HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140808Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES I rurenruouNTArr{ Gns Conapnruy sss souTH coLE RoAD . P.O. BOX 7608 . BOISE,IDAHO 83707 . (208)377-6000 o FAx:377-6097 .i! REC E IVE I} ?0lt AUG -8 Pl{ 3: 58 ,',,rBilPC"o*ii5srry' August 8,2014 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No. INT-G-14-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached for consideration by this Commission are the original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application for Authority to lncrease Its Prices on October 1,2014. If you should have any questions regarding this Application please contact me at377-6168. Sincerely, Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure cc: Scott Madison Ronald L. Williams INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NO. INT.G-14-01 APPLICATION, EXHIBITS, AND WORKPAPERS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY For Authority to fncrease Its Prices on October lr20l4 (October lr20l4 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Filing) Ronald L. Williams,ISB 3034 Williams Bradbury PC l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Attomey for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. INT-G-14-01 APPLICATION Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain" or "Company"), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. with general offtces located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, hereby requests authority, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 6l-307 and 6l-622, to place into effect October 1,2014 new rate schedules which will increase its annualized revenues by $6.7 million, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). Because of changes in Intermountain's gas related costs, as described more fully in this Application, Intermountain's earnings will not increase as a result of the proposed changes in prices and revenues. Intermountain's current rate schedules showing proposed changes are attached hereto as Exhibit No. I and are incorporated herein by reference. Intermountain's proposed rate schedules are attached hereto as Exhibit No. 2 and are incorporated herein by reference. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Michael P. McGrath Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise,lD 83707 and Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury PC 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, Idaho 83702 In support of this Application,Intermountain does allege and state as follows: APPLICATION - 2 In the Matter of the Application ot INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY for Authority to Increase Its Prices I. Intermountain is a gas utility, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, engaged in the sale of and distribution of natural gas within the State of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219 issued December2,lgsl, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564, dated October 3,1962. Intermountain provides natural gas service to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star; Bannock County - Chubbuck,Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Moreland/Riverside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonneville County - Ammon,Idaho Falls, Iona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Parma, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancroft, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, Declo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferry, Hammett, and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker, and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Gooding, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewisville, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone; Madison County - Rexburg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyburn, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Bruneau, and Homedale; Payette County - Fruitland, New Plymouth, and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kirnberly, Murtaugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Weiser. Intermountain's properties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines, liquefied natural gas storage facilities, distribution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. II. Intermountain seeks with this Application to pass through to each of its customer classes changes in gas related costs resulting frorn: 1) costs billed to Intermountain from firm transportation providers including Northwest Pipeline LLC ("Northwest" or "Northwest Pipeline"), 2) an increase in Intermountain's Weighted Average Cost of Gas, or "WACOG", 3) an updated customer allocation of gas related costs pursuant to the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA") APPLICATION - 3 provision, 4) the inclusion of temporary surcharges and credits for one year relating to natural gas purchases and interstate transportation costs from Intermountaiu's deferred gas cost accounts, and 5) benefits resulting from Intermountain's management of its storage and firm capacity rights on various pipeline systems. Intermountain also seeks with this Application to eliminate the temporary surcharges and credits included in its current prices during the past 12 months, pursuant to Case No. INT-G-13-05. The aforementioned changes would result in an overall price increase to lntermountain' s customers. These price increases are applicable to service rendered under rate schedules affected by and subject to Intermountain's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA"), initially approved by this Commission in Order No. 26109, Case No. INT-G-95-1, ffid additionally approved through subsequent proceedings. Exhibit No. 3 contains pertinent excerpts from applicable pipeline tariffs. Exhibit No. 4 summarizes the price changes in: 1) Intennountain's base rate gas costs, 2) its rate class allocation, and 3) adjusting temporary surcharges or credits flowing th,rough to Intermountain's direct sales customers. Exhibit Nos. 3 and 4 are affached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. m. The current prices of Intermountain are those approved by this Commission in Order No. 32897, Case No. INT-G-I3-05. IV. Intermountain's proposed prices incorporate all changes in costs relating to the Company's firm interstate transportation capacity including, but not limited to, any price changes or projected cost adjustments implemented by the Company's pipeline suppliers as well as any volumetric adjustments in contracted transportation agreements which have occurred since Intermountain's PGA filing in Case No. INT-G-I3-05. lntermountain continues to effectively manage its natural gas storage assets at Northwest's Jackson Prairie and Questar Pipeline's Clay Basin storage facilities. Supporting documents relating to Line 19 of Exhibit No. 4, include $489,915 in savings from Intermountain's management of these storage assets. Exhibit No. 4, Lines I through 19, details the proposed changes to Intermountain's prices resulting from lntermountain's cost of storage, and interstate and upstream capacity from its various suppliers. APPLICATION - 4 v. The WACOG reflected in Intermountain's proposed prices is $0.39482 per therm, as shown on Exhibit No. 4, Line 21, Col. (f1. This compares to $0.37341 per therm currently included in the Company's tariffs. Deliverable shale gas reserves in North America continue to be significant. However, modest improvements in our nation's economy coupled with an increase in natural gas fired electric generation correlate to increased demand on these abundant supplies which, in turn, cause upward pressure on natural gas prices. From a historical perspective, however, robust natural gas supplies combined with significant storage balances have kept natural gas prices significantly lower as compared to just a few years ago. Additionally, the proposed WACOG includes benefits to Intermountain's customers generated by the Company's management of its significant natural gas storage assets. Because gas added to storage is procured during the summer season when prices are typically lower than during the winter, the cost of Intermountain's storage gas is normally less than what could be obtained on the open market in winter months. Additionally, in an effort to further stabilize the prices paid by our customers during the upcoming winter period, Intermountain has entered into various fixed price agreements to lock-in the price for portions of its underground storage and other winter "flowing" supplies. Intermountain believes that the WACOG proposed in this Application, subject to the effect of actual supply and demand and based on current market conditions, provides today's most reasonable forecast of gas costs for the 2014-2015 PGA period. Intermountain will employ, in addition to those fixed price agreements already in place, cost effective price arrangements to further secure the price of flowing gas embedded within this Application when, and if those pricing oppornrnities materialize in the marketplace. Intennountain believes that timely natural gas price signals enhance its customer's ability to make informed and appropriate energy use decisions. The Company is committed to alert customers to any significant impending price changes before their winter natural gas usage occurs. By employing the use of customer mailings, the Company's website, and various media resources, Intermountain will continue to educate its customers regarding the wise and efficient use of natural gas, billing options available to help manage their energy budget, and any pending natural gas price changes. APPLICATION - 5 vI. Pursuant to Case No. INT-G-13-05, Intermountain included temporary credits in its October 1,2013 prices for the principal reason of passing back to its customers deferred gas cost benefits, as outlined in Case No. INT-G-13-05. Line 26 of Exhibit No. 4 reflects the elimination of these temporary credits. vII. Intermountain's PGA tariff includes provisions whereby Intermountain's proposed prices will be adjusted for updated customer class sales volumes and purchased gas cost allocations, pursuant to the Company's approved cost of service methodology. Intermountain's proposed prices include a fixed cost collection adjustment pursuant to these PGA provisions, as outlined on Exhibit No. 5, Line 24. The price impact of this adjustment is included on Exhibit No. 4, Line No. 27. The Fixed Cost Collection Rate resulting from the adjustment plus the annual difference in demand charges from Exhibit No. 4, Lines I - 19, Col. (h) is shown on Exhibit No. 5, Line 28. Exhibit No. 5 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. vIu. Intermountain proposes to pass through to its customers the benefits that will be generated frorn the management of its transportation capacity totaling $3.9 million as outlined on Exhibit No. 7. These benefits include credits from a segmented release of a portion of lntermountain's firm capacity rights on Northwest Pipeline and other non-segmented capacity releases. Intermountain proposes to pass back these credit amounts via the per therm credits, as detailed on Exhibit No. 7 and included on Exhibit No. 6, Line l. Exhibit Nos. 6 and 7 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. APPLICATION.6 Ix. Intennountain proposes to allocate defened gas costs frorn its Account No. 186 balance to its customers t}rough temporary price adjustrnents to be effective during the 12-month period ending September 30,2015, as follows: 1) Intermountain has deferred fixed gas costs in its Account No. 186. The credit amount shown on Exhibit No. 8, Line 8, Col. (b) of $l1.4 million is attributable to a true-up ofthe collection of interstate pipeline capacity costs, the true-up of expense issues previously ruled on by this Commission, and mitigating capacity release credits generated from the incremental release of Intermountain's pipeline capacity. Intermountain proposes to pass back these balances via the per therm credits, as detailed on Exhibit No. 8 and included on Exhibit No. 6, Line 2. Exhibit No. 8 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2) Intermountain has also deferred in its Account No. 186 a variable gas cost debit of $5.3 million, as shown on Exhibit No. 9, Line 2, Col. (b). This deferred debit is attributable to Intermountain's variable gas costs since October 1,2013. Intermountain proposes to collect this balance via a per therm debit, as shown on Exhibit No. 9, Col. (b), Line 4 and included on Exhibit No.6, Line 3. 