HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080815Application.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608. BOISE, IDAHO 83707. (208) 377-6000. FAX: 377-6097 12: 55 August 15, 2008 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. P.O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 RE: Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-08-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are a signed original and seven copies of Intermountain Gas Company's Application and supporting Workpapers for Authority to Change Its Prices on October 1, 2008. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by time stamping and returning a photocopy of this Application cover letter to us. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this Application, please contact me at (208) 377-6168. MPM/sc Enclosures cc: W. C. Glynn E. N. Book 12:56 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANH¡iii. iJ~rtLi'fi E;,:; CASE NO. INT -G-08-03 APPLICATION, EXHIBITS, AND WORKAPERS In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN for Authority to Change Its Prices on October 1, 2008 (October 1, 2008 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Filing) Stephen R. Thomas, ISB No. 2326 MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARTT, ROCK & FIELDS, CHARTERED Post Office Box 829 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: (208) 345-2000 Facsimile: (208) 385-5384 MTBR&F 11-500.0340 Attorney for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAI GAS COMPAN for Authori to Chan e Its Prices Case No. INT -G-08-03 APPLICATION Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain"), an Idaho corporation with general offces located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, hereby requests authority, pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-307 and 61-622, to place in effect October 1, 2008 new rate schedules which wil increase its anualized revenues by $54.3 millon, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). Because of changes in Intermountain's gas related costs, as described more fully in this Application, Intermountain's earngs will not be increased as a result of the proposed changes in prices and revenues. Intermountain's curent rate schedules showing proposed changes are attached hereto as Exhibit NO.1 and are incorporated herein by reference. Intermountain's proposed rate schedules are attached hereto as Exhibit NO.2 and are incorporated herein by reference. Communications in reference to ths Application should be addressed to: Michael P. McGrath Director - Gas Supply & Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Post Office Box 7608, Boisei ID 83707 and Stephen R. Thomas Moffatt, Thomas, Barett, Rock & Fields, Charered Post Office Box 829 Boise, ID 83701 APPLICA nON - 2 In support of this Application, Intermountain does allege and state as follows: I. Intermountain is a gas utility, subject to the jursdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion, engaged in the sale of and distrbution of natual gas withn the State of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219 issued December 2, 1955, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564, dated October 3, 1962. Intermountain provides natual gas service to the following Idaho communties and counties and adjoining areas: Ada County - Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star; Bannock County - Chubbuck, Inom, Lava Hot Springs, McCammon, and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown, and Montpelier; Bingham County - Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth, Fort Hall, Morelandlverside, and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, and Sun Valley; Bonnevile County - Amon, Idaho Falls, Iona, and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Greenleaf, Middleton, Nampa, Parma, and Wilder; Caribou County - Bancroft, Conda, Grace, and Soda Springs; Cassia County - Burley, Declo, Malta, and Raft River; Elmore County - Glenns Ferr, Hammett, and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker, and St. Anthony; Gem County - Emmett; Gooding County - Gooding, and Wendell; Jefferson County - Lewisville, Menan, Rigby, and Ririe; Jerome County - Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone; Madison County - Rexburg, and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heybur, Paul, and Rupert; Owyhee County - Bruneau, Homedale; Payette County - Fruitland, NewPlymouth, and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murugh, and Twin Falls; Washington County - Weiser. Intermountain's properties in these locations consist of transmission pipelines, a liquefied natual gas storage facility, distrbution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general plant and equipment. II. Intermountain seeks with this Application to pass through to each of its customer classes a change in gas related costs resulting from: 1) a decrease in costs billed Intermountain pursuant to APPLICATION - 3 the Settlement of the General Rate Case filed by Gas Transmission Nortwest Corporation ("Gas Transmission Northwest" or "GTN"); 2) the procurement of discounted interstate transportation on Northwest Pipeline GP ("Nortwest" or "Northwest Pipeline"); 3) benefits included in Intermountai's firm transportation and storage costs resulting from Intermountain's management of its storage and firm capacity rights on pipeline systems including Northwest Pipeline, GTN and TransCanada's BC system; 4) an increase in Intermountain's Weighted Average Cost of Gas, or "WACOG"; 5) an updated customer allocation of gas related costs pursuant to the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment provision and; 6) the inclusion of temporar surcharges and credits for one year relating to gas and interstate transportation costs from Intermountain's deferred gas cost accounts. Exhibit NO.3 contains pertinent excerpts from pipeline and related facilities' tarffs. Intermountain also seeks with this Application to eliminate the temporar surcharges and credits included in its curent prices durng the past 12 months, pursuant to Case No. INT-G-07-03. The aforementioned changes would result in an overall price increase to Intermountain's customers. These price changes are applicable to servce rendered under rate schedules affected by and subject to Intermountain's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment ("PGA"), intially approved by this Commission in Order No. 26109, Case No. INT-G-95-1, and additionally approved though subsequent proceedings. Exhibit NO.4 sumarzes the price changes in: 1) Intermountain's base rate gas costs and its rate class allocation, and 2) adjusting temporar surcharges or credits flowing through to Intermountain's direct sales and transportation customers. Exhibit No.'s 3 and 4 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. III. The curent prices of Intermountain are those approved by ths Commission in Order No.s 30443 & 30599 and Case No.s IN-G-07-03 & INT-G-08-01. N. Intermountain's proposed prices incorporate all price changes impacting Intermountain's firm interstate transportation capacity including, but not limited to, any such changes implemented by Northwest and GTN which have occured since Intermountain's last PGA fiing in Case No. INT-G-07-03. APPLICATION - 4 Intermountain transports natural gas from Alberta on the Gas Transmission Northwest system from the international border at Kingsgate to the interconnection with Northwest Pipeline at Stanfield. On June 30, 2006, GTN filed a general system rate case with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Docket No. RP06-407-000. The FERC suspended the effective date ofGTN's proposed rates until Januar 1,2007, subject to refud and conditions and the outcome ofthe FERC hearng. Intermountain's prices as approved in Case No. INT-G-07-03 are reflective of GTN's Januar 1, 2007 prices. The outcome of GTN's General Rate Case is now final resulting in lower shipper prices which first became effective November 1, 2007 and as later revised effective Januar 1, 2008. Intermountain proposes with this Application to incorporate GTN's lower prices which became effective November 1, 2007 and as later revised January 1, 2008. TransCanada's BC system, formally known as Alberta Natual Gas ("ANG") and now known as Foothils Pipeline System ("Foothils") and its Alberta system also known as Nova Gas Transmission ("Nova"), implemented price changes durng 2008. Foothills tarff prices decreased effective April 1, 2008 largely reflecting a settlement stemming from the banptcy of a shipper on the Foothills system while Nova's tarff prices increased relating to a revenue requirement settlement with the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board. Also, Intermountain's capacity costs have increased on these Canadian pipelines due to the tightening exchange rate between U.S. and Canadian curencies. Intermountain's review of the adequacy of its interstate transportation and storage services is performed on an anual basis under design weather and certain load growth assumptions. A summary of the methodology incorporated within this review was included in the Company's Integrated Resource Plan, which is curently on fie with this Commission. Intermountain's adequacy review included analyzing pipeline capacity which indicated a need to procure additional Northwest Pipeline capacity in order to more closely align deliveries from upstream pipelines with Intermountain's take-away rights on Northwest at its Stanfield interconnect with GTN. Intermountain was able to obtain this capacity at a price equal to 85% of Northwest's maximum TF-1 Rate generating an anual savings to Intermountain's customers of approximately $595,000. APPLICATION - 5 Rows 3 through 5 of Exhibit No. 4 includes the costs for this incremental discounted capacity as well as the aforementioned price changes on GTN's and TransCanada's pipelines. Intermountain continues to effectively manage its natural gas storage at Northwest's Plymouth LNG and Jackson Prairie facilities, Questar Pipeline's Clay Basin facility and Intermountain's use of the Aeco storage facility in Alberta, Canada. Rows 6 through 19 of Exhibit No.4, Colum (h), contains over $600,000 in savings from the management of these assets which include the benefits generated from certain asset management agreements with third parties. Exhibit No.4, Lines 1 through 19, details the proposed changes in Intermountain's prices resulting from the aforementioned adjustments to Intermountain's cost of storage, and interstate and upstream capacity from its varous suppliers. V. The WACOG reflected in Intermountain's proposed prices is $0.78484 per therm, as shown on Exhibit No.4, Line 21, Colum (t). Ths compares to $0.63583 per therm curently included in the Company's tarffs. The world wide demand for all energy is at an all time high. This demand, when coupled with constraints being placed on production, is drving the price of all energy to record highs. The proposed WACOG includes the benefits to Intermountain's customers generated by Intermountain's management of signficant natual gas storage assets whereby gas is procured durng the sumer season for withdrawal and use durng the winter when prices would otherwise be higher. Additionally, and in an effort to fuher stabilize the prices paid by our customers durng the upcoming winter period, Intermountain has entered into varous hedging agreements to lock-in the price for significant portions of its underground storage and other winter "flowing" supplies. Intermountain believes that the W ACOG proposed in this Application, subject to the effect of actual supply and demand, wil likely materialize durg the upcoming PGA period. Intermountain wil employ, in addition to those natual gas hedges already in place for the high winter demand, cost effective financial instrents to secure those prices embedded withi the filed W ACOG when and ifthose pricing opportties materialize in the marketplace. However, liquidity in the market is sustained by contrar opinions and natual gas prices could indeed realize levels different from those included in ths Application. Although curent APPLICATION - 6 commodity futues prices dictate the use of this $0.78484 per therm WACOG, Intermountain continues to remain vigilant in monitoring natual gas prices and is committed to come before ths Commssion prior to this winter's heating season with an Application to fuher amend these proposed prices, should forward prices materially deviate from the $0.78484 per thermo Timely natual gas price signals and the accounting for any cost differences brought about by changes in the natual gas market, facilitated though the use of the PGA mechansm, enhance our customers' ability to make timely and informed energy use decisions and ensure they only pay the actual cost of such supplies. It is important to continue to alert our customers in a timely maner to impending changes before their winter natual gas usage is before them. By employing the use of customer mailings and varous media resources, Intermountain will continue to educate its customers regarding the wise and efficient use of natual gas, billng options available to help our customers manage their energy budget, and pending natual gas unt price changes. VI. Pursuant to Case No. INT-G-07-03, Intermountain has included temporar surcharges and credits in its October 1, 2007 prices for the principal reason of collecting or passing back to its customers deferred gas cost charges and benefits, as outlned in Case No. INT-G-07-03. Line 26 of Exhibit NO.4 reflects the elimination of these temporar surcharges and credits. VII. Intermountain's PGA tarff includes provisions whereby Intermountain's proposed prices wil be adjusted for updated customer class sales volumes and purchased gas cost allocations, pursuant to the Company's approved cost of servce methodology. Intermountain's proposed prices include a fixed cost collection adjustment pursuant to these PGA provisions, as outlined on Exhibit No.5, Line 24. The price impact of this adjustment is included on Exhbit No.4, Line No. 27. Exhibit NO.5 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. VIII. Intermountain proposes to pass back to its customers the benefits generated from the management of its transportation capacity totaling over $9.0 millon as outlined on Exhibit NO.7. These benefits include those generated from the release of segmented portions of Intermountain's firm capacity rights on Northwest Pipeline, other capacity releases on Northwest Pipeline and upstream releases on the aforementioned Canadian pipelines. Intermountain proposes to pass back these credit APPLICATION -7 amounts via the per therm credits, as detailed on Exhibit No. 7 and included on Exhibit No.6, Line 1. Exhibit No. ' s 6 and 7 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ix. Intermountain proposes to allocate deferred gas costs from its Account No. 186 balance to its customers through temporar price adjustments to be effective durng the 12-month period ending September 30,2009, as follows: 1) Intermountain has been deferrng in its Account No. 186 fixed gas costs. The credit amount shown on Exhibit No.8, Line 8, CoL. (b) of $8.5 million is predominantly attbutable to the collection of interstate pipeline capacity costs, the tre-up of expense issues previously ruled on by this Commission, refuds attbutable to the Settlement of GTN's General Rate Case and mitigating capacity release credits from Intermountain's upstream capacity. Intermountain proposes to collect or pass back these balances via the per therm surcharges and credits, as detailed on Exhibit No. 8 and included on Exhibit No.6, Line 2. Exhibit NO.8 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2) Intermountain has been deferrng in its Account No. 186 deferred gas cost amounts of $18.0 milion, as shown on Exhibit No.9, Lines 2 though 18, CoL. (b), attbutable to Intermountain's varable gas costs since October 1, 2007. Intermountain proposes to collect ths balance via a per therm surcharge, as shown on Exhibit No.9, CoL. (b) and included on Exhibit No. 6, Line 3. Exhibit NO.9 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. X. Intermountain has allocated the proposed price changes to each of its customer classes based upon Intermountain's PGA provision. A straight cent per therm price increase was not utilized for the LV -1 tarff. No fixed costs are curently recovered in the tail block of Intermountain's LV -1 tarff Absent the proposed change to the W ACOG and the unaccounted for gas recovery as included on Exhibit No.9, the proposed increase in the LV-1 tarff is fixed cost related, and therefore, a cent per therm increase relating to fixed costs was made only to the fist two blocks of the LV-1 tarff. XI. Each block of the proposed LV-I, T-3 and T-4 tarffs include a unform cents per therm increase for unaccounted for gas recovery as detailed on Exhibit No.9, Lines 13 through 20, CoL. APPLICATION - 8 (b). The prices, including the proposed adjustment for each block of the T -3 and T -4 tarffs which include the removal of existing temporar price changes, are outlined on Exhibit No.1, Page 1, Lines 21 though 28. Additionally, the LV-I, T-3 and T-4 tarffs were updated to reflect the elimination of the T- 1 and T-2 tarffs pursuant to Case No. INT-G-08-01 as approved by this Commssion in Order No. 30599. XII. The proposed increase to the T -5 Tarff Demand Charge is fixed cost related and reflects the removal of a fixed cost temporar credit curently included in the T-5 Demand Charge. Additionally, the T -5 Commodity Charge includes a uniform cents per therm increase for unaccounted for gas recovery as detailed on Exhibit No.9, Lines 13 through 20, CoL. (b) and also outlned on Exhbit No.1, Page 1, Lines 29 through 32. XIII. Exhibit No. 10 is an analysis of the overall price changes by class of customer. Exhibit No. lOis attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. XI. The proposed overall price changes herein requested among the classes of service of Intermountain reflects a just, fair, and equitable pass-though of changes in gas related costs to Intermountain's customers. XV. This Application is filed pursuant to the applicable statutes and the Rules and Regulations of the Commission. This Application has been brought to the attention of Intermountain's customers through a Customer Notice and by a Press Release sent to daily and weekly newspapers, and major radio and television stations in Intermountain's servce area. The Press Release and Customer Notice are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of this Application, its Exhibits, and Workpapers have been provided to those paries regularly intervenig in Intermountain's rate proceedings. APPLICATION - 9 XV. Intermountain requests that ths matter be handled under modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201-204 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. Intermountain stands ready for imediate consideration of this matter. APPLICATION - 10 WHREFORE, Intermountain respectfully petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as follows: a. That the proposed rate schedules herewith submitted as Exhibit No. 2 be approved without suspension and made effective as of October 1, 2008 in the maner shown on Exhibit No. 2. b. That this Application be heard and acted upon without hearing under modified procedure, and c. For such other relief as this Commssion may determine proper herein. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 15th day of August, 2008. By Stephen Attorne omas or Intermountain Gas Company INTERMOUNTAI GAS COMPAN APPLICATION - 11 CERTIFICATE OF MAING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 15th day of August, 2008, I served a coPY of the foregoing Case No. INT -G-08-03 upon: Paula Pyron Nortwest Industral Gas Users 4113 Wolf Berr Cour Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1827 Edward A. Finklea Cable Huston Benedict Haagensen & Lloyd LLP 1001 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97204-1136 R. Scott Pasley J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 Steven Gray 1. R. Simplot Company POBox 27 Boise, ID 83707 Conley E. Ward, Jr. Givens, Pursley, Webb & Huntley 277 N. 6th St., Suite 200 POBox 2720 Boise, ID 83701 by depositing tre copies thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said persons at the above addresses. APPLICATION -12 EXHIBIT NO.3 54 CASE NO. INT -G-08-03 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PERTINENT EXCERPTS FROM INTERSTATE PIPELINES AND RELATED FACILITIES (33 pages) Williams Northwest Pipeline Corporation ("Northwest Pipeline" or "Northwest") Applicable Filings, Tariffs and Rate Schedules Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 33 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of 33 Willíåi6i€~ NORTHWEST PIPELINE P.O. Box 58900 Salt lake City, UT 84158-0900 Phone: (801) 584-6851 FAX: (801) 584-7764 November 8,2007 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: Northwest Pipeline GP Docket No. RP07- Dear Ms. Bose: Pursuant to Part 154 of the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission), Northwest Pipeline GP (Northwest) tenders for filng and acceptance the following tariff sheets as part of its FERC Gas Tariff: Thirty-Third Revised Sheet NO.5 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 5-C Sub Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 7 Eighteenth Revised Sheet NO.8 Sixteenth Revised Sheet No. 8.1 Northwest proposes to change its daily reservation and demand rates to reflect 2008 leap year rates computed on the basis of 366 days. Statement of Nature, Reasons and Basis for the Filng On June 1, 1997, Northwest began biling its customers for reservation and demand charges using daily rates.1 In accordance with the rate sheets in Northwest's tariff, these rates are based on a year with 365 days, except that such rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. Since 2008 is a leap year, Northwest is filing revised tariff sheets to reflect daily reservation rates to be effective for calendar year 2008 that are computed on the basis of 366 days. Northwest has derived the daily rates for 2008 by multipJying the daily reservation rates approved by the Commission in Docket No. RP06-416-002 by 365 and dividing by 366. Northwest verified that these proposed rates wil render the annual revenue accepted by the Commission in Docket No. RP06-416-002. 1 79 FERC ,r 61,259 (1997) and 80 FERC ,r 61,124 (1997). Exhibit NO.3 Case No. tNT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of 33 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose November 8, 2007 Page 2 of3 Note that the "Expansion Shipper - 2008 Phase" rates on Sheet No. 7 are not being revised for leap year in this filing because they were updated in the Jackson Prairie Phase II ("PhaseII" filing submitted on October 31,2007 in Docket No. CP04-416. The instant filing and the Phase II filng both have an effective date of January 1, 2008; therefore, Sheet NO.7 is now submitted as Substitute Seventeenth Sheet No. 7 due to the pending status of the Phase ilfilng. . Effective Date and Waiver Request Northwest requests that the proposed tariff sheets be made effective January 1, 2008. Northwest also requests that the Commission grant any waivers it may deem necessary for the acceptance of this filng. Procedural Matters Pursuant to the applicable provisions in Section 154 of the Commission's regulations, Northwest submits the following materials in connection with this filng: · The proposed tariff sheets listed above. · A redlined version of the proposed tariff sheets. · A diskette containing the proposed tariff sheets in electronic form. Service and Communications An original and five copies of this filng are being provided to the Commission. Copies of this filing have been served upon Northwest's customers and upon interested state regulatory commissions. All communications regarding this filng should be served bye-mail to: Lynn Dahlberg Manager, Certificates and Tariffs (801) 584-6851 Northwest Pipeline GP P.O. Box 58900 Salt Lake City, Utah 84158-0900 Iynn.dahlberg~willams.com Amy Harward Attorney (801) 584-6326 Northwest Pipeline GP P.O. Box 58900 Salt Lake City, Utah 84158-0900 amy .harward~wiliams. com Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-Q8-Q3 Intermountain Gas Company Page 4 of 33 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose November 8,2007 Page 3 of 3 The undersigned certifies that the contents of this filing are true and correct to the best of her knowledge and belief; that the paper and electronic versions of the submitted tariff sheets contain the same information; and that she possesses full power and authority to sign this filng. Respectfully submitted, NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP~Lyn~berg Manager, Certificates and Tariffs Enclosures Northwest Pipdine GP FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. i Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 5 of 33 Original Sheet No.5 STATEMENT OF RATES Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-l, TF-2, TI-l, TFL-l and TIL-l (Dollars per Dth) Rate Schedule and Tye of Rate Base Tariff Rate Minimum Maximum ACA (2) Currently Effective Tariff Rate (3) Minimum Maximum IRate Schedule TF-l (4) (5)Reservation (Large Customer) System-Wide .00000 .37883 .00000 .37883 15 Year Evergreen Exp..00000 .37995 .00000 .37995 25 Year Evergreen Exp..00000 .36344 .00000 .36344Volumetric (Large Customer) System-Wide .00756 .03000 .00190 .00946 .03190 15 Year Evergreen Exp..00369 .00369 .00190 .00559 .00559 25 Year Evergreen Exp..00369 .00369 .00190 .00559 .00559 (Small Customer)(6 ).00756 .67209 .00190 .00946 .67399 Scheduled Overrun .00756 .40984 .00190 .00946 .41174 IRate Schedule TF-2 (4) (5)Reservation Volumetric Scheduled Daily Overrun Annual Overrun Rate Schedule TI- 1 Volumetric (7) Scheduled Overrun IRate Schedule TFL- 1 (4) (5)Parachute Lateral (9) Reservation Volumetric Scheduled Overrun IRate Schedule TIL-1 Parachute Lateral (9) Volumetric Scheduled Overrun .00000 .00756 .00756 .00756 .00756 .00756 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .37883 .03000 .40984 .40984 .00000 .00756 .00756 .00756 .37883 .03000 .40984 .40984 .41174 .41174 .07357 .00190 .07567 .07567 .07567 Issued by: Laren M.Gertsch, Director Issued on: December 19, 2007 Effective: January 31, 2008 .40984 .40984 .00190 .00190 .00946 .00946 .07357 .00000 .07377 .00190 .00190 .00000 .00190 .00190 .07377 .07377 .00190 .00190 .00190 .00190 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 6 of 33 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. i Original Sheet No. 7 STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules SGS-2F and SGS-2I (Dollars per Dth) Rate Schedule and Tye of Rate Currently EffectiveTariff Rate (1) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule SGS-2F (2) (3) Demand Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.01547 Interim Best-Efforts Withdrawal Charge Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.01547 Capacity Demand Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper Expansion Shipper - 2008 Phase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00056 0.00264 Volumetric Bid Rates Withdrawal Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper 0.00000 0.01547 Storage Charge Pre-Expansion Shipper Expansion Shipper - 2008 Phase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00056 0.00264 Rate Schedule SGS-2I Volumetric 0.00000 0.00113 Footnotes (1) Shippers recei ving service under these rate schedules are required to furnish fuel reimbursement in-kind at the rates specified on Sheet No. 14. Issued by: Laren M.Gertsch, Director Issued on: December 19, 2007 Effective: January 3 i, 2008 Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. i Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08~03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 7 of 33 Qriginal Sheet No.8 STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedule LS- 1 (Dollars per Dth) Tye of Rate Currently Effective Tariff Rate (1) Demand Charge (2 ) Capacity Charge (2)0.03054 0.00390 Liquefaction Vaporization 0.64110 0.04184 Footnotes (1).Shippers recei ving service under this rate schedule are required to furnish fuel reimbursement in-kind at the rate specified on Sheet No. 14. (2) Rates are daily rates computed on the basis of 365 days per year, except that rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. Issued by: Laren M.Gertsch, Director Issued on: December 19, 2007 Filed to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RP06-416-00 , Issued March 30,2007 Effective: January 3 I, 2008 118 FERC 11 61.272 (2007) Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tanff Fourth Revised Volume No. i Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 8 of 33 Onginal Sheet No. 8.1 STATEMENT OF RATES (Continued) Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules LS-2F and LS-2I (Dollars per Dth) Rate Schedule and Type of Rate Currently Effective Tariff Rate (1) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule LS-2F (3) Demand Charge (2)0.00000 0.03054 0.00000 0.00390 0.00000 0.03054 0.00000 0.00390 0.64110 0.64110 0.04184 0.04184 Capacity Demand Charge (2) Volumetric Bid Rates Vaporization Demand-Related Charge (2) Storage Capacity Charge (2) Liquefaction Vaporization Rate Schedule LS-2I Volumetric 0.00000 0.00783 Liquefaction Vaporization 0.64110 0.04184 0.64110 0.04184 Footnotes (1) Shippers receiving service under these rate schedules are required to furnish fuel reimbursement in-kind at the rates specified on Sheet No. 14. (2) Rates are daily rates computed on the basis of 365 days per year, except that rates for leap years are computed on the basis of 366 days. (3) Rates are also applicable to capacity release service. (Section 22 of the General Terms and Conditions describes how bids for capacity release will be evaluated.) The Vaporization Demand-Related Charge and Storage Capacity Charge are applicable to Replacement Shippers bidding for capacity released on a one-part volumetric bid basis. Issued by: Laren M.Gertscb, Director Issued 00: December 19, 2007 Filed to comply witb order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RP06-416-00 , Issued March 30,2007 Effective: January 3 I, 2008 118 FERC ,r 61,272 (2007) Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Fourth Revised Volume No. i Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 9 of 33 STATEMENT OF FUEL USE REQUIREMENTS FACTORS FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF FUEL USE First Revised Sheet No. 14 Superseding Original Sheet No. i 4 Applicable to Transportation Service Rendered Under Rate Schedules Contained in this Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1 The rates set forth on Sheet Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 8.1 are exclusive of fuel use requirements. Shipper shall reimburse Transporter in-kind for its fuel use requirements in accordance with Section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions contained herein. The fuel use reimbursement furnished by Shippers shall be as follows for the applicable Rate Schedules included in this Tariff: Rate Schedule TF- 1 Rate Schedule TF-1 - Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge (1) Rate Schedule TF- 2 Rate Schedule TI-1 Rate Schedule TFL- 1 Parachute Lateral Rate Schedule TIL- 1 Parachute Lateral Rate Schedule SGS-2F Rate Schedule SGS-2I Rate Schedule LS-1 Rate Schedule LS-2F Rate Schedule LS-2I Rate Schedule DEX-l 1. 99% 0.50% 1.99% 1.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.27% 0.27% 2.03%" 2.03% 2.03% 1. 99% The fuel use factors set forth above shall be calculated and adjusted as ~xplained in Section 14 of the General Terms and Conditions. Fuel reimbursement quantities to be supplied by Shippers to Transporter shall be determined by applying the factors set forth above to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt by Transporter from Shipper for transportation, for injection into storage, or for deferred exchange, as applicable. Footnote (1) In addition to the Rate Schedule TF-1 fuel use requirements factor, the Evergreen Expansion Incremental Surcharge will apply to the quantity of gas nominated for receipt at the Sumas, SIPI or Pacific Pool receipt points under Evergreen Expansion service agreements. Issued by: Laren M.Gertsch, Director Issued 00: February 25, 2008 Effective: April i, 2008 TransCanada Pipelines Alberta System or Nova Gas Transmission ("Nova or NGTL") Applicable Filings, Tariffs and Rate Schedules Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 10 of 33 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 11 of 33 TransCanada 450 First Street SW. Calgary, Alberta np 5H1 Direct Phone: (403) 920-7186 Fax: (403) 920-2347 Email: norm_bowman~ranscanada.com November 20, 2007 Alberta Energy and Utilities Board 640 - 5th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Albert T2P 3G4 Filed Electronically Attention: Mr. Wade Vienneau Manager - Calgary Offce, Utilties Branch Re: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. ("NGTL") Application for 2008 Interim Rates, Tolls and Charges NGTL applies to the Albert Energy and Utilities Board ("Board") under Division 3 of the Public Utilities Board Act, and under Part 4 and 5 of the Gas Utilities Act, for approval of interim rates, tolls, and charges for services on the Albert System, effective January 1,2008 ("2008 Interim Rates"). NGTL currently provides services under 2007 final rates, tolls and charges approved by the Board in Order U2007 -76 ("2007 Final Rates"). The 2007 Final Rates are effective until December 31, 2007. In Decision 2005-057, the Board approved the 2005 - 2007 Revenue Requirement Settlement ("the Settlement"), which provides for the determination of interim and final rates, tolls and charges for the period of the Settlement. Each year's revenue requirement was calculated based on certain costs fixed pursuant to the Settlement and a forecast of remaining costs that wil flow through, adjusted for appropriate deferral account balances. This forecast revenue requirement, together with a forecast of firm transportation contract demand quantity and throughput, was used to calculate rates using the approved rate design in place at the time (EUB Decision 2006~ 010). The 2008 Interim Rates are based on: . the 2007 final revenue requirement of$I,159.5 milion, adjusted for deferral account balances, determined in accordance with the Settlement (Attachment A); . forecast 2008 contract demand quantities and throughput (Attachment B); . an illustrative rate calculation (Attachment C) which uses the rate design approved by the Board in Decision 2006-010. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 12 of 33 Page 2 November 20, 2007 Mr. W. Vienneau A comparison of 2007 and 2008 rates, tolls and charges is provided in Attchment D. A table of the 2008 Interim Rates is provided in Attchment E. The C02 Management Service rates for 2008 are based on the current methodology approved by the Board in Decision 2002-084 as amended by Order U2006-204. The C02 Management Service is currently under review and any changes will be incorporated in 2009. The proposed 2008 average interim rates for FT -R and FT -D services wil be $0. 