N- E;3HEI fin*H;r ct..of;4n-K+qS5^ n.ohnog-Hd+$KF $*3fr$s GLEE Ar=B>>.5;>>c tnoL (ELo CL E P (!:,trc g o oIJor L.!o ooor.o rJt +ooo(nNF{ (1.) sarnleradural o oor{N oNoN -9o (!(Joo-oo€ L .9 (E u'l rO FloN i'i LEEl! OlmOlFl iic E(!PU\ =rn (Eo o (E = - -'ir>r E E J OJ(J qJE Lo(J Lo =oJ ooE (ELFEc<.E nnqn\nrloorllo@FlrrrlFlelNtttt oo (!F E =cc lo+f\F{rr1 Fld'd++.drr;st sf =l sf =t sf o-otl oo5 = L = (! Lo. L(E -oo)lJ- c(! (J OJo oz P(Jo q4c.lnoqqotroln=fNN|,)tnLnt,)u.)t.f) o)qo:qnn@Flnln<fm(o(o(o(o(o(o q4n4n\O(,of\l.olnsfNr.or.o(o(O(o olanq\o'!FlOr@NU)sl(o u1 ln rn rn rn 00mocDroorr;.idc6r.tr;rnrnl,)st+st q4nqq\ ln (\ F.l O) OO I\<t+sf(flrO(n qeqnuler.gcOF{OOOFfil(o(n(oNN d]qQo'!U.!oq @ (Y) rl OO tO sfNNC!F{F{Fl qoqe\ne(nr\lnNO@NFlFlrlr{ lnu.)(Y)lntnFlrri.io;t-'d+N N r-'l Fl F{ Fl qn\e\q =frlO)oorOln(n(oNN(\N u'l q\4cJnN tl (o N d osfsl=lttst -oo o. o-q..!n888ooocjcjc; vtFE N'",3R38 .: E =o(Jco:o coU Lo)o.o.) ooE (ELFCc<.E cfle\n44F{ln@dt(Ollr{rlrl ttl oo (!F E =cc o@N00Nqlr- ,ri ,ri + + dist sl st st =t sf o-otl bo = f- L = (! o- (! -oo)u- ct! (Joo oz Poo e4ene9otFroln+corJ) In rJ) |J) |J) r/) 9\oqnc'!\o) N (o (o t) +(o(o(o(oro(o erfle'J.)qqF{ql@FlOl.ONrororororo \nc!c,lc!4NOol@f\lo(o lo rn rn ul lJ1 qennnn<fNFrOo)ooInq.)tnrn+sl qar!.!nnl/'l cO N Fr O O)=f<tsfstst(n \qnoqn,r'!N<f(nt-{OOl(n(n(o(Y)(nN o) 4..{cf!eo)Otr,1(nF{OlI\(\NNNFIFI \oqnnn\sforr-l/)(nFlNFie{FlFlFi oqnnqot\ lOmF.lq)F(ONNNFIFtFI qqnotq\ InNF.lOl@F\(O(r](NNNN nqoqoqoqq@rost(nr{Nsf sl st st sf sl -clo-oLo. U.lc.{n888oooocjcj rhLF3 N'",9R3E rhoL)P(!L(u CL EoFo(JE(!E(tJo(JxIJ.J oo (!F .E E E Jcc FItONF{+rOcidcrc/idodI F{ Fl -l t-{llll bo (EF Efcc oqeq4q4(otnrn$(nm<t st <t st st sf o- OJt1 uo = =- E = (I, o- L(o -o0.,u- C(E- U OJo oz ()o nqoqoq9olo)Fl.r)st(oNr,,l lJ1 ln t,.) u1 u') c'!nnq\nor r\ (o rJ) <f sfro r.o r.o r\o (o ro o)o)olqnnOoOf\Nr.oLrN(O(OtO(Or.o eo':\\4\NOtOONT.otn(ornrJ)lnu.)tn c.!oq9qn9slF{Oo)oof\lr! tn Lo st sf sl 4q\qnql.fl(t1 F{Oo)@sf+sfslmrn nenq44N<fNt'{otOO(n(n(n(nNN t-r(ONNOt/)d+r-,i ocdtr;a!NNNFIFI OO Ct! (r1 F{ N rld;odd+-ic; c{ Fl Fl Fl Fl rl N(O(r)ro@tJ)d6icroddu;NNNF{rlF{ F{F{rnNf\f\ 'dr.icidNd(nfi1(t)NNN q4ef'{na F\t.r)sf(Y)NFI=f+st+slsf teg€ rJ.I d u'! ctn888ooocido ti L(!'(U N'",3R3E -9o (EIoGoo@ Lo (! Itl ..t: E =o() G'E LoU L o) =oJ ooE (oLFEc<.E qn\aqqF.rooN(oo(t)rrF.lrlNNtttt o0 (!F E)Ec 4eqqcflcrol')++(Y)Nsf$sfsfsf+ o-oItt oo = =- c J (! L CL L(E .ct(ulJ- g(! (Joo oz (Jo FllnO'tln@tOdd+c,i.icirnu)lJ)ln]nu1 o] q\\nq 6(0lnstfilNro(o(c|ro(c)ro eqn\ol\c)@NtnfilNFro(orororo n.lc!nqnr{OtOOf\(olO(olnl,)Lnloto qnqe\q (OF{qlOOf\NtnlJ1$<t+sl oqeqq\o) SINOCDoOF =t sf sf (f) (O (f) \cqqaqn(.o(OFrO)f\lJ)(r)(o(oNNN 4n40q\4@(nOf\slNNNNFIFIFI c!\n'4q4co F- + rt @ ttNFlFlcl \nog4\\mF{OOIO(nFrN N F'l Fl Fl r'{ (O d) fO rO (O F{+.idrid+(n(nNNf!N eoqU.!nqnF+(nNr{Ost+sf=f<t+ -oo o- o-4qn888oooooo 0F3 N,n3R3g E E =o(J C'E+Co() L OJo.o-) uoE (ELFCc<.E qol 44qcYlN+ooF{roF\lltirlri ttt o0 (!F E =cc do)(no(ocnr-d'ri++ct;sf st sf sl sf sf o-(utl ooJ J cf (! Lo. (! -oolJ- c(E (.)(uo oz (Jo c.{\nc!oqoloNtotn(nNto u') rn rn u1 u.) oqoto)qeeotI\tolol,1st(o (o ro ro ro ro \qe(.loqoqF.lO)@NlnsfF(OrOlOtOtJ) qn90tc'{eNOOt@@r\(o r.o ln u1 rJ) rn qne440'!