HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111012Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD.P.O.BOX 7608.BOISE,IDAHO 83707.(208)377-6000 •FAX:377-6097 October 12,2011 PEC!:I\lr:fU";'..,.~..'!ilL..... LOll OCT 12 AM 10:53 Ms.Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE:Intermountain Gas Company Case No.INT-G-II-02 Dear Ms.Jewell: NEW CASE Enclosed for filing with this Commission is an original and seven (7)copies ofIntermountain Gas Company's Application seeking approval to place into effect a change in its Composite Depreciation Rate,effective January 1,2012. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by stamping and returning a copy of this Application cover letter to us. Ifyou have any questions or require additional information regarding the attached,please contact me at 377-05 or Dave Swenson at 377-6118. cc:K.F.Morehouse D.Haider M.Parvinen SWM/mt RFe!=1\1 r::0')..._·,-i,~._. 2011 OCT 12 AM 10=54 10';!cr ,-,!C;'!!INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANYll~1iL'rrl";'i;i/(~'>;i;'l'f'i:I't,.,.;·1 j t--"...·v.....,.J iJ Ii. CASE NO.INT-G-II-02 APPLICATION AND EXHIBIT In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY for Approval to Place into Effect a Change in Its Composite Depreciation Rate Stephen R.Thomas,ISB 2326 MOFFATT THOMAS BARRETT ROCK &FIELDS,CHTD. 101 S.Capitol Boulevard,Suite 1000 Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone:(208)345-2000 Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY for Approval to Place into Effect a Change in Its Composite Depreciation Rate Case No.INT-G-II-02 APPLICATION COMES NOW Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain"or "Applicant"),a subsidiary ofMDU Resources Group,Inc.with general offices located at 555 South Cole Road,Boise,Idaho, and pursuant to Idaho Code,Title 61,and rules 6.2 and 6.3 of the Rules ofPractice and Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"),makes an Application seeking approval to place into effect a change in its composite deprecation rate. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Scott Madison Vice President &Chief Accounting Officer Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608 Boise,ID 83707 and Stephen R.Thomas,ISB 2326 MOFFATT THOMAS BARRETT ROCK &FIELDS,CHTD. 101 S.Capitol Boulevard,Suite 1000 Boise,Idaho 83702 In support ofthis Application,Intermountain does allege and state as follows: APPLICATION - 2 I. Intennountain is an Idaho corporation,whose principal place of business is 555 South Cole Road,Boise,Idaho,and is qualified to do business in the state ofIdaho. II. Intennountain is a gas utility,subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,engaged in the sale of and distribution of natural gas within the State of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No.219 issued December 2,1955,as amended and supplemented by Order No.6564,dated October 3,1962. Intennountain provides natural gas service to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County -Boise,Eagle,Garden City,Kuna,Meridian,and Star; Bannock County -Chubbuck,Inkom,Lava Hot Springs,McCammon,and Pocatello; Bear Lake County -Georgetown,and Montpelier; Bingham County -Aberdeen,Basalt,Blackfoot,Firth,Fort Hall,Moreland/Riverside,and Shelley; Blaine County -Bellevue,Hailey,Ketchum,and Sun Valley; Bonneville County -Ammon,Idaho Falls,Iona,and Dcon; Canyon County -Caldwell,Greenleaf,Middleton,Nampa,Parma,and Wilder; Caribou County -Bancroft,Conda,Grace,and Soda Springs; Cassia County -Burley,Declo,Malta,and Raft River; Elmore County -Glenns Ferry,Hammett,and Mountain Home; Fremont County -Parker,and St.Anthony; Gem County -Emmett; Gooding County -Gooding,and Wendell; Jefferson County -Lewisville,Menan,Rigby,and Ririe; Jerome County -Jerome; Lincoln County -Shoshone; Madison County -Rexburg,and Sugar City; Minidoka County -Heyburn,Paul,and Rupert; Owyhee County -Bruneau,and Homedale; Payette County -Fruitland,New Plymouth,and Payette; Power County -American Falls; Twin Falls County -Buhl,Filer,Hansen,Kimberly,Murtaugh,and Twin Falls; Washington County -Weiser. Intennountain's properties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines,a liquefied natural gas storage facility,distribution mains,services,meters and regulators,and general plant and equipment. APPLICATION -3 HI. Intermountain's currently effective composite depreciation rate of 2.96%was approved by this Commission in Case No.INT-G-08-05,Order No 30756,dated March 25,2009.Applicant has traditionally reviewed and filed an update to its deprecation rate with this Commission approximately every three years.Case INT-G-ll-02 reflects Applicant's first filing under its new calendar year financial reporting period. IV. With each update of Applicant's depreciation parameters and associated rates,special circumstances regarding Intermountain's recovery rates are addressed.The current study addresses, among other things,adjustments to the projected lives of Electronic Read Transmitters ("ERTs"), mains and service lines and corresponding net salvage ofthe same. Intermountain began utilizing ERTs system-wide beginning in 2002 and the units were expected to continue in service for 15 years.However,recent sampling studies indicate that these devices will need to be replaced earlier than anticipated,beginning in 2012,resulting in a shortening ofthe remaining useful life ofthis asset class. Intermountain continues to make increased use of plastic pipe in its main and service lines. The cost advantage of plastic pipe over steel pipe,coupled with increasing evidence for the longer service life of plastic pipe,necessitates the proposed increase in the lives of main (from 54 to 58 years)and service (from 46 to 52 years)investment. v. Intermountain contracted the services of AUS Consultants,the same outside vendor employed for the prior six (6)depreciation filings (from INT-G-94-1 through INT-G-08-05)to perform an update of the 2008 study.The results of this study indicate that Intermountain's current composite rate is under-depreciating its assets.Therefore,Applicant requests an increase in its composite depreciation rate from 2.96%(2.98%when the accrual rates per Order 29975 are weighted by December 30,2010 assets)to 3.07%.The effect of the higher rate would be to increase Intermountain's annual depreciation accrual by $375,337. VI. APPLICATION - 4 Intermountain does not seek a change in its prices as a result ofthis Application. VII. The current definition of depreciation used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners is as