HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160127Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDTJM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROMr DATE: RE: JOHNATHAN FARLEY JANUARY 22,20t6 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF ERIC CONRAD ltne lloot On December27,7Al5, Eric Conrad filed a "formal" complaint (Attachment A) with the Commission against Intermountain Gas Company (lGC). Mr. Conrad is unsatisfied with the outcome of the Staffs efforts to informally resolve his complaint (Rules 2l-24) and filed this "formal" complaint. While building a home near Idaho Falls, IGC required Mr. Conrad to purchase and install a meter protection structure at his own expense before the utility would provide gas service at his residence. He was frustrated by his inability to obtain information about the specific requiremcnts for meter protection including technical design specifications for meter protection structures. In his letter to the Commission, Mr. Conrad requests: a. Compensation of $220 for Gas Cover and $150 in Labor for installation + $1,010.82 in construction loan interest because work had to be pushed off inside the home because of no heat. b. Review by PUC into Intermountain Gas Practices of requiring roofs over gas meters in an inconsistent manner and with no public facing information for owners or builders to know what is acceptable. BACKGROUND During the month of November 2015, Mr. Conrad was in the process of building a new home. He had been in contact with IGC in order to establish service at the residence. Prior to his initial interaction with IGC, Mr. Conrad's contracted builder (J.8. Kay Construction) had installed gas lines in the home and predetermined a location for the gas meter to be installed. When Intermountain Gas came lo Mr. Conrad's residence to install a gas meter and connect service, the Company allegedly determined that the eaves on the residence were too DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 22,2016 niurow to protect the gas meter and that additional protection would be required prior to the installation of the meter. Mr. Conrad then built a freestanding wooden structure that would cover the meter when installed. Intermountain Gas allegedly determined that the wooden structure was inadequate because it was not permanently affixed to the residence and was not approved to meet snow load for the area by an engineer. When Mr. Conrad contacted Intermountain Gas for technical specifications for building snow covers, the Company provided the customer with photographs of protective measures (Attachment B) and a copy of a form letter dated April 19, 2012, that apparently had been sent to builders, dealers and architects. The letter addressed the importance of safe meter locations and the need for an engineered structue if a safe meter location could not be identified. None of the materials provided by IGC had any technical specifications pertaining to what constitutes an adequate structure for protecting a gas meter. OnNovember 13,2015, Mr. Conrad contacted the Staffand made an informal complaint. When contacted by Staffl Intermountain Gas maintained that Mr. Conrad's residence needed additional protection for the meter due to the tocation of the meter and the naffow eaves on the home. Mr. Conrad indicated to Staff that he had driven around Rexburg and noted that a number of homes that had been built in 2015 did not have meter protection structures in place. Intermountain Gas was unable to provide Staffwith the specific criteria or standards used to determine if additional meter protection is needed or any technical specifications for meter protection structures. Intermountain Gas did provide the following: (l) excerpts from Title 49, Part 192, Subpart H of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, (2) an excerpt from Sections 409 &.410 of the 2012 Intemational Fuel Gas Code; (3) an excerpt from Intermountain Gas' procedures for Siting Service Lines and Meter Sers; and (4) photographic examples of constructed and prefabricated meter protection structuresl. Staffforwarded documents l, 2, & 3 above (Attachment C) to Mr. Conrad. Mr. Conrad subsequently installed a meter protection structure that satisfied the Company's expectations. I Staff notes that the CFR excerpt provided to staff is dated December 2008. The Commissions Safety and Accidental Reporting Rules adopt by reference the 201 I edition of 49 CFR Pan 192. See Safety Rule 20 l, IDAPA 31.il.01.201. DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 22,2016 STAFF QUESTTONS & CONCERNS l. It appears the Company does not have any publications or other readily-available written material or detailed specifications regarding what constitutes an acceptable meter protection structure in areas where heavy or deep snow conditions exist. If such materials do exist, please provide copies. 2, It does not appear that builders, conEactors or others engaged in construction activities are knowledgeable about Intermountain Gas Company's meter protection requirements. If such information is provided, please provide copies, identiffing when, how and to whom the information is provided. 3. What training is provided to Company employees to assure uniform and consistent application of the Company's meter protection requirements? 4. Staffnotes that IGC Procedures, Section C.6.f, states that "lGC will provide protection for meter sets when required." See Attachment C3, p.4. To whom and in what circumstances does this provision apply? 5. The Commission's Safety and Accident Reporting Rules (IDAPA 3l.l l.0l) adopt by reference several national safety codes applicable to natural gas utilities and federal safety regulations applicable to natural gas and pipeline utilities. Staff is coneemed that the adopted current editions of these codes and regulations are not made available to the Company's employees, customers and other interested parties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stallrecommends the Commission issue a summons to Intermountain Gas Company and direct the Company to file a response to the Complaint and address Staffs questions below. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Mr. Conrad's formal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a summons? Udmemos/Conrad Complaint dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 22,2416 o December 21*,2015 Eric W. Conrad 2277 Hendricks Circle Rexburg, lD 83440 248-207-6692 e ricwco nrad@ email.com iiICEltii: D ?015 0EC 28 llFI g: lr I IDAHO i..ilIILiC uTtLrTrEs coHiltsst0N Public Utility Commission Secretary Jean Jewell 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 8372A Bolse,lD 83720-A074 Dear PUC: Having held senior management positions at AT&T, U S WES[, AIMCO and CB Richard Ellis ! know that working through the PUC is sometimes the only way to get the attention of large monopolistic companies. Per Rule 54 I am making a complaint on behalf of myself {Owner of new property at 2277 Hendricks Circle) and allother new home owners in the counties of Freemont, Madison, Bonneville, Bingham and Caribou counties who have been required to lnstall snow covers for gas meters. 01) Respondent a. lntermountain Gas Company 02) Statethe Facts a. lntermountain Gas Company is requiring covers for gas meters inconsistently across their coverage area.b. No public facing information forowners or builders is available to understand what is required to meet their requirements and to estimate the costs of such a requirement. 03) Applicable Provisions a. After multiple inquiries to lntermountain Gas for clarification on what would be an acceptable roof over the gas meter I contacted the PUC for help. An informal request was made to lntermountain Gas by Johnathan Farley for clarification. Johnathan was abte to obtain IGC Procedu res # 4O77 (Auached! and Part 192 Transportation of Natural and other gas by Pipeline (Attached). Both of these documents are internal documents to lntermountain Gas and are nowhere to be found in the public domain. b. Procedures #4017 states the following:i. "Protected by gutter or eave line if possible." ii. "On the gable end if possible" iii. "lGC will provide protection for meter sets when required." iv. "When heavy or deep snow conditions exist, a higher aspect meter set that exceeds the height of a standard installation should be a conslderation"c. Part 192 states the following:i. "Be rain and insect resistant" ii. "Be protected from damage caused by submergence in areas where flooding may occur" Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page I of33 a aii. "Each meter and each regulator must be installed so as to minimize anticipated stresses upon the connecting piping and the meter." 04) State the Relief Desired: a. Compensation of $220 for Gas Cover and S150 ln Labor for installation + $1,010.82 in constructlon loan interest because work had to be pushed off lnslde the home because of no heat. b. Review by PUC into lntermountain Gas Practices of requiring roofs overgas meters in an inconsistent manner and with no public facing information for owners or builders to know what is acceptable. 