HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030605Comments.pdfl11 ~tt-y.3 .;LtJ c!)~/ ~~~, ?37,LO -1f . J3 7;?-tJ _()d L)~ ~-i; ~~. ;Jv--r~~ ~7o. ~/~~~ ~-t~ -c:L 1- t'J "-! jJ J-- ~ ~~ /;~~ /o~--1~ ~ ~~-- rr- - - tUJ- 7~~ ~~. ~.-;./ -~~~ /1 :::, ~ -,;:'-. ~ =: !T! "-:-,, -- f~ C- "1;:"'::c: CJ :":': rn ~,..c: (." ' ' rrl n=-.r::- -:* ~ =r " ;:g: _'I (7) C::9? (f/V /-cb 3 ~/ JlL:;) ~I' ??~ ;r3CC ~ ,~~ ,;;;j ~~~~~~ ~k ~ ~~d ~,/t.r. ,-- .~~ ~~~ 72:?d;4 #70 .L-V ~~~$~ ~i . ,-~., ,-, . ~, C- "'l 0? 4'' c: a (Tj;:r, ~~; "" " ,.C' fT1n :' N C,.:;3:, ;-;:' 3:' r' ;; :%' c:%~ U) (;"'" .. r::::l0.- "':"':"; Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 HECEIVED 0..FiLED 2003 JUN - 3 AM 8: 34 I tJ ,co. r; u r':J LiL I CUTILITIES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are being laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME REA TING EXPENSE. Sincerely,yCk- '7~ VA 13,qLA --- &Uh--\. -,,\.. 0V~ /, ' .' "-. ". . '" \,. ~ "' ~;o L--'- -C- "-~""'~"" ~"'O" " "--"- ,,-, ""~ -'---" ,'- " "~",.~-~ I;Jr ~. LJ.;hh'h~ Q;~h-- 1:0. 8o~ 3 '1 f30,:~f'31Z0 i! !Iii! L !Ii i!UiLuiiw Jack Streeter, Broker Telephone: (208) 587-3641 Evenmgs Can: (208) 587-4698 Fax: (208) 587-3641 ;~ECEIVED P-it E 0 i~6e t:owne Square --w' 195 North 2nd West 2003 JUN - 3 AM 8: 3'5mmtain Home , ID. 83647 i'J,d!u nJ:.::uc WIILlllES C0MMISSION Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 May 29 2003 To Whom It May Concern: A 38% increase in natural gas is absolutely ridiculous. You have these so called "High Tech Natural Gas Generating Facilities" that produce electricity. You use natural gas to make steam when you could use coal or even sagebrush. But, the point is this. The Natural Gas Company goes to the P.C. and wants to raise the gas rate 38% and then working in cahoots with the gas company; Idaho Power will go to the P.C. and ask for an increase in power rates. Those two producers of energy should be ashamed of themselves for even asking for a raise. The public is well aware of what they are doing by requesting an increase in the cost of energy. It is a win-win situation for them and a lose-lose situation for the public. , the people should have kept pushing Idaho Power to put in more dams because that is a renewable energy source and would provide a great recreational benefit for the people ofIdaho. Ifwe can put a man on the moon, we should be able to get fish over, under, or around a dam. Ifbread is the staff of life, try growing crops without water, which is the blood of life. The meeting regarding the request for a 38% increase in the price of natural gas was not very well publicized to allow the public to attend and voice their opinions. c treeter, Broker Streeter Real Estate 30 - - - LU ~rUi -- ~-LD- o--u.-u W ~~ ~~~ 4&v~ ' .- , dA;J CM1 ~~ to- tL ~J?~Q .mn ~c c337o ()~ (l7- ~~ ('~ ( CJ,~ du ~.A ~/J~ -I AAflfl' -- Ad /I ./ ' .- - ~~I~ ,; v.~;'-J- ' .~~.\ \' , ' ;;:::r:d -cJ 122a YllLw C/:--C"'VEO . ((' 1\ L..v L.. I t.:.:..,;FILED ZO03 JUN -3 AM 8: IJ;U (UbL1C TlUTIES COMMISSION 3712 TetonBoise, ID 83705 ' June 1 , 2003 Attn: Commissioners Idaho PUC O. Box 8~720Boise, ID. 83720-0074 Gentlemen: I feel the rate increase for gas in Boise should not be raised. I use gas ~or heatinp and forilater. I am a Senior Citizen on a fixed income and feelthis increase is unnecessary. With the presenteconomy si tuation and increases in property t~xes 8nd utilities , I would greatly anpreciate it if this raise Wp s turned down. Sincerely, HECEIVEO ., \ .... !l- t. L L_., i ,_. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -3 AM 8: 30 iU.,i.; i Ul)LIC UTILITiES COMI-\\SstOH It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME REA TING EXPENSE. Si~cerely, /f(p( cL~/?-tcli.11~39() --. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT AD A 0 UNT~L ~ YEO 200W. Front Street Boise, Idaho 83702 2003 JUN - 3 AM 8:29 Dave Logan Director . . iL:,u,rJ(UU~JL. . .. . . (208)287-7100UTILITiES COr1MISSlOrtax(208)287-7109 June 2, 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Proposed Gas-Rate Increase Dear Commission The purpose of this letter is to provide you a written response in opposition to the proposed rate increase by IntermountainGas. Please consider rejecting the increase as it is excessive for Idaho s sluggish economy and it will be an unplanned, unbudgeted expense for state and local governments. According to the Idaho Statesman, the proposed rate increase would provide for a $61 million net increase to Intermountain Gas to cover the costs for prices paid for natural gas. If approved, the $61 million will be permanently removed from Idaho s economy and sent to an industry that does almost nothing to stabilize prices, increase supply, or promote conservation. If the proposed increase is allowed to become effective in July 2003, it will bean unplanned, unbudgetedexpense to state and local governments that are currently in the middle of their already strained budget cycles. Notifications of pending rate increases have been inadequate. In 2000, Intermountain Gas was granted significant rate increases, justified by the laws of supply and demand. At that time, we were assured with good news by Intermountain . Gas , " that with these increases in prices paid to energy producers, a significant increase in drilling has begun," and that "Therefore, we expect that prices