HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630final_order_no_33805.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date June 30,2017 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VIRGINIA ROTHENBERGER,) )CASE NO.INT-G-17-02 COMPLAINANT,) v.) INTERMOUNTAINGAS COMPANY,)ORDERNO.33805 RESPONDENT.) On March 22,2017,Commission Staff filed a formal complaint on behalf of Complainant,Virginia Rothenberger,against IntermountainGas Company ("Intermountain"or "Company").Ms.Rothenberger had informally complained to Staff on January 23,2017,about the Company's billingand payment processes.She ultimatelywas unsatisfied withthe outcome of Staff's efforts to resolve her concerns,however,and thus decided to file a formal complaint (the "Complaint").Due to Ms.Rothenberger'sphysical limitations,Staffprepared and filed a Decision Memorandum outlining Ms.Rothenberger's concerns,and asked the Commission to treat the Decision Memorandum as Ms.Rothenberger's complaint.'On March 28,2017,the Commission issued a Summons to the Company that attached Ms.Rothenberger's complaint and notified the Company that it must file a written answer within21 days.The Company timely answered.The Commission now resolves the complaint as follows. BACKGROUND Ms.Rothenberger has been a customer of Intermountainin Twin Falls,Idaho since February 2009.Answer at 2.She is 85 years old and has macular degeneration,which prevents her from seeing well enough to write checks.Complaint at 1.Ms.Rothenberger regularlypaid her monthlygas billsthrough the mail or at the Company's authorized walk-in locations.Answer at 2.In May 2016,she signed up for Intermountain'sAutoPay option,through which her gas payment would automatically be withdrawn from her bank account "a set number of days followingthe generation ofher monthlybill."Id.;Complaint at 1.Ms.Rothenberger asked if her payments could be withdrawn"after the third of each month to ensure that she has [available] I AlthoughStaffworked with Ms.Rothenberger to prepare her complaint,and filed that complaint on her behalf,Staff was not a party to this case. ORDERNO.33805 1 funds ...[which]she receives around the first of each month."Complaint at 1.However,the Company stated it advised her that,throughAutoPay,"the automatic withdrawalfrom her account would occur around the 28th of each month,"or 10-11 days after her bill issues.Answer at 2-4. Ms.Rothenbergeralso asked the Company about its "Level Pay"plan,"such that she is billedthe same amount each month based on average usage,rather than having her monthlybill fluctuate."Complaint at 2.The Company advised her that,under Level Pay,her requiredpayment wouldbe $36.00 per month.Answer at 2.Ms.Rothenbergersigned up for Level Pay. COMPLAINT According to the complaint,Ms.Rothenberger's billing statements showed that her bills were due on the third of each monthor later.Complaint at 1.The complaint also indicated that,per Company records,"for most months"Ms.Rothenberger's automatic payment "occurred before the third of the month[,]and always prior to the due date."Id.Further,"[o]n at least one occasion,[Ms.Rothenberger's]account was low on funds"when her payment was withdrawn, and her bank "covered the payment and then charged [her]a $30.00 overdraft fee."Id at 1-2.Ms. Rothenberger ultimatelywas able to reverse the overdraft fee.Id.at 2. Ms.Rothenbergeragain requested that her payments not be withdrawnbefore the third of each month,and was again advised this was not possible throughthe AutoPay option.Id.; Answer at 2-3.Ms.Rothenbergerasked to cancel AutoPay;the Company agreed and advised her of other payment options,including local payment locations and using the Company's website. Answer at 3;Complaint at 2.Ms.Rothenberger stated that payment through the Company's website was "not an option due to the issues withher eyesight."Answer at 3. Ms.Rothenbergerthen contacted Staff,which recommended to the Company "that Ms. Rothenberger's billing due date be adjusted in accordance withRule 202.02,"id.,which provides for a "hardship exemption"that wouldextend a customer's ordinary due date "up to an additional fifteen (15)days."Complaint at 2;IDAPA Company agreed to extend Ms. Rothenberger's bill due date to 25 days after the date when her bill issues.Complaint at 2;Answer at 4.However,this did not resolve Ms.Rothenberger's concern,because the Company's AutoPay option is configured to withdraw a set number of days after the bill issue date,rather than on the bill due date or a set number of days before the bill due date.Answer at 4;Complaint at 3. Under AutoPay,a customer's required payment is withdrawn11 days after the bill issue date,which "is about one week prior to the bill's actual due date."Complaint at 3.For Ms. ORDER NO.33805 2 Rothenberger,AutoPay withdrewher bill payment 11 days after her bill issue date,without regard for