HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030203_381.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:MARILYN PARKER DATE:JANUARY 31, 2003 RE:EAGLE WATER COMPANY MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEE; SCHEDULE 2 On January 23 2003 , Eagle Water Company filed Schedule 2 , reflecting the City of Eagle s 1 % franchise fee from the sale of water within the City of Eagle. The Company included a copy of Ordinance No. 415. The Ordinance was approved September 10, 2002, and sets the franchise term for 20 years. Although the requested effective date of the tariff was October 10, 2002, the stated intent of Eagle Water Company is to begin collecting the fee 30 days from the acceptance of the agreement by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. No fees have been collected to date and the Company does not intend to back bill customers for fees retroactive to the date of the ordinance. Based on estimated gross revenues of$540 581 to be collected from customers within the city limits of Eagle, Eagle Water estimates $5 405.81 will be collected for the City of Eagle per year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION I recommend the Commission accept Eagle Water Company s filing with an effective date being the same as the Commission s acceptance date. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission agree? i:udmemos/eagle wtr dm U(~ Marilyn arker DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 31 2003 "" 130 ",, -'\fr-"rn::.l,t.) ' F!LEO ,...-,'y, L,:.. .-- BfI\(C~S'0JNf ~ (llj't:m;.S.\1t~f1:1 !F~1 21 Af'i 8= 29-:;;;RNEYS AT L AW - UU""""'" Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 w,,unt\'cA,17'1 j.ro, Box 1849 99 East Srate Street, Eagle. Idaho 836 6 . ' .!""";"' "" ;~;';t;:~n.t UTiLI!! S L.Uf'1r1~;:)", ---....","~......-".,.~.,"",..;""""."".,.. '.. ............,*""..,...... January 21 2003 Ms. Jean J. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and three (3) copies of Schedule No., Municipal Franchise Fees, filed on behalf of Eagle Water Company. This filing is made pursuant City of Eagle Ordinance No. 415. The IPUC Staff had requested an estimate in the filing transmittal letter as to how much revenue Eagle Water anticipates collecting on behalf of the City of Eagle per year. That estimated amount is $5 405., based on estimated billing collections of$540 581.00 for Eagle Water customers located within the corporate limits of the City of Eagle. The requested effective date of the tariff is October 10, 2002. Please send us a copy of Schedule No., after it has been approved. Sincerely, () ~ .' ,- //Z ~~~~~ Myrna J. Walters Administrative Assistant Tariff No.Page: Sheet No. 37 Original I.P.C. No. Cancelling Name of Utility EAGLE WATER COMPANY INC. SCHEDULE NO. MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEES PURPOSE The purpose of this schedule is to set forth the charges such as