will begin declining by next year s heating season." These types of promises appear to be short sighted, and do little to promote stability. The Idaho PUC and other states in the northwest need to be proactive at this time, to regulate the price of gas, and to determine appropriate effective dates to implement moderate rate increases, as needed. Idaho residential and commercial gas customers have no ability to shop for the best prices of gas, and the laws of supply and demand should not rule without checks and balances. As always, I am confident that the PUC will determine and approve what is to be in the best interest for the people. of Idaho and Intermountain Gas Company. Sincerely, -/ ;; Dave Logan Director of Ada County Operations cc: Board of Ada County Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 f?tCEIVED 0 filED ZUO3 JUN -3 AM 8: 34 ~. j~~' i;'iUUULU:IILI j iES COMt-'ilSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the . State of Idaho for a 32% increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household acc~unts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ~ (f .5S ,,;-~ ;:.... This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. " , L_..,.._.._, ~~".._p, ?ECEIVED :" f' ' ,L - r~;1 ""'-. r--. /."., Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN - 3 AM 8: 34 i!~(';..!;U t UULfCUTILJ11tS COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the - State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household acc~unts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. '" '.,,- - -----.. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 :~;ECEiVEO '::- LED r- --, zoa3 JUN -4 AM 8: 32 iL;" ,;,) : Ut"UG UTILITIES COMMISSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 increase in our gas bill to heat ourhomes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are being laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this , NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary~puc.state.id. Your comment must be in written fonn, either bye-mail or letter. ~l~ 1.Gi~'E -rO fL. tUJv1~ P!: " -- ' \ 1';- ",. tlvcD "(L ED GT; '--' Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 i ,. -' . " " i ". 1. - UTILiTiES"' c'O~ri'f/SSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32010 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerel y, ' "6 (2.A-i) (/1T-vL c~iJ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state .id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~..~ ~ GiL?f . 0.cru:::. --r: fl- ~t~~ tCE!VED ~:-' LED (""- Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JW1-5 AM 8: 37 ,.. (,U;~Li0 UTiliTiES Cm-H1iSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, J+ rDr This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ ~ G,i",f .D~ tL. ~tUM~ i:ECCiVED FiLED ' , r'" f.,., i Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUt,-5 AM 8: 37 ,." , i,,',j i l.,;:; Lll UYiLITiES COt1MISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32010 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, &!fJ ' ~, Na~~ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to .stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. , :i:.CEiVED ; LED Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUfi - 5 AN 8: 37 .. .,; ,, ,,- ' i' U iJ L.. i 0UI iLITIES COrt11SStON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, - --'" " ~ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no laterthen June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ 1. G(i,)'E ~~ fL. ~ltU:.M~ :TCE!VEO ii.t'~. L- " Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 jUN -5 AM 8: 31 "'i " , .J r L1GLli'; UTiLiTiES CGr'1c"iiSSION . It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sa~es tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, .... This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc.state.id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~i.~ ~ Gli,)f 0~ -r: /l, ~tu:.M~ \f' ;(,: , U vi: F1LED '---- . v" -':0.,' Idaho Public Utilities Commission o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -5 AN 8: 37 Ie)... i J ; Ld.:.LlL.; UTILITIES Cm"lM!SSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32% increase in our gas bill to heat ourhomes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, d,!J- ? 34z This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~~~ )., Gi-';~ ,0~ 012. ~lU-Nl~ ;E:CE:iVEO' lZ ".'" ;LEO L' Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 loa3 JUN -5 At1 8: 31 " . Ii' , , (I' ) ; liL!LiG UTILITIES cm'H1JSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for 'a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat ourhomes. Homeowners are experiencmg a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ~~l(nlAA~ 5u20. Y\he.. M VYp 'f -- 5'eo e.-J-2.2.-15" S 1'-( oV\tcu'O\.- Av-c Api C2::r Id LA.r-f'-, ('"'1 ~c~ l,., os- This increase is going to happen to all ofus if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint vvvvw. secretarv~puc. state. id, us Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ Gi.,-,f- 0~ ,-0 -r: /2 - K:. t U/Vl " " '\Ji;;:Xi:.! v F'\Lf~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZOG3 JUN -5 AM 8: 31 :" :.; ( uL.'LIC UTlLlfjE:S~ COf"iMiSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big-decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ Gi"f; 0~ fL. ~tu.M~ CEIVED i: 'f!..t D ,-" Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZOD3 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 r ,. " i i .