+r{FlOOlOtn!nlJ1rnsfsf ot9nqequ.)mNr-{OOsfstsf++sf nqn4\40O$(Y)rlCrl@co(n(oroNN uloqenqo)OrnmF{oo(O(nNNNFlFl ne4neaTr)ONTONO(\ (\ t-'l Fl Fl Fl nn.lc'ln4F\(Y)F{OlF\lnNNNFIFIFI qqqoqc!qIONF{CttooN(.rt(n(nNNN nnqnnulOOr.olnsl(f)Nsfstsfsl+sf -ocLo o. 4qn888ooooocj tiLF3 N,r'3RBE tio (o oo EoFo(Jc(!Ec,o(JxlrJ bo (!FL E E =cc 44n\4nO(oO(f)F\OIt-lF{F{N oo (!F E)cc oqqqulo'!4(olnlnsf(n(Y)sf+ststslsl o. OJth oof J- J (! Lo- (! ! OJtL c(E (J OJo oz PUo qn\notc Olf-l/)+Nrlrnl.r)u1 tnl,)lf) nndlneqorF(0rnsf(Y)(l)(o(l,rororo c''!noq4qo) F{ Ol N rO lJ.) CON(O(OlOtOtO qolo')c!4qNOt@OOFN(olnu1 lnu)l/) F{OOI.oNNFI+-icrdcdcxtt.rt t4 t.r) + <t st nqoqoq\nInft1 Frooror<l sl sf sf (n (n nnc!44nN<lNOoOF-(n(o(ocoNN ul\qqqo)ot<fNotr.or+NNNrlt{F{ enn4n.!sfo't(o(oo@c{ r'{ Fl Fl Fl ,rlnnqqog(oNO€l')m NNNFIFIFI enn0qqeLnNO@f\ln(rlmrllNNN o) u? cYl c! cl 4NtJ)+(t')NFl<fsl+sfsf<f te8*xyuJi 4c.{n888oooodc; r^F3 N'n3R3E -9o (!Ioo-oo@ c .9P(! tJ,'l oor-l otn ta oo o:- t,o Loo.otr F{= oc tn N I grdgb'c3'=oCJ +* olnNNtt I t,,, l/t o l/)rF{F{tl (1") arngeradtual ,I,f T,,I i0 lnO ou0 TE 9oie>-= =i!IELog 55EFtotr9 =€EE =t):xL tlt =E oorl orJ) ta .!oal(\, to o9:) oc, rJ) N tI N(Otnst(oNst<tst<l+<f (1.)arnlendual II ,;,,,t , ,,, ,I J(J o =oJI I I JU OJo-o-f It I sp!E=oaE>Li$ooOFE8ftrtrotrT'1EEE €sf oor-l?, orr)I I,, I,,I oa0l! o 4 ,tr>E =<oEogEE CE:e.=o =EEI :o 1,Io E oz t IA l!oRt !to ooGF.l E o 0c rn9deb'c3'FoCJ +$ , t lnOlnI F{ r'lll (1.) arnleradutal ,. N I tno otnNNtt oo F{ orn 0 Goo.}NF !,.9 oet =oG I , # JU o =oJI I J(J 0.,CLo- =It I I,,,, ,, oOOl,FOgE<g>o =q.4sl!F=oc9Ctr<* EEE(,LXo r.uz , , tn N N(ornsfcoNsrssrsss (9.) arnpradual oo<f {' N r p Appendix B Analysis Details This appendix presents information about the methods used to analyze the data in this report. The T-year exceedance temperatures presented in this report are statistical estimates based on NORM and Plll probability distributions fitted using sets of sample observations. Exceedance temperatures were calculated using the Frequency Factor method applied to the Norm and Plll distributions (Chow et o1.,1988). At least two sources of uncertainty are involved in these T-year exceedance temperature estimates. One source is the selection of an appropriate probability distribution to represent the sample observations; a second source is associated with how well the random sample of observations collected represents the underlying population. The 12 lCfri-Squared) test is used to determine if either the NORM or Plll distribution is more appropriate than the other to represent the observations, and confidence intervals are calculated to provide a measure of uncertainty in the estimated exceedance temperatures relative to their unknown population values based on the fact that they are derived from a random sample of observations. Selection of Distribution-12 (Chi-Squared) test Assuming the sample observations adequately represent the underlying population, selection of an unsuitable probability distribution will yield erroneous exceedance temperatures wherever the fitted distribution deviates from the trend of the sample observations. For example, application of the Normal distribution to observations with significant real skew will induce errors in the estimated exceedance temperatures. One way this may be assessed is by testing the "goodness of fit" of the NORM and Plll distributions to each set of sample observations using a 1' lchi-Squared) test (Chow et o1.,1988). The 12-test is a hypothesis test in which the null hypothesis, Ho, is that a proposed distribution together with its parameters fit the observations well. The alternative hypothesis, Hr, is that