05) Process: I am willing to travel to Boise at my expense to testafy or wo* through the PUC in anyway the PUC deems necessary to fix this problem. As Ever, 8il il- Eric W. Conrad Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 2 of33 o PART 192 - TRANSPORTATION OF NATIJNAI. AND OTEER GAS BY PIPELIITTE: MIIYIMITM FEIIERAL SAIIETY STAI{DARINI Subpart E-Customer Meterc, Servlce Regulrtorr, rnd Servlse Llnec SI92.35I Scope. This subpart prescribcs mhimutr re- quiremeots for installing customer mcters, servicc rcgulators, scrvicc lines, service line yalvesr and servicc linc couections to mains. [Part 192 - Org., Aug, 19, 1970] $192353 Customer meters and regula- tors: Locrtlon, (a) Each meterand servicc rcgulator, whcther insidc oroutsido Eluflding, must be inshlld in a rcadily accessiblc location ed.b-EI,r-oS!teO&t&egrlosion:eglq$*i fuggg4including if insta[cd outside a builAin-g, vehicular damage that maybc an- ticipalcd. However, tho upsbeam regulator in a scrics may bc buried" (b) Each sEr-eicc re-gulator installed withq a building musibs locatcd as trearas practical to thepoiut ofservice linc en- tramc. (c) Each mctcr instalted within a build- ingmustbe located in aveotilabdplace urd not Icss tbatr 3 feet(914 millimctcrs) from any tourcc of ignition or my souroe of hcat which might damage the mctcr. (d) U/hcrc feasible, the upsbearn rcgula- toria aserlesmust be locstedoutside the buildin& unless it is locatcd in a scparate metering or rcgulating building. [Part 192 - Gg., Aug. 19, 1970, as anrended by Andt. IYZ-85,63 FR 37500, July 1 3, 1998; Amdt 192-93,68 FR 53895, S€pt. 15,2003] $192.355 Customer neterg rnd regulr- torc: Protectlon from druege. (a) Protection froin vacultm orback prcssurc. If tho customede equlpment might create either a nacuum or a back prcssuc, a dcvice must bc installcd to protcct the sys- tEm. (b) Scwlce regulator vents and rclief vents, Scrvice rcgulator vents and relief vcnts niust terminatc outdoors, and the out- door terminal must: (1)]B6ffiifiiIhil inseOt.lEiistanti (2) Bc located at aptaoe whera gas from -tho^vent can escape frcely'into the atnos- - phere and away fiom any opening into the buitding; and, (3)rB6re16cted from .fu meg-e.sg.u-!Eg !y .sg-b-mgrgence in areas wherc. fl ooditig -may ,rarCrctlirit (c) Pits aodvaults. Eaohpit orvault that housac a oustomcr metcr or rogulator at a place whcrc vchicirlar tsaffic is anticipated, mustbe able to support that traffic. [Part l92 - Org., Aug. 19, l97O as arnendcd byAmdt. lY2-58,53 FR l63t,Ia*21, re88I EI92,3SI Customer meterc end rcgulr- torr: Instdlrfion. (a) Each mcter rnd cach regulatgf.must bc-inst8lled so at to minirpizo antictpatd , stscsses uoon thc connectinc pioinc and the'i*FlStIf i'+ "'rra 4'-.-metrr.r' (b) When close all-thread nlpples are use4 the wall thicloess rcmaining afrcr tho tbrcads arc cut must mcst ths minimum wall thiclooss requircmcnts of this part. (c) Conneotions made of lcad or other easily damagcd uraterial may not be used in the inshllation of metcrs or rcgulators. Attachment A 581146 Decision Memorandum Page 3 of33 Rcvision lZ08 - Cunent rhru I 92-I0E d09.2 Meter valve. Every metcr shall be cquipped with a slrutoffvalve locatcd on ihe supply sidc of the rncter. 409.3 Shutoff valyes for multlple"house line systems. \Yherc a singlc mctcr is used to supply gas (o morc than one building or tenant, I scpsretc shutoffvalyc shall be providcd for cach building or tcnsnt. 409,3.1 Multiple tenant bulldings. In multiple tenant buildings, where a common plprag system is installcd to supply other than one- and lwo-femily dwellings, shutoff valves shall be provided for cach tenanl. Each tcnant shall havc access to thc stutoff vatve servlng th[t tenont's sPace. A0g,3,zlndivldual buildlngs, In a common system serv- ing more than onc building, shuloff valves shall be installed outdoors ot cach building. 409.33 ldentlticatlon olshutotTyalves. Each housc line shutoff valvc shall bc plainly marftcd rvith an identifica- tion lag attlchcd by tlre instaltcr so that lhcprpi,lg.syslcms supplicd by such valves arc rcrdily identilicd. 409.4 MP regulator valves. A lisred shutoff valve shall be installcd immcdiately ahead of each MP regulntor. 409.5 Appllance shutoff vatye. Ench appliance shall be pro- vided with a shutoff vslvc in rccordancc with Section 409.5. l, 409,5,2 ot 409 5,1, 409,5.1 Locatcd wlthln same roorn. Thc shutoff valve shall bc located in thc same Klom as lhe appliance.'Llrc shutoff valve shall be withiu 6 fect (1R29 mm) of thc appliancc, and shnll bc installed upstrcttm of thc union, connector or quick disconncct devicc it scrvcs. Such shu1. off valves shall bc providcd with access. Appllancc shttt- off valves localcd in 0rc fircbox ol a fircplace shall bc iastalled in accordancc with thc oppliauce manufacturcr's instructions. 409,5,2 Venteil decorutlve appllances and room Ieat- ers. Shutoffvqlvcs for vcnted decorative appliances, room hcaters and dccorativc applianccs for inshllation in vcotcd tirephces shqll be pcrmitted to bc instolled in an ureo remote from lhe spplionccs where sush valves are pro- vidcd wifi rcady accars. Such yalvcs shall bc pcrmancntly idcntilicd and shall scrvc no olher appliance."t\e piping from the shuroff valve !o wirhin 6 fecr (1829 mm) of the applionce shall be designcd, sized snd instolled in accor- dancc with Sections 401 through 408. 409J.3 Located at rnanlfotd. Wherc thc appliarce shut- off vrlvc is installed at a manifold. such shutoff valva shall be locatcd within 50 fcct (15 240 mm) of lhe oppliance scrvcd and ehall be readily occessible and permaoently identificd. 'lhe plptng from rhc manifotd to wirhin 6 fecr (1829 mm) of the appllonce shall be designed, sized and inslalled in accordonco with Sectioss 401 through 408. 409.6 Shutoff valve for lrborltories. Wherc provided with two or more fuel gas oullets, ioclding tabb-, hnch- and hood-mounted oullcts, cach laboralory space in cducational, rcseorch commcrcial and industrial occupancics shall bcpro. vidcd with a singlc dcdicated shutoff valvc through which all such gas outlets shall bc supplied. Thc dcdicated shutoff valve shall be readily acccssiblc, located withln thc labora- 2Ol2INTERNATK'iIAL H.,EL GAg COE' GAS PIPING IHSTALLATIONS tory space served, locatcd adjacent lo thc egress door from the space aod shall be identified by approved signoge stating "Gas Shuroff." sEcTroN 410 0FGC) FLOW CONTBOLS 410.1 Pressurc reg[rhiiiiif. ttitii ii'rtiiure regulotor shall be installed ,rl!!erc thE appliaqin"..ii designed to opemte at o 410.2 MP regulators. MP prcssurc regulators shall comply with the following: 1. The MP regulator shall be approvcd and shall be suit- uble for the inlct and outtct gas pressures for the appli- cstion. 2. Ttre MP regulator shall maintain a reduced outlet pres- surc undcr lockup (no-llow) conditions. 3. The capacity of thc MP regulator, determincd by pub- Iished ratings of its muufacturer. shsll bc adcquate to supply the cpplJarccs scrved. 4. The MP prcssurc rcgulator shall bc povidcd with access. Wherc locatcd indoors, lhe regulotor shall bc vcnted to thc ouidoors or shall bc eguigrycd with a leak- limiting dcvice, in eithcr casc complying with Section 410.3. 5. A tec fittlng with one opning capped or pluggcd shallb installed betwcc! 0rc MP rcgulator and its upstream shutoff valvc. Such tcc fitting ehall bc positioned to allow conneclion of a prcssurc-measuring instrument and lo servc as a sediment trap. 6. A tcs fitting with onc opening cappcd orpluggcd shall be installed uot lcss than l0 pipc dismelcrs downstrcom of the MP reguhtor qrtlet. Such tee fiuing shall be positioncd to allow conn€ciion of a pressurc-rneasuring instrument. 4103 Yenting ofregulators. Pressure rcgulators that require a vcnt shall be ventcd dircctly lo lhc outdoors. The vent sholl bc designcd to prevent the enry of insects, water snd foreign objects. Excepllon: A vcnt to lhe outdoon is not required for regu- lators equipped with and labclcd for utilization with sn ap p rov ed v eol-li miting dcvice installed in accord ance with thc manufacturer's instructions. {103.1 Vent plplng. Yent piping for relief vents and breother vents sholl b constructcd of matcrials allowcd for gas plping in accordlace wi0r Scction 403 ,Yent piping shall be rct smallcr than the vent cooncction on ihe pres- surc regulating device. Yeat ptplng serving relief vcnts and combinotion relief and brcather vcnts shall bc run indepcndcntly to thc outdoors and shall servc only a single devicc vcnt. Ycnt plping serving only brcather vents is permittcd ao be connccted in n manifold arrsngcrnent Auachment A Decision Memorandum 7s Page 4 of33 Home> >DoTReoulred>9@tMelgg- SeMce Requlators and SeMcs Llnes > Siting SeMoe Llnes and MeterSets 140171 IGC PROCEDURES DATE:01131105 TITLE: Siting Service Lines and Meter Sets NUMBER:4017 REFERENCES IPURPOSF ISCOPE IGENERAL lRESPoNSrBrLrfi IsrANpARps lsERVtcE LocATroNs IMETER LOCATIONS l$(AIdPLES REFERENCES Regulations IGC General Servlce Provislons 49 CFR 192, 351, 353, 355,357 Policg 50J Gas Delivery Pressure Procedures 4019 Curb and Other Propedy Llne Valves 4015 Upstream Regulation of High Pressure SeMce Lines (Farm Taps) /*016 Roof Top Dlstribution System 9375 Serulce Line lnstallatlons 4026 P.E. Plastic Pipe System Design and tnstallation PIIRPOSE Auachmcnt A Decision Memorandum Page 5 of33 Provide proper guidelines for determining seruice line, meter set, and rlsar locations and routes for tha service line that ara acceptable and safe under the General Sewice Provisions and applicable safety, building codes and operating policies. SCOPE Applies to all Company personnel assigned the responsibility of selecling service line routes and meter localions. GENERAL Service lines will be installed at the minimum total length necessary to conform with Gompany requirements regarding meter set locations. The criteria for seruice lines to be installed ln conjunction with new malng ls contained in Procedure 9371 Plant Additions-Revenue \Altren a seruice line cannot be located according to the requirements of this Procedure, c-ontact the Operations/Divislon/Distrlct Managerfor instructions. As described ln Section A, Paragraph 12.9 of lhe GeneralService Provisions, a second seMce line will be installed for a customer only when the second location is justified and more than ffty (50) feet ftom the existing seruice line. See alsol[g!