HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050823Comments.pdfj~~ 11/ZJ!o( /fc A ,II. &~ 332 S, Thoreau Way Boise, 10 83709 ;:EC:EIVED l~J ~. j j:'.". C' '0'- "~""."-..-- Inns ~.t ... ?2 Pf'1 3: W""... t. .~ ., (.... August 18, 2005 iLl HO FJUBLIC :J T I t,- i::i- t f~ S C 0 r11"'I!SSI Of'~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 472 W. Washington Boise, 10 83702 Dear Sir or Madam Subject: Intermountain Gas Rate Hike Request I just received notification from Intermountain Gas of their request for a rather substantial rate increase to be effective in October. My question is, why so high? If I'm to believe their mailer, ifs because that (in part) historically gas prices closely follows that of .crude oil. How convenient We all know what crude has been doing. However, several years ago when Intermountain gas wanted a similar rate increase I recall one of their primary reasons being that they had already purchased a certain amount at a certain price and due to demand for consumption they were going to have to go out and buy at what they argued were premium prices. I wrote a letter then as I am now as I'm somewhat miffed that once again Intermountain Gas seems to be blaming the market and the competition for what I consider to be their lackluster-ability at competing in the market place. They're in the business to know this business. As was the case last time, Mr. Glynn again insists that the company is not realizing any increase in the price component for service, operation, maintenance, etc. and I consider this misleading. There is no way that I will believe this company's employees have not received increases in salaries and benefits packages over the last several years, so what is he trying to say exactly. Given the above, I would like Mr. Glynn to explain to me how it is that the royalty revenue my Wife receives from the natural gas prodoctlon-(wells are new in the last 2 years) on land in Texas has gone down. According to her Energy company, 'if is nofdue to lack of 'prOduction; but rather the price they receive for what has been produced. In other words, their ability to sell it asa commodity and to other markets. Further Mr. Glynn then wants tolay some of this back on the consumer by giving his "energy conscious" commentary. Let it be know that I did not have to make one of my level pay payments this past year due to the credit on my account and my "wise use of energy . More like the use of more blankets and heavier nightwear. I feel I am more than doing my part and I frankly don t appreciate the inference that the consumer is culpable here as well. Lastly Mr. Glynn expresses some disappointment with the outcome of the Washington Energy Bill citing the lack of access and environmentally safe extraction for producers of large deposits of natural gas. I ~uggest then that Mr. Glynn get more involved in the political process and influence his Congressman like the special interests and environmentalists do. Given his position he should be far more successful than the average taxpayer. In fairness I will assume he already doesthis. Obviously I'm agitated by this proposed increase. In the last several years I have seen my costs for utilities and property taxes increase on average much more than any offset I might expect to see from how I earn my living. Aside from my personal disgust with this, I am actually more concerned for the single parent families out there. This proposed increase will be an even greater burden to these limited income families despite the advantages of level pay and other assistance. Because of my concern for them with regard' to this; I will participate in the Company's customer assistance programs by sending what additional monies I..can or by helping a specific family. Thank you for your consideration and nderstariding~ ' ". '' .. v'~ /J-..iI ,/ 1u I~ ~/2;31 b~ i! ~J '.IE IJ ~c:: eJti j- m__ ~) .. ...... .. -_.. " i ~IdJ!.. ;~l~. ... - ......... eJ. ~V. . --___m_ __..__-- J----- ------ --t-- -- - --- - -- -,- -- - ._- --- . . u - - ... . __u ----- --..- 1- - -- ------------- - ---~..- - -' -' .. --- _ _--0-- ---,T --- -- - _m ...---- -- - ___00 - -- -..- -- "- _0_ _- -'- __ __0--____ " --- .---~--------~)' - - - --/~7-kUL ~- - ~- -~ - ~L. ~g . aM .---- .---....- -..-.. - - -- - i ==~==T~:1_ ~--- ~41~- ~.-- -- - m _- - ~ ';~IOC; Jean Jewell A. V. ~ iJ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Friday, August 19, 20054:57 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Friday, August 19, 2005 3 : 56 : 39 Case: Name: Cyndi Nason Street Address: 1506 S Kimball Ci ty: Caldwell State: Id ZIP: 83605 Home Telephone: 208-453-2724 E-Mail: Cyndi201~aol. com Company: Intermountain~psmailinglistyesno: Comment description: All Customers have been sent notices of a submitted request for a proposed rate increase. The notice goes on to state, this will on the average be a $17. per month. Unfortunatly the maj ori ty of the residents, that this will affect, doesn t have the luxary of being able to go to their employer and request a $17 a month raise to cover such increases. This would hold true for any utilli ty rate increase. Yes, gas prices are on the rise. So I walk wi thin Caldwell and severly limit trips where I have to drive. Thermostats can be set higher or lower depending on the season. I strongly feel that gas andl or electric increases, in regards to residential use, should be remain on the current scale. Thank you Transaction 10: 8191556. Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: 69.92.94. User Hostname: 69.92.94.