HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140206Verified Report.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES lrurenmouNTAtru Ges CoMpaNy 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD . P.O. BOX 7608 . BOISE, IDAHO 83707 . (20S)377-6000 o FAX:377-6097 i:-l; ,1 -- February 6,2Ot4 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St., PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: lntermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-13-05 Dear Ms. Jewell: ln accordance with the prescribed Rules of Procedure governing the issuance of securities by utilities under the jurisdiction of this Commission, lntermountain Gas Company hereby files an original and seven (7) copies of the Verified Report that details costs and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Company's Unsecured Debt Securities. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by returning a stamped copy of this letter for our Company files. lf you have any questions or require additional information regarding the attached, please contact me at 377-6L68. ry4',lK v(icnaetP. M#rath /Director- Regu lato ry Affa i rs Enclosures Scott Madison Mark Chiles cc: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ln the Matter of the Application ) of TNTERMOUNTATN GAS COMPANY FOR ) Authorization to lssue and Sell Securities ) Case No. INT-G-13-05 VERIFIED REPORT On August 29,2073 lntermountain Gas Company ("Applicant") filed with this Commission its Application requesting authority to issue and sell unsecured notes not to exceed 550,000,000 split evenly for periods of twelve (12) years at 4.O8Yo and fifteen (15) years at 4.33o/o. This Application was supported by the necessary exhibits and other data in accordance with the prescribed Rules of Procedure governing the issuance of securities by utilities under the jurisdiction of this Commission. After having fully considered the Applicant's Application and exhibits attached to it, this Commission on September 24,2O73 issued its Order No. 32896 approving the Application and authorizing the issuance and sale of such unsecured notes. ln accordance with Rule 143 of the Rules of Procedure of this Commission, Applicant does hereby submit its Verified Report on the proceeds received from the private sale of such unsecured notes, the disposition of such proceeds, and the costs and expenses incurred in connection with this private placement. t. Applicant issued and sold S 50,000,000 of unsecured notes split evenly for periods of twelve (12)years at4.O8% and fifteen (15)years at4.33o/oto Teacher lnsurance & Annuity Association of America ("TIAA"). The total proceeds of this issuance of S 50,000,000 were received on October 30, 2013. il. The total Proceeds of this issuance were used or applied in the following manner: The extinguishment of S 50,000,000 of the company's revolving credit agreement. ilr. The costs and expenses incurred in connection with this private placement totaled S 92,693, itemized as follows: Legal fees IPUC filing fee S91,693 1.000 s9a693 tv. This Verified Report is filed pursuant to the applicable statues and the Rules of this Commission and is respectfully submitted for the information and records of this Commission. Dated at Boise, ldaho this 6rH day of February ,2OL4. INTERMOUNTAIN rector - Regulatory Affairs