~j, li L, UnLIT IES COi'iMiSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32% increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We havejust had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc.state.id. us Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ ~ Gi.'-"f D~ -r: fl. ~LUM~ ;i::CEiVEO t:T: ;:' :LE:O , ' Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 IL,;-t i,i f"uULi0 UTlLi"f itS COMr'ilSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~Li$IN ~ ($i0f 0~ -r: fl. ~t.u:M~ l=-r:-;-:I Ir:: ",,- \". I ,:" iLED I.E' ,'-'..- Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 " Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 il)i;,): LiLLiC UTiLlTtES COfit'1iSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, \2 ~ '\i\\hO This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ Gi;.)'E "5~-rO ,.12. ~t~~: "q"" VED ;~t=-LrJ ~ ; tJ:.i i:-r1...ED .,.." L- " Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN -5 AM 8: 31 li;i,rl') i UlJLiC UTILITiES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase" is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. us Your comment must be in written forin, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ ($lL?f D~ -r: fl. :n=- I=" ' 1.1 " '- ~,- LLir-'r" i L. F D Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 IU" ",.' , JULie UTlLllfES COM;1lSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ,,- --..----......:..- -. , This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. '- 0l~ )., Gi~t; 0~ ,.--; !L . ~ Uft'l i;t:CEiVED iLE:O -:' Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN - 5 AM 8: 37 iU, ij"'; iL;uUc; UTiLITiES COI"iMiSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. . Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, A4~ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003, We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state .id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ ~ Gi,-,f p~ ---r;:1l. ~tUM~ ~!i~-f:F\VED ",-, '-' ~ t'"- :':.,j f 1 r" i I I.. t. L Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho ,83720-0074 zn03 JUH -5 AM 8: 31 " ;j-.! U :_U G UTiLiTIES C0I'1t'USSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefifofall of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretaryC0puc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~i.~ Gi~'E. '5~ TO -G fl.. K-L~~ ~ECEIVEO fLFD IX: r'-'c t.. : Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -5 AM 8: 31 UULl~ UTILj iES- COI'iHISSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat o';lrhomes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ~ . This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. us Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ k Gi0f: jj~ TO fl. ~tU:M~ iU::CEIVEO ':" II .~ E l.! 2003 JUH -5 AM 8: 37Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 iu" ,',_- ! l,GLil;UTILITIES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho' for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to .stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www .secretary~puc.state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~l~ Gii..?~ '~~ TO -r; r2... ~ .u.M ... Jr:-c'VED ,,- ~, iLEO r:~~i ,...... t..". Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -5 AM 8: 37 fk :uuU-.; UTILITIES cOt.n-HSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32010 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum, Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, & /= 7ffi This increase is going to h~ppen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. r(E:CEiVED FiLED (K: r~'L... Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN -3 M1 8: 38 -. i/.. ,"; "..I :JbLIC HilLiTIES COt1t1iSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, :/:/ ~/ , c;8 This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. !\i:CEIVED r"' L~! ~~., ..0. , ,-.. ., , i '-.... Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN -3 AM 8: 38 iUil i;i) ;Jc;UCUIfiLITIES cm'1~1IsSI0N It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, fJ~107t7/#dr This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc.state.id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. r~ECEIVED FiLED rX1 r-- ,-.. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -3 Ari 8: 38 11.);" ,u ,UL5UC unLIT itS COf'lt1iSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ~~ ~ V~ ~ ~~D--J/I This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. Idaho Public Utilities Commission o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i~ECEiVED lI!FiLED L.J 2003 JUN -3 AM 8: 38 UTiLiTiES CQt/lr-HSSiON iL.i,c ;j : ~)L:'L..ll; It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. I)cr'CIi\L..uLI t i~. f : r , ,,- ., Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUf~ -3 AN 8: 38 iL;'c ,;0 iULi..lC UTiliTIES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32% increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. N ow is NOT the time to IN CREASE THE BILL ON 0 DR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written fonn, either e-mail or letter. HECEIVEO iLED (K~ ,,-.., Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUri -3 AM 8: 37 iUn',U nJl;;uL UTiliTiES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, ?7' llJ%/ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ~" ,~ (' \:" ' ' \1 \L..i.'L . i"'I', r-n r 1Ll. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZOD3 JUN -3 AM 8: 31 10, ,,:u ,iJLLiC UTILITIES COriMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. i\ECEiVED FILED r=:i Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUf~ -3 AM 8: 37 iUr ;L.J ,UDLIC UTiLiTIES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, etk9" ~k This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. QFCE\VEO q r-Or \L, r-;;\ ,",, Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2uG3 JUN -3 M~ 8: 31 " -': " ' u:" il... ,~", ,'l.~~\SS\ONUTiLI \ \ES It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the . State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household acc~unts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, /~~ This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW To comment on this issue or register a complaint www .secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. -'--'-''---'----- --,-- ","" ----- , ,- " ' ('; c. L. c. 'If t:; FH t:"1! , , - L , f"- "---.. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 znO3 JUN -3 AM 8: 31 li;;f",;"U;:'LIIJ UTIUYltS' COt'H1iSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Si~cerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. n__ __"_____ . ,,-, - n. . ----., 'r-IVEDf'i: l:.tT ri! ii- C--. f'x1f.-. ,,-~, Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ZO03 JUN --3 AM 8: 31 ~d, ,j ' U c. L i L UTiLiT IES COMMISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc.state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. L;r:-CiVED1- L F;; ;::-r . \ ,.\.. 1.. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 201n JUN -3 AM 8: 31 ,., 'Jt' UTiL f\ES-' COM MiSSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, -d/1~ 1(J;:tef: This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. Ht:CEiVEO r:H i- j \ ~- ,-,-~~,-- Idaho Public Utilities Commission - P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -3 AM 8: 31 IU;, ,d rUcLI!.,; UTILITIES COi"if1ISSiON It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. C)C~'r \lF"!-d:,l. 1:. ! r I' i '- c. 111 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN -3 AM 8: 31 iU;'lii) i UtjLIG UTiliTiES Cm"iM1SSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts , Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all fazes of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, Cf2J JlL This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. HECE/YED r. ,...flCD ~......" Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2003 JUN - 3 A11 8: - j:- ..;i'i j VLLiCUilUTiES COMrUSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are being laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, rI1 o/k This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this, NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www. secretary~puc. state. id. us Your comment must be in written form, either bye-mail or letter. Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 2:56 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20031 : 5 5 : 3 9 Case: int-03-Name: Mark D JeffsStreet Address: 2055 SabinCi t y: AmmonState: IDZIP: 83406HomeTelephone: 2085226183E-Mail: mj effs ~cableone. netCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Unless there is a serious GAS shortage I don t see why I should pay38 hike. I wouldn t pay 38 more at the grocery store if they raised their prices. Iwould find another store. I sometimes wish I had the opportuni ty to swi tch gas companiesto find a better deal. Would you pay more for your car.Transaction ID: 651355.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 8 7 . 9 7Use r Ho s tname: 134. 2 0 . 87 . 97 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontThursday, June 05 2003 1 :44 Jean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Thursday, June 05 , 2003 2:03 PMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20031 : 0 2 : 3 2 Name: Darrel DicksonStreet Address: 545 South 2nd EastCi t y: RexburgState: IdahoZIP: 83440HomeTelephone:Work Telephone:E-Mail: DarrelDickson~aol. comHome Business: BusinessBusiness Name: AVRBusiness Street Address: 545 South Second East Rexburg, Id. Business Phone: Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Contacted utility: No Complaint description: Please do not allow a rate increase. This is too much! Our business bill for gas is currently about $50k a year. increase would be devastating. Those that have control of the utili ties have responsibili ty that there control in decision making, not wild increases all in one year. Moderate increases are much better. Please say no to this increase! Transaction ID: 651302. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons User Addres s: 152.163.253. User Hos tname: 152.163.253. Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontThursday, June 05 2003 1 :43 Jean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Thursday, June 05 , 2003 1:53 PMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200312 : 5 2 : 3 3 Name: Billie Gayle StoddardStreet Address: 6671 N. Albert LaneCi ty: Idaho FallsState: IdahoZIP: 83401HomeTelephone: 529- 0288WorkTelephone: 526-1874E-Mail: crabbebs onewes t. netHome Business: HomeBusiness Name:Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Contacted utility: No Complaint description: A increase is going to place an extra financial burden on those in the middle income bracket. I can understand increase , but not 38 It appears that some money gouger is putting some money in their pocket. Transaction ID: 651252. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 4 1 . 15 8 Us e r Ho s tname: 134. 2 0 . 41 . 158 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 1 :48 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June OS , 200312 : 4 8 : 0 5 Case: INT-G-03-Name: Julie DownsStreet Address: 9828 W. Whirlaway Ct.Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83704-1216HomeTelephone: 208 377-0287E-Mail: downs2 OOO~msn. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: Please do NOT allow an increase of the substantial amount that IGC seeking. I do not believe our ecomony can handle that type of increase. Would that notonly mean that more people (wi th our high unemployment) could not pay their bills? Andthen IGC would then ask for another increase to cover?Also , why did they give a decrease last year? Are they not responsible to look at long-term costs , demands , etc.Why a big drop last year and a HUGE increase this year?And lastly, why now? Right when people will be using the cooling systems and their billswill be significantly higher? I do not know how much public input counts. I hope a lot. I certainly do NOT want my bill going up 43 I think it I S an outrageous reques t (is tha t the point? as k for 43 get IS?) Thanks for listening.I hope you get much more public input. Sincerely, Julie Downs Transaction ID: 651248. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 7 . 1 . 14 . 1 9 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 67. 1 . 14 . 190 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 1 :33 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200312 : 3 3 : 0 0 Case: int-03-Name: Mary FrenchStreet Address: 4983 Hansen AveCi ty: IonaState: IdZIP: 83427HomeTelephone: 208-523-8161E-Mail: french~onewest. netCompany: Intermountain Gas Comailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: A increase in the cost of natural gas is unexceptable. swi tched to natural gas because I am on Utah Power and Light and the cost was outrageous.I understand cost increase but 38 WOW. Wi th that type of an increase , no one will beable to afford to use natural gas. I am opposed to the increase.Transaction ID: 651233.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 15 0 . 6 User Hos tname: 134.20.150. Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 1 :26 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200312 : 2 6 : 1 8 Case: INT-G-03-Name: Gary DaileyStreet Addres s: 10771 W. Seneca Dr.Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83709HomeTelephone: 208-562-1827E-Mail:Company: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: How do they justify this kind of an increase? It appears that thisrate increase is insurance against supposed increases due to gas shortages. Just a shorttime ago I saw tv ads promping people to go to natural gas - now all of a sudden we have shortage causing higher prices. It is hard to believe that if a rate increase werenecessary that it would be of this magna tude. Unless of course , the current monopoly heldby very few suppliers is following the same strategy as gasoline suppliers , which is themanipulation of supply to show a percieved shortfall. The public is already tapped out ontheir abili ty to further tighten their bel ts , which the public would like to see , butshould not expect to see from a monopoly supplier who has the public in the palm of itshand. The role of the PUC is to help the public , not grease the skids for the monopoly, no matter how well they shadow their need. Their request seems like a small thing - unless you were on a fixed income and had to line up your bills and decide which you will have pay and the rest will just have to wait - and you then add to their heat bill - just in case you need it? Transaction ID: 651226. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 14 0 . 2 1 8 . 0 . 14 1 Us e r Ho s tname: 14 0 . 218 . 0 . 141 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 1 :03 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200312 : 0 2 : 4 5 Case: INT-G-03-Name: andreaStreet Address: 11356 south AugustaCi ty: Idaho Falls , IDState: IDZIP: 83404HomeTelephone: 208-523-6826E-Mail: andrea~ida. netCompany: Intermountain Gas Companymailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I own a home wi th gas fireplaces , gasI cannot afford a rate increase of this size. Gas used tohea t your home. Let I s keep it tha t way.water heaters and gas furnaces.be the most affordable way Transaction ID: 651202.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 15 0 . 7 Us e r Ho s tname: 134. 2 0 . 150 . 