license, privilege, franchise, business occupation, operating, excise, sales or use of street taxes or other charges imposed on Eagle Water Company by municipal corporations, and billed separately by the Company to its Customers within the corporate limits of a municipality. APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to all bills for Water Service that have been calculated under the Company service schedules as filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and is limited to such service provided by Eagle Water within the corporate limits of the respective municipality located in the Company s service area. CHARGE The rates and charges for Water Service provided under the Company s schedules will be proportionately increased by the following charge for customers located within the respective municipality on and after the effective date of the charge for the applicable municipal ordinance, which charge will be separately stated on the customer s regular billing. Munici ali Ordinance No.Char City of Eagle Ordinance No. 415 Issued:Effective: Title:President 01/29/2003 WED 14: 55 FAX 12089387904 RICHARDSON OLEARY !O 20eT5~e.5827SEP-17~02 1q,~S rROM'CrT~ OF EACL~ """'11"'" ""L..;;~\J, ..1.1 141 002/005 PACE 11'5 AN ORDlNA.~CE IN ACCORDANCE WITH IDAHO CODS 50-328, 51J.-329 ~~) So.:329aGRANTING A FR-\NCHISE TO EAGLE WATER. A (~ORPORATION. AND TO ITS SUCCESSORSAND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUcr ~"TAIN AND OPER."\ TE W, UPOr-; AND t-"NDER 'T'HEPRESENT A,.\)'I) FlJ1't1RE S~S. HTGHW AYS AND O'tHER PtJBUC PLACES Wn1iIN TImCORPORATE LIMITS OF THE erry OF EAGl_E. IDAHO, WAFill UTILrrY PROPE~n' A.\IDPACJI.lTlES FOR. SUPPL'YlNG WATER A..'ID WATER Sr.R.VlCE TO THE CfrY, TIm~"HABIT ANTS THEREOF, Ai.'m OTHERS FOR A 1'ER.\1 OF 20 'YEARS, INCLUDING THSNOl'!"EXCLUSIVE RlGHT TO PHYSICALLY LOCAIE ~~'D M~"TAIN WA7ER LIN::EST P1PES.EQUIPMENT OR OTHER WATER :FA~: SETTING FORTH AN AGREE:M:eNr NOT TOCOMPETE; RESERVING POWER OF EMINEm DOMAIN: PROVrD~~G FOR THE PAntlENT OFfRANCEISE FEES; AND SPECFtING OTHER L1-rtIT'ATIONS. TERMS A.ND CONDmONSGO~1NO TIiE EXERCISE OF SAID FR..4,,;.~c..9LSE, A-'ID PROVIDil'fG A.1\J EFfECTIVE, DATE. BE IT OlUJA1NED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF ErftGLE, IDAHO THA. t~1 SEcrlON 1; Th~ at-I of Eagle, Ida!lo (bereinafter caU* the "City ) heteby gIOmts tl~ EAGLEWATER. a corporazion.. :we! to its successors and ~!p:;. OlzoretJ.attt'!J' called. the "Omo.t!:e") the right(subject: to the right$ Df the City SI:C foI1'lI in Se-;uon 24 JI~ecf). pri';jlege a.:1d franchi2 lor a poetloc1 twenty (20) years. ftom the eff~"tiv~ da~~ of this O:ctnanc:~ however, witf1 the rigbllO aroend by muruaIagreement in ~cordano: 'IJo/ith Section 15. to cor;~ttUc; e trend, improve!, miliItain CIlld m.. upoaand under the present and fuCtlr" sii'~Ct:s-. aI!e~1 highway:; and oilier pubHI; pl~~ within the I;orporat~limitS oftbe City. ware-. utility prcpetty