HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110811Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY RECEIVED 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608. BOISE, IDAHO 83707. (208) 377-6000. FAX: 377-§Q97 lin I AUG , I AM 10= J 7 August 11, 2011 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 RE: Case No. INT-G-11-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached for consideration by this Commission are the original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application for Authority to Decrease Its Prices on October 1,2011. ' If you have any questions regarding the attached, please contact me at (208) 377-6105. c t adison Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer SWM/mt Enclosures cc: K. F. Morehouse T.M. Clark D.L. Haider RECEIVE 2011 AUG I I AM fa: 17 INl'ERMOUNTAIN GAS COM~AN1tl°A::H~%¡j¡'~Qil~i\t5l1='.E"",~1 """i\,1ì'å3 i~l ,..........;:l v; "i: CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l APPLICATION AND EXHIBITS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN for Au thority to Decrease Its Prices on October 1,2011 (Octobfl 1,2011 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Filing) Stephen R. Thomas, iS) ~ 2326 MOFF ATT THOMAS 3ARRTT ROCK & FIELDS, CHTD. 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1000 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 345-2 )00 Attorneys for IntermoUl lain Gas Company RECEIVED 101 1 AUG '' AM 10:1 7 BEFC)RE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN G A.S COMPANY for Authority to Decreas e Its Prices Case No. INT-G-11-01 APPLICATION Intermountai (ras Company ("Intermountan" or "Company"), a subsidiar of MDU Resources Group, Inc. 1 vith general offices located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, hereby requests authority, purSl ant to Idaho Code Sections 61-307 and 61-622, to place into effect October 1,2011 new rate schediiles which will decrease its anualized revenues by $14.4 millon, pursuat to the Rules of Procedi re of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commssion"). Because of changes in Intermoun1 ain's gas related costs, as described more fuly in ths Application, Intermountain's earg s will not be decreased as a result of the proposed decrease in prices and revenues. Intermountai ' s curent rate schedules showing proposed changes are attched hereto as Exhibit NO.1 and are in ::orporated herein by reference. Intermountain's proposed rate schedules are attached hereto as Exhil it No.2 and are incorporated herein by reference. Communcations in refe rence to this Application should be addressed to: Scott M~ idison Vice PrE sident & Chief Accounting Officer Intermoi mtan Gas Company Post Off ,ce Box 7608 Boise, Il) 83707 and Stephen R. Thomas, ISB 2326 MOFFA IT THOMAS BARRTT ROCK & FIELDS, CHTD. 101 S. ( apitol Boulevard, Suite 1000 Boise, I( ,aho 83702 In support of th ; Application, Intermountain does allege and state as follows: APPLICATION - 2 I. Intermountai i; a gas utility, subject to the jursdiction of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, engaged i 1 the sale of and distribution of natual gas within the State of Idaho under authority of Commis~ ion Certificate No. 219 issued December 2, 1955, as amended and supplemented by Order 'lo. 6564, dated October 3, 1962. Intermountai p 'Ovides natual gas servce to the following Idaho communities and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eage, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Sta; Bannock County - Chubl uck, Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Geoi getown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberc een, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Moreland/verside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevu(, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonnevile County - Am non, Idaho Falls, Iona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldw( ii, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Parma, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancrc fi, Conda, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, J )eclo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferr, Hamett and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Goodi ig, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewi~ vile, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshc rie; Madison County - Rexbt rg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyl: iim, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Brune lU, and Homedale; Payette County - Fruitlar d, New Plymouth, and Payette; Power County - America i Falls; Twin Falls County - Bub ., Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murtugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Wi iser. Intermountain's properties in these locations consist of tranmission pipelines, a liquefied natual gas storage facil ty, distrbution mais, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. II. Intermountain s ~eks with ths Application to pass through to each of its customer classes changes in gas related costs resulting from: 1) an increase in costs biled Intermountan from Northwest Pipeline GP ("Nortwest" or "Nortwest Pipeline"), 2) a decrease in costs from the Company's upstream )ipeline suppliers and it's storage facility contracts, 3) a decrease in Intermountain's Weigh1 ed Average Cost of Gas, or "WACOG", 4) an updated customer allocation APPLICATION - 3 of gas related costs purs Jat to the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA") provision, 5) the inclusion of temi Olar surcharges and credits for one year relating to natual gas purchases and interstate transporta lion costs from Intermountain's deferred gas cost accounts, and 6) benefits resulting from Intermo intain's management of its storage and firm capacity rights on varous pipeline systems. Intt rmountain also seeks with ths Application to eliminate the temporar surcharges and credits i ricluded in its curent prices durg the past 12 months, pursuat to Order No. 32077 per Case No, INT-G-1O-03. The above changes would result in an overall price decrease to Intermountain's custc mers. These price chai iges are applicable to servce rendered under rate schedules afected by and subject to Intermounta n's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA"), intially approved by ths Commission in Order No. 26109, Case No. INT-G-95-1, and additionally approved though subsequent proceedings Exhbit No. 3 c )ntans pertinent excerpts from applicable pipeline taffs. Exhbit No. 4 sumarzes the price cl anges in: 1) Intermounta's base rate gas costs, 2) its rate class allocation, and 3) adjusting tempe rar surcharges or credits flowig through to Intermountan's direct sales customers. Exhbit Nc s. 3 and 4 are attched hereto and incorporated herein by reference. III. The curent pri ::es of Intermountain are those approved by ths Commssion in Order No. 32077, Case No. Th I-G-lO-03. IV. Intermountain'~ proposed prices incorporate all changes in costs relating to the Company's firm inters1 ite transportation capacity including, but not limited to, any price changes or projected cost adjus :ments implemented by the Company's pipeline suppliers as well as any volumetric adjustment; in contracted transportation agreements which have occured since Intermountain's PGA f ling in Case No. INT-G-10-03. Intermountain continues to effectively manage its natural gas storage assets at Northwest's Jackson I rairie and Questar Pipeline's Clay Basin storage facilities. Supporting documents relating tc Line 19 of Exhibit No.4, include $2.7 milion in savings from Intermountain's manag ~ment of these storage assets. APPLICATION - 4 Exhibit No.4, I ines 1 through 19, details the proposed changes in Intermountain's prices resulting from adjustii Lents to the cost of Northwest Pipeline interstate capacity, upstream pipeline capacity, and I itermountain's storage facilty costs from its varous suppliers. v. The WACOG n flected in Intermountan's proposed prices is $0.45342 per therm, as shown on Exhbit No.4, Line : ~1, CoL. (t). Ths compares to $0.49211 per therm curently included in the Company's taffs. Continued weai ness in the regional and national economies has put downward pressure on new customer growt a id weather adjusted demand for natual gas. At the same time, natual gas supplies are ample and J.S. dr gas production is at an all time high. Robust supply coupled with flat demand has kept th( near term prices for natual gas relatively low. Additionally, tle proposed WACOG includes benefits to Intermounta's customers generated by the Comp my's management of its signficant natual gas storage assets. Because gas added to storage is pro( lled during the suier season when prices are tyically lower than during the winter, the cost of I itermountan's storage gas is normally less than what could be obtaed on the open market in wini er month. Additionally, and in an effort to fuer stabilze the prices paid by our customers dur ~ the upcoming winter period, Intermounta has entered into varous fixed price agreements to lo( ~-in the price for signficant portions of its underground storage and other winter "flowig" suppli :s. Intermountain è ;:lieves that the W ACOG proposed in ths Application, subject to the effect of actu supply and i lemand and based on curent market conditions, provides today's most reasonable forecast of ~as costs for the 2011-2012 PGA period. Intermountan will employ, in addition to those fixec price agreements already in place, cost effective price arangements to fuer secure the price )f flowing gas embedded within ths Applicaton when, and if, those pricing opportties materializ ~ in the marketplace. Intermounta è ;:lieves that timely natual gas price signals enhance its customer's abilty to make informed and a ,propriate energy use decisions. The Company is committed to alert customers to impendin! price chages before their winter natual gas usage occurs. By employig the use of customer ma ilings, the Company's website, and varous media resources, Intermounta will continue to educa1 ~ its customers regarding the wise and effcient use of natual gas, biling options available to helJ i manage their energy budget, and pending natual gas price changes. APPLICATION - 5 VI. Pursuat to Ca ¡e No. INT-G-1O-03, Intermountain included temporar surcharges and credits in its October 1, 2010 prices for the principal reason of collecting or passing back to its customers deferred gas :ost charges and benefits, as outlined in Case No. INT-G-1O-03. Line 26 of Exhbit NO.4 reflects th ~ elimination of these temporar surcharges and credits. VII. Intermounta's PGA taff includes provisions whereby Intermountain's proposed prices will be adjusted for Uj ,dated customer class sales volumes and purchased gas cost allocations, pursuat to the Compar y's approved cost of service methodology. Intermountan's proposed prices include a fixed cost col ection adjustment pursuat to these PGA provisions, as outlined on Exhbit No.5, Line 24. The i: rice impact of this adjustment is included on Exhbit No.4, Line No. 27. Exhibit NO.5 is attchei i hereto and incorporated herein by reference. VIII. Intermounta i: ~oposes to pass through to its customers the benefits that will be generated from the management ( f its transporttion capacity totaing $3.7 millon as outlined on Exhbit No. 7. These benefits incliide credits from a segmented release of a porton of Intermounta's fi capacity rights on Nor11west Pipeline and other non-segmented capacity releases. Intermounta proposes to pass back 11ese credit amounts via the per therm credits, as detaled on Exhbit No. 7 and included on Exhbi : No.6, Line 1. Exhbit Nos. 6 and 7 are attched hereto and incorporated herein by reference. IX. Intermountain r roposes to allocate deferred gas costs from its Account No. 186 balance to its customers though :emporar price adjustments to be effective during the 12-month period ending September 30, 2 )12, as follows: 1) Intermounta n has deferred fixed gas costs in its Account No. 186. The credit amount shown on Exhbit No. l, Line 8, CoL. (b) of$5.9 millon is attbutable to a tre-up of the collection of interstate pipeline (apacity costs, the tre-up of expense issues previously ruled on by ths Commission, and miti; :ating capacity release credits generated from the incremental release of Intermountai's pipelin ~ capacity. Intermountain proposes to pass back these balances via the per APPLICATION - 6 therm credits, as detaile 1 on Exhbit NO.8 and included on Exhbit No.6, Line 2. Exhbit NO.8 is attched hereto and incc rporated herein by reference. 2) Intermounta n has also deferred in its Account No. 186 a varable gas credit of $12.2 milion, as shown on Sxhibit No.9, Line 2, CoL. (b). Ths deferred credit is attbutable to Intermountai's lower' 'arable gas costs since October 1, 2010. Intermountain proposes to pass back this balance via a i er therm credit, as shown on Exhbit No.9, CoL. (b), Line 4 and included on Exhbit No.6, Line 3. 