HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161216Morrison Direct with Exhibits 108-111.pdfBEFORE THE ~. r·· r EI\! D f\\: lri...1 -- 2C:S /EC 16 Ph I: 36 ) IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE. ) CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 ) ) ) ___________ ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL MORRISON IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Please state your name and address for the record. A. My name is Mike Morrison. My business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. Q. A. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) as a Staff Engineer. Q. Please give a brief description of your educational background and experience. A. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1983, a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Idaho in 2002, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics from Boise State University in 2014. I have been a registered professional engineer in Idaho since 1998. I have completed graduate level courses in statistical methods, experimental design, and mathematical inversion. attended the Electrical Utility Basic Practical Regulatory Program offered by New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities. I Between 1988 and 2009, I held a number of engineering positions at Micron Technology, Inc. seven years, I was responsible for implementing For statistical methods and systems throughout the Company, CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and I developed and taught numerous courses in industrial statistics, data analysis, multiple regression, experimental design, reliability modeling, and statistical process control. I began work at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 2014. Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? A. I will address the Company's cost-of-service methodology, and the Company's proposed base rate revenue requirement allocation among its customer classes. will also address the Company's adjustments to its billing determinants, including its proposed weather I normalization adjustments and adjustments to customer counts. I will conclude my testimony with a discussion of the impact that the Company's proposed Rate-of-Return will have on its line extension policies. Please summarize your testimony. Q. A. I will begin with a discussion of the Company's cost-of-service methodology: The Company did not conduct a load study, excluded two rate classes, and is proposing cost allocators that are both novel and inappropriate. The Company's methodology will not result in a fair allocation of the Company's revenue requirement among its rate classes and, absent a load study, it is not possible to develop a suitable alternative revenue allocation CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 methodology. I propose that the Company, Commission Staff, and the Company's stakeholders hold workshops in order to develop a suitable load study and cost-of­ service methodology. Until a satisfactory cost-of­ service study is completed, I propose that the Company's revenue requirement be allocated in proportion to the normalized revenue currently being collected from each rate class. I will also propose an alternative to the Company's weather normalization adjustments. The Company's adjustments were obtained using selected coefficients from a model that is unstable. My adjustments, on the other hand, are based on a whole model that is much more robust than the Company's model. Additionally, my analysis of the Company's GS-1 subclasses is more detailed than the Company's. I will conclude by discussing the relationship between the Company's Section C service line and mains extension policies and its rate base. These policies were last updated over 30 years ago, and currently specify a 12.5% Rate-of-Return on the Company's investment in line and mains extensions. I will recommend that the Company's service line and mains extension policies be updated to reflect the Rate-of­ Return authorized by the Commission. CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE COMPANY'S COST-OF-SERVICE STUDY Q. A. What is the purpose of a cost-of-service study? A cost-of-service study allocates the Company's revenue requirement to the Company's rate classes in accordance with the principle of cost causation. The cost causation principle states that costs should be borne by the class that causes them to be incurred. Costs incurred in the service of a single class, or its individual members, should be allocated directly to that class; however, because much of the Company's plant serves multiple classes, a cost-of-service study is necessary to determine the fraction of costs that are caused by each class. Q. What is a load study, and why is it a necessary component of a cost-of-service study? A. A load study determines peak usage, by class, of system components that cannot be directly allocated. This information is used to develop allocators that are required by the cost-of-service study in order to allocate shared plant costs, O&M costs, and some administrative costs, to each class. In general, plant equipment is designed to meet the maximum load that will be placed on individual pieces of plant equipment, so costs are caused by the need to meet system peak. An obvious example is a transmission CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12 /16 /16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 main, which provides gas to all customers in an area. A load study is required to determine the fraction of the main that is being used by each class at system peak. Without such peak consumption information, it isn't possible to allocate these costs fairly in a manner that is consistent with the principle of cost causation. Q. Which allocators are derived from data obtained by a load study and how are they used? A. Two general types of allocators are developed using load study data: Coincident peak (CP) allocators and non-coincident peak (NCP) allocators. Coincident peak allocators are calculated using each class' share of system peak demand, and are used to allocate plant that is used simultaneously by multiple classes. Coincident peak allocators are most often used to allocate the costs of transmission and storage facilities. By definition, the system will only experience a single annual peak day, and it is possible for test year system peak