her bill due date,and -critically -before she received monthlyfunds needed to pay her bill. According to Intermountain,its "billingsoftware is not configured to accommodate"a request for a specific withdrawaldate,as Ms.Rothenberger proposed to resolve her concern.Answer at 4. Intermountainnoted that AutoPay is an optional program,and "there are other payment channels available that allow a customer to pay later,"closer to the customer's bill due date.Id.Ms. Rothenberger asked that the Commission require the Company to modify its AutoPay option to better meet customer needs by permitting "flexibility to adjust the date that funds are withdrawn from their financialinstitutions."Complaint at 3. Regarding the Company's other payment options,Ms.Rothenberger noted that she would have to pay a convenience fee of $1.99 to pay her bill with a debit or credit card.Ms. Rothenbergerasked that the Commission require the Company to accept customer payments using a debit card withouta convenience fee.Id. ANSWER Intermountainstated that its goal "has always been to provide safe reliable service at the lowest cost,"and that it is "continually pursuing new payment options or improvements to existing options."Answer at 6.Intermountainnoted that,when it initiated AutoPay as a payment option several years ago,it "could take several days"to process payments,depending on the customer's bank.Id at 4.Thus,AutoPay was configured to "ensure that customers electing recurring payments were not inadvertentlypast due as a result of delays in ...processing."Id According to the Company,it has "explored alternatives to programing the customer information system with a withdrawaldate that aligns withthe due date."Id To resolve Ms.Rothenberger's concerns,Intermountainproposed to change the date when AutoPay customers'payments are deducted from their accounts to the due date listed on the customers'bills,rather than 11 days from their bill issue date.Id.at 6-7.Under this proposal,if Ms.Rothenberger elected to again use AutoPay,her payments would be deducted "no earlier than the third of the month based on her current billing cycle."Id.at 7. As to Ms.Rothenberger's concern about the $1.99 convenience fee for using her debit card,Intermountainnoted that the fee is charged by a third-partyvendor,and passed throughto that vendor,"with no transaction proceeds received by the Company."Id.at 5-6.Intermountain ORDER NO.33805 3 stated that it has worked withthe vendor to keep such fees low,and the fee was recently lowered to $1.99 from $2.75.Id.at 6. The Company noted that eliminating fees associated with credit and debit card payments and payments made at pay stations was raised by Staff in Intermountain'songoing rate case,Case No.INT-G-16-02,for whichthe Commission recently granted the Company's petition for reconsideration.The Company noted that it expects the Commission will dispose of this issue in its rate case.Id.at 7-8. COMMISSIONFINDINGSAND DISCUSSION The Commission has jurisdiction over this case under Idaho Code §61-503.We have reviewed the record,including Ms.Rothenberger's complaint and Intermountain'sanswer.We find that Ms.Rothenberger's requests for assistance from Intermountaindue to hardship are emblematic of customer service inquiries that utilities throughoutIdaho encounter and address routinely.We encourage Intermountain,as withall utilities,to take initiative in creating workable solutions to resolve customer concerns. On Ms.Rothenberger's AutoPay concern,we find the Company's proposal to be a reasonable and appropriate solution.We therefore direct the Company to implement its proposal to reconfigure AutoPay to deduct participating customers'payments from their banks on the date their bills are due. We recentlyaddressed Ms.Rothenberger's concern about convenience fees charged for paying bills with debit or credit cards.In Order No.33757,the Commission declined to eliminate the fees "at this time,"but encouraged the Company "to explore the possibility of removing these fees in the future to keep pace with what appears to be an emerging industry standard."Order No.33757 at 38 and 39.This issue is not up for reconsideration in Case No. INT-G-16-02.Consequently,the Company is directed to meet with Staffwithin60 days after this Order issues,to develop a proposed action plan that more closely aligns withthe industry standard. ORDER IT IS HEREBYORDERED that the Company shall implement its proposal regarding payment under the AutoPay option. IT IS FURTHERORDERED that the Company meet with Staff to discuss alternatives to convenience fees. ORDER NO.33805 4 THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public UtilitiesCommission at Boise,Idaho this 30 day of June 2017. PAUL K.Ã l PRESIDENT KRÈÍTNERAPER,SIONER ERIC ANDERSON,COMMISSIONER Diane M.Hanian Commission Secretary O:INT-G-17-02_djh ORDER NO.33805 5