HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030616Comments.pdfJean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, June 13 2003 6:58 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, June 13 , 20035 : 5 7 : 4 3 Case: INT-G-03-Name: PikeTeinertStreet Address: 834 Harcourt RoadCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83702HomeTelephone: 429-0808E-Mail: pteinert~cableone. netCompany: Intermountain Gas Companymailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: Intermountain Gas Company s PGA filing in INT-G-03-01 illustrates thecontinued extreme volatili ty in energy prices that Idaho has experienced during the lastthree years and may continue to experience. Clearly Intermountain Gas , the Idaho PUC andIdaho energy consumers do not want this trend to continue. Intermountain s last IRP filingin February, 2002 , pg. 43 under "Supply and Storage Summary " states that "Intermountainutilizes an efficient mix of the above supply resources to provide reliable , secure , andeconomic firm service to its customers.Either the PGA methodology or Intermountain" e f f i c i e n t mi x " m u s t b s e r i 0 u sly f 1 awe d . 7 0 hip saw i n r eta i 1 gas p ice s in 2 yea r scertainly does not meet the test of efficiency and the PGA methodology may be inadequatein today s more unpredictable energy markets. Natural gas and electrici ty prices in Idaho have been anything put stable recently and it is time to analyze the root causes and solutions carefully. Possibly more peak and/ or shoulder storage capaci ty or more perhaps greater delivery capabili ty will help. An in-depth review of the PGA methodology is in order. Addi tionally, demand response programs including real time price and response capabili ty help create an energy partnership between the provider and the consumer. Average prices have swung violently in recent years. But peak and cri tical peak prices fluctuate significantly more , in mul tiples of base rates. The customer receives no real time information of these radical price swings and is normally not aware of their impact until after the fact when the next PGA is filed. It is time to bring demand response programs using leading technology to Idaho and encourage energy providers like Intermountain Gas to partner with their customers to help manage the impacts of market volatility. If the last few years are any indication , Intermountain and the IPUC alone cannot accomplish retail price stability in Idaho. Possibly, the third leg of the stool is the consumer. Transaction ID: 6131757. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 7 . 2 2 . 5 4 Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 11 7 . 22 . 54 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Wm. Randolph Bynum (wrbynum~earthlink.net)Friday, June 13 2003 3:13 PMJean JewellRate Increase for Natural GasResponding to the proj ected rate increase:While I do understand the reasons for wanting a rate increase I feelthat in the economic si tuation that we find oursel ves in at the presenttime, that other al ternati ves should be sought. Each rate increase equivalent to a salary decrease for each of the customers. My employercannot raise my salary to offset your rate increase. Have the industryemployees taken a large salary cut anytime recently?During these economically difficult times , many businesses are loweringprices, offering special deals , etc., to attract business. Quite thecontrary, natural gas companies are asking for a huge rate increase.The negati ve message that they are sending seems to me to be thefollowing, and it is one that will actually hurt their business in thelong run:To new home builders: Do not install gas heating and appliancesTo present customers: Cut your family budget in other areas to make upfor a gas rate increase , and consider other al ternati ves when buyingnew appliancesI hope you will consider lowering or eliminating the request for a ratelncrease. Thank you Randy Bynum amp a Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, June 13 2003 2:12 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, June 13 , 20031 : 12 : 2 0 PMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Paul MenthStreet Address: 306 Shadetree TrailCi ty: Twin FallsState: IDZIP: 83301HomeTelephone: 208-737-2519E-Mail: bjmenth~hotmail. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: For years we have used a wood-burning stove complimented wi electric heat & our heat bills were usually low. However , we became new homeowners inTwin Falls wi th a house which has gas heat , cooking stove & water heater. We WERE qui tehappy about this because from friends in the Idaho Falls area , we were told that usingnatural gas was SO Economical. We had mild temperatures in January thru April 2003 & ourgas bills were already in the $ 8 9 area. I am qui te concerned about what our gas billswill be this coming winter if we have a NORMAL cold winter. Will it cost $150 a month toheat our new home?? This definitely was not figured into the budget. If our bills arequi te high , we will have to swi tch back to electric water heater , stove & supplement ourhouse wi th in-the-wall heater/blower systems. At least Idaho Power I s rates have been brought to wi thin reasonable rates. Paul Menth Transaction ID: 6131312. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 7 . 1 7 0 . 3 6 Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 11 7 . 170 . 36 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, June 13 2003 2:00 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, June 13 , 20031 : 0 0 : 2 0 Case: INT-G-03-Name: Mike PurcellStreet Address: 3924 Mtn View DrCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83704HomeTelephone:E-Mail:Company: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Yet again , Intermountain Gas is asking for a drastic price increasewi th next to no conservation or efficiency measures included in the plan. I understand thedifference between demand for electrici ty and the supply of natural gas , but the PUC hasrequired extremely li ttle of Intermountain Gas to avoid price increases. Increasing pricesand supply is not the only way, and frequently not the cheapest way, of balancing themarket.I strongly urge the PUC to require Intermountain Gas to embark on some substantialefficiency and conservation efforts to prevent the drastic eefects price increases likethis will have on Intermountain Gas customers in the future. While the market will always vary and their prices will as well , conservation and efficiency programs will help lessen this effect on their customers. Failure to do this is shortsighted and hurtful to the people of Idaho. This should be a requirement of the regulated monopolies in Idaho. Put the "public back in the PUC. Transaction ID: 6131300. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 1 6 4 . 1 6 5 . 1 7 . 2 2 Us e r Ho s tname: 164. 165 . 1 7 . 22