3) Finally, Intermountain has deferred in its Account No. 186 deferred gas costs related to Lost and Unaccounted For Gas as shown on Exhibit No. 9, Col. (b), Lines 5 through 20. This deferral results in net per therm increases to Intermountain's sales customers, as illustrated on Exhibit No. 9, Line 12, Col. (b), and included on Exhibit No. 6, Line 3. The Lost and Unaccounted For Gas deferral also results in a per therm increase for lntermountain's transportation customers as shown on Exhibit No. 9, Line 20, Col. (b). Exhibit No. 9 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. x. Pursuant to Commission Order No. 32793, Case No. INT-G-13-02, Intermountain has defened in its Account No. 186 variable gas cost credits associated with sales of liquefied natural gas at its Nampa, Idaho facility. Intermountain proposes to pass back this $405,441 sales credit as outlined on Exhibit No. 10, Line 7. Exhibit No. l0 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. APPLICATION. T xr. Intermountain has allocated the proposed price changes to each of its customer classes based upon Intermountain's PGA provision. However, a straight cent per therm price increase was not utilized for the LV-l tariffas no fixed costs are currently recovered in the tail block of the LV-l tariff. The proposed changes in the WACOG, and variable deferred debits and credits as outlined on Exhibit No.'s 9 and 10, are applied to all three blocks of the LV-l tariff. However, all adjustments relating to fixed costs are applied only to the first two blocks of the LV-1 tariff. XII. Each block of the proposed LV-1, T-3, T-4 and T-5 tariffs include a uniform cents per therm increase to adjust for Lost and Unaccounted For Gas as detailed on Exhibit No. 9, Lines 13 through 20, Col. (b). The prices, including the proposed adjustment for each block of the T-3, T-4 and T-5 tariffs, and the removal of existing temporary price changes, are outlined on Exhibit No. l, Page 1, Lines 2l through 32. XIil. Exhibit No. I I is an analysis of the overall price increases by class of customer. Exhibit No. I I is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. xw. The proposed overall price increases herein requested among the classes of service of Intermountain reflect a just, fair, and equitable pass-through of changes in gas related costs to Intermountain' s customers. xv. This Application is filed pursuant to the applicable statutes and the Rules and Regulations of the Cornmission. This Application has been brought to the attention of Intermountain's customers through a Customer Notice and by a Press Release sent to daily and weekly newspapers, and major radio and television stations in Intermountain's seryice area. The Press Release and Customer Notice are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of this Application, its Exhibits, and Workpapers have been provided to those parties regularly intervening in Intermountain's rate proceedings. APPLICATION - 8 xu. lntermountain requests that this matter be handled under modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201-204 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. Intermountain stands ready for immediate consideration of this matter. APPLICATION - 9 WHEREFORE, Intermountain respectfully petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as follows: a. That the proposed rate schedules herewith submitted as Exhibit No. 2 be approved without suspension and made effective as of October 1,2014 in the manner shown on Exhibit No. 2. b. That this Application be heard and acted upon without hearing under modified procedure, and c. For such other relief as this Commission may determine proper herein. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this Sth day of August, 2014. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Williams Bradbury PC By Michael rath Ronald L. Williams Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company- Regulatory Affairs APPLICATION - IO CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 8th day of August, 2014,I served a copy of the foregoing Case No. INT-G-14-01 upon: Ed Finklea Northwest Industrial Gas Users 326 5th St Lake Oswego, OR 97034 R. Scott Pasley J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise,ID 83707 Chad Stokes Cable Huston et al. 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97204-1136 Don Sturtevant J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise,ID 83707 by depositing true copies thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the above addresses. APPLICATION - I I EXHIBIT NO. 1 CASE NO. INT.G.14.O1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIIY CURRENT TARIFFS Showing Proposed Price Changes (11 pages) Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 11 CoMPARISON OF PROPOSED OCTOBDR l,2014 PRTCES TO OCTOBER l,2olt PRICES Prhc pcr PmPorcdPmporod oclobrl,20l{Ilnc _-Nc_ 7 8 9 l0il t2 t3 l4 l5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 29 30 3l 32 nrlcclr3t INf-Gtr{S- Alllqqrcnt rfgo.(r) (b) (c) (d) ll$lI 2 3 4 5 6 Aptil - Nowmbcr Docamber- March BS.2 Apil- Nowntcr Dcccmbcr - March GS-t Apil - Norembcr Block I Block 2 Block 3 Decembcr- March Block I Blool 2 Blook 3 CNO FuGl LV-t Block I Blocl 2 Btock 3 T-3 Block I Bhok 2 Blmk 3 T-4 Block I Bloclt 2 Block 3 ts.c (o April - Nortmbet Block I Block 2 Block 3 December - March Block I Block 2 Block 3 0.t7312 0.76016 0.73125 0.69762 0.76957 0.74?84 0.72682 0.71n2 0.697t2 0.6?706 0.6?7N 0.52258 0.48409 0.3tE50 0.05419 0.02t99 0,007E6 0.0588 I 0.02032 0_00559 0.0318r 0.o3lt8 0.029t I 0.029t I 0.00t07 0.00t07 0.00t07 0.00107 0.00t07 0.0010? 0.00t07 0.0t538 (r) o.otj3E (u 0.02968 (2) 0.00t58 0) 0.00158 0) 0.00t58 0) 0,00t02 0, 0.00t02 0) 0.00102 0, o.ool34 (r, 0.00134 (!t 0.0291 I 0.029t I 0.o0r07 0.00r07 0.00t07 0.00107 0.00107 0.00t07 0.90500 0.79244 0.76036 0.72673 0.77064 0.74891 0.72789 0.71979 0.69859 0.6itEtl 0.67813 0.5t796 0.4994? 0.4t818 0.056r7 o.o2rs7 0.00944 0.05983 0.a2lt4 0.fi)66t 0.84253 0.ooz79 0.04538 0.72673 0.72673 o.7t979 0.69859 0.67813 o.7t979 0.69859 0 678t3 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 T-5 Demrrdchsrge 0.t4253 Commodity Chargc 0.00145 Ovcr.Run Scrvicc 0.04404 IS-R (r, April- Norrmber 0.$762 December - Mrrch 0.69762 o.7187? o.69752 0.67706 0.7t872 o.$7s2 o67706 (rlSec Workpaper No. '/, Line 13, Column(e) orSce ll/ortpapcr No. 7, I.inc 17, Column (c) ('r Rcmovc INT-G- l3-05 lemporary ard add lhe lemJprary from Exhibit 9, Linc 20, Column (b) plus thc lemponry from Exhibit 10, Unc 7, Column (g) . (h) (')'Ilre IS'R pice is bascd on lhe RS-2 Deccmber - March pricc md rcceivcs lhe sonta PGA adjustmcnls. (t)The lS.C pricc is based on lhe GS-t Dccembcr - Much prico and receives lhe ssme PCiA adju$meols. l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Revised l5eventh I Sheet No. 01 (Pase 'l of Ii,lifr,,, tntermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effectiveeept-++Ce{+ ffi13 Pore$}.{98e7 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule RS-t RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable to lndlvldually metotud conBumera not othenillse speclfically provlded for, using natural gas for resldentlal purposes. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the customer charge. For blllnq perlods enChg Aprll through November Customer Charge - $2.50 per blll Gommod lty Charge -{D$.87$tt per therm' mrosgol For bllllno perlods endlnq Pecembor throuoh March Customer Charge - $6.50 per bill Commod ity Charge - {SS.7€o5o per therm' l3o. ?e244.| *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of lD(0.0{t97} l$joogsolil Welghted average cost of gae of f03iltl#l lSo.agaaz I PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thie tarlff ls subJect to an adfuetment for cost of purchased gaa as provlded for ln the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provislon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas servlce hereunder ls subJect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch this rate schedule ls a part. tssued by: lntermountain Gas CompanyBy: Michael P. McGrath Title: Eilective: ffits l6rto6erEidiAl Director - Regulatory Affairs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 1L IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectlveecpr.*+,*e+e ffiftffirH2097 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule RS-2 MULTIPLE USE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable to lndlvldually metered consumors uslng goa for several resldentlal purpoBos lncluding both water heatlng and space heatlng. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the cuetomer charge. Fgr bllllnq oerlods endlno Aorllthrouoh Novqmber Cuetomer Charge - $2,50 per blll Commodlty Charge -{$O#&t2E per therm' fS07;634 For blllino osrlods endlng Decembor $Jtrouqh March Customer Charge - $0.60 per blll Commodlty Charge - i0f0?el per therm' t$o-l26i3l *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of lE(&034i16) f$i[.TZr-oaIl IlUelghted averago cost of gas of 00;il73tl{ lso.agqaz I PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subfeci to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas aB provlded for ln the Company's Purchaeed Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder ls subJect to the General Servlce Provlelons of the Company's Tariff, of whlch thle rate schedule ls a part. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrathEffective:ffit3 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revissd Volumo No. 1 (Suporsedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Director - Regulatory Affairs Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable to lndlvldually metered cuetomers whose requlrcments for natural gas do not oxceed 2,000 thorms psr day, at any polnt on Company's dlstrlbutlon system. Requlrements ln exceaa of 2,000 thsrms per day may be served under thls rate schedule upon executlon of a one- year wrltten serylce contract. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the cuetomer charge. For bllllns perlods endlnq Aorll throuoh November l3o.??064| sb,a651l@ F0.7278e I CustomerCharge - $2,00 per blll Gommodlty Charge - Flrst 200 therme per blll @ SO#806f Next {,8fi)therms perblll @OOm Over 2,(X)0 therme per blll @$e#il88l?* For bllllno oerlode endlns Decemberthrourh March Gustomer Charge - $9.50 per blll Commodlty Chargo - Fltgt 200 therms per blll @ {Eeffit2' Next 1,800 therms per blll @0&.6075f,- Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 11 IDAHO PUBL]C UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffsctlveoapHcdoto ffie+ilfcr&fH2897 Jean D. Jewell Secretary l$0?.rgE l3o^6s8sel 'lncludes; Over 2,fi10 therms per blll @{0ft700* FAffeT3l Temporary purchased gaa cost adlustment of $(QQfl6e| l-$@Eo-IlwetjtrteoLverage coelof gae of 0i!3+344 15 ffi8r1 I P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revisod Volume No. 1 (Supersodes First Revise( lolumo No. 1) Sheet No.03 ( Paoe 1 of i'i,]Ifr,,, lntermountain Gas company lssued by: lntermountaln Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Ef fective : geeber+, aO+3 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes Fir$t Revis€d Volums No. 1) Revised lNlnthl Sheet No. 03 { Paqe 2 of Iiffi'ry lntermountain Gas comPanY Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective€cetlf5r-f0{+ €cffite ffi.rH2097 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE (Contlnued) For separately metercd dellverles of gar utlllzed solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel ln vehlcular lnternal combustlon englnos. Customer Charge - $9.60 per blll Commodlty Charge -C0:€+?0s per therm* [5dlfr6f5l *lncludee: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment oftB(0Jtil60) Flto"oss36il Welghted avorage cost of gas of {D}.37i}*f l5d'55afl PURGHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tarlff ls subject to an adjuetment for cost of purchaeed gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchaeed Gas Cost Adjustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: l. Any GS.l customor who leaves the GS-l sen lce wlll pay to lntermountaln Gas Company, upon exltlng the GS-i servlce, all gas and transportatlon related costs lncurred to Bsrvo the cuotomer durlng the GS-i sen lce perlod not bome by the customer durlng the tlmo the customer was uslng GS-i ssrvlce. Any GS-l customer who leaves the GS-l servics wlll have rofunded to them, upon exltlng the GS-1 seruice, any sxceea gas commodlty or transportatlon payments made by ths customer durlng the tlme they were a GS-l customer. 2. All natural gas servlce hereunder ls sublect to the General Servlce Provislons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thlB rate schedule ls a part. lssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Direclor - Regulatory Affairs Eifective: €cffi+3 I octouer r. zoiql l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 'l) RevisodSeventhlSheet No.04 ( Paoe 1 of Nsme of Utili lntermountain Gas Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-1"4-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of L1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effectiveecpt#-ee€ eeh+,ae+i, PerGlt{tS0T Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Gompany's dletrlbutlon system to any exlstlng customsr recelvlng Borvlco under the Company's rate schedule LV-l or any new cuatomer whoso usage dooB not excoed 500,000 therms annually, upon executlon of a ono-year mlnlmum written serylce contract for flrm sales serylce ln excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodlty Gharge: Flrst 250,000 therms per blll@SOfgtt0l ms-vg?,'lNext 500,000 therme per bllt @ $:{oree' fSmElfdn Amount Over 760,000 therms per blll @{Ee€00t0*{S0"4191!-l The above prlces lnclude welghted averago cost of gas of 0&373** m.3r.-4p,21* lncludee temporary purchased gas cost adfustment of 0$0t70O) E{o.o14soiltt lncludes temporary purchased gaa cost adlustment of 0S.00&tB F6:6imf PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subJect to an adJustment for cost of purchased gaa as prcvlded for ln the Company's Purchasod Gae Cost Adfustmont Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1, All natural gae servlce hereunder ls sublect to the General Service Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. 2. Any LV-l customor who exlts the LV-l servlce at any tlme (includlng, but not llmlted to, the expiratlon of the contract term) wlll pay to lntermountaln Gae Gompany, upon exltlng the LV-l sellce, all gas and/or lnterttate transportation related costs to serye the cuslomer during the LV-l contract perlod not borne by the customer durlng the LV-l contract perlod. Any LV-l cuatomor wlll have rofundod to them, upon exltlng the LV-l servlce, any oxcosa gas and/or lnterctate transportatlon related payments made by tho customor durlng the LV-l contract period. 3. ln the event that totsl dellverles to any customer wlthln the last three contract perlods met or exceeded the 2fi),0fl1 therm threshold, but the customer durlng the currsnt contract perlod used less than the contract mlnlmum of 200,000 theme, an addltlonal amount shall be bllled. The addltlonal amount shall be calculated by bllllng the deflclt ueage below 200,000 therms at the LV-l Block I rate adJusted for the removal of varlable gas costs. The customer's future ellglbillty for the LV-l Rate Schedule wlll be ronogotlated wlth the Gompany. tss(red by: lntermountain Gas CompanyBy: Michael P. McGrathEffective:ffi+g l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) 1 (Paqe1 L1lli,, lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effoctlveffi,l{} ffi+effi;1H2897 Jean D. Jewoll Secretary Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable at any polnt on the Gompany'e dlstdbutlon system to any customer upon exocutlon of a one year mlnlmum wrltten servlce contract. MONTHLY MTE: { 00,000 therms transported@ $e'0545e' l-$6o561il 50,000 therms traneportod@ G,&.O*10e* Sd]mffil I 50,000 thermg transported@ 0OS0+8G' BOffiifAl 'tncludes temporary purchased gas coat adfustment of 0'(O:00'tOf) lsb-.oTofl ANNUAL M]NIMUM BILL: The cuetomer shall be subfect to the payment of an annual minlmum blll of $30,fi10 durlng each annual contract perlod, unless a hlgher mlnlmum ls requlred undor the servlce contract to covor Bpecla! condltlons. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subfect to an adJuetment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for in the Company's Purchaeed Gas Cost AdJustment Provlelon. SERVICE GONDTTIONS: 1. The Company, ln lts sole dlscretlon, shall determlne whethor adequate capaclty to accommodate transportatlon of the customer's gae Company's dlstrlbutlon system, 2. All natural gas sewlce hereunder ls subJect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. 3. lnterruptlble Dlstrlbutlon Transportatlon Servlce may be made flrm by a wrltten agreemont between the partles lf the customer has a dedlcated line. 4. lf requested by the Company, the customer expreesly agroea to lnterrupt its operatlons durlng perlods of capaclty conotralnts on the dlstrlbutlon system. 5. Thls ssrvlce does not lnclude the cost of the customor's gas supply or the interstate plpellne capaclty. The customer ls responslble for procurlng lts own supply of natural gas and transportatlon to lnt€rmountaln's dlstrlbution system under thls rate, 6. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsiblo to deliver gas supplles to the customer which have not bsen nomlnated and accopted for dellvery by the lnterstate plpellne. 7. An existlng LV-l, T,4, or T-5 customer electlng thls schedule may concurrently utllize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contlguous property. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By. Michael P. Mccrath Tille: Director - Regulatory Affairs Eife ctive : oclotprt2ofir fOcEEe rf, 20141 Block One: Block Two: Block Thres: Flrst Next lAmount over or not lt has supply on the l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Rovised Volume No. 1)Mtr Revised IiJli*, lntermountain Gas Gompany Exhibit No. L Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 1L IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectlvoSee+.e+Pe+a *.t-ae+&ffitH209ili Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule T,4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILAB!LITY: Avallable at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Gompany's dlstributlon systom to any cuatomor upon sxocutlon of a one year mlnlmum wrltten service contract for flrm dlstrlbutlon transportatlon servlce ln excess of 200,000 therms por year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodlty Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Flrst Next Amount over 250,000 the rms transported@ $gooss{'Eoos g.83 I 600,000thermstraneported@$e.0209t'[$d.67iaTl TS0,000thermstraneported@$e{05e0-f$6o-666f 1 *lncludes lemporary purchased gas cost adJustment of 0&004e4 f$0:0ffi0] PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subJect to an adfustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Gompany's Purchased Gae Cost AdJustment Prcvlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. Thls servlce excludes the servlce and cost of flrm lnterstate plpellne charges. 2. Ths customer is responslble for procurlng Ite own supply of natural gas and lnterstate transportatlon under thls Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Gompany ls not responelble to dellver gas supplles to the customer whlch have not been nomlnated, scheduled, and dellvered by the lnterctate plpellne to the designated clty gate. 3. All natural gas servlce hereunder le subfect to the General Servlce Provisions of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedulo is a part. 4. The customer shal! nomlnate a Maxlmum Daily Flrm Quantity (MDFQ), whlch wlll be stated ln the contract and ln effect throughout the term of the servlce contract. 5. An exlstlng LV-l, T-3, or T-5 customer electing thls schedule may concurrently utlllze Rate Schedule T*4 on the cuctomer's aame or contlguous property. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ln the event that total deliveries to any customer wlthln the last throe contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm thrsshold, but the customer durlng the curront contract period used less than the contract mlnlmum of 200,000 therms, an addltlonal amount shall be bllled. The addltlonal amount shal! be calculated by billlng the deflclt ueage below 200,000 therms at the T-4 Block I rate. The customer's future eliglbllity for the T4 Rate Schedule wlll be renegotlated with the Company. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Gompany By: MichaelP. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: ffi013 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONl.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedas First Revised Volume No. 1) €int*Revisec@l SheetNo. 14 (Page1of 2) Xr1llfr,,, lnterrnountain Gas Company Flrm Servlce Demand Charge: Flrm Dally Demand Commodlty Charge: For Flrm Therms Transported Over-Run Servlce Commodlty Charge: For Therms Transported ln Excess Of MDFQ; Approved ece&-aCr+e+g Effsctlve ee&-{re0{8ffi.fH209r Jaan D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS AVAILABILITY: Avallable at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Company's dlstrlbutlon syetem to any exlstlng T-5 customer whose dally contract demand on any glven day moots ot exceedo a predetermlned level agreed to by the customor and the Company upon oxocutlon of a one-year mlnlmum wrltten servlce contract for flrm distrlbutlon servlce ln excees of 200,000 therms por year. MONTHLY RATE: Rate Per Therm $0.84253 ge.ooi*s.J36'367C1 .0oorer-lBd.6qEIE.l *tncludes temporary purchaaed ga8 coBt adrustment of 0(OO01O$ I3oooofu'l PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tariff ls sublect to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE GONDITIONS; 1. All natural gas serulce hereunder ls subfect to the General Service Provislone of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. 2. The customer shall nomlnate a Maxlmum Dally Flrm Quantlty (MDFQ), which wlll be stated In and wlll be ln effect throughout the term of the servlce contract. 3. The monthly Demand Charge wlll be oqual to the MDFQ timos the Flrm Dally Demand rate. Flrm demand rellef wlll bo affordsd to those T-5 customers paylng both demand and commodlty charges for gas when, ln the Company's ludgment, such rellef ls warrantod. 4. The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ tlmes the number of days in the bllllng month, whlchover ls less, wlll be bllled at the appllcable commodlly charge for flrm therms. rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: MichaelP. McGrathEffective:ffit3 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Exhibit No. L Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONl.P.U.C. Gas Tariff fiftttRevised [5Ii[]61 Sheet No. 16 (Page 1 of i'iJ|fr*, lntermountain Gas Gompany Approvodffi+a Effectlve ffiefilffitH200? Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABTLITY: Appllcabte to any neur resldentlal Cuetomer uslng natural gas to melt snow andlor ice on sldewalks, drlveways or any other slmllar appurtonances. Any and all such appllcatlons meetlng the above crlteria wlll be subfect to servlce under Rate Schedule lS-R and wlll be separately and lndlvldually metercd. All servlce hereunder ls lnterruptlble at the sole dlscnstlon of the Company. FACTLITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new lnterruptlble Snowmelt sorulce cuetomers are requlred to pay for the cost of the Snowmett motor aet and other related faclllty and equlpment costs, prior to the lngtallatlon of the metor set. Any rsquest to alter the phyelcal locatlon of the meter set and rclated facllltlee frcm Company's lnltlal deslgn may he granted provlded, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate sald retocatlon and Customer agrces to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the Customer Charge. For bllllnq perlgdg endlnq Aprll throuoh.Ngvemb.er Cugtomer Charye - $2.50 psr blll Commodlty Charge - iesgma per therm* l50i2675l For bllllnq pe.rloCe endlns Decemberthrcuoh March Customet Charge - $6.60 per blll Commodlty Charge -1F0f0t0l per therm'l36ilE75l 'lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adlusfinsnt of O(o:otltz0l Fi65,rr6'4il Welghted averago cost of gaa of 100;3il0*f l$0-ffi21 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thle tarlff is subfect to an adlustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlelon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas servlce hereunder ls subject to the General Servlce Provlsions of the Company's Tariff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Tiile: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: ffi+il l6Ei666il70fi'l LP.U.C. Gas TfiflhRevisedlSlxthl Sheet No. 17 (Paqe 1 of ,!,ffi,, tntermountain Gas Gompany Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page f.i. of 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effoctlveecpe+,*ef+ ffit) ?ertt'.l#$2807 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule IS-c SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLIGABILITY: Apptlcable to any new Cuetomer otherwlse ellglble to recelve gas servlce under Rate Schedule GS-l and uslng natural gas to melt anow andlor lce on sldewalks, drlveways or any other slmllar appurtenances. Any and all such appllcatlons meetlng the above crlterla wlll be sublect to servlce under Rate Schedule lS-C and wlll be separately and indlvldually metered. All senrlce hereunder ls lnterruptlble at the sole dlscretlon of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new lnterruptlble Snowmelt serylce customors are roqulred to pay for the cost of the Snowmslt motor sst and other related faclllty and egulpment costs, prlor to tho lnstallatlon of the meter set. Any request to alter the phyelcal locatlon of the meter eet and related facllltles from Company's lnltlal deslgn may be granted provlded, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate eald relocatlon and Gustomer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the Cuetomer Charge. For bllllnq periods endlnq Aprll throush November Customer Gharge - $2.00 per blll Commodlty Charye - Flrst 200 therms per blll @$0.71872. m:rle7e'l Next 1,8fi) therms per blll @ $0.89762'@] Over 2,000 therme per blll @ $0.67708-E63mi5l For bllllnq perlods endlng December throuqh March Customer Charge - $9.60 per blll Commodlty Charge - Flrat 200 therms per blll @$0.71s72' lSO'7IEfl Next {,800 thermi per btti-@ $0.69252-@J Over 2,000 therms per blll @ $O.eZzo0-F6'.678151 *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of {$(&oli}6o}l5io0-'3ss0il wotdtrtea iverage costtf gas of Sils+a4+ B6:5ia6-, PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tariff ls subject to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. tssued by: Intermountain Gas Company ay: Michael P. McGrath Tttte: Director - Regulatory Affairs Eif ect ive: ffi 01t! l6tio;5-e r I;ZmAl EXHIBIT NO.2 CASE NO. INT.G-14-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANIY PROPOSED TARIFT'S (10 pages) l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Forty-Seventh Revised Sheet No.01 (Page 1 of 1 i"',11fr,,, lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page L of 10 Rate Schedule RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILAB!LITY: Avallable to lndlvldually metered consumens not othenrlse speclfically provlded for, uslng natural gas for resldentlal purposos. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the customer charge. For bllllnq perlods endlno Aorllthrouqh November Customer Charge - $2.50 per bll! Commodlty Charge - $0.90500 per therm' For bllllnq perlods endlnq Decemberthrouqh March Gustomer Charge - $6.50 per blll Commodlty Charge - $0,7924,/. per therm* *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.03501) Welghted average cost of gas of $0.39482 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tarlff ls subJect to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchassd Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas servlce hereunder ls subJect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls rate schedule ls a part. lssued by: lntermountain Gas CompanyBy: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2014 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 10l.P,U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Fortv-Seventh Revlsed Sheet No, 02 (Pase 1 of 1Sheet No, 02 (Paqe 1 Ii,1ffi,,, lntermountain Gas ComPany Rate Schedule RS-2 MULTIPLE USE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable to lndlvldually metered consumera uslng gas for several resldentlal purposes lncludlng both water heatlng and space heatlng. RATE: Monthly mlnlmum charge ls the customer charge. For bllllnq perlods endlnq Aprllthrouoh November Customer Charge - $2.50 Per bltl Commodlty Charge - $0.76036 pertherm' For bllllnq perlods endlnq Decemberthrouqh March Customer Charge - $6.50 Per blll Commodlty Charge - $0.72673 pertherm* 'lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $(0.02704) Welghted average cost of gas of $0.39482 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subject to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company'e Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas servlce hereunder ls subJect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls rate schedule ls a part. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Tltle: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2014 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Revised Sheet No.03 ( Pase 1 of Ii,lli,,, lntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-0L lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of L0 Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable to indivldually metered customerc whose requlrcments for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on Company'e dlstrlbutlon system. Requlrements in exceaa of 2,000 therms per day may be served under thls rate schedule upon executlon of a one- year wrltten seruice contract. RATE: Monthly minlmum charge is the customer charge. For billlno oerlods endlnq Aoril throuqh November Customer Charge - $2.00 per blll Commodlty Charge - Firct 200 therms per blll @ $0.77064.Next 1,800 therms per blll @ $0.7489t.Over 2,000 therms per bll! @ $0.72789- For bllllns oeriods endlno Decemberth.rouoh March Customer Gharge - $9.50 per blll Commodlty Charge - Flrst 200 therms per blll @ $0.71979-Next 1,800 therms per blll @ $0.69859.Over 2,000 thenns per bill @ $0.67813. *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $(0.03550) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.39t[82 lssued by: lntermountaln Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Atfairs Effective: October 1, 2014 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Forty-Ninth Revlsed Sheet No. 03 ( Page 2 of Name o, Utlllty lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered dellverles of gas utlllzed solely as Gompressed Natural Gas Fuel ln vehlcular lntsrnal combustlon englnes. Customer Charge - $9.50 per bill Commodity Charge - $0.67813 per therm' "lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adfustment of $(0.03550) Welghted average cost of gas of $0.39482 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subJect to an adfustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. Any GS-l customer who leaves the GS-1 servlce wlll pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exltlng the GS-l servlce, all gas and transportatlon related costs lncurred to serve the customer durlng the GS-i servlce perlod not bome by the customer during the tlme the customer was uslng GS-l servlce. Any GS-i customer who leaves the GS-l servlce wlll have refunded to them, upon exltlng the GS-l sorvlce, any excess gas commodlty or transportatlon payments made by the customer durlng the tlme they were a GS-l customer. 2. Alt natural gas service hereunder ls subfect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls rate schedule ls a paft. lssued by: !ntermountaln Gas Company By: MichaelP. McGrath Effec-tive: October 1, 201 4 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 10 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Name of Utll Revised Sheet No. 04 ( Page 1 of lntermountain Gas Com Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Company's distrlbution system to any existing customer recelving servlce under the Company's rate schedule LV-l or any new customer whose usago doee not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon exocutlon of a one-year mlnlmum wrltten service contract for firm sales servlce ln excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Gharge: Flrst 250,000 therms per bill@ $0.53790-Next 500,000 therme per blll@ $0.49947' Amount Over 750,000 therms per bll! @ $0.41818* The above prices include weighted average cost of gas of $0.39482* lncludes temporary purchaeed gas cost adJustment of $(0.01450)tt lncludee temporary purchased gas cost adfustment of $0.01675 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thie tariff ls subject to an adlustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchaeed Gas Gost Adjustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas service hereunder ls subject to the General Service Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. 2. Any LV-1 customer who exlts the LV-l servlce at any tlme (lncludlng, but not llmlted to, the explratlon of the contract term) will pay to lntermountaln Gas Company, upon exltlng the LV-1 eervice, all gas and/or lnterstate transportatlon related coets to serve the customer during the LV-l contract perlod not bome by the customer durlng the LV-l contract period. Any LV-l customer wlll have refunded to them, upon exltlng the LV-l serulce, any excess gas and/or interstate transportatlon related payments made by the cuatomer during the LV-l contract period. 3. ln the event that total dellveries to any customer wlthln the last three contract perlods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threehold, but the customer durlng the current contract perlod used less than the contract mlnlmum of 200,000 therme, an addltlonal amount shall be billed. The addltlonal amount shall be calculated by bllling the deflclt ucage below 200,000 therms at the LV-l Block 1 rate adlusted for the removal of variable gas costs. The customer's futurs ellglblllty for the LV-l Rate Schedule wlll be ronegotiated wlth the Company. rssued by: lntermOuntain By: MichaelP. McGrath Effective: October 1, 20'14 Gas Gompany Title: Director-RegulatoryAffairs Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 10 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-c-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 10 l.P,U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Sheet No. 11 ( Paoe 1 of i'i,1lfi,, lntermountain Gas company Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avallable at any polnt on the Company's dlstrlbutlon system to any customer upon executlon of a one year mlnlmum wrltten servlce contract. MONTHLY RATE: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Flrst 100,000 therms transported @ $0.05617'Next 50,000 therms transported @ $0.02357* Amount over 150,000 therms transported @ $0.00944* 'lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $0.00057 ANNUAL MIN]MUM BILL: The customer shall be subJect to the payment of an annual mlnlmum bill of $30,000 durlng each annual contract perlod, unless a higher mlnlmum ls requlred under the servlce contract to cover speclal condltlons. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subJect to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVTCE CONDITIONS: 1. The Company, in lts sole dlscretlon, shall determlne whether or not lt has adequate capaclty to accommodate transportatlon of the customer's gas supply on the Company's dlstrlbutlon system. 2. All natural gas ssrvlce hereunder ls sublect to the General Servlce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part, 3. lnterruptlble Dlgtrlbutlon Transportatlon Serulce may be made flrm by a wrltten agreemont between the partles lf the customer has a dedlcated !lne. 4. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to lnterrupt lts operatlons durlng perlods of capaclty constralnts on the dlstrlbutlon system. 5. Thls servlce does not lnclude the cost of the customor's gas suppty or the lnterstate plpellne capaclty. The customer ls responslble for procurlng lts own supply of natural gas and transportatlon to lntormountaln'a dlstrlbutlon system under thls rate. 6. The customer underctands and agrees that the Company ls not responslble to dellver gas supplles to the customer whlch have not been nomlnated and accepted for dellvery by the lnterstate plpellne. 7. An exlstlng LV-l, T4, or T-5 customer electlng thls schedule may concurrently utllize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contlguous property. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By; Michael P, McGrath Effective: October 1, 2014 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 10 l.P.U,C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 First Revised Volume No. 1)Revised Sheet No. 13 ( Page 1 of i'i,lli", tntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Avatlable at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Company's dlstrlbutlon system to any customer upon sxecutlon of a ona year mlnlmum wrltten serylce contract for flrm dlstrlbutlon transportatlon servlce ln excess of 200,000 therms por year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodlty Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Flrst Next Amount over 250,000 therms transported @ $0.05983. 500,000 therms transported @ $0.02134* 750,000 therms transported @ $0.00661* 'lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adf ustment of $0.00000 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subJect to an adJustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost AdJustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. Thls serulce excludes the serylce and cost of flrm lnterstate plpellne charges. 2. The customer ls responslble for procurlng lts own supply of natural gas and lnterstate transpoftatlon under thls Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company ls not responslble to dellver gas supplles to the customor whlch have not been nomlnated, scheduled, and dellvered by the lnterctate plpellne to the deslgnated clty gate. 3. Atl natural gas servlce hereunder ls subject to the General Servlce Provislons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. 4. The customer shall nomlnato a Maxlmum Dally Flrm Quantlty (MDFQ), whlch wlll be stated ln the contraet and ln effect throughout the term ofthe servlce contract. 5. An exlstlng LV-l, T-3, or T{ customer electlng thls schedule may concurrently utllize Rate Schedule T4 on the customer's same or contlguous property. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1. ln the event that total deliverles to any customer wlthln the last three contract perlods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threehold, but the customer durlng the current contract perlod used less than the contract mlnlmum of 200,000 therms, an addltlonal amount shall bs billed. The addltlonal amount shall be calculated by bllllng the deflclt usage below 200,000 therms at the T4 Block I rate. The customsr's future ellglblllty for the T-4 Rate Schedule wlll be renegotlated wlth the Company. rssued by: Intefmountain By:MichaelP. McGrath Gas Company Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs October l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No. 1) Seventh Revised Sheet No. 14 (Page 'l of 2) i'i,lli,,, tntermountain Gas GomPanY Flrm Servlce Demand Charge: Flrm Dally Demand - Commodlty Gharge: For Flrm Therms Transported Over-Run Seruice Gommodlty Charge: For Therms Transported ln Excese Of MDFQ: Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 10 Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS AVAILABILITY: Avallable at any mutually agreeable dellvery polnt on the Company's dlstribution system to any exlstlng T-5 customer whose dally contract demand on any glven day meets or exceeds a predetermlned level agreed to by the customer and the Company upon executlon of a ono-year mlnlmum wrltten servlce contract for flrm dlstrlbutlon servlce ln excees of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Rate Per Therm $0.84253 $0.00279* $0.04538* *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $0.00033 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subfect to an adfustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natura! gas servlce hereunder ls sublect to the General Servlce Provislons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch this Rate Schedule ls a part. 2. The customer shall nominate a Maxlmum Dally Firm Quantlty (MDFQ), whlch will be stated ln and will be ln effect throughout the term of the servlce contract. 3. The monthly Demand Charge wlll be equal to the MDFQ times the Flrm Dally Demand rate. Firm demand relief will be afforded to those T-5 customers paying both demand and commodlty charges for gas when, ln the Company's fudgment, such rellef ls warranted. 4. The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ tlmes the number of days ln the bllllng month, whlchever ls less, wlll be bllled at the appllcable commodlty charge for firm therms. tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: MichaelP. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October 1, 2014 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 10l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Sixth Revised Sheet No. 16 (Paoe 1 ol f,lli,,, tntermountain Gas ComPanY Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Appllcable to any new resldentlal Customer uslng natural gas to melt snow and/or lce on sldewalks, drlveways or any other slmllar appurtenances. Any and all such appllcatlons meetlng the above crlterla wlll be subfect to serulce under Rate Schedule !S-R and wlll be separately and lndlvldually metered. All servlce hereunder ls lnterruptlble atthe sole dlscretlon of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new lnterruptlble Snowmelt servlce customsra are requlred to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related faclllty and equlpment costs, prlor to the lnstallatlon of thE meter set. Any request to alter the physlcal locatlon of the meter set and related facilltles from Company's lnltlal deslgn may be granted provlded, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate sald relocatlon and Customor agroes to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly mlnimum charge ls the Customer Charge. For bllllnq perlods endlno Aorllthrouqh November Customer Charge - $2.50 Per blll Commodlty Charge - $0.72673 per thermr For bllllno perlods endlnq December throuqh March Customer Charge - $6.50 per blll Commodity Gharge - $0.72673 per therm' *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $(0.02704) Welghted average cost of gas of $0.39482 PURCHASEO GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tarlff ls subfect to an adlustment for cost of purchased gas as provlded for ln the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adfustment Provlslon. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas servlce hereunder ls subJect to the General Serulce Provlslons of the Company's Tarlff, of whlch thls Rate Schedule ls a part. rssued by: lntermountain ay: Michael P. McGrath Effective: October 1, 2014 Gas Company Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs LP.U,C. Gas Tariff Sixth Revised Sheet No. 17 (Page 1 of 2) i'iilli,', lntermountain Gas GomPanY Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 10 Rate Schedule lS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Appllcable to any new Gustomer othenrlse eliglble to recelve gas serulce under Rate Schedule GS-l and uslng natura! gas to melt snow andlor lce on sldewalks, drlveways or any other simllar appurtenances. Any and all such appllcatlons meetlng the above crlterla will be subJect to servlce under Rate Schedule lS-C and wlll be separately and lndlvidually metered. All service hereunder ls Interruptlble at the sole discretlon of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT GHARGE: All new lnterruptible Snowmelt serulce customerc are requlred to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related faclllty and equlpment costs, prlor to the lnstallatlon of the meter set. Any request to alter the physlcal locatlon of the meter set and related facillties from Gompany's lnlttal deslgn may be granted provided, however, the Gompany can reasonably accommodate said relocatlon and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge ls the Customer Charge. For billlno periode endino Aprilthrouoh November Customer Charge - $2.00 per blll Gommodlty Charge - First 200 therms per blll @ $0.71979.Next 1,800 therms per bill @ $0.69859. Over 2,000 therme per blll @ $0.67813. For billlnq periods endinq December throuqh March Customer Charge - S9.50 per bitl Commodity Gharge - First 200 therms per blll @ $0.71979.Next 1,800 therms per blll @ $0.69859.Over 2,000 therms per blll @ $0.67813* *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adJustment of $(0.03550) Weighted avorage cost of gas of $0.39482 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: Thls tariff is subJect to an adJustment for coet of purchased gas as provided for ln the Company's Purchaeed Gas Cost Adjustment Provlsion. rssued by: lntermountain ay: Michael P, McGrath Effective: October 1, 2014 Gas Company Titb: Director - Regulatory Affairs EXHIBIT NO.3 CASE NO. INT.G-14-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAI\Y PERTINENT EXCERPTS FROM INTERSTATE PIPELII\ES AND RELATED FACILITIES (13 pages) Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 13 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I FERC GAS TARIFF FIFTH REVISED VOI,I'ME NO. 1 (Superseding Fourth Revised Volume No. of NORTHWEST PIPEI,INE I,LC Filed with FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Communications concerning this ?ariff should be senE Eo: David iI . Madsen, Direct,or, Rates & Tariffs NorEhwest, PipeJ.ine LtC 295 Chipeta waySalt Lake Citsy, Utsah 84108 P.O. Box 58900 Salts Lake Citsy, Utah 84158 Telephone: (801) 584-5854 Facsimlle: (80r.) 584-7764 l_) Exhibit No. 3 Case No, INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 13 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No' I Fifth Revised Sheet No. 5 Superseding Fourth Revised Sheet No. 5 STATEMENT OF RATES Effective Rates APPIicabIe to Rate Schedules TF-I, TF-2, TI-1, TFL-I and TIL-1 (Dollars Per Dth) Rate Schedul-e and T)pe of Rate Rat,e Schedute TF-r. (4) (5) Reservation(Large Customer) SYstem-Wide l-5 Year Evergreen ExP. 25 Year Evergreen ExP. VoLumetric (21 (Large CusEomer) SYstem-Wide 15 Year Evergreen ExP- 25 Year Evergreen ExP. (SmalL Customer) (5) Scheduled Overrun (2) Rate schedule TF-2 (4) (s) Reservation Volumetsric Scheduted DailY overrun Annual Overrun RaEe Schedule Tf-l l2l Volumetric (7) Rat,e schedule TFL-1 (4) (5) Reseruation Volumetric (21 Scheduled Overrun (2) Ratse Schedule TIt- L (2) Volumetric BaseTariff Rate(1), (3) Minimum Maximum .00000 .4L000.00000 .36263.00000 .34234 .00813 .03000.00813 .00813.00813 .00813 .0081-3 .72L55 .00813 .44000 . 00000 .41000 .0081-3 .03000.008L3 .44000 .00813 .44000 .00813 .44000 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I Fifth Revised Sheet No. 7 Superseding Fourth Revised Sheet No. 7 Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 13 Eo STArEMENI OF RATES (ConEinued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rat,e Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-2I (uollars per DEh) Rate Schedule and I:pe of Ratse Ratse Schedule SGS-2F (21 (3) (4) (s) Demand Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper Expansion shipper Capacity Demand Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper E>qransion Shipper Volumetric Bid RaEes Withdrawal Charge Pre-Erg)ansion Shipper Expansion Shipper Storage Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper Expansion Shipper Rate Schedul"e SGS-2f Volumetric Base Tariff RaEe (1) Minimum Maximum 0 .00000 0 . 00000 0. 00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 .01s52 0.04056 0.00057 0.00348 0 .0L562 0.04055 0.00057 0.00348 o.00224 FootnoEes(t) shippersfurnish No. L4. receiving service fuel reimbursemenE under these rate schedules are requiredin-kind at the rates specified on SheeE Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 13 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I Fourth Revised Sheet No. 8-A Superseding Third Revised Sheet No. &A STATEI{ENT OF RATES Effective Rates Applicable to Rate (Dol1ars per RaEe Schedule and 1]1)e of Rate RaE,e ScheduLe LS-2f (3) Demand Charge (2') Capacity Demand Charge (z) Volumetric Bid RaEes Vapori-zation Demand-RelaEed Charge Storage CapaciEY Charge (2) LiquefacEionVaporization Rate Schedule LS-2I Volumetric Liquefact,ion Vaporizat,ion (Continued) Schedules LS-2F and LS-2I Drh) Base Tariff Rate (1) Minimum Maximum (2t 0 .00000 0.00000 0 .00000 0 .00000 0.90855 0.03386 0.02587 0. 00331 o .02587 0.00331 0.908s5 0. 