HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630Incentive Compensation Expense Charges and Exhibit 49.pdfRonald L. Williams,lSB No.3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P O Box 388, 802 W. Bannock, Boise ID 83701 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TNTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO :* -:t'' :II/:i'rL ...,/-*l d "_il 1,,. i ,. '.: ;1:] pii l: 3l Case No. INT-G-16-02 INTERMOLINTAIN GAS COMPANY'S WRITTEN COMMENTS AND EXHIBITS REGARDING INCENTIVE COMPENSATION EXPENSES JUNE 3O,2OI7 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Report on lncentive Compensation Expenses Prepared By ond Under the Direction of Lindo Murray Director of Humon Resources, lntermountoin Gos Company June 30, 2077 7. lntroduction Commission Order No. 33757 denies 5704,000 of Company expenses because the Commission believes the Company "failed to meet its burden of proof" that lntermountain's customers directly benefit from Montana Dakota Utility Group's ("MDUG") incentive compensation plans. The following information contained in this report provides additional evidence that the Company's ldaho customers directly benefit from the performance incentives provided to lntermountain's employees. 2. MDUG lncentive Compelsation Plan Contrary to the findings of Commission Order 33757, MDUG's incentive compensation plan ("1 C Plan") that rewards, or fails to reward, lntermountain employees, is inextricably linked to the performance of the Company which ties directly to benefits received by the Company's customers. MDUG's I C Plan is based on three performance components: (1) Earnings, (2) Customer Service, and (3) O & M cost containment. The I C Plan is for non-bargaining employees and focuses lntermountain's employee's attention on achieving Company objectives. The lC Plan incentivizes lntermountain's non-bargaining employees to continue to improve in their performance and organizational effectiveness that leads to positive business results benefitting both the Company and lntermountain's customers in ldaho. The efforts of employees, both individually and as Company team members, are key to success under the plan. More importantly, the individual performance of lntermountain has a direct and material impact on whether MDUG pays out incentive compensation to anv MDUG affiliated company employees,or none of them A composite MDUG financial performance benchmark of 85% must first be met before incentive compensation is available to any/all MDUG companies and their employees. Achievement is measured by comparing the actual results of the financial performance measure to the targeted levels. Achievement of at least 85% of the financial goal is a prerequisite for a payout to occur. lf the minimum financial performance target of 85% is achieved across all MDUG companies, funding is available and goal achievement is then determined based on the following: IGC Report on lncentive Compensation Expense Charges - Page 1 3 Eornings Gool. Meeting or exceeding the MDUG earnings goal accounts for one-third of I C Plan compensation. While the earnings goal test is applied across all MDUG companies, it is possible that the sub-standard financial performance of a single MDUG company jeopardizes all MDUG companies from achieving the company-wide financial goal, resulting in no I C Plan payments for that year for all MDUG non-bargaining employees. lntermountain did not request rate recovery for the earnings portion of incentive compensation and, therefore, the earnings component of the Company's incentive compensation was not included in the Company's filing. O&M Expense Goal. Controlling O&M expenses at or below budget accounts for another one-third of the calculated I C Plan payout for a year. All employees are expected to work together to continuously seek efficiencies that control costs, such as labor, benefits, travel, supplies, office, and plant maintenance, etc. Operationol Gool - Customer Service. Customer service satisfaction is the third factor in determining the amount of I C Plan compensation, and accounts for the final one-third of the calculated payout. The MDUG customer service goal is to be within the top 35 companies in the annualJD Power Gas Utility Customer Service Satisfaction Study of similar utilities. lntermountain's Performance under MDUG's lC Plan a o o a Attached is Exhibit 49 which is a 2012 -zOtG analysis of the I C Plan, comparing lntermountain's stand-alone performance to MDUG overall performance, for the three plan components. lntermountain's comparison performance for each component is further described as follows: a) Earnings Component o Exhibit 49 demonstrates that lntermountain would have met the earnings incentive targets for a payout as a stand-alone company for all years except 2015 and exceeded the MDUG results for all years except 2015. o lntermountain's 20L5 earnings were 63% of target earnings and significantly below the MDUG average of 77%.lntermountain's poor financial performance for that year (due to an abnormally warmer year) effectively resulted in MDUG as a whole not achieving its 85% financial benchmark, and consequently no MDUG company qualified for an annual lC Plan payment to employees. o As 2015 demonstrated, lntermountain's earnings impact on the achievement of the incentive target is a significant driver to whether the MDUG meets the incentive targets. Had lntermountain been evaluated on a stand-alone basis for meeting and exceeding its earnings target, the compensation that would have been paid to Company employees would have been more than that paid due to lntermountain performing better than the MDUG. ln essence, lntermountain has generally out-performed other MDUG IGC Report on lncentive Compensation Expense Charges - Page 2 companies, and I C Plan payouts to Intermountain employees have been reduced to reflect the average MDUG performance metrics. o lntermountain does not request rate recovery for the earnings portion of incentive compensation. b) Customer Service Component o lntermountain scored at the top of the JD Power rankings for all years from 2012 through 2016 and would have met the Customer Service incentive target as a stand- alone utility. Again, lntermountain's JD Power rankings for customer service are above the average ranking for all MDUG companies. o lntermountain's customers directly receive the benefit of the outstanding customer service provided by lntermountain's employees through efficient, comprehensive, and low-cost service. c) O&M Cost Containment Component o Intermountain met the incentive target for O&M cost control as a stand-alone utility for allyears from2Ol2 through 2016. o O&M budgets are generally held to a percentage of the prior year 6 months of actual expenses and 6 months of budget. Year over year budgets for lntermountain for the calendar years 2OL2 - zOtG range from a reduction of 3o/o in 2016 to an increase of 4% in years 2014 and 2015 which is reasonable in light of annual inflation. o lntermountain's customers directly benefit from lntermountain's O&M cost control due to the request for lower cost recovery and resulting cost reductions which serve to lower the Company's overall revenue requirement and customer rates. 4. Conclusion As demonstrated above, lntermountain's financial performance, customer service, and O&M cost control have a significant positive impact on MDUG and are returned by MDUG to lntermountain, to benefit the Company's ldaho customers. The MDUG I C Plan is designed to give all employees the incentive to perform their best on behalf of all customers, to provide exceptional customer service and contain costs, so that MDUG remains one of the lowest cost natural gas service providers in the United States. Intermountain employees consistently provide superior service while being the lowest cost service provider in the region, all to the benefit of the Company's ldaho customers. The I C Plan clearly incentivizes Company employees to provide exceptional customer service, while containing O&M costs, at the Company level. Therefore, the Company proposes that the entire 5704,000 adjustment be reversed and added back to lntermountain's revenue requirement. IGC Report on lncentive Compensation Expense Charges - Page 3 lntermountain Gas Company Historical lncentive Compensation Analysis Dollars in Millions Budret 6,513 47,O09 lt,235 4&309 10,546 46,658 11,335 44,863 12,026 Budqet 67,998 272,686 77,0@ 254,830 74,474 239,527 67,084 22L,376 65,000 Actual 69,324 268,878 59,52L 234,094 67,2t5 226,721 72,493 2L4,693 50,o42 lntermountain Gas Company Qualified Qualified 77% LI,4L6 MDUG 2016 rnings Costs Service 2015 rnings Costs Service 20t4 Earnings Costs Service 2013 Earnings Costs Service 2012 rnings Costs Service Actual 8,311 46,76L 7,O28 43,815 10,906 43,394 t4,232 42,63L Exhibit No.49 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Murry, IGC