follows: "Depreciation,"as applied to depreciable plant,means the loss in service value not restored by current maintenance,incurred in connection with the consumption or prospective retirement of utility plant in the course of service from causes which are known to be in current operation and against which the utility is not protected by insurance.Among the caused to be given consideration are wear and tear,decay,action of the elements, inadequacy,obsolescence,changes in the art,changes in demand,and requirements of public authorities. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in its Accounting Terminology Bulletin #1 defines depreciation accounting as follows: Depreciation accounting is a system of accounting which aims to distribute cost or other basic value of tangible capital assets,less salvage (if any),over the estimated useful life of the unit (which may be a group of assets)in a systematic and rational manner.It is a process. ofalloc<ition,not ofvaluation. The prescription of depreciation rates is an important element of the regulatory process because it must allocate the full cost of an asset over the life of the property items in a rational manner. VIII. The depreciation study update filed with this Case was based upon Intermountain's books and records as of December 31,2010.The calculation of the amount of the annual depreciation expense required per year was calculated on an individual account basis.The methods used in the calculation were the Simulated Plant Record Balances Method and the Simulated Plant Retirement Method.Both Methods use the "Iowa Curves"mortality distribution.The current study was conducted using Applicant's data and the "Iowa Curves"as described in the NARUC publication of July 25,19~4,"Depreciation Practices for Small Gas Distribution Companies".The current study is summarized and shown in Exhibit No.1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.A APPLICATION - 5 copy of the current depreciation study working papers,which is voluminous,is available for inspection and examination at Intermountain's general business office located at 555 S.Cole Road in Boise,Idaho. IX. Since Applicant's last depreciation filing in Case No.INT-G-08-05,the original cost of depreciable property increased from $383,460,395 to $415,697,857 as shown in Column (d),Line 28,on Page 1 of Exhibit No.1.The accumulated reserve increased from $207,030,611 to $240,667,847 as shown in Column (e),Line 28,on Page 1 of Exhibit No.1.The current study necessitates an annual depreciation accrual of $12,772,130 per year over the remaining life of the property as shown in Column 0),Line 28,on Page 2 ofExhibit No.1. X. The current study indicates a need to increase the current composite rate of 2.96%(2.98% when weighted by 12/31/2010 assets)to 3.07%,an increase of 0.11%(.0011).This increase is required in order to accrue the proper dollars over the remaining life of the property.Exhibit No.1, Pages 2 -4,contains a summary comparison of the current depreciation rates,by plant function and by account,versus the requested rates in the Application. XI. Applicant requests that the increase to the annual composite depreciation rate be effective January 1,2012 consistent with the beginning ofIntermountain's annual financial reporting