3) Finally, Inte mountain has deferred in its Account No. 186 deferred gas costs related to Lost and Unaccounted For Gas as shown on Exhibit No.9, CoL. (b), Lines 5 though 20. Ths deferral results in net )er therm decreases to Intermountan's sales customers, as ilustrated on Exhbit No.9, Line 12, CoL. (b), and included on Exhibit No.6, Line 3. The Lost and Unaccounted For Gas deferral also ri :sults in a per therm credit for Intermountan's transportation customers as shown on Exhibit No. S , Line 20, CoL. (b). Exhbit No.9 is attched hereto and incorporated herein by reference. x. Intermounta h is allocated the proposed price changes to each of its customer classes based upon Intermountan's I GA provision. However, a straight cent per therm price decrease was not utilzed for the LV -1 t riff as no fixed costs are curently recovered in the tail block of the LV-1 tariff. The proposed cl anges in the W ACOG, and varable deferred credits as outlined on Exhbit No.9, are applied to al thee blocks of the LV -1 taff. However, all adjustments relating to fied costs are applied only t( the first two blocks of the LV -1 tarff. XI. Each block oftle proposed LV-I, T-3, T-4 and T-5 taffs include a unform cents per therm decrease to adjust for L )st and Unaccounted For Gas as detailed on Exhbit No.9, Lines 13 though 20, CoL. (b). The price:, including the proposed adjustent for each block of the T-3, T-4 and T-5 taiffs, and the removal of existing temporar price changes, are outlined on Exhbit No.1, Page 1, Lines 21 though 32. XII. Exhbit No. lOs an analysis of the overall price changes by class of customer. Exhbit No. lOis attched hereto an 1 incorporated herein by reference. APPLICATION - 7 XIII. The proposed i .verall price changes herein requested among the classes of service of Intermountai reflect a just, fair, and equitable pass-through of changes in gas related costs to Intermountain's custom ~rs. xiv. Ths Applicatio: l is filed pursuat to the applicable statutes and the Rules and Reguations of the Commssion. This A.pplication has been brought to the attention of Intermountain's customers through a Customer Nc :ice and by a Press Release sent to daily and weekly newspapers, and major radio and television st itions in Intermountain's service area. The Press Release and Customer Notice are attached he eto and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of this Application, its Exhbits, and Workp. ipers have been provided to those paries reguarly intervenig in Intermountain's rate pn ceedings. xv. Intermountain i ~quests that this matter be handled under modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201-204 of the C )mmission's Rules of Procedure. Intermountan stads ready for immediate consideration of ths m, tter. APPLICATION - 8 WHEREFORE, Intermountan respectfly petitions the Idaho Public Utilties Commission as follows: a. That the pre posed rate schedules herewith submitted as Exhbit No. 2 be approved without suspension and made effective as of October 1, 2011 in the maner shown on Exhbit No. 2. b. That ths Api lication be heard and acted upon without hearng under modified procedure, and c. For such olier relief as this Commission may determine proper herein. I ATED at Boise, Idaho, ths 11 th day of August, 2011. CAS COMPANY MOFFATT HOMAS BAR T ROCK & FIELDS, C TD .. Tomas r Intermountain Gas Company on resident & Chie . Accounting Officer APPLICATION - 9 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HERJ my CERTIFY that on ths 11th day of Augut, 2011, I served a copy of the foregoing Case No. Th I-G-11-01 upon: Paula Pyron Northwest Industral (as Users 4113 Wolf Berr Cow l Lake Oswego, OR 97( 35-1827 Chad Stokes Cable Huston et aL. 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97204-1136 w R. Scott Pasley J. R. Simplot Compan: r PO Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 Steven Gray J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 Conley E. Ward, Jr. Givens, Pursley, Webl & Huntley 277 N. 6th St., Suite 2110 PO Box 2720 Boise, il 83701 by depositing tre cop es thereof in the United Stat M', postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the a Jove addresses. Sc adison ice President & Chief Accounting APPLICATION - 10 EXHIBIT NO.1 CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CURRNT TARFFS Showing Proposed Price Changes (11 pages) Exhibit NO.1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 11 C )MPARISON OF PROPOSED OCTOBER 1, 2010 PRICES TO OCTOBER 1, 2011 PRICES October I, 2010 Proposed Line Prices per Proposed October 1, 2011 No.Rate Class INT-G-10-03 Adjustment Prices (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 RS I 2 April - November $0.94465 $(0.04864)$0.89601 3 December - March 0,83209 (0.04864)0.78345 4 RS 2 5 April - November 0,79583 (0.03444)0.76139 6 December - March 0,76220 (0.03444)0.72776 7 GS I 8 April - November 9 Block 1 0.83871 (0.06124)0.77747 10 Block 2 0.81698 (0,06124)0.75574 11 Block 3 0.79596 (0.06124)0.73472 12 December - March 13 Block 1 0.78786 (0.06124)0.72662 14 Block 2 0.76666 (0.06124)0.70542 15 Block 3 0.74620 (0.06124)0.68496 16 CNGFuel 0.74620 (0.06124)0.68496 17 LV ,i 18 Block 1 0.57143 (0.03026) (1)0.54117 19 Block 2 0.53294 (0.03026) (1)0.50268 20 Block 3 0.44686 (0.02700) (2)0.41986 21 T-: 22 Block 1 0.05490 (0.00090) (3)0.05400 23 Block 2 0.02230 (0.00090) (3)0.02140 24 Block 3 0.00817 (0.00090) (3)0.00727 25 T-' 26 Block 1 0.05913 (0.00090) (3)0.05823 27 Block 2 0.02064 (0.00090) (3)0.01974 28 Block 3 0.00591 (0.00090) (3)0.00501 29 T-~ 30 Demand Charge 0.84253 0.84253 31 Commodity Charge 0.00176 (0.00090) (3)0.00086 32 Over-Run Service 0.04435 (0.00090) (3)0.04345 33 IS- l (4) 34 April - November 0.76220 (0.03444)0.72776 35 December - March 0,76220 (0.0344)0.72776 36 IS. : (5) 37 April - November 38 Block i 0.78786 (0.06124)0.72662 39 Block 2 0.76666 (0.06124)0.70542 40 Block 3 0.74620 (0.06124)0.68496 41 December - March 42 Block i 0.78786 (0.06124)0.72662 43 Block 2 0.76666 (0.06124)0.70542 44 Block 3 0.74620 (0.06124)0.68496 (i)i ee WorkpaperNo. 7, Line 13, Column (e) (2) i ee Workpaper No.7, Line 17, Column (e) (3) J ,emove INT-G-10-03 temporary of $(0.00070) and add the temporary from Exhibit 9. Line 20. Column (b) (4) c he IS-R price is based on the RS-2 December - March price and receives the same PGA adjustments, (5) c he IS-C price is based on the GS-I December - March price and receives the same PGA adjustments. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tanff Second Revised Vc fume No.1 (Supersedes First F evised Volume No.1) Fo -5e Revis ed Third Sheet No. 01 Name of Utilty, Ir ,termountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. S6, 2616 Oct. 1, 2919 Pei O.ft 32977 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILAILITY: Available' 0 individually metered consumers not otherwise specifcaii~"provided for, using natural gas for n sidential purposes. RATE: Monthly n inimum charge is the customer charge. For bilin i periods ending April through November Cu~ tomer Charge - $2.50 per bil Cor imodit Charge - $9.94465 per therm* $0.89601 For bilin i periods ending December through March Cu~ tomer Charge - $6.50 per bil Coi rimodity Charge - $9.83299 per therm* $0.78345 *lncludes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(8.8'96) $(0.07748) Weighted average cos of gas of $6:4211 $0.45342 PURCHASED G) iS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tañfl is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Pure hased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE COND TIONS: All natur¡ ¡J gas service hereunder is subject to the' General Service Provisions of the Company"s Tari1 f, of which this rate schedule is a part Issued by: Interi nountain Gas Company By: ICaLI.eline J. B~n¡~rd Scott Madison Title: Meli~eF Ges SI:(3(31y & Re§l:latsPJAffaiFS Effective: ~f 1, 2010 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tanff Second Revised Vol Jme NO.1 (Supersedes First Ri !vised Volume No.1) Forty-'5 Revlsi id Third Sheet No. 02 NameofUllllty Intermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 38, 2818 Oct. 1, 2818 Per 0..,. 32977 ,Jean D. Jewell Secretary. Rate Schedule RS-2 MULTIPLE USE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available t J indivdually metered consumers using gas for several residential purposes including both Wi iter heating an~ space heating. RATE: Monthly mnimum charge is the customer charge. For bilini ! periods ending April through November Cus :omer Charge - $2.50 per bill Con imodit Charge. $8.79583 perthènn* $0.76139 For bilinii periods ending December through March Cus tomer Charge - $6.50 per bil COl1lmodit Charge. $8.76228 per therm* $0.72776 *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(8.8'118) $(0.06720) Weighted average cost of gas' of $9.4924 4 $0.45342 PURCHASED G~ S COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purc riased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDI nONS: All natulël gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of th~ Company's Taril f, of which this rate schedule Is a part Issued by: Interi riountain Gas Company By: ¡caerine d. I ~ Scott Madison Tite: Mafla§er Gas gy¡:¡;ly &. Regbllati: Affirs Effective: ee F ~, 201 Q October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Secnd Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fort-f Revised Fifth Sheet No. 03 (Paiie 1 of 2) Name of Uti lily Intermountain Gas Company: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION.Approved Effective 5epl36,2616 Set. 1, 2:916 Per S.U. 32677 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available to individually metered customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on Company's disibution system. Requirements in exces of 2,000 thenns per day may be served. under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year writen servic~ contract. RATE: Monthly minimum chare is the customer charge. For billng periods ending April through November Customer Charge. $2.00 per bil . Commodity Charge - First 200 thenns per bil ~ $6.93871* $0.77747 Next 1,800 thenns per bil ~$e.61696* $0.75574 Over 2,000 thenns per bil ~ $9.79596* $0.73472 For billng periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - First 200 thenns per bil ~ $9.78786* $0.72662 Next 1,800 thenns per bil ~$9.7666&" $0.70542 Over 2,000 therms per bil ~ $9.74&29* $0.68496 *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(9.96646) $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $9.49i!44 $0.45342 Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: l~lhel'Re d. Bl'Ffl'FB Scott Madison Effective: Oeteef 1, 2818 October 1, 2011 Tite: MElR6§eF Gas 8YFlFllY & Resylalgi: Afji: Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Forty-Fo Revised Fifth Sheet No. 03' (Paae 2 of 2)Name . of Utilit Intermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 36, 2616 Oct. 1, 2918 Pei O.N. 32977 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel invehicular intemal combustion engines. . Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $6.r4628 per therm'" $0.68496 .Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(Q.96646l $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $9.049:211 $0.45342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This taff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service wil pay to Intennountain Gas Company, upon exitg the GS-1 service, all gas and trnsporttion related cost incurrd to serve the customer during the GS-1 service period not borne by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who lèaves the GS.1 service wil have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or trnsporttion payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-1 customer. 2. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part Issued by:. Intermountain Gas Company By: ~eriRe d. 8erRsFå Scott Madison Effectve: Oetober 1, 2018 October 1, 2011 Title: Maiiagei Gas 8t11'I'IY & Re~l:latf)!l'JfiRl Vice President & Chief Accountin Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Fif-5e Revised Third Sheet No. 04 (Pai:e 1 of 2) Nameof Utilty Intermountain Gas COmpany IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 38, 2616 Oct. 1, 2616 Pei OJ" 32677 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule LVM1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable derivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any new customer whosè usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service cont~ct for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therm per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodit Charge: First 250,000 therms per bil ~ $6.57143* $0.54117 Next 500,000 therms per biI ~ $9.63294* $0.50268 Amount Over 750,000 therms per bil (g $9.4468&" $0.41986 The above prices include weighted average cost of gas of $6.042t1 $0.45342 * Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(6.95693) $(0.04992) ** Includes temporary purchaséd gas cost adjustent of $(9.9SQ86) $(0.04017) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tarif is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. . SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tarif, of which this Rate Schedule is a part 2. Any LV-1 customer who exits the LV-1 service at any time (including, but not limite to, the expiration of the contract term) wil pay to Intermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the LV-1 service, all gas and/or intersate transportation related costs to serve the custômer during the LVM1 contract' period not borne by the customer during the LV-1 contract period. Any LV-1 customer wll have refunded to them, upon exiting the LV-1 service, any excess gas and/or interste transporttion relatedpayments made by the customer during the LV-1 contrct period. 