HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030618Comments.pdfrtEGE!VEOn nl """"" r~, !...:J:.j ZOG3 JUN 16 PM 3: 35 Idaho. Public UtilitiesCo:mmission o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i ,il,' i !C.iLH,.., . UTILITiES COr"lrHSSION PH 334-0300 It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for 32010 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to the minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are being laid off or taking cuts. The majority of business we work with are seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all areas of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is not the time to increase the bill on our heating expenses. Sincerely, Jfl /', V- /fJ lJil. --.., This increase is going to J;1appen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. J.~I!~~~:;i4~ t1-1t~~.~ ~~~~ C#m~ ~-h UIJL~ ~~ XL-e~ 'i. ~ ~ w-L, OAK- ~ f4- ~"Lf~ 1::: c: I"'V ,. m, --j = ' i , .' , - rrln::: co , ~(j):= , (f) C' j f;~~'-0 " Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, June 18 2003 12:12 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, June 18 , 200311:12:08 AMCase:Name: Lauren YoheStreet Address: 902 2nd Avenue EastCi ty: JeromeState: IDZIP: 83338HomeTelephone: 208-735-4112E-Mail: lyohe~glanbiausa. comCompany: Intermountain Gas Co.mailing list _yes _no: noCommentdescription: I would like to submi t comments regarding Intermountain Gas I requestfor a rate increase. Intermountain Gas indicates that they are requesting the rateincrease due to a lack of supply which is leading to higher prices. However , the IGIResources Weekly Energy Update dated June 9 - 13 , 2003 , indicates that there were somerecent inventory surprises and NYMEX July contracts fell 12.The US gas rig countfinished the week up at 910 , the highest since October of 2001.Surely this indicates that Intermountain Gas has under-estimated the supply of natural gasand will not need (average) increase. I express concern as a single mother wi th two children. I work full-time in a well-paying position , but still struggle to make ends meet. While an increase of $18 per month does not seem like much , it is for those of us wi th one income. Please turn down the increase proposed by Intermountain Gas , especially gi ven the new information that has come to light wi th regard to inventories of natural gas. Thank you Lauren Yohe Transaction ID: 6181112. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 12. 1 7 . 1 6 5 . 2 2 6 Us e r Ho s tname: 12. 1 7 . 165 . 226