HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170215Blattner Exhibit 39.pdfRonald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI.INTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CTIARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CaseNo. INT-G-16-02 BXHIBIT 39 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * € Case No. U- 1034- 134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY E fr {!it if E n I :, t i-t ;:I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ln the Matter of Application of lntermountain Gas Company For Approval of its Weather Normalization Model REVISED TESTIMONY AND EXHIBIT Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 1 of 8'l .l IMERI,IOTINTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE No. U-1034-134 REVISED Subsequent to the original fl1ing of U-1034-L34, lnconststencleswere discovered ln some of the blIling data for the perlod October, L979 through June, 1980. Therefore, all data durlngthls perlod was discarded l-n the revlsed study. The data used ln the model was updated to include December 1985, through June, 1986. This captures the most recent available dataand al-lows the study period to contaln an adequate nuuber ofhlstorl-cal data points la relatlon to the nunber of predictlngvarlables. 'The models were then refitted to that data. The statistically non-slgnlficant data included in the orlginal f lll.ng, has been oml-tted from the revlsed f lllng. Anyone interested ln that data can obtaln it from the origlnal flling or by reguest to Intermountain Gas Company. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 2 of 81 -! J Case No. U-1034-134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Request for Approval of Weather Normalization Model) REVISED PREPARED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN M. KOHLMEIER Ii fi i I t! j I I ] j I 1 I I Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 3 of 81 i 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 A: Q: A Q: a Page 1 Would you please state your name and business address. My name is John M. Kohlneier and my business address is 33 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illlnois 60603. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am a partner with Arthur Andersen & Co. f am responsible for directing our planning, fore- casting and modelj-ng consulting practice for clients in the utllity industry in the United States. Would you please outline your academic and professional background? I was awarded a B.A in Economics with honors from Dlckinson College in 1955r dtr MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administra- tion in 1960 and a DBA from Harvard in L964, From 1963 through 1968 I was an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago where f taught and did research in accounting and quantitative methods specializLng in modeling. f have been wlth Arthur Andersen & Co. since 1968 specializing in planning, forecasting and modeling consulting work for clients in the electricr gds and Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 4 of 81 A I t 2 J ly 5 6 7 B 9 10 L1 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 o A: A: a Page 2 telephone utility industries. I have been a member of several AICPA task forces that have developed st,andards for financial- forecasting. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? The purpose of my testimony is to describe the methodology developed by the Conpany to adjust gas sales for weather normalizatlon and declin- ing use to be used in the presentation of test year data ln future rate cases. Why is it appropriate to adjust gas sales for weather normalization and declining use? Gas sales for certain classes of customers are highly sensitive to the temperatures actually experienced during the test, year. Normali-zing for weather reduces the rate instability that could occur if rates were based on actual sales in a test period in which actual weather dif- fered from normal by a significant amount. fhe use of normal temperatures ior ratemaking is generally regarded as the best estimate of the future weather and resulting sales that will actually occur. Gas consumption per customer has experienced a long-term declining trend due to the use of more Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTIG-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 5 of 81 I 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 L1 t2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Q: A: Page 3 energy-efficient technology, the replacement of o1der, less efficient appliances with new, more gas efflcient appliances, conservation and other enerqy saving measures. Failure to provide for declining use introduces a systernatic bias whereby the Company will never be able to earn its authorized rate of return. By not allowing a declining use adjustment, sales and revenues are conslstently overestimated resulting in consistently overestimated returns that will never actually be achieved. Declining use and weather normalization adjust- ments represent known and measurable changes to historical test year results. What evidence is there that gas sales for Intermountain Gas Company are weather sensitive and experience declining usage? For the Companyrs residential and small commercial customer classes weather represents a very significant portion of the month to month variation in gas sales for the period october 1979 through June 1986. During the same period per customer usage declined in a persistent, statistically signifl- cant, long-term trend. This decline in usage Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tNt:G-to-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 6 of 81 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 L0 1l_ L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q: A: Q: A: Page 4 has persisted through June 1986, the most recent month in the study data. What are the principtes underlying the Companyts approach and methodology to weather normaliza- tion and declining use adjustments? The methodology should be based on variables and relationships which make both logical business sense and are statist,lcally va1id. Mode1s whlch are statistically valid but which represent illogical or nonsensical economic relationships are not acceptable. In addition the methodology should provide procedures for updating and refitting the models in the future lf conditions change. P1ease outline the Companyts new weather and declining use adjustment methodology. The Companyrs methodology consists of the following procedures: L. Relationships and models are hypothesized to explain gas saIes. 2. Monthly data is collected for use ln the analysis. 3. Regression analysis is used to quantify and test the relationshlps between sales and the explanatory variables on a per Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. trurjc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 7 of 81 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 t5 16 t7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 Z4 25 A: Q: A: a Page 5 customer basis. 4. The resulting models are used to adJust actual sales for weather and to estimate declinin€t use. What variables and rnodels were hypothesized to explain the variation of therm usage per customer? It was hypothesized that the following types of variables would explain therm sales per customer. 1. A constant term. 2. Weather in the form of degree days. 3. Long-term usage trend. 4, Price of gas and electricity. 5. Demographic and economic variables such as GNP, income, employment/unemployment. 5. Appliance saturation. 7. Seasonal variables reflecting different month by month usage. Please describe the data used. Monthly data was used because reliable data for days or weeks is not available for therm sales per customer. In addit,ion, insufficient time periods of data were available to use quarterly or annual therm sales and still pass the statis- Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 case No. tNrjc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 8 of 81 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 L1 l2 13 14 15 16 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 Z3 24 25 Page 6 tical requirements. Therm sales data and related weather data was collected by customer rate c1ass, RS-I (residential space heating), Rs-2 (residential space and water heat,ing), cS-10 (non-cyc1ical Gs-1), GS-11 (cyclical Gs-1), and GS-20 (other Gs-I) for the fLve divisions, for a total of 25 rate class/division categories for each month. We also constructed weighted average data to be able to properly combine dlvisj.ons and the three individuaL Gs classes and compare the combined results with the individual class/division results. Monthly thern sales data was taken from the Companyrs historical billing register for the period from october 1979 through June 1986, which provided an adequate base for the statist- ical analysis. Data prior to October L979 ls not aval-Iab1e ln appropriate format. Due to some inconsistencies in billing data, the months of October L979 through June 1980 were dis- carded; the final models use data from July 1980 through June 1986. Billing data represents monthly time periods but is based on billing cycles and does not precisely represent therm Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 case No. ttttlc-to-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 9 of 8'l 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 l_3 t4 15 16 t7 L8 t9 20 27 22 z3 24 25 Q: A Page 7 consunption durlng that calendar month. As a result, the degree day temperature data was adjusted cycle by cycle to correspond on a weighted average basis with the degree days actually included in the billing data. Data was collected from external sources for electrical price, unemployment, personal income, GNP and appliance saturation. What were the results of the regression analysis? In general the regression models developed fit the data extremely weII. The R squares for each model were at least 98.92. It was found that aggregate Company-wide rnodels fit better than individual divisional models. It was also found that combining the three srnalI commercial rate classes into one group produced signlficantly better results than the individual snall- com- mercial rate classes taken individually. None of the econonic/dernographic variables proved to be statistically significant and these $rere eliminated from the models. Appliance saturation was also discarded foq the same reason. AIl gas and electricity price measures were also found to be insignificant and were not Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. trurlc-to-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 10 of 8'l I I 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 L5 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 A: o Page 8 used in the models. The best, fit resulted when two degree day variables were included. The first represented degree days calculated from t-he traditional 650 base. The second series was calculated from a 45o base. The rationale for this is that customers behave differently with respect to very cold temperatures than they do to moderate temperatures. A long-term customer usage trend variable which had the property of increasing by one each heating season month (November through April) and being zero in non-heating season months fit the models well and was significant. A simple time trend variable which increased by one each month did not fit as weII. Monthly seasonal binary variables for the months of october through April proved significant and worked better than variables for the alternative summer months (May through September). Please describe the models produced by the use of this methodology. The rnethodology described above applied to the data for the six-year period JuIy 1980 to June 1986 produced three models (Rs-I, RS-2 and Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tur:c-'to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 11 of81 1 2. J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 9 GS) of almost identical form. These models are very logical from a business or economic theory standpoint and have very strong statistical support. The model Ln each case predicts actual therm sales per customer in the class for the month based on variables which are not highly correlated, which are all statistically signifi- cant at the 952 leve1 and together produce remarkably high R square. The models are presented in the following tabIe. FINAL REGRESSION I',IODELS BY RATE CLASS RS-]. RS-2 GS.lcoefficient Coefficient Coefficient fntercept 5.509 23.584 L48.73 HDD45 0.0207 0. 