HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060816order_no_30115.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date August 16, 2006 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JANE ROBINSON, CASE NO. INT-06- COMPLAINANT, INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY ORDER NO. 30115 RESPONDENT. In February 2006, Jane Robinson made an informal complaint against Intermountain Gas Company disputing the amount of natural gas consumed at her Boise residence during the 2005-2006 winter heating season. IDAPA Attempts to resolve the informal complaint were not successful. Having exhausted her informal complaint remedy, Ms. Robinson filed a "formal" complaint against Intermountain Gas on April 13, 2006. IDAP A The Commission issued a summons directing Intermountain Gas to answer the Complaint. On July 19 2006, the Company filed a timely Answer. Ms. Robinson did not file a reply. Based upon our initial review of the Complaint and Answer, we find there are material facts which are not contained in the record. Consequently, we direct the parties to supplement the record as set out below. THE COMPLAINT This past winter, Ms. Robinson used firewood in her house so that she "wouldn' have gigantic heating bills from Intermountain Gas Company." Complaint at 1. Ms. Robinson intended to bum firewood in a freestanding fireplace instead of heating her home only with her natural gas furnace. After she received the January 2006 bill from Intermountain Gas, she called the Company to dispute the reported amount of natural gas consumed during the billing cycle and her consumption for the prior months of the winter heating season. In her formal complaint Ms. Robinson asked for a partial refund on the paid November, December and January bills and adjustments to the unpaid bills of February 2006 to the present. fd. at 4. In response to the Complaint, the Company performed a diagnostic inspection on her natural gas-fired furnace and water heater in March 2006. As part of the inspection, her natural gas meter was removed and replaced. The old meter was tested, and according to the Company, ORDER NO. 30115 was "found to be accurate." Answer at 1. In its Answer, Intermountain Gas asserted that Ms. Robinson owes the Company a total of$916.67 - $470.98 before the meter change and $445. after the meter change. The Company claimed Ms. Robinson has not made any payments after the January 2006 bill (for service between November 18 and December 20 , 2005). fd. at 2. DISCUSSION Based upon our initial review of this matter, we find that the record does not contain essential facts for us to address the merits of the Complaint. In particular, neither party has provided evidence in this formal proceeding of the monthly natural gas usage and charges for last winter s heating season to the present. In addition, neither party has provided any data showing historical gas usage at the Robinson residence during prior winter heating seasons. Consequently, we direct the parties to supplement the record. Intermountain Gas shall supplement its Answer with relevant information showing the monthly gas usage and charges for the 2005-2006 winter season to the present. The Company shall also provide at least three years of monthly usage data and Heating Degree Day (HDD) data for the Robinson residence as referred to in its Answer. The Company shall file the requested information and may submit other relevant evidence within seven (7) days of the service date of this Order. Ms. Robinson may submit her own data and/or comments on the Company s data within 21 days from the service date ofthis Order. This will afford her approximately two weeks to reply. The Commission will then consider the record closed and will complete its deliberations on this matter. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Intermountain Gas Company submit additional information showing monthly usage and charges from the 2005-2006 winter heating season to the present; historical gas usage by month and HDD data correlated to the monthly billing periods for at least three years; and other relevant evidence no later than seven (7) days from the service date ofthis Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Ms. Robinson shall have twenty-one (21) days from the service date of this Order to file her supplemental data and/or reply to Intermountain Gas s supplemental materials. ORDER NO. 30115 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this /(;. f/1 day of August 2006. PAUL KJELLA DER, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER a~~6ENNIS S. H , CO MISSIONER ATTEST: €l!EJe D. Jewell C mmlssion Secretary bls/O:INT-06-02 ORDER NO. 30115