the distribution and/or the particular parameters are inadequate. In the 12 test, the range of n sample observations is divided into k intervals, and the number of observations D; occuffing in each interval is compared with the theoretical number of observations expected within each interval based on the fitted distribution, given bV np(xl. Here, p(x) is the theoretical probability of the random variable with cumulative distribution function F(x) fallingwithin the rth interval bounded between xi and xi-r. That is, p(x) =F(xl- F(xrt) It essentially compares the number of observations occurring in each bin of a histogram of the LL data, with the number of occurrences expected within the range of each histogram bin based on the fitted probability distribution. The squared differences of the observed minus expected number of occurrences in each interval are normalized by the expected number of occurrences and summed over all the intervals to give the test statistic 12. k lni - np(x)12@ The sum 1'. is the test statistic which is compared with a 12 distribution limiting value. The null hypothesis is accepted if the test statistic, 1'. is lower than the 12 distribution limiting value. A 12 distribution is the distribution of the sum of squares of v standard normal random variables, z. The number of degrees of freedom, v, is given by v=k-m-1, where k is the number of intervals, and m the number of parameters fitted for a particular distribution (m=2 for the Normal distribution, and m=3 for Plll). The effect of m is that the limiting value for the Plll distribution is smaller than that for the Normal distribution, so that the test is a little more stringent for Plll to account for the fact that Plll has three parameters which allows greater flexibility in the distribution to fit the observations. The X2 u,t-rlimiting value has cumulative probability 1- cr, where a is the significance level. A typical value is a=0.05; it gives the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. Tables of the X2 ,,r- o distribution function are available in many statistics texts (e.g., Benjamin and Cornell, t97O; Devore, L987; Haan, L977; Lapin, 1983; Pearson and Hartley, 1966). Histograms are usually set up using uniformly sized increments of the variable for each interval so that the histogram shape is similar to the shape of the probability density function fitted to the data. However, for the 12 test, it is desirable to select the range of values for each interval such that each interval has the same number of expected occurrences of the random variable within it based on the fitted distribution (e.g., 20 intervals might be selected each with L/2Oth or 5% probability of occurrence), and the commonly recommended smallest number of expected occurrences in each interval is 5 (Benjamin and Cornell, 19701. For any fitted distribution other than a uniform distribution, this requires that the span or range of the values defining each interval will vary. ln the analysis performed here, each dataset was divided into a number of intervals, k, sized so that the expected number of occurrences in each interval was at least 5, that is, k<n/5. For example, with Caldwell there were n=111 years of data. The number of intervals was limited by k3n/5=22.2. Thus,22 intervals were used, each having probability p=1/k=0.0455 (4.55%1. The 12 test was applied to all the observations from each station, both on an annual basis for Tavg and minTavg, and on a monthly basis for Tavg. On a WY basis, both the NORM and Plll distributions passed the 12 test applied to Tavg and minTavg at each station. Generally, the Plll Ii=l x? t2 distribution passed the 12 test as well as or by a greater margin than did the Normal distribution, especially when the observations contained significant skew. lt is recommended to use the Plll distribution values: When the skew is significant, as it often is for minTavg, Plll likely provides more accurate results; when the skew is near zero, as commonly occurs with WY Tavg, the Normal and Pltl return period values are not very different, so selection of Plllto be consistent induces no penalty and simplifies the selection process. For the T.ru monthly data, both the Normal and Plll distributions passed the 12 test for most months at most stations. Across twelve months at the seven stations, there were 84 station- months tested (ie.,7 stations x l2months) for each distribution. For the Normal distribution, 78 station-months passed the 12 test, and 5 failed. For the Plll distribution, 81 passed and 3 failed. Station 350 (Caldwell) passed the 12 test for all station-months for both distributions. Considering the general recommendation of this report to use the Plll distribution, I will discuss only the three 12 test failures of the Pllt distribution. These occurred for December at Station 450 (Boise), December at Station 700 (Rexburg), and November at Station 750 (ldaho Falls). Of these, only December-Station 450 failed the 12 test for both the Normal and Pllt distributions. For November-Station 750, the data exhibits modest skew (-0.2), and the largest difference between the return period estimates of monthly Tavg from the Normal and Plll distributions occurs for the 100-year event and is only 0.7 "F . Thus, I recommend accepting the Plll return period values, as they provide conservative (lower) temperature estimates for a specified return period, and are not very different from the Normal distribution values. For December-Station 700, I also recommend using the Pllt results. The skew for this month is nearly zero, causing the Plll return period temperature estimates nearly to converge with those from the Normal distribution; there is at most on 0.2 "F difference between them. December at Boise was the only month among all the station-months tested for which the Plll distribution failed the 12 test by a significant margin. Comparison of the Boise data with that at Caldwell and Twin Falls alleviates this concern. Both the Caldwell and Twin Falls data are stongly correlated with the Boise data, having R2 values of 0.92 and 0.82, respectively, and both passed the f test for December by a wide margin. The Boise data fails the f test because of a concentration of data in the 30.4-31.3 'F range, for which the corresponding data at Caldwell and Twin Falls is slightly more spread out, so that at Boise all of these data fall into a single interval in the 12 test, whereas they spread across a couple of intervals at Caldwell and Twin Falls. This concentration of data in a particular range at Boise could be the result of an observer tendency to round to a particular number rather than another. This one interval at Boise is responsible for its f test failure, and it is in a range of the data that is not of concern in this