0152 0.3045 HDD65 0.0678 0,0799 0.2573 october (3.981) (6.928) 68.84 November 5.255 222.27 December L4.995 9.44L 282.4L January 19.333 1-4,479 279.47 February L9.237 12.736 259.02 March L4.542 9.52L 225.93 April L0.598 7 .4l-9 183.50 Usage Trend (0.130) (0.078) (4.534) ,Adjusted R- 99,7 99 ,7 98.9 A more detailed presentation of the models and the nethodology is contained in Exhibit I. Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 12 of81 :l Page 10 How will the results of th models be used to foradjust actual therm sales for the test year weather normalj.zation and declining use? IIt is anticipated that in tfre preparation of a test year, the models wiff ' Ue refitted. to the Idata then available and I the parameters re- estimated. i The rnodels will then be rurr for each month of Ithe test year, once wltfr normal weather (temperatures) and once witlt the actual weather I (temperatures) experienced ;during each of the imonths of the historical test year. The difference ln predicted per icustomer therrn usage Iwill then be multiplied by the actual number of customers and the total wil,l be added or sub- tracted. from the actual til"rm sales for each I month for each of the three ]customer classes to produce normalized therm satres. I I I The declining use adjustmdnt to test period Itherm sales will be calculated by multiplying !the usage trend coefficierit by the relevant increment for each winder heating month (Novernber through April) and then multiplying the number of customers in the class for that Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tHr-G-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 13 of 81 I I I I I I I I I6 I I 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 L0 11 L2 13 r4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2t 22 ?.3 24 25 Q: A: 1 2 _1 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 L5 L6 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Q: A Page 1I month in the test period and summing the monthly Iamounts to a total for the year. The resultant itotal therms will be subtracted from the weather adjusted therm sales for the test period. How does this metnoaorogyi and the resultant i models compare with the rnethodology formerly iused by the Company particularly with respect to the crlticisms of the previous methodology made by the Commission Staff. I The Company has adopted tll.e best methodology Iavailable and the' resulti4g models make both Igood business sense and havd strong statistical !support. i I The methodology and resulteint nodels presented above correct the criticisms raised by Messrs. Ferguson and Santos of thelcommission Staff in Ithe two most recent general lrate cases. In fact ithe new methodology used by,the eompany is very simllar to that used by tfle conmission Staff. I The Company has improved tHe quality and pre- Icj-sion of the data. It has also tested many Ialternative formulations arid thereby improved the fit of the models. The Staff criticized the fact that the prior methodology utilized the sales in a single month Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas ComPanY Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 14 of81 1 2 J 4 5. 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 77 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 does not produce a base load per se, it fu1ly reflects data for the entii'e stud,y period used to develop the models. Addltionally, variables reflecting both seasonal variiation and long terrn i usage trend are present in tne models. The Staff crit,icized the fact that formal Istatistical procedures werd not used and that the statistical validity of the results could to establish base load and not vary over time. While not be verified. The utilizes fornal statist models produced have tistical support. Companyrs nethodology did evaluating the effect of Page 12 that base load did the new methodology methodology fu1Iy procedures and the gh degree of sta- not provide for other variables on I nevl I Iical i Iahi I : Mr. Ferguson criticized the fact that the :therm consumptj,on. The Companyts new nethod- ology provides a way to different variables. analyze and test ' iKohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 15 of81 I J l Case No. U-1034-134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Request for Approval of Weather Normalization Model) REVISED PREPARED EXHIBIT OF JOHN M. KOHLMEIER Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 16 of 8'l t I IntermountaLn Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibic No. 1 Page I of 65 Kohlmeler INTERMOI'NTAIN GAS COMPANY WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Table of Contents I. Methodology Overvlew. II. Detalled Methodology Descriptlon. A. l,latchlng Weather Data wlth Sales Data. i)ii) i11) lv) v)vl) General Discussion Weather Data Sources 8111-tng Cycle Dall-y I{eighEs Constructlon of WeaEher Actuals Constructlon of !,Ieather Nor:mals Sales Data B. Descrlptlon of Economlc and Prlce Data. C. Descriptlon of Regresslons. i) General Dlscusslons 11) Statistlcal Resulrs D. The Use of Regression Results to AdJust for Normal tleather. E. Decllnlng Use Adjustment. III. Data A B c Data l,Inemonics. Baslc Data. ModeLs and Predicted Results. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INI-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 17 of 8'l Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed ExhLblt No. 1 Page 2 of 65 KohLmeler WEATIIER NORI'IATIZATION AI{D DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY I. Methodology Overvlew. Io determlne the degree to which actual therms sales were hlgher or Lower than normal as a result of actual weather' iL ls necessary to flrst quantlfy the relationship betrseen weather and sales. Thlsquantiflcation is achleved through the use of multlple regressLon analysls at Intermountain Gas Company (IGC). Therm usage ls statlstical-ly estimated as function of weather and non-rseather varlabLes. The relatlonshlp between gas use and lts naLn determlnants ls measured in three regresslon equatlons, one whlch explalns residentlal space heatlng-only salesr orr€ whlch explalns residential space and water heatLng sales, and one whlch explains small commerclal sales. A1l- eguatlons are systern wide. To explain gas use, the regresslon equations use weather concepts, such as heating degree days, and economlc informatlon, such as gas prlce, Comblnlng data for aLl months of at l-east slx flscal years in each regresslon allows enough variation within the data to gain lnformatlon from more than one weather concept and from economlc varlables. The summary statistics for the equations demonstrate that the regresslons are accurate {n explalning Eonthly varlations ln saLes as ls detalled ln the methodology descriptlons. Each regresslon r.ras tested for autocorrelation and correcEed when necessary, Exhibit No. 39 case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 18 of 81 Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 3 of 65 Kohlneier WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Once the regresslon equatlons have been specifled and estimated, ltls the coefficLents of the weather varlables that are lmportant tothe weather adJustnent process. These coefflclents measure the response of sales to changes in Ehose weather variables. For example, the coefflcient of the heating degree day (base 65') variable ln the space heatlng only, resldentiaL total system equation represents the number of additlonal therms per customer Ehat oneaddltional- heating degree day (base 65") wouLd cause. Thecoefflcient of the heating degree day (base 45o) varlable representsthe number of addltional therms per customer that one additlonal heating degree day (base 45o) would cause. Two weaEher varlables are used because an additlonal degree drop in t,emperature below 45" causea more additional use of gas than a degree drop in tenperature between 65o and 45o. The effect of the HDD45 ts additive to theeffect of the HDD65'. By muLtlplylng these coefflcients by the dLfference between Ehe normal and acEuaL heatlng degree days (base 65') and heatlng degree days (base 45o), the dlfference beEween aetual and normal therms per cust,omer ls determined. Note that the non-weather variables are used onLy to estimate the regression equatLons and that only the coefflcients of the weaEher v"iiabl"s are used in the acriEfadJustment. Al-so note that Ehe primary purpose of Ehe models is to adJust sales Ehat have already occurred rather than to predict future sal-es. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 19 of 81 Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revl-sed Exhiblc No. I Page 4 of 65 Kohlnel-er WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I"IETI{ODOLOGY II. Detalled Methodology Descrlptlon. A. Matching Weather Data Wlth Sales Data 1) General Dlscusslon The weather concepts in the regressions use Eemperature data fromflve weather statlons: Caldwel1, Bolse, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, and Twln FalLs, Idaho. One of the critical aspects ln quantlfying the relatlonshlp between gas use and weaEher is the correct matching of weather data wlth sales data. Because resldential and some conmerclal customer are bIlled ln cycles, sales in a partlcular month represent sales in the current month and previous month, dependlng upon the bllIing cycle belng anal-yzed. To correcEly match rueather and sales, the weather varlables used ln the analysis represenE weighted total-s of the dally values of these variables over the appropriate tlme periods. Each dayrs weather measure is weighted by Ehe number of customers (for a particular tronth) who expertenced EhaE weather. The IGC service area eontains dlvlsions rvhlch experience differenE temperatures at a given point ln tine. To ineorporate these dlfferences ln the system regressions, the weather variables were constructed ustng weather data weight.ed by the number of customers ln each of the divisions represented by the Caldwell, Bolse, Idaho Fall-s, Pocatello and Twln Falls weather statlons. By construct,ing the weather varlables in this r.{ayr the regression has the capabillty of lncorporatlng the dlversity of weather in the Companyrs service area. Since the aggregate company wlde nodeLs flt the data better than the lndlvldual dlvislonal models, the aggregate conpany wlde models have been used. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 20 of 81 I I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 5 of 65 Kohlmeier WEATHER NOR}IALIZATION A}ID DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. A. 11) Weather Data Sources the sources of all- data ls the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adnlnistration (nOel;. Dally maximum and mlnlmurn temperatures for October 1979 f or:r^rard are used to cal-culate actual heatlng degree days (UOn; for base 65o and base 45o, The N0AA al-so provides a thlrty year normal heatlng degree day base 65o of dally data for a one year "normaltr period. This normal Ls calculated fron the years 1951-1980. The normal HDD base 45o are calculated fron the base 65" on a dally basls. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 21 of81 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhibit No. 1 Page 6 of 65 Kohlmel-er WEATHER NOR},IALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. A. 111) BlLllng Cycle Daily I'Ieights The weather concepts used ln the weather adjustuent analysls are matched with sales ae follows: 1) Monthly weather varlabl-es are eai-culated by aggregatlngdally data over the approprlate b1111ng cycle and thentaklng a welghted average of these totals based on the number of servlces in each bllllng cycLe, giving b1L1ing month totals. 