3. In the event that total deliveries to any customer within the last three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the currnt contrct period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additonal amount shall be biled. The additional amount shall be calculated by biling the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the LV-1 Block 1 rate adjusted for the removal of variable gas costs. The customer's future eligibilty for the LV-1 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiated with the Company. Issued by: Intermountain G.as Company By: l~eFiRe d. BaFFaFEcott MadlsotJe: MaReeeF Gas Sl:~i:ly & R€ii:lati: AffaiFE Effective: OelbeF ~, 2010 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) ri Revised Sixt Sheet No. 11 (Page 1 of 2)Name I . t. of Utilty ntermoun ain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved . Effective Sept. 39, 2819 Oct. 1,2618 Pei O.rt 326'7 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILIT: Available ~t any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First 100,000 thenns transported~ $9.95499* $0.05400 Next 50,000 therms transported~ $9;92239* $0.02140 Amount over 150,000 therms transported~ $6.69Bi7* $0.00727 *Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(9.99979) $(0.00160) ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bil of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This taif is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. 2. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of . the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 3. Interruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a writen agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. 4. If requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints o~ the distribution system. 5. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to Intermountain's distribution system under this rate. 6. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the Interstate pipeline. 7. An existing LV-1, T-4, or T-5 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilze Rate Schedule T -3 on the same or contiguous propert. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company, By: ¡(lit! iéi ii ie d. BlIrl iard Scott Madison Title: Mana~ef Gas'St:13131' & Regt:Ii*8F' AffiF6 Effective: Octber 1, 2818 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Secnd Revised Volume No.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) "f Revised Fifth Sheet No. 13 (Paae 1 of 2) Name of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company IDÁHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 39, 2919 Oct. 1, ~919 Per O.N. 32977 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule T-4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILAILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of, a one year minimum written seivice contract for firm distribution transportation seivice in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Charge: Block One: Bloc/(Two: Block Three: First Next Amount over 250,000 therms transported~ $9.95913* $0.05823 500,000 therms transported~$a.92e&4* $0.01974 750,000 therm transported~ $9.e8591* $0.00501 "Includes temporaiy purchased gas cost adjustment of $te.eee7'e) $(0.00160) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustent Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the seivice and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges. 2. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. 3. All natural gas' seivice hereunder is subject to the General Seivice Provisil?ns of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule Is a part. 4. The customer shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which wil be stated in the contract and in effect th.roughout the term of ~he seivice contra~t. 5. An existing LV-1, T-3, orT-S customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilze Rate Schedule T -4 on the customer's same or contiguous propert. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1. In the event that total deliveries to any customer within the last three contrct periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contract penod used less than the contract mlilimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be biled. The additional amount shall be calculated by billng the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the T -4 Block 1 rate. The customets future eligibilty for the T -4 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiated with the Company. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By 1(e¡'eriRe d. BerReFåScott MadisonTile: MeR8e¡ef Gas Sl:flfllY & Re!'i:latery Aifir: Effective: Oetber 4 2818 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accountin Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) 'Ì Revised Fourth Sheet No. 14 (Page 1 of 2) Name ofUlility IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 39, 2919 Oct. 1, 2919 Per O.N. 32977 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDSAVAILABILI~ " . Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing T.. customer whose.daily contract demand on any given day meets or exceeds a predetermined level agrëëd to by (he èustol1èrand thëCorrpãnyüpoli "exëëutlö-n öla one-yeãr minimum wrltLenservièè contract for firm distribution service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Firm Service Demand Charge: Firm Daily Demand - Rate Per Therm $0.84253 Commodity Charge: For Firm Therms, Transported Over_Run Service Commodity Charge: For Therms Transported In Excess Of MDFQ: $9.99176" $0.00086 $9.94495* $0.04345 *Includes temporary purchased gas cos adjustent of $(9.99'079) $(0.00160) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff Is subject t9 an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company'sPurchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1 All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is,a part. 2. The customer shall nominate a Maxmum Daily Firm Quantit (MDFQ), which wil be stated In and wil be in effect throughout the term of the service èontract. 3. Thè monthly Demand Charge wil be equal to the MDFQ times the Firm Daily Demand rate. Firm demand relief wil be afforded to those T.. customers paying both demand and commodity charges for gas when, in the Company's judgment, such relief is warranted. 4. The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ times the number of days in the biling month, whichever is less, wil be biled at the applicable commodity charge for firm thenns. Issued by; Intermountain Gas Company By: KethefÎ~e d. 8arfleft Scott Madison Title: Mel'flser Gas 8i:flfllr & Re!;i:lalsfJ' Afirs Effective: Oeteeer 1, 2818 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Exhibit NO.1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff-F Revised Second Sheet No. 16 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utiit Intermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Se~t. 39, 2949 Oct. 1, 2618 Pei OJ" 32677 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule IS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any new residential or Customer using natural gas to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria wil be subject to service under Rate Schedule IS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sale discretion of the Company. FACILIT REIMBURSEMENT CHAGE: All new Interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of theSnowmelt meter set and other related facilty and equipment costs, prior to the insllation of the meter set. Any requestto alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities fróm Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. For billng periods ending April through November Customer Charge - $2.50 per bil Commodit Charge. $9.76229 per thenn* $0.72776 For biling periods ending December through March Customer Charge. $6.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $6.762£6 per thenn* $0.72776 *Includes: Tempora purchased gas cost adjustent of $(6.97419) $(0.06720) Weighted averae cost of gas of $9.4e211 $0.45342. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for In the Company's Purchased Gas Cos Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDmONS: 1. All natural gas sérvice hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. Issuedby: Intermountain Gas Company By: I CatlieiÍlie J. Baiiaid Scott Madison TIle: Mal'ager Gas 6t:""~ 8: Regt:latlj Affe:irs Effectve: Oeæl:er 1, 2010 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Exhibit No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 11 of 11 I.P.U.C. Gas Tanfff' Revised Second Sheet No. 17 (page 1 of 2) Name of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Sept. 38, 2818 Oct. 1,2818 Pei e.N. 32877 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Rate Schedule IS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOYVMEL T SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any new Customer otheiwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 and using natural gas to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria wil be subject to service uncier .Rate SçhecllJlel.s~Cand will bei:eparately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible atthe sole discretion ofthe Company. . . . .. .. FACILITY REIMBURSEMEl' CHARGE: All new interrptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cos of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facilty and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilties from C:ompany's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. For billng periods ending April through November Customer Charge - $2.00 per bil . Commodit Charge - Firs 200 therms per bil ~ $9.78786l $0.72662 Next 1,800 therms per bil ~ $8.76666" $0.70542 Over 2,000 therms per bil ~ $9.14629* $0.68496 For billng periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - First 200 therms per bil ~ $9.78786" $0.72662 Next 1,800 thenns per bil ~ $9.16666' $0.70542 Over 2,000 therms per bil ~ $9.14629" $0.68496 "Includes: . Temporary purchased gas cost adjusbnent of $~9.9664&) $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $9.4924 4 $0.45342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ProvIsion. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: l(ftlieril'ed. 86f1!ml Scott Madison Title: M8fl8§er Gas Si:~~ly & Re§141ateFj' Mfai¡: Effectie: Oaleer 1, 2919 October 1, 2011 Vice President & Chief Accuntin Offcer EXHIBIT NO.2 CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PROPOSED TARFFS (10 pages) Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Forty-Third Revised Sheet No. 01 (Paae 1 of 1) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available to individually metered consumers not otherwise specifically provided for, using natural gas for residential purposes. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For billng periods ending April through November Customer Charge - $2.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.89601 per therm* For biling periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $6.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.78345 per therm* *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.07748) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.4342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Fort-Third Revised Sheet No. 02 (Paoe 1 of 1) Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 10 Name of Utiity Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule RS-2 MULTIPLE USE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available to individually metered consumers using gas for several residential purposes including both water heating and space heating. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For biling periods ending April through November Customer Charge - $2.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.76139 per therm* For biling periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $6.