HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151009LNG Sales Quarterly Report.pdf\\IIT-,I,IANtS BR,,\D o BITIR\- \ i I (t R \ i: \REGEIVI T ?01$ OCT -9 Pll 3: l3 urrr\?ffi0##m'rHsror* i\,Is. Jean Jervell ldaho Puhlic l^ltilities Con.rmissiott 472 Wcst Washingtort Post Ofllcc Box 83720 Boisc. Idaho 83720-0074 Ilc: Intermountain Gas Companl' Case No. INT-G-13-02 [)car lr4s. Jervcll: Pursuant to ldaho Public Litilities Conrmission Order No. 32793 in the above rcl'crenccd casc. lntcnnountairr Gas Conrpany ("lntcnnountain") is rcquired to track aclual purcltased gas costs related to LNG sales ancl report thc rcsults to the Comrnission on a qu.rrtcrlv basis. l:nclosccl arc thrcc copics of that quarterly rcport. I)ursuant to ldaho PIJC Rules of Proccclurc. ll)Al'A31.01.01.067. - antl the enclosed intbnnation is contjdential. proprietarl' and tradc sccrct infonnation ol Intennountain and is protectcd by larv liom public inspection. exarnination or copy,ing, pursuanl to ldaho Code Scctions 9-340C. 9-340D. and 48-tl0l et saq.lntennounlain therelbre requests that the enclosed inlornration be protected lrom inspection. cxanrination or copy'ing by an1'person other than the Cornrnissioncrs and PtfC Stall. In accorclancc rvith I['t,(' Itulc 67.02.a.. the cncloscd inlirrmation is nrarkcd "Conlidential -'l'radc Sccrcts" arrd subnritted on yellou'paper. 'l'hank 1'ou lbr your cooperation. Il'1'ou should lravc conrtnentsor (lucstions rcgarding this requcst, please contact lvlichael P. I\,lcGrath (377-6168) or me (341-6633). Sincercll'. /(nl'y',rtU'- Ronald I.. \\'illiams \\'illiarns Ilradhurr . l'.('. ..\tttlrncl' lbr Intcnnountain (ias ('oln;ranr i\lichacl P. N'{cCirath l'incklsurc October 9. 2015 l l;n s Sttrct IIrsc. ll ) si^()l l,:rr: illS .l.ll (lr l"" rr'urr'.rr'tlh.rrtt.l)r,t\llrur', ((,nl lrrli \\ l)horrc: )(l.l'i il-l (r(ri.i