155/Mcf and the proposed 2008 average interim export rate wil be $0.311Mcf. These rates are approximately 6.9% higher than the 2007 average annual rates. As the Board is aware, NGTL is currently in discussions with its shippers to negotiate its revenue requirement, or components of it, for a term of not more than three years, commencing January 1, 2008. NGTL is preparing a General Rate Application that it intends to file in the fourth quarter 2007 in the event it is not able to negotiate a settlement. NGTL wil fie for 2008 Final Rates to be determined in accordance with the terms of a new settlement, or in accordance with the 2008 General Rate Application as approved by the Board. NGTL wil notify its shippers and the members of the Tolls, Tariff, Facilities and Procedures Committe of the availability of this application on TransCanada's Albert System Website at the address below. htt://ww.transcanada.comlAlbertregulatory_info/activeJates_services_filings.htm All notices and communications regarding this matter should be directed to Linda Angus by e-mail at linda_angusiêtranscanada.com and alberta_systemiêtranscanada.com, or by phone at 920-7163. Yours trly, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited Original Signed By Norm Bowman Director, Regulatory Services Attachments cc: Tolls, Tariff, Facilities and Procedures Committee, via e-mail Alberta System Shippers Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 130f 33 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.2008 Interim Rates Attachment E Page 1 of 19 Service Rates, Tolls and Charges 1.Rate Schedule FT-R Refer to Attachment "1" for applicable FT-R Demand Rate per month & Surcharge for each Receipt Point Average Firm Service Receipt Price (AFSRP)$ 168.24/io3m3 2.Rate Schedule FT-RN Refer to Attachment" l" for applicable FT -RN Demand Rate per month & Surcharge for each Receipt Point 3.Rate Schedule FT-D FT-D Demand Rate per month $4.451GJ 4.Rate Schedule STFT STFT Bid Price.Minimum bid of 100% ofFT-D Demand Rate 5.Rate Schedule FT-DW FT-DW Bid Price.Minimum bid of 125% of FT -D Demand Rate 6.Rate Schedule FT-A FT-A Commodity Rate $0.48/io3m3 7.Rate Schedule FT-P Refer to Attachment "2" for applicable FT-P Demand Rate per month 8.Rate Schedule LRS Contract Term Effective LRS Rate ($/I03m3/day) 1-5 years 10.08 6-10 years 8.42 15 years 7.55 20 years 6.71 9.Rate Schedule LRS-2 LRS-2 Rate per month $50,000 io.Rate Schedule LRS-3 LRS- 3 Demand Rate per month $ 129.55!l03m3 l1.Rate Schedule IT-R Refer to Attachment" 1" for applicable IT -R Rate & Surcharge for each Receipt Point 12.Rate Schedule IT-D IT-D Rate $0.1606/GJ 13.Rate Schedule FCS The FCS Charge is determned in accordance with Attachment "1" to the applicable Schedule of Service 14.Rate Schedule PT Schedule No PT Rate PTGas Rate 9006-01000-0 $67.22/d 1.0 io3m3/d 15.Rate Schedule as Schedule No.Charge 2003034359-2 $899.00 1 month 2007262666-1 $434.00 1 month 2006253651-1 $11.00 1 month 2007262711-1 $6.00 1 month 2007262709-1 $303.00 1 month 2007262728-1 $859.00 1 month 2007262705-1 $1,220.00 1 month 2007263949-1 $46.00 1 month 2007262175-1 $438.00 1 month 2007262669-1 $95.00 1 month 2007262602-1 $4.00 1 month 200726270 I-i $9.00 1 month 2007262727-1 $17.00 1 month 2007262698-1 $43.00 1 month 2007262609-1 $7.00 1 month 2007262668.1 $19.00 1 month 2007262697-1 $1,760.00 1 month 2007263948-1 $90.00 1 month 2003004522-2 $83,333.00 1 month 16. Rate Schedule CO2 Tier CO, Rate ($/I03m3) I 630.10 2 503.07 3 349.65 TARIFF Effective Date: . NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 14 of 33 2008 Interim Rates Attachment 1 Page 1 Receipt Point Number 1337 1631 1613 1424 1890 3880 1526 1681 3868 2000 2109 2200 1075 1208 1103 5026 1851 1469 1573 2136 1567 1770 2708 2734 1326 1368 1009 1116 1098 1297 1792 3943 1275 1649 2744 1100 1296 1181 1122 1398 1339 1497 1329 1393 1330 2761 2085 2066 1197 1334 1382 1231 1198 2143 2222 2132 1459 TARIFF Receipt Point Name ABEE ACADIA EAST ACADIA NORTH ACADIA VALLEY ACADIA VALLEY WEST AECO INTERCONNECTION AKUINU RIVER AKUINU RIVER W. ALBERTA MONTANA BORDER ALBERTA-B.C. BDR (CHART ACC ALDER FLATS ALDER FLATS S. ALDERSON ALDERSON NORTH ALDERSON SOUTH ALGAR LAKE AMISKSOUTH ANDREW ANSELL ANTE CREEK S. ARMENA ARMSTRONG LAKE ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION #2 ATHABASCA ATHABASCA EAST ATLEE-BUFFALO A TLEE-BUFFALD E ATLEE-BUFFALO S ATMORE ATUSIS CREEK E ATUSIS CREEK INTERCONNECTI BADGER EAST BADGER NORTH BALLATER #2 BANTRY BANTRY N.E BANTRYNW. BANTRY NORTH BAPTISTE BAPTISTE SOUTH BARICH BASHAW BASHAWB BASSANO SOUTH BASSET LAKE BASSET LAKE S. BASSET LAKE W. BAXTER LAKE BAXTER LAKE B BAXTER LAKE NW BAXTER LAKE S. BAXTER LAKE W. BAY TREE BEAR CANYON W. BEAR RIVER BEAUVALLON FT-R Demand Rate per Month ($/103m3) 254.84 122.14 122.77 174.14 81.64 81.64 254.84 254.84 99.78 81.64 101.9 99.32 86.93 88.89 86.97 254.84 242.57 176.09 137.74 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 245.63 81.64 81.64 81.64 231.27 81.64 81.64 81.64 99.77 254.84 81.64 81.64 81.64 81.64 254.84 254.84 254.84 127.77 127.82 99.48 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 254.84 240.25 254.84 254.84 FT -RN Demand Rate per Month ($/103m3) 280.32 134.35 135.05 191.55 89.80 89.80 280.32 280.32 109.76 89.80 111.31 109.25 95.62 97.78 95.67 280.32 266.83 193.70 151.51 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 270.19 89.80 89.80 89.80 254.40 89.80 89.80 89.80 109.75 280.32 89.80 89.80 89.80 89.80 280.32 280.32 280.32 140.55 140.60 109.43 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 280.32 264.28 280.32 280.32 IT-R Rate per Day ($/103m3) 9.61 4.61 4.63 6.57 3.08 3.08 9.61 9.61 3.76 3.08 3.82 3.74 3.28 3.35 3.28 9.61 9.15 6.64 5.19 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.26 3.08 3.08 3.08 8.72 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.76 9.61 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 9.61 9.61 9.61 4.82 4.82 3.75 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.06 9.61 9.61 Effective: January 1,2008 (Amended February 28, 2008) Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 15 of 33 1856 SPOTTED CREEK SPTCK 157.80 150.29 142.78 165.32 5.67 i'L 1857 LINDEN llNDN 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 ML 1858 POE POEXX 134.01 127.63 121.25 140.39 4.81 NE 1859 HUMMOCK LAKE HUMLK 113.02 107.64 102.26 118.40 4.06 i'L 1860 LACOMBE LAKE LACOM 108.77 103.59 98.41 113.95 3.91 i'L 1862 ELNORA EAST # 2 ELNE2 226.46 215.68 204.90 237.25 8.13 i'L 1863 CESSFD-BURf W # 2 CSBW2 112.36 107.01 101.66 117.71 4.03 NE 1864 DAVEY LAKE DAVEY 90.05 85.76 81.47 94.34 3.23 i'L 1865 NOSEHILL CK NORTH NOSCN 148.47 141.40 134.33 155.54 5.33 PR 1866 HIGHLAND RANCH HIGHL 134.96 128.53 122.10 141.38 4.85 i'L 1867 RUMSEY NORTH #2 RUMN2 245.13 233.46 221.79 256.81 8.80 i'L 1868 FERINTOSH SOUTH FTOHS 247.08 235.31 223.54 258.84 8.87 i'L 1869 TORRINGTON E #2 TORE2 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1870 BIG VAllEY BIGVL 224.08 213.41 202.74 234.75 8.05 i'L 1871 SHARPLES SHARP 90.64 86.32 82.00 94.95 3.25 i'L 1872 LITTlE BOW llTLB 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1873 MALMO MALMO 191.67 182.54 173.41 200.79 6.88 i'L 1874 LAVESTA LAVST 119.01 113.34 107.67 124.67 4.27 i'L 1875 GALT ISLAND GALT!113.53 108.12 102.71 118.93 4.08 i'L 1876 CHAPEL ROCK CHAPR 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1877 DUVERNAY DUVER 195.97 186.64 177.31 205.30 7.04 NE 1878 JOffRE EAST JOFFE 151.45 144.24 137.03 158.66 5.44 i'L 1879 KERSEY #2 KERS2 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1880 GOOSEQUILL WEST GQUiW 123.24 117.37 111.50 129.11 4.43 i'L 1881 PORTERS BUTTE PORTS 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1882 KEIVERS LAKE KVRLK 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1884 LAMERTON SOUTH LAMRS 128.56 122.44 116.32 134.68 4.62 i'L 1885 ROSEGLEN ROSEG 94.69 90.18 85.67 99,20 3.40 i'L 1886 JARVIS BAY JRBAY 130.83 124.60 118.37 137.06 4.70 i'L 1887 LAMERTON#2 LAMR2 186.72 177.83 168.94 195.61 6.71 i'L 1888 MUNSON #2 MUNS2 246.40 234.67 222.94 258.14 8.85 i'L 1890 ACADIA VALLEY WEST ACDVW 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 NE 1891 FAWCETT R W #3 FAwn 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 NE 1944 ZAMA LAKE SUMI'lARY ZAMSM 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR 1945 WATRl/WATR2 SUM WATSH 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 1947 BRAZEAU - BRAZEAU EAST SUMMARY BRZHB 134.53 128.12 121. 71 140.93 4.83 i'L 1949 RIMBEY.WESTEROSE SUMMARY RIMGL 126.33 £20.31 114.29 132.34 4.54 i'L 1958 EMPRESS BORDER EMPRS 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 I'lL 1963 COUSINS B & C SALES (SUMMARYj COUBC 136.71 130.20 123.69 143.22 4.91 i'L 2000 ALBERTA.B.C. BDR (CHART ACCOUNTING)ALTBC 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 2003 COLEMAN COLEM 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 t1L 2005 WILDCAT HILLS WCATH 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 2007 EAST CALGARY ECALY 87.50 83.33 79.16 91.66 3.14 i'L 2008 CROSSFIELD CROSF 86.15 82.05 77.95 90.26 3.09 i'L 2010 MINNEHIK-BK LK MNBUK 126.92 120.88 114.84 132.97 4.56 i'L 2012 WINDfAll WINDF 161.82 154.11 146.40 169.52 5.81 PR 2013 KAYBOB KABOB 200.13 190.60 181.07 209.66 7.19 PR 2014 WILLESDEN GREEN WILSG 95.41 90.87 86.33 99.96 3.43 i'L 2016 FERRIER FERIR 136.08 129.60 123.12 142.56 4.89 i'L 2018 CARSON CREEK CARCK 220.23 209.74 199.25 230.71 7.91 PR 2019 WILSON CREEK WLNCK 161.07 153.40 145.73 168.74 5.78 i'L 2020 KAYBOB SOUTH KBOBS 181.07 172.45 163.83 189.70 6.50 PR 2022 JUDY CREEK JDCRK 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR 2026 QUIRK CREEK QUIRK 85.72 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 i'L 2027 KAYBOB 11-36 K1136 197.57 188.16 178.75 206.98 7.09 PR 2028 SIMONETTE SIMET 228.92 218.02 207.12 239.82 8.22 PR 2029 WASKAHIGAN WASKA 167.77 159.78 151.79 175.76 6.02 PR 2030 STURGEON LAKE S STLKS 251. 79 239.80 227.81 263.78 9.04 PR 2031 GOLD CREEK GLDCK 180.71 172.10 163.50 189.31 6.49 PR 2032 BURNT TIMBER BURNT 99.31 94.58 89.85 104.04 3.57 i'L 2034 VIRGINIA HILLS VIRGH 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR 2035 KAYBOB SOUTH #3 KBOB3 153.02 145.73 138.44 160.30 5.49 PR 2036 JUMPiNG POUND W JUMPW 8572 81.64 77.56 89.80 3.08 I'lL 2037 GILBY WEST GLBYW 139.74 133.09 126.44 146.40 5.02 I'lL 2040 LEAFLAND LFLND 182.56 173.87 165.18 191.26 6.56 I'L 2043 BELLOY BELOY 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR 2044 DUNVEGAN DNVEG 233.70 222.57 211.44 244.83 8.39 PR 2046 PiONEER PiDER 134.01 127.63 121.25 140.39 4.81 i'L 2047 HOTCHKISS HDTKI 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR 2049 ETA LAKE ETALK 136.13 129.65 123.17 142.62 4.89 i'L 2053 KEG RIVER KëGRV 267.58 254.84 242.10 280.32 9.61 PR Page 9 of 14 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 16 of 33 TransCanada Pipelines Foothills Pipeline System ("Foothills") formerly Alberta Natural Gas ("ANG") Applicable Filings, Tariffs and Rate Schedules Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 17 of 33 t( ~ TransCanada 450 - 1st Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 5H1 Tel: (403) 920-2046 Fax: (403) 920-2347 Email: murray-sondergard(gtranscanada.com March 14, 2008 National Energy Board 444 Seventh Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P OX8 Filed Electronically Attention: Ms. Claudine Dutil-Berry, Secretary Dear Madam: Re: Foothils Pipe Lines Ltd. ("Foothils") Statement of Rates and Charges effective April!, 2008 Pursuant to Section 60(1)(a) of the National Energy Board Act, Foothills encloses for filing revised rates and charges for transporttion service on Foothills Zone 8. Attachment 1 provides the revised 2008 Zone 8 Transporttion Rates on an annual basis. Attachment 2 provides the 2008 Revised Rates inclusive of an adjustment to account for rates in place from January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2008. Foothils intends the 2008 Revised Rates to be effective April 1, 2008. The rates and charges are based on the methodology approved by the Board in Decision TG-8-2004 as amended by Order TG-03-2007. Foothills is filing these rates now as a result of a settlement following the bankrptcy of Calpine Corporation, a shipper on TransCanada's B.C. System now incorporated into Foothills Zone 8. AB a result of the settlement, Calpine has paid to Foothills a total of $44.4 milion. Foothils intends to refund the settlement amount plus carring charges to Zone 8 shippers over 2008 and 2009. This results in an adjustment to Foothills Zone 8 2008 FT Service Revenue Requirement, provided to the Board in Foothills November 30, 2007 filing, of $23.5 milion. The Foothils Zone 8 full haul demand rate will decrease from $0.0918/GJ to $0.0568/GJ. Attachment 3 to this letter is a black-lined copy of the relevant section of the Tariff illustrating the 2008 rates. Attachment 4 to this letter is a clean copy of the relevant section of the Tariff incorporating the revised rates. March 14,2008 Page 2 Ms. C. Dutil-Berry Exhibit NO.3 Case No. tNT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 18 of 33 Foothils will notify its shippers and interested parties of the filing pursuant to Order TG-6-81, and will also post a copy of this Application on TransCanada's Foothills System website at: http://www.transcanada.comI oothils/regulatory /reg_ fiings/index.html On March 4, 2008 Foothills provided notice to shippers and interested parties ofthe rate reduction and its intention to file the revised rates. Foothils understands that any par that is opposed to the rates and charges will advise the Board accordingly. Please direct all notices and communications regarding this filing to Greg Szuch bye-mail at greg_szuchCftranscanada.com or by phone at (403) 920-5321. Yours trly, Foothils Pipe Lines Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited Original Signed by Muray Sondergard, Director, Regulatory Services EncIs. cc: Interested Parties - TG-6-81 Foothils Finn and Interruptible Shippers REVENUE REQUIREMENT Foothils Pipe lines ltd. Exhibit No.