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.72776 per therm* *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.06720) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.45342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Forty-Fifth Revised Sheet No. 03 (Paae 1 of 2) Name of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available to individually metered customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 thenns per day, at any point on Company.s distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 thenns per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year wñtten service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For biling peñods ending Apñl through November Customer Charge - $2.00 per bil Commodit Charge - First 200 thenns per bill (t $0.77747* Next 1,800 thenns per bil (t $0.75574* Over 2,000 thenn per bil (t $0.73472* For billng periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - First 200 thenns per bil (t $0.72662* Next 1,800 thenns per bil (t $0.70542* Over 2,000 thenns per bil (t $0.68496* *Includes: Temporaiy purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.45342 Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Fort-Fifth Revised Sheet No. 03 (Pai:e 2 of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilzed solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.68496 per therm* *Includes: Temporaiy purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $OA5342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tari is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service wil pay to Intennountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transporttion related costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS-1 service period not borne by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customer who leaves the GS-1 service wil have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transporttion payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-1 customer. 2. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Issued by: Intermountain Gas CompanyBy: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit No.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fitt- Third Revised Sheet No. 04 (Paae 1 of 2) Name of Util tv Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any new customerwhose usage does not exceed 500,000 thenns annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 thenns per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Charge: First 250,000 thenns per bil ~ $0.54117* Next 500,000 thenns per bil ~ $0.50268* Amount Over 750,000 thenns per bil ~ $0.41986** The above prices include weighted average cost of gas of $0.452 * Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.04992) ** Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.04017) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITONS: 1. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 2. Any LV-1 customer who exits the LV-1 service at any time (including, but not limited to, the expiration of the contract tenn) wil pay to Intennountain Gas Company, upon exiting the LV-1 service, all gas and/or interstate transportation related costs to serve the customer during the LV-1 contract period not borne by the customer during the LV-1 contract period. Any LV-1 customer wil have refunded to them, upon exiting the LV-1 service, any excess gas and/or interstate transportation related payments made by the customer during the LV-1 contract period. 3. In the event that total deliveries to any customer within the last thre contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 thenn threshold, but the customer during the current contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 thenns, an additional amount shall be biled. The additional amount shall be calculated by billng the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the LV-1 Block 1 rate adjusted for the removal of variable gas costs. The customer's future eligibilty for the LV-1 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiated with the Company. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Sixth Revised Sheet No. 11 (Pace 1 of 2) Name of Utilty Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 10 Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAilABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First 100,000 therms transported~ $0.05400* Next 50,000 therms transported~ $0.02140* Amount over 150,000 therms transported~ $0.00727* *Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.00160) ANNUAL MINIMUM Bill: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bil of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. 2. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 3. Interruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. 4. If requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the distribution system. 5. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to Intermountain's distribution system under this rate. 6. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. 7. An existing LV-1, T-4, or T-5 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilze Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous propert. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fifth Revised Sheet No. 13 (Page 1 of 2)Name It. G C of Utilty n ermountam as ompany Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 10 Rate Schedule T -4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Amount over 250,000 therms transported~ $0.05823* 500,000 therms transported~ $0.01974* 750,000 therms transported~ $0.00501* *Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.00160) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges. 2. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. 3. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 4. The customer shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which wil be stated in the contract and in effect throughout the term of the service contract. 5. An existing LV-1, T-3, or T-5 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilze Rate Schedule T -4 on the customer's same or contiguous property. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1. In the event that total deliveries to any customer within the last three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be biled. The additional amount shall be calculated by biling the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the T -4 Block 1 rate. The customer's future eligibilty for the T -4 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiated with the Company. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fourth Revised Sheet No. 14 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing T-5 customer whose daily contract demand on any given day meets or exceeds a predetermined level agreed to by the customer and the Company upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm distribution service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Firm Service Demand Charge: Firm Daily Demand - Rate Per Therm $0.84253 Commodity Charge: For Firm Therms Transported Over-Run Service Commodity Charge: For Therms Transported In Excess Of MDFQ: $0.00086* $0.04345* *Includes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.00160) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company"s Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1 All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 2. The customer shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which wil be stated in and wil be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. 3. The monthly Demand Charge wil be equal to the MDFQ times the Firm Daily Demand rate. Firm demand relief wil be afforded to those T -5 customers paying both demand and commodity charges for gas when, in the Company's judgment, such relief is warranted. 4. The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ times the number of days in the billng month, whichever is less, wil be biled at the applicable commodity charge for firm therms. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit Nò. 2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas TariffSecond Revised Sheet No. 16 (Page 1 of 2) Nameof Utilty .Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule IS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILIT: Applicable to any new reidential or Customer using natural gas to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtnances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteña wil be subject to service under Rate Schedule IS-R and wil be separately. and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facilty and equipment costs, pñor to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilties from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agres to pay all . related cots. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. For biling periods ending April through November Customer Charge. $2.50 per bil Commodit Charge - $0.72776 per thenn* For biling periods ending December through March Customer Charge. $6.50 per bil Commodity Charge - $0.72776 per thenn* *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.06720) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.45342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject. to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in. the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. SERVICE CONDmONS: 1. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company.s Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accunting Offcer Effective: October 1, 2011 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 10 I.P.U.C. Gas TariffSecond Revised Sheet No. 17 (Page 1 of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule IS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any new Customer otherwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 and using natural gas to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and aU such applications meeting the above criteria wil be subject to service under Rate Schedule IS-C and wil be separately and individually metered. All service. hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interrptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facilty and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilties from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. For billng periods ending April through November Customer Charge - $2.00 per bil Commodity Charge - First 200 therms per bil cæ $0.72662* Next 1,800 therms per bil cæ $0.70542* Over 2,000 therms per bil cæ $0.68496* For biling periods ending December through March Customer Charge - $9.50 per bil Commodity Charge - First 200 therms per bil cæ $0.72662* Next 1,800 therms per bil cæ $0.70542* Over 2,000 therms per bil cæ $0.68496* *Includes: Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.07988) Weighted average cost of gas of $0.45342 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Scott Madison Title: Vice President & Chief Accounting OffcerEffective: October 1, 2011 ' EXHIBIT NO.3 CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PERTINENT EXCERPTS FROM INTERSTATE PIPELINES AND RELATED FACILITIES (16 pages) Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 FERC GAS TARIFF FIFTH REVISED VOLUME NO. 1 (Superseding Fourth Revised Volume No.1) Of NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP Filed with FEDERA ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Communications concerning this Tariff should be sent to: Laren M. Gertsch, Director, Rates & Regulatory Northwest Pipeline GP 295 Chipeta Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 P . O. Box 589 a 0 Salt Lake City, Utah 84158 Telephone: (801) 584-7200 Facsimile: (801) 584-7764 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 16 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 First Revised Sheet No.5 Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No.5 STATEMENT OF RATES Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-l, TF-2, TI-l, TFL-l and TIL-l (Dollars per Dth) Rate Schedule and Type of Rate Base Tariff Rate Minimum Maximum ACA(2) CurrentlyEffective Tariff Rate (3) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule TF-l (4) (5)Reservation (Large Customer) System-Wide .00000 .37984 .00000 .37984 15 Year Evergreen Exp..00000 .38101 .00000 .38101 25 Year Evergreen Exp..00000 .36445 .00000 .36445 Volumetric (Large Customer) System-Wide .00756 .03000 .00190 .00946 .03190 15 Year Evergreen Exp..00369 .00369 .00190 .00559 .00559 25 Year Evergreen Exp..00369 .00369 .00190 .00559 .00559 (Small Customer)(6).00756 .67209 .00190 .00946 .67399 Scheduled Overrun .00756 .40984 .00190 .00946 .41174 Rate Schedule TF-2 (4) (5) Reservation Volumetric Scheduled Daily Overrun Annual Overrun .00000 .00756 .00756 .00756 .37984 .03000 .40984 .40984 .00000 .00756 .00756 .00756 .37984 .03000 .40984 .40984 Rate Schedule TI-l Volumetric (7).00756 .40984 .00190 .00946 .41174 Rate Schedule TFL-l (4) (5) Reservation Volumetric Scheduled Overrun Rate Schedule TIL- 1 Volumetric Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 First Revised Sheet No. 5-C Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No. 5C STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1, TFL-1 and TIL-1 (Continued) (Dollars per Dth) Footnotes (Continued) (4) All reservation rates are daily rates computed on the basis of 365 days per year, except that such rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. For Rate Schedule TF-1, the 15-Year and 25-Year Evergreen Expansion reservation and volumetric rates apply to Shippers receiving service under Rate Schedule TF- 1 Evergreen Expansion service agreements. The System-Wide reservation and volumetric rates apply to Shippers receiving service under all other Rate Schedule TF-1 service agreements. For Rate Schedule TF-1, the 15-Year and 25-Year Evergreen Expansion maximum base tariff reservation rates are comprised of $0.37610 and $0.35954 for transmission costs and $0.00491 and $0.00491 for storage costs , respectively. The System-Wide maximum base tariff reservation rates for Rate Schedule TF-1 and the maximum base tariff reservation rates for Rate Schedule TF-2 are comprised of $0.37493 for transmission costs and $0.00491 for storage costs. For Rate Schedule TF-1 (Large Customer), the maximum base tariff volumetric rates applicable to Shippers receiving service under Rate Schedule TF- 1 Evergreen Expansion service agreements are comprised of $0.00344 for transmission costs and $0.00025 for storage costs. The maximum base tariff volumetric rates for all other services under Rate Schedule TF-1 (Large Customer) and for services under Rate Schedule TF- 2 are comprised of $0.02975 fOr transmission costs and $0.00025 forstorage costs. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. i First Revised Sheet No. 5-D Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No. 5D STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1, TFL-1 and TIL-1 (Continued) (Dollars per Dth) Footnotes (Continued) (5) Rates for Rate Schedules TF-1,TF-2 and TFL-1 are also applicable to capacity release service except for short-term capacity release transactions for a term of one year or less that take effect on or before one year from the date on which Transporter is notified of the release, which are not subj ect to the stated maximum tariff rate. (Section 22 of the General Terms and Conditions describes how bids for capacity release will be evaluated.) The reservation rate is the comparable volumetric bid reservation charge applicable to Replacement Shippers bidding for capacity released on a one- part volumetric bid basis. (6) For Rate Schedule TF-1 (Small Customer), the maximum base tariff rate is comprised of $0.66202 for transmission costs and $0.01007 for storage costs. Transporter will not transport gas for delivery for Small Customers subject to this Rate Schedule TF-1 under any interruptible Service Agreement or under any capacity release Service Agreement unless such Small Customer has exhausted its daily levels of firm service entitlement for that day. (7) Rate Schedule TI-1 maximum base tariff volumetric rate is comprised of $0.40468 for transmission costs and $0.00516 for storage costs. (8) Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1, TFL-1 and TIL-1 pursuant to Section 15.5 of the General Terms and Conditions. Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 First Revised Sheet No.7 Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No.7 STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-21 (Dollars per Dth) Rate Schedule and Tye of Rate Currently EffectiveTariff Rate (1) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule SGS-2F (2) (3) (4) (5) Demand Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.01551 Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.08476 Capacity Demand Charge pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.00056 Expansion Shipper - 2010 Phase 0.00000 0.00233 Volumetric Bid Rates Wi thdrawal Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.01551 Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.08476 Storage Charge pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.00056 Expansion Shipper - 2010 Phase 0.00000 0.00233 Rate Schedule SGS-21 Volumetric 0.00000 0.00113 Footnotes (1) Shippers receiving service under these rate schedules are required to furnish fuel reimbursement in-kind at the rates specified on Sheet No. 14. Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 First Revised Sheet No. 7-A Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No.7 A STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-21 (Continued) Footnotes (Continued) (2) Rates are daily rates computed on the basis of 365 days per year, except that rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. Rates are also applicable to capacity release service except for short- term capacity release transactions for a term of one year or less that take effect on or before one year from the date on which Transporter is notified of the release, which are not subject to the stated maximum tariff rate. (Section 22 of the General Terms and Conditions describes how bids for capacity release will be evaluated.) The Withdrawal Charge and Storage Charge are applicable to Replacement Shippers bidding for capacity released on a one-part volumetric bid basis. (3) Transporter will file proposed tariff sheets listing the phased rates associated with the Expansion Shippers' Capacity Demand Charge and Storage Charge rates no sooner than 60 days and no later than 30 days prior to the proposed effective date for each phase pursuant to the Commission order in Docket No. CP02-384. (4) Upon the in-service of the deliverability expansion (November i, 2008), the Expansion Shippers Demand Charge and the Volumetric Bid Rate Withdrawal Charge will be effective on an interim basis until the working gas storage capacity expansion is completed. (5) Upon the completion of the capacity expansion, the Expansion Shippers' Capacity Demand Charge and Demand Charge rates along with the Volumetric Bid related storage charge and Withdrawal Charge rates will be revised to reflect an allocation of the aggregated costs split 50/50 between the capacity expansion and the deliverability expansion. Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 First Revised Sheet No.8 Superseding Substitute Original Sheet No.8 STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule LS-1 (Dollars per Dth) Type of Rate Currently EffectiveTariff Rate (1) Demand Charge (2 ) Capacity Charge (2) 0.03062 0.00391 Liquefaction vaporization 0.64110 0.04184 Footnotes (1) Shippers receiving service under this rate schedule are required to furnish fuel reimbursement in-kind at the rate specified on Sheet No. 14. (2) Rates are daily rates computed on the basis of 365 days per year i except that rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 16 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No.1 Third Revised Sheet No. 14 Superseding Second Revised Sheet No. 14 STATEMENT OF FUEL USE REQUIREMENTS FACTORS FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF FUEL USE Applicable to Transportation Service Rendered Under Rate Schedules Contained in this Tariff, Fifth Revised Volume No. 1 The rates set forth on Sheet Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 8.1 are exclusive of fuel use requirements. Shipper shall reimburse Transporter in-kind for its fuel use requirements in accordance with Section 14 of the General Terms and Condi tions contained herein. The fuel use reimbursement furnished by Shippers shall be as follows for the applicable Rate Schedules included in this Tariff: Rate Schedule TF-1 Rate Schedule TF-1 - Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge (1) Rate Schedule TF-2 Rate Schedule TI-1 Rate Schedule TFL- 1 Rate Schedule TIL- 1 Rate Schedule SGS-2F Rate Schedule SGS-2I Rate Schedule LS-1 Rate Schedule LS-2F Rate Schedule LS-2I Rate Schedule DEX-1 1.67% 0.50% 1. 67% 1.67% 0.40% 0.40% 1.63% 1.63% 1.63% 1.67% The fuel use factors set forth above shall be calculated and adjusted as explained in Section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions. Fuel reimbursement quantities to be supplied by Shippers to Transporter shall be determined by applying the factors set forth above to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt by Transporter from Shipper for transportation, for injection into storage, or for deferred exchange, as applicable. Footnote (1) In addition to the Rate Schedule TF-1 fuel use requirements factor, the Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge will apply to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt at the Sumas, SIPI or Pacific Pool receipt points under Evergreen Expansion service agreements. Gas Transmission Northwest LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. i-A FERC GAS TARFF FOURTH REVISED VOLUM NO. I-A OF GAS TRANSMISSION NORTHWEST LLC FILED WITH THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMSSION Communications Concerning This Tariff Should Be Addressed To: Joan Collns Manager, Tariffs and Compliance Gas Transmission Northwest LLC Mailng Address: P.O. Box 2446 Houston, TX 77252-2446 717 Texas Street, Suite 2400 Houston, TX 77002-2761 (832) 320-5651 (832) 320-6651 Courier Address: Phone: Fax: Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 16 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 16 Gas Transmission Northwest LLC FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. I-A PART 4.1 4.1 - Statement of Rates FTS-1 and LFS-1 Rates v.2.0.0 Superseding v.1.0.0 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AN CHAGES FOR TRASPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS Rate Schedules FTS-1 and LFS-1 RESERVATIONDAILY DAILY MILEAGE (a) NON-MILEAGE (b) DELIVERY (c) (Dh-MILE) (Dh) (Dh-MILE) FlÆL(d) (Dh-MILE) Max. Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Min. BASE 0.000463 0.000000 0.036632 0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.0050% 0.0000% STF (e)(e)0.000000 (e)0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.0050% 0.0000% EXTENSION CHAGES MEDFORD E-1 (f)0.003290 0.000000 0.005498 0.000000 0.000026 0.000026 E-2 (g)(l)0.008620 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 (WW) E-2 (h)(l)0.002972 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 (Diamond 1) E-2(h)(l)0.001166 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 (Diamond 2) COYOTE SPRIGS E-3 (i) 0.001412 0.000000 0.001420 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 OVERRUN CHAGE (j) SURCHAGES ACA(k)0.001900 0.001900 Issued: April II, 20II Effective: April 4, 2011 Docket No. RPII-1986-000 Accepted: May 4, 20II NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 11 of 16 GAS TRANSPORTATION TARIFF OF NOVA GAS TRASMISSION LTD. Effective Date: November 1, 2010 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 12 of 16 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.Table of Rates, Tolls and Charges Page 1 ofl Service Rates, Tolls and Charges 1.Rate Schedule Ff-R Refer to Attachment "1" for applicable Ff -R Demand Rate per month based on a thee year term (Price Point "B") & Surcharge for each Receipt Point Average Firm Servce Receipt Prce (AFSRP)$ 19L.49/io3m3 2.Rate Schedule Ff-RN Refer to Attachment "1" for applicable Ff-RN Demand Rate per month & Surcharge for each ReceiPt Point 3.Rate Schedule Ff-D Refer to Attachment "2" for applicable Ff -D Demand Rate per month based on a one year term (price Point "Z") & Surcharge for each Group 1 or Group 2 Delivery Point. Average Ff -D Demand Rate for Group 1 Delivery Points $ 5.97/GJFf -D Demand Rate for Group 2 Delivery Points i $ 1.741GJFf-D Demand Rate for Group 3 Delivery Points 2 N/A 4.Rate Schedule STF STF Bid Prce = Minimum of 100% of the applicable Ff -D Demand Rate basd on a one yea term (Price Point "'C') for each Group 1 Delivery Point 5.Rate Schedule Ff-DW Ff-DW Bid Prce = Minimum of 125% of the applicable Ff-D Demand Rate based on a thee vear term (Pce Point "Y") for each Group 1 Delivery Point 6.Rate Schedule Ff-P Refer to Attchment "3" for applicable Ff -P Demand Rate per month 7.Rate Schedule LRS Contract Term Effective LRS Rate ($/lO'm'/day) 1-5 years 10.64 6-10 yea 8.89 15 years 7.97 20vear 7.08 8.:Rte Schedule LRS-2 LRS-2 Rate per month $ 50,000 9.Rate Schedule LRS-3 LRS-3 Demand Rate per month $ 129.55/103m3 10. Rate Schedule IT-R Refer to Attchment "1" for applicable IT -R Rate for each Recipt Point 11. Rate Schedule IT-D Refer to Attachment "2" for applicable IT-D Rate for each Delivery Point 12. Rate Schedule FCS The FCS Charge is determned in accordance with Attchment "1" to the applicable Schedule of Service 13. Rate Schedule PT Schedule No PTRate PT Gas Rate 900-0100-0 $ 6O.50/d 1.0103m3/d 900-01001-1 $ 660.oo/d 50.0 103m3/d 14. Rate Schedule OS Schedule No.Charge 2011462247 $27.00 I month 2011462241 $7.00 I month 2011462238 $20.00 I month 2011462242 $3.00 I month 2011462243 $1.00 I month 201146224 $32.00 I month 2011462240 $1.00 I month 2011462245 $1,985.00 I month 2011462252 $3.00 I month 2011462239 $56.00 I month 2011462248 $135.00 I month 2011462249 $75.00 I month 2011462246 $11.00 I month 2011462250 $207.00 I month 2011462251 $204.00 I month 2011463220 $392.00 I month 200300522 $ 83,333.00 I month 15. Rate Schedule CO2 Tier CO2 Rate ($11 O'm') 1 505.25 2 399.89 3 261.29 1. Rate for all Group 2 Delivery Points witli the excetion of Albera-Montaa. Cold Lae and Unity. 