7 4 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontThursday, June 05 2003 12:00 PMJean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Thursday, June 05 , 2003 12:26 PMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; TonyaSubj ect: Complaint acknowledgement ClarkWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200311:26:25 AMName: Becky Oa tmanStreet Address: 1583 Ray StreetCi ty: Idaho FallsState: IDZIP: 83402HomeTelephone: 208-522-8795WorkTelephone: 208-529-0077E-Mail: roa tman~hotmail . comHome Business: BusinessBusiness Name: Teton Micro LabBusiness Street Address: 258 N Water Ave Business Phone: 208-529-0077 Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Company Contacted utility: No Complaint description: Concern: I work for a very small laboratory that has a difficult time making ends meet. I have been told that if the gas company raises its rates 37 they may not be able to keep me at the same hours that I am working now. It would be blow to my financial situation as well as the laboratory s. I understand that there was a town meeting about this yesterday - I was not aware of the meeting, or I would have attended to make my conerns known. Thank you. Becky Oatman Transaction ID: 651126. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 6 9 . 2 0 . 14 5 . 5 0 Use r Ho s tname: 69. 2 0 . 145 . 50 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 12:24 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200311:23:35 AMCase: int-03-Name: Corey NielsenStreet Address: 5334 Denning Ave.Ci ty: IonaState: IdahoZIP: 83427HomeTelephone: 528-7887E-Mail:Company: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: is a big increase. I can understand now and then. But pricesare always climbing higher and higher every year. It needs to stop for a while. It placesthat much more stress on the comsumer I s budget , especially for peolple barly making by, ifnot at all.Transaction ID: 651123.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 8 2 . 12 5User Hos tname: Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:WWW Form Submission:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 12:11 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementThursday, June 05 , 200311:11:22 AMCase: int-03-Name: Mark HoffmanStreet Address:Ci ty: Idaho FallsState:ZIP:Home Telephone:E-Mail: hoffmaml~id. doe. govCompany:mailing list _yes _no:Comment description:2 water heaters , andwarning! yesI just bought a 6000 sq. ft. house with 2 commercial grade furnaces5 gas fireplaces. increase is unacceptable!Thanks for theTransaction ID: 651111.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 8 3 . 13 6Us e r Ho s tname: 134. 2 0 . 83 . 136 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 11 :18 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200310:18:14 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: KathyStreet Address: OvertonCi ty: ChubbuckState: IdahoZIP: 83202HomeTelephone: 208-237-6590E-Mail: grandmakato~amis. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: Please Consider the unemployment rate and economy when ruling onthis large rate increase. I understand there needs to be an increase , but 1/2 of what being proposed is more in line wi th the overall si tuation.Thank YouKathy OvertonTransaction ID: 651018.Referred by: http: 1 Iwww. puc. s tate. id. us scripts Ipolyform. dlll ipucUse r Add res s: 2 0 7 . 14 1 . 5 . 2 5 Us e r Ho s tname: 207. 141 . 5 . 253 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 11 :01 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200310:00:56 AMCase: Intermountain Gas requested rate lncreaseName: Javier GabiolaStreet - Addres s: 670 HighlandCity: PocatelloState: IdahoZIP: 83204HomeTelephone:E-Mail:Company: Intermountain Gas Companymailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: I am wri ting regarding the proposed rate lncrease requested byIntermountain Gas.First I believe a better job needs to be done notifying the public as to the hearing thatwas held in Idaho Falls yesterday. I live in Pocatello , yet had no idea any such hearingwould be held. I wasn t aware of any hearing to be held in Pocatello. Perhaps I amamiss, but the first I heard of any hearing on a proposed rate increase was listening the local news yesterday. Others must be in the same si tuation as I , since only a handfulof people appeared at the hearing. Second , what could possibly justify rate increase? What verification do I and other patrons have that this request is warranted? I was informed that the wholesale costs fornatural gas have increased , thus , the rates must be increased. Does this mean that Intermountain Gas , in an attempt to line its pockets , sold its rights to its gas to another company and needs to purchase someone else I s portion in order to supply Intermountain customers? I find it difficul t to believe that , in this terrible economy, a rate increase is needed. I wonder , will Intermountain Gas request that its rates be lowered in the event the so-called wholesale prices decrease? I highly doubt it. The last request made by this company to increase its rates was based on the rising gasolineprices. Since gas prices have leveled off I have yet to hear of Intermountain Gas offering to lower its rates. Intermountain Gas I ads told customers and prospective customers to purchase natural gas because it is "cheap Perhaps they need to modify their future ads. Transaction ID: 651000. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 9 . 2 0 . 13 3 . 111 Us e r Ho s tname: 69. 2 0 . 133 . 111 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontThursday, June 05 2003 8:50 AMJean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Thursday, June 05 , 2003 9:34 AMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20038:33:33 AMName: Scott JohnsonStreet Addres s: 545 So. 2nd Ci t y: RexburgState: IDZIP: 83440HomeTelephone: 208-359-5971WorkTelephone: 208-356-7701E-Mail: s j ohn62 ~hotmail. comHome Business: BusinessBusinessName: Aspen Village ApartmentsBusines s Street Addres s: 545 So. 2nd Business Phone: 208-356-7701 Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I want to comment on the proposed increase in Gas prices this summer. Wi th the economy in a downward trend , our company will really suffer if this proposed increase is approved. We pay utili ties on our apartment building for the tenants , and it will be immpossible to pass this cost on to our tenants. Leases are signed , and a increase will kill us. This is too much to put on customers at one time , especially when companies like ours cannot pass the costs on to our customers. Everyone is trying to increase costs and increases are coming in from all directions. State tax increases , property tax increases and the like are putting terrible financial burdens on residents in Southeast Idaho. I understand the need for the Gas company to cover costs , but this kind of increase is too large for many customers to absorb or pass on to other customers. Please do not support or approve the proposed increase. Thank you Scott Johnson Aspen Village Apartments Transaction ID: 65833. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 9 . 3 8 . 5 8 Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 119 . 38 . 58 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 9:42 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20038:42:17 AMCase:Name: Jennifer GarnStreet Addres s: 4081 GatewayCi t y: AmmonState: IDZIP: 83406HomeTelephone: 208 535 0722E-Mail: j enni fer _garn~hotmail netCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I think theincomesPlease consider a more rate increase is very high , especially for us wi th lowerreasonable increase.Transaction ID: 65842.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 13 4 . 2 0 . 4 3 . 3 Use r Ho s tname: 134. 2 0 . 43 . 39 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 9:35 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20038:35:24 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Gene TyczStreet Addres s: 370 Pevero Dr.City: ID FlsState: IDZIP: 83401HomeTelephone: 524- 0 029E-Mail:Company: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: We strongly oppose your proposed rate increases. We have neverheard of anyone receiving increase in wages unless it is government or utilityrelated. We also found Intermoutain Gas s comment regarding Idaho Falls electrical ratesinteresting. I guess they feel that they are allowed to be just as expensive as any otherutili ty company. Belei ve me we know IF rates are higher than they should be. We also owna small business and know how your increase will affect it. If we couldn t plan betterthan Intermountain Gas does we wouldn t be in business. Our custemers would NEVER allow to increase our charges Transaction ID: 65835. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 5 . 1 9 . 2 0 2 . 7 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 65. 19 . 202 . 7 0 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontThursday, June 05 2003 8:08 AMJean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Wednesday, June 04 , 2003 11:25 PMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; TonyaSubj ect: Complaint acknowledgement ClarkWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, June 04 , 20031 0 : 2 4 : 4 9 Name: C. Shane DavidsonStreetAddress: 626 w day City: pocatelloSta te: ZIP: 83204HomeTelephone: 208-478-2208WorkTelephone: nl E-Mail: pwrtc~AOL. comHome Business: HomeBusiness Name: N/ABusiness Street Address: N/A Business Phone: N/A Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I am filing a complaint for the proposed raise in prices (37 It occurs to me that a raise of this magni tude has direct bearing upon the management intermountain gas. Surely the management in its infini te wisdom would know if the gas price is going higher from the supplier over the years , this is a complete and total outrage! Who hired these dum dums ! ! Why should we have to pay for their mistakes at such tremendous price hike? I propose you fire the manager and hire a new one at a low rate and use that money to pay for the increase in price , to make up the difference for that that the manager missed. I am getting sick of companies taking advantage of and oPportunising on a situation such as the gulf war. What kind of excuse will they think of next? This is like dealing with little 3 year olds who want more candy! I SAY NO!! NO INCREASE AND NO PAY RISE FOR THE EMPLOYEES. CUT THIER PAY AND KEEP THEM WORKING AND WE WILL ALL STILL BE ABLE TO HAVE DINNER IN THE EVENING AND WARM BED TO SLEEP IN AT NI GHT! LUDI CRI ST! Transaction ID: 642224. Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. s tate. id. us scripts Ipolyform. dlll cons Use r Add res s: 1 7 0 . 2 2 4 . 2 2 4 . 1 0 2 Use r Ho s tname: 170. 224 . 224 . 