HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080508Current T-1, T-2 Tariffs.pdfEXHIBIT NO.1 CASE NO. INT-G-08-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CURRNT T-l and T-2 TARFFS Showing Proposed Changes (4 pages) Idaho PU~lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED MAY -7 200 Boise, Id I.P.U.C.Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Thirt-Fourth Revised Sheet No. 05 (Page 1 of 2) Nameof Utility Intermountain Gas Company Exhbit NO.1 Case No. . INT-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of4 IDAHÓPUBUCUTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE SEP 26907 OCT 1- '07 . ?-. C).I\ . '3 ä"-Ll:, . Rate Schedule T.1 . 11: . SECRETARY FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVI Available a ny mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution s stem to any existin customer receiving rvice under the Company's rate schedules LV-1, T-1, or T-2, on execution of a on year minimum written s ice contract for firm transportation service in excess of 2 ,000 therms per year. This tariff is subject to an adjustment Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Provision. First 250,000 therms transporte $0.13630* xt 500,000 therms transpo d (I $0.09781* An unt over 750,000 ther transported (I $0.01256** MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: hased gas as provided for in the Company' SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas service hereu which this Rate Schedule i er is subject to the General Service Pr isions of the Company's Tariff, 0 part. 2. The customer shall ne otiate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ) amoun , which wil be stated in an wil be in effect thr ghout the term of the service contract. The MDFQ shall n exceed the customer' historical maxim daily usage, as agreed to by the Company. In the even e Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to e availabilty 0 firm inte ate transportation to service Intermountain's system, all such usage may be t nsported an biled der either secondary rate schedule T -3 or T -4. The secondary rate schedule to be ed shall b pre ermined by negotiation between the Customer and Company, and shaii be included in t servic c tract. All volumes transported under the secondary rate schedule are subject to the provision of th pplicable rate schedule T -3 or T -4. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Paul R. Powell Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Effective: October 1 , 2007 ExhbitNo. 1 Case No. IN-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective June 30, 2003 Ju Y 1, 2003 Per O.N. 29277 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Twenty Sixth Revised Sheet No. 05 (Page 2 of 2) Nameof Utilit Intermountain Gas Com an Rate Schedule T.1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) 3. In the vent that total deliveries to any customer within the last three contract p exceede he 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contr t period used less than t contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount sh additional amo t shall be calculated by biling the deficit u~age below 200, 0 therms at the T-1 Block 1 rate. The ustomèr's future eligibilty for the T -1 Rate Schedule wil Company. In the event that total 'veries to any new customer did not me the 200,000 therm threshold during the current contract riod, an additional amount shall be . ed. The additional amount shall be calculated by biling the cu omer's total usage during that ntract period at the Rate Schedul GS-1 Block 3 rate, adjusted for t cost of gas, and then su racting the amounts previously biled during the annual contract period. e customer's future igibilty for the T -1 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiated with the Company. 4. Usage above 750,000 therms in any given ont which is in excess of the customer's historical maximum above 750,000 therms for that same onth, such historic usage measured by the 3 years ended September 30, 1995, wil be biled at t cu ntlyeffective Block 2 price. Embedded in this service is the cost firm interstate p eline reservation charges and distribution osts. The customer is responsible r procuring its own supply of na ral gas under this Rate Schedule. The customer understand nd agrees that the Company is not re onsible to deliver gas supplie to the customer whic ave not been nominated and scheduled r delivery by the interstat pipeline. Any T -1 custom who exits the T -1 service at any time (including, but not ii 'ted to, the expiration of the contrac erm) and does not sign an LV-1 or T-2 service contract wil pay t ntermountain Ga Company, on exiting the T -1 service, all pipeline reservation and distributio capacity cost incurred serve the customer during the T -1 contract period not borne by the custo er during th T -1 c tract period. Any T -1 customer who exits the T -1 service and does not sign an V-1 or T- se ce contract wil have refunded to them, upon exiting the T -1 service, any excess ipelin servation and distribution capacity costs payments made by the customer during the T -1 c trac period. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael E. Huntington Title: Vice President - Marketing & External Affairs Effective: July 1, 2003 Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Company Exhbit No. 1 Case No. IN-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE ~--" . I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 10 (Page 1 of 2) SEP 26 t07 O~,,1-t07 l.o . 6 ,f . 3 OLf., :3 ' Rate Schedule T.2 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS . A"åil re at any mutually 'agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution existing T -2 c tomer whose daily contract demand for nonammonia therms on any giv day meets or exceeds a prede mined level agreed to by the customer and the Company upon exec ion of a one-year minimum written se ice contract for firm transportation service in excess of 200,000 th ms per year. **Includes temporary purchased g MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: Firm Daily Dema First 15,000 tH ms Amount over 15, 00 therms Commodity Charge: For Firm Therms Transport Over-Run Service Commodity Charge: For Therms Transported In Excess $1.81947,t $1.01789* $0.00841** $0.05100** PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adj tment for cost of purchased s as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Pr ision. . 1 All natural gas servo e hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisio of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rat chedule is a part. SERVICE CONDITIONS: The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ times the number of days in the billng mo whichever is less, wil be biled at the applicable commodity charge for firm therms. 2. The custom shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which wil bein effec hroughout the term of the service contract. 3. nthly Demand Charge wil be equal to the MDFQ times the Firm Daily Deman rate. Firm de nd relief wil be afforded to those T -2 customers paying both demand and commodi f gas when, in the Company's judgment, such relief is warranted. ¡Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Paul R. Powell Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Effective: October 1, 2007 Name of Utility Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IN-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas CompanyPage 4 of4 . .. 'IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Seventh Revised Sheet No. 10 (Page 2 of 2) Intermountain Gas Company JUt31 '98".St Rate Schedule T.2 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS (Continued) SECRETARY 5. All tlì rms not biled at the commodity charge for firm therms transported biled a the Overrun Service rate. . . .. 6. The custo er is responsible for procuring its own supply tral1sportatio under this Rate Schedule. 7. Under the overr portion of the service contract, the custom expressly agrees to interrupt its operati ns during periods of curtailment. 8. In the event that total eliveries to any customer within th last three contract periods met or exceeded the 2 ,000 therm threshold, but the ustomer during the current contract period used less an the contract minimum 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be biled. The dditional amount shall e calculated by biling the deficit usage below 200,000 therms a he T -1 Block 1 rate. he customer's future eligibility for the T -2 Rate Schedule wil be ren otiated with the ompany. 9.Embedded in this service is the cost capacity. line reservation charges and distribution 10.The customer understands and agrees gas supplies to the customer which ha e no by the interstate pipeline. the Company is not responsible to deliver een nominated and scheduled for delivery 11. Any T -2 customer who exits the -2 service at any 'me (including, but not limited to, the expiration of the contract term) nd does not sign an V-1 or T -1 service contract wil pay to Intermountain Gas Compa , upon exiting the T -2 s ice, all pipeline reservation and distribution capacity costs' curred on the customer's half not born by the customer during the T-2 contract eriod. Any T-2 customer who es not sign an LV-1 or T-1 service contract wil h e refunded to them upon exiting e T -2 service any excess pipeline reservation d distribution capacity costs paymen made by the customer during the T -2 cont ct period. 2. The customer s all negotiate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDF amount, which wil d wil be in effect throughout the term of the service c tract. The MDFQ eed the customer's historical maximum daily usage, as reed to by the In the vent the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, all such sage may be t nsported and biled under either secondary rate schedule T -3 or T-4. The s condary r schedule to be used shall be predetermined by negotiation between the Custo . rand ompany, and shall be included in the service contract. All volumes transported und the secondary rate schedule are subject to the provisions of the applicable rate schedule -3 orT-4. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Russell L. Worthan Title: Vice President - Governmental Affairs and Resource Planning EXHIBIT NO.2 CASE NO. INT-G-08-01 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PROPOSED T-l and T-2 TARFFS (4 pages) Idaho Public Utìitìes Com . . Office of the S mission R E C E , V ~~tary MAY -7 2008 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Thirt-Fourth Revised Sheet No. 05 (Page 1 of 2) Nameof Utiitv Intermountain Gas Company Exhbit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Pag§ 1 of4 IDAHO PUBLiCUTIUTIES COMMISSION APPROVED. EFFECTIVE SEP 26. .07 . OCT 1- '07 ?-. 6.1\ -. '3IYiLI3 ' . Rate Schedule T.1 ~ 11:~ SECRETARY . FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVlct AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distri customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedules LV-1, T-1 year minimum written service contract for firm transportation service in e 1. tion system to any existing on execution of a one therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Commodity Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: *Includes temporary purchased gas c **Includes temporary purchased ga PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an a Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment P. hased gas as provided for in the Company's SERVICE CONDITIONS: to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of 2.m Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ) amount, which wil be stated in and of the service contract. The MDFQ shall not exceed the customer's s agreed to by the Company. t the Cust m uires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availabilty of a ion to service Intermountain's system, all such usage may be transported and ondary rate schedule T -3 or T -4. The secondary rate schedule to be used shall be predetermine gotiation between the Customer and Company, and shall be included in the service contract. All volumes transported under the secondary rate schedule are subject to the provisions of the applicable rate schedule T -3 or T -4. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Paul R. Powell Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Effective: October 1, 2007 Rate Schedule T.1 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) Exhbit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 2 of4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective June 30,2003 July 1,2003 Per O.N. 29277 Jean D.. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Twenty Sixth Revised Sheet No. 05 (Page 2 of 2) Name of Utiity Intermountain Gas Company 3. In the event that total deliveries to any customer within the last three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be biled. The additional amount shall be calculated by billng the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the T-1 Block 1 rate. The customer's future eligibilty for the T -1 Rate Schedule w' egotiated with the Company. In the event that total deliveries to any new customer did not during the current contract period, an additional amount shall b be calculated by biling the customer's total usage during th GS-1 Block 3 rate, adjusted for the cost of gas, and then su during the annual contract period. The customer's future eligibil renegotiated with the Company. m threshold amount shall ate Schedule reviously biled e Schedule wil be 4. Usage above 750,000 therms in any given mo maximum above 750,000 therms for that sam ended September 30,1995, wil be biled at the customer's historical age measured by the 3 years k 2 price. 5. Embedded in this service is the cost costs. reservation charges and distribution 6. The customer is responsible 0 The customer understands and ag to the customer whic pipeline. its own upply of natural gas under this Rate Schedule. pany is not responsible to deliver gas supplies d and scheduled for delivery by the interstate 7.exits the 1 service at any time (including, but not limited to, the expiration es not an LV-1 or T -2 service contract wil pay to Intermountain Gas ice, all pipeline reservation and distribution capacity costs ing the T -1 contract period not borne by the customer during the T -1 customer who exits the T -1 service and does not sign an LV-1 or T.2 efunded to them, upon exiting the T -1 service, any excess pipeline capacity costs payments made by the customer during the T -1 contract Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael E. Huntington Title: Vice President - Marketing & External Affairs Effective: July 1, 2003 I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1)Fifteenth Revised Sheet No.10 (Page 1 of 2) Exhbit NO.2 Case No. IN-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas Company Page 3 of4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION ApPROVED EFFECTIVEName of Utility Intermountain Gas Company SEl 26 t07 OCT 1 - '07 l.ø . 6 ro . 3 ClLf., 3 I1ho iß.~ SECRETARYRate Schedule T.2 '(J~' '(-"--'. . FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing T -2 customer whose daily contract demand for nonammonia ther ny given day meets or exceeds a predetermined level agreed to by the customer and the Comp cution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm transportation service in exce s per year. MONTHLY RATE: Firm Service Demand Charge: Firm Daily Demand - First 15,000 therms Amount over 15,000 therms Commodity Charge: For Firm Therms Transporte Over-Run Service Commodity Charge: For Therms Transp $0.00841** $0.05100** djustment of $(0.22610) adjustment of $0.00191 PURCHASED GAS COS us ent for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's n. SERVICE CO 1 hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, hedule is a part. 2. The customer shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which wil be stated in .and wil be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. 3. The monthly Demand Charge wil be equal to the MDFQ times the' Firm Daily Demand rate. Firm demand relief wil be afforded to those T -2 customers paying both demand and commodity charges for gas when, in the Company's judgment, such relief is warranted. 4. The actual therm usage for the month or the MDFQ times the number of days in the billng month, whichever is less, wil be biled at the applicable commodity charge fo'r firm therms. Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Paul R. Powell Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Effective: October 1, 2007 I.P.U.c. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume NO.1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Seventh Revised Sheet No.10 (Page 2 of 2) Exhbit NO.2 Case No. INT-G-08-01 Intermountain Gas CompanyPage 4 of4 . .. ~IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVEName of Utility Intermountain Gas Company 5. All therms not biled at the commodity charge for firm therms transported rate wil be biled at the Overrun Service rate. 6. The customer is responsible for procuring transportation under this Rate Schedule. Under the overrun portion of the service contract, the interrupt its operations during periods of curtailment. ees to7. 8.In the event that total deliveries to any customer met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold contract pèriod used less than the contract amount shall be biled. The additional am usage below 200,000 therms at the T -1 B the T -2 Rate Schedule wil be renegotiat n act periods g the current s, an additional d y billng the deficit 's future eligibilty for 9. Embedded in this service is the c capacity. 10. The customer understand gas supplies to the customer w by the interstate pip . Company is not responsible to deliver n nominated and scheduled for delivery 11. the T- 'ce at any time (including, but not limited to, the ntract ter and does not sign an LV-1 or T -1 service contract wil pay mpany, n exiting the T -2 service, all pipeline reservation and . cur. d on the customer's behalf not born by the customer . Any T-2 customer who does not sign an LV-1 or T-1 ve funded to them upon exiting the T -2 service any excess distribution capacity costs payments made by the customer eriod. 12. negotiate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ) amount, which wil be stated in an wil be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. The MDFQ shall not exceed the customer's historical maximum daily usage, as agreed to by the Company. In the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, all such usage may be transported and biled under either secondary rate schedule T-3 or T -4. The secondary rate schedule to be used shall be predetermined by negotiation between the Customer and Company, and shall be included in the service contract. All volumes transported under the secondary rate schedule are subject to the provisions of the applicable rate schedule T-3orT-4. . Issued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Russell L. Worthan Title: Vice President - Governmental Affairs and Resource Planning