HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170526order_no_33757_second_errata.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date May 26,2017 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO )CASE NO.INT-G-16-02 CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE )SECOND ERRATA TO OF IDAHO )ORDER NO.33757 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ) On April 28,2017,the Commission issued Order No.33757.On May 10,2017,the Commission issued an Errata to Order No.33757 to include an omitted Normalized Test Year Revenue calculation.However,also omitted from Attachment B to Order No.33757,was the calculation of the Commission ordered revenue requirement that the Company’s tariffed rates are designed to collect annually from each customer class. This Second Errata further elaborates the calculations presented in Attachment B by adding the “Commission Ordered Base Revenue Requirement”column.In its current state, Attachment B shows total revenue for each class including the cost of gas collected through the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA)mechanism.The added “Commission Ordered Base Revenue Requirement”column shows stand alone,tariffed,base rate revenue requirements,as approved by the Commission in Order No.33757.Therefore,the following changes should be made: Order No.33757 Attachment B now READS: Commission Ordered Class Revenue Allocation (Attachment B) Normalized Test Year Commission Class Revenue Ordered Percentage Change Allocation RS $167,184,477 $170,589,416 2.04% GS 76,515,325 78,423,351 2.49% LV 2,843,600 2,775,142 -2.41% T-3 833,713 532,754 -36.10% T-4 9,585,370 8,760,876 -8.60% Gas Operating Revenues $256,962,485 $261,081,540 1.60% Other Revenues 2,963,369 2,963,369 0.00% Total Operating Revenues $259,925,854 $264,044,909 1.58% SECOND ERRATA TO ORDER NO.33757 Order No.33757 Attachment B SHOULD READ: Commission Ordered Class Revenue Allocation (Attachment B) DATED at Boise,Idaho this t):l’FG-I 6-O2sc2kkErrata2 SECOND ERRATA TO ORDER NO.33757 day of JVlav 201 7. Diane M.Ilanian Commission Secretary Commission Ordered Normalized Commission Ordered Base Test Year Revenue Revenue Requirement Overall Revenue Requirement W/PGA Gas W/PGA Gas ChangeClass RS $57,675,297 $167,184,477 $170,589,416 2.04% GS-1 $22,067,933 $76,515,325 $78,423,351 2.49% LV-1 $339403 $2,843,600 $2,775,142 -2.41% T-3 $532,754 $833,713 $532,754 -36.10% T-4 $8,760,876 $9,585,370 $8,760,876 -8.60% Total $89,376,264 $256,962,485 $261,081,539 1.60%