and !acUities for ~UPl'lying w~rer to the Cit)" 2JJd th~ iLl!2abitanrsth~rrof, ana to persons and corpor:uicn.!! beyOtld We limits of thd City- irJclud~ng the DQUe~c1usiv,: right tophysical1y locate aI3C1lJ1aintaID W:ifet 1ine$. pipes. ~trip.lIj~t or otlJl;'". W3~~r faciliti~ of the G:1U:tee orothtr parties.. (provided, war Gr:nItee ~) comply wi. b t:.'l~ 0.t:';'s requirtmesns for waret gYStettlfranchises) .tli subjoc:t to tbc t~ iiItd t;ondiUOQs herciI:.2di:e:r ~~ifi~- Tn the case Qf anne);atlvD ofprope-ny to the CO1't)Orate Ijmit. :!ucb 111;~ will be cornir:ler~l \:Ild3I' this 'l1g:re~~t. upon eff~tivl~ d:m: ofthe 3.nu~~tion, subj~-:t to seclion 9 ter~of. Ail ~Ui:h Wl!.t~ u.ti11ty i'r~l"cy a.."1d fl!ciliti~s now -O).;!.intain~by the Grantee Within the 3tn:ets, alleys, hi&!tways and Qtb~r pu~n.: pI~es witbin tht' corponte :.imits oftilt C:ity ~1 be dee.a:ed covered by this OJ'dimnce- ~ proV1 ded b.er~iQ- SECTION 2: AIl of the Gnnt~e s watU pl-opert'; a.DC facilities in. upon and UTJd~ the pres~tand future ~~. alle)-s, hi.ghways and pilbU.; places within tbt; .;orpora~ limj~ 01 the Cit)'~hall c-onsl:ruCted ~d at all nJ:tJ/!S ~intained in good order a.'1d c ::nditiolJ and ir. accordance ....--;m including allappijc.abl~ State and federal regulatiollS ana 311 constructkn st2.'1dMds P~~:1tly iD effect OJ" th~ IcWIDPar-lie Utiliril:$ Co~ss.ion (pCC) "-t' adoptee by that Ct)mrcis$ion duriug; tho tc:ml of this franchiSiaagreemen t. 1iI; 1:'SECTION 3: Upon request of tbe City. the Grantee slal! ~lcca~e itS f~mti~s is ne::'essaxywithin the pJeSe!U and fiUure meets, alleys , highwaY5 and ~er public place~ cwueC by tbe Ci~y, TbeCity ~a1l m'lle no responsibility for t!le cOSt.'; of !~h relo:a.dons. Th*: G.a"m:ee shall bear the relocating itS facilities at the City 5 request. unless the f~ijities aJ:e; to be IelO(:a~ for ihe ~e:fit of tbir4 party, i1\ which the tbi1d party sMil pa~ the cost! of rek--=ation- In t.~e eVCI\r fcdenJ, &~ta.te orod1~ fund$ aI-- av:tIlaQIe in whole or in pan for utility reloc~dn. purpoSe3. the City shall apply f~)I s~hfunds and tte Oran,ee will b: ~in:JbU1'Stc to the extellt atJy n.ch fullds are o'!.ctIJaUy obta.1red. SEerrON 4: It sha!l be 1,Q;"-ful for the Gl-dQt&-.. to oUI lIeedfuJ OT CQl1ve:ment tx.;.av'3.tionsandfor installations i~ any of the F~( and f.nure :otreets. alley. bighw-a,)'s and Qtit~ pubIie pla.ces"?tml". the ~otporQt~ llinits of rb~ City fer me pUIpl'.tS~ of l1~talling, mair:wrililg an4 ope-rttiug pipes,lmes. i;Onduits, va.1y~s) fire byd.'1Wts, m:lO"S-, v~ul(s and y;ire 3..'td otht:.r equ.ip~t and. appurtenlUlc:es for Page 1 , .,01/29/2003 WED 14: 55 FAX 12089387904 RICHARDSON OLEARY 141 003/005 g5P-17-0~ 1~'Q7 ~RCM,CI~Y OF E~GLE ID,208+S3S+5827 P~~E~"" 1-""1"/"'.. .l"III,;",.UU. \1) I '~lJLtlJ illl.J 1I:,pr'()\'~ ~!Jt.:t1 w:ltn' SY~I~11) an;,! ( '.11:11-;;1 ~11~ ::'.IU~. pl'ov'd~d 1t'.14!whell (h~ Gra:;~~ (,'r a:lY f-~ - _ -00. Or cuQorilrion under tht: aurhM:ty of \hi:- franchise. $hall disturb a,ny ofsOJ,jd $tteets. alley:;. highways or ether publk places for tb~ ptJrpme$ afor=said. he, it QI they !;b.