2) The nonthly totals are then comblned inEo system wlde(servtce area) aggregate weather measures using dlvislonal service welghrs. D. Cyele welghtlng of weather for b11-11ng cycles. a) I{DD45 day l-ast (cycle month) cycLe month = d, = fr-rst (cycJ-e monrh) I{DD45 I{DD55 cycle month = last (cycle month)tdiy = first (cycle month) HDD65 day Then: b)services IIDDA5 HDD45 ,cycles 4flcles month cycLe nonth alJ- cycles in month cycle month serv{ces services HDD65 cycle month all cycles in monEh cycle monthHDD65monEh services Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 22 of 81 I II. A Intermountalh Gas Courpany case No. u-1b34-134 Revl-sed Exhlbtt No. I Page 7 of 651Kohlmeler i WEATHER NORMALTZATTON AND DECLINING USE I'{ETHODOLOGY I ; 111) Bllling CycJ.e Dal1y Weights (continueh) 2) ComblnLng across divlslon 1-5. Thern RSO1AIL t services dlvlsloh 5 5 div=1 servLees all dlvlslons (Therms Divlslons) (HDD4s Dlvlslons) (HDD6s DJ.vlslons ) Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 23 of 81 HDD45 HDD65 servlces RS02AL1 t dlvislop div=1 servlces Idlvls I I ! I a1L l"ong 5tdlv=1 services taII clLv:l-slons servlces divisloirGSALL Intermountalh Gas Coupany case No. u-{034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 8 of 651Kohlmeler i : WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE IIETHODOLOGY II. A. lv) Coostructlon of Weather Actuals mD65 Idally where average dally temperature =l max temP + min temp I dalLy 2 = max [ 0, t{DD65 - 20] nax [ 0, 65 - average dalil.y temperatureJ r{DD45 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-1&02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 24 of 8't I Intermountaih Gas Company case No. u-q034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 9 of 651Kohlrueler i WEATHER NORMALIZATIO}I AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. A. v) Constructlon of Weather Normals r{DD65 dally max [ 0, 65 - average dalJ-y tenperature] where average daily temperature = max temp + nln temp HDD45 da1I-y 2 = max [ 0, HDD65 - 20] Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 25 of 8'l Intermountalh Gas Company case No. u-1b34-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. 1 Page 10 of 65Kohlneier i WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USN IUMODOLOGY II. A. vt) Sales Data Sales Data rsas taken from the Compartyts historLcal btllingregLster. Data fron therm sales, nunber of active services and therm bi1L1ng adJustnents were avallable on a bllIlng cycLe basis from October 1979 through June 1986. llowever, data frorn October L979 through Junei 1980 was found Eo be inconslstent and therefore, rras not 'used in the regresslon analysis. The Conpany has 20 btlling cycles plus nonthly non-cyclic servlce. For cycJ"ie service, therms weretotalled for each calendar blLling I month and adJustnentsapplled to the previous monthts iotal. For non-cycle service, adJustnents trere appl-led for the prevlous monthfs number of total therms. I Average thenn use per service for eacfr nonth rtas computed to be these adJusted therms divlded by t[e number of servlces. Service counts on blIling cycle basis, were used to calcuLate correctly welghted monthly neather treasures and to comblne across rate classes and dlvlsions. i Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 26 of 81 Intermountalh Gas Company Case No. U-1p34-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. 1 Page 11 of 6bKohlmeler i I,IEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE i,IETHODOLOGY II. B. DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMIC AI{D PRICE DATA Prlce Terms - Each prlce term ls an average price, cal-culated as revenues divided by therms. In all nodels, Ehe prlce tern is lagged by two months to reflect that bill1s for the previous ,onths use do not arrive until the niddl-e pf the following month. Therefore, consumers cannot react to ehangles untll a month and a half has past. Therms and revenues used ln the calculation are normaLized, as approved ln the last Rate Case (General or Tracker) and are used on a nominal basls. Trend In Gas Use CharacterLstlcs:The usage Erend term lncreases by one ln each heating load month (November-Aprtl), but is zero Ln all summer months. This variable refl-ects heatlng-related applicatlon of more efficlent technology, the replacement of older less efflcient appllances rsith new more gas efficlent appl-iances, and conservatlon effects over the study perlod. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 27 ol 81 Intermountaln Gas Conpany case No. u-fo:+-t:t Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 12 of Kohlmeler 5 Plus pi-us ,trtrtpttea by *rirrrptt"a uy ofus mttrtplted by 6 i 1 I WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE !I'IETHODOLOGY II. C. Descrlption of Regressions 1) General Dlscusston The regression equations relate therm ruse per service to afunction of actual weather (neasured as iIlDD45o base and I{DD65" base), monthly binary varLabl-es for October-Aprll, and a usage trend varlabl-e. The nonthly binary variables al-low base Load to vary over the months of the year, whlle the usage trend varlable allows base load to vary over time. The actual rveather variables al-low measurement of the effect. of weather on usage. I The base load ln any month of the study pbriod can be calculatedas Ehe equatlon intercept plus the coefficient of the monthly blnary variabl-e lf ve are calcuLatLng base load ln thaE month, pl-us the coefficient of the usage trend rvarLable multiplied by the vaLue of the usage trend variabLe ln t;har month. IThe remainder of varlation ln gas sales iper service is weather sensitlve, and ls rneasured by the coeffielgnts of the two weaEher varlables urultipJ-led by the value of thosei variables. I For example calculate the base load in January of 1985 for residential heatLng load customers (RS-l)., Usage Trend CoefficLent (0.1298) Usage Trend value 33 EQUALS 20.659 therms per servlce t5.609 + 19.337 + (-0.1298 x 33)l = 20.659 Now calcul-ate weather sensltLve l-oad for the same month. Intercept Jan CoefficlenE IIDD45 Coefficlent I{DD45 val-ue HDD65 Coefficlent HDD65 value EQUALS [ (0.020669 x 731.818) 106.153 therms per service+ (0.067839 x 1341.81)l = 106.153 5. 609 19.333 0.020669 731 . 818 0.067839 1341.81 The total of base and weather sensitlve load equals acEual thern usage less a small error Eerm. Other monthst usage per servtce can be calculated in the same manner. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 28 of 81 Intermountailn Gas Company case No. u-{034-134 Revised Exh{bit No. I Page 13 ot 615Kohlneler I WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I"IETHODOLOGY A11 the explanatory varlables are starl{tlcal1y slgnlflcant at the 95'l confidence Level. The RS-l customer class (resldential heatlng-only l-oad) equatlon explains $9.7 percent of thevarlation Ln therm sales per service. The RS-2 customer class(residentiaL heatlng and hot water load) ; equatlon expl-ains 99.7 percenE of the variatlon ln thern sales gler customer. The GS-I customer cLass (snalI eommerclal cust,omerA frorn GS-10, GS-l1 and GS-20 equatlon explalns 98.9 percent of the varlation ln therm sales per service. IThe Durbin-Watson stattstlcs for the equatlons, rvhlch ueasure the autocorreLatlon of the error terms (reslduals), show autocorrelation of the residuals. Thls means that there ls a pattern of variaEion in therms saLes whlch ls unexplained by the regresslon equatlon. These correlaElons afe at l-ow orders, which says that lf an error was negative ln month n, Ehere wouLd llkelybe a negatlve error in nonth n+1. Thisi auto correlatlon was corrected using a first order autoregre,sslve equaEion on Ehe resLduals which ls additlve Eo the nultiple regresslon equatlon. It should be noted thaE the autocorreladlon does not blas Ehe coefficlents of the explanatory variabled, and does noE assure mlnimum error for the model. The autorqgressive procedure, ln conJunction wlth the regression equation, ipproaches thls minimum error. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 29 of 8'l Intermountain Gas Courpany case No. u-{os+-ta+ Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 14 of d5 Kohlneler i I.IEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. C. lf) Statlstical- ResuLts Final Regression By Rate CJ-as I s RS-1Coef-T-Stat RS-2coef-T-stat GS-1coef-T-stat Intercept IIDD45 HDD65 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar. APr. Usage Trend MSEadj. R2 AdJ. MSE(for comparison) Durbln-I,Iatson 64) 7 3 9 7 1 4 2s) 9.441 514.479 6 12.7 36 69,52L 67.4t9 5(0.078) ( .71 , .80 i .36 i 2.01) 2r.50 5,67 7 .87 5. 18 11.17 11 .66 9.58 10 .40 705 98.9 L0,92 .96 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT€-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 30 of 81 5.609 0.0207 0.0678 (3. 981) 5,255 L4.995 r9. 333 L9.237 14,542 10.598 (0.130) 9 .89 4.62 24.89 23.s84 0.0152 .0799 (6.e28) 38.0 3.47 34,9 (6:o 148. 731 0.3045 0.2573 68. 84 222.27 282.4t 279.47 259.02 22s.93 lB3. 60 (4.s34) .40 ,26 I (i, 6 7t) I I ; (3. 3.1 7.5 7.9 9.3 8,2 5.9(r. 10.63 8,62 (e.43) 5 99,7 46 99,7 2,96 r,57 2.99 1.51 I Intermountai]n Gas Company case No. u-{034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 15 of 615 Kohlrneier i WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I"IETHODOLOGY II. D. The Use of Regresslon Results to Adjust for Abnormal l,Ieather. The method by which the preceding regressfon results are used weather normalize nonthly sales ls the same method used by Electrlc Power Research InstLtute as descrdbed ln Weather Electricity sales, (I) ;That descriptlon is Any rnodel- that can be used for weather normallzing monthly sales can be wrltten in the general form: to the Normallzation of !EEpE-r""ea uerG: s where S m = f(wrrxr) m is salee per customer for month rn ; v,m is vector of rveather measures related to salesin month n; i x is a vector of non-weather yariables related to sales in nonth n ; and : I f.ls a function of observed eiiplanatory variables rv, and x Itr Given a model of this kindr tceather normaLizatLon of sales proeeeds as foll"ows. Predicted sales per customer for month under actual- i weather condiElon" ,A i"m s* = r(d,x) Predlcted sales per customer for nonth m u/rder normal weather condltion" ,N i"m Nw m x)m' m sN = f ( m Is a measure of normal weather 1n month m..Nwhere wm Consequently, the predieted adjustment ls 'sales that is requiredto reflect non-normal weather conditlons 1$ (1) ElecEricElectricity sA)xc.flLcit,rt"T -r""Ih"I Research Projecc 1922-L. Normal-lzatlon of Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 31 of 8'l A_mPower = (sN_'mResearch EA-3134,Sa1es t (June 1983, Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. 1 Page 15 of 65 KohLmeler I{EATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY where C is the number of customers bIlled in month n. Thlsm adJustment, Arr is applled to the actual- sales for the month of m to obtaln rrweather normalized salestt. If predlcted sales under norrnal weather exceeds predlcted sales under actual weather, Ehen the adjustment is posltive and weather normallzed sales aregreater than actual sales. If predlcted sales under normal weather ls less than predicted sales under actual weather, Ehen the adJustrnent is negatlve and weather normallzed sales are l-ess than actual sales. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 32 of 81 Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 17 of 65 Kohlmeler I.IEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. E. Decllnlng Usage Adjustment The regresslon equatlons for the three customer classes RS-I, and RS-2, and GS-l all Lncl-ude the usage t,rend varlable r.rhichreflects long term decllnlng effects over tine. Thls varlable ishighly statistlcalJ-y sJ.gnlf lcant in al-l- three equations. Infact, usage trend is slgniflcant wlth 992 confldence ln the RS-l equatlon, wlth 951l confldence In the RS-2 eguatlon, wlth 991l confldence ln the GS-l equation. A1l" three urodels flt the data better with the incluslon of the usage Erend than excludlng it oralternatively uslng other trend foruulatlons. Indeed, Ehls trend can visually be seen to be accurate through the end of avallabledata, aa evldenced 1n the charts of the regresslon equatlon predicted value versus the actual therms sold. The relatlonship between this usage trend and therm sales per custoner is thus a known and measurable effect. Thls effect can be extrapolated to years followlng tesE year uslng the multipl-e regresslon equat,lon coefficient and the correct values of the usage trend varlable. By deflnition, the usage trend variable increases by one ln each heatlng load month (Novenber-Apri1) and remai-ns zero in summer monEhs (May-October). Thus the decLinlng use effects for fiscal study year Oetober 1985-Septernber 1986 for RS-I are: Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 33 of 81 ) I Intermountaln Gas Conpany Case No. U-l034-134 Revised Exhibtt No. I Page 18 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Usage Trend CoefflclenE ?herms Effect for YearDate r0-85 I 1-85 12-85 1-85 2-86 3-86 4-86 5-86 6-86 7-86 8-86 9-86 Date 1-85 2-85 3-85 4-85 5-85 6-8s 7 -8s 8-85 9-85 10-85 I 1-85 L2-85 0 37 38 39 40 4L 42 0 0 0 0 0 Usage Trend 0 (4.81) (. r30) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. t30) (. 