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Wayne Willich
Dewayne Briscoe
David Chase
Joan Lamb
Nils Ribi, President
City Administrator
Sharon R. Hamer
Michelle Frostenson
City Clerk
ctQQ9 JUL \ '5 A~ 8~ \ 5
., City of SUN VAL~i~ stON
July 12,2009
Ms. Jean Jewell
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 W. Washington St.
Boise, ID 83720-0074
RE: Intermountain Gas Company
Case No. INT-G-09-01
IPUC Order No.30857
Dear Ms. Jewell:
In regards to the above referenced Case No. and pursuant to the Comment Deadline
established as par ofIPUC Order No.30857, the City of Sun Valley supports the Hook-up
Fee as proposed by Intermountain Gas Company.
I very much appreciate Intermountain's proactive approach in helping to ensure the natual
gas needs of future Sun Valley business' and residences' are met. The city of Sun Valley
believes the proposed Fee should be required to ensure future growth is paying their "fair
share" of essential new natural gas facilties.
P.O. Box 416. SUN VALLEY, ID 83353 . 208-622-4438. FAX 208-622-3401
i/ ßv~IV1~/j; A-V ,/¿; ~~ t-i
660 North Leadvile St.
Ketchum. Idaho 83340
phone 208.928.6411
Fax . 208.928.6182
USPS Mailing Address
P.O. Box 6067
Sun Valley. Idaho, 83354
Ms. Jean Jewell 7~13-09
Commission Secreta
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 W. Washington St
Boise, ID 83720-0074
RE: Intermountain Gas Company
Case No. IN~G-09-01
LPUC QideLNo.3..8.5.7__.._..._.__w._. _____..___..._..__....__._.. _..._..._.._......__._. _._____ _._.__.__.....__~__.._....._..____..._._-_.__.~-_._.._._-_.- .....
Dear Ms. Jewell:
In regards to the above referenced Case No. and puruant to the Comment Deadline established as
part of IPUC Order No.30857, I support the general dirction Intermountain Gas Company is
takig to provide a workable solution to fiancial concern rased by several ofOkland
Construction Company's clients and colleaues for curent and futu projects in the Wood RiverValley.
Intermountàn Gas Company met with us several times thoughout the past 18 months to obtain
feedback and suggestions on this gas line upgrde and capacity increase. At first the cost
presented to this market were overwhelming and disproportionate in terms of who cares the up
front costs. I am encouraged by a hook-up fee based on a set formula as presented to me by Rick
Moore. In this formula, I see merit in separtig out gas loads from snowmelt since they wil be
metered individually with the option for a shut down as needed.
1 forwarded my interprettion of this formula to several of the owners, developers and colleagueswe have been sharg this information with thoughout the past 1.5 years. Their reaction has beeri
mixed and I would encourge the LPUC to seek their well in this matter- if
you have notdone so aleady. I would alo include the local city offcials who can the franchise agreements
in this group affected by the fee.
As long as ths amount is known up front and remains consistent, it is my opinion that most
owners and developers wil be accepting of this proposed fee strcture inasmuch as it appears to
be equitable and directly proportionate to natural gas usage..1
Sincerely, ": ~~~~
Ben Petzinger' ~ :-
Area Manager, Okland Constrction Co.
POBox 6067
Sun Valley, ID 83354
Building a Higher Standard Since 1918
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