HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630Affiliated Charges and Exhibits 47; 48.pdfWILLIAMS BRADBURY ATTORNEYSATI,AW il l:fi [ l\,/ ffiJ 2iirl .j; : lj0 Pii 2: 3I Re June 30,2017 Ms. Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-16-02 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and nine copies of the following: o Report on Affiliated Charges and Exhibits 47 and 48. o Report on Incentive Compensation Expense Charges and Exhibit 49. If you should have comments or questions regarding this filing, please contact Michael P, McGrath (377-6168) or me (344-6633). Sincerely, Rrt'l tuttl Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company cc:Michael P. McGrath Enclosure P O Box 388, 802 W. Bannock St, - Boise, ID 83701 Phone: 208-344-6633 - www.williamsbradbury.com CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 30th day of June,2017,l caused to be served a true and correct copy of Intermountain Gas Company Reports on Affiliated Charges and Incentive Compensation upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: Hand Deliverry: (original and 9 copies) Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 Electronic Deliverv Michael P. McGrath Intermountain Gas Company 555 S. Cole Road Boise,lD 83707 E-Mail : Mike.McGrath@intgas.com Brad M. Purdy 2019 N. lTth Street Boise, ID 83702 E-Mail: bmpurdy@hotmail.com Attorney for Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street Boise, lD 83702 E-Mail: botto@idahoconservation.org F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition I l0l 8th Avenue Helena, MT 59601 E-Mail: diego@nwenergy.org Edward A. Finklea Northwest Industrial Gas Users (NWIGU) 545 Grandview Drive Ashland, OR 97520 E-Mail: efinklea@nwigu.org Chad M. Stokes Tommy A. Brooks Cable Huston LLP l00l SW Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1136 E-Mail: cstokes@cablehuston.com tbrooks@cablehuston.com Attorneys for NWIGU Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP E-Mail: mcc@givenspursley.com Attorneys for NWIGU Scott Dale B lickenstaff The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC l95l S. Saturn Way, Ste. 100 Boise, ID 83702 E-Mail : sblickenstaff@amalsugar.com Peter Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,lD 83702 E-Mail: peter@richardsonadams.com gr e g@richardso nadam s. c om Attorneys for The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC Dr. Don Reading E-Mail : dreading@mindspring.com The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC Ken Miller Snake River Alliance 223 N. 6th St., Ste. 317 P.O. Box 1731 Boise,lD 83701 E-Mail: kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org 2 Andrew J. Unsicker Lanny L. Zieman Natalie A. Cepak Thomas A. Jernigan Ebony M. Payton AFLOA/JA-ULFSC 139 Barnes Drive, Suite I Tyndall AFB, FL 32403 E-Mail: Andrew.unsicker@us.af.mil Lanny .zieman. I @us. af.mi I Natalie.cepak.2@us.af.mil Thomas jernigan.3 @us.af.mil Ebony.payton.ctr@us.af.mil Attorneys for Federal Executive Agencies (FEA) Rrqtultl Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company J Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P O Box 388, 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 900 Boise,lD 83701 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com -i, ..,, r i Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TNTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-I6-02 TNTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S WzuTTEN COMMENTS AND EXHIBTTS REGARDING AFFILIATED CHARGES JTINE 30,2017 Report on Affiliated Charges Prepared By and Under the Direction of Ted Dedden Accounting and Finance Director, lntermountain Gos Company June 30, 2077 1. lntroduction Commission Order No. 33757 reduced the Company's revenue requirement by Sf.gg million, in reliance on the testimony of NWIGU witness Gorman's direct testimony, where Mr. Gorman proposed that the Company's affiliated charges for recovery be limited to a five-year historical average. Using historical information provided to Mr. Gorman through Request No. 33 of NWIGU's First Production Request, Mr. Gorman created an average of affiliated charges for the zOtt-2OLS time period. That average was 514,446,817 (Gorman Di, p. 7, Table 3). Mr. Gorman compared that average to test year affiliated charges of 5L5,827,869, as presented on Exhibit No. 11 of Company witness Dedden's direct testimony. Mr. Gorman proposed that the Company's affiliated charges be reduced by 51,381,000, which is the rounded difference between these two numbers. 2 of Customer lnformation s as the "Prima Driver" of the Test Year lncrease in Affiliated Expense Charges Commission Order No. 33575 found that the Company "failed to prove" the reasonableness of its test year affiliated charges which were "abnormally higher" than the five- year average of such expenses (Order No. 33757, p. 18). ln his rebuttal testimony Company witness Dedden however explained why test year affiliated expenses were higher than prior year: "[T]he primary driver of that increase relates to our customer information system development that was - during the development stages, it was all the costs related to consulting, internal labor, software licensing, as well as other contractor costs were able to be capitalized into rate base" (Tr. 1536, 1537). Mr. Dedden further explained: 'That project went live in August of 2015, so thereafter, for the most part starting in 2OL6, all of those costs converted from capital over to expense" (Tr. L537). ln addition to the testimony and exhibits already found in the record and referred to in the Company's Petition for Reconsideration with respect to information system ("1S") affiliated charges, attached hereto is Exhibit No. 47 which is the graphical representation of the increase in lS affiliated charges experienced by the Company for the years 2011 through 2016. The lS affiliate charges data used to prepare Exhibit 