~! restore!be same to iOt."d order 3JJd condition as SOO-!l as praCticable ~d without l,JJ:U.'lec~SS4I)' dda.y and failing todo so after leI: da~s' Dod~ ft"n1 the City, or its duly 3l11:.'t~d offic~ o. officen. then the City tM)'plac~ ~d ~t, 3l1ey. b:iiD'tIr1l.Y, t'I public place in ~I;h condj~on at the c~ and e~D$C of lhe:Gtact~ .1.nd said Onntee WiI) fonhwitb pay the fl.1Il COSt and ~xpense tbe.reot" "Upon demand of the City,All facilities con~ this ordinance shall be 'p~:ed and .coa:intair.c:d at suct! places 3..'1d positiou$U) ~.r !:Ipon such public W3~ ;uxl public pbc:s as sh.ill nf'.t int(!;;f~re with tl~~ p~e of tttffic and ~IlconfClnn ~ all applicable laws. rules 311d regul.uiOT:5. 2/5 SECTION 5: 'The C1ty. through t&~ chief of it!, fire dep4ItmeDt Of other properly Itl:.ttborizedoffi~. lDa.y ~ w~ from the fire bydnms for extiJ:1gui~hmg fires. \"~hing or flllsf:Ung Qnim;gl1~and sewers. in its Street$., a.lr'enues. alleys and Other publi:; pl~es a:nd for sptinkling: the publi~ Streets.when~".d the C;.ty CO'..1nc:iJ aJ'!d Mayor- .x board of heafth deem it neeesS31Y, Th~ water so USC~ by Cit)' si'.all be without acIdi1:ioml compensation to Gr~tI=e. II! c0n3iderrv;foo. for privijeg~ and bmcfitsof this use of water and the covenants COI1t4in~.d in tl'j~ or-~ce. th~ City C;OverumJ;~ thai: this J!3nchise!Uld the plant and all property 110w or here4fter a~uircd, owned. ~on.sr.ructe't mainUined and operated:u.der this franchise by CVOOl~, stal! be-. exeaqx freta. t:bt-. p'a~t or a?:~ municipal t:!xes andUSe$~ts which 3rt: Ol'" I!3aY be assessed by CiC:-j du.ini tbe tenu of wi;) franchise. When the ihmcbise:)1' other prQperty of Gran~e is Dot ex.:mpted by tJ::~ Cit). then ~he City covenants to pay Gr:Q1tee, asrental, ;1 sum eqool to the amount Gra.n~e pays or is rec(Wr~d ~ pay to the- City as-'th-ey aa:rue andl)ecome due, out of the general revenues of City. Tac: Gnuv--s perfonna.a~ of cbe COV~I:laI1t5 c':Jntainedin. tm3 or~Ge and th~ gr;wtjng to Ci~ of me privi1eg~ and benefus above are in dfecr a. paytr.leIlt ofd:e ra.xt'.$ 3!Id ass~SSI)JeDCS. whict-. a2'~ OX' tt!ay be ~s.sessed or the Ci~J durnlg tlte term ~f t~ fran(~se. mall oth~r c~e;; J:tOt specifil:d in this crdinau~ wher~ Gnu:,Supplies the Cn;, 'with. or the O,ty uses,water, it shall be p:1id tOc by th~ aty OUt of its ~nml reve11ues ~t the rnt~ in p)aee and as esra.bli.shed bythe PUC SECTICN 6: The City $ball have the right and priYJege f() im;taU ;!ad maintain liDes aud pi~sfor its ()\\'U us.: for its firt~. pQ!ic~~t aOO other servic:e:. adjacent to Jjn~~ and oth..'"T' fadJjties =reeLedand maintained by the Gn.ntee hereunder, subject to the Ral~ Jnd Reg-Llbtion$ of the Idaho PublicUrdicie$ CommissiQo" The c.'t)' :shail mslaU. :ma:inram sad c'pe~te such lines 3.."'1d pipes ar :ltS ownC:i'i-ptmSC. risk !1nd responsibi1ity. and in ~ccordai1~ "1th ~JI legal requj,re~nt.q ar.d good engineering~eti~ and in such nImno' 3.5 not to impose any ~tiOJ3 ~ e;;;per.se Upon Ora.~ of its ~:d cant1u.itSand facilities. .'U".y su.cb. lines of the City shan be ~uttj~t t~ interfete:cce :,y the G~ 0111:( whennecesSaI"f in tht: mam~enanc:e. operation or repa~ the :irantee s OWn ~b:.~e:$, I~. f2CiIi6~s aDdappuctemaces. SECTION 7: The 0rJn~ shall at all i1l~ID1rify and !:tdd the City, it.~ o'fficer~employee's a.nd :iiP.at.s., ha.rm!es& n-om i1Jl.Y iUlO ail )f liabUit;, ar.isirtg from or by reascn of anynegligent act or OIr..is.sion of !.be C~tee, it$ repr~~u:tuivEos ~ emplo.yees. in ti1~ Co-~structiOIl. op.~onor maiutl3naDce of uy o-fthe Grantee's water untiry property ,)t facilities. S:ECTION 8: Upon acceptance of :his frar.chi$c ~y Gran~ aIid before Grantee should haveany right$ he.eundl:r. CumtCC shall file with the at\; Cled; 9. Certificate of hlsunnce evidencing Ce.n.~alL~ability Insur~ which ':O\'-ers claims !:or Bodily Irrj~I)', PropeI1.f Dan).age ;,ud Pe!:'5ona! InjQry. SuchiD~ce sball ha.ve Inini~\IXa liInits of $1,000.000.00 per O!;~enc~. Th~ City of Eagle $halJ ~ 11amedas an n Additional Named InslI1ed" UDd~ ~tee 3 in,')t!!IUl;e poJicy. Sl1ould the 11iliWnuw 1lnllts ofirw"l1r.ut::e as set forth bercil3 be ~tea~ aOol,'e $1.000.000. purSUant to tJ;~ Idaho Tort Claims Act(Idaho Cod~ ~tioD. -:"'901 e.t. :;eq.) or any ~iJ:uilar legtsI~ticu, the ('~ shall be teq~d to pr~viJe th~City with a. DdW Ce::rificate of rnsu.~~ ~vjdencing t&1e highex liu-..i:s 1.1XJ1i the City's ~uest. Pag~ 2 '-'";.. Ii:! 01/29/2003 WED 14: 56 FAX 12089387904 RICHARDSON OLEARY 141 004/005 5EP-1?-e2 14'~7 PROMTCITY ~F EAGL~ ~ECTION 9; ~ W:ir.(l:r :I~r'l:ce 10 fu(l1l51ltd k) lhe: pub,..; ~ren,Hld~I. a.1Jd a); rar~5 I\J'.dcharges. th=retor~. .md ~ll ~gWar:ion of the Grante~ here'U:Uder. ~!1 at ~H t~ be $ubjl%t 1~ aU rolesregulation;; and order !hat may be lawfully prescribed ~y:he Id.a~c Public Util:itie~ CoD1Jni~siOt~ or by anyother go...ettI:mc~.L3.t s.uJ~ority !:lOW or hereafter ha:vi:Ig jmi sdicticn over !.iucl1 mab:e::s. During the tcI1?S ,")fthis francbise. OE'amee shUt at .ill tizr~ as8'.lr~ tba~ CU:;t:-mers. w:thir. the City ~YtS ~'C~ ~I Cl!Stom:r~1\I~ ttonl the C-ranree as t~quired by tl:~ I:bho Public OtiJitii:'-$ CO!IIroJSSion. 10, 20eTS;:J~.61927 P.:I.c;1E ~/5 SECTlo,'llO: As c~,=,tiOl1 for ~e righr. ;Tivilegc and fr.am:bis~ .he-r~b:'j gt'"'~ted, Grmte.eagree.o; to pay to the City on or ~fore the 30th day cf Janua..ry. April, Jw; a.qd Oclobe-rr ttn amoontequivalent to Ol"l~ perc.ettt (1%) of ~1.ee $ " g::'o~s ~V:-'lues " fOf the pr~=diDg ca.l~d.at ql.iOiXter. FOI:'PUtpO5es of tlus StcuOD. "grfJ3S re,venues" shciJ meat: ~~e Ill'nOUDt ~f mo-n~y M!ed by the GRDt~ fox- thewater it $ells within the corpor3I~ limits of c1\.;-: City to c:UStOCl::r., Less tJ.a.;ol1oct:1bles. The City