period. Due to inflexibility of Intermountain's new accounting system and,in the event the Commission is unable to rule on this filing in time to place new rates into effect on January 1,2012,Applicant requests the Commission place into effect the requested depreciation rates on an interim basis effective January 1,2012 until such time that the Commission is able to place into effect a final Order in this proceeding. XII. Intermountain requests that this matter be processed pursuant to Rules 201-204 under the Commission's Rules ofModified Procedure.Intermountain stands ready to respond to any requests for information in this matter. APPLICATION -6 WHEREFORE,Intermountain respectfully petitions this Commission for relief as follows: 1.That Applicant be authorized to increase·the current composite depreciation rate on an accrual rate on an account by account basis from 2.96%(2.98%when weighted by 12/31/2010 assets)to 3.07%as shown in Column (i),on page 1 of Exhibit No.1.In the event that this Commission is unable to place final rates into effect by January 1,2012, Intermountain respectfully requests the Commission place into effect the proposed rates as filed on an interim basis effective January 1,2012 until such time as the Commission can place into effect permanent rates pursuant to a fmal Order in this Case. 2.That Applicant's current prices remain unchanged as a result ofthis Application. 3.That Applicant be authorized to record the increase in the annual composite deprecation rate effective on January 1,2012. 4.For such other relief as this Commission may determine proper herein. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this 12th day of October,2011. TTROCK& omas Intermountain Gas Company MOFFATT THOMAS BA FIELDS,TD By Stephen Attorney INTERMOUNTA.u.........~,...S COMPANY By Sco adison Vice President &ChiefAccounting Officer APPLICATION - 7 EXHIBIT NO.1 CASE NO.INT-G-II-02 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Depreciation Study) (4 pages) Intermountain GasCompany Summary ofPresent and Proposed Net Change In Annual Accruals Depreciation Accrual Parameters and Expenses (Depreclldon ura"RillProcedurel) StudyDate:Asof December 31,2010 Current Study12-31-2010 f!n§o!.~ line Account Study Investment Reserved Percent Annual Annual ~.tllI!IIIltC ~Account Name 1!iIiI!D Investment ~Accrual Annual Accrual Annual Net ~Rate Accruals Rate Accruals Change LastStudy Last Study (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(I)0)(k) (e)f(d)(d)"(g)(d)'(I)Q)-(h) LNG Equipment -Nampa l'361.00 LNG Facilities 9,684,660.79 8,704,968.67 90.8%1.26%119,807 2.00%191,691 71,884 LNG Equipment -,Rexburg 2 361.20 LNG Vaporization Facilities 4,771,916.03 719,279.84 16.1%6.74%273,860 6.74%273,908 48 3 Subtotel Storage Plant 14,366,468.82 9,424,238.61 66.6%2.74%393,667 3.24%466,699 71,932 4 365.00 ROW Right of Way 678,619.53 275,357.60 40.6%2.10%.14,251 2.11%14,319 68 5 366.00 TCS Strueturesandlmprovements 77,152.11 8,521.40 11.0%3.46%2,669 6.44%4,969 2,300 6 367.00 TMN TransmlsslonMains 42,190,850.36 31,614,924.50 74.9%2.97%1,253,068 2.82%1,189,782 (53,286) 7 368.00 TCS CompreBBOr Equipment -(532,377.62)0.0%0.00%44,517 6.67%42,159 (2,358) CompressorEqulpmenlSun 8 368.10 TCS Valley Lateral 0.0%3.81%0 4.76%0 0 9 370.00 TCE Communication Equipment 