47 for the years 2011through 2015 can be found in the Company's response to NWIGU Production Request No. 33, and the lS affiliate charges data representing the 2016 test year is part of the September 30 Update data. IGC Report on Affiliated Charges - Page 1 Exhibit 47 shows that the total September 30 Update of test year lS affiliated charges was S1,755,995. ln contrast, the 2011-2015 average, as embedded in Mr. Gorman's direct testimony, was 5941,602. Using Mr. Gorman's five-year average of 5941,602, instead of the September 30 Update of test year lS affiliated charges of S1,755,995, deprives the Company of 5814,393, which represents 77% oI the total difference between the five-year average and the updated test year affiliated charges. As stated by Mr. Dedden in his rebuttaltestimony, this increase is the "primary driver" of the total difference between the five-year average and the updated test year affiliated charges and results from the fact that information systems costs which were previously capitalized are expensed in the 2016 test year. By limiting test year affiliated charges to a five-year average, the Commission is ignoring the evidence presented by the Company proving the reasonableness of test year affiliated charges. 3. Double Disallowance of Expenses Mr. Gorman's proposals to adjust affiliated charges to a five-year average as well as deny recovery of non-executive incentive compensation exposes the Company to double disallowance of the same expenses. A portion of the Company's non-executive incentive compensation is related to employees who are shared among the MDU Resources family of companies and is embedded within test year affiliated charges. By limiting test year affiliated charges to a five-year average, the Commission is denying a portion of affiliated charges that are related to non-executive incentive compensation. Since non-executive compensation was also denied recovery in its entirety by the Commission, the Company has thus been subject to double disallowance of the same expenses. 4. Cost Savinss Affiliated charges are an avenue for the Company to share costs and efficiencies among multiple companies with the goal of decreasing costs from what they would have been had the Company been operating on its own. For example, Ms. Nicole Kivisto, Company CEO, explained that lntermountain has experienced overall cost savings in administrative and general ("A&G") costs "due in large part to the greater scale of efficiencies brought by MDU Resources" (Tr.18). As can be seen in Exhibit No. 48, A&G costs have decreased by SS.f U since MDU Resources' purchase of lntermountain. Furthermore, Mr. Scott Madison, Executive Vice President for the Company, showed in Tables M.4.2 and M.4.3 of his direct testimony that the Company has had the lowest A&G costs per customer of all regional gas utilities and all liked-sized gas utilities in the country for several years. Therefore, it is unreasonable to disallow a portion of test year affiliated charges while at the same time allowing customers to benefit from the overall savings and efficiencies that the Company has achieved by being a part of the larger MDU Resources organization. 5. Calculation Errors in the Gorman Adiustment Mr. Gorman's proposed adjustment of S1.38M was calculated incorrectly because he failed to compare his five-year average of affiliated charges to the test year affiliated charges IGC Report on Affiliated Charges - Page 2 included in the Company's updated revenue requirement which incorporated actual data through September 30,20L6, and forecasted data for October 1to December 3L, 2016 (the "september 30 Update"). The September 30 Update data was, in fact, the test year used by the Commission in setting the Company's revenue requirement. Mr. Gorman should have used the September 30 Update test year affiliated charges of $15,499,927 to calculate his proposed adjustment instead of the incorrect S15,827,869. Mr. Dedden stated in his rebuttaltestimony "[t]he total amount of actual and forecasted Affiliate Costs included in the response to IPUC Staff Production Request No. 178 was S15,499,927" (Dedden Direct, p. 3, lines L6-L71. This updated levelof test year affiliated charges was ignored both by Mr. Gorman and by the Commission in the determination of the Sf.SgM adjustment. Had this updated level of test year affiliated charges been used, the total proposed adjustment would have been S1,053,503 instead of S1,381,000. 6. Conclusion As shown above, the Company has met its burden of proof to explain the reasonableness of the increase of test year affiliated charges versus the 2011-2015 average. ln addition, the Company has also made it clear that it was harmed twice by the Commission's acceptance of Mr. Gorman's proposed adjustments; first, by Mr. Gorman and the Commission's failure to use the updated test year information in its determination of the affiliated charges adjustment, and second, by Mr. Gorman and the Commission's failure to provide relief for the double disallowance of the same non-executive incentive compensation affiliated charges. Therefore, the Company proposes that the entire Sf.gAM adjustment be reversed and that the Company be allowed to incorporate total test year affiliated expenses into its revenue requirement. IGC Report on Affiliated Charges - Page 3 (usoI o.9Io,tl a(o co(JI o5oJI L(g(l) to FIoN r.rl FIoN <fFIoN (odoN N!.1oN FIdor! lhobo (us(J o .g g Eo ta 1nco (! E oc {r}ooooooooooooooooooooo-o-o.o-qoooooooodddddddooooooooooo6roslNo6tostc!.ijF.i'jjjlrlrav}.at\ <rt {r} v} v> !> Exhibit No.47 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden Page 1 of 1 sa8req3 palelllUV rodoN ln(nrnNNto <l!{<J} (oo tn tio(J (9 od (o .o f\ooN rnro '4NNF(nd<lt vI Exhibit No.48 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden Page 1 of 1 oooooo r/t<rt ooodooddv} ooodoo '/i{/} ooodoodN4r\ oooooo '/iNar> slsof 9tsv lelol