03385 0. o0000 0.00662 0.90855 0.90855 0.03386 0.03386 Footnotes (1) Shippers receiving serwlce under Ehese rate schedules are reguired tsofurnish fuel reimbursement j-n-kind aE the rates specified on Sheet No. L4. Rates are daily ratses comput,ed on the basis of 355 days per year, except that rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 365 days. (2) Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 13 Northwest Pipeline LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 14 Superseding Tenth Revised Sheet No. 14 STATEMENT OF EUEL USE REQUIREMENTS FACTORS FOR RBIMBURSEMENT OE FUEL USE Applicable to Transportation Service Rendered Under Rate Schedules Contained in this Tariff, Fifth Revised Volume No. L The rates set forth on Sheet Nos. 5, 6,7, 8 and 8-A are exclusive of fuel use requirements. Shipper shaLl reimburse Transporter in-kind for itsfuel use requirements in accordance with Section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions contained herein. The fuel use reimbursement furnished by Shippers shal] be as followsfor the applicable Rate Schedules included in this Tariff: Rate Schedules Tf-l, TF-zt TI-1, and DEX-1 Rate Schedule TF-1 - Evergreen Expansion IncremenEal Surcharge (1) Rate Schedule TFL-1 Rate Schedule TIL-L Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-2I Rate Schedules LS-L, LS-2F and LS-2ftiquefaction VaporizaEion 1.45t o.t_o* 0.478 2 .99* 2.79* The fuel use fact.ors set forth above shall be calculated and adjusted as explained in Section L4 of the General Terms and Conditions. Fuel reimbursement quantities to be supplied by Shippers to Transporter shall be determined by applying the factors set forth above to the quantj-ty of gas nominated for receipt by transporter from Shipper for transportation, .Iackson Prairie injection, Plymouth liquefaction, Plyrnouth vaporization, orfor deferred exchange, as applicable. Eootnote (1) In addition to the Rate Schedule TE-1 fuel use requirements factor, the Evergrreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge wiLl apply to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt at, the Sumas, SIPI or Pacific Pool receipt points under Evergreen Expansion service agreements. NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 6 of L3 Page i GAS TRANSPORTATION TARIFF OF NOVA GAS TRANSMISSION LTD. Please address communications conceming this Tariffto: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. 450 First Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 5HI Effectivc Datc: Ianuary 1,20t4 NOVA Gas Transmission Lld. Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 13 Attachment2 Table of Rates, Tolls and Charges Page 1 ot 5 Yos Yesz Yes Yes Yes 31I11 ALLIANCECTATRMONTINTERCONNECTAPN 31110 ALLhNCEEOSON INTERCONNECTAPN 31112 ATLIANCESHELLCREEKINTERCONNECTAPGC 3OO2 BOUNDARYI.AKEBORDER1958 EMPRESSBORDER3886 GORDONDAI-EBORDER64(N MCNEILLBORDER 3r00r 3E80 31003 31002 31004 31005 31006 3211 31007 31008 3888 3059 31009 3562 31012 3488 3237 3216 3135 u23 3,l013 3101,1 3008 3268 3933 3067 3,168 3225 3250 316.1 39t8 3r0r5 3285 320/+ 3109 31016 3634 3165 3E86 348,1 3't57 3100 3't0r 31017 3it05 31018 3907 3151 3622 6014 310'19 3097 3305 3496 3183 TARIFF 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 ,1.19 4.19 4.10 4.10 0.t514 0.15'14 0.151/t 0.1514 0.1935 0.1514 0.1935 0.15'l,t 0.1514 0.15r4 0.151{ 0.1514 0.1514 0..l514 0.1514 0.1514 0.r5,l4 0.15,l4 0.1514 0.1514 0.1514 0.t514 0.15'14 0.1514 0.1514 0.15't4 0.151{ 0,1514 0.'1514 0,1514 0.1514 0.,l51,0 0.1514 0.1514 0.15'14 0.1514 0.t514 0.1514 0.',514 0,1514 0.r514 0.1514 0.1514 0.i514 0.1514 0.1514 0.151,t 0.151/t 0.i514 0.1514 0.1514 0.r51,t 0.1 514 0.1514 0.1514 0.151,f 0.t 514 0,t514 0.1514 0.'1s1. 0,1514 0.t514 ,1.19 {.19 4.19 4.19 5.35 ,1.19 5.35 5. 1_ ADM AGRI INDUSTRIES SALES APN AECO INTERCONNECTION AGRIUM CARSELANO SALES APS AGRIUM FT. SASK SATES APN AGRIUM REDWATER SALES APN AINSA/ORTH SALES APGP AIR LIOUIDE SALES APN AKUINU RIVER WEST SALES ALBERTA EI.IVIROFUELS SALES APN ALBERTA HOSPITAL SALES APN ALBERTA-I',ONTANA BORDER AIL]SON CREEK SAI"ES ALTASTEEL SALESAPN AT,IOGO SALES (BP SALES TAP) API. JASPER SALES APN ARDLEYSALES ASPEN SALES AURORA NO 2 SALES AUROMSATES BASHAWWEST SALES BA\T'AG SALESAPS EEAR CREEK COGEN SALES APGP BEAVER HILLS SALES BENBOW SOUTH SALES BIG EDDY INTERCONNECTION BIGSTONE SALES BTEAK I.AKE SALES BOTHASALES BOULDER CREEKSALES BMINARD IAKE SALES BUFFALO CREEK INTERCONNECTION BURDETT COGEN SALES APS BURNT TIMBER SALES CABIN SALES CALDWELL SALES CALGARY ENERGY CENTRE SALES APS CANOE ]AKE SALES CANOE LAKE SALES NO 2 CARBON INTERCONNECTION CARIBOU I.AXE SAI.ES CARIBOU LAKE SOUTH SALES CART'ION CREEK SALES CAROL]NE SALES CARSELAND COGEN SALES APS CAVALIER SALES CHATN LAKES COOP SALES APS CHANCELLOR Ii{TERCONNECTION CHEECMM WEST NO 2 SALES CHEECIIAM WEST SALES CHEVRON AUROM SALES CHEVRON FT. SASK SALES APN CHICKADEE CREEK SALES CHIGWELL NORTH SALES CHIPEWYAN RMER SALES CHRISTINA LAKE NORTH SALES 1.19 ,1.,l9 4.19 {.19 4.19 4.ts {.19il.lg 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.18 4.19 4.18 ,t.tg ,1.19 4.19 4.19 ,1.19 4.19 4.19 4.1S 4.19 1.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 1.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4,15 {.19 4.19 ,t.19 4.19 .1.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 .1.19 4.1S ,1.19 Yes2 Yes Gdp ttulwyPoldl,lmb.t Oroup I D.llY..Y Polr* N.m FT-L D.mrnd R.t. lf.D R.t!dhh' NUIVPdG:;slz' '.,cJi Omp2 D.llvrry Poffi NumDa, Oreup 2 Dttlv.ry Polnl ll.m FT.D D.mnd R.l. p!, Iadr Prlc Polril "Z'(r,G{ Ef,ec{ve: January 1, 2014 {Amended July 1, 2014} Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 13 Gas Transmlsslon Northwest LLC FERC Gas Tarlff Fourth Revlsed Volume No, 1-A FERC GAS TARIFF FOIJRTH REVISED VOLUME NO. I-A OF GAS TRANSMSSION NORTHWEST LLC FILED WITHTIIE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMIS SION Communications Concerning This Tariff Should Be Addressed To: Joan Collins Manager, Tariffs and Compliance Gas Transmission Northwest LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2446 Houston, TX 77252-2446 Courier Address: 717 Texas Street, Suite 2400 Houston, TX 77002-2761 Phone: (832)320-5651Fax: (832\320-6651 Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas company Page 9 of 13 PART 4.I 4.1 - Statement of Rates FTS-I and LFS-I Rates v. l 1.0.0 Superseding v. 10.0.0 Gas Transmission Northwest LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No, l-A DAILY MILEAGE(a) (Dth-MILE) Max. Min. STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHARGES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF NATI]RAL GAS Rate Schedules FTS-I and LFS-I RESERVATION BASE STF (e) EXTENSION CHARGES MEDFORD E-r (D 0.003290 0.000000 E-2 (hXD 0.002972 o.oooooo @iamond l) E-2 (hxr) 0.001r66 0.000000 (Diamond 2) COYOTE SPRINGS DAILY NON-MILEAGE(b) (Dth) Max. Min. 0.005498 0.000000 DELIVERY (s) (Dth-MrLE) Max. Min. 0.000016 0.000016 0.000016 0.000016 FrrEL (d) (Dth-MrLE) Max. Min. 0.0050% 0.0000% 0.0050% 0.0000% 0.000498 0.000000 0.039216 0.000000 (e) 0.000000 (e) 0.000000 0.000026 0.000026 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 E.3 (D 0.001412 0.000000 0.001420 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 oVERRUN CHARGE (i) SI.JRCHARGES ACA(K)(k)(k) Issued: November 18, 2013 Effective: December 19, 201,3 DooketNo. RPl4-180-000 Accepted: December 12, 2013 Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 13 Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. Pase I PHASE I GAS TRANSPORTATION TARIFF OF FOOTIIILLS PIPE LIIYES LTD. This Gas Transportation Tariffis subject to the National Energy Board Act is available for inspection during normal business hours and is also available electonically at www.tanscanada.com. Communications concerning this Gas Transportation Tariffshould be addressed to: Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. 450 First Steet S.W Calgary, Alberta T2P 5HI Attention: Greg Szuch TARIFF_PHASEI Effective Date: April 1,2007 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 11 of 13 Foothills PiLe Lines Ltd. - Page 1 TABLE OT EFFECTIYE RATES 1. Rate Schedule FT, Firm Transportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJ/Kn/lvfonth) 0.0066371 155 0.0071891649 0.0152615241 0.0080358941 2. Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Iftn) 0.0002400272 0.0002599917 3. Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) 0.0005519236 0.0002906132 * For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 km. Zone 6 ZoneT 7-one8* Znne9 7nne6 ZnneT Zone 8* Znne9 TARIFF- PHASE I Effective Date: January 1,2014 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 12 of 13 FERC GAS TARIFF SECOND REVISED VOLUME NO. 1 of QUESTAR PIPELINE COMPANY filed with the FEDERAL ENERGY REGUIATORY COMMISSION Communications regarding this Tariff should be addressed to: L. Bradley Burton, General Manager Federal Regulatory Affairs and FERC Compliance Officer Questar Pipeline Company 333 South State Street (84111) P. O. Box 45360 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0360 Telephone: (801) 324-2459 FAX: (801) 324-s623 Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 13 of 13 Questar Plpellne Company FERC Gas Tariff Second Revlsed Volume No. 1 Statement of Rates Section Version: 8.0.0 STATEMENT OF RATES Base Tarlff Rate ($) (b) RRM TRANSPORTATION . T-1 Systemwlde Monthly ReservaUon Charge Maxlmum tl ,...,............ '....... 5,28804Mlnlmum........ . 0.00000 SSXP Monthly Reservatlon Charge2l Maxlmum 4l ,.,,.,......,.... ..,...-.7,82712Mlnlmum........ . 0.00000 Maxlmuml/.... . 0.00267Mlnlmuml/..... . 0.00267 T-lAuthorlzed Ovemln ChargeMaxlmuml/.... , 0-17652Mlnlmuml/..... . 0.00267 T- 1 Unauthorlzed Overrun Charge SSXP Authorlzed Overrun Charge2lMaxlmuml/.... .. 0.26000Mlnimuml/..... . 0.00267 SSXP Unauthorlzed overrun Charge 2l Non-Crlucal ...,.0.52000 PARKING AND LOANING SERVICE - PAL2 Initlatlon ChargeMaxlmum,...... ..0.20846Mlnlmum....,... .,0.03276 Dally Inventory ChargeMaxlmum....... ..0.17570Mlnlmum........ ..0.00000 NO-NOTICE TRANSPORTATION - NNT lilonthly Reservatlon Charge Maxlmum 4l ..,.....,........ ........ 0.86753Mlnlmum........ ,. 0.00000 INTERRUPTIBLE TRANSPORTATION. T.2 Systemwlde Usage ChargeMaxlmuml/.... .. 0.17652Mlnlmuml/..... ., 0.00267 Systemwlde Unauthorlzed Overrun charge Non-CrlUcal .....0.35304 SSXP Usage Charge 2lMaxlmuml/.... .. 0.26000Mlnlmuml/..... .. 0.00267 SSXP Unauthorlzed Ovemrn Charge 2/ FUEL REIMBURSEMENT - 1.97 o/o ln-kind for Rate Schedules T-1 and T-2. OTNONAL VOLUMETRIC RELEASES / FIRM TMNSPORTATION - T-1 Systemwlde Volumetrlc Charge Maxlmum 4l ....,.,.......... ....... 0.17385Mlnlmum........ . 0.00000 SSXP Volumetrlc Charge 2/ Maxlmum 4l ,..,.,,..,.,,,... ....,.. 0.25733Mlnlmum....,... .0.00000 Pipellne Usage Charges Applicable to Volumetric Releases 3/Maxlmuml/..,. ..0.00267MlnlmumU..... ..0.00267 Filed On: November ZO,2073 Effective On: January l,2OL4 EXHIBIT NOS. 4-I"1 CASE NO. INT-G-14-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIYY (8 pages) Exhibit No.4 Case No. INT-G-14-01" lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 fR6 tsa -fl*l E E1E ull$l:*lu UIflEI E EEIE -llul E =Els E E ,a<EF -l= ,l= ,l- *1" .t E II='l -513 4lo El _t E EI=-l e ss5 o o CoE I oto 6- o I sl*lg El*.|'t.t CN - aaa Raaa aaaaaa a N_-_d dddd dN-dNNd d 6EEI E,E iz d E ^da E! nF E o Ee E E € .g adg E: -_qOE Y 3-> FrE i,Eut I!e GJO dd. 9GdE 5;2t c Ec7 F rf E E8 6 q- 9Ee EF 3=;&6 EE?a= - F:iAEE e ?gsoF -r >: r ;: d-No€o{Pd d d d d I > d-o 2zzza'dzEg 8tsts85?* 9z ts 6 5 6 I g 5EE B===E;BFE "B,B. . #'F,q o-6-.q 6.q\ts- q*-q--r-e qgap FNco asa-{- addd -'; ciS ddd dddd dddddd d ; ? E$-ts86o6<ooo =6<c, 20 =EtrE,6 d d d d d d d d dd d 16 rt a e q o € 6i RAAA aAAABA A oddd dddddN d ddd -:ddddd ; SI3I, EEE = 'el-l tEgI' EFE <= Iol -t^E5TF TEilE ^ -=55r d ;6N E- E ,{E+ Eg S E*sg H- oEF s EE.EHE €BE $;-!i t ! EFF{ .EscsssfEE=E$gEgE g Eg 6fr EE.E Eg3Er88.E EECd*riE -3*fi6 EF F 5 . 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EEs g o:: IEE E Pflos E*t, g, a EE E EPa a & FH F?n E E F FE E(lFFoCL AE Ef; E;f,'o 6w. E s'Ft E co o. EIo e"l=-l F C.{ sA !t -f*l(3No-$N :11-[ 11$fl s6(D_o N a ala .-ll@ =lo oll -_ c\{ls- u?[o oIN tsIIN @I@ NTs -ls .--[ al-.[ ^ ^t^6 olD@ 6l@F OIF @'dl@6 6t6F N16 ql: I Exhibit No. 7 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas ComPanY Page 1 of 1 IleJ ,l= ,l= lt =0 UI(,() o6o!oE6,oct oqo=6(,oaoi,toar, o ttoo U'd daF '66o-Goco EEo(r-,c Et-ogo.L>o-2>a<C,o-=-tsoE(.,OtaP<c2*dE.iO2*3oo-E-=e.7!!8zd, 2'Ele(t !,aca!acE oco 6(t.sa >'66oO-oo6 a1 66.9=&.6eo EnE : EFffE q EEEE = E EFEF E E ;E8a E .i 2E*E i X B =F$ 2 E s.EEE * E € egg s E $ Eo C!. o0oct * "l= =l Exhibit No.8 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas ComPanY Page 1 of 1 |:il*il |Ifl$il |Iil$il lfl$[ oE{or66J.O<DF!