714,440.07 752,780.59 105.4%0.04%286 -0.04%(286)(572) 10 Subtotal Transmission Plant 43,681,062.07 32,019,206.47 73.3%3.01%1,314,791 2.87%1,260,943 (63,848) 11 374.00 LRT LandRights 407,749.39 237,214.91 68.2%1.86%7,684 1.79%7,299 (285) 12 375.00 STR Structures and Improvements 18,863.90 19,470.44 103.2%0.65%123 0.38%72 (51) 13 376.00 MNS Mains 138,215,690.27 85,211,545.50 61.7%2.69%3,717,999 2.66%3,538,319 (179,680) 14 378.00 MRG Regulator Station Equipment 4,498,668.46 2,076,941.48 46.2%3.11%139,905 2.79%126,610 (14,395) 16 380.00 SVC Services 126,669,872.88 73,728,908.93 58.2%2.88%3,622,758 2.42%3,085,411 (557,347) 16 381.00 MTR Meters 20,610,136.53 10,730,498.26 52.1%2.11%434,874 1.76%362,738 (72,136) Electronlc MeterReading 17 381.20 ERT Transmilter(ERT)Unlts 15,825,976.61 4,794,178.48 30.3%6.45%1,020,776 14.22%2,260,454 1,229,679 18 382.00 MTI Meter Installations 8,626,382.40 4,203,509.70 48.7%1.97%169,939 1.85%169,588 (10,361) 19 382.20 ERI ERT Installations 2,132,626.96 813,652.86 38.1%6.39%136,258 12.63%269,338 133,070 20 383.00 HRG House Regulators 4,987,886.11 2,353,816.60 47.2%.1.94%96,766 1.89%94,271 (2,494)"'tl-nmOJ;:,OJ x21384.00 HRI House Regulators -Installation 6,341,609.45 1,581,263.98 29.6% 2.18%116,445 2.16%114,842 (1,603)C7Q rt III =r 22 386.00 IMR Regulator Station -Industrial 8,776,905.69 4,845,291.18 55.2%3.60%307,192 2.66%232,688 (74,604)f1)3"'"f1).0:....z;:;: 23 Subtotal Distribution Plant 336,111,947.66 190,596,191.11 56.7%2.91%9,770,627 3.04%10,220,430 449,803 Q,g ~z.j:>.aZ~24 390.10 aSI Structures andImprovements 15,170,425.56 5,487,553.07 36.2%2.10%316,579 2.33%353,471 34,692 OJ -i .... 25 392.00 GTR TransportationEquipment 5,607,176.21 2,964,400.82 62.7% 9.75%646,700 7.42%4'6,052 (130,648):;'G1 26 396.00 GPE Power Operated Eq!-'lpment 790,779.36 186,256.87 23:6%6.63%52,429 8.30%65,635 13,206 G')~ OJ .... 27 Subtotal General Plant 21,568,380.13 8,628,210.76 40.0%4.25%917,706 3.87%.835,158 (82,550);;6 o IV 28 Total Depreciable Plant 415,697,856.67 240,667,846.85 57.9%2.98%12,396,793 3.07%12,772,130 375,337 3 '0OJ;:,-< '.....;..' IntermountainGas Company Summaryof Presentand Proposed Depreciation Accrual Parameters and Expenses Study Date:As ofDecember31,2010 Proposed Depreciation Rate Parameters (Depreciation Life&Rate Procedures) 'j Une Account Study ~t!l.lml2w:~ (a)(b) AccountName (c) CurrentStUdy 12-31-2010 Investment Reserved ~Investment ~ Last Study (d)(e) Percenl Reserved LastSludy (I) (e)l(d) Retirement ~ (g) Projection Jb. (h) Average Service J.I.l§. (I) Average 6lm Q) Average Remaining J.I.l§. (k) Net ~ (I) Annual Accrual .B.iI!§. (m) (l-(I)-(I»)I(k) Annual ~ (n) (m)"(d) 2 3 LNG Equipment -Nampa 361.00 LNG Facilities LNG EqUipment -Rexburg 361.20 LNG Vaporlzation Facilities Subtotal Storage Plant 9,584,550.79 4,771,916.03 14,356,466.82 8,704,958.67 719,279.84 9,424,238.51 90.8% 15.1% 65.6% R5.0 R5.0 43 20 34.6 19.9 27.8 27.2 2.5 19.0 15.0 -20.80% 17.4 -15.00% 16.1 -18.11% 2.00% 5.74% 3.24% 191,691 273,908 465,599 4 5 6 7 8 9 365.00 366.00 367.00 368.00 368.10 370.00 ROW TCS TMN TCS TCS TCE Rlghtof Way Structures and Improvements Transmission Mains Compressor Equipment Compressor Equipment Sun Valley Lateral Communication Equipment 678,619.53 77,152.11 42,190,850.36 714,440.07 275,357.60 8,521.40 