HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190125Quarterly Report.pdfGrvBNs PunsLEY,,. Gory G. All€n Ch.bloph€r J. B6es6 Joson J. Bbkley Cllnt R. Bohc,a Jelf W, Eo\rer PrstdN.Corlq Jeremy C. Chou Wilrom C. Cob Mlchool C, Crcom€r Amber N. Dlno B.odlcy J. Dlxon Thomc E, Dvorok D€boro Kdsleroen Groshom Morlln C. Hendrlclcon Bdon J. Holl€ron Kerll H, K€nn€dy Neol A. Koskolo Mlchoel P. Lo\ rr€rico Fronllln G. Lee Dovld R, Lornbadl Kfnborly D. Molon€y Kennelh R. Mcclu€ KeIy G.cane Mcconn€l Alex P. McLoughlln Mclodc A. McQuode Chdslopher N. M6yor t. Edvrord Mlll€t Potdck J. Mll€r Ju6on B. Monlgomery Debo(oh E. Nelson - W. Huqh O'Rlordon, LL.M. : RondollA. Pelemon Jtrk W. Re[ Mbhoel O. Rc Jor{e Coplon Smlth JelfEy A. Wor Robed 8. whtto Kenneth L, Prrsley 091srrsl Jom€s A. Mcclure 11921.20il1 Roymond D. Givens lrfl7-20081 Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 w. Bonnak skeel PO 8ox 2720 8obo, lD 83701 Tel€phone: m-S&l2m Focalmlle: 20&38&1300 www.livcnspurley.com Re: Jaruary 25,20L9 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, D 83702 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-17-03 Dear Ms. Hanian: In connection with the above referenced case, Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain") has agreed to file a quarterly Energy Efficiency Program Update with the Commission. Enclosed please find three copies of the requested information. Pursuant to Idalro PUC Rules of Procedure, IDAPA31.01.01.067,, and, the enclosed information is confidential, proprietary and trade secret information of Intermountain and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 74-106, [07, and 48-801 et seq.Intermountain therefore requests that the enclosed information be protected from inspection, examination or copying by any person other than the Commissioners and PUC Staff. In accordance with IPUC Rule 67.02.a\ the enclosed information is marked "Confidential - Trade Secrets" and submitted with yellow markings indicating its confidential nature. Thank you for your cooperation. If you should have comments or questions regarding this request please contact Iori Blattner (208-377-6015) or me (208-388-1222). Sincerely, Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company Lori Blattner Enclosure cc: