HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181010LNG Sales Quarterly Report.pdfGNBNS PunsLEY,"" Attorneys and Counselors at Law 60l W. BonnockStrsl PO8c.x27?o Bobo, lD 83701 Tol€phonc: 2830&lm Focrimile:20&38&1ru w.glv€nspu6l€y.com DIRECT:2G-@1222 pr€donccrlerodvamprrssy.com NoolA. K6k€llo Deboro K. Kfitcrrcn Michool P. Lowrffie Fronklin G, Le€ Dovld R. Lmbad Klmb€rv D. Molmcy Kernelh R. Mcclure K€ly Gr€ene Mcconflell Als P. McLowtdln Melod€ A. McQt ode Ch,lrlopher H, Meyer L Edword Mller Potrlck J. Mlller Judon 8. Monlcprn€ry E nlv G. Mucllet D€bo.oh E. Nels i ljriffi-Ig^,;:i[i s: t+i+ RondollA. PclcrmonJock.w.Rdt , .;,l ';Mbho€lO.Roe ; -'t,^.IJornbcdonsn$h i '-''i ;i' P. MqkThomplon Jeftroy A. Wsr Robcrt B. Whlt, iTICT'VED Doncid E. Krickchm (raikadl fcnncth L P\rsley tl9aG20t5) Jom6 A. Mcchre tr92..20il1 Royrnord D- Glvenr lr9r7-zxEl Gory G. Allon CmloptB J. Eeeson Jo.on J. Blokley Ctnl R. Bolinder Jefi w Bo$rs Preslon N. Cdler Jscmy C, Chou Wilfom C. Cole MichoelC. Creoms Amb€r N- Dlrc Irodlcy J. Dhon Ihomos E. ovqok J€ffroy C. Feredoy Mtrtln C. Hendickson Bdon J. Hollefon K€Gll H. Kennecly Re: October 10,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-I3-02 Dear Ms. Hanian: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 32793 in the above referenced case, Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain") is required to track actual purchase gas costs related to LNG sales and report the results to the Commission on a quarterly basis. Enclosed please find three copies of that quarterly re,port. Pursuant to Idaho PUC Rules of Prccedure,IDAPA3l.0l.0l.067,, and, the enclosed information is confidential, proprietary and tade secret information of Intermountain and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copyrn& pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 74-106, 107, and 48-801 et seq.Intermountain therefore requests that the enclosed information be protected from inspection, examination or copylng by any person other than the Commissioners and PUC Staff. In accordance with IPUC Rule 67.02.q the enclosed information is marked "Confidential - Trade Secrets" and submitted on yellow paper. a a Diane Hanian October 10,2018 Page2 Thank you for your coop€ration. If you should have comments or questions reg;arding this request, please contact Michael P. McGrath (208-3774168) orme (208-388-1222). SincerelSg a a_ Preston N. Carter Giveirs Pursley LLP Attomey for Intermountain Gas Company PNC Michael P. McGrath Enclosure cc: