HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160812Blattner Exhibit 20.pdfRonald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA TJON OF ) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR ) THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS ) IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ________________ ) EXHIBIT 20 n ~ (1) t""' &'. • • tT1 ~z& Pl ..., -· :;I: I :!. "'O ::i Cl -• !)l I z ;;;~~? -+>CloN Vl (') N 0 Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Description (A) Rate Base Net Plant in Service $ Accumulated Reserve Other Rate Base Items I olal Rafe Base $ Revenues at Current Rates Rate Schedule Revenues $ Other Gas Revenues I olal Revenues $ Expenses at Current Rates Cost of Gas $ Operations & Maintenance Expenses Depreciation Expense Taxes Other Than Income Taxes I otal Operal1ng Expenses -Current $ Interest Charges $ Taxable Income Income Taxes $ I ofal Expenses -Current $ Current Operating Income $ I otal Cost of Service $ Return at Current Rates Revenue Cost Ratio CLASS COST OF SERVICE STUDY December 31, 2016 Current Return System Total Residential Service General Service (B) (C) (D) 596,065,557 $ 396,955,080 $ 136,097,336 $ (308,450,847) (205,495,580) (70,418,739) (50,688,216) (34, 7 41,228! (11 ,324,031 ! 236,926 494 $ 156 718 272 $ 54 354 566 $ 251,900,147 $ 164,429,181 $ 74,843,065 $ 2 900 363 2,048 327 650,808 254,800,510 $ 166,477,508 $ 75,493,873 $ 168,822,659 $ 111,196,930 $ 55,312,600 $ 45,185,020 29,218,719 12,865,252 21,707,112 14,500,968 4,951 ,460 4 840 813 3,162,375 1,233,481 240,555,605 $ 158,078,992 $ 74,362,793 $ 5,852,084 $ 3,870,941 $ 1,342,558 $ 8,392,821 4,527,575 (211 ,478) 2,750,218 $ 1,483,627 $ (69,299) $ 243,305,823 $ 159,562,619 $ 74,293,494 $ 11,494,687 $ 6,914,889 $ 1,200,378 $ 254,800,510 $ 166,477,508 $ 75,493,873 $ 4.85% 4.41% 2.21% 1.05 1.04 1.02 Transport Service Transport Service Transportation Larae Volume jlnterruetible) jFinn) Sub-Total (E) (F) (G) (J) 1,494,898 $ 649,483 $ 60,868,760 $ 63,013,141 (772,482) (336,609) (31,427,438) (32,536,529) (113,019) (52,325) (4,457,612) (4,622,957) 609 397 $ 260 549 $ 24,983 710 $ 25,853,656 3,127,950 $ 714,239 $ 8,785,712 $ 12,627,901 5,720 195,508 201,229 3,133,670 $ 714,239 $ 8,981 ,220 $ 12,829,130 2,723,963 $ (13,435) $ (397,399) $ 2,313,129 137,688 139,246 2,824,115 3,101,049 53,825 23,941 2,176,918 2,254,684 13,639 9,600 421,718 444 957 2,929,115 $ 159,353 $ 5,025,352 $ 8,113,820 15,052 $ 6,436 $ 617,098 $ 638,585 189,503 548,451 3,338,770 4,076,724 62,098 $ 179,720 $ 1,094,072 $ 1,335,889 2,991,213 $ 339,073 $ 6,119,424 $ 9,449,709 142,457 $ 375,166 $ 2,861 ,796 $ 3,379,420 3,133,670 $ 714,239 $ 8,981 ,220 $ 12,829,130 23.38% 143.99% 11.45% 13.07% 1.05 2.11 1.47 r to 6i" "O g • G N •.., 0 -..., C) '-" n n $:I) V, G z 0 . tTi z& --i er 6 ::..· .!.. z °' 0 b~ N 0 Line No. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Description (A) Revenue Requirement at Equal Rates of Return Required Return Required Operating Income _! Operating Income (Deficiency)/Surplus $ Expenses at Equal Return Cost of Gas $ Operations & Maintenance Expenses Depreciation Expense Taxes Other than Income Total Expense -Required $ Income Taxes $ Total Revenue Requirement at Equal Return $ Revenue (Deficiency)/Surplus ~ Unit Cost (Revenue Req. per therm) $ Revenue Requirement at Proposed Rates Proposed Revenue Increase $ Rate Schedule Revenue as Proposed Other Revenue Total Revenue as Proposed $ Percent Revenue Change Expenses (excl. Income Taxes) Taxable Income Income Taxes Operating Income as Proposed $ Return at Proposed Rates Percent of Parity CLASS COST OF SERVICE STUDY December 31, 2016 Equal and Proposed Return System Total (B) 7.42% 17,579,946 $ (6,085,259) $ 168,822,659 $ 45,240,637 21,707,112 4,840,813 240,611,222 $ 6,775,042 $ 264,966,210 $ (10,165,700) _! 0.4068 $ 10,165,700 $ 262,065,847 2,900,363 264,966,210 $ 3.99% 240,611,222 18,502,903 6,775,042 17,579,946 $ 7.42% 100% Residential Service (C) 7.42% 11,628,496 $ (4,713,607) $ 111,196,930 $ 29,262,600 14,500,968 3,162,375 158,122,873 $ 4,481,444 $ 174,232,813 $ (7,755,305) $ 0.8188 $ 7,755,305 $ 172,184,486 2,048,327 174,232,813 $ 4.66% 158,122,873 12,238,999 4,481,444 11,628,496 $ 7.42% 100% General Service (D) 7.42% 4,033,109 $ (2,832,731) $ 55,312,600 $ 12,875,683 4,951,460 1,233,481 74,373,225 $ 1,554,298 $ 79,960,632 $ (4,466,759) $ 0.7406 $ 4,466,759 $ 79,309,824 650,808 79,960,632 $ 5.92% 74,373,225 4,244,849 1,554,298 4,033,109 $ 7.42% 100% Lar.9.e Volume (E) 7.42% 45,217 $ 97,240 $ 2,723,963 $ 137,750 53,825 13,639 2,929,177 $ 17,426 $ 2,991,820 $ 141 850 $ 0.4736 $ (141,850) $ 2,986.100 5,720 2,991,820 $ -4.53% 2,929,177 47,591 17,426 45,217 $ 7.42% 100% Transport Service (Interruptible) Transport Service (Firrn) Transportation Sub-Total (F) 7.42% 19,333 $ 355,834 $ (13,435) $ 139,307 23,941 9,600 159,414 $ 7,451 $ 186,197 $ 528,042 $ 0.0047 $ (528,042) $ 186,197 186,197 $ -73.93% 159,414 20,348 7,451 19,333 $ 7.42% 100% (G) (J) 7.42% 7.42% 1,853,791 $ 1,918,341 1,008,005 $ 1,461 079 (397,399) $ 2,313,129 2,825,297 3,102,354 2,176,918 2,254,684 421,718 444 957 5,026,534 $ 8 115 125 714,423 $ 739,299 7 594 748 $ 10 772 765 1 386 472 $ 2 056 364 0.0267 $ 0.0332 (1,386,472) $ (2,056,364) 7,399,240 10,571,537 195 508 201 229 7,594 748 $ 10 772,765 -15.44% 5,026,534 1,951,116 714,423 1,853,791 7.42% 100% $ -16.03% 8,115,125 739,299 1,918,341 7.42% 100% r-' t:c 6i'" "O g • (1) w _., 0 ..... ...., C) Vl (") (") Pl "' (1) z 0 • tT1 z& -l er I -· C) -,z -o 'r' . 0 N NO Storage Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Transmission Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Distribution Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Gas Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Revenues Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total TOTAL Capacity Customer Commodity Description (A) TOTAL RATE BASE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CLASS COST OF SERVICE STUDY December 31, 2016 Functional Rate Base Sy_stem Total (B) 15,343,209 $ $ $ 15,343,209 $ 33,746,335 $ $ $ 33, 746,335 $ 44,268,967 $ 143,567,982 $ $ 187,836,950 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 93,358,512 $ 143,567,982 $ $ 236,928,494 $ Residential Service (C) 7,616,548 $ $ $ 7,616,548 $ 16,752,075 $ $ $ 16,752,075 $ 21,628,642 $ 110,721,007 $ ! 132,349,649 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 45,997,265 $ 110,721,007 $ $ 158,718,272 $ General Service (D) 3,783,667 $ $ $ 3,783,667 $ 8,321,916 $ $ $ 8,321,916 $ 10,751,558 $ 31 ,497,425 $ ! 42,248,983 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 22,857,141 $ 31 ,497,425 $ $ 54,354,588 $ Lar.11.e Volume Transport Service (Interruptible) Transport Service (Firm) (E) 74,090 $ $ $ 74,090 $ 162,956 $ $ $ 162,956 $ 223,722 $ 148,630 $ $ 372,351 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 460,767 $ 148,630 $ $ 809,397 $ (F) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,237 $ 135,312 $ $ 260,549 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,237 $ 135,312 $ $ 260,549 $ (G) 3,868,904 $ $ $ 3,868,904 $ 8,509,389 $ $ $ 8,509,389 $ 11,539,808 $ 1,065,608 $ $ 12,605,417 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23,918,101 $ 1,065,608 $ ! $ 24,983,710 $ Transportation Sub-Total (J) 3,942,994 3,942,994 8,672,345 8,672,345 11,888,767 1,349,550 13,238,317 24,504,106 1,349,550 25,853,656 25,853,858 r-' tx:J pi" -0 §' . ~ ~ _.., 0 -..., a u, () () el ~ z 0 . tTl z& ..., er 6 ;:;: .!