to occur on an extra-ordinary day that does not truly represent how each class causes the Company to incur costs. To avoid a potentially unfair allocation of transmission and storage costs, CP allocators are usually determined using data from multiple peak days. A common CP allocator, the 3CP allocator, is calculated using information from the CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 system's three highest monthly peak days. Non-Coincident Peak allocators are used to allocate distribution plant, with the rationale that large segments of the distribution plant are designed primarily to meet the loads of particular classes. For example, distribution plant serving residential areas will supply gas primarily to residential customers, and distribution plant serving an industrial park will probably serve a combination of commercial and industrial needs. Because these local components of the distribution system no longer serve all customer classes, it would be improper to allocate these costs based on their share of system peak demand. Instead, distribution plant is usually allocated using a NCP allocator computed using each class's own peak. When usage is mixed in large portions of the distribution system, it may also be appropriate to use a peak and average allocator. Such an allocator is particularly appropriate for large distribution mains, which often serve diverse needs. As its name suggests, the peak and average allocator is created by combining an allocator based on each class's contribution to system peak with an allocator based on each class's share of average system consumption. Peaks and averages are usually weighted using system load factor. CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Please describe the Company's load study, and the allocators that it uses to assign transmission and storage costs to its rate classes. A. The Company did not conduct a load study. Instead, the Company devised allocators from monthly billing data. Somewhat misleadingly, the Company refers to these as "Peak Day Allocators." To be clear, the Company created these allocators by combining peak day information from its approximately 150 industrial and transportation customers, who are equipped with meters capable of recording daily demand, with the monthly billing information from its approximately 340,000 Residential and general service customers who are not so equipped. To create its allocator, the Company subtracted the peak usage of its industrial and transportation customers from its measured system peak, and then allocated the remaining quantity in proportion to the remaining class' billed consumption. Thus, for the Company's three core classes, allocation is effectively based on average January consumption rather than peak day consumption. Without the results of a load study, it is not possible to accurately assess the Company's proposed allocator; however, it is likely that the Company's allocator, which combines actual January 1st peaks of some CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 classes with the average daily January consumption of other classes, will unfairly allocate costs. I also note that the Company assumed a peak day of January 1, 2016. This is a holiday, and it is quite possible that some of the Company's industrial and transportation customers were not operating at full capacity on this day, so that plant-related costs could be unfairly shifted to the Company's residential and general service customers. As I explained earlier, the Company's test year consists of actual data for January through June, and forecast data for the months July through December. In previous years, the Company's system peak has occurred on various days in December and January, so it is not actually possible for the Company to know that January 1, 2016 will be its test year peak day. The Company is replacing its current Encoder Receiver Transmitter (ERT) meters with ERT meters capable of recording hourly consumption information from each of its customers. A relatively small number of these meters could be used to obtain the peak information needed to develop accurate CP and NCP allocators. Q. What are customer-related costs, and how are they typically classified and allocated? A. Customer-related costs are costs that increase CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 nee 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 incrementally with the addition of each new customer, and that are not directly related to the increased consumption or demand that the customer might place on the system. Such costs are almost always identifiable with a particular customer, so it is appropriate to directly allocate Customer-related costs to that customer's class. The costs of meters are typically classified as customer-related, because they are clearly identifiable with individual customers, and because the Company incurs these costs whether or not the customer consumes any gas. Q. What are distribution services, and how does the Company propose allocating the costs of distribution services and other related costs? A. Distribution services are the pipes used to connect customers to the Company's distribution mains. Because each distribution service serves one customer, distribution services are properly classified as customer-related costs, and should be directly allocated to that customer's class. Nearly one-quarter of the Company's rate base, or $149,255,628, is included in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Account 380, distribution services. Another $83,527,017 of the Company's rate base is included in accounts related to expenses incurred connecting customers to its system, CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 e.g. meters, regulators, ERT devices, and equipment installations (FERC Accounts 381 through 385). I agree with the Company's proposal to classify its distribution services and related accounts as customer-related costs, but disagree with its method for allocating them among its customer classes. Rather than directly allocating these costs to the appropriate classes, the Company proposes allocating these costs using a weighting scheme that is based on the costs of meters used by each class. The Company refers to this as its "Meters Study." Why is this methodology inappropriate? Q. A. Of course, it would be best for the Company to allocate these costs directly. Unfortunately, the Company has not maintained the records that are necessary for direct allocation. The Company explained in its response to Production Request No . 