$, Rooftop Distribution Systems, and 9375, SeMce Line lnstallation. Meter sets wlll be located along lhe wall of the strudure least susceptible to future buiHing, fencing or other additions. Resldential meter sets will not be located in the rear of the dwelling, unless circumstances are such that the rear of the dwelling is the most feaslble and desirable locatlon available (townhouses, alley dishibutlon system, etc.). \Mren a Service Line application shows a rear meter location, an explanation of the conditions requiring such a location musl be iocluded on the 512-A.This explanation willbe reviewed and accepted by the Marketing Manager and submitted to the ReglonaUDivision/Dlstrlct Manager for approval prior to installation of the sEMce line. RESPONSIBILITY The Operations Managers are responsible for lhe administration of this Procedure. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 6 of33 STAIYDARDS A. Selesting Seruice Localions 1. Precautions to take regarding seruice locations a. When possible, select a termination location for the service line that is at least twelve inches (12) from other underground facilities. lf it is a joint trench seruice line, ensure that the seruice is inslalled accordlng toJolnl trench specifications. b. Do not run ptastic systems within the influencing area of any systam that radiates temperatures above 100'F. lf there is a concern that this may occur, contact General Office Englneering for necessary catculations. 2. lMren paralleling a foundation for more than five (5) feet, select a location for the seryice line at least three {3) feet fiom the foundation, whenever possiHe. lf a basement has been excavated, and there could be excessive soil settling, the seruice should be run outside of the disturbed soil area. 3. \Menever paralleting a sldewalk or retaining wall and if possible, select a localion at least one (1) foot from the sidewalk and three {3} feetfrom the retaining walt, when possible. 4. Select servlce llne looations so thal adjacent private property ls not crossed unless a properly executed right-of'way agrcement is obtained. 5. \Mrenever possible, avoid sdecling line tocations where the service wlll pass under concrete slabs, carports or through retaining walls. Avoid periodic maintenance areas over septic tanks, oil and gasoline tanks etc. 6. Wrenever possible install seMce line locations so that the service line willrun in a straight fne from the stub ortee to lhe seruice line dser location, 7. Consider possible futura additions to the propefi and locate the service so that it will not be built over or have the meter location fenced ln at a later date. 8. Any seruice lines running under a building will be encased. The casing will be sealed and vented to tlre outslde at the pointwhere it enters ihe building. Seruice lines will nol be installed undera building without Operalions Manager approval. G. Riser and Meler Set Locations 1. Position the riser and meler set in a readily accessible location. The meter and meter stop must he easily accessed in case of emergencies and for routine malntenance and meter reading. 1. \Mten possibteJ setect a tocation outside an ateathat ls, or may be fenced. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 7 of33 Lr{t'*!ql The meter shall be located at the point on the structure: a. As otose to stub or main as possible. ffiiffiffi lf main line is ln the front of the s[uclure; place dser as close as possible to the front of tha structure; however, the service dser and meter shall be located at leasl 18" hotizontally from an electricalmeter. (See Examph 1) (Most common distance is four (4) feet.) lf maln line is behind the house; place thE riser at the closest point in the back of the structure maintaining the 18" horizontal distance from the electrical meter or service panel. 1. Manifolds shall be located in the same manner as single meters and allow for the required width for the number and size of the meters. lf a stack manifold is required, the upper porlion shall be secured to lhe structure durlng installation. 1. When the meter and seMce regulator will be installed outside the building, select location of service tine dser to meet the following: \ivhere a maln customer valve is used, an additional 3'to 4" shall be needed for house line installation. Large meter sets shall be sited as needed for clearance. b. Do not tocate under or in front of windors or other building openings which may be used as emergency fire exits or under interior or exterior stairways. c. Wren the service line riser is on the driveway side of a dwelting, at least three (3) feet of spacing between the driveway and the building is necessary. Additionalprotection willbe provided, such as a meterguard. (See Example 5) d. \Mrere a service line riser is likely to be set in paving of any kind, a short piece of two inch (2") or larger P.E. pipe will be used to sleeve the pipe at ground level. e. tAlhen a meter ls set outside a schoot, a permanently locked fence or enclosure may be provided by the Company. f ::1[i_9wit!pievidF'prftscti6h'foimdtEiSbt'6lrvtiirr'jffuij_ea, g. When locating a riser for a large meter set, adequate space and access shall be provided to allow for normal malntenance and testing. 1. Select location for service line and service line riser and meter set for large commercialand lndustrial services to meelthe following additional requirements: d. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 8 ot33 lMren he service line will parallelthe foundation, a minimum of five (5) feet clearance from the buiHing will be maintained. The meterwillnot be located directly underneath and willhave at least three (3) feet minimum horizontal clearance from an electric panel, air lntake or any equipment that could possiHy be a source of ignltion. Space requirements for large meiersetswill be determined from the meter set design. $ee specified or slandard meler set drawings. \Mren meters are set outside a school, a permanent locked fence or enclosure may be provided by the Company. lMren meters are set outside a church and extra security is necessary, a permanent locked fence or enolosure, with IGC access, is to be provided by the customer. 1. When the meter and service regulator will be set inside the building, the localion for the seruice line riserwill meet the following requirements: 1. NOTE: Written approval must be obtained from the Operations Manager for any inside meler set. That approval must be attached to the asbullt drawing on Form 512-A or319. a. The seruice line riser, meter stop and service line entrance into the building will be as near as practicable to the meter and regulator location. b. lA/tren possible, the seMce line riser and meter stop witl be above ground outside the building and the entrahce of the service line into the building will be above ground with a readily accessible outslde shutoffvalve. c. Any service entrance into the building below ground wlll incorporate an outside curbvalve and will be cased and the casing sealed at the polnts the seMce llne enlers and exlts the casing. The casing must be vented to the outslde atmosphere. d. Allregulators located inside a building must be located in a ventilated area and not less than three feet from any source of ignition or heat which could damage the meter. All lnside regulators will be vented separately to the outside of the structure and installed to prevent water buildup and entry of insects and debris. e. A meter and regulator installed in a recessed opening is considered an oulside meterset if the following conditions are met: The recess has an extedor wall ii. The service tine enters the recess above ground (over the sill) iii. The recess is lined with lireproof and vapor-proof material 1. Any service line riser cannot be tocated to meet the requirements of 0ris Procedure shall be refened to the Operations/District Manager. Anachment A Decision Memorandum Page 9 of33 d. NOTE: IGC will provlde protective steel posts for the meter set, when required, where no protection is provided by the customer. Adequate meter proteclion consists of either the company approved meter guard, (Example 5) a two lnch (2') or four inch (4) diameter posl, or a permanent protectivE wall, 1. No meler or service regulator will be located in a plt or vault. Contact the Operations Manager for allemative locations. 1. Wtren seryices and meters are on a roofiop system, see Procedure 4016 Rooftop Dislribution Systems, for requirements. 1. Meters installed on manufactured housing where flex connectors are utilized shall have the meter bar assembly stabilized by use of a meter bar support. C. Riser and Meter Set Height 1. Standard installation height shall be achieved when the bottom of the stop equals the height of foundation. (Caution should be taken to ensure the bury line on the riser is not below future grade). (See Example 6) 2. lnstallation helght of larger meters and meters installed on multllevel foundations shall be accomplished by determining future grade according to building specification. This may be delermined by: a. Contacling builder b. Reviewing plans c. Future grade indicators trat exist or are apparent. C. Riser and Meter Height - Heavy or Deep Snow Area's 4. lf an engineered structure for meter protection ls used, an enginee/s signature will be needed approving the structure's design and ability to protect the meter from snow and ice. (See Example # 7 Approval of Englneered Design for Meler Protection.) This approval shall be signed and added to the asbuilt and added to Scanned tmages with the asbuilt D. RegulatorVenting Requiremenls 1. Regulators shall be installed vertically with the vent pointed downward 2. Regulators that cannot be installed with vent pointed downward shall have additionalvent plping installed to ensure downward venting 3. Vents will be screened or have caps installed to prevent entry of water, lnsects, debris, or foreign objects Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page l0 of33 4. ln high snor aspect areas vents will be extended to above the anticipated snow tevel 5. Extended vent piping will be placed in such a position to prevent entry of wat6r, insects, debris, or foreign objects and protected from heaqy snow orwater run off 6. Vent piping will be sized according to the size of the vent opening on the regulator 7. Vent piping willbe secured as necessary 8. lf a meter set is located within three (3) feet of any air intake whlch is permanently opened into a structure, the regulator will be vented remotely from the area. Note: lMndows, whetrer operable or non{perable, are not consldered an air intake. 9. Meter locations prolected under roof valleys and eaves where run off due to rain and snou, may affect tre regulator vent shall have the regulator vent piplng exlended to a protected location 10. All inside regulators sha[ be vented separately to the outside of the structure and installed to prevent water buildup and entry of insects and debris E. Meter Stop Valve lnstallation and Replacements 1, Service riser applications sized %'through ? (single meter and manifolds) operating at 60 pslg or less shall use a valve stop with an insulating union incorporated in the body of the stop 2. Greater than 60 psig operating pressure - High pressure installations sha! require a. Non tnsulated stop. b. Insulation shall be obtained by one of the following: l. lnsulating union downstream of the secondary pressure regulator ii. Flange gasket insulators atthe flanges (2) of a flanged by-pass riser 2. Maintenance - ln the course of performing mainlenance to resolve leaking spuds or to remediate cathodic protection issues at the meter set assembly, the folloring ac,tions should be performed vyhere applicable; a. Replace a non-insulated valve stop with an insulated vafue stop, b, Replace meter loop assembly wlth a pre fabricated meter loop incorporating a customer valve ln the meter loop and non-insulated spuds, c. Replace a non-insulated valve stop with an insulated vatve slop without a pre fabricated meter loop when atignment with existing house piping is not feasible. EXIIMPLES Attachment A Dccision Memorandum Page I I ot33 EXAMPLE 1 Distance from Electrical Meter EXATVTPLE 2 Flex Riser EXAMPLE 3 SupportAssembly EXAMPLE 4 High Aspect Riser EXAtvlPLE 5 Meter Guard D(AMPLE 6 Standard Meter lnstatlation EXAMPLE 7 Approvalof Engineered Design for Meter Protection 4017 - Siting SeMce Llnes and Meter Sets Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page l2 of33 '6mail - Meter Protection Page 1 of18 Erlc Conrad <erlcwconrad@gmail.com>Cmail" 9C*ogle Meter Protection 27 messages ?{tln,G*P^,\*var Robl nson, $arah <SAMH.R OBINSON@intgas.com> To: "ericwconrad@gmall.com" <ericwconrad@gmail.com> Thu. Nov 12.2015 al4:47 PM Per our telephone conversation, please see the auachments regarding meter protection. I have also attached some examples of meter protection that has been approved in our area. lf you have firrlher questions, please let me knol. ThankYou, Sarah Robinson Intermountain Gas Company Operations Aide, Teton District 208-542-6616 (Phone) 248-542-6639 (Fax) Sarah. Robins on@i ntgas.com (Email) 5 aftachments IMG_201 30925_{ 55735_1 I 0Jpg 667K Anachment A Decision Memorandum Page l3 of33 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/Oi?ui=2&ik=dde5549800&vieur=pt&search=inbox&th=1... lll30l20l5 Gmail - MeterProtection t Pase 2 of I8 photo,JPG 3gz2K photo (3).JPG 27OBK 1A [unilfledJ.pdfU 87OK 6 Untltled (12).pdf - 465K Eric Conrad <ericwconrad@gmail.com> To: Kami Connad <karnlconrad@outlook.com> IQuoted terl hldden! Thu, Nov 12,2015 at4:53 PM 5 attachments lMGJ01 30e25-l 5s735-1 I 0 Jps 667K Anachment A Decision Memorandum Page 14 of33 htps://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui*2&ik=dde5549800&vie!\,=pt&search=inbox&th=1... llR0l20l5 Page 3 of 18 photo.JPG 3922K photo (3l.JPG 2708K fi $3ttu"a'oot E H[ll'o (r2)'Pdr Erlc Con rad <ericwconrad @gmail.com>Thu, Nov 12,2015 at 9;58 PM To: bhill@ruddco.com, bhill@senate. Idaho.gov Brenl lthlnk I have uncoyered something at lntermountain Gas that may not be illegal, but I defnitely can not find arry informatlon about fte requlremenls of dog house mots being OK'd by the PUC. I have been on the ldaho PuHic Utilities Web site and can not find any lnformation on this requirement, nor can I find anywhere to lodge a complaint. Can you direcl me to someone at the PUC that I can speak wlth? Long story shorl lntermountain Gas is holdlng me hostage and not hooking my Gas meter up because they requlre some type of cover over the gas meter. \Mren I asked for clarification, I was sent the following PDF and pictures. No height orwidth requirements, etc. You will see in the letter that it is vague at best on rules to follow. I called lnternountain Gas out to install the rneter over three weeks ago. They came out, lefr a voice mail on my contractors phone (J.8. Kay and sakJ they couldn't lnstall until the meterwas covered.) We had hoped the ovefiang was out far enough and when he gutter was on we would get approval. So, I called lntermountain Gas agaln to get clarification and ask them to come out and install the meter. They would not install a Gas Meter until a shed was insElled. So my contractor built a temporary shed to cover the https://mail.goosle.com/mail/u/0/?ui-2&ik-dde5549800&vieu=pt&search-inbox&th=1... llR0/201s "o Gt o< Er E?3 =6gBF<od Cmail - MeterProtection I Page 4 of 1.8 area of fre gas meter until we can get the rain gu$ers up, They came oul today and did not install the gas meter again, saying that I needed a "Permanent Covering". I called the ldaho Falls office of lnterrnountain Gas this aftemoon to find out what exacfly I needed. They sent me the attached lnformation. I read through it and found it very unprofessional in how they could hold anyone to a standard with the required documenh. I would expect if it was law, that they wouH reference the law. lf lt was an lntemal requirement tha! they would have a spec sheet ouflining how big the roof should be overthe gas meter, how high above the ground, etc. I have to get gas, I have $30,000 in wood floodng that is going to fail because they willnot provide gas until I meet their demands. I finally relented and sald I would have the contractor buy a prefabbed roof and get it installed tomonoar. I asked to schedule another time to get the gas meter installed and they refused to discuss even scheduling a time for an install until I could prove t had the roof installed. I assured them I would have somethlng lnstalled, but at this poinl I worried if it would be everything they expected when I could not find anything ln writing that outlined all expectations. Anyway, can you forward me to someone at the PUC that can help? Also a media person at the PUC, because I think the public should be aware. I should have an lnterview tomorrow with Local News E lined up by mid morning, they sald they are very lnterested ln doing lnvestigative reporting like this. Thanks, Edc Forwarded message Frorn: Roblnson, Sarah <SARAH,ROBINSON@intgas.com> Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2015 al4:47 PM Subjec't: Meter Protection To: "erior@nrad@gmail.com" <ericwconrad@gmail,com> louoted text hkldenl IMG 20130925_1 55735_l r OJpg 667K photo.JPG 3922K Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 16 of33 5 attachmenteI https//mail.google.com lmaillu/01?ai=2&ik=dde5549800&r'iew-pt&search=inbox&th=1... llB0n0$ 'Gmail - MeterProtection I Page 5 of l8 photo (3).JPG 2708K 1a [UnUtled].pdfU 87OK g Untltled (r2).pdf - 465K Erlc Conrad <erialrconrad@gmall,com> To:'Roblnson, Sarah" <SARAI-I.ROBI NSON@intgas.com> Gc: Jand Kay <jared@bkayconstruction.com> Sarah: Thu, Nov 12,2015at10:38 PM Thanks.for sendlng lftls lnformation and speaking with me this afrernoon. tjust wanted to lnsue I heard you conectly thls aftemoon. I completely understand the gas company wanting to protectthe meterfom lce build up. I hive an overhang on my new residences.and witr have gu[ers lnstalled, but thls ls not adequate per the atlactred document and your comments. You rnention overhangs that have been appoved, hotv were they approvad and wtrat was the criteda to appove them? 1) lf an overhang [s not adequate, the picture of the extended overhang you sent seems to rneet the requirenrnt but no specificallons are mentioned of what that overhang should be. 2) {|l/hen I asked for clarification on the plctures you sent you said there are no specificalions on helght frsm gro.und, how large thg structure should be or any specifi'calions other than the requked slgnature fom en engineer? Wtrat specifications ls an englneersupposed to valldate hls design calculaflons agalnst? 3) Wtren I quesUoned why rny dog roof that I pit in pl?ce was not good enough for the gas meter, you said it'he€dEt tb be'pennanenf and also stated that ttris ls whal it said in the technlcian notes. t can not find anythlng ln the lnformation you sent me that uses lhe word pennanenl Atthough it does state it needs to meet engineers snow toad. 4) I have driven around Rexburg and have noted a number of homes that havE been starled and completed constructlon thls yearthat do not haVe dog house roofs. I am confused. Woutd you like he addresses to veriff my observalions? As you have required, lwillcall back once the prefab roof is in place, but can you clarify hr my contractor and myself how far aboue ground it ls to be located? Thank, Eric Conrad 208.201.6692 louoled tiert hlddenl Senator Brent Hlll <Hrlll@senale.ldaho.gov> To: Edc Conrad <erburconrad@gmall.corn> Senator Brent Hill Frl, Nov 14 2015 at 8:54 AM Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page l7 of33 hftns'/lmnil onnole nnm/mnil/rr/01?ui-4fuik=ddeS549800&.vie.w=nt&se.erchdnhox&th=1... l1/3AD.O15 ForwamJ}ressage From: Robinson,.sarah <SARAH. RoBINSgN@intgas.com>- Date: Thu, Nov 12,2015a14:47 PM S ubfect MetEr Protection To: "eridrvconrad@grnail.com" <ericwconrad@gmall.com> t .L. <lmage00lJpg> Per our telophono conversation, pteaso see the attaohmetrts regarding mctcr protection. I havo also athched sorne examples ofmeter protection lhat has been approved in our rirea.- If you have firtherquestions, please letme know. : Thank You, ,Sarah Robinson fnternnountain Gas Compaqy 0perations Aide, Teton District ' 208-542-66'16(Phone) 208-542-6639 (Fax) Sarah. Robinson@intgas.com @mail) <iaage00?.pngl <lMG-20130925-155735-110Jpg><ptioto.JPG><photo (3),JPG><luntitledl,pdf;'<Untitled (12).pdf> https://mail.googlo.eom/maiUtl0t?ui1&it<=dde5549800&vierv:pt&search=inbox&th=I... 11130t2015 Attachmcnt A Decision Memorandum Page l8 of33 Ginail - Meter Protection Erlc Conrad <ericwconrad@gmall.com> To: "Roblnson, Sarah" <SARAH. ROB INSON@intgas.com> Thanks, willdo. lQuoted lext hiddenl Page 8 of 18 Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 8:58 AM Eric Conrad <eriqrconrad@gmall.com> To: Johnathan.farly@puc,idaho.gov Here you go, hanks foryourcall. Forwarded message From: Roblnson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSON@intgas.com> Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2O15 at 4:47 PM SubjecL Meter Protection To: "ericilrrconrad@gmail.com' <ericwconrad@gmail.com> louot€d terl hlddenl IMG_201 30925_1 55735_l I 0 Jp g €67K Fri, Nov 13,2015 at 10:35 AM 5 attachmentsI photo.JPG 3922K photo (3).JPG 2708K Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 19 of33 t--tlr..l^1.7..:-?t O.:l*Jl4(<r00nnP,.'iorr:n*f,ocor^l.=i-lrnvf,rfh-t I I /ln/?Ol Sr.j.&-.ll--,1 ----l- -^- Gmail - Meter Protection. S [unttueol.pot 870K 6 Untltled (1z).pdfU 465K Page 9 of 18 postnaster@clo.ldaho.gov <postmaster@cio.irJaho.gow Fri, Nov 13,2015 al 10:36 AM To: erictyconrad@gmail.com -The following addresses had delivery problems - < johnatran.farly@puc.idaho.gov> (5.3.4 Message slze exceeds fi'xed maximum message size) Fonrarded message From: Eric Connad <ericwconrad@gmail.com> To: lbhnathan.farly@puc.idaho,gov Cc: Date: Fd, 13 Nov 2015 10:35:33 -0700 Subject Fwd: Meter Protection Here you go, thanks for your call. Forwarded message From:Robins rr noname.emluax Eric Corrad <erlcwconrad@gmail.com> Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:36 AM To: Johnathan.farley@Fuc.idaho.gov Here is the e-mail I sent last night with rny concems. No response yel I also asked for her supervisor to callme, no response yet. Thanks, Eric lQuoled lext hlddenl Johnathan Farley <Johnahan. Fadey@puc.idaho. gov> To: Eric Conrad <ericwconrad@gmail.com> Fri. Nov 13, 2015 at 10:4,4 AM Hi Eric, I have your received your email and willEet on thls issue. Allthe best, John Anachment A Decision Memorandum page 20 of33 'Gmail - Meter hgtection From : Eric Conrad [mailto:erio /conrad@gm ail.coml Sent: Friday, November L3, 2015 10:37 AM To: Johnatha n Fa rley <Johnathan. Farley@puc. idaho. gov> SubJech Fwd: Meter Protection l0uoted lcxl hlddenl Page 10 of 18 Erlc Conrad <eriorconrad@gmail.com> To: U<unz@kidk.com Fri, Nov 13,2015 at 10:54 AM Todd: Let me know if you are interested in doing any investigative reporting on this, I can be reached at 208.201.692. Long story short, I have spoken with Brent Hill Senate Pro Temp President, PUC commissioner and Johnathan Farley of the Consumer Protection Division about the requirement of these roofs over gas meters that are now being required. Doesn't look like anyone in Boise knows about this. Some honeowners required and others not? No speclfications on how to buiH hem orwhere, sounds like SE ldaho Management an lntermountain gas have gone rogue. Thanks, Eric Fonrvarded message From: Robtnson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSON@intgas.com> Oate: Thu, Nov 12,2015 at 4:47 PM SubJect' Meter Protection To:'ericwconrad @gmailcomn <ericwconrad@gmail.com> l0t.toEd &rt hiddenl IMG-201 30925_1 55735_l I 0Jpg 667K photo.JPG 3922R 5 attachmentsI photo (3).JPG 2708K Anachment A Decision Memorandum Page2l of33 . & "t.-!-t- -..o..L-r t t r2nrant <a ... .^6 . A6it al -- aai^a n . Gmail - Meter Protection Page I I of,i8 Et $Stttteolnot E l#ll''o(12)'Pdt Eric Gonrad <erioarconrad@gmail.com> To: johnahan.farley@puc. Haho. gov Looks like you have a size limiL l'lldo individually. Fonrarded message From: Roblnson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSON@intgas,com> Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:47 PM Subject Meter Protection To: "eficwconrad@g mail.com' <eriorconrad@grnail. com> l0uoled text hEdcnl 6 [Untitledl.pdf" ETOK Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:55 AM Erlc Gonrad <ericurconrad@gmail.com> To: johnahan.farley@puc. idaho,gov A few plctures with no specs... Fonararded message From: Roblnson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSoN@intgas,com> Date: Thu, Nov 12,20'15 at 4:47 PM SubJect Meter Protection To:'ericlrrconrad@g mail.corn" <ericlnconfad@gmail.com> louoled lexl hiddenl IMG_201 30925-1 55735-1 1 0Jpg 667K Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:57 AM Attrchmenr A Decision Memorandum Page 22 of33 2 attaehmante Ginail - Meter Protection a Page 12 of l8 photo (3).JPG 2708K Johnathan FarlEy <Johnathan,Farley@puc.idaho.gov> To: Edc Connd <eriorvconrad@gmail.com> Thanks, Eric. I received the pdfand the photos. Best, John From: Eric Conrad Ima Ilto:ericwconrad@gmail.com] Sentr Friday, November 13, 2015 10:58 AM To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> SubJecu Fwd: Meter Protection A few pictures with no specs... [Quoted lexl hlddent Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM Erlc Conrad <ericwconrad@grnailcom> To: Johnathan Farley <Johnattran.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> Fri, Nov 13,2015 at6:24 PM Any progress today? I have not had any response from my e-rnailor phone callyesterday with lntermounEin Gas. l assume they are on lockdown ln mmmunicating wih me? That doesn't really help my problem and even shows they are holding rne hostage and stonewalling rne even rpre. Great ethics case. Anyway, let me know. Thanks for your work Eric Attachment A Decision Memorandum Pagc 23 of33 I rr tr.--.t -- --l- ---r--:lr..rn ro..:-n g-:r.-JJ^c</OOnnP,',:^.,atP,-oo-ah:inlrnvPrth=l I l/?n/rnl S 'Gmail - Meter Protection louoted texl hiddenl Page l3 of 18 Johnathan Farley <Johnathan,Farley@puc.ldaho.gov> Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:03 AM To: Eric Conrad <erloarconrad@gmail.com> Good Morning Eriq When you open a complaint with the PUC, it is our protocol to have to company cease communication wlth the customer. lshould hear back from them today. Allthe best, John From : Eric Conrad [ma ilto :ericwconrad@ gmail.coml Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 5:25 PM To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc,idaho.gov> SuhJect: Re: Meter Protection lQuoted asxt hlddenl Erlc Conrad <ericrrvconrad@gmail.com> Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:07 AIII To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> Cc Jared Kay <jared@Jbkayconsfuction.com> Good to know. Thanks. Just need to figure out what needs to be done before my house freezes up. Jared: FYI (Jared is my buiHer) l0uoled lerl hlddenl Johnathan Fartey <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> To: Eric Conrad <ericwconrad@gmailcom> HiErlc, Mon, Nov 16,2015 at3:1{ PM Can you send me a picture of your meter placement and the overhang? Thank you, John Attachmcnt A Decision Memorandum Pagc 24 of33 ' 'Grnail - Meter Protection Page 14 of l8 From: Eric Conrad [mallto:eriorconrad@gmall.coml Senh Monday, November 15, 2015 8:08 AM To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan. Farley@puc.idaho.gov> Cc Jared Kay <jared@bkayconstruction.com> SubJech Re: Meter Protection lQuoled taxl hiddenl Eric Conrad <Edauconrad@gmall.com> Mon, Nov 16,2015 at 5:14 PM To: Johnatran Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> OK. Here are three examples that are in my subdivision that do not have dog house roofs, you can see why I am confused. louoted lext hiddenJ E ffTot"s of Gas Meters.docx Erlc Conrad <ericwconrad@gmail.com> Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 5:21 PM To: Johnatran Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> Thanks foryour help on this. Athched are two pictures of where my gas lines are run and awaiting meter. Can you please send me the docurnenbtion that intermounbin gas sent you and the location it can be found ln local domain for el&er consumer or builder? Thanks, Eric On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Johnathan Farley <Johnathan,Farley@puc.ilaho.gow wrote: l0uoted lert hHden! @ t,ojfo Resldense.docx Johnathan Farl ey <Johnathan. Farley@puc.ldaho,gov> To: Eric Conrad <eilcwconrad@grnail.com> Hi Eric, Tue, Nov 17,2A15 at 10:40 AM Attached you find the procedural documentation that was provided to me by lnterrnountain Gas. Additionally, I have attached a letter that outlines the formaI complaint procedure. Please do not hesitate Allthe best, rohn i:fi|frfi*orandum Page 25 of33 Gmail - Meter Protection Page 15 ofl8 From: Erlc Conrad [mailto:ericwconrad@gmail.coml Senh Monday, November 15, 2015 5:21 PM IOuoted text hlddenl lQuoted lsxt hiddenl 4 attachmgnts E fiff.o,re4ol7.docx g IFGC410.l.pdfu 1309K E !;|,[,*llne safetv Resulatlons.pdf ffi ffl",Complalnt Procedure CONRAD E.doc Eric Gonrad <eric',,,/conrad@gmail.com> Tue, Nov 17,2015 at t1:00 AM To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc,ldaho.gov> Awesome, thanks for your help. I will definitely do the formalcomplaint, but will do so after Thanksgivlng and my gas ls for sure on. Where is lhis information ln the Public Domain? lf lntermountain Gas is golng to hold consumers and conlractors to rules and specifications that are not publicized, I believe that to be an issue. Thanks, Eric lQuoted text hlJdenl Johnathan Farley <Johnathan. Fadey@puc. idaho. gov> To: Erie Conrad <ericwconrad@gmall.com> Tue, Nov 17,2015 at 11:27 AIvt No problem. I completely understand your frustrations. Best of luck with the rest of your build ! Best, John From: Eric Conrad Imailto :erioivconrad@gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, November L7 ,2075 11:00 AM To: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.Farley@puc.idaho.gov> Attachment A Subjecfi Re: Meter protection Decision Memorandum Page 26 of33 louoted taxt hlddenl Erlc Conrad <ericwconrad@gmail,com> Tue, Nov 17,2015 at7:02 PM To: "Robinson, Sarah" <SARAH. ROBINSON@intgas.com> ' Gdail - Meter Protection Page 16ofl8 Cc: Johnathan Farley <Johnathan.hrley@puc.idaho.gop, Jared Kay <jared@jbkayconstruction.com> Sarah: As you requested, my contractor has purchasEd and installed the pre-tabed meter protec{lon. Can you confirm if this willwork before wa attach it to the home? Can I get a meter set appointment scheduled? We are anxious to get gas on. Thanks, Eric On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Robinson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINS0N@intgas.com> wrote: lOuoted text hiddenl 2277 Hendrlcks MEter CoverJpg 3547K Roblnson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSON@intgas.corn> To: Erlc Conrad <ericwconrad@gmail.com> Hi Eric, Wed. Nov 18, 2015 at 9:14 AM I am just rvaiting for my Supervisor to get out of a nrceting so that I can have her take a look at this. t rvill let you loowASAP. Thank You, Sarah Robinson Intermountain Gas Company Operations Aide, Teton District 208-542-6616 (Phone) 208-542-6639 (Fax)Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 27 of33Sa rah. Robinson@i ntgas.com (Email) Gmail - Meter Protection Page 17 of 18 Fro m : Eric Conrad [mallto ;erioivconrad@gmail. com] Senh Tuesday, November 17,ZOLS 7;02 PM To: Roblnson, Sarah Cc: Johnathan Farley; Jared Kay SubJed: Re: Meter Protection '"'This is an EXTERNAL email. Exercise caution. '* [Quoled text hldden[ Robinson, Sarah <SARAH.ROBINSON@intgas.com> To: Eric Conrad <eriorvconrad@gmail.corn> Wed, Nov 18, 20'15 at 10:39 AM I just spoke to my Supervisor and it is hard to tell frorn the picture if the meter protection covers tlre regutator. Wc are sendirg a Service Tech out to look at it and rvill [et you knorv ASAP, Thanlis, Sarah Robinson Intermountain Gas Company Operations Aide, Teton District 208-542-6616 (Phone) 248-542-6639 (Fax) Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 28 of33 Sarah. Robins on@i ntgas.com @mail) ' " Gdail-MeterProtection INIERMOI.JNTAIN Cr{S COIvtPAtfYIrlrrE Ecn: Page 18 of I 8 From : Eric C,onrad [mallto:ericwconrad@g mai l.com] Senh Tuesday, November L7, 2OL5 7':02 PM To: Robinson, Sarah Ce Johnathan Farley; Jared Kay Subject Re: Meter Protection *" This is an EXTERNAL email. Exercise @ution. '*' Sarah: As you requested, my contractor has purchased and installed the pre-fabed meter protection. Can you confirm lf ftis will wo* before we attach it to ttre home? Can I get a meter set appointrnent scheduled? [Ouoted texl hlddenl louoted texl hlddenl Erlc Gonrad <eriarvconrad@gmail,com> To: "Robinson, Sarahu <SARAH.ROBINSON@ntgas.com> Thanks. [Ouoted lext HddenJ Wed, Nov 18,2015 at 10:56 AM Anachment A Dccision Memorandum Page 29 of33 a.l a i EirAAl t A AINTERMOUNTAINTlcns COMPANY'' Afibffiyottilrlt tul{,uB f{qo,frE '1527|-IO|IJPARK DR. r PO. BOX5122O . IDA,{OFALLS, 1D83405.1220 (20S) 542-6600 . FN( (20Q il2-6639 Yuww.lntg8s.com Apil 19,2012 XYZ Bullder or Dealer or Archltect Bullder or Dealer Bushess Name Address Town, ldaho ZIP DearXlZ, Thank you for your support and selectlon ln ushg Natural Gas for your bullding's energy needs. We enJoy ourJolnt partnershlp in providing safe, efliclent and"the best energy value, Natural Gas, to our mutual customers. ll has always been a priority lor lntermounlaln Gas Company to comply with federal, 6tate and hcaljurisdlctionalcodes, as wellas lhe manulaclurefs recommendations conceming the safety of lhe Natural Gas metering system. [ntermountaln Gas Company w0l ensure the ongolng safe operatlon to you and our mutualcustomers through enforcement ol meter sel localions ln such a manner and localion to comply wilh appropriate codes. For example, meter tocaUons can not be localed under roof valleys and eaves where run qff due to raln and snow may afhct the meter set. Meter locations on any'gable' end of the horne's roof llne ttat provides protecUon from arry rain and snor run offor other posslble hazards will be allowed. tf a safe meter locatlon can not be Hentlfied on a home or buldhg, bn engineered structure lhat allours adequate ventilation and is deslgned to meet the potenthl snow load can be used to prolecl the meter and rnust be ln phce prior to seMce belirg activated. lf an engineered slructure ls used,jan engineels slgnature wilt be needed approving the structura's deslgn and ability to protecl the meter from snow and he. Please contact lho Cuslomer Sales Representalive h your area for lurther detalls or if you have g.nyquestions. Agaln, thank you br yoursupportl Slncerely, TeriTeNgalo Teton Dlstrict Manager cc: file Anachment A Dccislon Memorandum Page 30 of33 Interm ountain Gss Comnany Anproval ofEngineered Desim for Mcter Protcca:on. I hereby certi& that the shucture being installed over and around the meter set at (Town),Idaho: (Customer) will ventilate any gas from the regulator add will withstand the anticipated snow and ise loads that may occur at this address. Signed: Customer/ or Builder Engineer Date Attachment A Dccision Memorandum Page 3l of33 Gas Meter on South side of home, Sutters in place. Gas Meter on South East side of new home built this summer. Gas Metei on East side of new home built this summer, no gutters, you can see splash near meter. Approved. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 32 of33 2217 Hendrtcks Circle, Gas Placement on North Side of home, away from wind and drifts. Gutters to be installed in two weeks 2277 Hendricks Circle, Gas Placement on North Side of home, away from wind and drifts that come from 5E. Gutters to be installed in two weeks Atuchment A Decision Memorandum Page 33 of33 Attachment B Decision Memorandum Page I of2 r'l!,E..lr.iE,o o: . ilit ,l;e t ' -Ht {$#f' Attachment B Decision Memorandum Page 2 of? PART 192 - TRANSPORTATION OF NATUML AND OTEER GAS BY PIPELINE! IIIINIMITM IEDERAL SATETY STANDARDS Subprrt Il-Customer Meters, Servlce Regulators, and Servlce Llnes $1923Sf Scopa This subpart prcscribcs minimum re- quirements for installing customer meters, servicc regulators, servicc lines, service line valves, and servico line connections to mains. [Part I92 - Org., Aug. 19, 1970! $192.353 Customer meters and regula- tors: Locatlon. (a) Each meter and service regulator, whether inside oroutside abuilding, must be instalted in a readily accessible location and be protccted from corrosion and other damage, including, if installcd ouBide a building, vehicular damage that may bc an- ticipated. However, the upsbeam regulator in a series maybe buried. (b) Each servicc regulator installed within a building must bc locatcdas trearali practical to the point of service line en- hance. (c) Each meter installd within abuild- ing must be located in a vcntilated place and not less tban 3 feet (914 millimeters) fiom any source of iguition or ury souroe of heat which might damage the meter. (d) Where feasible, the upstream regula- tor in a series must be located outside the building, unless it is located in a scparate metering or regulating building. tPart 192 - Org., Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-E5, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdr 192-93,68 FR 53895, Sept. 15,20031 $192355 Customer meterr and regule- tors: Protectlon from demlge. (a) Protection from vacuum or back pressue. If the customet's equipmentmigltt create eithEr a vacuum or a back prcstilre, a devicemust be inshlled toprotect the sys- tem. (b) Servico regulator vents ard relief vents. Service regulator vents and relief vents must terminatc outdoors, and thc out- door terminal must: (l) Be rain and insect resistant; (2) Be located at aplace whcrc gas from the vent can escape freely into the atnos- phere and away from any openingintothe building; and, (3) Be protected from damage caused by submergence in areas where flooding may occur. (c) Pits and vaults. Each pit or vault that houses a customer meter or regulator at a place where vchiculu hafFc is antioipated, must be able to zupport that hafEc. [Part 192 - ftg., Aug. 19, 1970, rs amcnded byAmdt. 192-58,53 FR 1633, Jan.21, 19881 $192357 Customer meters and regulr- tors: Instrlhdon. (a) Each meter and cach regulator must be installed so as to minimize anticipated stresscs upon the connecting piping and the metef. (b) When close atl-tluead nipples are used, the wall thickness rauaining after the throads are cut must meet the minimum wall thickness rcquirements of this part. (c) Connections made of lead orother easily damaged material ruay uot bc uscd in the installation of meters or rcgulators. Attachment Cl 58/146 Decision MemorandurnRcvision l2l08- Currcnl thru 192-108 409.2 [Ieter valve. Evcry meter shall be equipped rvirh o shutolTvalve locatcd on thc supply side of rhe mctcr. 4093 Shutoft vulyes for multlple.housc llne systems. Whcre a single meter is used to supply gas to morc than one building or tcnao!, a separer shutoffvalve shall be providerl for each building or tenant. 409.3.1 lr{ultiple tenant buitdings. ln multiplc renant buildings, rvhere a common prprng systern is installed to supply other than one- and trvo-family drvellings, shutoff vnlves shall be providcd for each tenant. Erch tenanl shall have acccss to the shutoff valve serving tlrnt te[ant's space. {09.3.2 Individuol bulldings. In a common system scrv- ing more tlnn one building, shutoff valve.s shall bc instullcd outdoors at cach building. 40rJ.3 ldenlificttion of shutoff volves. Each house line shutoff valvs shull bc plainly marked with nn identilica- tion tag attached by the installer so ahar lhe pilting.sysrems supplied by such rrlyes arc readily identified. 409.,1 tlIP rcgulator vslvcs. A listel shuloff valve shall bc inslalled immediately ahead of each MP regulntor. 409.5 Apptiuncc shutoff vulre. Each appliance shall be pro- vidcd with a shutoff yalve in accordancc with Scction 409.5. t, 4Ag 5.2 or 409.5.3. 409.5.1 Located wlthln some room. The shutoff vdve shall be located in thc samc room as the uppliance.T\e shutoff valve shall bc within 6 fect (1829 mra) of tlre appliance, snd shall be installed upitrcam of lhe union, conncctor or quick disconnect der,iee it serves. Such shul- off valves shall be providcd with access. Appliatce shut- crff valves located in the fircbox of a fireplace shall be installed in nccordance with the appliance manufaclurcr's instructions. 409.5, Vcnted dccorstire oppliances and roonr hcot. crs. Shutoff valves for vented decorative lpplitnc€s, room hcatcrs nnd decorativc applianccs for installstion in ventcd lireplaces shall be pcrmitted to be installcd in an arca remotc frorn tlre apptinnces where such vtlves arc pro- vided with rcady access. Such valvcs shall bc pcrmanently identified and shall serve no other appliance. l\e piping from the shutoff vulve to widdn 6 feet (1829 mm) of the appliottcc.shatl bc dcsigncd, tiz.cd and installcd in accor- dance rvith Sections 401 through 408. 409.53 Locnted at monlfold. lYhere rhe oppliance shu- off valve is installcd at a manifold, such shuroff valve shall be locutcd within 50 feet (15 240 mm) ol t\e appliance served and slull be reatlily accessible and pennanently itlentified. The piping from the manifold to within 6 feet (t829 mm) of the appliance shrll be designed, sized and installed in gccordance with Sections 401 through 408. 409.6 Shutoff valve for laboratorles. Wherc provided with lwo or morc fuel gas outlels, including table-, bench- and hood-rnounted outleas, each hboratory space in educational. research, commercial und industrial occupancies shall bc pro- vided with a single dedicated shutoff valve tfuough which all such gas outlcts shall trc supplicd. The dedicated shutoff valvc shall be readily accessible, locatcd within the labora- 2012 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODEI , oot P,P|NG INSIALLATTONS tory spacc served, located ndjacent to the egress door frorn thc space and shall be identificd by approved signage ststing "Grs Shutoff." sEcTroN 410 (IFGC) FLOW CONTBOLS 410.I Prcssurc regulntors. A line prcssure rr.gulator shull bc instdlcd nherc thc cpplionce is dc.signed lo operote at a lorrcr prc.ssurc than thc suppll' pre.isurc. Line gas presr[re regulntor.r shall be li.rrrd as conrpll-ing nith ANSI ZZl.80. rlrrr,.rs shall be pnrvidcd to prcssun: rcgulators. Prtlssurc reg- ulators .shall bc pnlcclcd from plrl'riicnt danrogc. Regulrtor.s installed on thr exterior ofthe building shalt be approvcd for outdoor installation. 4l{1.2 I\lP rcgulotors. MP pre.ssurc regulalors shall comply rvith the follorving: l. Thc N{P reguletor shall be approved and shall bc suit- ublc for tlre inlet und outlet gas pressures for thc appli- cltion. 2. The Ir{P rcgulotor shall maintain a reduced outlet pres- sure under lockup (no-flow) conditions. 3. The capacity of the MP regulator, determined by pub- lishcd ratings of its manufactursr, shall be adequate to supply thc oppliances scrvcd. 4. Thc MP prusurc reguhtor shall be provided wilh access, lVhere locoted indoors, the regulator shall be ventcd to lhe outdoors or shalt be cquipped rvith a leak- limiting dcvice, in either case comptying vith Scction 410.3. 5. A tec frtting with one oJuning capped or plugged shall be iffitsllcd bctween thc tvlP regulator and its upslrcam shutoff valve. Such tce fitdng shall be positioncd to allow conneciion of a pressurc-measuring instrument and lo.scrvc !s a scdimenl trap. 6. A tee fitting rvith onc opening capped or pluggcd shall be idollcd not less than l0 pipe diarnelcrs downstrerm of the lvlP rcgutator outlet. Such tee fitting shall bc positioned to allow conncclion ofa pressurc-measuring instrument. 4 10 J Venting of regulators. Pressurc regut ators lhai regu i re a vent shall bc vcnted dircctly to thc outdoors. Thc vcnt shall be designed to prevent &c entry of insec6. water and forcign objects, Exception: A vent to the outdoors is not rcquired for regu- lators equipped with and labeled for utilizrtion with sn approvetl vent-timiting device inslalled in accordance with the manufacturer's in.slructions. 4f03.1 Vent piplng. Vent prpirrg for relicf vents lnd breather vcnts shall be constructed of materials utlowed for gas piping in accordance with Section 403. Ventppiag shall bc not smaller than the vent connection on the prcs- sure regulating device. YefiL pipi,rg serving relief venls rnd combinution relief und breattrer vcnlc shall be run indepcndcntly to ths outdoor.r and shall serve only o single device vcnt. Yent pipittg serviag only breather vents is permilted to be connected in a maoifold arrangcmcnt Attachment C2 Decision Mcmorandum 75 Home > Ooerations Procedures [3000/40001> DOT Reouired > Customer Meters. Service Egoulators and Service Lines > Siting Service Lines and Meter Sets [4017] IGC PROGEDURES DATE:01/31/05 TITLE: Siting Service Lines and Meter Sets NUMBER; 4417 REFERENCES I PURPOSE I SCOPE IGENEML I RESPOIISTBTLTTY I STANDARpS ISERVICE LOCATTONS I METER LOCATTONS I DGMPLES REFERENCBS Regulntions IGC General Service Provisions 49 CFR 192, 351, 353, 355, 357 Policg 591 Gas Delivery Pressure Procedur.es 4019 Curb and Other Property Line Valves 4015 Upstream Regulation of High Pressure Service Lines (Farm Taps) 4016 Roof Top Distribution System 9375 Service Line lnstallations 4026 P.E. Plastic Pipe System Design and lnstallation Anachment C3 Decision Memorandum Page I of8 PURPOSE Provide proper guidelines for determining service line, meter set, and riser locations and routes for the service line that are acceptable and safe under the General Service Provisions and applicable safety, building codes and operating policies. SCOPE Applies to all Company personnel assigned the responsibility of selecting service line routes and meter locations. GENBRAL Service lines will be installed at the minimum total length necessary to conform with Company requirements regarding meter set locations. The criteria for service lines to be installed in conjunction with new mains is contained in Procedure 9371 Plant Additions-Revenue. When a service line cannot be located according to the requirements of this Procedure, contact the Operations/Division/District Manager for instructions, As described in Section A, Paragraph 12.9 of the General Service Provisions, a second service line will be installed for a customer only when the second location is justified and more than fifty (50) feet from the existing service line. See also {Ql$, Roofiop Distribution Systems, and 9375, Service Line lnstallation, Meter sets will be located along the wall of the structure least susceptible to future building, fencing or other additions. Residential meter sets will not be located in the rear of the dwelling, unless circumstances are such that the rear of the dwelling is the most feasible and desirable location available (townhouses, alley distribution system, etc.). When a Service Line application shows a rear meter locatlon, an explanation of the conditions requiring such a location must be included on the 512-A. This explanation will be reviewed and accepted by the Marketing Manager and submitted to the Regional/Division/District Manager for approval prior to installation of the service line. RESPONSIBILITY The Operations Managers are responsible for the administration of this Procedure. Attachment C3 Decision Memorandum Page 2 of8 STAIYDARDS A. Selecting Service Locations 1. Precautions to take regarding service locations a. When possible, select a termination location for the service line that is at least twelve inches ('12') from other underground facilities. lf it is a joint trench service line, ensure that the service is installed according to joint trench specifications. b. Do not run plastic systems within the influencing area of any system that radiates temperatures above 100p F. lf there is a concern that this may occur, contact General Office Engineering for necessary calculations. 2. When paralleling a foundation for more than five (5) feet, select a location for the service line at least three (3) feet from the foundation, whenever possible. lf a basement has been excavated, and there could be excessive soilsettling, the service should be run outside of the disturbed soil area. 3. Whenever paralleling a sidewalk or retaining wall and if possible, select a location at least one (1) foot from the sidewalk and three (3) feet from the retaining wall, when possible. 4, Select service line locations so that adjacent private property is not crossed unless a properly executed right-of-way agreement is obtained. 5. \A/henever possible, avoid selecting line locations uvhere the seMce will pass under concrete slabs, carports or through retaining walls. Avoid periodlc maintenance areas over septic tanks, oil and gasoline tanks etc. 6. Whenever possible install service line locations so that the service line will run in a straight line from the stub or tee to the service line riser location. 7, Consider possible future additions to the property and locate the service so that it will not be built over or have the meter location fenced in at a later date. 8, Any service lines running under a building will be encased. The casing will be sealed and vented to the outside at the point where it enters the building. Service lines will not be installed under a building without Operations Manager approval. C. Riser and Meter Set Locations 2. Position the riser and meter set in a readily accessible location. The meter and meter stop must be easily accessed in case of emergencies and for routine maintenance and meter reading. 