HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160812Blattner Exhibit 24.pdfRonald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR ) THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS ) IN THE STA TE OF IDAHO ) ________________ ) EXHIBIT 24 r l:C -0 J • (1) -_., 0 -..., C) """n n ~ (1) z ~ tT1 z& -l 5' 6 ;:;: ,z a:: ~ ON N-"" Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Residential Service Rate Schedule RS /Xl /Al A. Proforma Normalized Calendar Month Revenues at Current Rates Company Total Distribution Base Revenues Distribution Revenues: Customer Charge $14,184,240 Revenues: Volumetric Charge $39,048,014 Revenues: Demand Charge Company Total Base Revenues $53,232,253 B. Billing Determinants Customer Bill Count Customers -Summer 2,469,370 Customers -Winter 1,232,433 Customers -Total 3,701 ,803 Energy Consumption (Therms) Summer Distribution Quantity -Summer 75,158,465 Distribution Quantity Block 1 -Summer Distribution Quantity Block 2 -Summer Distribution Quantity Block 3 -Summer Distribution Quantity Block 4 -Summer Distribution Quantity -Firm -Summer Distribution Quantity -Interruptible -Summer TOTAL Summer Distribution Consumetion (Therms) _ 75,158,465 Winter Distribution Quantity -Winter 137,628,595 Distribution Quantity Block 1 -Winter Distribution Quantity Block 2 -Winter Distribution Quantity Block 3 -Winter Distribution Quantity Block 4 -Winter Distribution Quantity -Firm -Winter Distribution Quantity -Interruptible -Winter TOTAL Winter Distribution Consumption (Therms) 137,628,595 Demand (Therms I day contract Demand) Billing Demand Rate Blocks: Upper Limit (Therms per Month) Block 1 -Summer Block 2 -Summer Block 3 -Summer Block 4 -Summer Block 1 -Winter Block 2 -Winter Block 3 -Winter Block 4 -Winter lntermountain Gas Company Rate Design Analysis and Calculations General Service I Large Volume Transport Service Transport (Interruptible) Service (Firm) Rate Schedule I Rate Schedule Rate Schedule Rate Schedule GS-1 LV-1 T-3 T-4 /Bl I /Cl /Dl I /El I I I $1,738,418 $0 $01 $0 $17,792,045 $403.987 $727,6731 $8.731 ,332 $727,6731 $451 ,781 $19,530,463 $403,987 $9,183,113 I 256,991 1 I 128,888! 385,879: I I I I I 13,965,447 1 3,962,764 5,210,862 65,858,113 11.912,029 I 0 2,000,000 I 54,169,505 8,083,256 1 0 11.946,368 I 33,682,695 10,383,817 2,898,285 40,020,732 3,962,764 25,157,230 166,992,415 17,087,083 i 2,354,796 2,402,389 39,790,793 33,412,251 ! 0 1,000,000 34,747,263 17,452,598 0 11,349,668 36,388,303 5,271 ,535 1,222,523 67,951,932 2,354,796 14,752,057 117,420,417 432,960 18,236,364 200 250,000 100,000 250,000 2,000 750,000 150,000 · 750,000 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 200 250,000 100,000 250,000 2,000 750,000 150,000 750,000 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 Company Total Explanation (Fl CG) $15.922,658 Company Records $66,703,050 Company Records $451,781 Company Records $83,077,489 r Line 4 to Line 6 2,726,361 1,361,321 4,087,682 Company Records 75,158,465 Company Records 88,997,186 Company Records 74,141,534 Company Records 59,712,319 Company Records 0 Company Records 10,383,817 Company Records 2,898,285 Company Records 311,291 ,606 Company Records 137,628,595 Company Records 61,635,061 Company Records 69,159,514 Company Records 65,190,569 Company Records 0 5,271 ,535 Company Records 1,222,523 Company Records 340,107,797 Company Records 18,669,324 Company Records r-­ t:c ~ '"O §' . ~ N ·'"' 0 -...., C) .j::. (') (') el ~ z ? trJ z~ ..., cr' 6 ;::;.