2. Pr-D Serice at Group 3 Delivery Points not available until the hilegration Effective Date. Effective Date: Jan 1,2011 (Amended March 1, 2011) Foothils Pipe Lines Ltd. PHASE I GAS TRASPORTATION TARFF OF FOOTIDLLS PIPE LINS LTD. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 13 of 16 Pagel This Gas Transporttion Tariff is subject to the National Energy Board Act, is available for inspection during normal business hours and is also available electronically at ww.transcanada.com. Communications concerning this Gas Transporttion Tariff should be addressed to: Foothils Pipe Lines Ltd. 450 First Street S.W. Calgary, Albert TIP 5RI Attention: Greg Szuch TARIF - PHASE I Effective Date: Aprill, 2007 Foothils Pipe Lines Ltd. TABLE OF EFFECTIVE RATES 1. Rate Schedule FT, Firm Trausportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJlKm/onth)Zone 6 0.0064669166 Zone 7 0.0075037155 Zone 8* 0.0158521729 Zone 9 0.0063707902 2. Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJIK)Zone 6 0.0002338721 Zone 7 0.0002713672 3. Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJlKm)Zone 8* 0.0005732841 Zone 9 0.0002303957 * For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 kI. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 14 of 16 Pagel TARF - PHASE I Effective Date: Januar 1,2011 Exhibit 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 15 of 16 FERC GAS TARIFF SECOND REVISED VOLUME NO. 1 of QUESTAR PIPELINE COMPANY filed with the FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Communications regarding this Tariff should be addressed to: L. Bradley Burton, General Manager Federal Regulatory Affairs and Chief Compliance Offcer Questar Pipeline Company 180 East 100 South . P. O. Box 45360 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0360 Telephone: (801) 324-2459 FAX: (801) 324-5485 Exhibit 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 16 of 16 . Questar Pipeline Company FERC Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 Statement of Rates Section Version: 2.0.0 STATEMENT OF RATES Base Annual Currently Rate Schedule/Tariff Charge EffectiveType of Charge Rate Adjustment 4/Rate (a)(b)(c)(d) $$$PEAKING STORAGE Monthly Reservation Charge Maximum::2.87375 2.87375/Dth Minimum 0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthUsage Charge Injection 0.03872 0.03872/DthWithdrawal0.03872 0.03872/Dth CLAY BASIN STORAGE Firm Storage Service - FSS Monthly Reservation Charge Deliverabilty Maximum 21 2.85338 2.85338/Dth Minimum 0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthCapacity Maximum 0.02378 0.02378/Dth Minimum 0.00000 O.OOOOO/Dth Usage Charge Injecion 0.01049 0.00190 0.01239/DthWithdrawal0.01781 0.01781/DthAuthorized Overrun Charge 0.30505/Dth .Maximum 0.30315 0.00190 Minimum 0.01781 0.00190 0.01971/DthInterruptible Storage Service - ISS Usage Charge Inventory 11 Maximum 0.05927 0.05927/Dth Minimum 0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthInjection0.01049 0.00190 0.01239/DthWithdrawal0.01781 0.01781/Dth OPTONAL VOLUMETC RELEASES 7. Peaking Storage Service - PKSMaximum~3.40890 3.40890/DthMinimum0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthFirm Storage Service - FSSMaximum~0.57068 0.57068/DthMinimum0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthStorage Usage Charges Applicable to Volumetric Releases JI Peaking Storage Service - PKS: Injection 0.03872 0.03872/DthWithdrawal0.03872 0.03872/Dth Clay Basin Storage Service - FSS: Injection 0.01049 0.00190 0.01239/DthWithdrawal0.01781 0.01781/Dth PARK AND LOAN SERVICE - PALl Daily Charge Maximum 0.30315 0.30315/DthMinimum0.00000 O.OOOOO/DthDelivery Charge 0.02830 0.00190 0.03020/Dth FUEL REIMBURSEMENT - 2.0% (0.2% utilty and 1.8% compressor fuel) for Rate Schedule PAll Filed On: May 20,2011 Effective On: July 1,2011 EXHIBIT NOS. 4-10 CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN (7 pages) 1 D E M A N D C H A R G E S : 2 T r a . p o r t o n : 3 N W P T F . l D e m a 1 ( F u l l R a ) ( 2 4 N W P T F . l D e m a n 1 ( D i s c u n f l d ) ( 3 5 U p s t a m C a ' ~ 6 s t r a e : 7 S G S . l 8 D e m a 9 C a p a c D e m a n d 10 T F - 2 R . . . r v 11 T F - 2 R . d o R v i y C h r g 12 L S 13 D e m a d 14 C o p c i 15 L i f a c o n 18 V a p z l 1 o n 17 T F - 2 R . . . i v a t 18 T F . 2 R e d e l i C h 19 O t h e r S l o . F a c i l i t . IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Su m m a r y o f G a s C o s t C h a n g e s An n . I I T h e l T 10 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 To t a An n . a l An n u l i T h e n 10 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 To t a l An n . . 1 Co s t o f S e r v i c e A l l o c a t o n o f G o C o s t A d J . s t n t ~ l Bil i n g D e t n a n t a Pr i . . . Co l i BI I B n g D e t n a n t s P- Co l i An n u l i IN T - G l l J 3 IN T . G . l 0 . 0 3 IN T . G - l l J 3 IN T . G . l 1 . o 1 IN T . G . l 1 . o 1 IN T . G - l l . 0 l DI f . . . . R8 - 1 RS . 2 GS . l LV . l (h ) (e ) (d ) (e ) (f (0 ) (h ) G) 0) (1 ) -- 59 5 , 4 8 , 3 0 0 $ 0,0 3 9 3 0 $ 23 , 4 0 3 , 3 1 2 82 1 , 8 0 1 , 0 6 0 $ 0, 0 3 9 2 3 $ 24 , 3 9 2 , 4 1 7 $ 98 9 , 1 0 5 $ 11 6 , 4 2 $ 53 7 , 9 0 9 $ 33 1 , 0 4 7 $ 3,6 0 7 33 7 , 1 4 0 , 2 5 0 0.0 2 7 0 4 9,1 1 5 , 8 3 $ 33 8 , 4 9 5 , 1 0 0 0. 0 2 7 0 6 9, 1 8 1 , 2 8 5 45 , 4 4 9 5,3 5 5 24 , 7 1 15 , 2 1 1 16 6 1, 2 4 1 , 1 2 3 , 8 3 0 0.0 1 4 0 9 17 , 4 8 8 , 5 9 9 1,2 5 0 , 2 4 3 , 1 4 0 0.1 3 5 5 18 , 9 4 5 , 3 0 (5 4 3 , 5 8 9 ) (6 4 , 0 4 7 ) (2 9 5 , 8 1 2 ) (1 8 1 , 9 2 9 ) (1 , 9 8 2 ) 30 3 , 3 7 0 ( 5 ) 0,0 0 1 5 5 17 , 7 4 2 l ' 30 3 , 3 7 0 ~ I 0,0 0 1 5 5 17 , 7 4 2 l ' 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ( 5 0, 0 0 0 6 22 3 , 2 2 5 l ' 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ( 5 0,0 0 0 0 6 22 3 , 2 2 5 l ' 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ( 5 0.0 3 7 9 8 41 4 , 7 7 9 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 t 5 0,0 3 7 9 8 41 4 , 7 7 ' 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 ( 5 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 6 3 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 t 5 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 8 3 1,1 3 2 , 0 0 0 ~ i 0.0 0 3 0 6 1,2 6 , 3 3 1 ( 5 1,1 3 2 , 0 0 0 ( 5 0,0 0 3 0 6 1,2 6 4 , 3 3 1 l ' 10 , 9 6 2 , 3 5 ( 5 0,0 0 0 3 9 1, 5 6 0 , 4 7 4 ( 5 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ( 5 0. 0 0 3 9 1,5 8 0 , 4 7 4 1 8 10 , 9 8 2 , 2 3 5 ~ I 0.8 4 1 1 70 2 , 7 8 9 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ~ I 0,0 6 4 1 1 70 2 , 7 8 9 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ( 5 0.0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 8 8 0 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ~ I 0.0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 8 6 0 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ~ I 0.0 3 7 9 8 41 6 , 3 4 6 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ~ I 0.0 3 7 9 8 41 6 , 3 4 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ~ ) 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 8 8 7 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 ( ' ) 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 8 6 7 Un e D . . e r l p U o n ~ ( a ) 20 C O M M O D I T Y C H A R G E S : 21 T o t a P " , d u . . r f S u p p l l e r P . r c h . . . . l n e l u d l n g s t r a e 22 T O T A L A N N U A L C O S T D I F F R E N C E 23 N o r m R i e d S a l . . V o l . . . ( 1 / 1 / 1 0 . 1 2 1 1 / 1 0 ) 24 A v e e B ø R a C h a n g e 25 O t e r P e r e n C h o n g . . P " , p o . e d : 26 E f i m i n a o n o f T e m p o r a C r e i t e n S i n a r . f r m C a N o , I N T - G l 0 . Q 3 27 A d j u s t t t o F i x e d C o C o l l e n R a ( . . . E x h i b n 5 , L i n e 2 4 ) 28 T o t a l P e n o n e n t C h . n g e . P " , p o . e d ( L i n . . 2 4 t h r o . g h 2 7 t , 31 8 , 5 9 6 , 3 8 7 0,4 9 2 1 1 15 5 , 8 0 0 , 2 7 3 31 6 , 5 9 8 , 3 6 7 0.4 5 3 4 2 14 3 , 5 5 2 , 0 3 2 (2 5 6 , 5 2 1 ) ( 7 (3 0 , 2 2 5 ) (1 3 9 , 5 0 4 ) (8 5 , 8 5 6 ) (9 3 6 ) (1 2 , 2 4 8 , 2 4 1 ) (1 , 2 8 7 , 6 0 7 ) (6 , 7 9 3 , 3 2 2 ) (4 , 0 6 2 , 8 1 5 ) (1 0 4 , 4 9 7 ) (1 2 , 0 1 3 , n ) $ (1 , 2 5 9 , 9 8 2 ) $ (6 , 6 6 5 , 8 1 2 ) $ (3 , 9 8 4 , 3 4 2 ) $ (1 0 3 , 6 4 2 ) 33 ~ 17 5 , 5 9 7 , 0 0 9 10 5 , 0 1 7 , 5 8 2 . 2 , 7 0 1 , 0 9 4 (0 , 0 3 7 8 6 ) $ (0 , 0 3 7 9 6 ) $ (0 . 0 3 7 9 4 ) $ (0 . 0 3 8 3 7 ) 0.7 4 9 6 0.0 7 4 1 0 0.0 6 6 4 6 0. 5 6 9 3 (0 , 0 0 8 2 6 ) (0 , 0 0 3 3 8 ) (0 , 0 0 9 8 8 ) 0.0 0 1 1 0 0.0 2 8 8 4 0,0 3 2 7 6 0.0 1 8 6 4 0,0 1 9 6 6 (0 . 0 7 7 4 8 ) (0 , 0 6 7 2 0 ) (0 , 0 7 9 8 8 ) (0 . 0 4 9 9 2 ) (0 . 0 4 6 4 ) $ (0 . 0 3 4 4 ) $ (0 , 0 6 1 2 4 ) $ (0 , 0 3 0 2 6 ) 29 T e m p o r i i y S . r c h o r e ( C r e P " , p o . e d ( e h i b i t N o . 6 , L i n e 4 , C o l . ( h K e ) ) 30 P " ' p o . . A v e a g e P e r T h e n C h i n g e l n I n t e . n t a n G a . C o m p y T a ñ f (I ) S e W o i N o , 5 , L i n e 8 (2 S e W o r k N o , 1 (3 S e W o r k i i r N o , 2 (') S e e W o r k r N o , 3 (5 R e p r e . . r i N o n - A d d i t i D e m i i d C h r g D e r m i n a t s l' P r R e f D e i l y C h e ; A n n u a l C h ( C o l u m n ( d ) & ( g ) ) o q u e l s P r i ( C o l U m n ( e ) & ( m t i m e s A n n u a l T h r m l l l i D e t e r m l n . n t s ( C o l u m n ( b ) & ( e ) ) t i m e s 3 6 5 . A c t a l P r i . . . l n l u d e 6 d e m a l s , (7 S . . W " " p a p . r N o . 4 , L i n e 3 3 , C o l u m n ( e ) -o - o m Ø, ; a Ø , X CO ( 1 e n : : (1 " " ( 1 8 ' ~~ Z ; : o i : 0 Z -: : ' O ~i i Z ' :; ' - i ~ (j ø Ø, i en ~ ~ o i 00 3 ~ -g:: 'o IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Su m m a r y o f F i x e d G a s C o s t C h a r g e s An n u a l T h e r m s / 10 / 1 1 2 0 1 0 An n u a l Co s t o f S e r v i c e A l l o c a t i o n o f G a s C o s t A d j u s t m e n t ( I I Lin e BI I l n g D e t e r m i n a n t s Pr i c e s Co s t No . De s c r i p t i o n IN T - G . 1 0 . 0 3 IN T - G . 1 0 - o 3 IN T - G 1 0 . 0 3 RS o 1 RS o 2 GS o 1 LV . 1 (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) 1 DE M A N D C H A R G E S : 2 Tr a n s p o r t t i o n : 3 NW P T F - 1 D e m a n d 1 ( F u l l R a t e ) 59 5 , 4 8 3 , 3 0 0 $ 0.0 3 9 3 0 $ 23 , 4 0 3 , 3 1 2 $ 2, 7 5 7 , 5 1 9 $ 12 , 7 2 7 . 5 1 6 $ 7. 8 3 2 , 9 2 5 $ 85 , 3 5 2 4 NW P T F - 1 D e m a n d 1 ( D i s c o u n t e d ) 33 7 . 1 4 0 , 2 5 0 0.0 2 7 0 4 9,1 1 5 . 8 3 6 1, 0 7 4 , 0 8 2 4,9 5 7 , 5 0 3 3, 0 5 1 , 0 0 6 33 , 2 4 5 5 Up s t r e a m C a p a c i t y 1, 2 4 1 , 1 2 3 , 8 3 0 0.0 1 4 0 9 17 , 4 8 8 . 5 9 9 2, 0 6 0 , 6 1 2 9,5 1 0 , 8 9 4 5, 8 5 3 , 3 1 2 63 , 7 8 1 6 St o r a g e : 7 SG S - 1 8 De m a n d 30 3 , 3 7 0 0.0 0 1 5 5 17 1 , 7 4 2 ( 2 20 , 2 3 6 93 . 3 9 9 57 , 4 8 1 62 6 9 Ca p a c i t y D e m a n d 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 0. 0 0 0 6 22 3 . 2 2 5 ( 2 ) 26 , 3 0 2 12 1 , 3 9 7 74 , 7 1 2 81 4 10 TF - 2 R e s e r v t i o n 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 4 . 7 7 9 48 . 8 7 2 22 5 , 5 7 0 13 8 . 8 2 4 1. 5 1 3 11 TF - 2 R e d e l i v e r y C h a r g e 10 , 9 2 0 . 9 9 0 0. 0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 6 3 3.8 6 0 17 , 8 1 8 10 . 9 6 6 11 9 12 LS - 1 13 De m a n d 1,1 3 2 , 0 0 0 0. 0 0 3 0 6 1, 2 6 4 . 3 3 1 ( 2 14 8 , 9 7 1 68 7 , 5 8 6 42 3 , 1 6 3 4. 6 1 1 14 Ca p a c i 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 0. 0 0 3 9 1 , 5 6 0 , 4 7 4 ( 2 ) 18 3 , 8 6 4 .8 4 8 , 6 3 9 52 2 , 2 8 0 5, 6 9 1 15 Li q u e f a c t o n 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 0, 0 6 4 1 1 70 2 , 7 8 9 82 , 8 0 7 38 2 , 2 0 0 23 5 , 2 1 9 2,5 6 3 16 Va p o r i z a t i o n 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 0. 0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 6 6 0 54 , 0 2 24 9 , 4 3 5 15 3 , 5 1 0 1,6 7 3 17 TF - 2 R e s e r v a t i o n 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 6 , 3 4 6 49 , 0 5 6 22 6 , 2 4 13 9 , 3 4 8 1,5 1 8 18 TF - 2 R e d e l i v e r y C h a r g e 10 , 9 6 2 , 2 3 5 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 8 8 7 3, 8 7 5 17 , 8 8 5 11 , 0 0 7 12 0 19 Ot e r S t r a g e F a c i l i t i e s 3, 3 4 0 , 4 1 2 39 3 , 5 8 7 1,8 1 6 , 6 3 0 1,1 1 8 , 0 1 3 12 , 1 8 2 - 20 To t a l F i x e d G a s C o s t C h a r g e s $ 58 , 6 2 6 , 1 5 5 $ 6, 9 0 7 , 6 8 5 $ 31 , 8 8 2 , 8 9 6 $ 19 , 6 2 1 , 7 6 6 $ 21 3 , 8 0 8 21 No r m a l i z e d S a l e s V o l u m e s ( I N T . G - 1 1 - 0 1 E s t i m a t e d V o l u m e s ) 34 , 1 1 8 , 9 3 2 17 8 , 6 7 8 , 6 0 7 10 5 . 