HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150126LNG Sales Quarterly Report.pdf\\I I I ,I .,I A I\,t S I}ITAI)I]IIITY \ I t () R \ t. 't' s l. \ \\\'l .1 -'aa l: 1 ?filf J[]{ 26 P}t 2: 0l i 'r i"l -i l l ii''JrLrri l\r-' '':' i";" rl itr-ii'iL::l r:i;','; ;i'- ''January 26.?015 Ms. Jean Jewcll ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Post Olljce Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-13-02 Dear Ms. Jervcll: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 32793 in the above referenced case. Intermountain Cas Company ("lntermountain") is rcquircd to track actual purchascd gas costs related to LNC sales and rcport the results to the Commission on a quarterly basis. Enclosed are three copies ol'that quarterly report. Pursuanl to Idaho PUC Rules of Procedure, IDAPA3 L0 I .0 I .067 , 3l .01 .0 I .23 3. and the enclosed information is confidential. proprictarl' and trade secret inlfirmation ot'lntermountain and is protectcd by law fronr public inspcction. exanrination or copying. pursuant to ldaho Code Sections 9-340C. 9-340D. and 48-801 et seq. Intermountain therclorc requcsts that tlre cncloscd inlirnnation be protccted lionr inspcction. exanrination or copying by an)' person other than the Commissioners and PUC Staff. In accordance rvith IPUC Rule 67.02.a.. the enclosed information is marked "Confidcntial - Trade Sccrets" and submittcd on yellou,paper. Thank you for your cooperation. If you should have comnrcnts or questions regarding this request, plcase cot'rtact Michacl P. Mc(irath (377-6168) or nrc (344-6633). Sincerell'. ?*utUilt; Ronald I-. Williams Willianrs Bradburl,. P.C'. Attonrey for Internrountain Gas Conrpanl Michacl P. Mccrath [:,nclosurc I ()l 5 \\'. I [:rvs Srrce r - I]orsc. ID lt j-( ): (16.1J lrirx: 2(llJ"3.l.l-t)(l;l tvs's'.s'illtrtrttslrr:rrllrun'.cornI)honc: 2()tJ-3{.1