· !.. z 0\ ? ON N .j::. Line 43 C. CLASS REVENUE TARGETS 44 Cost Study Results 45 Total Delivery Service Costs 46 Total Customer-related Costs 47 Total Capacity-related Costs 48 Total Commodity-related Costs (X) 49 Rate Schedule Revenue Requirement at Equal ROR 50 Distribution Service Unit Costs lntermountain Gas Company Rate Design Analysis and Calculations Residential Service General Service Large Volume Rate Schedule I Rate Schedule RS GS-1 (A) I (B) f I $60,987,556 $23,997,2241 Rate Schedule LV-1 (C) $262,137 Transport Service (Interruptible) Rate Schedule T-3 (D) ! $199,632: Transport Service (Firm) Rate Schedule T-4 (E) $7,796,639 Com___ll<ll1Y_Total EJ<Qianation (F) (G) Functional Revenue requirement at equal ROR Functional Revenue requirement at equal ROR Functional Revenue requirement at equal ROR -$9-3-,2-4-3-,1-8-,7ILines 46 to 48 $0.0212 $0.00 51 iapacity ($/therm) $0.0576 $0.0592 52 Customer ($/month) $13.16 $45.62 53 Commodity /$/therm) -···· ---·-··-···. ·---- 54 Delivery Revenue Requirement 55 Total Revenue Requirement 56 % Increase /Revenue Reauirement -Normalized revenues) 57 Development of Class Revenue Target 58 Proforma Total Revenues (Base Revenues at Current Rates) 59 Base Proforma Revenues 60 Allocated Revenue Targets at Proposed ROR 61 Capacity-related Revenue Requirement at Proposed ROR 62 Customer-related Revenue Requirement at Proposed ROR 63 Commodity-related Revenue Requirement at Proposed ROR 64 Total Revenue Reauirement at Eaual ROR 65 FINAL BASE REVENUE TARGET 66 D. RATE DESIGN 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Current Customer charge -Summer Current Customer charge -Winter Unit Customer Cost Proposed Customer Charge Proposed Customer charge as a % of unit costs Customer Charge Revenue, Proposed Customer Charge Customer Revenues Demand-Related Charges Current Demand Charge Demand-Related Billing Units Billing Demand Contract Demand, Therms Proposed Demand-Related Charges Proposed Demand Charge Demand Revenues at Proposed Rates IA $60,987,556 14.57% $53,232,253 $12,258,605 $48,728,951 $60,987,556 $60,987,556 $2.50 $6.50 $13.61 $lfoo 73.5% $37,018,030 81 I __ Remaining Revenues ------------------------------------------------J___ $23,969,526 $23,997 ,2241 22.87%1 . i I $19,530,463! $6,394,0521 $17,603,1721 ! $23,997,224i $23,997,2241 $2.00! $9.501 $46.851 $as;ooJ 74.7%1 ! $13,505,7651 $262,137 -35.11% $403,987 $133,824 $128,312 $262,137 $262,137 58.76% $199,632 -72.57% $727,673 $77,3261 $122,306' $199,632! $199,6321 I I $7,796,639 -15.10% $9,183,113 $6,880,033 $916,605 $7,796,639 $7,796,639 93,243,187 12.24°/olline 55 / Line 7 -1 $83,077,489ILine 7 $25,743,841 Line 49 $67,499,346 Line 50 Line 51 -=-$9'"3=-,2""4""3=-, 1""8'"'7:--iline 61 + Line 62 $93,243,187 Line 64 Company tariffs Company tariffs ACOSS Company rate design decision Line 70 / Line 69 $50,523,795ILine 70 • Line 12 I $0 00 : $0 8425i Company Tanffs I 432,960 I 18,236,364 18,669,324 Company Records r;-$G.30jg f ~0,30000 Company deas,on , $129,888 $5,470,909 $5,600,797 Line 79 x Line 77 $10,491 ,459, $132,249 $199,632 $2,325,730 $37,118,595 Line 65-Line 73 -Line 80 ------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (") Pl "' (1) t""' ~ . . tTl ~z& Pl --3 -· g ' 8'. "? (1) 0 z w-...., .... 0 0 ...... °' . .....,C'JoN .i,. (") N .i,. Line Residential Service Rate Schedule lntermountain Gas Company Rate Design Analysis and Calculations Transport Service Transport General Service Large Volume (Interruptible) Service (Firm) Rate Schedule Rate Schedule Rate Schedule Rate Schedule RS I GS-1 LV-1 I T-3 T-4 I Company Total I Explanation 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Volumetric Revenue Target ________ iXL ____________________________ +-$23~~~9,526+---$15~d91,459t ··---~~~2.249+------i~~9,632i------$t~J25,7301·---$3n18,595f Line 81 ______________________ (G)___ __________________________ _ 49.5% Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Summer Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Winter Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Summer Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Winter Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Summer Block 1 Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Summer Block 2 Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Summer Block 3 Current Volumetric Charge (${Therm) -Winter Block 1 Current Volumetric Charge ($fTherm) -Winter Block 2 Current Volumetric Charge (${Therm) -Winter Block 3 Current Volumetric Charges (per Therm) Commodity Rate Current Volumetric Charges (per Therm) Overrun 95 Proposed Rate Blocks: Upper Limit (Therms per Month) 96 Annual 97 Distribution Quantity 98 Distribution Quantity Block 1 99 Distribution Quantity Block 2 100 Distribution Quantity Block 3 101 Distribution Quan ti Block 4 102 Proposed Volumetric Billing Units (Therms) 103 Annual 104 105 106 107 108 109 Distribution Quantity Distribution Quantity Block 1 Distribution Quantity Block 2 Distribution Quantity Block 3 Distribution Quantity Block 4 TOTAL AnnualDistribution Consumption (Therms) __ _ $0.31617 $0.20361 $0.19539 $0.16176, 212,787,060 $0.21690 $0.19517 $0.17415 $0.16605 $0.14485 $0.12439 i 200! 20001 -----············-~ 10000, ::,...,.,.... -· ... -.. '! 999999999! 31,052,5301 51,384,280[ l' ,21,640'.519[ ~M~~;!§l 212,787,060 107,972,6641 $0.06395 $0.02546 $0.00600 $0.06395 $0.02546 $0.006001 250000 750000 999999999 999999999 6,317,560 6,317,560 $0.05499 $0.02239 $0.00826 $0.05499 $0.02239 $0.00826 100000 150000 999999999 999999999 7,613,251 3,000,000 29,296,036 39,909,287 $0.05922 $0.02073 $0.00600 $0.05922 $0.02073 $0.00600 $0.00185 $0.04444 I ' I 250000! 750000 999999999 999999999 115,948,332 96,712,653 71,751 ,847 284,412,832 Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Company Tariffs Yellow: Company rate design decision All other: Company records 212. 181,060 l!2rOOJLE!;:~1£1llit~\!>~Rml!Jl~$lon.Jk @I f =-=•"-'"°''M>"~"•'--~"'mb<&""""'"'==111 160,931 ,673 All other: Company records 151,096,933 122,688,402 3,895,335 651,399,403IL Lines 65 to 69 r' o:i pi' "O g • (1) .I:> _.., 0 ..... ..., 0 .i:. n n el (1) z 0 . tTi z& ..., er 6 ;:;.· ..'.... z °' 0 I • ON N .I:> Line 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Residential Service Rate Schedule RS (X) (A) Proposed Volumetric Charges Revenues at Current rates $39,048,014 Volumetric revenue target $23,969,526 % change in Volumetric Rates -38.62% Proposed Volumetric Charges per therm Proposed Volumetric Charge $0.11265 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 1 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 2 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 3 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 4 Base Rates Revenue Proof Proposed Customer Charge Revenues Total Customer Charge Revenues $37.018,030 Proposed Demand-Related Revenues Total Demand Charge Revenues Proposed Volumetric Revenues Proposed Volumetric Charge $23,970,462 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 1 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 2 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 3 Proposed Volumetric Charge Block 4 Total Volumetric Revenues $23,970,462 Total Proposed Revenues $60,988,492 $937 lntermountain Gas Company Rate Design Analysis and Calculations I Transport ' Service Transport General Service! Large Volume (Interruptible) Service (Firm) ' ! Rate Schedule i Rate Schedule Rate Schedule Rate Schedule GS-1 ! LV-1 T-3 T-4 (B) I (C) (D) (E) ! $17,792,045j $403,987 $727,673 $8,731,332 $10,491,459! $132,249 $199,632 $2,325,730 -41 .03'1 -67.26% -72.57% -73.36% I $0.1 10761 $0.02093 $0.01509 $0.01473 $0.096621 $0.00833 $0.00614 $0.00520 . -.-19;8~-~2,~i $0.00196 $0.00227 $0.00160 $0.07500} I $13,505,765! I $129,888 $5,470,909 I $3,439,378 i $132,227 $114,884 $1,707,919 $4,964,7491 $0 $18,420 $503,115 $1,795,5141 $0 $66,502 $114,803 $292, 1501 $0 $0 $0 $10,491,7911 $132,227 $199,806 $2,325,837 $23,997,5561 $262,115 $199,806 $7,796.746 $3321 -$22 $174 $107 Company Total Exolanation (F) (G) $66,703,050 Line 5 $37,118,595 Line 82 Line 112 / Line 111 Line 82 / Line 109 Comoanv rate desion decision $50,523,795 Line 70 x Line 12 $5,600,797 Line 79 x Line 33 $23,970,462 Line 115 x Line 104 $5,394,408 Line 116 x Line 105 $5,486,284 Line 117 x Line 106 $1,976,819 Line 118 x Line 107 $292,150 Line 119 x Line 108 $37,120,123 r Lines 126 to 130 $93,244,715 r Lines 122, 124, 131 $1 528