202 that "Intermountain's accounting records have never provided the functionality to track plant and accumulated depreciation by rate class for FERC accounts 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, and 385." See Exhibit No. 108. We note that meter costs vary widely, with the meters used by some GS-1 customers costing more than 16 times as much as baseline residential meters, and the meters used by T-5 customers costing almost 38 times as CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 much as baseline residential meters. The Company's "Meters Study" is an appropriate methodology for allocating meter costs, but the Company provided no evidence supporting the notion that meter cost is indicative of the costs of providing a pipe from the Company's distribution main to a customer. Absent the necessary cost accounting information, the next best methodology for allocating the costs of distribution services would be to use an allocator based on the relative costs of installing distribution services for each class. Similarly, we would expect the costs of regulators to be allocated in proportion to the costs of regulators used by each class, for the costs of ERT devices to be allocated in proportion to the costs of ERT devices used by each class, and so-on. The information required to create these allocators is readily available through the system that the Company uses to estimate line extension costs . Q. Please explain the Company's proposal to classify a portion of its distribution mains (FERC Account 376) as customer-related costs. A. Because it has not conducted a load study, the Company does not have the class peak information that is typically used to determine appropriate allocators. Instead, the Company proposes classifying 47.16% of its CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12 /16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 $164,694,644 distribution mains rate base as customer­ related, and the remaining 52.84% as demand-related. The Company's rationale for its Customer/Demand classification is that its distribution mains serve two functions: Connecting customers to the Company's gas supply system, and supplying customers at peak. Therefore, the Company argues, a portion of the costs of its distribution mains should be allocated in proportion to the number of customers in each class. Q. Why do you disagree with the Company's proposal to classify a portion of its distribution mains plant as customer-related? A. As discussed earlier, classification of customer-related plant costs is generally limited to those incremental costs that can be identified with individual customers. By definition, mains serve multiple users, and so it is not appropriate to classify any portion of the mains as customer-related costs. Also, as discussed earlier, the costs of connecting customers to the distribution system is already captured in the $149,255,628 of its distribution services that are classified as customer-related costs. Under the Company's allocation method, $310,452,639 of the Company's $596,065,557 plant-in­ service (52%) would be classified as customer-related, CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and not based on allocators that accurately reflect the way that each class causes the Company to incur costs. Q. Do you have any other concerns with the Company's proposal to classify a portion of its distribution mains as customer-related costs? A. Yes. Even if I accepted the premise that a portion of distribution mains should be classified as customer-related, the Company's methodology for determining the customer-related portion is incorrect. The Company used the minimum intercept method to determine its 47.16%/52.84% split. In this method, the Company used regression modeling to determine the cost of a hypothetical, zero-capacity system. The costs of this system were then classified as customer-related. The balance of the system's actual costs were then classified as demand. In order to determine the cost of a hypothetical, zero-capacity system, it would be necessary to use capacity as a modeling factor; however, the Company used nominal pipe diameter, rather than capacity, in its regression model. Nominal pipe diameter is a poor proxy for capacity: For a given operating pressure, the square of pipe diameter (cross-sectional area) is a much better measure of the pipe's carrying capacity than nominal diameter. Furthermore, the proper regression CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 methodology requires that that each pipe type be weighted by the number of feet. The Company used no weighting method, so the Company 1 s 137,841 feet of nominal 1.25 inch diameter steel pipe receives as much weight as its 6,612,833 feet of nominal 2.00 inch diameter steel pipe. Another concern is related to the quality of data used by the Company to develop its regression models. Determining a zero system cost requires project level information for all data used in the analysis. The Company explained that in 2013, it adopted a new IT System, and that project level electronic data was not available for prior years. Nevertheless, the Company used aggregated annual data for the years 1959 through 2015 in its analysis. Thus, the Company 1 s analysis was not able to distinguish between mains that are still in service, those that have been fully depreciated, and those that have been retired. A substantial portion of the data included in the Company 1 s analysis represents the valuation of systems acquired by the Company, rather than the actual costs of installing this pipe. For example, the Company explained that most, or possibly all, of the dollar value of 3.5 million feet acquired in 1959 is based on the book values of assets acquired when the Company was formed. This mixture of actual costs and book valuation is not appropriate for determining the CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 cost of a zero-capacity system. Unfortunately, the Company lacks sufficiently detailed data to enable the Company to properly perform the sort of analysis and classification that it proposes. Q. Please explain the use of plant-in-service in the Company's cost-of-service methodology. A. As noted earlier, the Company does