6 8 1 , 3 6 5 2, 9 3 7 , 4 8 0 = 22 Fix e d C o s t C o l l e c n p e r T h e r m ( L i n e 2 0 d i v i d e d b y L i n e 2 1 ) $ 0. 2 0 2 4 6 $ 0. 1 7 8 4 4 $ 0. 1 8 5 6 7 $ 0. 0 7 2 9 23 Cu r r n t F i x e d C o s t C o l l e c t o n p e r T h e r m $ 0. 2 1 0 7 2 $ 0, 1 8 1 8 2 $ 0. 1 9 5 5 5 $ 0. 0 7 1 6 9 - 24 Dif e r e n c e ( L i n e 2 2 m i n u s L i n e 2 3 ) $ (0 . 0 0 8 2 6 ) $ (0 . 0 0 3 3 8 ) $ (0 . 0 0 9 8 8 ) $ 0.0 1 1 0 (1 ) S e e W o r k p a p e r N o , 5 , L i n e 8 (2 ) P r i c e R e f l e c t D a i l y C h a r g e ; A n n u a l C h a r g e ( C o l u m n ( d ) ) e q u a l s P r i c e ( C o l u m n ( e l l t i m e s A n n u a l T h e r m s ( C o l u m n ( b ) ) t i m e s 3 6 5 . -o - ( " m Q) ~ Q ) X (C C D e n : : CD - ' C D 5 ' .. g Z ; : o c : 0 Z .. : : . 0 .. w z . S' - i o i G) ø Q) i en . . (" T00 3 . . -g:: 'o ~"CegIf ?ž ëi ~ J¥ :æ eo ::o en ~ iz a.~ iz I-~ -go If :æ 8- ff eI- 0-2; Õ ~CIE'E::en .. ~ ~ ~ooIfCIC) "Ce.. ~õco ~.2~ 8.~ Q)enÕ 1;oo ..ch gC) ~ ~ ..~ ê i:oa-c ~ul :g zol:: ~10ooè. - ~oè. ~ ~~ ~.. C' ~000e. e, ~ ~ r:IO..oè. ã) ~10 0(" C'.. ~00e. e. ~ NC'("..oè. N~C' 0C' C'C' ~00 è. e. ~ .?lui: ,g -ê8.V) ~ Q)i:~õ:ÕëQ)EQ)lii:(\:: ~ ~~ .æ.æ ~~ Q) :g j .-i. ~. . C" :; ~ ~£g Q) Q)E: ~(\ (\ "ê "ê:; :;en en~ ~~ ~ 8. 8.E E ~ ~IIe ea. a. .. C' (" ::r:o ;gè. Nin *é. ~ E? õõCI~oé. ~ E?oC' ~é. ~ E? õõ~~é. ~ ¡-'te~fIlPe'CI.J~:;en~~oc.ElPI- ogfIoc.2D. ~.I- ss .. :§ :§ enV) i:i: EE :;:; 0 8 ulÔ ~ Q) Q)i: i::J :J ~ asó óz z eei: i:E E:; :; 8 8Ñ ò.. C' Q) Q)i: i::J :J V) V):; :;a. a.eei: i:E E:; :; 8 8 ~ ~- Q) Q)i: i::J :Jm mó óz z :i :E :5 is ~ ~ ~ ~ Jj3jJjJj ~ B: §: ~ Exhibit No.6 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Al l o c a t i o n o f A n n u a l i z e d C r e d i t s R e s u l t i n g f r o m M a n a g e m e n t o f P i p e l i n e T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C a p a c i t y Co s t o f S e r v i c e A l l o c a t i o n o f D e f e r r e d G a s C o s t s ( 1 ) Li n e No . De s c r i p t i o n To t a l RS . 1 RS . 2 GS . 1 LV . 1 (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) 1 Se g m e n t a t i o n C r e d i t s $ (1 , 2 7 1 , 7 8 2 ) $ (1 4 9 , 8 4 9 ) $ (6 9 1 , 6 3 8 ) $ (4 2 5 , 6 5 7 ) $ (4 , 6 3 8 ) 2 No r t h w e s t P i p e l i n e C a p a c i t y R e l e a s e s (2 , 4 6 2 , 9 0 4 ) (2 9 0 , 1 9 4 ) (1 , 3 3 9 , 4 1 1 ) (8 2 4 , 3 1 7 ) (8 , 9 8 2 ) 3 To t a l M a n a g e m e n t . o f P i p e l i n e T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C a p a c i t y $ (3 , 7 3 4 , 6 8 6 ) $ (4 4 0 , 0 4 3 ) $ (2 , 0 3 1 , 0 4 9 ) $ (1 , 2 4 9 , 9 7 4 ) $ (1 3 , 6 2 0 ) 4 No r m a l i z e d S a l e s V o l u m e s ( 1 / 1 1 1 0 - 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 0 ) 33 , 2 8 2 , 6 8 2 17 5 , 5 9 7 , 0 0 9 10 5 , 0 1 7 , 5 8 2 2, 7 0 1 , 0 9 4 5 Pr o p o s e d P r i c e A d j u s t m e n t P e r T h e r m $ (0 . 0 1 3 2 2 ) $ (0 . 0 1 1 5 7 ) $ (0 . 0 1 1 9 0 ) $ (0 . 0 0 5 0 4 ) (1 ) S e e W o r k p a p e r N o . 5 , L i n e 8 -a - a m ll ; a l l X (Q ( 1 e n : : (1 . . ( 1 õ ' 3 z _ . .. 0 - o i : 0 Z -: : ' 0 .. 6 3 z ' S' - ; - . (j ( j ll i en . . .. () I 00 3 . . '0ll::-. IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Pr o p o s e d T e m p o r a r y S u r c h a r g e s ( C r e d i t s ) . F i x e d C o s t s De f e r r e d Ac c o u n t 1 8 6 0 Es t i m a t e d Co s t o f S e r v i c e A l l o c a t i o n o f D e f e r r e d G a s C o s t s ( 2 ) Li n e Se p t . 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 No . De s c r i p t i o n Ba l a n c e ( 1 ) RS . 1 RS . 2 GS . 1 LV . 1 - (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) 1 Fi x e d C o s t s : 2 Fr o m I N T - G - 1 0 - 0 3 ( A c c u n t s 1 8 6 0 . 2 0 5 0 - 2 0 9 0 ) $ 12 6 , 2 4 0 $ 19 , 8 5 6 $ 85 , 7 5 3 $ 20 , 8 4 7 $ (2 1 6 ) 3 Fi x e d C o s t C o l l e c t o n A d j u s t m e n t ( A c c o u n t s 1 8 6 0 . 2 2 0 0 ) (6 6 0 , 7 6 4 ) (1 3 2 , 0 9 4 ) 45 7 , 5 1 3 (9 9 3 , 0 3 3 ) 6, 8 5 0 4 Ca p a c i t R e l e a s e s & P u r c h a s e s ( A c c u n t 1 8 6 0 . 2 3 2 0 ) (5 , 2 1 3 , 9 0 5 ) (6 1 4 , 3 3 4 ) (2 , 8 3 5 , 4 9 8 ) (1 , 7 4 5 , 0 5 8 ) (1 9 , 0 1 5 ) 5 In t e r e s t ( A c c o u n t 1 8 6 0 . 2 4 3 0 ) (1 , 0 3 0 ) (1 2 1 ) (5 6 0 ) (3 4 5 ) (4 ) 6 Ma n a g e m e n t o f P i p e l i n e T r a n s p o r t t i o n C a p a c i t y ( A c c o u n t 1 8 6 0 . 2 5 3 0 ) (4 , 1 0 4 , 4 6 1 ) (4 8 2 , 3 1 5 ) (2 , 2 2 9 , 4 3 3 ) (1 , 3 7 8 , 9 8 4 ) (1 3 , 7 2 9 ) 7 Am o r t i z a t i o n o f 1 8 6 0 . 2 5 3 0 ( A c c o u n t s 1 8 6 0 . 2 5 4 0 - 1 8 6 0 . 2 5 5 0 ) 3, 9 9 1 , 5 2 7 46 9 , 5 8 6 2, 1 3 6 , 2 9 1 1, 3 7 2 , 2 5 3 13 , 3 9 7 8 To t a l F i x e d C o s t s $ (5 , 8 6 2 , 3 9 3 ) $ (7 3 9 , 4 2 2 ) $ (2 , 3 8 5 , 9 3 4 ) $ (2 , 7 2 4 , 3 2 0 ) $ (1 2 , 7 1 7 ) 9 No r m a l i z e d S a l e s V o l u m e s ( 1 / 1 / 1 0 - 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 0 ) 33 , 2 8 2 , 6 8 2 17 5 , 5 9 7 , 0 0 9 10 5 , 0 1 7 , 5 8 2 2, 7 0 1 , 0 9 4 = 10 Pr o p o s e d T e m p o r a r y S u r c h a r g e ( C r e d i t ) - F i x e d C o s t s $ (0 . 0 2 2 2 2 ) $ (0 . 0 1 3 5 9 ) $ (0 . 0 2 5 9 4 ) $ (0 . 0 0 4 7 1 ) (1 ) S e e W o r k p a p e r N O . 6 (2 ) S e e W o r k p a p e r N o . 5 , L i n e 8 "' - a m Q) a Q ) x to C D C I : : CD ' " CD õ' 3 z _ . -" 0 . - o c : 0 Z -: : ' 0 ~. . - . ~. z ( ) ~~ Q) I CI - " -" a i 00 3 - " "0 Q)::-. Exhibit No. 9 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Proposed Temporary Surcharges (Credits). Variable Costs Line No.Description (a) Amount (b) 1 Account 1860 Variable Amounts Which Apply to RS.1, RS-2, GS.1 J and LV.1 : 2 Account 1860 Variable Costs $(12,210,476) (1) 3 Normalized Sales Volumes (1/1/10 - 12/31/10)316,598,367 4 Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit). Variable Costs $(0.03857) 5 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to RS.1 J RS-2, and GS.1: 6 Lost and Unacounted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-10-03 (Account 1860-2120)$(396,830) (2) 7 lost and Unacunted For Gas Amorzation (Account 1860-2130)422,028 (3).. 8 (Over)/nder Collection of Lost and Unacounted For Ga frm INT-G-10-o3 25,198 9 Lost and Unacunted For Gas INT-G-11-o1 (1,115,955) (4) 10 Total Lost and Unacounted For Gas Amounts Which Aply to RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 $(1,090,757) 11 Normalized Sales Volumes (1/1/10 -12/31/10)313,897,273 12 Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit). Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs $(0.00347) 13 L~st and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV.1, T.3, T -4, and T.5: 14 Lost and Unaccunted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-10-3 (Account 1860-2120)$(150,901) (5) 15 Lost and Unacconted For Gas Amortization (Accunt 1860-2140)166,843 (6) 16 (Over)/Under Collection of lost and Unaccnted For Gas fro INT-G-10-3 15,942 17 Lost and Unaccunted For Gas INT-G-11-01 (371,989) (7 18 Total Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV-1, T-3, T-4 and T.5 $(356,047) 19 Normalized Sales Volumes (1/1/10 -12/31/10)222,658,322 20 Proposed Temporary Surcharge (Credit) . Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs $(0.00160) (1) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 17, Column (Q (2 Se Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 19, Column (c) (3) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 25, Column (d) . (4) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 40, Column (d) plus Line 46, Coumn (e) (5) See Workaper No.6, Page 1, Line 20, Column (c) (6) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 29, Column (d) (7 See Workpape No.6, Page 1, Line 41, Column (d) plus Line 50, Column (e) IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y An a l y s i s o f A n n u a l i z e d P r i c e C h a n g e b y C l a s s o f S e r v i c e No r m a l i z e d V o l u m e s f o r T w e l v e M o n t h s E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 Av e r a g e P r i c e s E f f e c t I v e pe r Ca s e N o . I N T - G - 1 0 - 0 3 Co m m i s s i o n O r d e r N o . 3 2 0 7 7 Pr o p o s e d Ad j u s t m e n t s E f f e c t i v e 10 / 1 / 2 0 1 1 Pr o p o s e d A v e r a g e P r i c e s Ef f e c t i v e 1 0 / 1 1 2 0 1 1 Li n e No . An n u a l Th e r m s / C D V o l i . (b ) Pe r c e n t Ch a n g e (I ) $/ h e r m (d ) Re v e n u e (g ) S/ T h e r m (h ) S/ T h e r m (f ) Re v e n u e (e ) De s c r i p t i o n (a ) Re v e n u e (c ) Ga s Sa l e s : 2 RS - 1 R e s i d e n t i a l 33 , 2 8 2 , 6 8 2 $ 31 , 5 6 9 , 2 9 0 $ 0.9 4 8 5 2 $ (1 , 6 1 8 , 8 7 0 ) $ (0 , 0 4 8 6 4 ) $ 29 , 9 5 0 , 4 2 0 $ 0. 8 9 9 8 8 -5 . 1 3 % 3 RS - 2 R e s i d e n t i a l 17 5 , 5 9 7 , 0 0 9 14 5 , 6 0 5 , 0 4 0 0.8 2 9 2 0 (6 , 0 4 7 , 5 6 1 ) (0 . 0 3 4 ) 13 9 , 5 5 7 , 4 7 9 0. 7 9 4 7 6 -4 . 1 5 % 4 GS - 1 G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 10 5 , 0 1 7 , 5 8 2 84 , 0 1 6 , 1 6 6 0. 8 0 0 0 2 (6 , 4 3 1 , 2 7 7 ) (0 . 0 6 1 2 4 ) 77 , 5 8 4 , 8 8 9 0. 7 3 8 7 8 -7 . 6 5 % 5 LV - 1 L a r g e V o l u m e 2, 7 0 1 . 0 9 4 1.5 4 3 . 0 0 0 0. 5 7 1 2 5 (8 1 . 7 3 5 ) (0 . 0 3 0 2 6 ) 1. 4 6 1 . 2 6 5 0. 5 4 0 9 9 -5 . 3 0 % 6 To t a l G a s S a l e s 31 6 , 5 9 8 , 3 6 7 26 2 , 7 3 3 . 4 9 6 0. 8 2 9 8 6 (1 4 . 1 7 9 . 4 4 3 ) (0 . 0 4 4 7 9 ) 24 8 , 5 5 4 . 0 5 3 0. 7 8 5 0 7 -5 . 4 0 % 7 T - 3 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 62 , 2 3 1 , 2 7 7 1,0 6 2 , 9 1 0 0. 0 1 7 0 8 ' ( 5 6 , 0 0 8 ) (0 . 0 0 0 9 0 ) 1, 0 0 6 , 9 0 2 0. 1 6 1 8 -5 . 2 7 % 8 T - 4 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 13 7 , 8 9 0 , 7 1 9 5, 8 4 2 , 4 3 0 0. 0 4 2 3 7 (1 2 4 , 1 0 2 ) (0 . 0 0 0 9 0 ) 5, 7 1 8 , 3 2 8 0. 0 4 1 4 7 -2 . 1 2 % 9 T- 5 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ( D e m a n d ) 66 0 , 8 4 0 55 6 , 7 7 8 0. 8 4 2 5 3 - - 55 6 , 7 7 8 0. 8 4 2 5 3 0. 0 0 % 10 T- 5 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ( C o m m o d i t y ) 19 , 8 3 5 , 2 3 2 34 . 9 1 0 0. 0 0 1 7 6 (1 7 , 8 5 2 ) (0 , 0 0 0 9 0 ) 17 . 0 5 8 0. 0 0 0 8 6 -5 1 . 4 % 11 To t a l T - 5 (1 ) _~ _ _ 1 9 ~ " 2 3 2 59 1 , 6 8 8 0. 0 2 9 8 3 (1 7 , 8 5 2 ) (0 . 0 0 0 9 0 ) 57 3 . 8 3 6 0. 0 2 8 9 3 -3 , 0 2 % 12 To t a l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 21 9 . 9 5 7 . 2 2 8 7. 4 9 7 . 0 2 8 0. 0 3 4 0 8 (1 9 7 , 9 6 2 ) (0 . 0 0 0 9 0 ) 7. 2 9 9 . 0 6 6 0. 0 3 3 1 8 -2 . 6 4 % 13 To t a l 53 6 , 5 5 5 , 5 9 5 $ 27 0 . 2 3 0 , 5 2 4 $ 0. 5 0 3 6 4 $ ( 1 4 . 3 7 7 , 4 0 5 ) $ -' 0 , 0 2 6 8 0 l 1_ _ ~ 5 5 5 3 J 1 9 L M ß B -5 . 3 2 % (1 ) D e a n d v o u m e s r e m v e d l i t h e $ / e r m c a l c u l a t i o n -o - a m Q) : : Q ) X u: C D e n : : CD " ' C D a : .. g z r : o i : 0 Z -: : ' 0 .. o r Z ' 5' - ; ~ (j ( j Q) I en . . o i " 00 3 . . "0 Q)::"" WORKAPERNOS.I-8 CASE NO. INT-G-II-0l RECEIVED 2UII AUG II AM 10: 18 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN (9 pages) Workpaper No. 1 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF.1 Full Rate Demand Costs Line INT.G.10.03 INT.G.10.03 INT.G.10.03 No.Transportation AnnuaHherms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 412,537,600 $0.038922 $16,056,788 2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 25,550,000 0.053543 1,368,012 3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 73,000,000 0.037984 2,772,833 4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 23,542,500 0.037984 894,238 5 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 24,353,200 0.037984 925,028 6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.037984 1,386,413 7 Total Annual Cost 595,483,300 $0.039301 $23,403,312 Line INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 8 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 413,667,840 $0.038913 $16,097,001 9 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 25,620,000 0.053194 1,362,835 10 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 73,200,000 0.037984 2,780,430 11 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 23,607,000 0.037984 896,688 12 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 49,106,220 0.037984 1,865,251 13 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,600,000 0.037984 1,390,212 14 Total Annual Cost 621,801,060 $0.039229 $24,392,417 15 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 14 minus Row 7)$989,105 (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 3, Column (h) Workpaper No. 2 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF.1 Discounted Demand Costs Line INT.G.10.03 INT.G.10.03 INT.G.10.