HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170915NW Energy Coalition Comment.pdfilrworts,lnc. rla6ka lhuslng Fhsncc Corporatlon Jliance b Save Enaqy {lumh rl&*na0vs Encrly Rssot naE Olld)halionmri:n Rir,6rs \ World lnst't bbra Sustahdb ltum$lty llrracrldr Allsnoa bm6!,$c Envtro0[Entrl Foundadon ,cnblsbn€ xtz.n3' Umry Boon, dorogon ;lty ofAshbnd xty o, Sdsltb Oftc oa Suleh$ffiy A Envlr€rlilrot )fimata Solstons ]ornmunily Aadoo Conbr olwiltlran Cou'rty ,oflri{lnlty Acuoo Psln.r$bAlsoc, of ld*o ;ommunlty Adon ParbsGfilp o, Orooort ,rt,o Orleon :arth 'td SpkitCorncll :arth MnBry :cora ,Form8ti\c Optlon8 :m€raE Pooglc'r t t$ty otrtd :n.fEySawy :na!yTrust dOr!0oo inglmmntOIlgoo invironmcnt Werhlnqton IEATOl€lpn lom6 Partomanco Gusd of Orqgonlqm Pefurnancr Washington lou8hg gld Coritn. 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INT-G-17-03,In the Matter of the Application of Intermountain Gas Company for Authority to Implement a Demand Side Management Program Funding Mechanism and Charge Honorable Commissioners : Please accept these comments of the NW Energy Coalition in response to Intermountain Gas Company's (lGC) application for authority to implement a demand-side management program funding mechanism and charge. The Coalition appreciated the opportunity to provide input as an intervener in IGCs recent rate case (Case No. INT-G-16-02) and we look forward to working with both the Commission and IGC as their DSM program progresses. It is our understanding that in Order 33757 the Commission authorized IGC to move forward with a DSM program. However, due to the denial of the request for a Fixed Cost Collection Mechanism (FCM), the Company must still establish a means to recover the costs of the formation and implementation of a DSM program. First and foremost, the Coalition is pleased that IGC is beginning to recognize the value of energy efficiency to its customers and has begun the process of creating a DSM program. As such, the Coalition supports establishing the funding mechanism laid out by IGC, whereby the company will: l) submit a budget of anticipated expenses, including any surplus or deficit from previous year; 2) seek prudency review by Commission and stakeholders; and 3) establish the DSM charge by dividing the annual budget by normalized therm sales. Any increase in rates as a result of investment in cost-effective energy- efficiency is inherently less than investment in procurement and delivery of increased natural gas. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, investments in cost-effective DSM during a period of low natural gas prices will pay off in multiples if and when natural gas prices rise in the future. The Coalition continues be concemed that IGCs DSM program, as proposed, is more of a fuel-switching program, encouraging electric users of Northrest lndiaB br RotiEd Acton to switch to direct use of natural gas, rather than a full-fledged DSM program. A natural gas DSM program encourages the reduction of natural gas use, and helps to alleviate increased costs due to load growth. The DSM program as proposed by IGC, however, has at least the possibility - if not probability - of leading to increased therm sales, thereby eliminating the long-term cost benefits of the investments. We look forward to seeing more information on usage of Tier 1 (existing gas applications, lower rebates) vs Tier 2 (fuel-switching applications) rebates in subsequent filings. Furthennore, we continue to express concern that IGC is not attempting to capture all cost- effective energy efficiency on its system. We understand that a DSM program takes time to rarnp up, and that not all applicable DSM programs can be undertaken immediately. Yet, IGC makes no attempt in this filing to budget for a third-party Conservation Potential Assessment, a necessity to understand how much DSM is available on the system and what programs would capture that DSM quickly and cost-effectively. It should be noted that IGCs in-house CPA does not come close to industry standards or best practices and is vitally flawed on multiple levels (for example, the in-house CPA does not even take the first step of establishing technical potential on the company's system, thereby rendering the rest of the study useless). In Case INT-G-16-02, Cornpany Witness Spector stated in her rebuttal testimony on pages 9-10 that, "lntermountain would be amenable to researching costs associated with certain additional measures including showerheads and [faucet] aerators as part of its early rebate offerings, given sufficient time to find a cost-effective retailer for this measure, and to ramp-up our ability to process applications for this measure and distribute via mail as appropriate. In addition, duct sealing, air infiltration, and insulation measures should all be studied and considered, once the program has been fully ramped up. has sufficient time to mature, and a FCCM has been put into place." The Coalition agrees with the majority of this statement, except that the implernentation of these measures should be studied and considered once the program has been "fully ramped up." We see no reason to wait and we are disappointed to see that the company has yet to make an effort to include these easily achievable measures in its DSM program. We hope the company, even absent the FCCM, will seek to include costs for a full, comprehensive DSM program in subsequent filings. The FCCM should not be a prerequisite for a DSM program; rather, if the company sees significant load reduction due to their DSM efforts, the Coalition would enthusiastically support another attempt to institute the decoupling mechanism. IGC has also signaled support for the formation of a Conservation Advisory Committee as well as the need to address the needs of low-income customers. Again, neither of these is included in the initial funding mechanism proposal. Considering the Cornpany has a long way to go in establishing a robust DSM program, the Coalition encourages the Comrnission to direct IGC to immediately form an advisory committee to assist the company in the rollout of a Conservation Potential Assessment and overall program design based on the results of the CPA. Significantly, low-income customers pay into DSM programs yet rarely see the benefits due to lack of ability to invest in energy efficient applications and increased upfront costs. It is vital that IGC address the needs of these customers by establishing a separate structure that provides for energy efficient applications to be installed in homes with little or no cost to the customer. In conclusion, the Coalition currently supports the DSM funding mechanism as put forth by IGC in order to jump-start the company into action on DSM, but future support for the use of customer funds to pay fbr the program will be based on the company's ability to significantly ramp up its efforts over the next year. We encourage the Commission to push IGC to join the vast rnajority of utilities across the region in acquiring all cost-effective DSM as quickly as possible. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter Sincerely, F. Diego Rivas Senior Policy Associate NW Energy Coalition 811 1st Ave. #305, Seattle, WA 98104 . (206) 621-0094 . (206) 621-0097 fax www.nwenergy.Qrg . nwec@nwenergy.org