analysis. Here the concern is to estimate the magnitudes of T-year return period events on the 13 cold extreme side. Caldwell and Twin Falls include data for many more years than at Boise, but even when the probability distributions are fitted to data from the same period as Boise (WYs L}4L-2OL5) at these two stations, they still both pass the 12 test. The similarity among the Boise, Caldwell and Twin Falls observations suggests that all three datasets could likely be represented by the same type of probability distribution (Plll) with similar parameters. lt is notable that when the skew is calculated for December at Caldwell and Twin Falls for the same time period as available at Boise, namely L94L-20L5, it is larger at each of these two stations than when their full period of record data sets are used to calculate skew, and similar to that obtained at Boise (approximately -1.4), and that this skew is very strongly affected by the very cold December 1986 Tavg which occurred at all sites. Most importantly, the regression line between the monthly Tavg values at Caldwell and Boise has nearly a one-to-one slope and zero intercept, so that across the range of December monthly Tavg values observed at either site, the estimated regression value for Boise is never more than 0.5 'F different from the value at Caldwell. Thus, one would expect their corresponding T-year return period values to be similar to each other. This is in fact the case: they differ by less than 0.8 "F for the 100-year value, and only by 0.2 "F for the SO-year value. Consequently, even though the probability distribution fitted to Boise's December data fails the 12 test, T-year return period values estimated from it are close to what should be expected based on the similar dataset collected at the Caldwell station. Confidence Limits The temperature data collected at each station constitute a random sample of the underlying populations of temperatures and these samples have been used to estimate the true frequency curves of the corresponding populations. lf a random sample consisting of the same number of observations could be selected from a different period of time, they would probably produce a different estimate of the population frequency curve. How well the observations represent the underlying temperature population depends on the number of observations (sample size), its accuracy, and whether or not the underlying distribution is known. Confidence limits provide a measure of the uncertainty of the exceedance temperature at a selected probability or return period. A range or confidence interval which brackets the true exceedance temperature with a specified probability or confidence level, 9, can be calculated That is, for a two-sided confidence interval with an upper and lower confidence limit, and confidence level p=Q.g, there is a 90% probability that the limits span or encompass the true exceedance temperature. The significance level, o,, corresponding to the confidence level is given by a=(1- pl/Z, or 0.05 for the selected 9=0.9. L4 Approximate confidence limits for the T-year exceedance temperatures for the NORM and Plll distributions were calculated using the lnteragency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1981) method, also described in Chow, et al. (1988). Confidence limit values are reported in Table 2 in the main body of this report, and in Appendix A. 15