31,614,924.50 (632,377.62) 752,780.59 40.6% 11.0% 74.9% 0.0% 0.0% 105.4% R5.0 R3.0 S5.0 R3.0 R3.0 L3.0 41 27 49 15 20 30 41.6 30.7 50.6 15.0 20.0 38.1 13.5 24.5 25.7 0.0 0.0 29.4 28.2 14.6 25.6 15.0 20.0 10.0 0.00% -5.00% -47.00% 0.00% 5.00% ·5.00% 2.11% 6.44% 2.82% 6.67% 4.75% -0.04% 14,319 4,969 1,189,782 42,159 o (286) 10 SubtotalTransmission Plant 43,661,062.07 32,019,206.47 73.3%50.1 25.6 25.3 -45.10%2.87%1,250,943 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 374.00 375.00 376.00 378.00 380.00 381.00 381.20 382.00 382.20 383.00 384.00 385.00 390.10 392.00 396.00 LRT STR MNS MRG SVC MTR ERT MTI ERI HRG HRI IMR GSI GTR GPE Land Rights Structures and Improvements Mains RegulatorStation Equipment Services Meters Electronic Meter Reading Transmitter (ERT)Units Meter Installations ERTInstallations House Regulators House Regulators -Installation Regulator Station -Industrial Subtotal Distribution Plant Structures and Improvements Transportation EqUipment PowerOperated Equipment Subtotal General Plant Total Depreciable Plant 407,749.39 18,863.90 138,215,590.27 4,498,568.46 126,669,872.88 20,610,136.53 15,825,976.51 8,626,362.40 2,132,525.96 4,987,886.11 5,341,609.45 8,776,905.69 336,111,947.55 16,170,426.56 5,607,17521 790,779.36 21,668,380.13 415,697,856.57 237,214.91 19,470.44 85,211,545.50 2,076,941.48 73,728,908.93 10,730,498.26 4,794,178.48 4,203,509.70 813,552.65 2,353,815.60 1,581,263.98 4,845,291.18 190,596,191.11 5,487,553.07 2,954,400.82 186,256.87 8,628,210.76 240,667,846.85 58.2% 103.2% 61.7% 46.2% 58.2% 52.1% 30.3% 48.7% 38.1% 47.2% 29.8% 55.2% 56.7% 36.2% 52.7% 23.6% 40.0% 57.9% R5.0 R5.0 R4.0 R3.0 R2.0 R4.0 R3.0 R3.0 R3.0 R3.0 R3.0 R2.0 R2.0 L3.0 R3.0 48 45 58 35 52 42 11 42 12 42 42 30 34 10 14 50.5 49.4 59.0 37.3 54.6 43.2 11.8 43.6 12.3 44.0 42.7 33.3 44.9 37.1 11.2 15.3 28.3 44.8 20.6 15.9 16.1 16.8 6.9 16.6 7.4 17.1 10.3 15.8 17.4 13.7 6.2 8.5 23.3 4.7 38.8 22.9 39.2 27.2 4.9 27.7 4.9 27.9 32.8 18.8 29.8 25.2 5.7 7.4 0.00% ·5.00% -61.00% -10.00% -53.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -5.00% -35.87% 5.00%' 5.00% 15.00% 1.79% 0.38% 2.56% 2.79% 2.42% 1.76% 14.22% 1.85% 12.63% 1.89% 2.16% 2.65% 3.04% 2.33% 7.42% 8.30% 3.87% 3.07% 7,299 72 3,538,319 125,510 3,066,411 382,738 2,250,454 159,588 269,338 94,271 114,842 232,588 10,220,430 353,471 416,052 65,835 835,158 12,772,130 "'C'-til :JC1tl.....I'D I'D.., N3o0_e:.r;:.;a til:5 GltilVIg 3"0til:J-< nmtilX VI =rI'D - •0"z;::;:?z-0z·-il-"I GlII-"I-"IaN .:.'; Intermountain Gas Company Summary of Present and Proposed Theoretical Reserve Analysis (Deprecladon Ule &RateProcedures) DepreciationAccrual Parameters and Expenses StUdy Date:As ofDecember 31,2010 Current Study12·31-2010 Une Account StUdy Investment Reserved Percent Future Average Average Average Theoretical t!YlJlll§.