HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031229Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:TERRI CARLOCK DATE:DECEMBER 29, 2003 RE:IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE AND SELL DEBT SECURITIES. CASE NO. INT-G-03- On December 15, 2003, Intermountain Gas Company (IGC, Company) applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authority to enter into a renegotiated senior revolving line of credit agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A for amounts up to $35 000 000. The proceeds will continue to be used to refinance existing indebtedness, provide for working capital, deferred gas costs and general corporate purposes including interim construction financing and medium term needs prior to the issuance oflong-term debt. This dollar amount is an increase of $10 000 000 ttom the $25 000 000 currently authorized by Order No. 28672 through December , 2005. The new authority will allow IGC to enter into agreements that extend beyond December 15 , 2005. The term of the new agreement is three years ttom the date the agreement is executed. IGC will continue to make quarterly reports to the Commission showing balances outstanding and the interest rate. The interest rate will be based on London Interbank Offered Rates (LffiOR) or a Base Rate derIDed as the higher of Wells Fargo Bank's (WFB) Prime Rate or the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.5% depending on the capitalization ratio of Intermountain Gas Company at that time. There also continues to be an unused fee to help IGC minimize the total cost of the .credit line. IGC's common equity ratio as of September 30 2003 is 49.6% (50.4% capitalization ratio) with $11 500 000 of the revolving note outstanding. The rates would be LffiOR plus 160.0 basis DECISION MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 30, 2003 points or the Base Rate with zero basis points, currently approximately 3% - 4 %. Draws using LIBOR require a 30 day commitment so actual amounts outstanding may consist of both LIBOR and Base Rate traunches. If the full $35 000 000 line of credit amount were outstanding, the equity ratio would be at a lower TIER level and the interest rate margins would increase 20 & 25 basis points. All fees have been paid in accordance with Idaho Code 8 61-905. Staff recommends approval of the Application for the three years. COMMISSION DECISION Should an order authorizing Intermountain Gas Company to enter into an agreement with Wells Fargo Bank for a revolving line of credit of $35 000 000 for the three-year term be approved? j mm CcuJo cfi. , Terri Carlock tcarloc\intgO3.2decm DECISION MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 30, 2003