-z °' 0 I • 0 N N 0 Storage Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Transmission Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Distribution Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total Gas Capacity Customer Commodity Sub-total Revenues Capacity Customer Commodit Sub-total TOTAL Capacity Customer Commodity Description (A) Total Revenue Requirement $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CLASS COST OF SERVICE STUDY December 31, 2016 Functional Revenue Requirement -Equal Rates of Return System Total (B) 4,709,878 $ $ $ 4,709,878 $ 7,789,850 $ $ $ 7,789,850 $ 14,004,682 $ 69,639,140 $ $ 83,643,823 $ $ $ 168,822,659 $ 168,822, 659 $ $ $ $ $ 26,504,410 $ 69,639,140 $ 168,822,659 $ 264,966,210 $ Residential Service (C) 2,338,038 $ $ $ 2,338,038 $ 3,866,972 $ $ $ 3,866,972 $ 6,465,312 $ 50,365,560 $ 1 56,830,872 $ $ $ 111,196,930 $ 111,196,930 $ $ $ $ $ 12,670,322 $ 50,365,560 $ 111,196,930 $ 174,232,813 $ General Service (D) 1,161,466 $ $ $ 1,161,466 $ 1,920,993 $ $ $ 1,920,993 $ 3,485,001 $ 18,080,572 $ $ 21,565,573 $ $ $ 55,312,600 $ 55,312,600 $ $ $ $ $ 6,567,460 $ 18,080,572 $ 55,312,600 $ 79,960,632 $ Large Volume Transport Service (Interruptible) Transport Service (Firm) Transportation Sub-Total (E) 22,743 $ $ $ 22,743 $ 37,616 $ $ $ 37,616 $ 76,386 $ 131,112 $ $ 207,498 $ $ $ 2,723,963 $ 2,723,963 $ $ $ $ $ 136,745 $ 131,112 $ 2,723,963 $ 2,991,820 $ (F) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 77,326 $ 122,306 $ $ 199,632 $ $ $ (13,435) $ (13,435) $ $ $ $ $ 77,326 $ 122,306 $ (13,435) $ 186,197 $ (G) 1,187,631 $ $ $ 1,187,631 $ 1,964,268 $ $ $ 1,964,268 $ 3,900,658 $ 939,590 $ $ 4,840,248 $ $ $ (J) 1,210,374 1,210,374 2,001,884 2,001,884 4,054,370 1,193,009 5,247,378 (397,399) $ 2 313 129 (397,399) $ 2,313,129 $ $ $ $ 7,052,557 $ 7,266,628 939,590 $ 1,193,009 (397,399) $ 2 313 129 $ 10,772,765 7,594,748 $ 10,772,765 t""' o::i iii" "O s • (1) u, ..... 0 -..., C') u, (") (") ~ (1) z 0 • tTl z~ -l & 6 ;::;.· !.. z °' 0 I ' ON N 0 Storage Capacity ($/therm) Customer ($/month) Commodity ($/therm) Transmission Capacity ($/therm} Customer ($/month} Commodity ($/therm) Distribution Capacity ($/therm) Customer ($/month) Commodity ($/therm) Gas Capacity ($/therm} Customer ($/month) Commodity ($/therm) Revenues Capacity ($/therm) Customer ($/month) Commodity ($/therm) Sub-total TOTAL Capacity ($/therm) Customer ($/month) Commodity ($/therm} Total ($/therm) Therms No. of Customers Therms (A) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CLASS COST OF SERVICE STUDY December 31, 2016 System Total (B) 0.0072 $ $ $ 0.0120 $ $ $ 0.0215 $ 17.0302 $ $ $ $ 0.2592 $ $ $ $ 0.0407 $ 17.0302 $ 0.2592 $ 0.4068 $ 651,399,403 4,089,148 651,399,403 Unit Cost Residential Service (C) 0.0110 $ $ $ 0.0182 $ $ $ 0.0304 $ 13.6057 $ 1 $ $ 0.5226 $ $ $ $ 0.0595 $ 13.6057 $ 0.5226 $ 0.8188 $ 212,787,060 3,701,803 212,787,060 General Service (D) 0.0108 $ $ $ 0.0178 $ $ $ 0.0323 $ 46.8532 $ 1 $ $ 0.5123 $ $ $ $ 0.0608 $ 46.8532 $ 0.5123 $ 0.7406 $ 107,972,664 385,898 107,972,664 Large Volume Transport Service (Interruptible) Transport Service (Firm) (E) 0.0036 $ $ $ 0.0060 $ $ $ 0.0121 $ 604.2039 $ 1 (F) $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.0019 $ 1,698.6974 $ ! (G) 0.0042 $ $ $ 0.0069 $ $ $ 0.0137 $ 811.3904 $ $ $ $ Transportation Sub-Total (J) 0.0037 0.0062 0.0125 824.4703 $ $ 0.4312 $ $ $ (0.0003) $ (0 0014) $ 0.0071 $ $ $ 0.0216 $ 604.2039 $ 0.4312 $ 0.4736 $ 6,317,560 217 6,317,560 $ $ $ 0.0019 $ 1,698.6974 $ (0.0003) $ 0.0047 $ 39,909,287 72 39,909,287 $ $ $ 0.0248 $ 811.3904 $ (0.0014) $ 0.0267 $ 284,412,832 1,158 284,412,832 0.0224 824.4703 0.0071 0.0332 324~119 1,447 324~119