HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080917Comments.pdfc: sg:: =r- ei..- ø-to r" ;; rn~ -0 mtno _ (' 0... (J rn0"' -s:~ -0 ;:-, .. 1 v.s:r:3 0~/~( ønN ",. ..~ ;i~ J~-b~~~S~/'l%~~~~~;:~~ w~~ tlJ . lfei!L, ~ ~jtu. .. Cl ~ 7'~ A?~ ~ ~ v.~~rh~~r~~~~.Uw ø .. /J 0~ ~,~~CÀ ~ ~ ,~~~ ~ ~~-1~~~~~~~~~~~Qp~~~~. ~ v1lMl 4~'/~ q/~16¡' d ~ Itø s~P~l)~~Lf7?. w, w~ ß~t 9Â~ 95~O1- ¥( 11 ~otJ 3' TJJ - G -08"-03 ¿ . im~Õ~0'ffD j U~ tZ~~~CLI~£~ i'3&'q ~j~ ql/1l03'/~If ¡tt!.,¡i~';"Hi .:r G -08"-0.. 'RECEtVED _SEP '5 PM 2: itS iDAHO PUBUC UTIUT\ES COMMiSSiON SEFrEMBER 1 " 08 IDAHO PuBUC UTILIES COMMISSION RE: PROPOSED GAS PRICE INCREAE GENTLEMEN: I CONCUR WI YOUR POSmON THT NONE OF THE PRICE INCREAE SHOULD FIND ITSELF IN THE PROFIT COLUMN OF THE GAS COMPAN. IN FACT. IF THE PRICE YOU ARRIV AT ALOWS A REAONALE PROFIT FOR THE COMPAN IS THERE AN REAN THAT THE COMPAN CANNOT ASUME A PART OF THEIR INCREASED COST BY GMNG US CONSUMERS A SMA DISCOUNT DURING THIS PERIOD OF CRISIS? GOOD BUSINESS PRACTCE DOES ALLOW SUCH A CONSIDERATION, EVN FOR A REGULATED STOCK COMPAN. SUCH A MOVE WOULD ALO MAK A LOT OF WELCOME FRIENDS. SINCERELY. ~~ (fk~ JOHN W. GERDES 1215N 17TH ST. BOISE, 10 83702 i il, A. Prj¿V ¡0~':~ a/11jOlf r t't1~') (NSf ~ /í ¡JJ//¡~-~ J-l j... Sept. 13, 2008 RECE\VEO 1MB SEP \ 1 ltl 8= 09 uT,JR~~sot~Jb\~s'ON -:NT - G -0 g -0 '3 Gentlemen: In response to your notice of a 15 to 18% increas in natual gas prices for the Intermounta Gas Co., I am thoroughy disguted. I canot see how trporttion cost even enter into the pictue. The gas is delivered by pipe line, is tht why there is a $6.50 per month chage to read your meter? Wht a scam. If they don't get a rate raise as often or as soon as they think they should they add another fee, surharge, or ta to the monthy sttement. Why is there a need for a higher supply uness it is for the ilegals tht are allowed here. I realize our population is growig but not to that extnt. I certnly do not tr to use more gas than I have to. These people are just gettg on the band wagon to gouge the public as much as they can while they can. They even conceded tht gas prices have decreased, so why the increase in rates if they aren't going to be used for salares, equipment or profit. Is it for entertent or for lobbyists and the under the table pay- offs? I th you all should be ashaed of yourselves for condoning or even entertnig the thought of a rate increase. I for one th it is deplorable. The poor and elderly have no say in the matter. The rich just keep gettng richer at the expnse of others. Mare Foshee 187 S. 2nd East Aberdeen, Id. 83210 /~~¡oZ~ Jean Jewell ;/~ A-V./h~"~ 11i From: Sent: To: Subject: mommiedearest~dcdi. net Monday, September 15,20084:54 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Marie Foshee follows: Case Number: INT-G-08-03 Name: Marie Foshee Address: 187 S. 2nd East City: Aberdeen State: Idaho Zip: 83210 Daytime Telephone: 208-397-5386 Contact E-Mail: mommiedearest~dcdi.net Name of Utility Company: Intermountain Gas Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: How does transportation enter into the costs for raising prices when gas is delivered by a pipe line? There is a $6.50 surcharge each month to read the meter. What does that cover? There are so many surcharges and added costs now it is ridiculous. It is conceded that gas rates have decreased so why the need for a raise if it is not going to be used for salaries, equipment or profit?Excuse me, is it for the lobbyists and the under the table pay-offs? I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves for condoning and even entertaining the thought of a rate hike. I for one think it is deplorable The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 1 /~~/ot Jean Jewell 4: lv'Ä~'~ rf From: Sent: To: Subject: djames313(Çyahoo. com Monday, September 15,20088:48 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Douglas L. James follows: Case Number: INT -G-e8-e3 Name: Douglas L. James Address: 2825 S Garibaldi Ave City: Meridian State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 288- 5441 Contact E-Mail: djames313~yahoo.com Name of utili ty compa~ IntermountainAdd to Mailing List: ~Gas Co. Please describe your comment briefly: The requested natural gas (NG) price increase is not justified by the facts but only by knee jerk emotions of greed and fear. IMG Co is playing on a short term turmoil and recent run-up of oil prices (non-permanent) to present as justification for the requested 18% increase. Per the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, part of the Fed, NG prices are only loosely tied to oil because NG has a very predictable cyclic demand and is easily stored from one year to the next, not true of gasoline or electricity. The price of NG is projected to substantially decline .for the several years per the Dallas Fed per Mr. Stephen Brown. The NG pipeline infrastructure supplies Idaho from Canada, not the Gulf further isolating us from the severe variations of oil prices. From these observations and the nature of the NG industry I question if we are being mis-led by IMG Co or they need to a better job of purchasing NG, NG futures, and managing inventories to keep from passing through temporary costs to the customers. I find the idea of an 18% NG rate increase both ridicules and outrageous making the case IMG Co needs better management. In the last 2 weeks, oil prices have clearly fallen from the summer peaks. NG prices have recently gone down also. Just a little agility on IMG's part using contracts and futures will greatly trim the need for a rate increase. I recommend denial of INT -G-e8-e3 and resubmitted in light of the two following URL' s by the Dallas Fed. http://iis-db. stanford .edu/evnts/4582/Brown NorthAmericaNatGas. pdf www.rice.edu/energy/publications/eventpres/ng na-nove7/mine-yucel ng-na-nove7. pps The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2e8 . iee . 25e. 2ei- - ------ --- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - --- - - - - -- 1 /rßr1fóy Jean Jewell ,I If)!,i-- ~f ri From: Sent: To: Subject: cannonm~byuLedu Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Michael Cannon follows: -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: INT -G-Ø8-Ø3 Name: Michael Cannon Address: 375 So. 5th East Ci ty: Rexburg State: Idaho Zip: 8344Ø Daytime Telephone: (iø8) 496-1897 Contact E-Mail: cannon~byui. edu Name of Utility Company: Intermountain Gas Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am concerned about an average 18-percent increase in costs for those of us who heat our water and homes with natural gas. With gasoline and other energy costs skyrocketing, many of us are working hard to be as frugal as possible to make ends meet. I hope the PUC will carefully scrutinize this proposal and keep in mind the interests of citizens who live in a cold climate and anticipate significant heating costs in the months to come. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 157. iø1.137 . 85 - ------- - -- - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- i j~~r710q Jean Jewell q;~,; 11 Sent: To: Subject: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 3:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from craig bissell follows: - - ------- --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: intermountain gas increase Name: craig bissell Address: 3838 cobble way City: meridian State: idaho Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 878-6364 Contact E-Mail : Name of utility Company: intermountain gas Add to Mailing List: no- Please describe your comment briefly: as if this co doesnt make enough money J now they are jumping on the band wagon to screw us out of the last few bucks we have left. when are you people going to say NO to these monopolys????? ? The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1