not maintain the records necessary to determine net plant-in-service, either by account or by customer class, so the Company's cost-of-service model allocates gross, rather than net, rate base. Gross rate base includes every item of unretired plant, including depreciated plant, Contributions in Aid of Construction, and other plant not paid for by the Company's investors. After allocating gross plant-in-service, the Company prorates the Company's revenue requirement in proportion to each class's share of gross plant-in­ service. Why is this a problem? Q. A. The purpose of a cost-of-service study is fair allocation of the Company's revenue requirement amongst its rate classes. This includes an opportunity to earn a fair Rate-of-Return on the Company's own investment in plant; however, only a fraction of the Company's gross plant-in-service represents Company investment. To a CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 greater or lesser degree, each plant account includes Company investment, depreciated plant, and customer contributions. Thus, the use of gross plant-in-service introduces factors other than the Company's actual inv estment into the Company's allocation methodology . Q. Which classes did the Company exclude from its cost-of-service study ? A. The Company excluded its two interruptible snow melt classes, IS-Rand IS-C. The Company has stated that these classes are small, and has included their consumption and rev enues in its analysis of its residential and general service classes. The Company also provided no information about its schedule H-1, Ketchum/Sun Valley Area Hook-up Fee. Q. Why should the Company's interruptible snow melt classes have been included in the Company's cost-of­ serv ice study ? A. The Company proposes apply ing the same rates to its interruptible snow melt classes as it does to customers in the corresponding firm residential and general service classes. The Company 's interruptible snow melt classes were established by Commission Order No. 31089 in rate Case No . INT-G-09-03. In that case, the Company explained that by interrupting these customers' consumption during times of peak demand, it CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12 /16 /16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would be able to defer the costs of upgrading its system to meet system peak. The Company also explained that because the load factor of snow melt applications differs substantially from that of other uses, separate classes were justified in order to assure that customers with snow melt systems were not subsidized by other customers. Because their consumption can be curtailed by the Company, interruptible snow melt customers do not cause the Company to incur the costs of meeting incremental increases in peak load. In its response to Production Request No. 102, the Company stated that "The snow melt tariffs have allowed customers to continue to add this equipment without necessitating the investment in millions of dollars of capacity upgrades to serve the snow melt load under peak day conditions." See Exhibit No. 109. Given these benefits, their differing load characteristics, the Company's ability to curtail their consumption, and their existence as a separate class, the fundamental principle of cost causation requires that interruptible snow melt customers and other customers be treated as separate classes for the purposes of cost causation and ratemaking. Although the interruptible snow melt classes represent a fairly small portion of the Company's sales, they were deemed sufficiently important CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 for the Company to separate them into their own rate classes in 2009. Q. What are y our recommendations regarding the Company's interruptible snow melt schedules, IS-Rand IS -C? A. As noted earlier, the Company did not conduct a load study, and did not include information about its interruptible snow melt classes in its cost-of-service study, so it is not possible to allocate costs to these classes fairl y based on the cost causation principle . recommend that the IS-Rand IS-C classes be included in the load study and cost-of-service workshops that I am proposing. Until then, I recommend that costs be allocated to these classes in proportion to the normalized revenue currently being collected from these two classes . My proposed allocation is summarized in Ex hibit No. 110. WEATHER AND CONSUMPTION NORMALIZATION I Q. What is the purpose of weather and consumption normalization? A. Weather normalization adjusts test year gas consumption to the level that would hav e been consumed in an average weather year . For e xample, if the test year were cooler than normal, we would e x pect gas consumption to be greater than it would have been in an average CASE NO . INT-G-16-02 12 /16 /16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 weather year. Weather normalization is a very important part of consumption normalization, which adjusts consumption for changes in other factors, such as changes in the numbers of customers in each rate class. Q. Describe the Company's weather normalization methodology. A. The Company created consumption models for its RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 classes using statistical multiple regression, and then used the results of these models to estimate per-customer consumption for each class. Each month's result was then multiplied by the forecast number of customers for that month. Recall that the Company's test year is a hybrid that uses actual data for the months January through June, and predicted data for the months July through December. For the months January through June, the Company adjusted actual consumption data; however, for the months July through December, the Company predicted monthly consumption using its model. The Company's models use weighted monthly heating degree days (HDD) as a weather variable, a trend variable, and an autoregressive term as predictors. A peculiar feature of the Company's model is its use of different weather coefficients for different months. Q. Do you agree with the Company's regression methodology? CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No. Although the Company's models were created using autoregressive terms, these terms were not included in the calculation of monthly consumption. The general effect of this omission was to underestimate the Company's monthly consumption estimates. The use of autoregressive terms in a predictive weather normalization model is inappropriate. One obvious problem is that they can cause the model to become grossly unstable when used to make predictions beyond the time period of the data used to create the model. I repeated the Company's test year calculations using the Company's full model, including its autoregressive terms. The resulting consumption estimates were unrealistically high: The Company's GS-1 model predicted test year consumption that was 79% higher than its GS-1 customers actually consumed. Unfortunately, the Company 's solved the model instability problem by omitting the autoregressive terms from its monthly calculations, resulting in underestimates of annual consumption. There is also a technical problem with the use of autoregressive terms for weather normalization: Although models containing autoregressive terms are appropriate for some control and signal processing applications, their use in weather normalization violates CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12 /16 /16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 regression's fundamental independence assumption. The Company's regression model assumed a linear relationship between Heating Degree Days and consumption; however, as we can see in Figure 1, the relationship is clearly non-linear. Fig. 1: RS-2 Consumption per Customer 180 160 140 Vl 120 E ~ CJ l(X) .c r- -0 80 ~ e HS··02 ·-60 a) 40 • 20 () 0 200 4(XJ 600 S(X) l(X)O 1200 1400 HDD Q. Please describe your approach to weather normalization modeling. A. I used standard regression techniques of the sort taught in intermediate college statistical methods courses. These methods are robust, well characterized, and in common use. They are also grounded in a mathematical foundation that makes them amenable to objective evaluation. I used Ramsey and Schafer's 1997 textbook, The Statistical Sleuth, as a reference. Like the Company, I used multiple regression to CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 develop monthly consumption models for each class. Unlike the Company, I analyzed each of the Company's GS-1 subclasses (small commercial, large commercial, compressed natural gas, and irrigators) separately, and then aggregated the results. The consumption patterns of these subclasses differ sufficiently to warrant separate treatment. I used the Company's weighted heating degree days as a weather predictor. year as a covariate. I also included calendar The Company's method for forecasting system growth is based on historical relationships between the numbers of active building permits and customer growth in each portion of its service territory. This approach is reasonable, and I accepted Company's RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 forecast totals; however, because the Company did not forecast GS-1 growth by subclass, I allocated the growth projected by the Company to its small commercial and large commercial subclasses. I used backward/mixed stepwise regression to develop models of per-customer consumption for the Company's RS-1 and RS-2 customers, as well as separate models for each of its GS-1 subclasses. My criteria for inclusion/exclusion from the model was a change in adjusted R2 = 0.02. Non-linearity in the relationship CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 between consumption and heating degree days was modeled using quadratic and cubic curvature terms. The resulting models were simpler, but much more robust than those developed by the Company. With the obvious exception of the irrigation subclass, the number of monthly heating degree days was an excellent predictor of consumption for the RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 classes. As mentioned earlier, the Company's model used different consumption coefficients for each month. Although this approach is not inherently incorrect, it results in an unnecessarily complicated model. The Company's RS-2 model uses 15 different factors. The RS-2 model developed as I have described uses just four factors. Q. How do your adjustments compare with those proposed by the Company? A. Overall, my normalized consumption estimate for the Company's core customers (RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1) is approximately 2.15% greater than that proposed by the Company . My estimates for the residential RS-1 and RS-2 classes are 1.54% and 2.12% greater, respectively, than the Company's. My estimate for the aggregated GS-1 class is 2.38% greater than that proposed by the Company. Overall, my estimate of test year gas operating revenue CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12 /16 /16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 is 2.02% greater than the Company's. My estimate of the Company's base rate revenue (gas operating revenue less the cost of gas) is 2.62% greater than the Company's estimate. I have summarized my proposed rate determinants in Exhibit No. 111. A summary of my proposed revenue requirement allocation can be found in Exhibit No. 110. THE COMPANY'S LINE AND MAINS EXTENSION POLICIES Q. How are the Company's service line and mains extension policies affected by the Company's Rate-of­ Return? A. The Company's line and mains extension policies are discussed more fully by Staff witness Farley. The allowance represents the maximum investment that the Company is allowed to make when connecting a new customer to its system. As such, it represents a significant fraction of the Company's distribution plant-in-service. As I have explained, the Company's accounting system does not distinguish between the Company's investment and customer contributions to those accounts, so it is imperative that the Company's tariff accurately reflect the Rate-of-Return authorized by the Commission. Currently, the tariff is predicated on a 12.5% Rate-of­ Return, and the Company has not updated its tariffs to reflect its proposed Rate-of-Return. As explained by CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Staff witness Farley, the Company has resisted Staff requests to update the formulae in its line and mains extension policies to reflect its proposed Rate-of­ Return. Q. What are your recommendations regarding the Company's line and mains extension policies? A. The Company's service line and mains extension policies should be updated immediately to reflect the Commission authorized Rate-of-Return. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Q. Please summarize your recommendations regarding the Company's cost-of-service study. A. Because the Company did not conduct a load study, it was unable to develop system peak allocators that would permit a fair allocation of the Company's net plant-in-service to its rate classes. Furthermore, the Company excluded its interruptible snow melt customers from its cost-of-service model. I recommend that the Company be required to conduct a load study that includes all of its classes. The Company proposes that the costs of services, meters, regulators, ERTs, and related accounts be allocated using factors derived from relative meter costs. This is inappropriate. The costs of service lines should be allocated using the relative costs of CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 providing service lines to each class, the costs of regulators should be allocated using relative regulator costs, and so on. Absent the cost accounting information required to directly allocate these costs, acceptable allocators could be developed using the Company's records of line extension costs. The Company is also proposing an inappropriate classification of over 47% of its mains as customer- related. Typically, most distribution-related costs that cannot be directly allocated are allocated using non­ coincident peak, or peak and average allocators. Cumulatively, the Company is proposing that 52% of its $407,663,702 distribution-related rate base be classified as customer-related. I propose that the Company, Staff, and other stakeholders convene a series of workshops in order to develop a load study and update the cost-of-service study in order to incorporate improved allocators obtained from the load study and from analysis of the actual costs incurred by the Company when connecting new customers. All schedules, including the Company's interruptible snow melt and Ketchum/Sun Valley area hookup schedules, should be included in the process. Q. Please summarize your recommendations regarding the Company's weather normalization methodology. CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. The Company's weather normalization adjustments were derived using autoregressive models that include autoregressive terms. Although these terms were used to model the data, they were not used in the Company's adjustments to January -June test year adjustments, or in its July -December forecasts. As a result, the Company's estimates underestimate the weather normalized consumption of its RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 classes. I used a simpler and more robust modeling methodology. My proposed billing determinants are summarized in Exhibit No. 111. Q. What are your recommendations regarding the Company's Line and Mains extension policies? A. The Company's Service Line and Mains extension policies should be updated immediately to reflect the Commission authorized Rate -of-Return. Additionally, as explained by Staff witness Farley, the factors and assumptions used in the derivation of these schedules were last updated in 1986. I propose that these schedules be updated in a separate rate case. Q. Do you have any other observations and recommendations? A. Yes. The Company explained to Staff that the Company had considerable difficulty obtaining data necessary for cost allocation and weather normalization. CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 As noted earlier, the Company does not keep the information necessary to determine costs, depreciation, or customer contributions by class for any of its plant related FERC accounts. This relatively coarse level of information is adequate for determination of the Company's overall revenue requirement, but is inadequate for best practice revenue requirement allocation. There was also considerable difficulty obtaining the data necessary to fully evaluate the Company's weather normalization methodology and its mains study. The Company explained that because of system upgrades in 2002 and 2013, detailed data was unavailable. I recommend that the Company adopt data retention policies that assure that this information is available when needed for ratemaking purposes. Q. A. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. CASE NO. INT-G-16-02 12/16/16 MORRISON, M. (Di) STAFF 28 REQUEST NO. 202: Please provide a breakdown of Capital Expenditures in FERC accounts 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, and 385 and by existing rate class. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 202: Please see the CD file labeled "PR #202 Plant Act Bats YTD Sep 2016.xlsx "for the breakdown of actual account balances for January through September 2016. For theforecasted months of October -December 2016, please refer lo file "Gas Plant in Service.xlsx" submilled in response to Production Request No. 178. I ntermountain 's accounting records have never provided the fimctionality to track plant and accumulated depreciation by rate class for FERC accounts 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, and 385. Since this type of direct assignment was not possible, lntermountain chose lo use an industry accepted praclice lo allocate these accounts to the various customer classes. Because I ntermounlain can associate its meters in service with a customer class, the Company was able to determine the number of each type of meter currently installed for each rate class. lntermountain then valued those meters at the current replacement cost/or each meter. The total current cost of the meters for each class was calculated and then averaged by l the number of meters in each class. That average meter cost was indexed and then multiplied by annual customers to create a weighted customer allocator. The weighted customer allocator was split into Group 1 and Group 2 categories as outlined in the response to Production Request No. 200. Th e calculation of the weighted customer allocator was included in response to Production Request No. 33, "PR 33 2015 Meter Stud_v-CONFIDENTJAL.xlsx ". These allocators were used to assign the FERC accounts 380-385 to lntermountain 's customer classes. Record Holder: Mike McGrath. 208-377-6000 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 Sponsor/Preparer: Ted Dedden. 208-377-6000 RESPONSE OF JGC TO NINTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF Exhibit No. I 08 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. Morrison, Staff 12/16/16 REQUEST NO. 102: Please provide any workpapers showing the Company's cost allocation methodology for its interruptible snow melt schedules, IS-Rand IS-C. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 102: The snow melt schedules provide an operational tool for lntermountain to maximize its system efficiency and to keep costs low for all customers. Snow melt customers have a very low load factor and tend to use gas during peak usage periods. The snow melt tariffs have allowed customers to continue to add this equipment without necessitating the investment in millions of dollars of capacity upgrades to serve the snow melt load under peak day conditions. When the tariffs were established, the IS-R (Residential) customers were priced the same as RS-2 customers, and IS-C (Commercial) customers were priced the same as GS-1 customers. Since no incremental infrastructure has been added to serve these customers on a peak day, lntermozmtain believes it is still appropriate to price their usage based on the new RS (Residential) or GS-1 (Commercial) rates. Therefore, the /S-R customers and usage have been included with RS and the JS-C customers and usage have been included with GS-1 for cost allocation purposes. Record Holder: Location: Sponsor/Preparer: Mike McGrath, 208-377-6000 555 S Cole Rd, Boise. ID 83707 Lori Blattner. 208-377-6000 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FOURTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF. Exhibit No. I 09 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. Morrison, Staff 12/16/16 Staff Allocation of Revenue to Existing Classes Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Normalized Test Year Revenue at Current Rates Revenue Requirement Base Rate Gas Operating Class Base Rate Fraction Revenue Base Rate RS-1 $10,953,290 0.128473 $29,282,269 $11,417,980 RS-2 43,290,919 0.507768 138,209,206 45,127,524 15-R 20,158,015 0.000307 76,710,182 27,259 GS-1 26,149 0.236438 97,025 21,013,213 15-C 1,891 0.000022 6,791 1,971 LV-1 407,862 0.004784 2,852,315 425,165 T-3 833,713 0.009779 791,175 869,083 T-4 8,909,434 0.104501 8,364,283 9,287,414 T-5 675,936 0.007928 649,238 704,612 Total $85,257,209 1.000000 $256,962,485 $88,874,221 Staff Allocation of Revenue to Proposed Classes Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Normalized Test Year Revenue at Current Rates Revenue Requirement Base Rate Gas Operating Class Base Rate Fraction Revenue Base Rate RS $54,244,209 0.636242 $167,491,476 $56,545,504 15-R 20,158,015 0.000307 76,710,182 27,259 GS-1 26,149 0.236438 97,025 21,013,213 15-C 1,891 0.000022 6,791 1,971 LV-1 407,862 0.004784 2,852,315 425,165 T-3 833,713 0.009779 791,175 869,083 T-4 9,585,370 0.112429 9,013,521 9,992,027 Total $85,257,209 1.000000 $256,962,485 $88,874,221 Notes: 1. Base rate revenues exclude PGA costs of gas. 2. $88,874,221 revenue requirement from Witness Terry's Exhibit 103. 3. Base Rate Revenue requirement obtained by multiplying Revenue Requirement by Class Base Rate Fraction. Exhibit No. 110 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. Morrison, Staff 12/16/16 Determinant No. Bills Total Therms No. Bills Total Therms No. Bills Total Therms No. Bills Total Therms -~ n tn ~. ~ & 0: ~ ~ & ----0 Z -· 0: 3. ~ z t/) t::l 0 o L. -o?-i-~ ~ 6:: ~ P:, I ..-~,..... 0 9' ...., 0 +:-N Staff's Estimate of Billing Determinants For the Company's Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Residential Classes (RS-1, RS-2, Proposed RS, and IS-R) Jan Feb March April May June July Aug RS-1 67,871 67,909 67,792 67,488 67,149 66,759 66,821 66,905 7,003,940 5,924,110 4,254,150 2,920,936 1,580,978 541,104 190,702 116,131 RS-2 238,657 239,101 239,620 239,913 240,209 240,504 241,150 241,746 34,076,866 29,124,512 21,722,795 15,930,489 10,122,151 5,612,327 4,065,840 3,747,025 Proposed RS Class 306,528 307,010 307,412 307,401 307,358 307,263 307,971 308,651 41,080,805 35,048,621 25,976,945 18,851,425 11,703,130 6,153,430 4,256,543 3,863,156 IS-R: Residential Interruptible Snow Melt 81 82 82 84 84 85 85 85 44,420 23,236 12,318 1,933 1,631 1,083 383 376 Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 66,996 67,167 67,274 67,357 807,488 217,491 904,678 3,453,779 5,864,316 32,972,314 242,300 242,944 243,367 243,796 2,893,307 4,200,713 7,227,533 18,564,090 29,609,318 184,003,658 309,296 310,111 310,641 311,153 3,700,795 4,418,204 8,132,210 22,017,869 35,473,634 216,975,972 85 85 85 85 1,008 731 1,190 13,007 37,089 137,397 Staff's Estimate of Billing Determinants For the Company's Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Commercial Subclasses (GS-10, GS-11, GS-12, GS-20, and GS-60) Determinant Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual GS-10 No. Bills 73 73 75 76 75 73 70 70 72 77 73 75 882 Total Therms 648,680 538,049 457,258 336,198 271,623 191,624 151,493 247,673 344,058 311,609 458,263 612,727 4,569,254 Block 1 145,350 141,332 133,681 116,481 97,594 60,711 44,433 68,831 102,101 101,377 182,555 154,927 1,349,374 Block 2 322,460 263,988 216,727 159,335 125,263 92,425 68,517 110,979 165,588 118,442 192,763 303,531 2,140,017 Block 3 180,870 132,728 106,849 60,382 48,765 38,488 38,543 67,863 76,369 91,790 82,945 154,268 1,079,862 GS-11 No. Bills 32,038 32,032 32,009 31,952 31,897 31,828 31,896 31,949 31,996 32,082 32,140 32,192 384,011 Total Therms 18,829,887 15,875,869 11,646,852 8,469,977 5,444,505 3,308,721 2,715,707 2,647,654 2,757,495 4,000,591 9,764,693 15,868,037 101,329,989 Block 1 4,219,228 4,170,201 3,405,008 2,934,566 1,956,218 1,048,275 796,527 735,815 818,299 1,301,525 3,889,889 4,012,208 29,287,760 Block 2 9,360,353 7,789,332 5,520,279 4,014,192 2,510,825 1,595,875 1,228,247 1,186,374 1,327,123 1,520,619 4,107,409 7,860,675 48,021,302 Block 3 5,250,306 3,916,336 2,721,565 1,521,219 977,463 664,571 690,933 725,466 612,073 1,178,447 1,767,396 3,995,153 24,020,927 GS-12 No. Bills 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 Total/Block 3 169 104 351 1,487 1,714 182 522 649 349 1,454 231 221 7,433 GS-20 No. Bills 68 69 65 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 759 Total Therms 711,914 627,077 474,136 367,282 297,798 238,633 209,598 203,689 211,494 253,389 398,970 555,961 4,549,940 Block 1 159,519 164,718 138,616 127,251 106,999 75,604 61,476 56,608 62,762 82,436 158,935 140,574 1,335,497 Block 2 353,893 307,669 224,727 174,067 137,334 115,099 94,796 91,270 101,787 96,313 167,822 275,411 2,140,188 Block 3 198,502 154,690 110,793 65,964 53,464 47,931 53,326 55,811 46,945 74,640 72,213 139,976 1,074,256 GS-60 No. Bills 1 0 0 1 8 19 15 19 18 17 4 1 103 Total Therms 0 0 0 0 1,959 15,499 20,291 14,352 9,074 1,030 5,864 3 68,071 Block 1 0 0 0 0 677 3,675 2,566 3,662 2,556 1,030 5,864 3 20,034 Block 2 0 0 0 0 1,282 11,824 14,416 10,689 6,517 0 0 0 44,729 Block 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,308 0 0 0 0 0 3,308 ;:::; $'. n m --.... . Pl & ;: $'. ~ -· :::::oz:!. °' 3. 