130) (. 130) Coefflclent (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (t+ (s (s (s (s .e4) .07) ,20) .33) .46) 0 0 0 0 0 Therms Effect for Year (30.8r) (27 .6e) Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 34 of 8'l We must subtract the declining use effect of the test year from theseeffects to get the net effect to the reported normallzed therms in thetest year. For exanple, lf Ehe test year is January 1985-December-1985: 0 0 0 0 0 0 (4 . 81)(4.e4) 33 34 35 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 38 (4.2e) (4.42) (4. ss) (4.68) Difference (3.12) Therms per Service whlch ls the decl-inlng use adjustment to the test year, III. III. Data Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhtblt No. I Page 19 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METITODOLOGY A. Data Mnenonics IHERMS - I{DD45 HDD65 }tDD45 HDD65 TREND actual therm usage per service connected during month. actual- heating degree day (HDD) 45o base. actual HDD 55o base. normal HDD 45o base. normal HDD 55o base.variable which starts at zero, increase by I over wlnter months (Novenber-Apri1) and is zero ln surnmer months. Represents trend ln heatlng load rel-ated conservationeffects over study period. bLnary varlable for January, ls one ln January, zero otherwlse. binary varlable for February, is one in Februaryr zero otherwlse. - blnary variable for December, ls one 1n December, zero otherwise. - gas prLce lagged 2 months. - actual weather ln nultlple regression equaElon. - normal weather ln multlple regression equaEion. - adjustment for normal weather PRED-FIT. - normal-ized actual therms THERMS-ADJ. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 35 of 81 Jan. Feb. Dec. GASL2 PRED rIT ADJ NORM III. B Intermountaln Gas Conpany Case No. U-l034-1.34 Revised Exhibit No. 1 Page 20 of 65 KohLmeLer WEATIIER NORMALIZATION A}ID DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Baslc Data 1. SlgnlficanE Data (used ln regresslon or ln normallzatlon). A. RS-l 'rTRENDrr Usage E::end predictor rvhlch captures declinlng use effect. ItocTrr-"APRrr - Monthly binary predlctors. trTHERltT" - TotaL RS-l Eherns welghted across company by services ln each divlslon. rrHDD45Trr - Total- actual heatLng degree days, base 45o, welghted across company by services in each division. ItHDD65Trr Total actual heatlng degree days, base 65", weighted across company by servlces in each divLsion. rrNDD45Trr - Total normal- heatlng degree days, base 45o, weighted acroas company by services in each dlvision. rNDD65Trr - Total normaL heating degree days, base 65" rveighted across company by servlces ln each dlvlslon. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 36 of 81 o o o o o Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlbit No. 1 Page 2L of 55 Kohlmeier I.IEATEER NORMATIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. B. Baslc Data (continued) 1. Slgnlflcant Data (used ln regression or 1n normallzatlon) . B. RS-2 t!TREND" Usage trend predlctor whlch captures decllnlng use effecE. ttoclr'rtrDEc"-ttAPRlr - llonthly binary predictors. ttTHERMTTt - Total RS-l therms welghted across companyby servlces in each dlvlslon. rrl'lDD4sTrt - Total- actual heatlng degree days, base 45", welghted across company by servlces ln each divlslon. trHDD65Trr - Tota1 acEual hearing degree days, base65o, weighted across conpany by servLces ln eachdlvlslon. rrNDD45Ttf - Total- normal heatlng degree days, base 45o, weighted across company by servlces in each division. 'rNDD65Trt - Total normal heatlng degree days, base 65" weighted across company by servlces in each dlvlslon. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 37 of 81 o o o o o o Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 22 of 65 Kohlmeler T'IEATITER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. B. Baslc Data (contlnued) 1. Slgnlficant Data (used ln regresslon or ln normali-zation). C. GS-I (10ts, lIts, and 20re conbtned). ttTRENDtt - Usage b:end predl.ctor whlch capturesdecllnlng use effect. rrOCTrr-rrAPRrr - Monthly blnary predictors. tTTHERMTTT - Total- RS-l therns welghted across company by services l-n each dlvlston. rrHDD45Trt - Total actual heating degree days, base 45", weighted across company by servLces in each divlslon. ttHDD65T" - Total actual heatlng degree days, base65o, welghted aeross coupany by servlces l-n each dl-vision. rrNDD45Trt - TotaL normal heating degree days, base 45", welghted across company by services Ln each division. rrNDD65Trr - TotaL normal heating degree days, base 65o rvelghted across company by services in each dlvision. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 38 of 81 o o o o o o III.B. Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhibit No. 1 Page 23 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATIIER NOR}IALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METIIODOLOGY Basic Data (continued) 2, Non-slgnlficant Data (not used in regression model). A. Usage Trend Predictors. o t'TREND|' - Tlme series tncreasing only ln heatlng loadmonths, NOV-APR. (Incl-uded here for comparlson purposes). o [TREND2|| - Tlme series lncreaslng only ln heatlng Load nonths, NOV-MAY. o rrTIMErt - Tine serles increaslng one each month. B. Yearl-y Binaries. C. Monthl-y & Surnmer Binaries. o JAN-DEC - Value of one in the roonth, 0 tn the others. o Summer - value of one ln June, July and August and 0in the ot,hers. D. Average ResldentiaL Electric Pri-ces. Owyhee Dlvlsionts electric prices were calcul-ated from Idaho Power Companyts revenues + KWH. Capltal DivlslonIs electric prices nere caLcul-ated fron Idaho Power Companyts revenues + KWII. Sawtooth Divisionf s electrLc prices were cal-cul-aEed by addlng the prlce of ldaho Powerrs resldential rates x the welghted IPC usage in the divlslon, to the UEah Power and Light resldentlal rate x the welghted UP&L usage and/or Eo the Bonneville Porver Admlnlstratlon residentlal rate x the welghted usage of BPA Power in the divlsion. Skyliners average electric prlces were calculated in the same manner as Sawtoothrs. Tetonrs average electric priees were calculated ln the same manner as SawtooEhts. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 39 of 81 o o o InEermountatn Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhibit No. 1 Page 24 of 65 Kohlmeler I^IEATHER NOR},IAIIZATION AND DECLINING USE UETHODOLOGY III. B. Baslc Data (contlnued) E. Average GS-I ELectric Prlces. Owyhee Dlvislonrs electrlc prlces r{ere caLculated from Idaho Power Companyrs revenues + KWH. Capital- Divislonfs electric prices lrere calculated from Idaho Porver Companyrs revenues + KWH. Sawtoothrs, Skyllners and Tetonrs average GS electrlcprlces were cal-cuLated In the same manner as thelrresidentlal electrlc prices. F Unemployment rates tn Idaho by dlvislon as reported by Job Service. G. Gross Natlonal Product H. Reglonal Income }leasures o o o o ITPERSINCT' - PersonaL lncome as reported ln Idaho Economic Forecast. ttPERCAPTt - Per Capita Income as reported ln Idaho Economic Forecast. Western Region CPI. Variations of Gas Price o ItGASLztt - Gas prlce lagged two months. o ttPoscAs't RS-l gas price (GASL2) where posit ive. o t'NEGGAsrf Rs-l gas prl-ce (cAsL2) where negative. o t'GASDL2tr - Deflated gas price for RS-l - GASL2 Market SaturaEl-on Rates. o tTSATSPACtT - Saturation of space heating unlEs area. o rSATI,lATRrr - Saturation of water heaElng unlts atee. o I J K change ls change ls + I{RCPI. in service ln servlee Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 40 of 81 RS- I III. B. InEermountain Gas Company Cdse No. U-1034-134 Rdvlsed Exhlbit No. I PLee 25 of 65 KQhlmeier MTB ) ROI^l 1A PRINT C1-I]9 THERMS HDDr+E HDD65 NDD45 E7 I L ? 4 E 6 7g E lCt t1 1e 1S 1.tt 15 LA t7 18 19 A(t E1 AE E3 E4 E5 e6 EA E9 3r) 31 3E 33 34 3E 37 38 39 4t, 4t 4e, 43 44 4A 4A 47 4B 41 5Cr 51 5e 53 34 !, GJ c.c 11. d 11.El. fr7. 1(,1 . 1C)5. 98. 69. 57. 33. L9. 11, B. 6. ?7. 49.gE. 1eg. 118. 81. 7L. 37. 19. ,:! 7. 10. 88. 37. 94. 1 15. 86, 61. 64. 38, 16. E. 7. 9. 'a€r q.e, l:l? r35. 116,. 85. 60. 4'e, Eil. 9. €r. 8. :E4. 68. 101. I .-rEt r=aJ. I A: 49(] 07E 639 839 534 4Cr"J 997 7Ae r+85 798 865 EEO 468 F,05 68() 673'77 L 516 E4A 831 35? 79Q 995 531 9e5 E'A? L74 648 755 647 E4E BE3 185 983 lBE F'78 355 7e9 FJEE 534 693 573 850 019 44e 45t BOE 6C)E(]16 EEtl 6BG 554 7AL 417 488 014 000 rl33 409 66E 347 3EE 817 347 165 774 643 189 (:rcr0 Ct7 4 347 983 815 t47 780 7gs 44= e48 848 0c)0 cxJ{:} 374 a9q.- 14Q 638 EE1 538 154 r_,9 1 158 'r35 c,0() 00(l 863 L4L 1E5 448 803 t)7E 401 BB5 e06 493 rlgE (l{J(J 384 744 158 9C,5 818 11,1 (-, . 0. tl. 0. 81. 345. 579. 5(:rC,..3EE 87. 3, o. (). t,. 0. J.. 77. 393. 58(). 481. E61 . 98. ? (). t-t . 0. (1. 1. Be. J45. 56E. 801 . 861, 89. 87. 345. 53E. 47 L. 861. 9E. ddJ.J. ?C;t 54(1. g-l { tlOCt t)0(:t (:,(10 g0() 866 3Q6 969 a77 ttET e,43 3Cr4 (lcro 0*Ct rlrlt) 000 (11 1 389 3Se 3.:j7 El4 g J.6 gr-) 1 rl1g ()(:,0 (10(J (:,00 rJO(:) 04E 334 313 4TB 37e 55:l 458 .3T? TEll ts69 a4E- 3Ct7 EOE E48 ()(lc) 0(l(:) (-)(r(, 000 663 561 Et:,8, ?ii. 77 Et+ 56 69 U. 0. 0, 1e. 1 43, 4e7, 44e. 4(,8. L71. 89. 1E. o. o. 0.grl. I (:rfl. E6E. a6a. 963. 846. Lg4. 43, 1. (:r , 0. (1, 17. 1EB. 378. E35. eag. 95. 118. t1 4. (:) . t-1. 0. :l 3i8, 4 J. (1. 81 6. 8,85. T'=,::. 91. ? r:l t-l . 0. 1, 33. 1 89, 803. 73L. 6-{ 51. 38 16. e7 1r13, i1'6 i:64. 31 EBCl.54 t c,E3. c,3 I rl9l+. EE 10('6.41 73,9, fi'| 61 1. 1E 389.66 E()3.78 67. A9 5. 134r. 37 434.39 6e7. A6 979.94 L3ET.77 l.134. lrl 6crg.70 74:e. A3 48E.86 EEJ.5(r 4e.7€J 5.63 -/'t I EaJ. IU Esg. e3 67r+,6t 988" 83 1 173,6J 880. (:,3 f:E6. tl3 695. E9 487. F,7 16,3. E9 BO. E3 1(:r.96 57.83gg7. r)E 5Cr 1 . (JE 1{)06.41 t t+87 . LE 71q4. Ct4 a97,47 658,49 47 L. A7 8E6.34 47.35 1. 41 7-l t.::rI Ur lL 330.4E 804.4() I 108. E6 1341. g1 i I NDD65 I58. ()5 5r E6 65;7r+ E86l b7 fui{tsr Jb gE,E,l i19 LE34,t 65 11t)l;99 8E9J 15 8"44;73 I4$4,:79 195.,00 56,7E 5.133- 96; t-tE E9(,. 09 618,' 16g6;l.rr)9 1E37,; E7 1C,54.! 1g g35,,i r) L a-/a.,ea 41:rI.i,7B l gL:i.l eE 55.: (:! I /+.,6tJ 89.'E4 fl98.;67 6:E4.,71 955., t.r4 l gqrf .i 17 1t196.i51 84(),'87 a73.i97 384,r35 IrJc.*.184 s:.loe3.97 9E" E97, E34. 954, 1861 , ].REND OET NOV DE 00(]0 (l () tl 1 7 (-lso90 Ifl t-t 11 0 180C) (J orJ00c,000 01 13 0 L4015015 0 t7 () 180000()0()0 (_, (-l ()(1 119 (J E0 (:, El (l EEOE3 tJg4 (:, 0tL 00 0 (-r r-r 0 t_) (-t o1E50860?-'7 (-r 88t-ti:iE (:) 3() t-t(:) (J 0(l(J () r_l (J 0()0t 3 1 Exhibit No. 39 Cgg No. lNr-'q,6-02 == L. Blattnqr,Reb.su Paoe 4t'of 811r- 6g oo 0(J cx) (-)0 9E .3a 0. () o. (l 0. (:r (). (:) 1.() :H .:r (). (J. (J" o, (1. 1039",4.5 840.,70 a7a" Bc, 386. t16 il 1 r).,62+ 48,.3 '.A. <:tD B6,.BB :E71.. e3 69'Z..4Ct 958. 84 I 1EO.84 InEermountain Gas C Cdse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhiblt No. Page 26 of 65 omPany 1 III. B. 1A Cr (r 0 0 () 0 0 0 1 (J 0 c) 0 Q CI tl () (l (lr 0 0 {' 0 1 (l rJ tlr t-, 0 tlt o C, 11E la 0 0 0 0 0 C, :t7 3B 39 4Q 4t 4e (l 0 37 F:tJ (,(-) ge.3; T7 Cr. tl 63 67 a7 58 5E 6l:t 61 6E 64 65 66 68 69 7A 7T 7e 69, 85. ,a-, 13. 6, E. 11, EO. 59. 185. 148. 94,gg. 4E. 37, 1 lr. 894 r-,4p 734 75e 7EE QE4 ctSg 968 647 174 s16 1EE 5gg 49:E 916 444 rl8 6E 39 i:g 36 7A 98 EE 6B 43 63 89 66 t:t7 33 7r) 4118.344 154.0J9 3J.807 t, AC\T (1, (lO(t 0. (:)00 C,. 483 34. gtg 1Bfi.616 7A4.437 937,5E9 37F,. 35zr 83. 87A zr 1. 869 84.530 3.9.74 969. €,e7. Esg. t 53, E(t. '='=l 136. 4i:5. 705. L4Ct4. 1 576. E5A. 6ECr, 5(:,6. 469. 1 3e, :E48.64.€, 89.546 3.6E8 o.00c! 0.0c,0 (r. oc,0 r).(:)00 t:r.737 9o.487 35(r.304 563,645 449.44E 863,955 Kdhlmeler 808.i64 651 .' 18 410.; 15 gC,8.,gJ +7.ti7 4. 2L. 'e74. 