shallpr~\'1de appmpria.re icfoI'mitton to-!he, Gruc~ tQ Iillow ~~ Gr.:mr..."e to id~~lify whkl1 of it~ Ctlst~ areloo!tCed wirhi;:t 'be corporate litUits of ~~ City for PUlpose~ of pajing fr&lcbise f~-es, o.utee sbll nel: berespctUible f~, a:J.y failure to) pay bnch~ f~, whicb. resul~ iron-. deficiencies ia such in::ca-:n;uiouprovided by the City. In ~~~ evear City 2JJIIe:tes a ae'.t,: area rut;) :!: Corpo)u,te limits. tbe tenm ot"this~QQ 9 regaroing fumcbi$~ f~s shall :o.ot app(y to t!~ ~:ne::.ed ~ea tmtii 5i~ty (60) days afr~~ the CItyhl$ S'LlppAied the Granu-~ with appropri4t~ informzf.'1.on to:' :he id~f'.k:~ti()Il of the Gr~te~$ ~us1Omerswithin th~ zmr.e."(~ area. The Gr3ntee ~ mwclWe fee pa~t obligations h~(".U!Hie'f shall c~nc~ ~th the stltt of the ~~' :fr~ full (..i11mg I:Ycle follQWUl~ ~ effecth-~ J:a,~ of tms ordinance; provided., that ~, Gr;tll~IIWSt first ~eive OlpF"'Jv31 fu)1:n m~ Ici..-..110 p.;.tblic Utilirle$ c.OmTJ $-!,i.:.a fol' ::cile(.tioQ of the j:r.tncbistfee in t~ :n:t~ ,:'harged by Gnr.tee. SECTION 1.1: The City shall ha-..'WI".. right du:-wg lel-m of tlU.$ iranclrise .\t~~~u~nl toinc~se tbe francbbe fe-~ h...~WJdtn' up ~O three ~:ec~ (3%). by o~~ s.pproviJl of a '~-,,:jori!y ofv.-)te~ of the Cil)" "'ori:1g on ~~ q'JeStT.on at .m ~le.;riQJ1 held in acccro..mce ",in; Chilpter 4. Tide 50, IdahoCode.. Any such \'O~ to in~~....a5e the ~q..:his~ fee h~tel,:nd.:r .:..11311 pro ...do! ~::u U::t.-reased fr&lclW::f~ will appLy to U~. Wale"; servi~, pr'-;)\fjde-., (oth~r that. City who utili~s rhe Cli:':":$ ~treet$, ~tlieys ,):other ;-uolic plac~s to pl'ovide ~s.e"nice wj~hUi ft:.: City. durir:g the t~mIOJftl'Ji~ ~'aDl;hise a.g:re.~ment SECTION 12: The ~$ sl2U kee,p acCW'!l~ books of .10\"'.fJ-I.!~t fo:- !he coll~,"'tiOI:: of thefnnchise fees he;reunder and L~ City shAll h.1;r~ th~ rip to il)~t ~he $~ at !i~.:s d~ng busin~shoQ,\~. and OOtn tinle to ~ ~t the s~ (OJ.' tfJe p~se of d~~ grcJ$$ reYeI:Ur;~ und~ Sdctk:n9 aOO\Je. SECt10N I3: Tht: &a.a.cbise r~es t'ald ty t~ G:a.n'~ here::tOOer ~ill be!: in Ueu of and &5paymenr for any tax OI f~ by the: City on the Grantee by \'D:tue of l1s $tatr.Js a$ a p'Ublk CItilityinc!L!dUi-g. but D.OI: !irnited !.aA~s;. fees or cb.~ge$ rehl:~ t;:J ei\:'.Ct.'I,e,ms. fRnc~~ rit'At:s-of-W3)' utilityHJ;I~s and equtp~nt instal1aoou. m:linL!:p.:aDce ~d re::nt)'(oa,j dllrin~ the of dJis ~chisc a~D1eI1t. SECTION 14: In con:;iderv.ion. of ~(e.::s U1.;dcr..a.king nerelJlldc:r and .a$ ~xjsts IlpOl!. effQCtiv~ \hite of this ocdWan(;$, 6: City ag;"'.-e:i not !o :ngag:- ill till: busir.~ss of PI'o1i~dillg ',Vakr ::eLVic~during t:ht! lif!! of this funIc~$e or 3DY ~.~t~Dsion 1t.~of in. Ute. -=ertifioted ar~ ap!,fo.'ed bJ the f'tJC asof ~""~mber iO, 2001 and as $~Jo...~ucnLh ~d~ iN th,~ pm:, NOthttiC' h~:in coo~ed shall be ......~ """~ CO~4 01" deemed to prevent th~ Cit) from ~:terci5jng a an:; time ~y :pew~:- of cIt'1In~ domaingraated to it \Ulder the laws, of tl\e Stare I)f Idah~. T~ City ~haU ~Ot PJl~ ~ r.