HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030106_352.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL WORKING FILE FROM:RICK STERLING DATE:DECEMBER 31,2002 RE:REVISIONS TO UNITED WATER IDAHO SCHEDULES 1D AND 4A- YEAR 5 OF THE PHASE-IN OF SOUTH COUNTY AREA RATES TO FULL UNITED WATER RATES. On December 17, 2002, United Water Idaho submitted the following revised tariffs for Commission approval: Schedule 1D General Metered Service: South County Service Area, and Schedule 4A Private Fire Sprinkler and Hose Service: South County Area. A copy of the revised tariffs is attached. The purpose of the revisions is to implement year 5 of the six-year phase-in of rates for South County area customers. DISCUSSION When United Water Idaho acquired the South County Water Company on November 19 1998 , the Commission in Order No. 27798 ordered that there would be a six-year phase-in of rates from existing South County rates in 1999 to full United Water rates in 2004. The rates for calendar year 2003 are to be 90 percent of United Water rates. The revised Schedules 1D and 4A are in compliance with Order No. 27798. RECOMMENDATON Staff has reviewed the revised tariffs and recommends approval. 7ejRick Sterling i :dmemos/southcountyratesdec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 31 2002 Sheet No. 4C Replacing All Previous She ets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE 1D GENERAL METERED SERVICE: SOUTH COUNTY SERVICE AREA Availability: To all existing metered customers residing in the area formerly known as South County Water as of January 1 , 1999. Minimum Charaes: Bi-Monthly Per Meter Charqe $13. $17. $27. $40. $74. $118. Meter Size 3/4" and smaller 1/4" and 1-1/2" 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Volume Charae: For all water used per 100 cu. ft. Winter 8843 Summer $1.1053 The summer period shall apply to water used between May 1st and September 30th. Meter reading periods straddling these dates shall be prorated based on the number of days in each billing period. Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in 100 cubic foot units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of South County Water Company are covered by this schedule. All new customers to the system , whether by new construction, sale or purchase shall pay the current United Water Idaho General Metered rates as contained on Schedule No.1 of this tariff. These rates in this schedule expire 12/31/03. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 27798. Issued:December 16, 2002 Effecti ve:January 1 , 2003 Under Authority of I. P. U. C. Order No. 28505 and Order No. 27798. Issued by:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By:Gregory P. Wyatt, President Sheet No. 8A Replacing All Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. 4A PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND HOSE SERVICE: SOUTH COUNTY AREA Availabilit To all existing customers residing in the area formerly known as South County Water as of January 1 , 1999 , who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections for fire fighting purposes. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. For 3" service or smaller, per month For 4" service per month For 6" service per month For 8" service per month For 10" service per month $ 10. $ 16. $ 40. $ 65. $102. Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the Company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage will be billed to the consumer under Rate Schedule No.1 D. Conditions of the Contract: Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of South County Water Company are covered by this schedule. All new customers to the system , whether by new construction sale or purchase shall pay the current United Water Idaho rates as contained on Schedule No.4 of this tariff. These rates in this schedule expire 12/31/2003. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 27798. Issued:December 16 , 2002 Effective:January 1 , 2003 Under Authority of I.C. Order No. 28505 and Order No. 27798. Issued by:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: Gregory P. Wyatt, President