9t 7t-t 83 7E o8 65 635 97:e 1Eoi:, 1(r7E 858.at-7L' 11-77 646 /1{)Q.,46 E:()O,4? it ; Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 42 ol 81 III. B. 1A MTB ) ROh' 1 .3L 4 J 6 7 g I 1(t 11lel3 t4 15 16 1,7 18 L9 erl g1 EE E? E4 E5 e6 AB E9 3r-t 31 3e 33 35 36 37 SB 39 4(:r4t 4E t+3 44 45 4A 47 4A 49 50 51 gL 54 L, L, E7 34 ET FRINT ElO-tr18]JAN FEB IYIRR InEermounEain Gas Company Cpse No. U-1034-134 Rpvlsed Exhlblr No. I P'age 27 of 55 Kbhlmeler RPR MAY GASLE CDEd e7a95 47893 57e,93 37C,95 37693 54670 578e6 371eA 57586g71ea 57586 e7fi37 57.:r37 371_t37 37437 37Ct37 57(]37 8,368e 6368E A77EB 67798 677i,8 69099 70558 7Q5EB 7t_r558 7Cr5EB 70559 711558 7 tcr4';J 77376 76t+I3 764L] 764Le 764 15 733Ct4 73 t rlg 731{lB 731 (-,8 73108 731(lg 71e60 7 1E6Q 7 teac, 7186(:r 7 TEECI 7186{:t 75ctee'79()E9 7lcteg 74314 74et4 743t4 74314 7ecrgt !5.6()99 -0.189019.33E6 19. E36sI14. E4E5 10. g90i _8, 9B(:!:I 5. e549 14,9?5ii (r. c-rEtl? (1. (!67t! +i t'; +f I,r )i* * t* Ifli * : +q {* {l T, {: *I* !{. .t$ *: # I* I# I*. I*i r+! #I*, *, I*, *' *, * *, *, *,* JI, * ** It Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 43 of 81 III. B. 1A IntermounEaln Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 RAvised Exhlblt No. IIPage 28 of 65 Kdhl-meler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 44 of 81 Ct (:, {t (t o C, o o 0 o I (t o 0 {t 0 37 58 5B 6Ct 51 6E 63 64 65 a6 67 68 69 707t 7e Ct c, ct r., r) o C, o 0 Ct oI Ct tl o c, 1 C, 0 o o o CI C, CI (l o o 1 o o o i4 I* -i ,t rc *iI* It{. tl *i { *i t.* {. I 0I rl c) s ct rf Ct tf t', r) t't o I o o 7e081 7EO9l 7EOB1 7 L777 7L777 7 1777 7rlB3g 70838 7OB3B 68C,51 66645 66649, 66645 68,645 6664s 69,44=r RS-2 III. B. 18 MTE ) ROt^l PRINT E1-C3 THERMS HDD45 HDD65 IilEermountain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 R{vtsed Exhlblt No. I Pdge 29 of 65 Kdhlmeier NDD45 NDDbS TREND EICT NOV DET I e a 4 iJ a 7 g I 10 t1 IE 13 t4 1E 1At7 lfJ 19 ECI E1 EE E3 ?tt E5 E6 E7 E8 e9 3.1 31 3E J.5 34 36 37 Jg 39 4.:t4t 4t' 43 44 45 4A 47 4A 4E 5(l 51 5E .J.3 34 55 31. Eg. 31. 4e. 8Q. 188,. 131. 185. ra{1 gE. 58. 41. 31. 86. e7, 47. 7L. 7Q'7. 189, 141. 1(.)6. 99. 63. 4L. .313 :E4, ES. 49. 79. t g0. 143. I 18. aa. 9(t. 6E, 38. 89. trrE: Eg, 4e. 64. 180. t67.t4L. 117. ?(t. 68. 44. e8.tr,'t :E7. 44. 96, 13C). aEeI LJiJ. (J5t] 158 996gl3 E71 c)1 E 378 s5e 468 439 rl54 104 a7a 941. 305 471 546 5?1 694 3gE E4E 615 o69 i:37 363 763 56A 459 580 3/r€ B/+6 9Ee 447 (:rf.rB EL4 131 803 5BE 773()45 854 737 ':t '?'7 s10 EEB4t7 689 348 51() 853 7E() i-:J6 368 158 1Ee (J. (:) . (:r . 15, 1 86. 4e7. 451. 436. L94, 1Crs. 19. 3. 0. (:,. (J. .-3. 286 854 ilr)4 453 636 10(} 186 45s 601 L77 tJtJf-t 6:c3.347 :e77. B4T 198. CI37 37. B'l:E 3.743 O. (:ltlcl o.0c,0 1.815 86. B?5 175. C,16 4Ag.895 583, C,9E 350. Ct56 136, CtEz+ 154.399 39,98f-r 9. 13g o. ooo Q.0('-'0 1. 37r) 5,395 6(1.658 441.488 98 4.77 4 669.9(J3 408,35G 1g*. ()68 48, BE'J i=i. 73etl. tl6B (:,. Q(lc) 1.16E 34.31c, E1 1. 903 539.('08 756,630 105. f'(-, 381. F36A4. p7 lix:r7. 43 IL3EA. -c7 1 185. ;::4 9Cr7. $() 733. (19 4Et,'14 837. tl7 T.J7,79 .-reI . l;-,) 97.L,E E91 . 3r1 7'4r.37 1004.59 1g()7. 10 EO0.000 tl.o{JC) 0. (l()(J t. 83? ()E5 (J(:,Ct (:,65 57. JE E1.11 I 16, 3tl 886.99 699. E1 1('4e. E1 1, 1.:t4.7 4 1f.,37.30 761. E1 636, EE 4t3, E7 EE7. 17 74.9t:l 6. E,B 4E.58 4-c8.94 634. E4 9C,0. E5 I ?E? ':t?I ggur Jg 1193.80 84E,69 747. A4 494.64 970, E5 51, U5 5.59 74. LE 39L. A9 70E,89 1.t11r1.51 1EEE.65 24t). 14 a7s, t4 74Cr,5r, 5r-,5.89 I 86. i:1 93. 55 18.49 59.08 835.89 5Ei=,56 tc)48,47 1 533" 33 1ggg. r"r 1 98(),45 699,.68 491,96 E69.5e 51. 86 1" 6e 74.31 J40.54 830.98 L 14A. 37 1367 .7t-l t 14. 4C,8. 665. 599. 389. I 3e. 7. Ct' o, C,. r), 1. 1r)E. Ir 10. 856, 583. 335, 144. 6. (:r . Q. {J. 0. I Ct€,, egg"63t. 5?8. 33E, L37. 6. 0. o, rl. (:r . 1 09. 394. F,58. ten.JrJ ? r 5'3E r36. 6. (J. {J. t-t . rl. 1. 116, 3AA. 3D6, 7. E(t 1r13. E7 3ee. {19 675. E7 1011r|. :7 13e1.95 1198. 61 9(:,8, EO 7Cr7. ?7447.36 EE3. ?E 69,51 6. p3 99. E6 319. Etl 6ur8.93 1(tS7. Bt-t 1315, g5 1153, h.7.J09. b,g 743. {.8 443.. Ae E:19. Pt) 66. 4() 5.99 1.:)8,53 3EO.80 6s9, 1.7 1() t s. t,4 1E7E. .14 1190.09 s13.5s 734. 481 . EEB. 68, 79 Ct tJ (J 0 7II 1Q 11 1E C' (:r o fi 0 0 13 1,4 {L-IJ 16 t7 1S rl t-t () 0 () o 19 g0 e1 r: t: .-rEE.J EE, tr-I Eg E3 30 (-l {) o o 0 Q o69 gBC) 784 487 898 98, eg7. 695. 4L7 680 474 744 3847Lt 396 (:rO(:r (lo0 (J0cr 000 93E 618 E09 410 1E4 54t_l 388 913 (JQr.) (100 {:,(1il 0{J() o37 70CI 1EE 7G(t 816 453 EB8 1e4 000 O(10 o0(, {){:)(_r 1()4 :E76 E t,t 6EJ 531 9(l J. s13 374 rJL)(l (:)00 (JOCI ()(J0 e4E 458 4e3 e46 I ct g o .J E3 E4 c) (:) 0 0 (-t Q J 1 Exhibi$.Io. 39 G3g: No. INT-G116-02uL L. Blattn'er Reb.33 Pase 43 of 81 III. B. 1B InEermounEain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhiblr No. 1 Page 30 of 65 KdhLmeler e7 5g E9 6t]6t E,g 63 64 6E aa 67 68 69 70 77 7E I 18, BE. E.a ?Ei e4, 43. 3e). 91. gE. 153. 179. 1AE. 44. 66,. 63. 34. 11E7 I48 OBE LE4 78(t 498 939 cr83 E41 4Ct7 5EE 3i=3 9869ta 458 E-47 E) LJ 'J874 159 3Cr I OCrrl 000 .E97 449 334 548 a96 886 931 314 t (,7 EEzt 467, 184. ?c 1. Ct' (:). 0. 4e. L79. 794, 863. 415. L77. 37. 31. 4, r(]E7.53 671 . 51 378, 1e 16,5.1(r e5. gt 86.6S 135. e3 444.94 7(:r9, CrE 1413. 15 1604, EE 987.36 955, 06 54e, e3 49(), B I 144.7 t 305. 188. 7. 0, o. Q. r-t. 1. 98. 390. 618. 56,9. 3EO. 1EE. €r. c). g8,5. bP ag7.'aF, 448. Ee 93r.. 84 34, V35.75 1(1O, pE E91 . B,=o 564. i)? 101C'. Bg 1E58. 87 1154. 85 eos. pe 49fi.46 438. 4 1 EE1.4e I 989 E6E .:.?: (JCr0 0(l(_:t (:)00 c,0(J E96 (:,9r-) 743 389 g3€, Q77 BTCI 7LA (:)(:t0 35 36 0 0 0 (-t (-l 0 37 Cr (:, (:t (t 0 o (l (:, t (J (l (:, (t (, (:) o o o rt 0(l 0 0 1 tL o 0 0 (J o o cr (' (: t- (: (: ( (: ( t, :, ( (. (- (: (: (. 36 39 40 4t 4? 0 cr Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTG-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 46 of 8'l III. B. 18 MTB } ROW I <tE 3 4 5 6 7II 1(t 11 1E 13 74 15 16 L7 1B 1Bg0 e1 ee E3 E/t EE e6 e7 EB Eg 3(t 31 3E 33 34 36 37 3B 39 4CI 4L 4E 43 44 45 4A 47 48 49 5(l 51 5E Ei? 34 EELJJer 3E PRINT C1O.C16JAN FEB MRR I4Eerruountain Cas Company C{se No. U-1034-i34 R$vised Exhiblt No. I Pdge 31 of 65 Kdhhneier i APR MRY GASLE 551(19 551fJg 551Clg 95109 551CtB EEOB4 84353 54353 54353 54353 54353 53864 53864 33664 53864 53964 53964 60509 60509 68739 EE739 €,e739 63C)39 65zr?8 F,54gg E3498 63499 a34gB 65488 65685 69BOC, 6863? 68638 688,38 G8639 673e& 6533e 65J38 6533e 6,5338 6533e 63484 83484 63484 63484 a3484 E,J4A4 67ri53 67e53 67853 665;rB 66,538 66838 66538 9111: FCOE :fT -0. 14, 18. l:t 7. -6.t) t), c,. 5838 (r7B I !rr790, 7395 5E 11 4 186 9i:i84 r 447L' 01sei CI7?81 ,F Jt, .r *l *;* 11. i ;6 I *l*l IlFl .Fr *i al* *r *, *; Itl *: I*, *i .x- I *r I**l I*l*l xl sgi I*, 'Fr I*. xi *, *. *, *i *, **' .tt * * * Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 47 ot 81 I III. B. 18 Iutermountain Gas Company Calse No. U-1034-134 RqVised Exhlblt No. I Page 32 of 65 Kohlneier 37 5g E9 60 61 6e 53 64 65 66 67 6B 69 7Q 7L 7e o o o o o 0 o o o c,I o o o o o (t o o Ct o o Ct o o o (, I o o o tl 1 0 CI o o o (l C, o C, CI CI I o o Ct Ct I o o o (l 0 (t o (t 0 c, o I o f.r 64318 643r5 64315 64001 64CtCr1 64(]C,1 63068 63C,68 63Cr6E aoe7E 88669 58868 EgB6B 58869 58869 54519 :*l I* *i *, *i *l *.I*r * *,1 1i *l *i It *, * i I Exhibil No. 39 Case No. lNTt-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 48 of 81 GS HDD45 HDD65 NDD45 Intermountain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhibit No. L Page 33 of 65 Kdhlmeler (:l (:r (l (J 7 B 9lrl 11 Ir: (:, (J 0 0 0 t) 13 L4 {EIJ 16 17 1g () 0 0(l () rl t9 EO E1 LL III. B IY,ITB ) Rtrh, IC PRINT C1-tr9 THERMS NDD I I reE.J I I 7B 51 1 E 3 4 5 6 7 g I 10 11 1E 13l4 15 16 1,7 18t9 E(l E1 EE E3 e4 r= iJ e€ 'e7 EB E9 30 31 3E 33 34 35 36 37 3g 39 4(l 4t 4E 43 44 43 4A 47 4g 4E 5C, 51 5e Ei? 54 55 L7t:t.347 175. Bgg 197.139 3,14. Ag9 s49.3e3 77l;J. D(r3 7A8..579 736.531 549,970 487.619 :E74.739 t9Q.44A 168,173 164.68C, 178. OPB 3e,e.077 485.0E7 70(r.989 97 t,-764 87 1. ?00 686.39r) 3t7.687 eB6,951 EtE.3e& 163.()48 I55,311e[4.767 3Brl. E43 57(1, (lE5 783.739 814,910 613.096 4F,6. A7e,r+39.533 30 1. 6E9 191.646 156. E11 154. ()60 1S3.796 E6E,138 e76,7Qt 7(:,6. g(,5 980,73E 779. A'74 37 4..:t77 4811.904 30E.481 191.451 146.388 148.938 167,686 308.70e 5Pe,565 743. C)E6 :P9.1:: o, CI. fi. 18. I 6E. 438. 448. 4e3. 1 83, 1(JO. 19. 3. 0. Ct. o. 49. 109. 3rl(,. 69(1, 586. EA7.t73. 45, (:t , tlr . 1, e4. 181 , 41e. 546, 316. 118, 131. 33. C)EE 0OC) 063 t64g6E 9t+(t $37 184 c,83 3e7 156 563 EEB 0(:,0 lEg 731 ta4 008 885 4€E -7:E F,67 834 4e4 ('J00 0(r0 141 88(] 17b- 619 eE7 EC,g 96$ 565 139 608 (:t00 000 93(] 437 5BS .t ?E 384 BEl 461:l 377 6e9 4e0 7 44 11 -t -7 E'37. 853. 1C,8. 4L. . (:r0(:, E7t .6CrE EC)6.639 538,. 581 747. gt)B 55. rlE 81. EB 117. EE E94. tlrg, 70(1. 6e 1041.14 1098. OO 10e1. 8C, 760,8Ct 63(:r.81 404. C)E 816. El 67.38 6. 18 51. 63 441.77 645.91 977.'e9 1388. EE 1156.95 984.56 755.6e 459. Bg 839, t+7 48.86 E if,--,g. JL 86. r+E 388. 7r-, 71r). O7 1rlE7.4E 1 181. EE 9(tg;. 14 637,36 7r-,9.3e 49f,. r)B 178.86 93. (15 11,e9 €,tr.7t) 3Cr3.4l 533.33 1rl4C,. 08 1505. (,3 1er19.5e 9i1fi.99 E7r-t.43 478.3A e?'2. A4 48. 19 7.77 Bl.EO 351. 03 8]e4.96 l14e.6e 1358. lzr 1{lO. g(l 214. ?3 45.9, Crg 1Cl(.-xt. 5g 1866. OFi 1136,.40 868. E7 a7s. pl 418, 16 Er-tg. gg 57. r_r3 7, bE 1(:)E.44 3ECt. i:,6 649.56 1(rE6. 71 186E. E5 1rl88. 116 a{-7 .7 | 695. 96 4L L. p4 E(:,(:,. l)/+ 55.64 6. D7 10s. B1 31?.38 a38.97 999, e2 1EsO,44 1 133. $4g7E. I 1 6eE. F1397.47 Iere.47 I54. p6 5. tlJ 1(:t7. I!1 3Ee. Pzt6Ee.'p.2 247. E3 L'e29. t:r4 1(:)8(-).79 868. (+7 891J. AA 4Qe.77 eE:l. 69 51 . It) 8.44 1()0. 15 :l24.7€, 727. LB 294.37 1131,3e o. c). c). ?J 106. 881. 61 E. 538. EBs. 111. 4,(t' (r. 0. Ct' FJL. I 04. 3?4. EI: 516. EgQ. 108,. 3. 0. o, c,. 0. L. 1t77. ?El? 394. 54C,. LCt4.: ct, t). t-r. 0. 1 1e-. 379. 631. 51t1. E91. 1 09. ? 0. o. 0. 0. 1. 1EC,. ?oc 19?, o(lo 0CtC, 0(:x-t 451 131 589 613 17e BE6 a4g 038 (:)f-x] 000 0Ot) 0c)0 1J374t4 601 518 314 473 8(ti: 686 (J(:r(l (:,()0 00() o(l(:) 494 370 g!:,-, 581 901 471 874 375 (J0(J (JC)(J (:)(J0 (-xJ(-t a7L e3E Jr=Cf, 7LE E 4Cl 31E 689 7LB or-)0 (:)()(-, 0(J0 0(-)(:) E8E 743 71Ct i:87 E:5 7. E3 E4 (J Ct (J t-, (_l rl ._rE E 0. 0. 1, 4. {:) . 4. c,3 1 .:lL (:, (- 1 J9 E6 tl E8 E9 30 (l (J () 0 (-t 0 J 1 Exhibi(j.lo. 39 Q* No.lNT-$i16-02{t- L. Blattne'r Reb.33 Pase 4l of 81 TREND CICT NtrV DET III. B. lC Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed ExhlblE No. L Page 34 of 65 Kohlmeler 37 58 59 6C, 61 6E 6eE. 386. Eg5. 159, 134. 154. L7g, 3(r7. 473. 839. 9(rtl, 591 . 3s8, E9B. E57. 159. G7e 9A7 B(14 595 84CI 9q7 109 477 EeE 97e fi97 337 6E9 619 5gE Cr54 438. 169. 1. 0. O. 1, 4(t.tgs. 794. 937. 397. 118, 49. e7. 3. 959 353 167 431 QO0 ocx) r)84gBl 4lJ3 6e7 B6g 845 8(t 1 4Ae 137 744 {:r Q (J cr ']0 o c, 1 o (:t 0 (lt (J o (:t 0 (:r C) c) o o (J I (:l 0 o o (J ct 0 c) E6 0 (l rl rJ o (:) e7 4 0 tJ 0 rl I 63 E4 65 E6 E7 EB 69 7A 7L 79, 1CXlt]. E(:r 838.63 381,93 183.7i= 88.56 :E6.77 I 47, E3 er45.38 738,69 1415.54 L377,73 976.39 a47.34 5E9.5? 476.3L 138.34 EBCI, 901 1O6.78(t .47:E . 00c, , 00c, . (:,00 l0E. 394. 603, 538. e99, 106. 4, (,. 0c,$ 981 94Cr 138 618 Lt7 644 cr44 e99 000 841 . 3C, a7'4. a4 4Eg. E3 819. J.5 49.7e 6.83 1r)4,99 egB. '.1666.39 1(lr)E. E7 1E43, e1 1116. 1C) BBg.94 671t. "--lB /+EE. 1.6 E1E. E}6 38 39 40 41 4e CI (, Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 50 of 81 t. (, ( ( t { ( ( ( t. (. t. t_ t_ (: III. B. lC MTE } ROh' 1 e 3 4 E 6 7 BI 1Ct 11 1E l3 t4 IE ta t7 18 1B E(t E1 EE ;33 e4 F.Et= L, e6 e7 EB E9 3f_r 31 3e 33 34 35 36 37 3B 3B 40 4t 4e /r3 44 43 4A 47 4B 41 5{) E1 5g Et 34 JL, e.E PRINT E1O-CT6JAN FEB MRR InEermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 RevLsed Exhlblt No. I Page 35 of 65 Kohlmeler RPR MRY ERSLE 4Bg9B 218898 49698 4889€ 49898 48873 471C,3 47 LilE 47 Lt:)d 471r13 47 LAe 4636Ct 46360 4636r-t 4636(:r 46360 46360 530(,6 53006 546e3 546E3 546e3 561 89 5g$01 :5BB(:)1 598(:,1 588(ll 5ggol 59gt11 578(t4 6181g 6LtA37 atra57 ECr€,37 6fiA37 -rEA4€, 573Ec-t 5735t1 57350 5735t-t 5735Ct E55t]e JJ!rr-rE 55508 5550e 555C,e 55EOE 59E71 59:E7t 32e7t 58556 58556 58856 56556 56333 I 48. -4.E7g. E5g. {f.3t. 183. 69, EEE. P8E. (:, . 0. EEEF 731 554 47.E C,16 3E8 Ei9E 836 e7e 41E 3C)4 -c57 * t+ ** * * t+* * ******** * * {t**** *** * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 51 of81 III. B. lC Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 36 of 65 Kohlmeler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. lNf-G-l6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 52 of 81 57g8 59 60 61 6A 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7t 7e ** * *** * * **** {. ** * t1 1 0 r-l (t o Q rlr o 0 o 0 (1 I o C, t (, o c, ct o rl 0 o o 0 o 1 o o 0 (t Ct L) c, o CI o o o Ct I Ct o C) o o rl 0 C) 0 o o o 0 o 0 o 1 0 (, o 0 56333 56333 56333 56Cr 19 56019 56Q19 EEOBO ESCrg(, 55r180 58E93 5Cr887 50887 5r)897 5C,487 50887 47 L74 l Intermountaln Gas Conpany Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. 1 Page 37 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION Al{D DECLINING USE I'IETH0DOLOGY III. B. Llst Out of Non-Signlflcant Data. For prlntouts of non-signlflcant data please refer to origlnalflllng of U-1034-134. :l:l:l , a ExhiQit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 53 of 81 Intet:mounLain Cas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 38 of 65 KohlmeierIII. C. 1A COLUIYIN rvl'f B ) # Tl'lI5 iS TF|E F iNtlL iYltlDEL FOR RiitllALL. lylTB ) REL1RESS trEe trFl 1(l trir E3-C6. EIE-C14, Cgf,. EL:14. THE RHCRESSiON EOLJ'1T]ON iT3 THERMT * 5, Gl - (). 13t' TREND -F 19.3 JAi! -r J.9.;? FEB + tr+.5 :v1f,R -1. 1(J.6 epit - 1.SB OCT'r 5,85 NDV + 1.5,() DEC -r fl.OE{t7 I{DD45T {.0.(1679 HDD65T TFTENi) JFIN FEB FIAR APR UUI NOV DEC IiDD43T Hir06sT DU[: Tt] DF REGRESS ]ON .I (] RES i IJUFIL 61 Tfi]'fir_ 7 t COEFFiTIEI\IT i5. 6u&|{i -o, lEggE 19,333 i?, E;7 14.14'e, i(1, EgB*3.981 B '-rgErJ r EsJsJ It+.995 rl, (:)fjC)668 0, il87$J!, Y TI.iERIYI'1- 6S.48:i :E7. A7:t 49.771. 7 L.7gt:t 135. L::Sfl 4E. BOE t3T. OF:V. ot3 coEF. (). 567il 0.039?5 E.4Etl.E.053 1,77e 1. 783 1. (154 1. 6F6 1, ?SS 0. 0{)4/+73 (:,.0(]i17EG T-RA-i" I U = CCIEF/S. D. 5. Av ---,1.?L:U. LU 7,'1,1 3.37 5,'j.i -J.6rt3. i7 -/ e_.i/ r rJ.j 4. EE Er+. 89 J - L. r-J.U R-SGLjARED = ?9.8 F1E;1CEN'f R-SGURRED = 9?.7 trEntrENT, FIDJU5TED FOR D. F. ANf,LYsI5 ['Ji: Vfi}IIAhICE F r.r;, if 1 1963E e9a 1199311 i,15=5!3/ DF 1 i963 FIJ FURTHER ANALY5IS C,F Vf,RiIINCE S5 EXPL.T"IiNED BY EftrC}.I VAiIiABLE NhEi{ Ei\,ITEiiED DUE TT} DF 55 REI3RESS]ON 1Q 1198J;:TRHND 1 67193JAN '. 1€"8,9t+FEB I .3EEE rYl$]R 1 566Rpn I 33iUCT 1 36 NOV I S6Db.c r. 17EOOt-iDD4s'r 1 SESO Hilu6ST 1 .f 0J4 Irti ThE OrtDeR E:i.VEi{ f(ES i DLirtrL -.4. CtJr+ -3. ii;i(l -4.0954,1i8 -3.3854.37e 5T. REs. --e.07R -E. riSR -1'!'?5.n'oitNo 3e dseNJ.tlrur:c-to-oz - E . r-l [.lBtattner Reb. e, 15RSe 54 of 8'l Rilt^J I lE t7 LL 4:1; 47 TrrEND 11.t1 (J" (J JJ.tl Lg. (l ;:7. () 0. (J PRED. Y VTqLUE 7i1, 519 3E.853 5.3.856 67. E6E , 1,:l ':' ? EiI J J. LL,U 38. 4;1t) iiT. Dcv. PRED.'/ 1. O5B {1. 9I9 i:). 9F, I L Ctr4 t). Tr15 (). SEFJ I ! t't .1 '*/1til:t;-t) DURBiN-t^iATStrN STATISTItr = 1.57 Intermountaln Gas Cornpany Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. 1 Page 39 of 65 Kohlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'1G02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 55 of 81 III. C. 1B tylTB i + Ti-ii5 I5 THA FiNRL I'IC}DLL- .:OiI x-s';r1p1i WiA "TilEi\iD. " MTB ) REGRESS CEE rlN I C;]-EF,. tr18'-tr14. f,*3. tre4, T}.IE REEi?E$siTiI! EEURTlBN T*1 THERFIT * 5.5(l .F tA.7 JAirl + 1'7.8, Fi:B + 11.7 MFIH +. -F E,6O NEV + 13.6 DEE + (].C}153 HDD4sT IntermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 RevLsed Exhibit No. I Page 40 of 65 Kohlmeier Alrrl 4. 05 OLT()668 HDD65T 7"L1',+ (:r. EOLUIYIN {:OEFFIClENT 5.4950 r8.783 17.79.) I 1, 7E3 7. lf tlt -4.046g. fir)E 13.558 0. o153Cr6 0.068916 5iT. Di:V. rll= coEF. (_). 6()88 E,5?E E. 154 1, 66(:) I.54t+ 1,175 1. 54:? e. C,B7 (r. tltt14457 0. 0c)E91 I 'r-,{d1T I C} =f,OEF/S, D, JFIN FEB MAR APR 081' NOV DEC HDD45T I.{DD6ET DUII TO DF REGRESS I ON !JRESIDUAL E,ETClTftt- 7 t R0H 6,'. LT EE 7t-t ,'1S=S5./DF 1 3EB7 6 ST. IJHV. .oJ 44 Frg 50 43 64 Ii\,i THE Oi{DER 6JVEi{ i1E5 ]:DUAL 4.7 2/+ -il" ().:;5 4.7 t'e 5,4'ji-t -|5.'777 ,1 7I 7 4 1 6 f E3 e6 t)G F,4 5 = 8.379 ft-SBURRED = 9-J.7 Pt--Rf,EN-r R-SGUARED = 9A.7 pERtrENT. ADJUSTED FOR D. F. Ri\IALYSi gi 0ir vfiR IfilvtrE JL, 1 19580 351 1 18930 FURTHER ANflLYgIS T]FJ VAR]ANCE SEi EXPLAINED PY ERtrFl VARiflBLE l.iHEN Ei\ITERED DLIE TE DF 55 REI1RHSSJ:EN '3 1IS5BOJAN I .-:i5893Fi::B 1 E/r8?t)MAR 1 7565RpR I 3468ocr .1 ;19NnV J. 3r+51 DfrE 1 34n47.l.llD4IiT 1 5r+66 HDD65T 1 3T6I i-:1ilED {) {) (-) (J I Ahl 0rl 0(J {)il il(-) (10 J o. (-) . tlt . rJ. t:r. \/I THERFiT 1(:) 1 . 4Og'27.87': .s 1 . ;i59 7 L .7917 /+3. /+'lil PRF.D. Y VALUE 96.6S5 3E.'7():? 7€,.8,47 66, J(rtl 46. ilr,g .J',76 386 973 . 351 . t-rOE ST. rlE5. ,1 . Lgr( L. UJI\ "1. 17R 8.54R --r C irO'-' "" Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 56 of 81 n DENOTES r:lN OB5. WITH A LtlR';E Sl', l.1E5, Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 RevLsed Exhlbit No. 1 Page 41 of 65 KohLneler MTB } MTE } III. C. lC # THIS I5 THE FINAI- MODEL FOR RS]OEALL. REGRESS Cee ON B 81, E3-86, trlE, E14, treJ, CE4. THE RHERESSION EGUATION I$ THERMT = EJ.6 - (t.t)781 -IREND + J.4.5 JflN + LE.7 FE:B - 6.93 otrT + 9.44 DEE + (:),0158 HDD4ST + +9 0.(] .5e HFIR + 7. 4E 6lPR789 HDDE.ST TREND JAN FEB MAR APR otrT DEC HDD45T HDD65T DTJE TO DF REGRESSION 9REBIDURL 6ETOTAL 7L S = E,478 R-SGUARED = 99.7 PERCENT R-SAUARED = 99.7 FEREEN]-, ADJUSTED F-OR D.F. RNALYSIS CIF VRRIANtrE CI]LUMN R0t^, 47 E'1 7t:, COEFFI CIENT e3.5838 -0. 11761(:t" 1 4.479 1e.736 9. Eel 7.419 -6.9E89.44r O. C,15171 ct. ct7DE47 ST. DEV. OF COEF. 0.6196 0, (lJa87 e.318 1,. 9.J7 1 , /1rJ{) 1. 385 1.141t.749 c,. 004376(),(108893 T-RA'fIO = COEF/S. D. 38. (16 -9,016. i:6 E" 7L E" Elo 5" 36 'E " t-t'l 5. 4() 3.47 34. gG sgj 1 48093 341 1 4E404 MS=5S./DF 1578Ct 6 FURTHER ANRLYSIS OF VARIANEE55 EXPLRiNED BY EACH VARIABLE I^IHEN ENTERED DUE TO DF 5B REGRESS IoN I 14h-:08,$TREND 1 BLE94JAN t 1914AFEE t 10354MRR 1 750ApR 1 195otrT 1 18DEtr 1 157(18HDD45T L 7C.Ig6HDDGET 7 7t+64 IN TIIE ORDER CIVEN TRENI) 0.o J1.0 4e. (:, Y THERMT sB.6S9 86.36E io6.91€J PRED. Y VALUE 63.657 9(1. ,B 1E 7 7. c)4t $JT" DEV. PRED, Y (-,.7(:15 1.081 1.877 rtES I DURL 5. {)3i-:: E.550 -3. (_rH3 s-r, REs. r-. 1ER E,49R -e. J7R 11 DENOTES AN OBS, NI]'H A LARGE ST. RES. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 57 of 81 DURBIN-WATSON STATIETIC = 1.51 III. C. lD l{TE } +} THIS TS THE FINA MTB ) REGRESS trEE BN g C I{ODEL. FOR RSOEALL h'lo ''TREND. "86, trlE, C14r EE3, tre4. THE REGRESSION EGUATION IS THERMT = i:3,7 {- 15.6 JAN + 13. E FEB -}. + ,3.87 DEtr {- (J,C)135 HDD45T IntermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 42 of 65 Kohlmeier 6 MRR + 6.36 APft €,.4? OCl' , O7BG HDD6E]' T-RATIO =coEF/s. D, 37.516.78 IN THE ORDER G]VEN L B.E+ (:t CELUMN JAN FEB MAR RPR ECT DEtr l"lDDztET HDD65T ROI^, a L9 LL 47 7t:t trtrEFFI CI ENT :E3. A967 15.58E 13. E16 8.961 6. E60 -6.4499.87t *.0i.a4E4 tt. Cr7837g Cl. t1t1zs3g4 O. C,CIEE4E ST. OF 0. E 1 I I I 1 DEV. COEF. 631 I . EgB,9e7 . 4115 , 311 , L47 .777 8€, 3g 65 aF" 55 06 ()5 a. E l+. 't ?r= S = 8.537 R-S0LJflRIID = 99 R-SGUARED = 9E ANRLYSIS OF VARIANEE DUE TN DF HEBRESSIEN ORESIDUAI- 63TOTAL 7L 7 PERCEN'T7 pERtrENT, ADJUSTED FoR D. F. ss 14L9gg 408 L4-e4Q4 MS=SS/DF L773Ct a FURTHER ANRLYBIs OF VRRIANCE SS EXPLRINIED BY EHtrH VARIRBLE WI.IEN ENTERED DUE TO DF SS REGRESSION 8 L4T91gJAN L 4T9E8FEB 1 EBg44IYIAR 1 100 17ApR I 5037onT t 47$DEC 1 34937HDD45T 1 1e739HDD65T 7 7gCt7 JAt\.1 o.0(:r 1 . (l(:, c}. (:)(j 11. r-rrl r:,. (lC, Y THERMT 1S6, C,1E t39.694 99.613 66,689 6A.gt?, PRED, Y VRLUE 1S1. 344 158.04E ?z+.613 63. Q13 73.43A BT'. DEV. PRED. Y t. t)t+7 l. 039 1. 05e r-r.643 1. (16g RESi DURL r+.668 . 6511 5T. REB.g. {)ER E. (l1R e.17R i:. .t 1R -e.83R (l0E 678 5e0 4 e.J E.J -6 R DENOTES RN OBS. WITH R LRRGE ST, RES. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 58 of 8'l DUREIN-I^JATSON STATISTIC = 1.43 III. C. lE IntermounEain Gas Company casd No. u-1034-134 Rev{sed Exhlbit No. I Page 43 of 65 Kohlmeler MTB ) S THIS IS THE FINAL IYIODEL FOR ESALL, MTB ) REERESS EeE EN 10 Cl,C3-CE!ClE-trl4,C83,trE4, THE REERESSION EOURTION IS THERMT = 1.49 - 4.53 TREND +'I7E JRN + E55 FEE + EE6 ftlAR + 164 APR + 68.8 OET+ EEE NOV + E8E DEC .+ rl.3r-r4 HDD45T + rl. E57 HDD65T COLUMN TREND JAN FEB MRR APR OCT NOV DEC HDD45T HDD65T trOEFF I EI ENT L48.73L -4,8343 E.72,47 EEg, C)Ege5. gg 183.60 6s. 84 EEE. E7 888.41 0.3c,449o.85785 ST. DEV.oF uoEF. 6.516 0.4gcl6 e.9. L9 84.90 E1. g6 E1. EB 13. E8 19. 83 Ezr. EJ c,. c)5373().(]3968 T-RATIO = trOEF/S. D, 81 . 5(t -9. zr3 9.58 10. 4(l 1C,. 63g.6e 5. 18 11. 17 11.66 3. g7 7. A7 $ = E6.Eg R.SOUARED R-S6IUARED ANALYSIS BF VARIANtrE DUE TO DF RECRESSICIN 1I]RESIDUAL F.TTOTAL 7L 9.1 PERCENT B, I pEREENT, RDJUSTED FOR D, F.=$=g S$ 4583355 43r.t 1C) 45?6365 lvlS=SS/DF 455335 TCtg FURTHER ANALYSIS trF VARIANEE S5 EXPLRINED BY EAtrH VRRIABLE WHEN ENTERED DUE TO I]F S5 REGRESSIONT 10 4553355TREND 1 E T499lE1.J0N L A66eC)5FEB 1 343488MAR I 16935ApR 1 4368eoc-f I E4L3(tNT]V 1 7EE5DEtr I 1(,6561 EHDD45'[ 1 199546HDII6ST L 437tlt) IN THE ORDER 61VEN REW 19 EO E8 3(t TREND 15. (, 16. tl O. () E(:).0 Y THERMT E7 r .76 871.9(] 38Ct. E/+ 783.74 PRED. Y VALIJE ?09. (:)E I31 1 . 4t) '1':.? EDgEsJr gJ'730.40 $T. DEV. PRED. Y 11.57 1E,17 1(:). 87 11.14 RES I DUAI.- F,e.74 6(1, 5(, 56.65 53,34 S1" RES. T" E,3R !-r E/- nr:. JE fI e.34R E.ElR R DENOTES AN OBS. WITH FI LARGE ST. RES.Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 59 of 81DUREIN-WATSON STATISTIC = .3A III. C. lF InEermountain Gas Company Cas€ No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblr No. 1pae& 44 of 65 Kohlmel-er MTE ) # THIS IS THE FINAL MODEL FOR 6SALL U/O ''TREND MTB ) REGRESS trEE trN B tr3-tr6, C1E-tr14, trE3, CE4, THE REERESSIEN EBUATION IS THERMT = 1/+E + E6€ JAN + EI.4 FEB + 13E MAR + 86. 1 APR + 66.7 TJCT + 133 NOV+ E38 DEtr + 11. 116 HDD45T + 0, EgCr HDD65T : I I I JAN FEB MAR APR ot:T NOV DEC HDD45T HDD65T DUE TO DFREGRESSIIlN 9RESIDUAL E,ETtrTRL 7I 5 = 4'1.3C1 R-EGUHRED = 97.7 PERCENT R-StrURRED * 97,4 FEREENT, ADJUSTED FER D, F. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE CCILUI{N ROh' LE eo ?L 67 6g 69 trOEFFICIENT 144. 89g6E, 14 813.5E 131 , 7E 66, 1e 68.74 138. 8(r E;7.63 cr.11613 c,. EgCl l tl ST. DEV, OF trtrEF. 1rlt.74 48. 31 37. gE E9. 19 86. 87 Er]. 66 97. Ee 36. 96 Cr. t:t77Gt:, Q.05C)54 T-RATIO =COEF/S. D. 13.4? 3.79 5.6E 4, 51 E. /+6 g. rg 4. gg 6.4d 1. 5(t 3,7 4 ss 44.90590 tQ5773 r+E963EE MS=SS/DF 498944 t7Q6 FURTFIER RNRLYSIS OF VRRIRNCE SS EXPLAINED BY EAtrH VRRIABLE h,HEN EN'IERED DUE TO DF SS REGRESSIIIN I 449439Ct JRN 1 13334E9FEH I 668l erlMAR 1 E3B3O4ApR 1 51373tlcT I E 18NOV 1 EEAA4TDEC 1 159853EHDD4ST 1 18.t768 HDD651' I 56813 IN THE ORDER GIVEN JAN 1. QCr (:1. (:xj E). t:tQ 1. t)O (:r. o0(1.00 Y THERMT 97 L.76 871. 90 6E6.35 9Cxl. ()B 591.34 389.66 PRED. Y V(lLUE 87L.41 768. *tl 345,.7t+ E7e.7E a87. AB 477.37 ST. DEV. PRED. \y' 16. 5r-t 17. 11 J,6.-BB 81. 04 19.37 18. E4 RES I DUAL 1oil.35 ICtg.717 6r)" 6E -'73. F,3 -1A.54-88.91 ST. RES. 9.6,6R E.9ER e. 14R -E, rl'7R -E. 61 R _;3. /1r)R R DENOTEB AN OEs. I{I'TH A LARGE 5T. RES.Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 60 of 81DURBIN-WATSON STATISTIC = ,38 1 Intermounta Case No. U-Exhlblt No. Page 45 of Kohlmeler n Gas Company 034-134 I residual variaEion ssion equation i I 6s I i I 1II. C WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Models and Predlcted Results. 1. Mode]-s A. RS-l Model-. RS-1 Model Wlthout Usage ItTREND" Variable. RS-2 Mode1. RS-2 Model Without Usage I'TREND" lariable. GS-I Model. I GS-I ModeL l,Ilthout Usage t'TREND" VarlabLe. Predlcted Results. A. RS-l o ttTIIERMstt - AcEual Therms. "REsIDtt - Residual-s fron Mu1tiple Regressi.on. o rrPREDltt - Actual l,leat,her 1n }lultlple Regression Equation. ; o llflTlrr - Norma1 l,Ieather in llultiple Regression Equatton. B c D E F 2 o I I !e I ! Is o rrBJrr - Box Jenkins predlction of adJustment. "PRED2tt - Actual weather in regr adJusted by Box Jenklns. o tttr'IT2rr - Nornal weather in regre by Box Jenlcins. slon equatlon adjusted o ttADJ2tt - Normal weather adjustment (PRED2 - rrr2). (THERMS + ADJ2). Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 61 of81 rrNoRl4r' - NornaLlzed actual therms Intermounta Case No. U-Exhlblt No. Page 46 of Kohlmeler III. C. Models and Predlcted Resul-ts. (conElnued) B. RS-z o rrTHERI"lsr' - Actual Therms. Iinli0,1 ds I I Gas Company 34-134 I^IEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY o ttREsIDrr - Reslduale from Multlple Regresslon. o ItPREDlrr - Actual Weather in Mul-t.lple Regression Equation. Io rrFITIrr - NormaL lleather in I'luJ.tipJ-e Regresslon EquatJ.on. o rrBJrr - Box Jenklns predlctlon oft residual variation adJustment. o rrPRED2rr - Actual weather Ln regr'esslon equation adJusted by Box Jenklns. , o rrFIT2tr - Normal weather in regrebslon equation adJusted Iby Box Jenklns. o rrADJ2rr - Normal weather adJustraent (PRED2 - FIT2). o trNolurt - Normalized actual therms (THERMS + ADJ2). Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 62 of 81 Intermounta Case No. U-Exhibit No. Page 47 of Kohlneier o rrBJrt - Box Jenkins predictLon of adJustnent. {n Gas Company il034-r34I ols III. C I,IEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Models and Predlcted ResulEs. (contlnued) C. GS-I o "TlIERMsrt - Actual Therms. o tTRESID" - ResiduaLs from l"lultlplp Regression. o trPREDlrr - Actual l,Ieather ln I'Iultlp1e RegresslonEquation. r o ItFITlrr - Nornal t+eather ln Multiile Regresslon Equat,Lon. o ltPBED2r' - Actual weather in adJusted by Box Jenkins. residual- varlaEion slon equatl.onregres o rrFIT2rr - Normal weather in regrebsion equatlon adjusted by Box Jenklns. o rrADJ2rr - Normal weather adJustment (PRED2 - FIT2). o rrNoRMir - Normallzed actual thermp (TIIERMS + ADJ2). Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 63 of 81 RS- 1 III. C. 24. MTB ) ROW PRINT EEl-trE5RESID PIIED1 InEermounEain Gas Company Cdse No. U-1034-134 RAvised Exhibtt No. I Plge 48 of 65 K6hlmeier i PRE,DE t g 3 4 6 7II I r-) 11 1E 13t4 1E 16 L7 1B 19 Er-r E1 AE E3 e4g5 E5 e7 EB E9 EO 31 3E ?? 34 35 36 e7 38 39 40 4L 4E 43 44 43 4A 47 4B 49 5(l 51 5E 53 34 55 e,E -t. 1 1 3 4 c) -1 I (lt '1. '3 -0. E' -C). -1, E. -1.-1. -4.-0.0, -o. 1. E. 0. -q-4. 1. -0. ?t:f E:7.=l 3ACr4e 973.34 (',8979 5,T733 987-ca 16948 43S1 1 o3335 t3crg7 96398 EA97t egsE6 64815 80315 EeC,t]9 09550 54183 91615 45433 45E66 1E887 77||)A8 95635 34734 54e83 Ir(tB I tlt 88014 38457 6846E 34678 65ClB7 47EET 88334 EB57G 5e384 L44CIE 39343 OOEEE .3'6e74 1E519 zr 1871 84473 BBF.B4 51 159 56836 3718 r 44fr13 19A4:E 51851 81191 1 8903 46EE 1 671iJ3 31197 cl ? ?Ei'7 1. 6. 18. 19. 59, 98. I 07. I (r(r. 'r|J 37. ?.:r 19. 10. 8. tif ti? 84. 1 e6. 111. 77. 87. 37, e1. E. 1 Cr, :c6. 9e. 1 1e. 87. 61. aa. 37. 17. 11. 6. /5 .3{ 48. 9;1. 1 39. 115, 83. 58. ?o .3 -t 6. E I Ct. e4. feEr*J r L OE. 1E6. {iE c,B5 7t3 615 815 091 4gE 166 t.96 519 9eg 301 IrBtJ EC,5 s37 417 893 BE6 057 430 377 3fi8 6,E E EE4 487 e77 99L 593 388 43(1 g8E 895 674 601 70(l 6s6 195 c)99 346 55(l LE4 808 ?EF,.t-EELl-J 138 933 883 43(:) o5c, 8eE 7tt4 598 743 318 089 Sf t)-ro':} rf, 11,.3{LI. 84. 91. 1 19. 1(rB. 110. E,(t. 7? 18. a:t E 11. .:. {Ll. 98. I 18, t (14. B(1. 61..3.3 J.8. 11. .=t ILIr t= r-, 90. 1 15. 1(:,6. 79. 6C,. 31, Lg. ,:] 11. t3J. r Jr:. a9. 119. 1(J1. 78, 6,O. 31. L-1. 6 E 11, 80. EELJrJ. 88. I (]9. FITl 138 965 4eE 093 E5J 937 465 6E4 EEB 178 119 8o-0 434 97ct 443 e77 E83 aa7 896 199 {146 779 813 F;t4lt 338gel 659 z+93 4.57 111 365 7LL 591 Fr39 7:E3 381 Et-)/+ 878 AEB 804 448 1r5 P37 4t+7 B()(1 e44 1lg0 BBtt 95E ()eE 499 033 763 739 i9: r), 0. 0. -(1. 0. -o.0. -o,-o. -0.-0, Ct. E{J I 1370 5l CtECr 50315 19916 43E(r7 3e1 64 6EE4? E3sg9 89e42 84304 08135 ECtg15 c,5(r56 E7E,38 5637J c)4899 rl9e75 95383 T.t .1.3r- 39857 31e4() 7331C) 87533 168s1 4()564 E8991 33C)9(l t:r7991 48685 ct745A 36099 90098 r7E91 094Q3 c)6587 r16638 1(J384 83463 es95g 0eGe,? ts9489 rlE(r 14 {18067 gJEE,7 1?89;: SElrz+5 3364() 9E661 50855 Ct47A7 1t473 39C,e7(tf,358 733L7 t 3516 E. 7. 13.tg, 89, 99. tt:t7,.Jg. -f .3 37. ?'3 19. 10, 6.g, ?{fgU. 5E. 63. 186. 111. 78. Eg. 38. .3 ILl. B. 8,. 1 (-,. .=tE t=a ?.r-. 1 13. Elg. 61, 6E. 37. 17. 10, 6. B. ':' l 4.3. /a? I 35. 1 1lr. 84. c'A.Jat 38..3? B. l. (1. 94.re I 011. I e6. iEtl9 EE4 1,1S a'la 5E3 16tl 7AB 986 EE4 oF6 EBO aq9 154 Ep3 9F1 94:E 783 er)3 1llE 7EA i?ilB 3|J5 t-tBE EF6 171 E81 8,14 EFB 5,15 t-tF7 .-,L-Fl:JEf tv4 4ES 6tl6I9ti;i I861 ebs 1[1 6EO lVL I1P3 g&E 154 c-], 2 1F6 E{-t7 7AA 977 ?{:l 75e 713 347 884 BE4 873 -0 0 0 (:, -1 -0-(l fl(l 0 Cl o -() 0 0 -Q,) 0 0 0 t:) 0 - (:r - (_l -Q () 0 (l rl -q1. 0. 0. -0. -1, 1. C). 1. -(:l '-0. (:, . 1. 1., 4. (J. 0. -1. -u..t -o.-1. -t -(:r, -o.(). (J. -(:).--(J. {:) . .-0. 0. (J, *(1. -0. (:r . -(-t. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 64 of 81..1 .-tF 6Ad III. C. 2A InEermounEain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-f34 RAvised ExhlblE No. I IPage 49 of 65 Kdhlmeler 88.3h1 57. e?5 30, 158 15.44e 6,5r?9 7. 1C)O I 4. 6p3 3{r, 4,17 E7.6't'7 1E7.583 148. Br)1ge, Ba7 5e. EP5 45,. (rE4 37. EO4 14.683 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 65 of 81 37 56 59 60 61 6e 63 64 65 66 6g 6B 7Cl 7L 7A -0, _f-} -E, -!=LT -0.-1. -o. 1. -1. E. 1. -Ct, -0. -0. 89. 37. 30. 16. 7. 7. 14. 31. e1 LE7, 146. 9e. 58. 44. 37. 14. 7Et E96 680 039 clcl4 133 91() ee6 6,e,A 160 813 346, 915 rl87 BE5 6Bs 1EI dt 57. 33.tg. B. Jr 11. 90, 50, 89. 113. 108. 74. 56. 33. 1?. ETCt 536 49E. 774 834 94e BE6 EgFj a3E 83c} {)86 ag3 t4a 350 e36 EQfl -0. -o. -rJ.-o. -(1.-o.-0, -(J,-0. 0. -0.o. rl. - r:r. -fi, -0. 67 18685 eg4E6 466e7 EBTOCI e816ft 05985g7E1 1 E6355 98096 9864(t 3Cr3E4 77Aeg 3P,71.4 e9473(l3aE4 i:4(]80 3788(1 (]e051 46836 597'AL 473eA o53Cr6 E1670 80896 o4986 4e3E7 41t97 491 1E 38C)EC) o6e65 75Ct37 001s9 III. C. 2A MTB ) RCIt^l FRINT CE:6-trfi9 RESIDE Intermountain Gas Company Cdse No. U-1034-134 R{vised ExhibiE No. I Page 50 of 65 Kdhlneier i I Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 66 of 8'l I e 3 4 5 E 7 B E 1(, l1 1E 13 tt+ 15 16l7 1B 1Eg0 E1 LL EE e4 .aEI: L, E6 e7 e8 Eg 30 3e 33 d4 35 36 37 3B -4l=l 40 4L 4e 4E 4tt 43 4€r 47 4g 41 50 51 5t' E:t 5lr EEJTJ 9. a. 11. E(t. 34. 91. 1E(:r, L crg, 78. 99. 33. 1?. ,f a. 18. 81. 51. 5J.. 1rg. 1Ct4. 8(]. c:. 33, 18. B. 6, 11. 81.gE. ?(t. 115. Llt7. 78. 60. 31, 19. cr 1e. e.-.iJr=. 99. I 19. 100. 79. 6(:,. :1.:lJE. eo. B, E .1 1. 12. JrJr 49. 1 ()9. rrE aELJ I 474 985 864 665 635 OBB 384. E3E '1?E; ogg 039 l+t-r4 e47 007 3A€, lgQ 834. 377 E8g 358 511 7BA 613 933 e11 99Cl 413 943, 196 786 EIE 41f1 545 7EL 387 1(lo a4e 1?B 91c, 74:E o?5 J.5F, 6Itr 93:1 569 3t7 aL7 4.43 t:tE9 614 637 7EE 474 748 -0,11. 8. 1 {1. .:, ? t=.3 24. 1 19. Lr:t7. 7F-. 6(t. 34. 18. 10, 6. r1. 1 8,. 48. 91. I E(-). 105. 83. 65..t=l 16. 10. 7. .:, ? E.-rJE. 51. 1 L7. 105. 79. 60. fa. 19. ,9. 7, 11. .:' i .JE.. sB. 1 15. i {lE. 80. E,L. -"1z: t7. '= a. 4l 19. 59,gB. 108. Ct 1 -1 4 6 -1E e. 1. -t E. -1. 3. -1, -1., o. o, E8168 B4'J3fl 47469 EE19g 2894'e E4B9O 78t97 1831e 73A4E, 7IECI7 98533 47887 33388 37L77 36('59 E69OB E2'A7A 48734 13440 Ct637A 1r+tlE6 39517 1Ct445 J. E4A6 78318 E5E3E 74(:tCtQ 3€,005 1616A ALC-tCr7gssg1 381 lE 3r133(] e7737 41999 5gg6E Q4(lr)g 6Eet)e, 89736 36tr(15 41978 398S7 904(:)E, 7113t 31 867 84391 0354 1 37 7'76 7t:t497 4.6784 (:rE656 'at_t7e4 496(19 4QA7e 17691 FITE ADJE t-tr+EB 747€, 193(l E68Eg385 SEEzr EgB 1 4e8E 7086 EzrBEglgE 660E 75{tG c) 13U ()E6(l 3757 57J3 63tllr 5345 179(1 13rJg 88zrE s114 843(l 7615 o7(13 o763 B75 L 97eA 871() 4899 clE75 990(l 0614. 17tO 1 P57 s?54. 4A&C, SzrBG 6398 63S6 4717 9?8;: 8 654 1 33E 361 1 44.,7 l rjg8 13t)(l 3t77 9013 7 LIIE EEE'1J rJ J.l 3419 ?IT NORM 5.-,E 444 1 C,6 €,96 'e7 L 9(i I 17 t+ -r.=,7 '7lD'i! E5e 33tt JIL B 1;: 58.-.;r.Jg 445 148 538 587 84tr r:EE t)67 FJ71 -6 8Br+ E9E, 181 134 1)47 (lE3 56tl 737 618 a4a t:r27 1?8 744 7Le E iJr:r 4EE 906 a84 6S8 686 4€,3 EErl 773 7Ee 7g€, 7|:e 460 115 9eE: (11 1 798 (:r6C) 11. 5 4 L -rJ C) -1 4 4 E _t131 -0. 1. .3 -(). -rJ. 1. 7 5 ..0, 1. L. -C). Lf, -o. L. 1. -1. -{r. o. (:r . -L-'. -1. 1. -0. 1. -(t'-0, L. -1 -Q. C). (:r , .-(:). 11. 1. -8. 7. 7. -::1 -19.-L7. E 1. C,. -E. -(J. _/l 4. 19, 1J. -1. Ft, ? -(). -(J. -(). 4.. 9. I3. 19. 1 1 lS _? 0 (J L 0 -1 -1 l III. C. 2A IntermounEaln Gas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rpvised Exhiblt No. I Pege 5l of 65 KbhLneier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTjG-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 67 of 81 75,543 55. EBzr 30,686 L7. 447 8.55E 4.883 7.954 Er), tl18 5E.813 aa. a44 115.395 tcr4. 471 77, BtA 58.755 33.197 67 a7 EB 59 6Ct 61 Eg 63 64 EE 66 68 69 7Ct 7L 78, o. -:3 -8.-1.0, -1. o. E. -:3 E. 1. -0. 0._tl. E5E85 i?3375 J979 I &ag'72 19366 clcrSTg 6E54 I .54541 O3OEE 4ltg97 71581 e85e6 7$734 5381C, 71803 83991 -,E 37. 33, 19.g, 5. 11.lg. 50. 89. 1 1e, 1C,3. 74, 56. 38. 19. EBCt aL7 0E4 177 s59 8€B 6(19 473 7BE e53 6,74 186 EE:J 'ea7 486 EO0 L4._rl. -8. -t I. 3. 1 Ct. 6, 38. 33. -1.0. - 19, -10. 4. -4. 0514 E4L7 87111 7353g3rl0 8113 CrB39944- 8343 33()F: teaT 8489 EJCI L E63Ct 7 ta7 5170 19. ?61 III. C.2A. r:1g- IJJctrF E CI- IF-CJ(3 Lr](otr]trt tf! "<IEc3 trrUJF-L)Hctlrlctro- tn l--L) r-l IarI InEermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised ExhlbLt No. I Page 52 of 65 KohLrneier €)F Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 68 of 81 -{-r t *Q + + (n r-E2f\O .a- cc, (aE' Lr) dE-E IJJ C} LUFLJHaIJ'E CI- tIII J L) I e, er c, c,{EtaNel -?t?t?{ (releID Y ClI III. C. 2A ctro- I L]cf trfr.oE] E3 =tr)rf c3Cf:tr c3IJ (J (f,IJEcl- ct, J =LJ -{Ia CC Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 53 of 65 Kohl-meier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 69 of 81 E6 -(ftl-e2l\ cf,:E ct@ o(roo(rra€r(26!r(uoGrt€<fcu-i t{ c, F- u)EctrLU -L o LLJFJ(J =(=Fl!(JG til, RS-2 III. C. 28 MTB ) ROt^l PRINT trE1-tr85RESID PRED1 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 54 of 65 Kohlrneier 1E.eE.3 -0.4E.1 -Cr.43. 7 -Cl,go. I -3. I Cr -Cr.11 1.le -o,13 e.14 E.tg Lt,ta -3.t7 -3.1g -0.19 4,eo 1.EI 3.eE 4,E3 -().Et+ -4.E5 1.EFr 0.E7 -O.EB 1.E9 -1.3C) -(:r.31 t-).3e -E.33 -1,34 -0.35 -e.E6 -1.d7 -1.3g r_r.Eg 1.40 1.4L -0.4A -0.43 -4.44 -i=.43 1.46 4.47 5.48 -O.49 0, 50 (J. E'Jl' -I.5E -O.E:Esg J.34 -Cr.EELrLJ -I 'er BSEE 1 s8651gg66rl 911E7 965e6 6596 1 95109 7AC\A4 577F.L(]3434 10845 63893 l Cr 15rl 84834 31601ggt97 'a"ca47 a7e87 OC,3E5 4EBE8 37834 fi4469 9398(1()0919 633?5 73EEB 1E538 49,. E5 39868 99893 BSOGO LZC,77 1800s a6t7e 41896 E:7778 85988 99943 5851(l 65831 .:r74e7 E7Ag3 38094 (J6(lEO B|xl33 ts086(:, OSEEE 83C)49 772t'E L39€,7 8EEE8 L6497 34978 1 g9e9 18848 Eg. 85. 3e. 4Cr. 81. 1gE. 138, 1e5.ga. BE. 56.4t. FJCI e4. E6. 51. 74. I OB. 185, 1 39. I 03. ?8. 64, 49. :E7. :E4. 99, 48. 6r.), 1e1. 143. 1 15. 87. 9Cr. 64. 39, 31, :E4. e8. 40. er4, 1e1.t71. 1 43. I 15. 86. 63. 4e. .=ra .:r? L-9. 44. 90. 1 3Ct. 1:g' eg, 84.3t, 48. 78. 1EO. 1 53, l4(t. 109, 88. 58. 41. ,jr E Ei4, 31, 4:E, ae(J. 181 . 1E1. 136. 109, 9J., 59, 41. EB, Elt. 31. 4e. 7A. ,. 18. 1,47, 1JB. 1 09. ag. ea 4L. EB. '3? 31. 4Fi. 7A. tL7. 151 , { T'_1 1 08. 99. ea 48. Eg. Elr. 31. 38. BC-,, 1 16. 14{1. FITl 44t 189 B3E /+ 1B 734 45rJ()99 4E3 393 170 44{.t 473 058 J,38 347 199 E7B r-r87 2]7 Cr7 L eeFLJJtr, L67 134 1.30 989 0EE 7A93le 38S 398 68S 721 d57 AEB 331 896 6lc} ?.87 989 386 351 :513 99.:l 444 348 313 384 Jr:E EO1 163 :?E 95I. 5A6 816 99A 1 7535 699(]8 69999 Erl496 69194 EE3B3 ag54(l EEt14;= l9tlt 6 85C)37 0Cx]56 fl7e33 159e3 51 17(l 68939 f-)$$21l 84873 7€,613 1 5394 9678e 35('tEzr 8668(.1 977\t--t E1758 95398 39?57 14331 (:)9839 36:E94 3e77A E()79E E(,689 5r'.r816 ;:7535 151(13 57'c46 E9878 :e9447 e.4744 3734A 4Q397 t)ltlLE 171874 (:!e865 44644 46346 01707 E 1461 1915(l J.9455 tlr+118 4s,937 r13189 33874(lE33J EB, .3E: 38. 39. 81. I .=ril& rL. 133, 184. 96. s1. uJCr r 4i1," E9. lE4. e7. e{rJJ. r 73. 1 07. IEEI LJgJ' 14(t. 1 (JJ. 26. 64, 45. 86, i:4. E9, 48. 81, 1 80. 74'P.. 115. 87. 9(t. 84. 38. 3(t, 94. .:' o 417" F"4. .L r:1 . L7 L. 1 48, 1 14. 86. F,4. 46. e7. ':,? E?. 43. 90. 131. 156. BJ PREDE L&7 E7L gsE (-lClE t-36 358 EE9 091 1:r47 493 851 8Cr0 575 119 989 463 778 E65 G91 967 3EE 37Ct (rtlB e4a 7'A') 031 693 376 E49 'e47 015 (r73 E67 87CI 633 4Ctg 063 58E E4B 393 :'-a cI (,34 658 870 388 EOB a57 1,7E 73L 713 548 4(r 1glE 887 307 il. C,. 0, -0. C'. _f_!. 0, -0.0. -0. -(), 0. -tl, c). 0. 0. -(:t. -0. -(:). cr. (:, . f-,. (J, -- (J. -0, 0. (:) , -r).0, -(J.-0. 0. -(-), -0. -Cr.-o.-o. -(.t,0. C!. o. --0. -0.*1, -{). Q. 1, 1. -0, 0. (lt '--(J. -0. 1. -C). 34E 97tr 5Et3 7?7 918 188 414 871 e37 8,43 SEiO tlTE 416 631 674 346, PLL 422 537 935 7te zr36 986 oe€ 773 491 876 r.trJ CJ =t.=UIL 91? tlt-t7 E80 15? E?5 4BE 837 764 eB8 48E 7EA 73E 0943i9 e41 a4E 671 f:r74 387 538 ?(:,8 583 97e 7Bt-l aee, Eg4 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INI-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 70 of 81 III. C. 2B Intermountatn Gas Company Case No. U-I034-f34 Revtsed Exhlblt No. I Page 55 of 65 KohlmeierI 37 5B 5B 6(t 61 6E 63 64 6E a6 67 €rg 6g 7Ct 7T 7E I 19. 84. 34. 36..:l'q {1q 34, c.a 8C,, 1 85, t77. 1t?. G14 68(] 1EE 6Cr3 6477t7 4Qt+ a7L o9g 098 BOE E31 06E 941 894 Elg -1. 88657 -E.83e34 -8. rl39B7 -t.a7a73-0. BG7i34 -E. F: tATg -3.565()6 -L.787AAe, 14e6O - 1. E BCr56 1, 6E357 3. C,91?Erl.96440 -5. C,EECtgfi. 16364 -cr.53C)59 I rl4, ECrE 85.8?9 :5?,051 49. 1r1B e7.937 e4. ct43 31 , 581 4fi.0rJ0 75. e46, t ta.76a 145, OCIo 134. 1E9 1(r7,356 84.734 58.715 41, e75/ -{t, EI+BEB*0.37e94 -tlr.3.9967 -c,. 4.8158 -0.39495 -o. E0(r3E -0. EE447 -(r. 8r+736 -0. 48118 {,.58156 -0.39539(,.3?708 (1,7498G (,.915()0 -1.19753 t]r. r-)4689 I 18.36E Bz+. 3Ct7 Ei E'_r'-'.J€. Jr=E 36.3s1 85. E5E 89.517 33. BStl 58. tJElr 79,677 155.610 177.3Q7 I 19. 688 Br+, 81 1 7E. 1=6, 6E,096 3e .-,F e'.r"J. tr El.J 44.7t, 68. -ErfgJr Exhibit No. 39 case No. lNr-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 71 of81 III. C. 2B MTB ) RtrhJ PRINT tr86-tr89 RESIDE Int.ermounLaln Gas Company Cdse No. U-I034-134 R{vised Exhiblt No. I Page 56 of 65 Kdhlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 72 ot 81 I E 3 4 5 6 7II lCt 11 1e 13t4 15 16t7 1g IE EC, E1 EE E3 E4 E5 e,a E7 EB e2 30 31 3e 33 34 3E 36 e7 38 3S 4A 4t 4E 43 44 45 48, 47 48 49 50 51 5E etJrf 54 !, tJ 0. 1. -(:,. E. E. -0,-4. -E. (J. -1. -c). 1. -{:,. -(1. -o.-o. 1.I. 1. -(:), -0. -4. -1. E8, e4. ?.3 /+8. 79. 180. I riT 14(,. 109. 47. 58,4t. EB. :E4. 3e. 4e, 75, I gC,. 151. 137. 1 09. 9?. 6(:t. 4C,. i:7. E4. 31, 48. 7er. 1 19. L47. 139. 1(r8, 89. 57. 47. E8..3? 't.-r 4e. 79. Lt7. 151 . 131. 1(:)7. 89. Eg. 43. 98. :e4. 31, 39. 80. 118. 1 40. 616 958 c:-IE 913 436 435 284 EO3 563 319 44|o 747 A9B 649 E36 E7E ClEg 381 903 038 9(16(]33 11E 91E 935 46e 97e 896 758 ctE4 477 998 849 593 190 EBzr 311 693 e37 aenI d:, 755 5(:ta 931 315 956 778 4LL 74A 010 358 377 E.:. I fr54 t37 97-c -Cr. 1. 1. -8. t_l 1. -Etl. - 15. -1 3, . -4, _.:l { o. 7, (:, . -1. -1e. 'a 15, 1 (:). E 6, -(J.-0. -1. 4. 1tl. 13. {EI rJr 31. 9,7. 3{:). 43. 77, I Ezr. I Ei.3 1r+1. 1(15.gg. 6C,, 4rl. 31. eE,. 31, :lB. 7:E. l ECt. {EEI Lr.J . L37. 1 13. 95. 58, 37. 30. e4. 31. 43. 74. L17. 148, 136. 1(:t8. 89, 54. 4.r). t,'? 94. ?= 4t+. 76. 1 17. 147. 13(i, l. 1(1. 9J. E '=! 41.. EB. */+. r::r. '] /:1 96. 1 16. 138. trl -1. 3. -1, 3, -1.(,. 7Ct746 Lg74E Eg65B ol6E3 647ECt e8344 93845 gg 1i36 76777 B 18,(]E 104CI0 968E6 e6(]73 33C,64 ts7339 Ct7344 :E767:E (,9EgB L=r7 Lg 46A46 EE93O L78AA 917(tt1 79tAt 58783 SEE71 3O869 5|:,364 7EL6E E71 1E OSBEE 3e7e,6 67 Lge :J4437 86783 7oaa?, 941il4 8941e :E7766, E7885 47434 'e.6a7g ESEE(I ()31 55 34A77 743t4 f_r1518 r_,4:i 10 9706E Q5489 86346 E644t-t 58 168 46Brl3 16E09 FITE ADJE 8739 1119 ct47E 4163 4AL7 89EB 5699 ? ?.:t? 3468 4768 4g9J SEEr-t 5173 0185 5576 e74e i]058 8E 1g 7338 8955 1940 4r.t34 8739 1 168 16(lE C,314 0957 ct397 5896 8555 F-71:r4 71 83 6899 8014 SrlEE 447 L 4535 3547 7413 g9'ea C)E35 5E11 €,678 7e6r1 9859 1(l4B 8633 Ert+Ft3 r+7l-t? 45r:r t 7937 45C)J EEEB 4688 ?1lI NORM 384 046 944 LLJ 742 115 148 184 915 136 843 779 159 ?80 863 L97 758 413 960 499 135 Ele 195 r.E1 5E3 79t+ aE4 799 B9(, 493 516 64A t77 EQ7 9IE 378 35Ct 947 314 (-139 e77 r36 aa9 4ltr i-J4E 5Eg 4:E6 a9a BBC) 3(t3 514 7BA 136 689all 4, 0. 3, 3. -1, :3 (ll. -(J. 1. C'' 0, -(]. -4.n -1,-tE.: = 4. 4, 4. -1.-o. 4, €r E 3 4 -3 (-J -0 -1 o EL, -1 -1 III. C. 2B InEermounEain Gas Company Caise No. U-I034-134 R{vlsed Exhibit No. I Page 57 of 65 Kdhlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 73 of 81 37 5B E9 6(t 61 6e 63 a4 65 6A 67 68 69 7Q 7t 7e -1. -€r-1,-1.-o. -.:1 -(,. tl -e. 103. 95. 59. 41. 87, ir? 31. 39. 74. 177 , 144. I 34. t 09, 84. E-Jft 41. 960 .5e7 /+51 e,ea 569 843 057 15e BE5 E6B 6fi4 586 1 Cr6, 973 317 3EE 15. -1. -4, -8. 1. .:l 1E. 4. 38. 3E..--14. -ir? -1 E. 4. -4. 405E e 1?4 989 1 3Ct46 3087 6738 8E3rl a7 7e BsE1 3E 17 9083 8983 8943 g 166 e79E o573 lClg. 93. e- lril. e7. l:IT E8, 38. 77. I 15. 146. I 37. 1(r8, 79. Eg. llf-!. 6EE 3e,7 t]1 1 4:e9 C)3O Be4 r-r 16 ElE 389 Q65 6E4 Ee1 EEC' 73:J a7i 74tt a o. t. -0. 33759 1595C, 44Cr30 L27 L7 47882 atg47 t]4059 94r-l5e EE37P EOElE .11885 69498 11514 e4008 36117 3775.e IntermounEain Gas Company Cabe No. U-1034-134 Retised Exhlblt No. 1 Page 58 of 65 Kohlrneier od III. C. 2B EILUFJL' =13Fl!L) (T tlll .',FED I_FE = CD trEL IL:t!E (Jo l.C(ocfc3:tr m'<rECf,Eq.z-[rJEl rrLUF LJHcf,t!Eo- (Je, = LJ (\l Itf)E .(r @ o'oo(tI .(? (U Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 74 of 81 o(Scrooo6I.EIT(1'(3C'-a+ar{?l-t (n.s Ettt - III. C. 2B Eo- IEJl!t= FCJCf u]roc=E] tn\f cf,C] (3IJF_CJHELUG ELa J L) (.1.J IaE Intermountain Gas Company Chse No. U-l034-134 Rfvised Exhlbit No. I Page 59 of 65 Kbhlmeier )om Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 75 of 8'l tt-+ + :E C]E ro oe oaoetqla<,E r.o r7 cu 13 tE rIt 'q ru+a +l -i -a E'N a J-ctrLU:EF C]lr,t-(J r:ll!ctrtrL IIII J FLJ I GS InEermountain Cas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rpvised Exhlbit No. I Page 60 of 65 KbhLmeler 7{:rl 946 rtEo Qpe EE6 0b3 845 EV7 9BE EP1 815 748 c44 0F(:r 4(J(] 493 551 'e,47 o06 988 +br PEE 35e zrEtl 154 547 8(]3 ct79 o40 ?!15 805 984 135 ()l+6 itfit) opE il63,. i=E Lr!, 846 7$7 235 671 3C) 1 t-t79 363 693 538 596 Q49 6(1c, Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 76 of 81 III. MTE } ROI^J c. 2c PRINT EE1-CE5RESID PRED1 PREbE I e ? 4 5 E 7 g I 1C, 11 1E 13 t4 15 16 L7 16 19 ?(-l ET EE Fi3 e4 e5 e6 E7 EB E9 3(t 31 3E 33 34 35 36 37 3B ?l:I 4t:,4t 4E 43 44 43 4A 47 46 42 5C, E1 5A 53 34 5E 7.el. 18, 15. -19. -eE. -16. -17. -e9. -43. 16, - 14. -4.14. tl 1Ct. -86, a. 6E, 6C,. 39. 19. LE. 5. 6. 5. 48. 56. 47. 53. 11. -e4. -9, -6. 18, -.L4. -13.a. 17. -34. -39.-9. -'e7. - 15. ECt. 19. -e4. -1 4. -6. -';t -11. 16. -ct. 18. 4544 677Ct E34 1 9543 766 1 6E(,3 7Q4B E84tl 4183 1 I9o- e33e 9479 (,1 48 r-895 264e 6eE4 1t175 c,cl65 7 t+48 5Ct 1g egB6 1 075 :E999 313E, 5137 17s,74 437?. 65(]6 B4r-)B 343t-t 33gE 0e37 LC,7E EC,I 4 5651 8033 Bg44 49,49 9453 Bggj464te 6388 I 859 4673, 1777 9(rE,5 5546 8093 75E 1 :E471, 4Q00 EE-59 BB4E 3196 5i389 16E. I 54. 17s. E9B. 569. 7Q4, 806, 734, 379. 47Ct. 858, e05. 166. 15t1. 16E, 354. 51 1. 494. 9C19. 811. 5BB. 4AA. Ego. E1 1. 16(t. 15Cr. L7 t. 383. 5EE. 73Ct. 803. 837. 474, 448. EBs. tgE. 7711. 151 . 165, 'e.97. 4L6. 7 L6, 847. 7A€,. :J49.39]. s8E. E:16,. rE1. L49. l7Ct. J 19. 5(:r5. 743. ::?. 893 gC,5 BO5 745 Qg9 585 Eg4 115 Egs 738 506 43€' 198 3e1 Q64 443 135 98r. 019 399 l ECI 374 581 rl73 5i3B'434 810 E9E 6S4 326 171 LE(] 784 rl34 0?4 44") rl95 635 841 (J37 343 043 916 141 E:55 998 9e6 96c' r37 186 086 9eg 591 34F. 227 1 6E. I 80. 1,74, Egg. 54Cr, 7AA. 699, g 18. 683. 485. EE6. gC,C,. 163, 15C). L73. 3{,Cr. 510. 757. 471. 77 L. 6C)8. 46e. 855. E(:xl. 1 63, 15r1. 17E,. 300. 486. 71 3. BE?. 763. 584. 433. E51, .3 r-r ? 168, 15Cr. t7E. J(t 1. 463. 6ge. 831 . 713. L'e /.JLr&t. 4t:t9..:.li : EC)5. 161 , 15t1. 174. .3r:1.1 434, 8139. 761,. 1, E. 11. 9. B. - 1(t. -18, -8._rf, - 15. -Ee. 8. -.:r7. E E E. 38. 31. 19. E. 8. '3 4. '=. LL. :g9, :E4. e7, e - 1E. -4. 1. -7. ? a. -1 B. -e0. - 14. -8. L (1. 10. -1, -E, 8. -(1. t64. 157, 190. 308. e77. 784. 793. 745. 56?, 455. Ee5. e 13. 158. I /rB. 165. 357. 51 6, 681. 91E. 843" 6L9. 518. EBtl. e 19. 163. 1 54. 173. 348,. E E:.3 734. BJtl. a4e. 48,?,, 441. :E79, E()5. 168, L 44. Le,g, 3Qe,. 398. aga. 94e. 77 t. 595. 3iJ1.,.:r=l T L:LUt I 48. r 41. I 66. 319.t+99. ae,Ft/ !JE. 6eEctrJJi FITI 558 661 437 198slg 0e3 OCr l c,66 Eg9 089 655 a7t 388 7AA L15g E C)f-) 697 49t:t 10E1 ae7 886 r-t44 790 141 03(:t 5eE EE4 4t:r7 856 784 9r+9 '7 t-, t 194 aEa 9QB E3€, 7|oe Ee9 t7a 783 436 6BE 793 9Eg 4EB 819 7(:,3 889 900 47t-l 648 ()43 831 161 BJ ga77 74L t 1151 3537 lE67 4318 43BE E}378 E9E6 4374 5910 3119 8439 9306 3363 Cr47A 3959 7335 9A7p Ee9r-) 3e'(18 7856 8()85 34AA 6e6E E9E6 4930 4A6A 3E60 5086 6338 7636 e,48e1 3E,16 EE53 EE6 1 8478 3494 8050 Erl33 311P 7BI7E, E6E6 E?5Q 5()75 Ctt+87 74aE r1413 057F, BEET 59EB 3998 9858 70e9 3()66 a7e 3A9 Ie73 E(+7 L:j66 III. C. 2C Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-f034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. I Page 61 of 65 Kohfuneier 6t14.369 3gc).7 L7 853,67E 175. IEc, 139, E34 I44.9tCt t86.473 34C,.373 43E" 578 876,4e9 9gB,35E 37A.173 ?clE '77trgUUr a rU Ege. 51 B E8E. EE,4 173. A67 Exhibit No. 39 case No. lN]1G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 77 of 81 63 57 5B 5g 6Cr 61 6e 64 6g 66 67 66 6e 7Ct 7L 7e 18. 4. -EE,-89. -EO.-o,-7. -37. 81, -85. -4e._-, -1. -81 . -e7. 45E5 L7A4 834 1 1 161 e943 6e(]3 8E79 I lEO 1901 57 L4 78,17 e195 0183 4313 9943 4$44 acr7. 3AE. EEl, 1 88, 1 54. I 55. 1 86, 344. 458. 865. 948, 598. 389. Eg3. e79. I 95. EEf.t BlE 639 771 s34 617 936 549 435 346 809 .537 677 188 378 439 517. 374. e59, 9CI5. 161 . l gc). I 75, e94. 405, 633. 7e4, 674. 5(lB. 348. E59, E(r3. 377 483 373 (153 51i= 4AA 713 783 7Ag 988 385 988 314 477 3()4 434 7. -t ? - 15. - 1rl. -0. -4. -19. 1Ct. -t: -Ee. -Ct'.= -11. 851 1 9(r54 CI338 591E 3t)0Cl 7$AB 463P 8159 463E 8gE8 4444 394C,g9gE E7A4 aa77 5919 III. C. 2C MTB } ROt^, PRINT CE6-CE9 RESIDE F ITg InEermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. I Page 62 of 65 Kohlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 78 of 81 1 e ts 4 EtJ 6 7I 2 10 11 1E 13 L4 15 1E L7 IB 19 e0 g1 EE E3 e4 E5 E6 P7 EB e9 3c, 31 3E ?: 34 35 3A 37 3g 3g 4Cl 4L 4E 43 44 43 4F:, 47 4A 49 505t 5E e-LJ -7 34 EE!, L, rJr 17. 7. 6. -87. - 13.-4.-8. -E0" -e7.39. E. 16. 5 c, -?t 19. 59. P7. 6. -o.6. tsIr(t' 40. 34. 17. EB. - 16, -89.4. -8. EE. -:E4. -6. 13. 14, -44. -91.I0. -e1, 7. -11.gg. B. -34. -l 1. o. -9..:1.3 -9.18. 6467 a7e') 1 19c1 6Ctg6, 93e8 1 885 8663 74F,4 1EE7 6619 gE4E EE9g BgEl 59C,1 6e79 5946 9033 74t:t(, 7:J7A ETAE 9098 aTat49t4 (,334 BB75 7A4A 9648 164U. 9848 8344 E95Ct 7A7e E41r1 1398 rl9(14 3E'L)4 r1366 7943 741')a 1087 ::lr'! > 94eA 9gJ3 ae77 67Cte 9tv9E 8(]94 85r)6 8971 57eA 93Eg 836 1 9494(lEg5 8355 LA4. 134. 1sE. 3C,8. 349. 7E7, 8A6. 6C,9. 6EE, 469. 934, 8C,9. 158. I 49. 16e. 3C,5. E 16. 737. 474, 8C,4. 64Ct. 481..E65. ECt8. 16E, 134. 774, 3EE. 516, 739. 837. 769, 571. 4e9. ElrB. E 19. ta4. 1 48. 1.79. 31 0. 443. 661 .ge6, 692. EE'gJJ I r 401. 863, E 15. 1 48, I 43. t 7l. E1E. 444. 4e,7. 76|D. 36rl 40e 758 551 0gE 391 563 EE9 893 571 t)6zr 193 444 536 394 644 r)9e 737 099 486 i!,47 8e9 589 486 EA7 815 417 494 ElE e93 583 463 E4E C,05 393 66e BEr+ 86(1 E4C, gB(:t 47'e 876 41? 494 4E1 385 864 747 83E 077 077 E5B 0Fjg 934 854 ADJE (:t. 341 3.844 4.868 -0.4538S.171 E6.grlE -9'e. 7 t7 -63,951 -54. 001 -14. Eg(r 1, 651 zr. 565 E. Btrtl -r_r. zr43 -18.994 51. 845 Lt, 438 -56.5(-,937.9t7 39.44e -ECt.7EE36.535 e4.831 1rJ. ?38 -8,50e-0.966'-4. f:,t4 e3. 188 35. BEg 16. ErlE -EA.77A -186.581 -109.410tE. aF"7 31 , 186 -4. Ba7 7, J93 1. lrf-r6 -Lt).494-4. L39 -47, 4417 'i? ria-,us. du a 1 16. L?JG 7e.-?48 3r+.38G -?.43Cr :E9.7t-t7 1(].555 -0,7EE - L.7 74 -z+. 384 86. EB{)51.538 84. 1 15 D4.746 NORN 170, o(JG 77e. e7A 198. 871 315.15E EE1.1EE 744.4(ra B8E.896 B(ttl. 49* 6Q3.871 441". gt:tB E7E. B8B 165.883 159.373 165.185 185.08E 31 1.. E3E 484.599 737.497 933.847 83E.456 647. t5E 481.15E E7E, (:tEC) E05.454 L7 L.344 155.579 El 3. 381 357,058 F34. LE7 767. tE7 841. 'e6B 739,477 576. (t86 4ea. a6& e7ct.473 188,538 148.918 736.68tt 134, EBCI E6A.977 4:e4. t4l 67'A. AL8g(l4,4EE 7t.t7,3EE 539.751 43C,.334 :E7:E,774 180.896 1.r+7. 134 144, e'5e t78..)71) E8g.4ES 47 L. Qi27 659. ?1 1 773. A9r) III. C. 2C Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 63 of 65 Kohlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 79 of 81 a7 18. -87. -1,5.-4. 10. -1 -3e. 4(). -36. -:3l:l 15. {1 Er. -84. - r.5. 3036 73C,Ct 4679 5,'3,49 9943 o86E 3F"47 g961 6533 4A4E e673 164:J 8A09 1C,1 7 68EO 81 E9 g 14. 388. e61. 181. 146, I 39, L73. 89C,. a86. 644. 740.'e,5E. 504. 348. E61 , 191. 7ea 388 4r-rB 46t FJ 1E 78(, ESC, 568 383 a7e, 930 6Qtt 415 Et)7 998 844 88. 6. - 1,6. -6. E 11, 4.9. 46. 831 . I Be. - l?r. -118,-83. eo, -t7. 643 389 737 g4E 974 131 eE3 805 649 563 484 zr31 637 399 e7E 877 533. 379..:,=t 179. 141. t4g. L67. 837. 486. 6CtB, 711, 867. 507. EsE. i137. 778. tlEB 658 s41 937 ElB 866 885 E7e 976 41e 653 788 E96 Cr{)B 310 031 5A 5? 50 61 6e 63 64 65 66 68 69 7A 7L 7P, E7 III. C. 2C Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. 1 Page 64 of 65 Kohl-neler r\ c) Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 80 of 81 [3z LLJctrF ctro- IFL'o rft r.crEIEI .J- mlrf CIEI aIJJFL)HCILLlctro- a J F-c-) -{I cJ1(.9, lf,CA F SE - (\lco l\ actlfr a -El.rl F o€e, e,Trn CtttlF(JHat!ctrn- tttI J F CJ I et€loaooG'€€re,.,(n€r\tD -a etc,r{ rrr. c. 2c e,tr€'€rcrc,t4,tftT(7lrud Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. I Page 65 of 65 KohLneler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 81 of81 Fz,o - q?{tr F Cv(D t\ ?l€r\ ctrCL IF-L'CI t.c,(c'aCI tosEIEI CILttFL'HetIUctrELa J FL) i.'l Ia CE' c,(D r\etooCI a:-Et! E IJ.JFJL) =OFl!C-, ctr till oooe.a