(J::!Ym!l!!:~Account Name ~Investment Reserved Net Net Remaining Service Reserve Theoretical Reserve ~Salvage Salvage Lile Life Percent Reserve Variance LastStudy Last Study (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(I)0)(k)(I)(m) (e)f(d)(1-(g»-«I-(hWQ)/O»(k)'(d)(I)-(e) LNG Equipment-Nampa 361.00 LNG Facilities 9,584,560.79 8,704,968.67 90.8%-20.80% -20.80%15.0 34.6 68.4%6,568,708 (2,146,251) LNG Equipment -Rexburg 2 361.20 LNG Vaporization Facilities 4,771,916.03 719,279.84 16.1%-15.00% -15.00%17.4 19.9 14.6%689,542 (29,738) 3 Subtotal Storage Plant 14,356,466.82 9,424,238.51 65.6%-18.11%-18.11%16.1 27.8 50.6%7,248,260 (2,175,989) 4 365.00 ROW Right of Way 678,619.63 275,357.60 40.6%0.00% 0.00%28.2 41.6 32.2%218,683 (56,775) 6 366.00 TCS Structures and Improvements 77,152.11 8,521.40 11.0%-5.00%-6.00%14.6 30.7 55.1%42,488 33,967 6 367.00 TMN Transmission Mains 42,190,850.36 31,614,924.50 74.9%-47.00%-47.00%25.6 50.6 72.6%30,643,215 (971,710) 7 368.00 TCS CompressorEquipment -(632,377.62)0.0%0.00% 0.00%15.0 15.0 0.0%0 632,378 Compressor EqUipmentSun 8 368.10 TCS Valley Lateral --0.0%5.00%5.00%20.0 20.0 0.0%0 0 9 370.00 TCE Communication Equipment 714,440.07 762,780.59 105.4%-5.00% -5.00%10.0 38.1 77.4%653,262 (199,519) 10 Subtotal Transmission Plant 43,661,062.07 32,019,206.47 73.3%-45.10%-45.10%25.3 50.1 72.0%31,457,548 (561,658), 11 374.00 LRT Land Rights 407,749.39 237,214.91 58.2%0.00%0.00%23.3 50.5 53.9%219,614 (17.601) 12 375.00 STR Structures and Improvements 18,863.90 19,470:44 103.2%-5.00%-5.00%4.7 49.4 95.0%17,923 (1,547) 13 376.00 MNS Mains 138,215,690.27 85,211,545.50 61.7%-61.00%-61.00%38.8 59.0 55.1%76,184,433 (9,027,113) 14 378.00 MRG Regulator Station EqUipment 4,498,568.46 2,076,941.48 46.2%-10.00%-10.00%22.9 37.3 42.5%1,910,542 (166,399) 15 380.00 SVC Services 126,669,872.88 73,728,908.93 58.2%-63.00%-63.00%39.2 54.6 43.2%54,658,050 (19,070,859) 16 381.00 MTR Meters 20,610,136.53 10,730,498.26 52.1%0.00% 0.00%27.2 43.2 37.0%7,633,995 (3,096,503) Electronic Meter Reading 17 381.20 ERT Transmitter(ERT)Units 15,825,976.51 4,794,178.48 30.3%0.00%0.00%4.9 11.8 58.5%9,253,448 4,459,270 18 382.00 MTI Meter installations 8,826,362.40 4,203,509.70 48.7%0.00% 0.00%27.7 43.6 36.5%3,146,034 (1,057,476) 19 382.20 ERI ERT Installations 2,132,525.96 813,562.65 38.1%0.00%0.00%4.9 12.3 60.2%1,282,928 469,375 20 383.00 HRG House RegUlators 4,987,886.11 2,353,815.60 47.2%0.00%0.00%27.9 44.0 36.6%1,825,068 (528,748)"'tl-nmQl;j Ql X21384.00 HRI House Regulators-Installation 5,341,509.45 1,581,263.98 29.6%0.00% 0.00%32.8 42.7 23.2%1,238,696 (342,568)(TO (ij VI =r 22 385.00 IMR RegulatorStation-lndustrial 8,776,905.69 4,845,291.18 55.2%-5.00% -5.00%18.8 33.3 45.7%4,012,801 (832,490)I'll ""13 I'll 0: OJ Z;::+ 23 Subtotal Distribution Plant 336,111,947.55 190,596,191.11 56.7%-35.87% -35.87%29.8 44.9 48.0%161,383,532 (29,212,659)sa.g !:l z ./:loaZ!:l24390.10 GSI Structures and Improvements 15,170,425.56 5,487,553.07 36.2%5.00% 5.00%25.2 37.1 30.5%4,622,429 (865,124)Ql -I t-> 25 392.00 GTR Transportation Equipment 5,607,175.21 2,954,400.82 52.7%5.00% 5.00%5.7 11.2 46.7%.2,615,747 (338,654):;.ch 26 396.00 GPE Power Operated Equipment 790,779.36 186,258.87 23.6%16.00%16.00%7.4 16.3 43.9%347,073 160,816 G)~ Ql t->VI I27SubtotalGeneralPlant21,668,380.13 8,628,210.76 40.0%5.64%5.54%14.1 22.4 35.2%7,586,249 (1,042,962)n 0oN 28 Total Depreciable Plant 416,697,866.67 240,667,846.85 57.9%-31.70%-31.70%27.1 42.3 50.0%207,674,579 (32,993,268)3 '0Ql ;j-< '\ Intermountain Gas Company Summary of Present and Proposed Present Depreciation Parameters(DepreclaUonLife &Rate Procedures) Depreciation Accrual Parameters and Expenses Study Date:As of December31 ,2010 Current Study12-31-2010 Line Account Study Investment Reserved Percent Average Average Annual ~~~Account Name ~Investment Reserved Retirement Service Average Remaining Net Accrual Annual ~~l,!I§.Aw1 l,!I§~.Bm2 ~ Last Study Last StUdy (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(I)(g)(h)(I)0)(k)(I)(m) (e)/(d)(I)'(d) LNG EqUipment -Nampa 361.00 LNG Facilities 9,584,550.79 8,704,958.67 90.8%85.0 43.7 28.9 15.0 -20.80%1.25%119,807 LNG Equlpment-8exburg 2 361.20 LNG Vaporization Facilities 4,771,916.03 719,279.84 15.1%R5.