HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160111LNG Sales Quarterly Report.pdf\\III-,I,I,\NIS Il lt*\l) IJ f r lt r*' \ I I () R \. 1.. \\-l .lanuarl l 1. 2016 Boise,ldaho Dear Ms. Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 32793 in the above ref'crenccd case. lntermountain Gas Companl,("lntermountain") is required to track actual purchased gas costs related to LNG sales and report the results to the Commission on a quarterly basis. [:nclosed are three copies o! that quarterly report. Pursuantto ldahoPUC Rulesof Procedure. IDAPA3l.0l.0l . the enclosed inlbnnation is conlidential. proprictary and tradc sccre t inlbrmation of Intermountain and is protected by' larv tiom public inspection. exantination or copying. pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 9-340C. 9-340D. and 48-801 et seq. Intemtountain thcrcfore- rcquests that the enclosed intbrnration be protected liom inspcction. cxanrinalion or copying by any person other than the Commissioners and PUC StalT. In accordance s,ith IPUC Rule 67.02.a.. the enclosed information is markcd "Confidcntial --l'radc Sccrcls" and submitted on yellorv paper. 'l'hank you for your cooperation, Il' you should have comments or qucstiorts rcgarding this request. please conlacl Michacl l). McGrath (377-6168) or mc (344-6633). Sincerell'. Ms. .fcan Jcwell ldaho Public Utilities Commissiott 472 West Washington Post Ol'licc Box 83720 Boise, tdaho 83720-0074 Re: Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-13-02 Michacl I'}. McGrath Ilnclosure ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED JAN I I 20t6 R"ltil,tW Ronald [-. \Villiams \\/il liarns Bradbury'. l'.C. Attornel' for lntennountain (ias ('ornpanl 1{ I I .1 \\'. I lrrr . Strcct - Borse, ID E3-ill l)honc: 3(ttj-.i.1{-(,(r3.1 li,rs: l{iil.l{.1-(lO-- srr'u'.u.rlh:rr:rslrr:rtllrrrrr'.conr cc: