HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150319Comments.pdfKARL T. KLETN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONpo Box g3720 rr'rJrr'rDD L'\rr'vrlvuoDr\,\ :l:l:: i'i,',q I:l Fli 3: C I BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 iil,.1,;,,,(208)334-0320 LjTilliliii l,\,i,,ii'ri-,i,ri';' IDAHO BAR NO. 5I56 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W , WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO CHANGE ITS ) CASE NO. INT-G-14-02 COMPOSITE DEPRECIATION AND ) AMORTIZATION RATES. ) COMMENTS OF THE ) COMMISSION STAFF ) The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission comments as follows on Intermountain Gas Company's Application. BACKGROUND On November 4,2014,Intermountain Gas Company applied to increase its: (1) composite depreciation rate from3.}7Yo (3.06% when weighted by December 31,2010 assets) to 3.12%; and (2) total General Plant account amortizations from $1,749,970 to $2,598,813. The Company says it needs these accounting changes because it has been under-depreciating its assets and under-amortizing General Plant account Nos. 391,393,394,395,397 afi 398. If the changes are approved, they would be reflected in the Company's books as of January 1,2015, consistent with the start of the Company's financial reporting period. The proposed changes would not increase customer rates at this time. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I9,2OI3 STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the Company's Application and accompanying Depreciation and Amortization Accrual Rate Studies performed by AUS Consultants. In reviewing the depreciation and amortization studies, Staff analyzed the depreciation rates, service lives, remaining lives, and salvage values for all plant asset accounts. Additionally, Staff met with the Company and its depreciation consultant on February 3,2015 and on March 5,2015. As a result of those discussions, Staff and the Company have agreed to new depreciation rates that will allow the Company to depreciate an annual amount of $ 14,617,3 l0 for a composite depreciation rate of 3.05%. Attachment A outlines the specifics related to the agreed upon annual depreciation rates. Staff and the Company agreed to accept the Amortization rates as filed. Adjustments from the Company's original filing are explained in greater detail below. Electronic Meter Reading Transmitters (ERTs) In2002, the Company began installing automated and remote electronic meter reading, using ERT devices that record the metered usage and transmit that usage to a radio receiving device in a Company vehicle as it passes through the Company's service area. The ERT device consists of a circuit board with a semiconductor chip radio transmitter, an electro-mechanical device that converts the rotating action of the meter registers into data that is stored in the ERT's memory chip, and a lithium battery. The manufacturer of the ERT devices has determined the battery life to be 15 years. When the battery fails, the total ERT is replaced since it would be more labor intense and costly to replace just the sealed battery. Accordingly, the Company depreciated its initial ERT investment with a 15-year service life with a current annual depreciation rate of $2,406,907 . The Company began replacing the ERTs in2074, 12 years after initial deployment. The Company's depreciation study proposed an average remaining life of 2.6 years, and an annual depreciation expense of $2,545,702. After discussions, Staff and the Company agreed that the ERT's depreciation rate should not change until after the Company has installed new ERTs throughout its service territory. The Company's 2016 depreciation study will reevaluate the appropriate depreciation rate for the new ERTs at that time. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 19,2013 Distribution Mains The Company's current depreciation rate for distribution mains is $3,783,742 per year, with a service life of 58 years and a negative 610/o net salvage value. In its Application, the Company proposed a depreciation rate of 2.33% and an annual depreciation expense of $3,417,100, with a net salvage value of negative 53Yo. The net salvage experience over the period 1975 through 2013 has been a negative 43.8oA, with recent experience (2004-2013) being a negative 45.5%. Staff and the Company have agreed to use a net salvage value of negative 50%, which results in an annual depreciation rate of 2.25o/o with annual expense of $3,229,775. The agreed upon depreciation rate for this account is $187,325 less than the Company's proposed depreciation rate, and $553,967 less than the Company's current depreciation rate. Staff and the Company will monitor the net salvage values for distribution mains, and the 2016 depreciation study will allow any additional changes in this asset category if necessary. Re gulating Station Equipment For regulating station equipment, the Company currently uses a 35-year service life with a net salvage value of negative 10o2, resulting in an annual depreciation expense of $194,108. The Company's depreciation study recommended a net salvage value of negative 18% with annual depreciation of $224,024. Staff and the Company agree that a net salvage value of negative l4Yo is appropriate. This results in an annual depreciation rate of $2 I 3,5 88, for $ I 9,480 more than the Company's current depreciation expense, but $10,436 less than what the Company proposed. As with Staff s other adjustments, the Staff and the Company will monitor the salvage values prior to the 2016 depreciation study and incorporate any necessary changes at that time. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities - Nampa Historically, the Company has used its LNG facility in Nampa, Idaho to provide gas during periods of high demand typically occurring in the winter. In 2011 , investment was made to allow LNG to be loaded on trucks, and in 2073, the Company also began using the facility for the non-utility sale of liquefied natural gas. See Order No, 32793. During 2011-2013,the Company invested over $4.6 million in upgrades to the facility. Although Staff currently is not proposing to adjust the Company's depreciation rates for the Nampa LNG facility, Staff raised concerns with the Company that some of the upgrades appear primarily to facilitate the STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I9,2OI3 commercial, non-utility sale of LNG, and to be more limited with regard to providing LNG to customers during peak periods. The Company currently provides a2.5 cent per gallon sold credit to utility customers in the annual Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) mechanism to offset the operations and maintenance of the LNG facility. Additionally, the Company has set aside another2.5 cents per- gallon-sold recognizing that the commercial use of the facilities may accelerate capital expenditures and maintenance. Staff and the Company agree that the allocation methodology and reserve amounts should be revisited routinely to ensure that the Company's natural gas customers are not on the hook for additional maintenance and capital expenditures caused by the commercial sale of liquefied natural gas. The Company has agreed to let Staff access the Nampa facility, and to assist Staff in periodically reevaluating the allocations for the commercial sale of LNG. The Company proposes a depreciation rate of 2.55Yo for the Nampa LNG facility, with an annual depreciation expense of $312,379. The current depreciation rate is2.00Yo with an annual expense of $245,003. The plant life has historically been extended with upgrade investments, and Staff expects similar activity going forward. Staff and the Company agree that until the LNG sales allocations, reseryes, and plant use are investigated later this year as discussed above, the depreciation rate should not be changed and should remain at2.00o/o with an annual expense of $245,003. Amortizations The proposed amortization for Account Nos. 391 ,393,394,395,397, and 398 increases annually by $848,843 to $2,598,813. Many changes can be linked to changes in Customer Service. Account 391, Furniture and Office Equipment, includes additions for modular work stations, computer equipment and software upgrades. Account 397, Communications Equipment, includes shorter lives for telephone and radio systems. It reflects the Company's share of the new call center investment jointly used by Intermountain Gas, Cascade Gas and MDU North Plains. Although Staff agrees to accept the Company's amortization rates as filed, the Company has agreed to include additional detail for Accounts 391 and397 with its next Amortization Study. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I9,2OI3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION After thoroughly reviewing the Company's Depreciation and Amortization Accrual Rates Study, and through discussions with the Company, Staff recommends that the Commission accept the Company's proposed Amortization rates as filed, with an agreed upon overall depreciation rate of 3.05%. Staff also recommends that the Commission accept the agreed upon depreciation rates included in Attachment A, which incorporate the adjustments detailed above. Per settlement discussions, the Company will work with Staff to reevaluate the customer allocations associated with the commercial sale of LNG from the Company's Nampa LNG facility. Additionally, the Company shall include additional detail to Accounts 391 and 397 in its 2016 Amortization Study. The Company concurs with this recommendation. Respectfully submitted this I q l-L day of March 2015. lu/L Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Terri Carlock Donn English i:umisc/comments/avug I 4.2kktcde comments STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 19,2013 'N E $gfi'$N $SaFSHm'EggiE$$$FgFt' d -dr g - $eSS Bg. "'.t S ddE $ gg^I56 :(*!"EI g EEESfiE BES.E frI g.9.3.{ $.;. E - $$g:$ S:iiE.: E'Ii i: Eild !: .e * *:?**rt* :1|l:l:e :rll al ,r.lIl ll :l6 dFGxE6 N'6@ tsA N :-@ O Oi {-<.t9q4 qcqq:q q qCq.'{ qN -OdgN- tNrr NN O NOo I O * BSSgEH BfrH3 Eg g iBg g E $ '. gi3q 3tiEis. ss rl B.$i!i g i * ****** **** r.il * *** * ;r EEfrREE S8E8 e3 I 8EE e E.i ;cdr,j.jJ iJ6i- .,i.,,i c, .,ird i oi +-oo?66:d,xN66d q, :!*:a*:lL-6Fo-t!9 \QaoN o9 666N6N6+Fo6666Ndidi--t'; 88 I! O- O- r.!"sH E oNO6NOo6@ -d i ci€ts$ ar rt8Se.i o **s'l -)!!ts 6FciNt ts oEo. 3dtts * * * * )r * *rQ**** *:l]a:l :l* )t *** Fh i o i h o roooulq q:aq q.? q \c?c \;r#$p s dgitg; a$Es sB s ss8 s s ! E a $. s. 8.p.$.$.3.fr. 1i.es. 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INT-G.14.02, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL P McGRATH DIR _ REGULATORY AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: mike.mcgrath@intgas.com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY PC 1015 W HAYS ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: ron@williamsbradbury.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE