HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030627Comments.pdfOI.23~ f~ECEIVED FILED '-" L1:. ..--. 2003 JUN 25 1\11 9: ii, ;/-''.'" ; UDLiG UTILIT IES COrlrilSSION June 21 , 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) O. Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 Subject: Natural Gas Price Increase as suggested by Mr. Glynn, President Intermountain Gas Company. Dear Sir or Madam: This letter concerns the alleged increase in the price of Natural Gas in Idaho. We are natural gas users in Eastern Idaho, residing in Rexburg, Idaho. We have been grateful in the past for the benevolence of the Gas Company, and other utilities, especially as they have been regulated by a wise IPUC. However, it seems times have changed, as exampled by the phone company prices going through the roof after having been deregulated, and now these multiple gas company price increases. We do feel that in the past, natural gas was a better value than electricity, on that we agree. However, such seems not the case now. Our electricity bill is now much less than our gas bill, even in the summer. Therefore, as Mr. Glynn mentioned implicitly the laws of supply and demand causing gas prices to go up, we would like to look at other sources of heat in the future: solar, thermal , wind, propane, wood fired stoves and heaters, and better types of insulation. But , we can t afford the start-up price of these other sources. We do, however, already use jackets and sweaters. We feel his justification for this price increase is suspect, untrue, or downright bogus. He said his capital costs have remained the same for the last 20 years. But, has he had any executive raises in the last 20 years? We suspect some things have changed. We wish we could get a raise in our income to cover utility increases. He said . . . we have just experienced the warmest winter on record in the past 30 years. . .' However, this past winter was not the warmest, but a very cold, dry winter. We suggest when Idaho winters are dry, they are still very cold. And, he failed to mention that along with a dry and cold winter, we also just had a record natural gas price increase, just this past winter. Truly, this (now) latest price increase is cold, but it is getting us hot! We know that he or you will not pay attention to what we say, because we don t have any leverage over you, and we are small , unimportant, and disabled senior citizens, struggling to exist without seeking government help with our utilities. Never-the-Iess, we disagree, object to, and refute these claims as to the validity of this most recent natural gas price increase. We don t have the time, health or means to appear at public hearings, relative to these price increases or other matters. We are trying to save enough money to retire before we die, save enough money to afford to get medical help, and rest up enough to have the 'energy' and time to write this letter. We try to conserve gas, not because he or others have suggested it, but because we don t believe in wasting, and we can t afford to do otherwise. Even if we were in a position to squander our resources, we wouldn t, because such behavior is not in the disposition of our characters. Yet, our gas bill just keeps going up and up. We are too old to get new jobs to afford these price increases, and too disabled to bring in additional income. We do not squander our natural gas, or other resources. We use it as little as possible by turning down our hot water temperature, using hot water frugally, and only using our heater during cold months. We don t over-eat either or lay around on a bear skin rug in front of a fireplace sipping hot chocolate, and we keep our lights turned off when not needed. But, getting assistance funds for help with our gas bill is not the point, either. Our gas bill keeps going up. We believe one solution is to obtain more natural gas, perhaps from the contended Arctic regions. By increasing the supply, theoretically, the price should go down. It is a shame that not everyone in our world has integrity. As evidenced by recent events, such as Enron, etc, it seems that some in charge have no respect for those they are supposed to serve. Historically, this is not so unusual. We suspect that many of those in charge have sought, and will seek to increase the price, not justifiably, but just to increase their own income. And, then, our bills will continue to increase. We hope this is not the case with the IPUC, or with the Intermountain Gas Company. We don t want our gas bill to go up. Sincerely,w.~~ Ronald and Oeanne Lindsay 70 South 3rd East Rexburg, 10 83440 (208) 359-2653 rwl c: Mr. William C Glynn, President, Intermountain Gas Company Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Marilyn ParkerWednesday, June 25 2003 3:10Jean JewellComment on IGC Case: INT-03-Jean:On Wednesday, June 25 , 2003 I received a phone call from Kaye Bean of Nampa. She said she had had a stroke andwas unable to write but wanted to comment on the Intermountain Gas case. I did pass on to her that the comment periodhad closed but that I would take her information down and give it to the Commissioners.************************************************Name: Kaye Bean219 PleasantonNampa, Idaho 83686208-466-3377Kay stated: "This is going to be disastrous next winter. I cannot believe that not many people have commented.Customers probably won t take notice until next winter when the high bills start arriving. I am disabled , had a stroke andam only 56 years old. I am on very limited income although I fortunately own my house. I have exhorbitant medicalcosts; my one side was affected by the stroke and I must have heat on in my home. I just don t know what people onsocial security and disability budgets are going to do.***********************************************Let me know if you need anything else with this. I wasn t sure what the procedure was in a case of someone calling in toplace comments.Thanks Marilyn Parker 334-0376 800-432-0369 mpar ker~p uc .state. d. us