9 z "' -0 0 z . --o?....,- Po) [./JI _... cro ..... o-(1) p) I N~.- 0 °' --+, I .i::. B -~nm ~. ~ & 0: ~ en er ;:::; 0 Z ;:;: 0\ :l. ~ z ~ z ~ '"O?-,- p:, I - (JQ ~O-ro PJ I w '"t>-'"-+\ 0\ 0 I ...., 0 +:-Iv Determinant No. Bills Total Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 No. Bills Total Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Jan Feb March 32,183 32,177 32,152 20,190,651 17,041,099 12,578,596 4,524,097 4,476,251 3,677,305 10,036,705 8,360,989 5,961,733 5,629,848 4,203,859 2,939,559 7 8 8 6,148 3,407 1,761 958 713 478 2,746 1,862 1,283 2,444 832 0 Staff's Estimate of Billing Determinants For the Company's Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Commercial Classes (GS-1 and IS-C) April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual All GS-1 (Includes GS-10, GS-11, GS-12, GS-20, and GS-60) 32,093 32,045 31,985 32,046 32,103 32,151 32,241 32,282 32,333 385,791 9,174,944 6,017,599 3,754,659 3,097,610 3,114,016 3,322,470 4,568,073 10,628,022 17,036,949 110,524,687 3,178,298 2,161,489 1,188,265 905,003 864,916 985,718 1,486,367 4,237,243 4,307,713 31,992,665 4,347,594 2,774,704 1,815,222 1,405,976 1,399,311 1,601,016 1,735,374 4,467,994 8,439,618 52,346,235 1,649,052 1,081,406 751,172 786,632 849,789 735,736 1,346,332 1,922,785 4,289,619 26,185,787 IS-C 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 102 501 26 20 0 0 10 179 1,247 2,711 16,010 307 26 20 0 0 10 179 1,247 1,973 5,911 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 738 6,823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,276 Determinant No. Bills Total Therms No. Bills Total Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 No. Bills Total Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 No. Bills Demand Therms Overrun -~ n tT1 ~. ~ & a:~ C', & ;:::; 0 Z ;:;: °' 3. :::> z "' :'.:j 0 0 L, . '"t:1? -l -P, I -(Jq ~o-C', P, I ~ ~ a: 0 I H) 0 ~ N Staff's Estimate of Billing Determinants For the Company's Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Industrial and Transportation Customers (LV-1, T-3, T-4, and T-5) Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual LV-1 18 18 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 217 611,474 535,067 552,455 477,142 468,888 448,284 437,000 464,425 468,975 543,275 654,775 655,800 6,317,560 T-3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 72 4,085,789 4,002,252 3,497,018 3,561,492 3,829,801 3,558,066 2,802,052 2,884,657 3,909,847 4,767,780 3,889,548 3,987,949 44,776,251 639,350 685,324 557,405 602,777 672,831 643,754 600,355 659,069 945,777 965,580 756,115 579,743 8,308,080 283,603 303,253 240,030 265,352 295,551 287,260 227,348 253,449 369,721 359,926 291,154 242,375 3,419,023 3,162,835 3,013,674 2,699,583 2,693,364 2,861,419 2,627,053 1,974,349 1,972,138 2,594,349 3,442,274 2,842,279 3,165,831 33,049,148 T-4 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 82 82 80 81 993 30,097,020 27,212,795 26,163,694 19,612,914 19,185,335 16,081,079 16,263,500 16,014,439 18,009,572 23,104,566 25,438,908 27,452,850 264,636,672 10,579,501 10,081,742 10,038,853 8,951,397 8,649,594 8,070,863 7,950,293 7,934,993 8,317,770 9,004,045 10,237,085 10,931,399 110,747,535 8,422,485 8,263,323 8,557,216 7,257,099 6,857,044 5,562,670 5,454,414 6,090,375 6,440,697 7,012,691 7,443,625 8,599,123 85,960,760 11,095,034 8,867,730 7,567,626 3,404,418 3,678,697 2,447,546 2,858,792 1,989,072 3,251,105 7,087,830 7,758,199 7,922,327 67,928,377 T-5 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 156 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 44,685 536,220 1,345,688 1,261,503 1,338,859 1,287,306 1,321,419 1,278,537 1,326,885 1,275,235 1,282,450 1,325,435 1,286,550 1,325,485 15,655,352 437,768 245,505 402,400 458,228 423,688 566,829 211,770 179,130 378,160 198,840 481,640 136,850 4,120,808 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2016, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL MORRISON, IN CASE NO. INT-G-16-02, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL P McGRATH DIR -REGULA TORY AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: mike.mcgrath@intgas.com BRADMPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy@hotmail.com CHAD M STOKES TOMMY A BROOKS CABLE HUSTON LLP 1001 SW 5TH AVE STE 2000 PORTLAND OR 97204-1136 E-MAIL: cstokes@cablehuston.com tbrooks@,cablehuston.com BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: botto@idahoconservation.org PETER RICHARDSON GREGORY MADAMS RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter@richardsonadams.com greg@richardsonadams.com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY 1015 W HAYS ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: ron@williamsbradbury.com EDWARD A FINKLEA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NW INDUSTRIAL GAS USERS 545 GRANDVIEW DR ASHLAND OR 87520 E-MAIL: e:finklea@nwigu.org ELECTRONIC ONLY MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP E-MAIL: mcc@givenspursley.com F DIEGO RIV AS NW ENERGY COALITION 1101 8TH AVENUE HELENA MT 59601 E-MAIL: diego@nwenergy.org SCOTT DALE BLICKENSTAFF AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO LLC 1951 S SATURN WAY STE 100 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: sblickenstaff@amalsugar.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE KEN MILLER SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org LANNY L ZIEMAN NATALIE A CEPAK THOMAS A JERNIGAN EBONY M PAYTON AFLOA/JA-ULFSC 139 BARNES DR STE 1 TYNDALL AFB FL 32403 E-MAIL: lanny.zieman. l @us.af.mil Natalie.cepak.2c@us.af.mil Thomas.jemigan.3c@us.af.mil Ebony.payton.ctr@us.af.mil ANDREW J UNSICKER MAJ USAF AFLOA/JACE-ULFSC 139 BARNES DR STE 1 TYNDALL AFB FL 32403 E-MAIL: Andrew.unsicker@us.af.mil CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE