HomeMy WebLinkAbout170609Decision Memo.pdfRE: DECISION MEMORANDI'M TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKINC FILE FROM: JOHNATHAN trARLEY DATE: JUNE 7,20fi ERIC CONRAD V.INTERMOIJNTAIN GAS COMPAT{Y cAsE NO.IN}G-15-01 BACKGROI.,tND In December 2015, Eric Conrad filed a formal complaint with the Commission against Intermountain Cas Company (lOC). During the process of building a new home near Idaho Falts, IGC required Mr. Conrad to install a meter protection stnrcture at this own expense before the utility would "set" the meter and provide natural gas service. The initial structure built by Mr. Conrad was unsatisfactory to IGC and he had to install another protection structure. On February 1,2016, the Commission issued a Summons to IGC, directing the Company to file a response to Mr. Conrad's complaint. The Company filed its Answer on February 19, 20L6. On March 7,2016,the Commission Stafffiled comments in response to IOC's Answer, and IGC filed its response to StafPs comments on March 21,2016. In OrderNo. 33524, issued on May 17,2016, the Commission ordered the Company to work with Commission Staffto develop written material regarding the proper placement of meter sets and the design of struetures to protect meters and other facilities. In addition to the developrnent of written materials, the Commission ordered the Company to make the new materials publicly available on its website and othenpise disseminate the information to developers, builders, and contractors). The Commission also ordered IGC to advise all of its customer service representatives of the new materials. See Order at 8. Since the Order was issued, the Company and Commission Staffhave had several meetings to discuss standards, DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 7,2017 procedures and implementation plans. In May 2017, Staffdid its final review of unitten documents and IGC's training and communication plan. Meter Placement and Protection The Company with the aid of Staffdeveloped written materials outlining the proper placement of meter sets. [n addition to the proper placement of meter sets, the Company has developed criteria for protecting meter sets in areas with heavy snow load. The Company's new materials include meter placement standards, designation of areas considered to be heavy snow load locales, and design of acceptable protective structures. Training & Public Outreach The Company has implemented a training and communications plan in order to train Company personnel and disseminate the Company's new standards to the public. According to the Company, an "all hands on deck" conference sall Bnd WebEx training was held on May 24, 2017. The training was attended by customer service representatives, District managers, engineering associates, service technicians and affected general office staff. The purpose ofthe training was to inform personnet of the Company's policy and procedures with respect to meter placement and protection. The Company claims that new employees will receive this lraining as part of their initial training and existing employees will receive training covering this material annually. The Company has developed a bifirrcated outreach strategy. The first piece of Company's outreach strategy was development of a brochure outlining the meter location standards and meter protection requirements in areas identified as having heavy snow load (Attachment l). The Company indicated that it mailed this brochure to designated stakeholders, including developers, builders, and contractors, on May l, 2017. IGC intends to distribute the brochure twice a year as part of an ongoing outreach program. In addition to a semi-annual mailer, the brochure is available in electronic format on the Company's website and in hardcopy at the Company's field offices. The second piece of the Company's outreach strategy was to include information on its website. The Company has updated its website to include pages pertaining to the criteria for placing and protecting meters as well as links to the brochure, diagrams, maps of affected areas, 2DECISION MEMORANDUM JTJNE 7,?OI7 and engineering design requirements. All materials provided to Commission Staffhave been placed in the INT-G-16-01 case file. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffhas reviewed all of the Company's submitted materials and believes they provide the requisite information to customers, stakeholders, the general public and Company personnel in compliance rvith Commission OrderNo. 33524. Staffrccommends that the Commission accept IGC's compliance filing. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept the compliance filing of Intermountain Gas Company? Udmcmos/int-g-16-0 I dec mcmo 3DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 7,2017 2 F7t3>I QEIEf;I EEi .gbi,o,.= 8E ?tEeo(ECLu,EE fr_o0roP6o-ebg6 ar.t E d ll-,7]t-y .A,..90L L -0b 9 - - Itrt.iL E EP 601!8 0l'ostog .009I od.'pu epc's !99}r.rrt|Elr --ffrH,imr#,o)tYD(,1.NMNflOt^{Uil}.[YYY:l3vlsod EoqoG cD{r,tr'-i3 = tEEtr o o.ct El!C' eo Gtr o G o 1'lc, og zfo(J +E--*gs -EHggH.iEEf;*EE,HT-iE9?9EEfl8deiil'8666o.n .H+lJ!'ntrc!--gEE-o' EgEEeEsSfiEEEEE o t6CEc!gqts'Egc- =>E-oEEbsUUeP.toraSoE"EariiS*f !rcoY'-O!*H*? dEo!!6E.r iEeg=o h-+#"6g cripbAFTE G}Iffi&*6 U, 3r$gDL.{{: coo .o o-: caoc = toI!o = .ll!opc = so.L g'5occo6 lo.o (! 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