3. When possible, select a location outside an area that is, or may be fenced. Anachment C3 Decision Memorandurn Page 3 of8 4. The meter shall be located at the point on the structure: a. As close to stub or main as possible. b. Protected by gutter or eave line if possible, c. On the gable end tf possible. d. lf main line is in the front of the structure; place riser as close as possible to the front of the structure;however, the service riser and meter shall be located at least 18" horizontally from an electrical meter. (See Example 1) (Most common distance is four (4) feet.) e. lf main line is behind the house: place the riser at the closest point in the back of the structure maintaining the 18" horizontal distance from the electrical meter or service panel. 5. Manifolds shallbe located in the same manner as single meters and allow for the required width for the number and size of the meters. lf a stack manifold is required, the upper portion shall be secured to the structure during installation. 6. When the meter and service regulator will be installed outside the building, select locatSon of service line fiser to meet the following: Where a rnain customer valve is used, an additional 3" to 4" shallbe needed for house line installation. Large meter sets shall be sited as needed for clearance. b. Do not locate under or in front of windows or other building openings which may be used as emergency fire exits or under interior or exterior stairways. c. \Mren the service line riser is on the driveway side of a dwelling, at least three (3) feet of spacing between the driveway and the building is necessary. Additionalprotection will be provided, such as a meter guard. (See Example 5) d. \Mrere a service line riser is likely to be set in paving of any kind, a short piece of two inch (2") or larger P.E. pipe will be used to sleeve the pipe at ground level, e. When a meter is set outside a school, a pennanently locked fence or enclosure may be provided by the Company. f. IGC willprovide protection for meter sets when required. g. \A/hen locating a riser for a large meter set, adequate space and access shall be provided to allow for normal maintenance and testing. 7. Select location for service line and service line riser and meter set for large commercial and industrial services to meet the following additionalrequirements: Attachment C3 Decision Memorandum Pagc 4 of8 a. a. When the service line will parallelthe foundation, a minimum of five (5) feet clearance from the building will be maintained. b. The meter will not be located directly underneath and will have at least three (3) feet minimum horizontalclearance from an electric panel, air intake or any equipment that could possibly be a source of ignition. c. Space requirements for large meter sets will be determlned from the meter set design. See specified or standard meter set drawings. d. \Mren meters are set outside a school, a permanent locked fence or enclosure may be provided by the Company. e. Wren meters are set outside a church and extra security is necessary, a permanent locked fence or enclosure, with IGC access, is to be provided by the customer. 8. \A/hen the meter and service regulator will be set inside the building, the location for the service line riser will meet the following requirements: 6. NOTE: Written approval must be obtained from the Operations Manager for any inside meter set. That approval must be attached to the asbuilt drawing on Form 512-Aor 319. . The service line riser, meter stop and service line entrance into the building will be as near as practicable to the meter and regulator location. a. When possible, the seMce line riser and meter stop will be above ground outside the building and the entrance of the service line into the building will be above ground with a readily accessible outskJe shut-off valve. b. Any service entrance into the building below ground willincorporate an outside cufivalve and will be cased and the casing sealed at the points the service line enters and exits the casing. The casing must be vented to the outside atrnosphere. c. Allregulators located inside a building must be located in a ventilated area and not less than three feet from any source of ignition or heat which could damage the meter. Allinside regulators will be vented separately to the outside of the structure and installed to prevent water buildup and entry of insects and debris. d. A meter and regulator installed in a recessed opening is considered an outside meter set if the following conditions are met: v. The recess has an exterior,wall vi. The service line enters the recess above ground (over the sill) vii. The recess is lined with fireproof and vapor-proof material 8. Any service line riser cannot be located to meet the requirements of this Procedure shallbe refened to the Operations/District Manager. Attachment C3 Decision Memorandum Page 5 of8 NOTE: IGC will provide protective steel posts for the meter set, when required, where no protection is provided by the customer. Adequate meter protection consists of either the company approved meter guard, (Example 5) a two inch (2") or four inch (4") diameter post, or a permanent protective wall. 9. No meter or service regulator will be located in a pit or vault. Contact the Operations Manager for alternative locations. 10, When services and meters are on a rooftop system, see Procedure 4016 Rooftop Distribution Systems, for requirements. 11. Meters installed on manufactured housing where flex connectors are utilized shall have the meter bar assembly stabilized by use of a meter bar support. C. Riser and Meter Set Height 0. Standard installation height shallbe achieved when the bottom of the stop equals the height of foundation. (Caution should be taken to ensure the bury line on the riser is not below future grade), (See Example 6) 1. lnstallation height of larger meters and meters installed on multilevel foundations shall be accomplished by determining future grade according to building specification. This may be determined by: a. Contacting builder b. Reviewing plans c. Future grade indicators that exist or are apparent. G. Riser and Meter Height - Heavy or Deep Snow Area's 0. When heavy or deep snow conditions exist, a higher aspect meter set that exceeds the height of a standard installation should be a consideration. (See Example 4) 1. ln deep snow areas, snow sliding g-ff the rooJshould also be coyrsidered.a damaging foice. Snow shields shall be iristilled if neicesiary. 2. lf a safe meter location can not be identified on a'home or building, an engineered itrdcture that allars adequaG ventilation and is Oesijjnaiito.ilieeiitre potential.snow load can be used to protect the meter and must be in place prior to service being activated. 3. lf an engineered structure for meter protection is used, an engineer's signature will be needed approving the structure's design and ability to protect the meter from snow and ice. (See Example # 7 Approval of Engineered Design for Meter Protection.) This approvalshall be signed and added to the asbuilt and added to Scanned lmages with the asbuilt D. Regulator Venting Requirements 0. Regulators shall be installed vertically with the vent pointed downward 1. Regulators that cannot be installed with vent pointed downward shall have additionalvent piping installed to ensure downward venting 2. Vents will be sreened or have caps installed to prevent entry of water, insects, debris, or foreign objects Attachmcnt C3 Decision Memorandum Page 6 of8 3. ln high snow aspect areas vents will be extended to above the anticipated snow level 4. Extended vent piping will be placed in such a position to prevent entry of water, insects, debris, or foreign objects and protected from heavy snow or water run off 5. Vent piping will be sized according to the size of the vent opening on the regulator 6. Vent piping willbe secured as necessary 7. lf a meter set is located within three (3) feet of any air intake which is permanently opened into a structure, the regulator will be vented remotely from the area. Note:Windows, whether operable or non-operable, are not considered an air intake, 8. Meter locations protected under roof valleys and eaves where run off due to rain and snow may affect the regulator vent shall have the regulator vent piping extended to a protected location 9. All inside regulators shall be vented separately to the outside of the structure and installed to prevent water buildup and entry of insects and debris E. Meter Stop Valve lnstallation and Replacements 0. Service rlser applications sized %'through 2" (single meter and manifolds) operating at 60 psig or less shall use a valve stop with an insulating union incorporated in the body of the stop 1. Greater than 60 psig operating pressure - High pressure installations shall require a. Non insulated stop. b. lnsulation shall be obtained by one of the following: i. lnsulating union downstream of the secondary pressure regulator ii. Flange gasket insulators at the flanges (2) of a flanged by-pass riser 2- Maintenance - ln the course of performing maintenance to resolve leaking spuds or to remediate cathodic protection issues at the meter set assembly, the following actions should be performed where applicable: . Replace a non-insulated valve stop with an insulated valve stop, a. Replace meter loop assembly with a pre fabricated meter loop incorporating a customer valve in the meter loop and non-insulated spuds. b. Replace a non-insulated valve stop with an insulated valve stop without a pre fabricated meter loop wfien alignment with existing house piping is not feasible. EXA]VIPLES Attachment C3 Decision Memorandum Page 7 ofB EXAMPLE 1 Distance from Electrical Meter D(AMPLE 2 Flex Riser D(AMPLE 3 Support Assembly EJGMPLE 4 High Aspect Riser EXAMPLE 5 Meter Guard EXAMPLE 6 Standard Meter lnstallation EXAMPLE 7 Approval of Engineered Design for Meter Protection Attachment C3 Decision Memorandum Pnge 8 of8