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 19 of 33 Attachment 1 Summary REVISED ZONE 8 TRANSPORTATION RATES Schedule Amount $000 Estimated Costs of Service: Operating & Maintenance Return on Rate Base Depreciation & Amortization Taxes: Income and Other Special Charge Fuel Tax Sub-Total Adjustments: Previous (Over) Under G&A Settlement Savings 1 Total Revenue Requirement Other Service Revenue SIFT Revenue Interruptible/Overrun Revenue SGS Revenue Calpine Settement 2 FT Service Revenue Requirement A B C o Zone 8 19,056 17,798 17,637 15,643 555 3,000 73,689 E 9,277 (833) 82,132 (2,798) (190) (23,500) 55,644 BILLING DETERMINANTS FT Contract MOQ (T J/d) Maximum Haul Distance (Km) Total FT MOQ x Distance F 2,319.79 170.70 395,989F Estimated STFT MDQ (T J/d) Estimated Interruptible/Overrun Deliveries (T J) Estimated SGS Deliveries (T J) 116.67 2,636 TRANSPORTATION RATES' Effective Rates Demand Rate ($/GJ / Km / Month) Overrun Service ($/GJ / Km) Interruptible Rate ($/GJ / Km) Full Haul Rates (100% load Factor) Demand Rate ($/GJ) Overrun Service ($/GJ) Interruptible Rate ($/GJ) 0.0117099104 nfa 0.0004223246 0.0655371051 nfa 0.0720908092 . Numbers may not add up to totals due to rounding. Note(s): 1. Forecasted Shippers' Savings with respect to Foothills' General & Administrative Expenses Settement Agreement dated January as approved in Board Order TG-2-2003, as amended November 3, 2006 and approved in Board Order TG-03-2007. 2. 2008 portion of Calpine Settlement refund. 3. 2008 revised annual rates. See Attachment 2 for the 2008 revised rates effective April 1, 2008. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 20 of 33 FoothiUs Pipe Lines Ltd.Revised 2008 Rates Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 Revised 2008 Rates efective April i, 2008 2008 Current Effecve 208 Re 200 Re Efecve RJte i AiWlI RJte i Adjusment Forma 3 Ra 4IT De Rate ($/GJlKtl)0.0164032716 0.011709104 -((0.011709104 x 12). (0.016432716 x 3)Y9 0.0101454567 IT !nrrtible Rate ($/GJIK)0.005915934 0.00223246 =f(0.00223246 x 12). (0.005915934 x 3)V9 0.0036590 1 7 Fu Haul Raes (100% Load Factor) IT Ded Ra ($/GJ)0.0918045397 0.0655371051 "1(0.0655371051 x 12). (0.0918045397 x 3))/9 0.0567812935 IT lntenutible Rate ($/GJ)0.100849934 0.07209092 =f(0.072098092 x 12) . (0.100849934 x 3)V9 0.0624594\45 i. 2008 I1tes in effect from Janua \ to Ma 3 l, 208 2. 2008 resed anual rat ar cacute as an anual 12 moth I1te 3. ((2008 revi anuall1 x \2) - (200 curnt effective I1te x 3))/9 4. 2008 revise 11!e are to be in effect for 9 moths from Apl i to Deem 31, 2008 Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. TABLE OF EFFECTIVE RATES 1. Rate Schedule FT, Firm Transportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJ/KmMonth) Zone 6 0.0067213026 Zone 7 0.0073436317 Zone 8* 0.01640327160101454567 Zone 9 0.0094198745 2. Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 6 0.0002424076 Zone 7 0.0002648523 3. Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 8* 0.00059159340003659017 Zone 9 0.0003397332 *For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 km. Exhibit NO.3 èase No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 21 of 33 Attachment 3 Page 1 TARIFF - PHASE I Effective Date: January April 1,2008 I Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. TABLE OF EFFECTIVE RATES 1. Rate Schedule FT, Firm Transportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJ/KmMonth) 0.0067213026Zone 6 Zone 7 0.0073436317 0.0101454567 0.0094198745 Zone 8* Zone 9 2. Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) 0.0002424076Zone 6 Zone 7 0.0002648523 3. Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 8* 0.0003659017 Zone 9 0.0003397332 *For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 km. Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 22 of 33 Attachment 4 Page i T ARlFF - PHASE I Effective, Date: April i, 2008 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 23 of 33 TrasCda - Cust Exes" Pnng & Tolls - Be Systm TransCanada's - Foothils-BC Transportation Rates 2008 Final Rates Effective January 1, 2008 FT Firm Service (A/BC to Kingsgate) lI Interruptible Service (A/BC to Kingsgate) 1. For information purposes, the maximum Shipper's Haul Distance used in the Shipper's monthly cliarge for Service calcuiation is 170.7 krn. 2. Rates are payable in Canadian doHafs and G.1 units are used for billing purposes. ~.1cf and M~'lbtu units are provided for information purposes only. 3. Conversion Factors below have been used to calculate tiie rates provided for information purposes: Cdn$/US$ ç/GJ to -t/i'lMBtu ç/GJ to q:/Mcf 1.01 - subject to change (updated Dec 11/07ì x 1.055056 at a heat value of 37.8 M.1/m3 4. Rates do not include G.S.T. 5. Inquiries regarding the BC System may be directed to: ß.CI,f.eNewnerry at 403.920.5579 Dan Morrison at 403.920.6139 Other information for TransCanada's Be System: Current Archives .. Fuel Rates. & Heating Values .. AS Border Heat Values . Rates: 2007 'Ii 2006'1 i 2005 'Ii 2004 'I .. Fuel Rates & Heating Values . A13SQn:terHeatY_alwes 'I IQ Gas Transmission Northwest ("GTN") Applicable Tariffs and Rate Schedules Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 24 of 33 FERC GAS TARIFF THIRD REVISED VOLUME NO. 1-A OF GAS TRASMISSION NORTHWEST CORPORATION FILED WITH THE FEDERA ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Communications Concerning This Tariff Should Be Addressed To: John A. Roscher i Director Rates and Regulatory Affairs Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation 1400 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 900 Portland, OR 97201 Telephone: (503) 833 -4254 Facsimile: (503) 833-4918 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 25 of 33 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 26 of 33 Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation FERC Gas Tariff Third Revised Volume No. 1-A First Revised Sheet No. 1 Superseding Original Sheet No. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Third Revised Volume No. 1-A Sheet No. Preliminary Statement 2 Map 3 Statement of Effective Rates and Charges for Transportation of Natural Gas 4 Rate Schedules: FTS-1 Firm Transportation Service 30 LFS-1 Limited Firm Transportation Service 45 ITS-1 Interruptible Transportation Service 60 USS-1 Unbundled Sales Service 65 PS-1 Parking Service 67 AIS-1 Authorized Imbalance Service 71 Transportation General Terms and Conditions 100 Form of Service Agreements: FTS-1 Firm Transportation Service 250 Electronic Signature for Capacity Release 259 ITS-1 Interruptible Transportation Service 270 PS-1 Parking Service 280 AIS-1 Authorized Imbalance Service 290 LFS-1 Limited Firm Transportation Service 320 Issued by: John A Roscher, Director of Rates & Regulatory Affairs Issued on: August 4, 2004 Effective on: September 3, 2004 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. tNT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 27 of 33 Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation FERC Gas Tariff Third Revised Volume No. 1-A Original Sheet No. 2 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation (GTN) is a natural gas company which owns and operates a natural gas pipeline system extending from the International Boundary in the vicinity of Kingsgate, British Columbia, through parts of Idaho, Washington and Oregon to the California boundary. GTN offers open access transportation service under Part 284 of the Commission' s regulations in Third Revised Volume No. 1 -A of this FERC Gas Tariff. These services include transportation services authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as listed in the Table of Contents. Prior to January 1, 1998, GTN was known as "Pacific Gas Transmission Company" or "PGT." References to Pacific Gas Transmission Company or PGT within GTN's existing Service Agreements or similar documents shall be deemed to refer to GTN. The transportation of natural gas is undertaken by GTN only under written service agreements acceptable to GTN after consideration of its commitments, delivery capacity, and other pertinent factors. This FERC Gas Tariff is filed in compliance with Part 154, Subpart E, Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Issued by: John A Roscher, Director of Rates & Regulatory AffairsIssued on: October 7, 2003 Effective on: October 6, 2003 Gas Transmission Northwest CorporationFERC Gas Tariff substitute Thirteenth Revised Sheet No. 4Third Revised Volume No. I-A Superseding Substitute Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 4 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 28 of 33 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHAGES FOR TRASPORTATION OF NATURL GAS Rate Schedules FTS-l and LFS-l RESERVATION DAILY MILEAGE (a) (Dth-MILE) DAILY NON-MILEAGE (b) (Dth) DELIVERY (c) (Dth-MILE) FUEL (d) (Dth) MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM BASE 0.000463 0.000000 0.036632 0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.0050%0.0000% STF (e)(e)0.000000 (e)0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.0050%0.0000% EXTENSION CHARGES MEDFORD E-l (f)0.003290 0.000000 0.005498 0.000000 0.000026 0.000026 E-2 (g) (1) 0.007382 0.000000 (WWp) 0.000000 0.000000 E-2 (h) (1) 0.002964 0.000000 (Diamond 1) 0.000000 0.000000 E-2 (h) (1) 0.001163 0.000000 (Diamond 2) 0.000000 0.000000 COYOTE SPRINGS E-3(i) 0.0014120.0000000.0014200.000000 0.000000 0.000000 OVERRUN CHARGE (j ) SURCHARGES ACA (k)0.001900 0.001900 Issued by: John A Roscher, Director of Rates & Regulatory AffairsIssued on: February 14, 2008 Effective on: January I, 2008 Filed to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RP06 -407 -008, issued January 7 ( 2008, 22 FERC ~ 61,012 Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation FERC Gas Tariff Third Revised Volume No. I-A Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 29 of 33 substitute Sixth Revised Sheet No. 5 Superseding Substitute Fifth Revised Sheet No. 5 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHARGES FOR TRASPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS (a) Rate Schedule ITS - 1 MILEAGE (n) (Dth-Mile) NON-MILEAGE (0) (Dth) DELIVERY (c) (Dth-Mile) FUEL (d) (Dth-Mile) MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM MAIMUM MINIMUM BASE (e) 0.000000 (e)0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.0050i 0.0000% EXTENSION CHARGES MEDFORD E- 1 (Medford) (f) 0.003290 0.000000 0.0054980.000000 0.0000260.000026 COYOTE SPRINGS E-3 (Coyote Springs) 0.001412 0.000000 (i) 0.001420 0.000000 0.0000000.000000 SURCHAGES ACA (k) 0.001900 0.001900 (Continued) Issued by: John A Roscher, Director of Rates & Regulatory AffairsIssued on: February 14, 2008 Effective on: November I, 2007 Filed to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RP06-407-008, issued January 7,2008,22 FERC' 61,012 Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation FERC Gas Tariff Third Revised Volume No. 1-A Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 30 of 33 substitute Ninth Revised Sheet No. 6 Superseding Substitute Eighth Revised Sheet No. 6 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHAGES FOR TRASPORTATION OF NATUR GAS Notes: (a)The mileage component shall be applied per transported by GTN for delivery to shipper and delivery points in Shipper's contract. Sheet 3 for receipt and delivery point and pipeline based on Consult milepost mile to gas the primary receipt GTN' s sys tem map on designations. (b) The non-mileage component is applied per Shipper i s MDQ at Primary Point (s) of Delivery on Mainline Facilities. (c) The delivery rates are applied per pipeline mile to gas transported by GTN for delivery to shipper based on distance of gas transported. Consult GTN's system map on Sheet No. 3 for receipt and delivery point and milepost designations. (d) Fuel Use: Shipper shall furnish gas used for compressor station fuel, line loss, and other utility purposes, plus other unaccounted-for gas used in the operation of GTN's combined pipeline system in an amount equal to the sum of the current fuel and line loss percentage and the fuel and line loss percentage surcharge in accordance with Paragraph 37 of this tariff, multiplied by the distance in pipeline miles transported from the receipt point to the delivery point multiplied by the transportation quantities of gas received from Shipper under these rate schedules. The current fuel and line loss percentage shall be adjusted each month between the maximum rate of 0.0050% per Dth per pipeline mile and the minimum rate of 0.0000% per Dth per mile. The fuel and line loss percentage surcharge is 0.0000% per Dth per pipeline mile. No fuel use charges will be assessed for backhaul service. Currently effective fuel charges may be found on GTN's Internet website under II Informational Postings. II Issued by: John A Roscher, Director of Rates & Regulatory AffairsIssued on: February 14, 2008 Effective on: February 1, 2008 Filed to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RP06-407 008, issued January 7, 2008, 22 FERC ~ 61,012 Questar Pipeline Company ("Questar") Applicable Tariffs and Rate Schedules Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT~G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 31 of 33 FERC GAS TARIFF FIRST REVISED VOLUME NO. 1 (SUPERSEDES ORIGINAL VOLUME NOS. 1, 1-A, 2 AND 2-A) of QUESTAR PIPELINE COMPANY Filed with FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 32 of 33 Communications regarding this tariff should be addressed to: L. G. Wright, Director, Regulatory Affairs Questar Regulated Services Company 180 East 100 South P.O. Box 4536 a Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0360 Telephone: (801) 324 -2459 FAX: (801) 324-5935 Questar Pipeline Company FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. i Base Rate Schedule/ Tye of Charge (a) PEAING STORA Monthly Reservation Chrge Maximum Minimum Usage ChargeInjection Withdrawal CLA BAIN STORAE Firm Storage Service - FSS Monthly Reservation Chrge Oeliverability Maimum Minimum Capacity Maximum Minimum Usage Charge Injection Withdrawal Authorized Overru Charge Maximum Minimum Interruptible Storage Service - ISS Usage Charge Inventory 1/ Maximum Minimum Injection Withdrawal OPTION VOLUMTRIC RELEES ~/ Peaking Storage Service - PKS Maximum Minimum Firm Storage Service - FSS Maimum Minimum Storage Usage Charges Aplicable Peaking Storage Service - PKS,Injection Withdrawal Clay Basin Storage Service - FSS, Injection Withdrawal STATEM OF RATES Anual Tariff Rate (b) $ 2.87375 0.00000 0.03872 0.03872 2.85338 0.00000 0.02378 0.00000 0.01049 . 0.01781 0.30315 0.01781 0.05927 0.00000 0.01049 0.01781 3.40890 0.00000 0.57068 0.00000 to Volumtric Releases l/ PAR AN LO SERVICE - PALl Daily Charge Maximum Minimum Delivery Charge 0.03872 0.03872 0.01049 0.01781 0.30315 0.00000 0.02830 Exhibit NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 33 of 33 Twenty-First Revised Sheet No. 6 Superseding Twentieth Revised Sheet No. 6 Currently Charge Adjustment 4/ (c) $ 0.00190 0.00190 0.00190 0.00190 0.00190 FUL REIMURSEM - 2.0% (0.2% utility and 1.8% compressor fuel) for Rate Schedule PALl 0.00190 Issued by: R. Allan Bradley, Issued on: August 29, 2007 Effective~ (d) $ 2.87375/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.03872/Dth 0.03872/0th 2.85338/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.02378/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.01239/0th 0.01781/0th 0.30505/0th 0.01971/0th 0.05927/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.01239/0th 0.01781/0th 3.40890/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.57068/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.03872/0th 0.03872/0th 0.01239/0th 0.01781/0th O.30315/0th O.OOOOO/Oth 0.03020/0th President and CEO Effective on: October i, 2007 EXHIT NOS. 4-10 CASE NO. INT -G-08-03 INTERMOUNTAI GAS COMPAN (7 pages) IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Su m m a r y o f G a s C o s t C h a n g e s An n u a t T h e r m s 10 1 1 1 2 0 0 7 To t a l A M u a t An n u a t T h e r s l 10 1 1 1 2 0 0 To t a An n u a t Co s t 0 1 S e r v i c e A l l o c a t o n o f G a . C o s t A d j u s t e n t 1. 1 Li n e BU U n g D e n a n t s Pr i c e Co s t Bi l i n g D _ n a n l s Pr i c e Co s t An n u a l No . De s r i p t i n IN T . G - l 7 . 0 3 IN T . G . 0 7 . 0 3 IN T . G . 0 7 . 0 3 IN T . G - 0 8 . 0 3 IN T . ( . 0 8 . 0 3 IN T . ( . 0 8 - l 3 Di f e r e n c e RS . l RS . 2 GS . l LV . l (a ) (h ) (e ) (d ) (e ) (f (g ) (h ) (i ) ül (k ) 0) 1 DE M A D C H A R G E S : 2 Tr a n s p o r t o n : 3 NW P T F . l D e d 1 ( F u i l R a t ) " ) 62 5 , 8 8 0 , 1 0 0 $ 0. 0 3 8 8 8 $ 24 , 2 0 9 , 8 2 7 62 5 , 8 8 0 , 1 0 0 $ 0.0 3 9 2 7 $ 24 , 5 7 8 , 5 2 4 $ 36 8 , 8 9 7 $ 43 , 5 7 4 $ 20 , 2 8 7 $ 12 3 , 5 9 1 $ 1,2 6 5 4 NW P T F - l D e n d 1 ( D i s c n t e ) ( 3 ) 19 7 , 2 0 4 , 4 0 0, 0 2 8 2 9 5,5 7 8 , 7 9 1 32 4 , 9 2 5 , 2 6 0 0, 0 2 6 6 8,6 5 6 , 4 3 7 3,0 7 7 , 6 4 6 36 3 , 7 2 5 1,6 7 1 , 7 0 7 1,0 3 1 , 6 5 5 10 , 5 5 9 5 Up s t m C a p a c ( 4 ) 1,2 9 3 , 5 0 3 , 3 4 0 0, 0 1 2 8 3 16 , 5 9 8 , 6 5 3 1, 2 8 5 , 7 9 5 , 0 6 0 0,0 1 1 8 1 15 , 1 8 9 , 4 9 3 (1 , 4 0 9 , 1 6 0 ) (1 6 6 , 5 3 9 ) (7 6 5 , 4 2 3 ) (4 7 2 , 3 6 3 ) (4 , 8 3 5 ) 6 Str a g e : 7 SG S - l 8 De m a d 30 3 , 3 7 0 I S ) 0. 0 0 1 6 9 18 7 , 0 2 3 ( ~ 30 3 , 3 7 0 ( 5 ) 0.0 0 1 5 5 17 1 , 2 9 9 ( ~ (1 5 , 7 2 4 ) (1 , 5 8 ) (8 , 5 4 1 ) (5 , 2 7 1 ) (5 4 ) 9 Ca p a t y D e d 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ( 5 ) 0. 0 0 0 0 6 24 7 , 1 4 2 ( ~ 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 (5 ) 0.0 0 0 0 6 22 3 , 2 2 5 (~ (2 3 , 9 1 7 ) (2 , 8 2 7 ) (1 2 , 9 9 1 ) (8 , 0 1 7 ) (8 2 ) 10 TF - 2 R e s a t o n 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ~ ) 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 4 , 7 7 9 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ( 5 ) 0.0 3 7 8 8 41 3 , 6 8 7 (1 , 0 9 2 ) (1 2 9 ) (5 9 3 ) (3 6 6 ) (4 ) 11 TF - 2 R e d e l i v e r C h a i 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ~ ) 0. 0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 6 3 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 ~ ) 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 6 3 12 LS 13 De m a d 1, 1 3 3 , 0 0 0 ( ~ 0. 0 0 3 0 6 1, 2 6 5 , 4 4 8 ( ~ 1,1 3 3 , 0 0 0 ( 5 ) 0.0 0 3 0 5 1, 2 6 1 , 3 1 2 I ~ (4 , 1 3 6 ) (4 8 9 ) (2 , 2 4 7 ) (1 , 3 6 6 ) (1 4 ) 14 Ca p a c 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 ~ ) 0.0 0 3 9 1, 5 5 9 , 4 7 3 ( 6 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 ( 5 ) 0.0 0 0 3 9 1, 5 5 9 , 4 7 3 ( ~ 15 Uq u e l a c o n 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 ( 6 0. 0 6 4 1 1 70 2 , 3 3 8 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 ( 5 ) 0. 0 6 1 1 70 2 , 3 3 8 16 Va p z a t 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 ( 5 ) 0. 0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 3 6 6 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 ~ ) 0.0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 3 6 6 17 TF - 2 R e s e a t o n 10 , 9 5 5 , 1 5 0 ( 5 ) 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 6 , 0 7 7 10 , 9 5 5 , 1 5 0 ~ ) 0.0 3 7 8 8 41 4 , 9 8 1 (1 , 0 9 ) (1 3 0 ) (5 9 5 ) (3 6 7 ) (4 ) 18 TF - 2 R e d e l i e r C h a r g e 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 I ' ) 0. 0 0 3 0 0 32 , 8 6 6 10 . 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 I ' ) 0.0 0 3 0 0 32 . 8 6 6 19 Ot e r S t o r F a c i l i t e s (5 5 8 , 6 9 1 ) ( 7 (6 6 , 0 2 8 ) (3 0 3 , 4 6 8 ) (1 8 7 , 2 7 8 ) (1 , 9 1 7 ) 20 CO M M O D I T Y C H A R G E S : 21 T o l a P r o d u c o S u p p H e r P u r c h a s I n c l u d i n g S t r a e 30 1 , 1 7 , 1 1 7 0. 6 3 5 8 3 19 1 , 4 9 4 , 9 0 3 30 1 , 1 7 , 1 1 0.7 8 4 8 4 23 6 , 3 7 2 , 7 0 9 44 , 8 7 7 , 8 0 6 4.9 4 7 , 7 0 3 24 , 7 2 5 , 1 7 4 14 , 8 0 7 , 8 9 0 39 7 , 0 3 9 22 TO T A L A N N U A L C O S T D I F F E R E N C E $ 46 , 3 1 0 , 3 3 3 $ 5,1 1 7 , 0 0 2 $ 25 , 5 0 3 , 2 9 0 $ 15 , 2 8 8 , 0 8 8 $ 40 1 , 9 5 3 23 No r m H z e d S a t e s V o l u m e ( 1 0 1 1 1 0 . 9 1 3 0 1 0 7 ) 33 , 2 0 3 , 8 3 1 16 5 , 9 2 9 , 6 2 6 99 , 3 7 5 , 1 4 5 2, 6 6 4 , 5 1 5 24 Av e r e B a s e R a t C h a n g e $ 0.1 5 4 1 1 $ 0.1 5 3 7 0 $ 0.1 5 3 8 4 $ 0.1 5 0 8 5 25 ot e r P e r m a n e n t C h a n g e s P r o p o s e d : 26 Eü m i n a o f T e m r y C r e t s a n S u r c a r e s f r m C a s e N o . I N T - G - l 7 - 9 3 0.0 2 0 4 1 0.0 2 4 5 8 0.0 2 6 5 5 0.0 1 3 3 4 27 Ad j u s t e n t to F i x e d C o C o I o n R a t ( s e E x h i b l l 5 , U n e 2 4 ) 0.0 0 5 2 4 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 4 9 0.0 0 1 7 8 28 To t a l P e r a n e n t C h a n g e s P r o p o s e ( L i n e s 2 4 t h r o u g h 2 7 ) : 0.1 7 9 7 6 0.1 7 8 6 8 0.1 8 0 8 8 0. 1 6 5 9 7 29 Te m o r a r S u r c a r g e ( C r e i t ) P r o p o s e ( E x h i b i t N o . 6 , L i n e 4 , C o l s ( h H e ) ) (0 . 0 1 2 1 5 ) 0. 0 0 4 1 3 (0 . 0 5 1 8 ) 0. 0 4 1 8 5 30 Pr o p o e d A v s r a g e P e r T h e r C h a n g e i n I n t u n t a n G a s C o m p a n y T a i $ 0.1 6 7 6 1 $ 0.1 8 2 8 1 $ 0.1 7 5 7 0 $ 0, 2 0 7 8 2 (') S e e W o i p a e r N o . 5 , U n e 8 (2 S e W o i p a p N o . 1 (3 ) S e W o r t p a p N o . 2 (4 ) S e W o i p a p N O . 3 I~ R e p s e t s N o n . A d d i t i v s D e m a d C h a r e D e n a n t s (6 ) P r i c e R e f D a i l y C h a r g e ; A n n u a l C h a i ( C o l d & g ) e q u a l s P r i ( C O L c & Q t i m e A n n u a l T h s i B i l i n g D e l s r m i n a n ( C O L b & e ) t i m e s 3 6 5 . A c a l P r i c e i n c l u d e 6 d e c i m a l s . (7 S e e W o i p a N o . 4 , L i e 3 3 , C o l u m n ( e ) "U - ( ' m O) ~ O ) X CO C D e n : : CD " ' C D õ ' .. 5 z ; : o c : 0 Z -: : ' 0 .. o r Z ' 3. - l ~ G) ø 0) i en 0 (' c : 00 3 w "C0)::-. IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Su m m a r y o f F i x e d G a s C o s t C h a r g e s An n u a l T h e r m s l 10 1 1 1 2 0 0 7 An n u a l Li n e Bi l i n g D e t e r m i n a n t s Pr i c e s Co s t No . De s c r i p t i o n IN T - G o 0 7 . 0 3 IN T . G . 0 7 . 0 3 IN T - G . 0 7 . 0 3 (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) 1 DE M A N D C H A R G E S : 2 Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n : 3 NW P T F - 1 D e m a n d 1 ( F u l l R a t e ) 62 5 , 8 8 0 , 1 0 0 $ 0. 0 3 8 6 8 $ 24 , 2 0 9 , 8 2 7 $ 4 NW P T F - 1 D e m a n d 1 ( D i s c o u n t e d ) 19 7 , 2 0 4 , 4 0 0 0. 0 2 8 2 9 5, 5 7 8 , 7 9 1 5 Up s t r e a m C a p a c i t 1, 2 9 3 , 5 0 3 , 3 4 0 0. 0 1 2 8 3 16 , 5 9 8 , 6 5 3 6 St o r a g e : 7 SG 8 - 1 8 De m a n d 30 3 , 3 7 0 0. 0 0 1 6 9 18 7 , 0 2 3 ( 2 ) 9 Ca p a c i t y D e m a n d 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 0. 0 0 0 0 6 24 7 , 1 4 2 ( 2 ) 10 TF - 2 R e s e r v a t i o n 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 4 , 7 7 9 11 TF - 2 R e d e l i v e r y C h a r g e 10 , 9 2 0 , 9 9 0 0. 0 0 3 0 0 32 , 7 6 3 12 LS - 1 13 De m a n d 1, 1 3 3 , 0 0 0 0. 0 0 3 0 6 1 , 2 6 5 , 4 4 8 ( 2 ) 14 Ca p a c i t y 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 0. 0 0 0 3 9 1, 5 5 9 , 4 7 3 ( 2 ) 15 Liq u e f a c t i o n 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 0. 0 6 4 1 1 70 2 , 3 3 8 16 Va p o r i z a t i o n 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 0. 0 4 1 8 4 45 8 , 3 6 6 17 TF - 2 R e s e r v a t i o n 10 , 9 5 5 , 1 5 0 0. 0 3 7 9 8 41 6 , 0 7 7 18 TF - 2 R e d e l i v e r y C h a r g e 10 , 9 5 5 , 2 0 0 0. 0 0 3 0 0 32 , 8 6 6 19 Ot e r S t o r a g e F a c i l i t i s 4, 5 1 4 , 5 8 2 - 20 To t a l F i x e d G a s C o s t C h a r g e s $ 56 , 2 1 8 , 1 2 8 $ 21 No r m a l i z e d S a l e s V o l u m e s ( I N T - G - 0 8 - 0 3 E s t i m a t e d V o l u m e s ) = 22 Fix e d C o s t C o l l e c t o n p e r T h e r m ( L i n e 2 0 d i v i d e d b y L i n e 2 1 ) $ 23 Cu r r e n t F i x e d C o s t C o l l e c t i o n p e r T h e r m $- 24 Dif f e r e n c e ( L i n e 2 2 m i n u s L i n e 2 3 ) $ (1 ) S e e W o r k p a p e r N o . 5 , L i n e 8 (2 ) P r i c e R e f l e c t D a i l y C h a r g e ; A n n u a l C h a r g e ( C o l d ) e q u a l s P r i c e ( C o l c ) t i m e s A n n u a l T h e r m s ( C o l b ) t i m e s 3 6 5 . Co s t o f S e r v i c e A l l o c i o n o f G a s C o s t A d j u s t m e n t ( 1 1 RS . 1 RS . 2 GS . 1 LV . 1 (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) 2, 8 6 1 , 1 9 0 $ 13 , 1 5 0 , 2 2 1 $ 8, 1 1 5 , 3 5 2 $ 83 , 0 6 4 65 9 , 3 1 8 3, 0 3 0 , 2 7 1 1,8 7 0 , 0 6 1 19 , 1 4 1 1, 9 6 1 , 6 7 9 9, 0 1 6 , 0 0 6 5, 5 6 4 , 0 1 8 56 , 9 5 0 22 , 1 0 3 10 1 , 5 8 6 62 , 6 9 2 64 2 29 , 2 0 8 13 4 , 2 4 2 82 , 8 4 4 84 8 49 , 0 2 0 22 5 , 2 9 8 13 9 , 0 3 8 1,4 2 3 3, 6 4 4 18 , 2 1 2 10 , 9 0 7 14 9 , 5 5 4 68 7 , 3 6 2 42 4 , 1 9 0 4, 3 4 2 18 4 , 3 0 3 84 7 , 0 7 0 52 2 , 7 4 9 5, 3 5 1 83 , 0 0 4 38 1 , 4 9 4 23 5 , 4 3 0 2, 4 1 0 54 , 1 7 1 24 8 , 9 7 4 15 3 , 6 4 8 1, 5 7 3 49 , 1 7 3 22 6 , 0 0 3 13 9 , 4 3 1, 4 2 8 3, 6 5 6 18 , 2 6 9 10 , 9 4 1 53 3 , 5 4 7 2, 4 5 2 , 2 1 6 1, 5 1 3 , 3 2 9 15 , 4 9 0 - - 6, 6 4 3 , 5 7 0 $ 30 , 5 3 7 , 2 2 4 $ 18 , 8 4 4 , 6 7 2 $ 19 2 , 6 6 2 - 33 , 6 1 6 , 7 5 5 17 9 , 1 0 8 , 0 6 6 11 2 , 7 1 1 , 2 2 7 2, 4 7 7 , 8 1 5 = = 0. 1 9 7 6 3 $ 0. 1 7 0 5 0 $ 0. 1 6 7 1 9 $ 0. 0 7 7 5 0. 1 9 2 3 9 $ 0. 1 7 0 1 0 $ 0. 1 6 6 7 0 $ 0. 0 7 5 9 7 - 0. 0 0 5 2 4 $ 0.0 0 0 4 0 $ 0. 0 0 0 4 9 $ 0. 0 0 1 7 8 "U - a m ni ~ n i x co ( 1 C I : : (1 . . ( 1 e ' .. ~ z ; : o c 0 Z -: : ' 0 .. o r Z ' :f - l 0 1 i G) G ) ni i CI 0 a e ¡ 00 3 ( , "'ni:: .- . 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Variable Costs Line No.Description (a) Amount (b) 1 Account 1860 Variable Amounts Which Apply to RS.1, RS.2, GS.1, and LV.1: 2 Account 1860 Variable Costs (1)$15,378,923 3 Normalized Sales Volumes (10/1/06 - 9/30107)301,173,117 4 Proposed Temporary Surcharge(Credit) . Variable Costs $0.05106 5 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to RS.1, RS.2, and GS.1: 6 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-07-03 (Account 1860-2120) (2)$1,199,834 7 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amortization (Account 1860-2130) (3)(1,336,458) 8 (Over)/Under Collection of Lost and Unaccounted For Gas from INT-G-07-03 (136,624) 9 Lost and Unaccunted For Gas INT-G-08-03 (4)2,127,002 10 Total Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to RS-1, RS-2, and GS-1 $1,990,378 11 Normalized Sales Volumes (10/1/06 - 9/30107)298,508,602 12 Proposed Temporary Surcharge(Credit) . Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs $0.00667 13 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV.1, T.3, T.4, and T.5: 14 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts from INT-G-07 -03 (Account 1860-2120) (5)$399,945 15 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amortization (Account 1860-2140) (6)(438,619) 16 (Over)/Under Collection of Lost and Unaccounted For Gas from INT-G-07-03 (38,674) 17 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas INT-G-08-03 (7)709,756 18 Total Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Amounts Which Apply to LV-1, T-3, T-4 and T-5 $671,082 19 Normalized Sales Volumes (10/1106 - 9/30107)208,817,575 20 Proposed Temporary Surcharge(Credit) . Lost and Unaccounted For Gas Costs $0.00321 (1) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 17, Column (f) (2) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 19, Column (d) times core allocation of 75% per Order No. 30443 (3) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 23, Column (d) (4) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 32, Column (e) times core allocation of 75% per Order No. 30443, plus Line 36, Column (e) (5) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 19, Column (d) times industrial allocation of 25% per Order No. 30443 (6) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 27, Column (d) (7) See Workpaper No.6, Page 1, Line 32, Column (e) times industrial allocation of 25% per Order No. 30443, plus Line 40, Column (e) t-oo..~ ò.~ ~ ~ .8 õ Een ! ~ 1! ~~ U "' == ~~ 8 &iñ(I c: ..oc as .c(! O g 2: ~ ==oc.- CD !Z iì .2=i "' ~o ~ ~~ :¡ :sw g -;~ c: CD2: oc E 'õ .E .'!!. ~~"ias Nc: = oc as Eoz Exhibit NO.1 0 Case No. INT -G-08-03?f ~~~?f ?f ~~~~?f ?f Intermountain Gas Company0000000- ~ LO m 0 ""LO 0 m co LO N 0 coc:co 0 ""N co co co co r-""r-LOCD 5 e: "'cx cx r-r-có N có m iò iò r-Page 1 of 1l:~~~N ~("N ("~æ r-("0 co r-m co ("r-eo "" ~i~ 0 LO LO co 0 m N LO co """"..co ("0 0 N 0 co N LO N r-m m ("r-co N """"g ("("CD C"~~m ~0 0 co 0 00.c .c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.¡:Cl t: -D-o0CD ..&'0'-as :!.. 0 m r-eo NCD~0 m 0 co LO ("co~CD co co ("~m r- ("tõ 0""m.co ("m N r- co co;,..M N'N'cõ r-"'t;CD ~co co ""m CD ::("""co 0 r-r-LO ~r-t::g £c:0 0 ("LO 0 "!r-LO ~co CD :§M c:N'N co ir r-c.w ;,""m ~LOe~~~(" D- &' ~ 1i "' £ ClCDW 0 :g J! ~c. c: e QJ aD- .5 .. ::~ .. CD'" ~;, 0 0 ï3 ~ ~Q) 9 ci ff C) ~ !Z_' CD0= ~00it z c: CD CD 00' II 'iñf! u .!!CD .. E .. CD E.. c. 0u ls CD::i~ ~ lE~.c "'t: - êl~CD 0;,-~ iñ ~~ c~~a oc E CD.c~ I .2 :; Cã0- Xlc ~enen ooenCl :g zOI:: tõr-eo~o &' ~ir ¡gir &' ~coN~ &' ~~cico""~ &' Mco gM(" :!'EQ)"0 & ~ N ~~o LO~M("("g Nr-o~., Nm(" ~.-co~ ~ci SJg~ ëi~Q)"0"ëñ &.~~ (" or-LOr-~o (" Ng"".-~ oco;'mo ~Mcoco~ LO""~ ~cim .~2:Q)en~Q)c:Q)Cl~ chCl "" Ncol:No ot! frLO tiN~o mN("oN LO~ ~N ~:: ~ Ql E?en..~~.. LO ~~o NtiN c;("LO ~ § "" io("mo ~ r-~~("r-~ g oo "*en giCl ~ co g 8o Nti~ æmoo ~~~~ co("LO gg c:o ~ 8.ooc: ~("~ r- g 8o o g mtõ ~ gti~800 0 o""~N'co~ co r- ~:: 0 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ com ~o (" r-è' ("~tõ 000 ~cS tõir N COCO ~(" CO'-0om"" ;'""MNr-~~ 00 0"" r- or-co 0cS N' N~~ ~ ~ ~ c:o ~ 8.ooc: ~ "'~ ~=0 -g æ EE EQ) 0e.~ c: c:o 0~~'l 'lo 00. 0.oo ooc: c:~ ~~ ~ ~~ CO m ~ ~oo g~~"" ~ 1i~ ~~ NoNooo LO~r-~ N;'("oo ~No("r- o~("LO~ CO~ c:o ~ 8.(/c:f!~ ~ N~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ § ¡ l ~ ~ -g 1; ê ~::~ i("~ :: WORKAPERNOS.1-8 CASE NO. INT-G-08-03 5.-........b INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN (9 pages) Workpaper NO.1 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF.1 Full Rate Demand Costs Line INT.G.07.03 INT.G.07.03 INT.G.07.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 412,537,600 $0.038844 $16,024,611 2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 25,550,000 0.038414 981,478 3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 73,000,000 0.038414 2,804,222 4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 23,542,500 0.037984 894,238 5 TF.1 Demand 1 Contract #5 54,750,000 0.038414 2,103,167 6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.038414 1,402,111 7 Total Annual Cost 625,880,100 $0.038681 $24,209,827 Line INT .G.08.03 INT .G.08.03 INT.G.08.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 8 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 412,537,600 $0.038979 $16,080,303 9 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 25,550,000 0.051407 1,313,449 10 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 73,000,000 0.038313 2,796,849 11 TF.1 Demand 1 Contract #4 23,542,500 0.037883 891,861 12 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 54,750,000 0.038313 2,097,637 13 TF.1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.038313 1,398,425 14 Total Annual Cost 625,880,100 $0.039270 $24,578,524 15 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 14 minus Row 7)$368,697 (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 3, Column (h) Workpaper NO.2 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Northwest Pipeline TF.1 Discounted Demand Costs Line INT.G.07.03 INT.G.07.03 INT.G.07.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 43,680,000 $0.037980 $1,658,966 2 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 28,470,000 0.022790 648,831 3 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 29,404,400 0.020690 608,377 4 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 22,650,000 0.037980 860,247 5 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 36,500,000 0.022790 831,835 6 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.026590 970,535 7 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 8 Total Annual Cost 197,204,400 $0.028289 $5,578,791 Line INT .G.08.03 INT .G.08.03 INT .G.08.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 9 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #1 43,680,000 $0.037883 $1,654,729 10 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #2 28,470,000 0.022730 647,123 11 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #3 29,404,400 0.020637 606,819 12 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #4 54,750,000 0.015911 871,127 13 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #5 36,500,000 0.022730 829,645 14 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #6 36,500,000 0.026518 967,907 15 TF-1 Demand 1 Contract #7 95,620,860 0.032201 3,079,087 16 Total Annual Cost 324,925,260 $0.026641 $8,656,437 17 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 16 minus Row 8)$3,077,646 (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 4, Column (h) Workpaper NO.3 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Upstream Capacity Costs Line INT.G.07.03 INT .G-07 .03 INT.G.07-03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Upstream Agreement #1 199,158,600 $0.013629 $2,714,333 2 Upstream Agreement #2 155,624,370 0.007413 1,153,643 3 Upstream Agreement #3 155,025,220 0.021966 3,405,284 4 Upstream Agreement #4 300,325,650 0.013629 4,093,138 5 Upstream Agreement #5 292,197,100 0.007408 2,164,596 6 Upstream Agreement #6 191 ,172,400 0.018662 3,567,659 7 Total Annual Cost $17,098,653 8 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits $(500,000) 9 Total Annual Cost Including Capacity Release Credits $16,598,653 Line INT .G.08.03 INT -G.08.03 INT .G.08.03 No.Transportation Annual Therms Prices Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d) 10 Upstream Agreement #1 190,501,320 $0.015280 $2,910,860 11 Upstream Agreement #2 155,624,370 0.005945 925,187 12 Upstream Agreement #3 155,025,220 0.016505 2,558,691 13 Upstream Agreement #4 300,643,200 0.015281 4,594,129 14 Upstream Agreement #5 292,803,000 0.005941 1,739,543 15 Upstream Agreement #6 191,197,950 0.015487 2,961,083 16 Total Annual Cost $15,689,493 17 Estimated Upstream Capacity Release Credits $(500,000) 18 Total Annual Cost Including Capacity Release Credits $15,189,493 19 Total Annual Cost Difference (Row 18 minus Row 9)$(1,409,160) (1) (1) See Exhibit 4, Line 5, Column (h) Workpaper NO.4 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Summary of Other Storage Facilty Costs INT.G-07-03 Line Monthly INT.G.07.03 INT -G-07 .03 INT.G.07-03 No.Storage Facilties Biling Determinant Prices Monthly Cost Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Demand Costs - 2 Clay Basin I Reservation 266,250 (1)$0.285338 $75,971 $911,652 3 Clay Basin II Reservation 221,840 (1)0.285338 63,299 759,588 4 Clay Basin ill Reservation 213,010 (1)0.285338 60,780 729,360 5 Clay Basin i Capacity 31,950,000 (2)0.002378 75,977 911,724 6 Clay Basin II Capacity 26,625,000 (2)0.002378 63,314 759,768 7 Clay Basin ILL Capacity 25,560,000 (2)0.002378 60,782 729,384 8 AECODemand 26,064,970 (2)0.001747 45,536 546,32 9 Total Demand Costs 110,199,970 (3)$445,659 $5,347,908 10 Cycling Costs . 11 Clay Basin i & II Cycling Costs 58,575,000 $0.000877 $51,362 $616,340 12 Clay Basin ILL Cycling Costs 25,560,000 0.000878 22,448 269,378 13 AECO Cycling Costs 26,064,970 0.002192 57,129 685,542 14 Total Cycling Costs 110,199,970 $130,939 $1,571,260 15 Storage Demand Charge Credit $(2,404,586) 16 Total Costs Including Storage Credit $4,514,582 INT.G.08.03 Line Monthly INT -G.08.03 INT .G-08.03 INT.G-08.03 No.Storage Facilties Biling Determinant Prices Monthly Cost Annual Cost (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 17 Demand Costs. 18 Clay Basin i Reservation 266,250 (1)$0.285338 $75,971 $911,652 19 Clay Basin II Reservation 221,840 (1)0.285338 63,299 759,588 20 Clay Basin ill Reservation 213,010 (1)0.285338 60,780 729,360 21 Clay Basin i Capacity 31,950,000 (2)0.002378 75,977 911,724 22 Clay Basin II Capacity 26,625,000 (2)0.002378 63,314 759,768 23 Clay Basin II Capacity 25,560,000 (2)0.002378 60,782 729,384 24 AECODemand 26,064,970 (2)0.001865 48,611 291,666 (4) 25 Total Demand Costs 110,199,970 (3)$448,734 $5,093,142 26 Cycling Costs. 27 Clay Basin i & II Cycling Costs 58,575,000 $0.001165 $68,222 $818,663 28 Clay Basin II Cycling Costs 25,560,000 0.001156 29,539 354,462 29 AECO Cycling Costs (4) 30 Total Cycling Costs 84,135,000 $97,761 $1,173,125 31 Estimated Storage Demand Charge Credit $(2,310,376) 32 Total Costs Including Storage Credit $3,955,891 33 Total Annual Cost Difference Including Storage Credit (Row 32 minus Row 16)$(558,691) (5) (1) Charge Based on Maximum Daily Withdrawal (2) Charge Based on Maximum Contractual Capacity (3) Non Additive Billng Determinants; Includes only Capacity Volumes (4) Reflects April 1 , 2009 contract termination. (5) See Exhibit 4, Line 19, Column (h) IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y Pe a k D a y A n a l y s i s f o r D e m a n d A l l o c a t o r s Li n e Fi r m S a l e s To t a l Fi r m T r a n s p o r t t i o n To t a l F i r m To t a l No . De s c r i p t i o n RS - 1 RS - 2 GS . 1 LV - 1 Fi r m S a l e s T.1 T. 2 Tr a n s p o r t t i o n Pe a k (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (n (g ) (h ) (i ) (j DE M A N D A L L O C A T O R S P E R C A S E N O . I N T - G - 0 7 - 0 3 : 2 Pe a k D a y T h e r m s 44 5 , 2 4 6 2,0 7 6 , 4 6 9 1, 1 7 6 , 6 0 8 12 , 8 5 0 3, 7 1 1 , 1 7 3 12 3 , 3 8 7 55 , 0 7 0 17 8 , 4 5 7 3, 8 8 9 , 6 3 0 3 Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l 11 4 4 7 0 0 % 53 3 8 4 7 4 % 30 2 4 9 8 7 % 03 3 0 3 7 % 95 . 4 1 1 9 8 % 31 7 2 0 % ~ 4.5 8 8 0 2 % 10 0 . 0 0 0 0 % 4 PR O P O S E D D E M A N D A L L O C A T O R S P E R C A S E N O . I N T . G . 0 8 . 0 3 : 5 Pe a k D a y U s a g e P e r C u s t o m e r 7. 1 2 9. 6 7 42 . 8 7 6 Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 8 A c t u a l C u s t o m e r s 62 , 1 6 9 21 0 , 3 8 4 29 , 2 8 6 30 1 , 8 3 9 7 IN T - G - 0 8 - 0 3 P e a k D a y T h e r m s ( L i n e 5 m u l i t p l i e d b y L i n e 6 ) 44 2 , 6 4 3 2, 0 3 4 , 4 1 3 1, 2 5 5 , 4 9 1 12 , 8 5 0 ( 1 ) 3, 7 4 5 , 3 9 7 0 0 o ( 1 ) 3, 7 4 5 , 3 9 7 8 Pe r c e n t o f T o t a l 11 8 1 8 3 0 % 54 . 1 7 0 % 33 . 5 2 0 9 0 % ~ 10 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 % Q. ~ 0. 0 0 0 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 0 0 % (1 ) F Y 0 9 F o r e c a s t C o n t r a c t T h e r m s "U 5 " ( ) ~ ~ C D g i Q (\ . . ( \ " .. 3 Z O O o g 0 - 8 -: : ' ( \ .. r o z ' " S' - l Z G) 6 9 gi 6 o i () e ¡ 00 3 w 00 Ol::-. Workpaper NO.6 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Analysis of Account 1860 Surcharges (Credits) Estimatd Sepember 30, 2008 Line!'Description Oetell Oeteil Amount Sub-Totel Totel (.)(b)(c)(d)(.)(f ACCOUNT 1860 VARIABLE AMOUNTS: Net Cumulative Deferre Gii Balance in 1860.2010 as of 10/1107 (1,478,527.72) Amortzation in 1860.2020 as of6J8 1,249,504.41 Estimated Therm Sales 7/1 through 9130108 22,117,231 Amortzation Rate 0.00507 112,134.36 Estmated Amortizatin in 1860.2020 at 9130108 1,361,638.77 Estimalo Balanc. in 1860.2010 at 9130/08 (116,88.95) 8 Deferred Gas Costs From Proucel'/Suppliers In 1860.2180 at 1011/07 (168,720.04) 9 Deferr Gas Costs From ProducersSuppliers in 1860.2180 through 6J3 14,812,595.62 10 Esllmaled Deferrd Costs in 1860.2180 II1m 71 thl1ugh 9110 649,424.70 11 Estimalo Balance In 1860.2180 at 9130/08 15,293,30.28 12 Daily Gas Exc... Sales Deferr.d In 1860.2240 al 6130108 13 Inte..st Deferrd In 1860.2340 at 10/1/07 29,103.62 14 Inlerel Deterr in 186.2340 thl1ugh 6J 80,440.55 15 Esllmaled Interest fl1m 71 through 91108 92,967.43 16 Estimaled Balance In 1860.2340 et9130/0I 202,511.80 17 ESTIMATED ACCOUNT 1860 VARIABLE BALCE AT 9/30/08 15,378,922.93 18 ACCOUNT 1860 LOST AND UNACCOUNTED FOR AMOUNTS: 19 Net Cumulative Deerred Gai Balanee in 1860.2120 ai of 10/1/07 1,599,779.00 20 Core Amortzation in 1860.2130 as of 6101 (1,246,11.81) 21 Estimated Therm Sales 7/1 through 91010 21,697,898 22 Amortizatn Rate (0.0015)(90,046.28) 23 Estimated Amortzation in 1860.2130 at 9I (1,336,458.09) 24 Industrial Amortization in 1860.2140 as of 6110 (353,254.93) 25 Esimated Thenn Sales 7/1 thl1ugh 91310 44,693,225 26 Amortization Rate (0.00191)(85,364.06) 27 Estimated Amortzatin in 1860.2140 at 91310 (438,618.99) 28 Estimalo Balanco in 1860.2120 at 9/3018 (175,298.08) 29 Lost & Unaccounte For Gas Deferral in 1860.2150 at 1011/07 749,593.05 30 Lost & Unaccunted For Gas Deferrl.in 1860.2150 through 613108 1,322,042.41 31 Estimated Deterr Costs In 1860.2150 frm 7/1 thl1ugh 91310 711,99.59 32 Estimated Balance in 1860.2150 at 9130108 2,783,626.05 33 Core L&U Interest Deferred in 1860.2340 at 1011107 2,08.25 34 Core L&U Interet Deferr in 1860.2340 thl1ugh 610108 29,148.87 35 Estimated Core Interest from 7/1 through 9110 8,04.28 36 Estimalo Belanc.ln 1860.234 at 9130/08 39.282.40 37 Indusllal L&U Inle..st Deferrd In 1880.2360 et 10/1/07 1,293.41 38 Industral L&U Interest Deterrd In 1860.2360 thl1ugh 6130108 9,695.68 39 Estimate Industrial L&U Interest frm 7/1 through 91310 2,860.71 40 Estimalo Balance in 1860.2360 et 9/30/08 13,849.80 41 ESTIMATED ACCOUNT 1860 LOST AND UNACCOUNTED FOR BALANCE AT 9/30/08 2,661,460.17 42 ACCOUNT 1860 FIXED AMOUNTS: 43 Net Cumulative Deferre Gas Balance in 1860.2050 at 10/1101 ($3,939,492.15) 44 R5-1 Deferr Gas Balance In 1860.2060 allO/1107 1,049.70 45 Amortzation for RS-1 in 1860.2060 at 61310 273,486.70 46 Estimated RS-1 Thenn Sales 7/1 thl1ugh 9130108 736,939 47 R8-1 Amorttion Rate 0.00788 5,807.08 48 Estimated RS~ 1 Balance in 186.206 at 9~3 280,343.48 49 RS.2 Deferr Gas Balance in 1880.2070 at 1011107 12,369.44 50 Amortiztin for R5-21n 1860.2070 a161018 2,06,548.66 51 Estimaled R5-2 Thenn Sales 7/1 through 9~10,598,100 52 RS~2 Amortization Rate 0.01228 130,144.67 53 Esllmate R5-2 Balanc in 1860.2070 al 9130108 2,212,06.77 54 G5-1 Deferr Gas Balance In 1860.2080 at 1011107 (19,410.12) 55 Amortizaiion for GS.1 in 186.2080 at 613108 1,527,520.50 56 Estimate Thenn Sales 7/1 through 9130108 10,362,859 57 G8-1 Amorttion Rate 0.01509 156,375.54 58 Eslimate GS-l Balance m 1860.2080 at 91310 1,664,48.92 59 Induslrtal Deferrd Gas Balance in 1860.2090 at 10/110 (10,691.55) 60 Amort~atlonforLV.l, T-1, T-2, & T-5ln 1860.20 al6I108 $202,476.63 61 Estimate LV-11T-1 Blood & 2 Thenn Saies 71 through 913108 1,736,733 62 LV~1fT~1 Amortizatin Rate 0.00588 10,211.99 63 Estimated T-2I.. Contrac Demand Volumes 7/1 through 9110 165,210 64 T ~2I -5 Amortzation Rate 0.15365 25,384.52 65 Estimated Industrial Balanc in 1860.2090 at 9130108 227,381.59 66 Estimated Cumulative Balance In 1860.2050 at 9130108 444,781.61 Workpaper NO.6 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of2 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of Account 1860 Surcharges (Credits) Estimated Septmber 30, 2008 Une~Description Detail Detail Amount Sub-Total Total Ie)(b)Ic)(d)(0)in Fixed Coet Collection Dorrd in 1880.2200 - 2260 al 1011/07 (447,17225) F~ed Cost Collecn Deferr In 186.2200 - 2260 llrough 6110 ($15,241,533.22) Estimate F~ed Cost Collectkin Deferr lrom 71 through 91310 8,250,767.96 Esllate Balancoln 1860.2200 - 2260 ot 9130106 (7,437,937.51) Copaclty Roleand/Purchasod Delorro In 1660.2320 at 10/1107 (280,524.03) Capacity ReleasePurcase Defened in 186.2320 Ihrough 610108 (891,913.83) Estimafed Capacty ReleasdlPurcas Delened from 7Illrough 91018 (514,656.11) Estimatad Balance In 1860.2320 at 9130108 (1,687,093.97) 9 Intarost Defarred In 1860.2420 at 10/1107 128.39 10 Interest Delened in 1880.2420 through 61108 (1,270.18) 11 Estimate Interest frm 7/1 through 913010 316.71 12 Estimated Balance in 1860.2420 at 9130108 (825.08) 13 Intaresl In 1860.2430 at 10/1/07 4,846.47 14 Interest Defened in 1860.2430 through 610108 (100,660.76) 15 Estimated Interest frm 711 through 9ßOI0 (61,831.5) 16 Estimate Balance In 1860.2430 al 9130108 (157,645.44) 17 MlrketSegmentation Deferre In 1860.2530 at 10/1101 0.86 18 Markt Segmentation Deferrd in 186.253 through 610108 (2,543,639.20) 19 Estimatd Deferrl in 1860.2530 from 7/1llrough 913018 (860,601.84) 20 Estimated Balanc in 1860.2530 at 91310 (3.404,240.18) 21 R8-1 Amortiztkin in 1860.2540 at 6130108 410,360.00 22 Estimated RS-l Therm Saleslrom 7/1 through 913010 736,939 23 R8-1 Amorttion Rate 0.01161 8,555.86 24 Estimated RS-l Amortzatin in 1860.2540 at 91018 418,915.86 25 RS.2 Amortzatkin in 1860.2540 at 61108 1,945,923.04 26 Estimated RS-2 Therm Saies from 7/1llrough 913018 10,598,100 27 RS-2 Amortzatkin Rate 0.01138 120,606.38 28 Estimated R8-i Amortization in 1660.2540 at 918 2,066,529.42 29 GS-l Amortizatin in 1860.2540 at 610108 1,05,912.78 30 Estimafed GSl Therm Sales frm 7/1llrough6l10 10,362,859 31 GS-1 Amortizan Rate 0.01054 109,224.53 32 Estimated GS-l Amortzatkin in 186.2540 at 913010 33 Estimate Core Amortizatin in 1860.2540 at 913010 3,648,582.59 34 LV-If-l Amortizatkin in 186.2550 at 6~38 88,423.81 35 Estimated LV-1fT-1 Bloc 1 &2 Therm Sales from 7/1 through 9130108 1,736,733 36 LV-11T-l Amortizan Rafe 0.00430 7,467.95 37 Estimated LV-11T-1 Amorttkin in 186.2550 at 9110 95,891.6 38 T-2I.5 Amortizatkin in 1860.2550 at 6110 35,907.92 39 Estimate T-2I -I Contra from 7/1 through 91310 165,210 40 T.2f-5Amortzatin Rate 0.07245 11,969.46 41 Estimated T-2I -I Amortiztkin in 1860.2550 at 9130108 47,87738 42 Estimated Industral Amorttkin in 1860.2550 at 91310 143,769.14 43 Esll,tad B,lanco in 1860.2530,19/30108 388,111.55 44 ESTIMATED ACCOUNT 1860 FIXED BALANCE AT 9/30/08 (8,450.608.84) 45 TOTAl DEFERRED ACCOUNT 1860 BALNCE 9.589,n4.26 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of LV.1 Tariff Block 1, Block 2, and Block 3 Adjustments Line No.Description (a) Block 1 Therm Sales (b) LV-1 Therm Sales (10/1/06 - 9/30/07)2,664,515 2 Blocks 1 and 2 Therm Sales 2,664,515 3 Percent Therm Sales between Blocks 1 and 2 100.000% 4 Proposed Adjustment to LV-1 Tariff (1) 5 LV-1 Therm Sales (10/1/06 - 9/30/07) 6 Annualized Adjustment (Line 4 multiplied by Line 5) 7 Annualized Adjustment (Line 4 multiplied by Line 5) 8 Percent Annualized Sales included in Block 1 and Block 2 9 Adjustment to Block 1 and 2 (Line 7 multiplied by Line 8) 1 0 Block 1 and 2 Therms 11 Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 1 and 2 (Line 9 divided by Line 10) 12 WACOG Commodity Charge Change (2) 13 Total Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 1 and Block 2 14 Price AdjustmenUTherm Block 3 (3) 15 WACOG Commodity Charge Change (2) 16 Total Price AdjustmenVTherm Block 3 Block 2 Therm Sales (c) 0.000% (1) See Exhibit NO.4; Line 30, Col. (i) minus the difference of Line 21, Col. (0 minus Line 21, Col. (c) (2) See Exhibit NO.4; Line 21, Col. (0 minus Line 21, Col. (c) (3) See Exhibit NO.6, Line 3, Col. (e) Workpaper NO.7 Case No. INT-G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 Block 3 Therm Sales (d) o o Total (e) o 2,664,515 2,664,515 100.000% $0.05881 2,664,515 $156,700 $156,700 100.000% $156,700 2,664,515 $ $ 0.05881 0.14901 0.20782 $ $ 0.05427 0.14901 0.20328 Workpaper NO.8 Case No. INT -G-08-03 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Analysis of Lost and Unaccounted for Gas ("L&U") Line No.Description (a) Detail (b) Amount (c) 1 Lost and Unaccounted for Gas INT .G.08.03 2 3 Intermountain Estimated FY08 Sales 1 L&U rate per therm embedded in base rates 2 559,313,840 $0.00182 4 FY08 Collection of L&U Gas $1,017,951 5 6 Projected FY08 L&U (Therms) WACOG/Therm 2 4,800,000 $0.63583 8 Projected L&U (Over)/Under Collection (Line 7 minus Line 4) $3,051,984 $2,034,033 7 Projected FY08 L&U 1 Estimated FY08 Sales (Therms) RS-1 RS-2 GS-1 Industrial Total Sales 35,731,041 179,971,737 111,884,740 231,726,322 559,313,840 2 Per INT-G-07-03