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 -15.00%5.74%273,860 3 Subtotal Storage Plant 14,356,466.82 9,424,238.51 65.6%31.4 19.3 17.6 -17.78%2.74%393,667 4 365.00 80W 81ghtof Way 678,619.53 275,357.60 40.6%85.0 41.5 11.7 29.8 0.00%2.10%14,251 ,;- 5 366.00 TCS Slructuresand Improvements 77,152.11 8,521.40 11.0%R3.0 30.3 16.2 16.4 -5.00%3.46%2,569 . 6 367.00 TMN Transmission Mains 42,190,850.36 31,614,924.50 74.9%S5.0 49.8 23.2 27.1 -47.00%2.97%1,253,068 '" 7 368.00 TCS Compressor Equipment -(632,377.62)0.0%Amort 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.00% 0.00%44,517 Compressor EqUipment Sun 8 368.10 TCS Valley Lateral 0.0%83.0 27.7 0.0 27.7 0.00%3.61%0 9 370.00 TCE Communication Equipment 714,440.07 752,780.59 105.4%R3.0 35.0 26.4 9.4 -5.00%0.04%286 10 Subtotal Transmission Plant 43,661,062.07 32,019,206.47 73.3%49.3 23.1 26.7 -45.05%3.01%1,314,791 11 374.00 LRT,Land Rights 407,749.39 237,214.91 58.2%R5.0 50.0 27.5 232 0.00%1.86%7,584 12 375.00 STR Structures and Improvements 18,863.90 19,470.44 1032%R5.0 48.1 41.8 6.3 -5.00%0.65%123 13 376.00 MNS Mains 138,215,590.27 85,211,545.50 61.7%R4.0 55.0 18.8 36;6 -55.00%2.69%3,717,999 14 378.00 MRG Regulator Station Equipment 4,498,568.46 2,076,941.48 46.2%83.0 34.9 17.8 18.9 -10.00%3.11%139,905 15 380.00 SVC Services 126,669,872.88 73,728,908.93 58.2%82.0 48.5 14.4 34.9 -53.00%2.86%3,622,758 16 381.00 MTR Meters 20,610,136.53 10,730,498.26 52.1%84.0 42.8 12.4 30.9 0.00%2.11%434,874 ElectronicMeter Reading 17 381.20 ERT Transmlller(ERT)Units 15,825,976.51 4,794,178.48 30.3%83.0 15.2 4.2 11.0 0.00%6.45%1,020,775 18 382.00 MTI MeterInstallations 8,626,362.40 4,203,509.70 48.7%83.0 43.3 13.6 30.3 0.00%1.97%169,939 19 382.20 ERI ERT Installations 2,132,525.96 813,552.65 38.1%R3.0 15.2 4.1 11.1 0.00%6.39% 136,268 20 383.00 HRG House Regulators 4,987,886.11 2,353,815.60 47.2%R3.0 43.7 15.4 29.2 0.00%1.94%96,765 "'-(")1T1 21 384.00 HRI House Regulators -Installation 6,341,509.45 1,581,263.98 29.6%R3.0 42.6 8.2 34.6 0.00%2.18%116,445 ~;a ~; 22 385.00 IMR RegulatorStation-lndustrlal 8,776,905.69 4,845,291.18 55.2%R2.0 28.4 15.1 14.9 -5.00%3.50%307,192 (1)~(1)0:' .;:.3z;:+ 23 Subtotal Distribution Plant 336,111,947.55 '190,596,191.11 56.7%43.8 15.5 30.2 -36.42%2.91%9,770,627 ~g !=l z .;:.::J Z!=l24390.10 GSI Structures and Improvements 15,170,425.56 5,487,553.07 36.2%R2.0 38.6 19.6 20.5 5.00% 2.10%318,579 or -I .... 25 392.00 GTR Transportation Equipment 5,607,17521 2,954,400.82 52.7%L4.0 10.3 7.0 4.0 5.00%9.75%546,700 5'(;) 26 396.00 GPE PowerOperated Equipment 790,779.36 186,256.87 23.6%R4.0 15.3 11.2 5.2 15.00%6.63%52,429 Gl I Dl :::27 Subtotal General Plant 21,568,380.13 8,628,210.76 40.0%21.8 16.0 10.6 5.52%4.25%917,708 II>6~N28TotalDepreciablePlant415,697,856.57 240,667,846.85 57.9%41.5 16.5 27.4 -32.19%2.98%12,396,793 3 "0Dl::J-<