~~hise to a!1oUttr Wafer~ct: p;-ovider during t.~ t~nn:o -of "this franchise .a~ee!.l:~Dt urJC::$~ th~ "I;ar~ ser,"ke- p.ro\'idl~r received ~PPX-Qva1 to provIde ""3ter St...i~ ""itl1ia t!te Ci.-y tem r::.e Batte r'ibJic UtiHtif:-~ Co.11:Jmjs~i(lt!...wd the Cif;- bas 1n:Ipo~ the S-:!me fran1,:h.:s("; :i~ ':;'1) th~ w,uar 1;er\i~c ,~~vider as !Jlli.d by tbe GtaJ?tc~. Page 3 01/29/2003 WED 14: 56 FAX 12089387904 RICHARDSON OLEARY eEP-17-02 1~rqS FRCM,CITY OF .ACL~ :D.2~8+~~a.6e27 ~~GE ,sl:(""TiON 1.5; . .1~ evem of an ~l1dmtr-.f to (he laws, ru.~s or regolaLjoIls of Lite City ofEagI~. t.!:;o Slate of Idaho Or tile Public: Utiliti~ ComroiSS-,ioD of IdW appliCable to tbc:ir franc~..se. or tocperiooic review of any section of this ~t. thc;, te:nu of rhis fuulchise and the rights and privilegeshereby comerred ma)t' re ,h.1bged. altered, ~ded or modified upon IIlUt\W agree:meut between, theCit~. and the Orzmtee. 10 aU cases, sixty (60) days notiee shill be requ.ir~ on the p2.tt of tile City - ' Gr~tee to reopen the a~Clt pursu:'l.!)t to this section. 141 005/005 4/5 SECI10N 16: &J.y \1olar.ion by the Gtan~ of provisions of this ordio.w:tce. fmnchise ahdgrant Or ~y IrJUerial portions thereof 0:- (be fauUte proI!lplJ~ to pcrfOtIn 2.I1~ of provi$iOl:lS 1b~fsbaU be cause for the foriciture of this frarichise md ~t sJI ri~ h~~lU1der by me C'ity afttr I~fx~ (60)day,' written notice to the Gnntee the COOtWww~ Ofiuch violatiOQ, failure default; howe';e::-, thisproVi$iQD shall nOt preVetlt the Gra%Jtee frozn $Ubmitting ;;!,)cn question of vio1a!ion or forfem:re to meappropriate forlWl (which may ~?ud~ Lie districr coon b.!.ving j~-risdi...~Q.Il Or the Idaho Public Utilirie$COmmission) for df;te'J:minariQn. SECTION 17: Sale, assigD.iI!cnt Or lea:;e of this frar1chise is prohibited without priOJ wrine:oCOl1~ of CitY, The C'.it)"s consent UIld~ this Sectioo.:balI nOt uarcasvna.bl~- denied, SECTION 18: The City shall 0ISS1nne 1h~ COSI of pubi1catton of tbj! francWse; as suchpublication is required by l~w. ~mcrIoN 19: Inasmuch as the GTa:JttA: l-oa:) COllS:~d and now js maintaiDing and oper~the wa1A:r utility property and facilities In, Upon and under t~ stre.e~. alley::. highways, and public placesin We City. it is hereby adjudged and decLared that this QldjQIniC~ is necessary for the pre3erviitbCn of the-,public ~~c. h~tb and $Uety. and therefcX'e tlU~ l)rdi:1a.cc~ shall cake effect upon its ~e. approval:wd publication, 'IlU~ Ordinance. or il summary thereof in complia...'1Ci~ ""-ttb Section 5'O-90IA, I:WIQ Code. ~ha11 bein full fo~~ and ~ecr thtny (10) cays it'~ its rassag~. approvaJ .:and publication m the officialIlew~~ of the City of Eagle, lCQho. PASSED A.~"'D ADoPTED hy the Council of the City of :s.:.i ;le, Id:ilio thj~ 10th day of Sept~ :WOZ. APPROV1!."'D by the May~ ofth~ City ofEagJ~, Idaho this 10th day of Septembei' 2002. (SEAL) Page 4