HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050914Comments.pdfz,. qll,i/u; Jean Jewell ft From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Front Wednesday, September 14 , 2005 11:44 AM Jean Jewell Marilyn Parker FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 12: 37 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Clark Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:37:28 AM Name: Henry L. Phelps Street Address: 1010 Fern Street #10 City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83686-5962 Home Telephone: 208-461-1425 Work Telephone: same E-Mail: henryl~cableone. netBusiness Name: Business Street Address:Business Phone: Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas CompanyLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: case# 1NT-g-05-02 Here we go again! If it's not IntermountainGas, It's Idah power as king for a rate hi ke . I am a 75 year old veteran on a set income.All these increases you grant are really amaging my life style. We knew the gas price would go up, but be careful and CONTROL the increase, please. They already take a large portion of my income, and last year my gas bill during the winter averaged $75 per month. That even with some of the rooms blocked off, never sitting the thermostat for above 70 degrees, and wearing heavy clothing while at home. Until both companies improve customer sevice, they do not need another increase. !!!!!! Transaction 10: 9141137.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ consUser Address: 24.116.195. User Hostname: 24.116.195. JI.N~ ~,l;1~ J' (,)j11O JYftJean Jewell liv (tV f1e) From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, September 14, 20052:21 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Com ment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 1 : 2 0 : 4 4 Case: Int-G-05-02 Name: Mark K. Bell Street Address: 3524 Tayten Dr. City: Nampa State: Idaho ZIP: 83686 Home Telephone: 466-4538 E-Mail: mkbell~qwest. netCompany: Intermounta ' n .. as mailing list yes no: . es Comment description: recently see a request to raise the gas price on the average of17 . 00 r houshold per month. This increase should not be approved as the economic impact could be devasting. A moderate increase over a period of three years or more is more sensible. Intermountain gas is a business like many others that may have to bite the bullet for a year or two not passing on the cost of doing business in one fell swoop. No other business has had such a dramatic increase, nor is it warranted by future speculation. I have not seen such proof that an increase as they are requesting warranted! thanks for not allowing them to dictate the cost of their business!Mark Bell208 442 6900 Transaction 10: 9141320.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipucUser Address: User Hostname: J:-~~/ot;/to e~'Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From:Donovan Walker Sent: Wednesday, September 14 20058:51 AMTo: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Comment Form, Case No. INT-05- Jean , could you please put this in the record for this case? Thanks Donovan ----- Original Message----- From: BOBBY R SISTRUNK (mailto:SISTRUNK2227(Q)MSN.COMJ Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 10:47 To: Donovan Walker Subject: Comment Form, Case No. INT -G-05-02 Dear Mr. Walker attempted to submit electronically this form, but the link would not cooperate. So I am hoping that you will receive this and direct it to the appropriate persons. Thank you for meeting with tonight. Submit electronically below or print and return to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX:(208)334-3762 Comment/Inquiry Form Icase No.11(1f'J-r ~q-05- IYour name Illg()~~ i~~i~tru~~, ', ,,', """"" IAddress 111~5~Ri~h I()nd ,i\yenue ICity Ill pocatelio """",."""""',,,...",,,,,.,,"""" Istate Iln~()~o IZIP 111?~?q1 IHome Telephone III,Q~:~?~:???, ?""""".""",..""""'""'.-..""",...."" IEmaii Address II~i~t~~~~????~r1'1~~~~()r1'1" IName Util ity Company IIl lntermountain Gas ,,,,,,",,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,"',,, 9/14/2005 Page 2 of 2 Add to mailing list for this case eYes C!:.. Tonight, September 12, 2005, my husband and I attended the IPUC Public Workshop in Pocatello,Idaho, to discuss the proposed rate increases for Intermountain Gas Company to cover theforecasted PGA increases. I feel that Intermountain Gas has worked effectively to "look out" for their consumers in trying tokeep costs down. However, there are other factors in this formula that I feel create aninconsistency that many Idahoans will not be able to plan for or accommodate. According to what we understand the current commodity market is affecting everyone across the nation. However, based on this premise, I am frustrated that people in Idaho will be paying thesame price as those who live in New York City and Los Angeles, who are sometimes making fivetimes more than the average Idaho wage earner. This is my first frustration. My second frustration is that when Williams brought the pipeline into our area, they stated that it would "help" keep costs down. However, when this came into question tonight, there appeared to be a little confusion. Williams coming in did, indeed, bring down the price. However, it alsohelped it to go national (the pipeline), which in turn brought us into a level playing field with the national market. My final frustration. . . thanks to our previous leaders, we have deregulated some very important" issues. We , the State of Idaho, all Idahoans, are currently at the mercy of thespeculators of the National Commodity Futures. Today, I heard there was a top executive for aleading oil company that gets a bonus of $2-4 billion dollars. People are going to go without foodand medicine so this exec gets his bonus. This is not capitalism at its finest. . . it's piracy! Thank you for this opportunity to voice our concerns. Respectfully Submitted, Connie Sistrunk 9/14/2005 Jean Jewell (~ '1/1'i/O 11~ It\!.11""0 Ct~. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:58 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:58:07 AM Case: INT-G-05-02 Name: Laurie Shuhart Street Address: 805 N. 14th Ave. Apt#l Ci ty: Caldwell State: Idaho ZIP: 83605 Home Telephone: 208-454-8069E-Mail: j ohnlaurie4 7 65~msn. com Company: Intermountain Gasmailinglistyesno: Comment description: Why gas prices going up? We already pay over 100.00 a month during the winter. The cost of natural gas is already outragious. Transaction 10: 914758. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: User Hostname: IMltr /~. '11"110- pV'Jean Jewell ,;10 /Vl. /~. From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1 :52 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12 : 5 2 : 2 6 Case: INT-G-05-2, Order No. 29856 Name: Sherry McNett Street Address: 2105 Sabin City: Idaho Falls State: Idaho ZIP: 83406 Home Telephone:E-Mail: sherry~fallswater. com Company: Intermountain Gas co. mailing list yes no: Comment description: I am protesting Intermountain Gas Co.' s proposed rate hike for the following reasons: 1. A 27.4 % increase is outrageously high. I'd like my wages to increase by thatpercentage, but that's unreasonable, isn t it?2. Many incomes are fixed & can t support that high of an increase.3. The proposed increase would create a HUGE BUROEN on the average customer.4. Perhaps Int Gas should better manage internal matters, i. e. personnel, travel, transportation, (trucks, vans, etc) eliminate excess paperwork, employees, etc. to conserve & cut-back" as they ask the consumer to do.5. Property taxes, gasoline, electricity, groceries, etc. are ALL INCREASING FASTER THAN WAGES.6. Intermountain Gas should be accountable to find & secure gas supplies without huge increases that they wish to pass on to the consumer.7. Intermountain Gas, being a huge entity, should be expected to cut their profits, if necessary, or find ways to absorb the "higher " costs of their gas supplies.8. If the IPUC grants Intermountain Gas an increase, PLEASE REDUCE the percentage they are asking to something more in line with the cost of living increases for the average consumer. THANK YOU. 7 . We already have our thermostats down to 65 which is quite cold. Transaction 10: 9131252.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: 69.20.173. 74 User Hostname: 69.20.173. ~~I Jean Jewell (;~\ ( \'-\ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1 :23 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12 : 2 2 : 5 6 Case: Name: martine nelson Street Address: 295 e. anderson Ci ty: idaho fallsState: id ZIP: 83401 Home Telephone: 208-522-6986 E-Mail: martine 974 4 32~msn. com Company: Intermountain Gas Companymailinglist _yes _no: Comment description: I do not believe the price of natural gas so much. I have a hard time paying my gas bill as it is during house. I do not qualify for energy assistance. should be able to be raised the winter to heat my Transaction 10: 9131222.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: User Hostname: ,., /N~ ",!"-fle'; j)0 .4 Ii I (0 ~(~- i ED \n - '::~ JNT-& -o~- -0 '). lVED t,/, 0n;H"'," r-CD - ' HYl 0-~ ij UJ0U ~ , ;~~J - ~~ ~\ ;:E,~ I :' ",1:-\; 1 1 t ~ L' JP"'f"' ':)' C11J!\LI\\Lv "--,,I September 8, 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 RE: Intermountain Gas Company August 8, 2005 Increase request My last Intermountain Gas Company bill had a card enclosed stating they had filed for an increase on August 8, 2005. I do not recall seeing anything in The Idaho Statesman about this request. At any rate, they are requesting a 27.4% increase. I realize the gas prices are going up rapidly but they are basing this increase on estimates for the next twelve months. No one knows what will transpire. If granted would they also petition to reduce charges by the same amount from the time crude oil might drop in cost if what they think might happen doesn t happen? Highly unlikely. I ask you to consider what an increase of this magnitude could mean to seniors on fixed income and other low"- income people who work but don t even earn enough to afford this increase which could probably mean more uninsured. Also please consider the enonnous increases requested by Idaho Power and United ",rater. AHhough you haven allpwed the amount requested, even a 50/0 per month raise is a lot more than the $14.00 a month I receive on my Social Security Check for 2005. Sincerely, ,;; )0~/ 7Jc. Elizabeth Nelson 3644 E. Immigrant Pass Court Boise, ill 83716-6906 Telephone: (208) 343-7079