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 43,680,000 $0.037984 $1,659,141 2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 28,470,000 0.022790 648,831 3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 29,404,400 0.020132 591,969 4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 58,090,000 0.018992 1,103,245 5 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 36,500,000 0.022790 831,835 6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.024851 907,062 7 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 104,495,850 0.032286 3,373,753 8 Total Annual Cost 337,140,250 $0.027039 $9,115,836 Line INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 9 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 43,920,000 $0.037984 $1,668,258 10 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 28,548,000 0.020895 596,508 11 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 29,484,960 0.020147 594,030 12 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 58,560,000 0.018992 1,112,171 13 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 36,600,000 0.024690 903,642 14 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,600,000 0.024690 903,642 15 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 104,782,140 0.032286 3,383,034 16 Total Annual Cost 338,495,100 $0.027065 $9,161,285 17 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 16 minus Row 8)$45,449 (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 4, Column (h) Workpaper No. 3 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Upstream Capacity Costs Line INT .G.1 0.03 INT .G.1 0.03 INT.G.10.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Upstream Agreement #1 189,697,800 $0.019633 $3,724,337 2 Upstream Agreement #2 149,132,660 0.008327 1,241,828 3 Upstream Agreement #3 155,025,220 0.016505 2,558,691 4 Upstream Agreement #4 300,519,100 0.019633 5,900,091 5 Upstream Agreement #5 292,792,050 0.008314 2,434,273 6 Upstream Agreement #6 153,957,000 0.013831 2,129,379 7 Total Annual Cost $17,988,599 8 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits $(500,000) 9 Total Annual Cost Including Capacity Release Credits $17,488,599 Line INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 INT.G.11.01 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 10 Upstream Agreement #1 190,217,520 $0.016760 $3,188,101 11 Upstream Agreement #2 149,664,020 0.009681 1,448,863 12 Upstream Agreement #3 155,553,660 0.017336 2,696,640 13 Upstream Agreement #4 301,155,780 0.016760 5,047,459 14 Upstream Agreement #5 293,524,680 0.009674 2,839,559 15 Upstream Agreement #6 160,127,480 0.013891 2,224,408 16 Total Annual Cost $17,445,030 17 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits $(500,000) 18 Total Annual Cost Including Capacity Release Credits $16,945,030 19 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 18 minus Row 9)$(543,569) (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 5, Column (h) Workpaper NO.4 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summry of Oter Storage Facilty Costs INT-G10-Ð3 Line Monthly INT-G.10-Ð3 INT.G-10-Ð3 INT -G10-3 No.Storae Facilites Biling Deerinant Prices MonthiY Co Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Demand Cost . 2 Clay Basin i Reseion 266,250 (1)$0,28533 75,971 $911,652 3 Clay Basin" Reertion 221,840 (1)0.285338 63,29 759,58 4 Clay Basin'" Reservation 213,010 (1)0.285338 60,780 729,360 5 Clay Basin I Capac 31,950,000 (2 0,002378 75,977 911,724 6 Clay Basin" caac 26,625,00 (2 0,002378 63,314 759,768 7 Clay Basin'" Caaci 25,560,00 (2 0.002378 60,782 729,384 8 Tota Deand Cots 84,135,00 (3)400,123 4,801,476 9 Cycling Costs . 10 Clay Bain Cycling Cost 84,135,000 0,000749 $63,010 756,120 11 Rexburg LNG Facility 12 Traspoon Resertion 0 13 Variable Traspor 0 14 Tot Rexburg LNG Facli Cots 0 15 Ste Dend Chare Cr (2,217,184) 16 Tot Costs Including Ste Crii 3,34,412 INT-G.11-Ðl Line Montly INT-G11-Ð1 INT-G11-Ð1 INT-G11-Ð1 No.Strage Facilites Biling Deermnant Price Moly co Annual Cos (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 17 Demand Cost . 18 Clay Basin I Reseti 266,250 (1)0,285338 $75,971 $911,652 19 Clay Basin II Reseion 221,84 (1)0,28538 63,29 759,588 20 Clay Basin'" Reseraton 213,010 (1)0.285338 60,780 729,360 21 Clay Bas i Capacty 31,950,00 (2 0,00238 75,977 911,724 22 Clay Basin" Capac 26,625,00 (2 0,002378 63,314 759,768 23 Cl Basin'" Caac 25,560,00 (2 0.002378 60,782 729,38 24 Tota Deand Cots 84,135,00 (3)400,123 4,801,476 25 Cycling Cost . 26 Clay Bain Cyin Cots 84,135,00 $0,00741 $62,305 $747,665 27 Rexburg LNG Facilit 28 Transpoon Reservati 17,813 213,750 29 Varable Transpotion 21,00 30 Tota Rexburg LNG Facilit Cots $234,750 31 Estimated Ste Deand Chare Cret $(2,700,00) 32 Tota Cots Includmg Ste Crii $3,083,891 33 Tolal Annual Cos Difference Including Strage Credit (Ro 32 minus Row 16)$(2,521) (4) ~1) Charge Bas on Maxmum Daly WiUidraal (2 Chare Based on Mamum Contial Capaci ~3) Non Aditve BiDing Derminants; Include only Capaci Volume i" See Exibit 4, Line 19, Coumn (h) Workpaper NO.5 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Peak Day Analysis for Demand Allocators Line Peak Firm Sales Totl No.Description RS-1 R5-2 GS-1 LV.1 Peak Sales (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) DEMAND ALLOCATORS PER CASE NO.INT-G-10-03: Peak Day Therms 451,358 2,086,332 1,290,473 12,850 3,841,013 Percnt ofT alai ~~~~100,0000% 4 PROPOSED DEMAND ALLOCATORS PER CASE NO.INT-G-11.01: Peak Day Usage Per Customer 7,12 9,67 42,87 6 January 2011 Actual Customers 64,211 218,218 30,293 312,722 INT -G-11-o1 Peak Day Therms (Line 5 mulitplied by Line 6)457,182 2,110,168 1,298,661 14,150 (1)3,880,161 8 Percnt ofT alai ~~~~100,0000% (1) Contract Demand Therms Workpaper NO.6 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Analysis of Acunl1860 Surcharges (Crel1) Estmatd Sepmbe 3D, 2011 Lile~Decripti 0...l!Amunt Sub-Total ~ (i)til le)(d)(e)(l ACCONT 1860 VARABLE AMOUNTS: Net Cumula Defed Ou Balineeln 186.2010 I. of 1011/10 (15,62,976.50)Amorti ill66,200 as of 6l11 15,265,865.96 Estatd Th Sal. 71111ugh 9l11 28,00.31Amatin Ra 0,05116 1,432.49,47 Estatød Am in 186.202 at9J11 16,718,36.43 Ead Blline In 186.2010 II 9l11 1,08,387,93 8 De..d Gn Cos Fro Ptuclfuppliers In 186.2180 at 1011110 1,242,048.71 9 De GasCo From Prppli in 1862180 lhough 6/11 (13,63,25,74) 10 Eomllod Ood Cost ill66,2180 to 7111hh 9l11 (90,4325) 11 Ead Bole ill86.21" II 9l1 (13,297,637,28) 12 Dall Ga. Ei._ Siie Dorr In 186.240 II &l11 13 Inte",11 Deerr in 186.2 at 1011110 119.91 14 Inla Ild ill66.2340 Ilugh 6l11 (970.75)15 Estimatd Inlestlo71111ugh 9l11 (375,42)16 ~lad Bilancoln 186.2 II lIll (1.22.26 17 ESTIMATED ACCOUNT 1860 VARABLE BACE AT 913/11 (12,210.475,61) 18 ACCUNT 1860 LOST AND UNACCOUNTED FOR AMOUNTS: 19 Co CUmula Deer Ga Baan in 186.2120 as of 1011110 (3,63,11) 20 Indual CUmu Defed Gas Balan In 186.2120 as of 1011/10 (150.90.92) 21 Nit Cum_De 0.. Balinc.1n 186.2120 II of 1011110 $(547,731.03) 22 CoAmill66,213Oasof6l11 38,04.51 23 Estol Th Sa 7/111ugh 9l11 21,46,854 24 AmRaIo 0.00131 35.981.5 25 Esol__ ill662130 119l11 01,028,09 26 IncMl'aiAmill862140asof6l11 133,36,01 21 EstolThSa.711l1gh9l11 47,829,38 28 _nRat 0,0070 33,48,57 29 EstatdAmiiil662140at9l11 166,842,58 30 ~ta Bane In 186.2120 119l1 41,139,64 31 Lost & Unacunt For GIl Dterrln 186.2150 at 1011110 18,120,99 32 Tota Lo & Unacted For Gas thgh 6l11 (48.21.5) 33 Esilod Lost 8 Unacunlod For Ga 1I11'" 9l11 34 Esatd Tot Lo & Unaclo For G.. al9l11 (48.21.50) 35 Sue Ra Co of Lo & Unaclod For G..lIgh 6fl1 88,98,59 36 Esimatd Ba Ralo Co of Lo & Unanlod For G.. 7/1l1ugh 9l11 137,06,52 37 Esat Ba Rate Co of Lo & Unacnted For Gas al 9l11 1,026,05.11 38 Esatd Lo & Unalo For De (Tot 10.. _ Ra Co 1011/10 ll'" BIll)(1,50251.61) 39 Estatd Ba.. ii 1862150 atBl11 (1,48,130.62) 40 Co _ of Lo & Unaclo For Ga IJ 75%(1,116,097.97)41 Induma Al of Lost & Unacted For Gas Deeral 25%(3,032.6642_Baneln 116.2150 II lIll (1,48.130,63) 43 Cor Lost & Unaconte For Inrest Dtd In 186.270 at 1011MO 62,19 44 Co lo & Unacnted For Inll Ded il186.2420 thgh 6l11 112,33 45 Estatd Co Inlestlo7/1l1gh 9l11 (31.71) 48 ~ta Bilaneln 1862420119l1 142,81 47 indust Lo & Unaccounted For Inr..t Ded in 116.2 at 101111.20,95 48 In_Lo& Un..nlo For InIaDe_d in 18623 Ilugh 6l11 33.40 49 EsI_d IncN_ Lo & Unaclod For InIe.lto7/1llgh 9l11 (10.66) 50 Ead Bilae In 186.2 II lIl1 43,68 51 ESTIMATED ACCOUNT 1860 LOST AND UNACCOUNTED FOR BACE AT 9130/11 (1,44,804,49) 52 ACCOUN 1860 FIXD AMOUNTS: 53 Ne Cumat Do_ Ga. Balance in 186.2 II 1011110 (2,079,149,03) 54 RS-l De Ga Ba.. ii 186,20 at 1011/10 (6,834,23)55 _foRSliil66,20at6l11 29,981.3 56 Esatd RS-l Th Sa.71111gh 9l11 1,46,46 57 RSl __ Ra 0,00 12,913.84 56 Esat R$-1 Ba in 186.20 at 9111 30,061.3 59 RS-2 Ood Ga Ba.. in 166,2070.11011/10 (5,379.98) 60 _fo RS-2 ii 166,2070at6l11 1,622,711.55 61 Esiol RS-2 Thoi Sal 1Ilhrogh 9l11 13,015,35 62 RS2AmRa 0,0071 126,379,10 63 Estiat RS2 Bace ¡¡ 186.2070 at 9l11 1,743,710,67 64 GS-1De_d Ga Ba.. ii 186200 111011110 6,66.31 65 Am fo G8-1 in 186.20 at 6l11 133,921.53 66 Estatd Th Sa 1I11ugh 9l11 12,984,017 õl GSl Amzsl Ra 0.00138 17,917.94 68 EsolGS-l Ba..ii 186,20119l11 158,401.8 68 Indutial Defed Gas Baan ill86.20 at 1011110 (2.13)70 _aInfo LV-l ii 166.20 at6fl1 $3.4271E.liolLV.l BI 1 &2Thoi sa1Il1gh9l11 53,507 72 LV-l Am Ra 0,0017 90,70 73 Estate Indusna Baan In 186209 at 9J11 214,99 74 Estite Cumull Saline. in 1860.2 It 9JM 1 126,23,75 Workpaper NO.6 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of2 INTERMOUAIN GAS COMPAN Analysis of Accunt 18&0 Surcharges (Crit) Estmatd Sepmber 30, 2011 Un!!_pl. (II I! tbl fi'" CollCohct. Da..d In 186.2 il101NO Fixed Co.i Cole. Ded in 186.22 Uigh 6l11 EsalFixedCoCo.iifed_7/1 Uigh9l11 Eiti B.llnc In 116.2 at 9l11 Capacit Rtleuedlrchl'H Deferd In 186.23 at 1011110 Caac Releas_asd Deed in 1860,23 Uigh 6l11Ealial Capac Rele_acd Ded _71 Uigh 9l11Eata Boli...in '86.220 119l11 9 Iirollin 186.243 111011110 10 In iifed in 186,243 Uigh 6l11 11 EaIøI.teslfnm711Ihh9l11 12 EaBoIi...1n 186.243119l1 13 ...naof Pipelie Tniniporttin ClPICIt Deferr In 186.2 at 10111014 Maøg.lof Piif T..po Caac Oe in 186,25 Uijj 6l11 15 Eaald Oøai in 186.253 fr 711. Uigh 9l11 16 EaaId8aaninl86,253Oal9I11 17 RSl _aI in 186,2540 016l11 18 Eaii RSl Th Sa._7N Uigh9l1119 RSl Amli Ra 20 EaiiRS.1Amalin186,25al9I11 1,46,482 0,0136 21 RS2Amin186.24Oal6I11 22 Esite RS.2 Then Sa. fnm 71 fh 9l1123 RS2AmRile 24 EsllteRS.2Am_inl86,254Oat9l11 13,015,35 0,01192 25 GS.1 Amin 186.240016l11 26 Eaii GSl Th Safnm 7/1 Uigh9l11'l GSl__ 28 EalialdGS1Amin186.25alIl11 12,94,017 0,01261 29 EsaldCoAmfiln 186,2540019l11 30 LY-1 Amal in 186,2550016l11 31 Esii LY-111 1&2 Th Sa_711 Uigh 9l11 32 LY-1AmRata 33 EslatadLY.1Aminl86,25al9I11 53,5070,00 34 Eslmatø InduUialAr in 186.25 at9l11 35 Ea Biliiln 186.2 at Illl 36 ESTMATED ACCOUN 1860 FIXD BACE AT 910111 37 TOTAL DEFERRED ACCOUN 166 BACE INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of LV.1 Tariff Block 1, Block 2, and Block 3 Adjustments Line No.Description (a) Block 1 Therm Sales (b) LV-1 Therm Sales (1/1/10 -12/31/10)2,701,094 2 Blocks 1 and 2 Therm Sales 2,701,094 3 Percent Therm Sales between Blocks 1 and 2 100.000% 4 Proposed Adjustmentto LV-1 Tariff (1) 5 LV-1 Therm Sales (1/1/10 -12131/10) 6 Annualized Adjustment (Line 4 multiplied by Line 5) 7 Annualized Adjustment (Line 4 multiplied by Line 5) 8 Percent Annualized Sales included in Block 1 and Block 2 9 Adjustment to Block 1 and 2 (Line 7 multiplied by Line 8) 10 Block 1 and 2 Therms 11 Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 1 and 2 (Line 9 divided by Line 10) 12 WACOG Commodity Charge Change (2) 13 Total Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 1 and Block 2 14 Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 3 (3) 15 WACOG Commodity Charge Change (2) 16 Eliminate INT-G-10-03 Variable Temporary 17 Total Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 3 Block 2 Therm Sales (c) 0.000% Block 3 Therm Sales (d) o o (1) See Exhibit No.4; Line 30, Column (I) minus the difference of Line 21, Column (0 minus Line 21, Column (c) (2) See Exhibit No.4; Line 21, Column (f) minus Line 21, Column (c) (3) See Exhibit No.6, Line 3, Column (e) Workpaper No. 7 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Total (e) o 2,701,094 2,701,094 100.000% $0.00843 2,701,094 $22,762 $22,762 100.000% $22,762 2,701,094 $ $ 0.00843 (0.03869) (0.03026) $(0.04017) (0.03869) 0.05186 (0.02700)$ Workpaper No. 8 Case No. INT-G-11-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of Lost and Unaccounted for Gas ("L&U") Line No.Description (a) Detail (b) Amount (c) 1 Lost and Unaccounted for Gas INT-G-11-01 (Therms) 2 3 Projected Oct 10 - Sep 11 L&U (Therms) Estimated Oct 10 - Sep 11 Sales 1 (894,032) 563,763,803 4 Oct 10 .. Sep 11 L&U Factor (line 2 divided by line 3)-0.159% 5 Lost and Unaccounted for Gas INT-G-11-01 (Dollars) 6 Lost & Unaccounted for Gas (1860-2150) 2 $(480,202) 7 Estimated Oct 10 - Sep 11 Sales 1 563,763,803 8 L&U rate per therm embedded in base rates $0.00182 9 Oct 10 - Sep 11 Collection of Lost & Unaccounted for Gas 1,026,050 10 Projected L&U (Over)/Under Collection (Line 6 minus Line 9)$(1,506,252) 1 Estimated Oct 09 - Sep 10 Sales (Therms) RS-1 RS-2 GS-1 Industrial Total Sales 35,247,196 181,799,847 112,839,289 233,877,471 563,763,803 2 See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 34, Column (c)