+F@o@-o@6$@6Ns*oN<i ;o ei00o(,,a6oEo tU!,ct oEo 6to.g ItlttoU' o oo(, @ @Fto6@N6FNEFN- 6_ ,-- !O t-_ (O- o$N@o('rF(\r (Desto NoI slst iF- 6N6606t@@.or6NN+6IN NN@6NFONN*v@ o: -- .rt' ci c.i{4 +o@N6@oNo6d6O6OrOe6NN-+OFO@a6 geg 9{ 66<o6NFOhF@< -(l13(OF('r+ rrt o -'@'odo o @ vo oF tf- F- aO^ glvN(i)O ottl EEHi$I. Iao(J !,o.t!;l! =l<6.o- i:TEoslks(,E =2<f t,2Eda-EEout o.EE !a,o &o o- 6ooF!>+ES Pgs =g;t h c?oE E Fg = ? ."tris f 2e{ E EE€ E *ig E g{ 6 sc;@^60FbrbENa 8ENNEE AEo aEe tEE{fr '#€ E6E EBeH=aEs BggXEE ,E$g5EEs } E E $g gE E .9 o.o0oo . .l.q*l FNos6(Dts6 I Exhibit No.9 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Llne No. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Proposed Temporary Surchargss (CreditE)- Varlable Costs Descdptlon (b)(a) ,| 2 J 4 5 6 7 I I t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 Account 1860 Varlable Amountc Whlch Apply to RS-i, RS-a G$1, and LV-l; Account 1860 Variable Cosls Normalized Sales Volumes (1nl.l3 - 1A3U13l Proposed Ternporary Surchargo (Credlt) - Varlable Costr Los{ and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Whlch Apply to RS.l, RS"2, and G$'l: Losl and Unaccounled For Gas Amounts lmm INT-6-13-05 (Accounl 1860-2120) Losl and Unaccounled For Gas Arnortization (Account 186G2130) (OverlUnder Collection of Lost and Unaccounled For Gas from INI-G-13-05 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-14-01 Total Losl and Unaccounled For Gas Amounts UVttich Apply lo RS-l, RS-e ard GS-l Normalized Sales Volumes (1/1i13 - 1?31/13) Propored Tomporary Surcharge {Credlt} - Lost and Unaccounted For Gag Cortt Loet and Unaccountsd For Gas AmounB Whlch Apply to LV-1, T-3, T-4, and T-5: Losl and Unaccounled For Gas Amounts froln INT-G-13.05 (Account 1860-2120) Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amorlizalion (Account 1860-2140) (Over/tlnder Colloction of Lost and Unaccounled For Gas from INT-GI305 Losl and Unaccounled For Gas INT-G-14{1 Tolal Losl and Unaccounted For Gas Amounls Which Apply lo 1V.1, T"3, T4 and T-5 Normalized Sales Volumes l1l1113 - 1231/13) Propomd Temporary Surchargs (Credlt) - Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Coets (11 See wortpaper No, 6, Page 1, Lines I - 18 (2! See Wukpaper No, 6, Pago 1, Line 20, Column (c) (rl See Workpaper No. 6, Page 1, Line 26. Column (d) (al Seo Workpaper No. 6, Page 2, Line 9, Column (d) plus Line ,|5, Column (e) (u) See Workpaper No. 6, Pago 1, Line 21. Column (c) (6' See Workpaper No. 6, Page 1, Line 30, Column (d) (71 See Wskpapor No.6. Page 2, Line '10, Column (d) plus Une 19. Column {e) 5.3$,t08 n, 321.633.835 0.01662 (156,274) (1r 162,670 (r) 6,396 471,135 lr) $ 477,531 316,081,218 0.m151 (288,061tst 287,645 $, (4e8) 157,ffi4 t')17 t8 'r9 20 $ 156,536 274,808.992 0.00057 Exhibit No. 10 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 *l= : u'|: gil :il ,1, :==r|: p[ ?|l 'l= I =-|: $ll ill *1. :=,=l: Eil 3[ ,l=:"sulgEiliil ,1" :=*=|: sil ?ll | ^ ^ ^ ^t^O=l@6oNlF cEEs?l= ==gEl$*Er#El q l- e00o(,ol!oT'd,td, o,o oco a!(, -9 o.9 EoaD o ooo 2Q *E n:s<J,E 3.E = tii(E(,ulo2< EHI ;; .-@ \\ i SN 66 i-G s gg F = E5 .gB ,, E 5E-€E = ; :- cesqr € a Ei EgHHE f; E gg TEaat E B #&E€gtE t d co too (,I6 o.to=--6lOsfO Exhibit No. 11 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 aa@$ts@ri ci ;e re EE ;e be Be al A)g Ees 6 < O N O OF F!q oq !: ot q, q 1 qa =ri o cr N N o, N oB EEsl= EI #l€ EIitreH AHs1 1f, 6 N 6 a o N o oo 6 o itl- 6 @ 6 r 6 E e 6* t O qEI @ € O N 6 @ N NF F qCI N 6 B S E E E 4E q E q fle B E o o e o o 333 3 l E, $E$x]fi|$H RlRlHlH :i"';;11;;Jlllr3l F E g $l Sl ! E ERI Hl AEp|a sEFllsE --l 11 cEkrjzdroE3i $ttE2 c s{} N o 6 6 0 0 N oO O6 f 6 E 6 6 0 6N Nd O F E 6 @ O NN NA E B q E 6 4 4E Eo o o o o o e oo oo'c !td-E E=6Lbg&sRTab -oOEcL rrJp 6- D>.E0x#=tsR6E=E gb&I,f-56 N+6?l6l@ts|ts,6 d 6 Rl Eil A A ,AlAl Et. 3$$1qs3 11 @EOO6N{94G6a?o6oor)i+Nooor-rr06rooooeooc)6000eooQdoo<Jdocrooo Et. E*=1qsr*l 1 I Eslo-'trooU,AtE =EE!(6.rrEe{ts t-ur 3E€:t; o-3f"s EiEeEEHE8LA EoE.9>BEo -!!<Ets2 2 *E T T E EE $E E co€6EaesF60ooFF NA FEI EEEl. go - -Qo3l* E E g g # fl g EE# E E .E q ,B 6 E s$ss fr H s i E E T EE P .}Et N o r a @ F- o oP E I\-EWS RELEASE and CUSTOMER NOTICE CASE NO.INT,G-14-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIYY (2 Pages) NEWS RELEASE CAS COMPANY A Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, lnc. 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 (208) 377-6000 Intermountain Gas company files annual PGA BOISE, IDAHO -August 8,2014 -- Intermountain Gas Company filed its annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to increase its prices by an overall average increase of 2.64oh, or $6.7 million. If approved, the increase would be effective Oct.l,2014. The main reason for the filing is an increase in the price of natural gas that Intermountain purchases for its customers. Intermountain's earnings will not increase as a result of the proposed change in prices and revenues. If approved, residential customers using natural gas for space and water heating will see an average increase of 3.87o , or $1.89 per month. Customers using natural gas for space heating only will see an average increase of $1.40 per month, or 3.640/o, based on average weather and usage. Commercial customers, on average, would see an increase of $0.31 per month or 0.15%. The company is also proposing to eliminate the temporary surcharges and credits that have been included in its current prices during the past year. Newer temporary surcharges and credits will be included going forward. Even with this requested increase, the aforementioned gas-cost portion of Intermountain's prices will be 50% lower than in 2005. Scott Madison, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Intermountain said, "The slight increase in the cost of natural gas is mainly a supply and demand issue. Last winter's cold weather in the eastern U.S. put an upward pressure on prices, and also put a significant dent into natural gas storage levels across the country. There also continues to be an increase in demand from natural gas-fired electric generation. Fortunately, we continue to see increased domestic natural gas production, and we anticipate prices will remain fairly stable in the coming years." Intermountain continues to urge all its customers to use energy wisely. Conservation tips, information on government payment energy assistance, and programs to help customers level out their energy bills over the year can be found on the company's website, urllw.intgas.corn. A Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment application is filed each year to ensure the costs Intermountain incurs on behalf of its customers are reflected in its sales prices. The request is a proposal, and is subject to public review and approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. A copy of the application is available at the Commission's office and on its homepage at wwu,.puc.idaho.gov as well as on Intermountain's website at wur.l.intgas.com . Written comments regarding the application may be filed with the Commission. Customers may also subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. Interntountain Gas Contpany is a natural gas distribution company serving approximately 331,000 residential, comrnercial and industrial cuslonters in 71 comntunilies in southern ldaho. Inlermounlain is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., a rnultidimensional natural resources enterprise traded on the lVew York Stock Exchange as "MDU." For more inforruation about MDU Resources, visit lhe contpany's u,ebsile at ul.uh!.c'onr. For more inform at i on ab o u I In t e r nt oun t a in, v i s i I tr w t r'. i t !1136.!!)!ll. Media Contact: Byron Defenbach at (208) 371-6080. INTERMOUNTAIN INTERMOUNTAIN' GAS COMPANY A Subsidiary ot MoU RwM Croup, tE. ln the Communlty to Serve" Customer Notice lntermountain Gas Company files annual PGA On August 8, 2014 - lntermountain Gas Company filed its annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to increase its prices by an overall average increase of 2.640/o, or $6.7 million. !f approved, the increase would be effective Oct.1 , 2014. The main reason for the filing is an increase in the price of natural gas that lntermountain purchases for its customers. lntermountain's earnings will not increase as a result of the proposed change in prices and revenues. lf approved, residential customers using natural gas for space and water heating will see an average increase of 3.81o/o, or $1.89 per month. Customers using natural gas for space heating only will see an average increase of $1.40 per month, or 3.640/o, based on average weather and usage. Commercial customers, on average, would see an increase of $0.31 per month or 0.15%. The company is also proposing to eliminate the temporary surcharges and credits that have been included in its current prices during the past year. Newer temporary surcharges and credits will be included going forward. Even with this requested increase, the aforementioned gas-cost portion of lntermountain's prices will be 50% lower than in 2005. Scott Madison, Executive Vice President and General Manager of lntermountain said, "The slight increase in the cost of natural gas is mainly a supply and demand issue. Last winter's cold weather in the eastern U.S. put an upward pressure on prices, and also put a significant dent into natural gas storage levels across the country. There also continues to be an increase in demand from naturalgas- fired electric generation. Fortunately, we continue to see increased domestic natural gas production, and we anticipate prices will remain fairly stable in the coming years." lntermountain continues to urge all its customers to use energy wisely. Conservation tips, information on government payment energy assistance, and programs to help customers level out their energy bills over the year can be found on the company's website, www.intoas.com. A Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment application is filed each year to ensure the costs lntermountain incurs on behalf of its customers are reflected in its sales prices. The request is a proposal, and is subject to public review and approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. A copy of the application is available at the Commission's office and on its homepage at www.puc.idaho.qov as well as on lntermountain's website at vvww.intqas.com . Written comments regarding the application may be filed with the Commission. Customers may also subscribe to the Commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. WORKPAPER NOS. 1.9 CASE NO. INT.G-14.01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (14 pages) Workpaper No. 1 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF-,l Full Rate Demand Gosts Llne No.Transoortatlon (a) tNT-G.13-05 Annual Therms (b) 412,537,600 25,550,000 73,000,000 37,927,150 43,489,750 36,500,000 87,600,000 18,250,000 104,495,950 26,462,500 5.l,081 ,750 0 INT.G.l4.0'l AnnualTherms (b) 412,537,600 25,550,000 73,000,000 26,429,650 32,850,000 0 87,600,000 18,250,000 104,495,850 26,462,500 51,081,750 4,530,000 __q92rq1$9_ tNT.G.{3.05 Prlceo (cl 0.041850 0.055146 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0 tNT.G.1&0.| Prlces (c) 0.041849 0.054215 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 0.041000 tNT.G.l3.05 Annual Cogt (d) 17,264,663 1,408,984 2,993,000 1,555,015 1,783,084 1,496,500 3,591,600 748,250 4,284,3U 1,084,966 2,094,351 0 1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 2 'lF-l Demand 1Contract#2 3 TF-l Demand 1 Contract#3 4 TF-l Demand l Contract*14 5 TF-l Demand 1 Contract #5 6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 7 TF-l Demand 1 Gontract#7 8 TF-l Demand 1 Contract #8 I TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #9 10 TF-l Demand 1 Contract#10 11 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract#11 12 TF-1 Demand l Contract#1213 Total Annual Cost 916,894,600re 38,304,747 Line No. Transportation (a) 14 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 15 TF-l Demand 1 Contract#2 16 TF-l Demand I Conhact#3 17 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract#4 18 TF-l Demand 1 Contract#S 19 TF-l Demand 1 Contract#G 20 TF-l Demand 1 Contract #7 21 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract#8 22 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract#9 23 TF-1 Demand 1 Contracl#1024 TF-1 Demand 1 Conkact#11 25 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract#1226 TotalAnnual Cost INT.G-14.01 Annual Cost (d) $ 17,264,201 1,385,194 2,993,000 1,083,614 1,346,850 0 3,591,600 748,250 4,284,334 1,084,966 2,094,351 185,730 $ 36,062,090 27 TotalAnnualCost Dlfference (Row26 minue Row 13) (r) See Exhibit 4, Line 3, Column (h) $ (2,242,657) (1I @ Workpaper No.2 Case No. INT-G-14-01. lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF-1 Discounted Demand Gosts Line No. Line No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Transportation (a) TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 Total Annual Cost Transportation (a) TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract ff4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 Total Annual Cost tNT.G.14.01 AnnualTherms (b) 18,250,000 29,404,400 58,400,000 36,500,000 32,850,000 11,497,500 18,200,000 tNT.G.13.05 AnnualTherms (b) 18,250,000 29,404,400 58,400,000 36,500,000 32,950,000 0 0 1NT.G.13.05 Prices (c) 0.0266s0 0,021747 0.022550 0.026650 0.008499 0 0 rNT.G.14.01 Prices (c) 0.026650 0.021747 0.023409 0.026650 0.008499 0.036900 0.0348s0 INT.G-13.05 Annual Cost (d) 486,366 639,444 1,316,920 972,725 279,201 0 0 3,694,656 tNT.G-14-01 Annual Cost (d) 486,366 639,444 1,367,104 972,725 279,203 424,261 634,270 4,803,373 $ 1,10g,717 (1) 175,404,400 205,101,900 TotalAnnual Cost Difference (Row 16 minus Row 8) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 4, Column (h) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 1 Upstream Agreement #12 Upstream Agreement #23 Upsheam Agreement #3 4 Upstream Agreement #4 5 Upstream Agreement #56 TotalAnnual Cost Transportation (a) 7 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits 8 TotalAnnual Cost lncluding Capacity Release Credits 9 Upstream Agreement #1 10 Upsheam Agreement #2 11 Upstream Agreement #3 12 Upstream Agreement #4 13 Upstream Agreement #5 14 Total Annual Cost 15 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits 16 TotalAnnual Cost lncluding Capacity Release Credits 17 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 16 minus Row 8) (') See Exhibit 4, Line 5, Column (h) Summary of Upstream Capacity Gosts Transportation (a) INT-G-13.05 AnnualTherms (b) 25,933,250 155,025,220 489,899,350 415,754,210 164,619,300 tNT.G.t4-01 AnnualTherms (b) 25,933,250 155,025,220 489,999,350 415,754,210 176,319,300 tNT.G.13.05 Prices (c) $ 0,008009 0.017735 0.016939 0.008014 0.014619 lNT.G.l4-01 Prices (c) 0.009036 0,017735 0.016309 0.009041 0,014308 tNT-G.13.05 Annual Cost (d) $ 207,704 2,749,310 8,298,168 3,331,666 2,406,560 T---=mwor (500,000) 16,493,407 1NT.G.14.01 Annual Cost (d) $ 234,330 2,749,310 7,ggg,6g6 3,758,765 2,522,757 T-T72s,lf,4s $ (500,000) 16,754,848 Workpaper No. 3 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 $ 261,441 (1) Workpaper No.4 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Llne Xs, 15 t6 INTERiIIOUNTAIN GAS COMPAI{Y Summary of Oher Storage Faclllty Costr Nr.G.i3.05llonthly INT-SI345 |NT.G.13-{15 Eilllnq Dstormlnant Pdcot MonthlvGost(bl (cl (d) Storace Facllhles la) 1 thmand Cosir' 2 Clay Bsh lReservaUon 3 Oay Basln ll ResewaUm 4 Clay Basln lll Ressrva0on 5 Clay Basln lCapaclty 6 Clay Basln ll Capadty 7 Clay Basln lll Capadty I TotalDsmandcosts 9 Cycllng Cortr - l0 Clay Basln Cydlng Costs ll Rexburg LNG FacllltY - 12 TlanspodatlonRosorvatlon 13 VadabloTranspoilallon 14 Totd Rexburg LNG FadlilY Costs Storage Domand ChargB Ctedit Tolal Costs lndudlng Stdags Crodfi Llne Xg. SloraoeFacllltler (al 17 Demand Coetc - l8 Clay Basln I Reservatlon 19 Clay B6ln ll Resorvatlon 20 ClayBasln lll Reserva0on 21 Clay Basln I Capaclty 22 Clay Basln ll Capaclty 23 Clay Basln lll CapadtY 24 TolalDemandCosts 266,250 (rl t 0.28533S 22i,880 (r) 0.20533S 2t3,()t0 0) 0.285338 31,950,m0 (2) 0.00237S 26,625,000 (,) 0.002378 25,560,000 e) 0.00237s 84,135,000 0) $ 75,971 I 63,311 60,780 15,977 63,314 lNT.G.l105 Annuel Cosl (e) 911,&52 759,732 729,360 911,724 759,768 80,782 729,381 3 400,135 $ 4,801,620 84,135,000 1NT.&14.t 1 llonthly Billlnq Dotermlnrnt (b) 266,25{t 0) 221,880 (r) 213,010 (r) 31,950,000 0 26,625,000 (a 25,560,000 (4 84,135,000 G) rNT.G.t{.0.| Prlceo (cl E 0.285338 0.285338 0.285338 0.002378 0.002378 0.002378 Nr.G.t1-01 ilonthlv Co3t (d) $ 75,971 63,311 60,780 75,977 63,314 00,7-82 t 100,135 lNT.G.I1.0t Annual Co3t (€) 9t 1,652 759,732 729,360 911,724 759,768 7n3U 0.001387 $114,993 $1,379,9.l5 66,000 22,8m 88,E00 0 (2,7m,000) $ 3,570,335: 4,80.|,620 $0$0 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 Cycllng Codr - Clay Basln Cydlng Costs Rexbury LNG Facllity. Transportathn Resolva0on Vadable Transporh$on Tolal Rexburg LNG Fadity Cosls Esllmatod Storago oomald Chrge Crodit 32 Total Costs hduding Storego credlt 33 Tolal Annual Gost Dlfforenco lncludlng StorageGrcdit (Row 32 mlnul Row 16) (i)Charge Breed on iraxlmum Ddty Wthdratal erChargo Basod on l,larlmum Cont ac{ud Capadty l3rNon Addruve Elillhg Dotermlnants: lncludes only Capalty vofumos (0 See Exhlblt 4, Llne 19, Column (h) 90 06,000 22,M (1,El0,000) $ 3,080,120 - | (189,9tq (1) 88.800 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Peak Day Analysls for Demand Allocators Workpaper No. 5 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Tohl PgSSJs 0 llnr Xg.Drlcdodon (a) DEnA,ilD Au-OCATORS PER CASE tto. lllT.o.tt 05:I 2 3 h*06yl]tomE PorEont otTolal sr1,l26 r,700,068 1,013,112 lLg0zh Itzlrrf, tzIl4t 7.61 32.72 229,090 31,503 1,743,375 1,030,778 E^0&2f &tts[ 23,150 3,1$,()S ul{Ile m0.0000t6 327,396 25,250 lrl 3,177,5$ 0.7948% t0o,flxn$ 1 PROPOSEo DEriANp ALrOClrORS PER CA8E ll0. Nr&1+0t: 5 Po*DryUssgoPorcusbmor 5.68 6 Jsruary 20ll Adud qnbrrs 68,803 7 lt'lT+t{-{lt Pook D8y Th€flrs (l,.he 5 mul$iod by Ll,E 6) 378,105 I Polcontof Total lL8gf (tl contracl Donrand Therms Workpaper No. 6 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 5 q No s.oEl= tso -l ooql <l<IO$t*6rEl 3Nt6 I Il- 8loil@tc-lNI@l I qBtsts665Io6N No@o- ^!FFI 6 6.{hl F: -+Nl * @E+t 6 0N6I N Oo-dl o i66t 6:l: o66++osq60.fN Pryal:531Er 33q.or_ e s IHl* ;' I$ fl EE BI gBEI =l- a El Eail IEl* ; 1 -;l I@l*l*l !60t.a qlolol6@t =l d; olnta - $ttl go-s,l6l srl I I -JoolBAI EEI6t:llflE I I I-l l!t-B 5 Psa B 3 s?o Ea = -€E rE EEEE; EE EFa=s =HEH5 ; oo 8EF:ON g!te>(, EgE 6€dgrhS *,,7 ezEX,<r lf1- !. ll, = f ttgeE EbS2.2, 3c 6r-N ot6@ ts@OO F NNNN NNNN NNNA A ONovo@N eo35 S 3 *gP5 Workpaper No. 2 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 5 F.g@8-g @ +ElH. EIsl =l+l qEl qEEl 016l -ol NoSl610l NtsI $6-lNl6l O 6I I l-l -'l q I EIHe =Iarrl EI =l^OIEEl- El= 6l^tl.!,ot at g6t qo?q@ot aaaotsN o-lq? -lNNIo@lN- o-l+olFFI'j'l GI -61 o-l I F: 6!l sl ollEXI 8PINhI 6-ld --l qt Jl&tr-{ E=l ql_l t os3o,F UJo=J ocl, (9uou-ct UJF2 =o(Jo z. =ct = EU'I?oOJ60 @:6@ cra2:6.= (Jg? o-EfiEKt=.EFEfr oo ? E€ EE <I Ef;tt=EEEE gggg*fii*:EsEE*lEE EHE$HHHHEEHEEgEEEg co o oooo e E>c!2v* Eg'F 8.8 BrrrlBgHE =6Es:.q dsfE*E,.i--g lEE OilEol =-l FNo <a@ts@ -P= S!?=9 9>= Workpaper No. 6 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 5 6.q @ or1 F9-o@- @qa oo{- r^r^^-J^^t8l Ee-&l uaEl N6El;l sEEl Es.B] 8E$J3I EEBI HSSI =I| -=l:'j a I @ao Ple 6latt.!t6t 6t g OI sl fle AI .q F0-tNcl q,o dNo' ooN F o @.qN6o_Et6,l-ol! o€l* s ?oo+d ui @-o- \+6 @ ,-i 8S FiE60 N+ Oot 6o! ci cdoN m6--_ cl60 aas a -- N' ot ON66o6sq6loo oo ocq .q ol @F @ots ts ro oo aa66sq\o AEiE60g i,e>. c,2-a EgE EEs *,8 E =E$,-2lh = 5Edrf; E T.Et- -Ul2!! dE = E to EEooocr cot321 N o*oaN -oPF$ P:9PF =EREN R tSEN R8i85 SBSB Workpaper No. 6 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 5 oq@ E 6 El= EI5l^ot!5t- it^El{, EI-l^6t g CII El' BI @a ts 6'dr ao@ @66o' @.q@6 d& 6Fqq oo otil66{o J dla F a.i 6@.1 q +o,: o-o@66FOd N@.qq@o o@oo FiE€-oEe>o2-* $83 3zE =EBEEO = 3ttgcE E3E cc EErtAERsERPa + e Ega HE HE HEE EEE gEgg EE-E EE-t EE-t t gE-t E E EE$n xarii 8f;fif; 5;f; E fiifi; E g gEgH f;H;H EEEH EHEH H IHEH H E Eoaeo a6 @@ o6oo FNm+ a@Na oe=S P=PP tr PEEE N Rrot3-l Workpaper No.6 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 5 sl filSI EIxil sl t1a $6o El= eo Er^ 3otEEt- Els EI€leal E a EEIo- 881"l r^l.s=l ,f;=ls tst -s] -*l-l o E>r,2-* E$s ss{ =EEF 20 d 8gF {.EEbS2.o cc aEEE EEE HE E5= E=uBEEEEEFEEE= EreEEa$fiEEgEBg g EEEE gqHE gg g H E Nasa ots€o 9F S P FOiEOI =-t INTERI'OU NTAIT{ GAS COMPANY Analysls of LV.l Tarlff Block 1, Block 2, and Block 3 Adluslments Block I Block 2 Therm Seler Therm Saler(b) (c) Block 3 Therm Sales (dl Workpaper No.7 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Totrl (el 5,452,417 5A52,417 100.0000/o $ (0.00603) 5,452,417 -!._p?Ir!t $ (32,878) 100.000% $ (s2,878) 5,452,4',17 $ (0.00603) 0.02141 E:-:-TG$. $ 0.01675 0.02141 (0.00848) _$_____9.02e68_ Llne No. 5 6 I 2 3 4 7 I I 10 11 12 't3 Ihscdptlon (a) LV-l Therm Sales (111112 - 1U311121 Blocks 1 and 2 Therm Sales Percent Therm Sales belween Blocks 1 and 2 Proposed Adjuslment to LV-l Tariff () LV-1 Therm Sales l1l1l12 - 12131112l. Annualized Adjustment (Lins 4 multiplied by Line 5) 5,452,417 5,452,417 100.0m% 0 0 0.m0% 14 15 t6 17 Annualized Adiustment (Line 4 mulliplied by Line 5) Percent Annualized Sales included ln Block 1 and Block 2 AdJustment to Block 1 and 2 (Llne 7 multiplied by Llne 8) Blockland2Therms Price AdJuslmenUTherm Block 1 and 2 (Llne 9 divided by Llne 10) WACOG Commodity Charge Change e) Total Prlce AdjustmenUTherm Block 1 and Block 2 Prlce AdJuslment/Iherm Block 3 ol WACOG Commodity Charge Change e) Eliminate INT€-1 305 Varlable Temporary Total Pdce AdJustmenUTherm Block 3 0)See Exhiblt No, 4; Llne 30, Column (l) minus the difference of Line 21, Column (f) minus Llne 21, Column (c) El See Exhibit No. 4; Llne 21, Column (f) minus Line 21, Column (c) 0'See ExhtUt No. 6, Llne 3, Column (e), plus Line No. 4, Column (e) Workpaper No. 8 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of Lost and Unaccounted For Gas ("L&U") Line No.Description (a) Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-I4-01 (Therms) Projected Oct 13 - Sep 14 L&U (Therms) Estimated Oct 13 - Sep 14 Sales(1) Oct 13 - Sep 14 L&U Factor (line 2 divided by line 3) Detail Amount(b) (c) 1 2 3 4 2,922,420 610,429,773 0.479% 5 6 7 8 I 10 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-I4-01 (Dollars) Lost & Unaccounted For Gas (1860-2150) (2) Estimated Oct 13 - Sep 14 Sales(1) L&U rate per therm embedded in base rates Oct 13 - Sep 14 Collection of Lost & Unaccounted for Gas Projected L&U (Over)/Under Collection (Line 6 minus Line 9) $ 1,174,738 610,429,773 $ 0.00182 1 ,1 1 0,982 _s_9!J5q_ Estimated Oct 13 - Sep 14 Sales (Therms) RS.1 RS-2 GS.1 lndustrial TotalSales 35,671,482 185,894,068 110,893,129 277 ,971,094 -919'!29;773 (2) See Workpaper No. 6, Page 2, Line 3, Column (c) Workpaper No.8 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 2 INTERMOU NTAIN GAS COMPANY Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Statlstlcs (rl Check for Dead Orders Year Check for Dead Orders Found Dead Accounted Percent Found Dead For Therms 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5,088 6,481 12,441 10,093 5,089 5,041 3,287 14o/o 8o/o 5% 8% 10% 16% 2Oo/o 213,590 218,486 708 542 569 795 513 796 u2 Year Occunences Drive Rate Errorr Accounted For Therms 2007 2008 2009 20't0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2,331 5,976 43 26 18 13 14 3 3 3 Occurrences Pressure Errors Accounted For ThermeYear -2608- 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 pt 15 20 19 I 15 17 I (64,400) 10,971 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Gas Loss from Llne Breaks Accounted For Therms 254,455 182,920 130,251 88,947 49,956 68,221 66,063 51,202 occuffances becomes accounted for gas Year Occunences 656 495 301 175 1il 177 163 87 (') Gas loss resulting from these (2) ThoughJune2014 Workpaper No,9 Case No. INT-G-14-01 lntermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 (ol rr, iSoltsodrl+oNl ee(at qe-r= 6larl E 8I=..o .-le>F6l olo-l Gr -q@(vNd$qo <+t.j 6l oEq1r) (\lNCIsqot 6:gsg El= Ele clcrlcu^Etc,otvolot6t N oDl c, Eq*gl 5Hc, rtlJ6a aD e.E(, -9 .E, >Ef,E ==o*o6q66sz,a =3z, z, =)JgE &o!u '6F> =$E ll,o -E.Eoto- or rD iFl(o Crr l l\ (.ll6toHft'l sH--r =l .;.: s:@crrlrrrlg EEEl HH 9utut(,e.lu,tlo-lolEtol (al-l o<l .c,(JI J9l Bdl Eol E-lE<t=-l EUINOlor-l .EHl *E* "zl H E E EllJI 5 :a (Dcl ?5E'F :l F= E E sHl ;R 3 b H El 3 g s E s Eg Gr .') -' o