HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080925Comments.pdf.(~~/01 '/j; A-V '/i~..; 11i RECEIVED Sepembe 23, 2008 208 SEP25 AM a: 'l 'OAHQCP04iS,~ìICSdSlO"1 UTIU11ES .mM l '1 ..r- G -0 ~-O '3Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 In our current biling from Intermountain Gas Company we received notice that on August 15,2008 they had filed an application with IPUC requesting an 18% increae on residential customers using gas for heating and water heating to be effective as of October 1, 2008. That isn't very much time for the IPUC to consider the request and hold any required public hearngs to allow for any input. They also state that in the past two years decreases of 12% to residential customers using gas for both heating and water heating. We assume those were 2006 and 2007. We also have information from IPUC that alowed them a 27.4% increase on September 30,2005 for the sae category of users. Apparently the IPUC granted them too much if they were able to cut rates by 12% as they claim. We are in our eighties and on fixed incomes and needless to say this increase would be diffcult for us to come up with. Also, in the month since the request was filed the pnce of oil has dropped which should alter the amount of increase. In these circumstances the only thing for people like us to do is to complain to you with hopes you wil be able to understd what we are up agains. Than you for your consideration of this leter. Respecfully submitted,~~~Cf~~~,3-.~ Oscar O. and Elizabeth F. Nelson 3644 E. Immigrant Pass Cour Boise, 10 83716-6906 Telephone: (208) 343-7079 j~4or Jean Jewell t/f; itv./~~.~ If From: Sent: To: Subject: dplum65(§aol.com Thursday, September 25, 2008 7: 11 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Cherie Cole follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: INT -G-08-03 Name: Cherie Cole Address: 1221 N. 15th City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83702 Daytime Telephone: 208-345-3246Contact E-Mail: dplum65~aol.com ~ Name of Utility Company: Intermountain Gas Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: Please deny this increase in customers' billing at this time. Our country and community is struggling with the war , with the failing economy, with huge food and transportation cost increases, and with so many people out of work and losing their homes. It is my belief that this gas company is doing more than okay with the massive increase in new customers in this valley from the past two decades of heavy development, plus the huge increases in our own gas bills since we've lived here. If there is a true supply shortage, then why do we not see or hear the gas company testifying against continued massive population growth in this valley? Many of our budgets are already cut to the bone as we struggle to feed ourselves and family members in need. It is unknown how we will survive the next years of additional massive tax increases from the ongoing war, all the other price gouging of necessities, and now the $700 BILLION bailout of corrupt corporations that are bankrupting our lives and country. The timing is wrong for yet another price increase as fewer and fewer people can afford to eat and stay warm going into a hard winter. Perhaps their executives could take a temporary 3 year (shorter or longer) pay and perks cut until our country is back on its feet? Or maybe they can charge us more later when so many families are not in jeopardy and struggling to survive? Meanwhile, if supply is truly short, we hope to see the gas company at growth hearings saying that they and the valley can't handle more massive developments... Apparently there isn't enough profit in the heavy volumes of new housing/gas customers to make growth pay for itself? The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is ----- --- --- - -- - ----- - - - - - - -- - - - ---- 1 /Ji;::/tIOt Jean Jewell /Í; A.v.A~'~ rI, From: Sent: To: Subject: gkearney(§quest. net Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:47 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from GAIL KEARNEY follows: Case Number: INT -G-08-03 Name: GAIL KEARNEY Address: 212 E. CENTER City: SHELLEY State: ID Zip: 83274 Daytime Telephone: 208-357-7335 Contact E-Mail: gkearne~guest.net Name of Utility Company: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: My brief comment is that if you raise my rate by 18% I will go back to an electric water heater. Gas futures are going down and yet your prices are increasing. Whats wrong with this picture. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1