102 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 9:02 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200302:07 AMCase:Name: Carol HawsStreet Address: 1630 Calico CircleCity: PocatelloState: IDZIP: 83201HomeTelephone:E-Mail: hawscaro~cableone. netCompany: Intermountain GasCommentdescription: I am concerned about the gas rates going up In our householdone of the reasons that we moved was because of the lower rates on heating our home wi gas. We have a large family, and we are a single income family, and wi th the sales taxincreasing and inflation going up, I am concerned wi th the heating cost. I would not liketo see the gas rates increase at such an alarming rate. Please take these factors intoconsideration when thinking about increasing rates.Transaction ID: 65802.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 6 . 2 1 9 . 7 1 Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 116 . 219 . 71 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 7:43 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 20036:43:22 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Marilyn HeedStreet Addres s: 3265 Garnet St.Ci ty: Idaho FallsState: IdahoZIP: 83401HomeTelephone: (208) 557-0101E-Mail: panflute~ida. netCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Raising rates would hurt the working poor. My income last year was000. Energy assistance paid $97 in late winter for which I am grateful. I am an olderlady and keep my home in winter at 60 degrees during the day and 50 degrees at night inorder to keep heating expenses down. I f there is a rate increase and the winter is roughI will have to adj ust downward. Transaction ID: 65643. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 9 . 2 0 . 13 4 . 2 8 Use r Ho s tname: 69. 2 0 . 134 . 2 8 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellThursday, June 05 2003 5:17 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Thursday, June 05 , 200317:20 AMCase: Int-G-03-Name: John ScottStreet Address: 4669 MountlakeCity: PocatelloState: IdahoZIP: 83202HomeTelephone:E-Mail: pj tme~aol. comCompany: Intermountain GasCommentdescription: I strongly oppose the proposednatural gas prices which Intermountain is asking thethink of to describe it is exhorbitant.33-residential increase inIPUC to approve. The only word I canLocal TV reported only one person showed up to testify on the rate increase in IdahoFalls. That I s probably because many of us , due to the economy, are working two and threejobs just to pay our bills.I would not take this as a mandate that customers are ok wi th the increase. I wouldsubmit they have an attitude of "there I s probably little I can do to stop the increase why fight the utili ty. " It would appear that most of the increase is due to hikes in storage and transportationcosts. I thought Intermountain owned their own distribution and storage system at onetime. Apparently not now. Pipelines and storage facili ties have been in place for decades. I would think those costs would only go up slightly from time to time.not 1/3. Why are those costs from other companies skyrocketing? Why isn t Intermountain doing a better job of negotiating contracts? I think there are a lot of ques tions that need to be as ked. The public being kept in the dark and fleeced at the same time. Government economists are saying inflation is remaining low at 2 to 3 percent. Intermountain I s increase , you can be that won t be true in this region. With I understand the principles of supply and demand. Gas market prices do fluctuate. However , If Intermountain is being held hostage by Williams and companies that provide storage , then they had better look for more economical solutions to this aspect of the business. I don t think we are hearing the whole story. I would submi t a price increase of no more than is adequate. One postscript I might add: this is very poor timing gi ven the fact that the entire state I s economy is in the dumper. Transaction ID: 65417. Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. s tate. id. us scripts Ipolyform. dlll ipuc Use r Add res s: 1 9 8 . 6 0 . 2 2 5 . 2 Us e r Ho s tname: 198. 60 . 225 . Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, June 04 , 2003 11 :33 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, June 04 , 20031 0 : 3 3 : 12 PMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Jon MickelsenStreet Addres s: 173 Maple St.Ci ty: Idaho FallsState: IDZIP: 83402HomeTelephone: 208-528-6086E-Mail: bench~na tionalbench. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Dear sirsI m deeply concerned about the proposed increase in our gas prices.After such a recent increase this will put a heavy financial burden on myself and anotherlow and fixed income families. I I m sure there is another way to solve your economiccrises. I also fell this will put a strain on small businesses. Which will result inhigher prices , or just put them out of commission completely. There will also be morepeople in need of assistance to pay their natural gas bills. I hope you will give thesethoughts some consideration when making your decision.sincerely,Jon Mickelsen Transaction ID: 642233. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 9 . 2 0 . 13 7 . 5 6 Use r Ho s tname: 69. 2 0 . 137 . 56 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, June 04 2003 11 :12 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, June 04 , 20031 0 : 11 : 5 1 PMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Ruth ByramStreet Address: 5010 Badger PlCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83709HomeTelephone: 208-362-2831E-Mail: rlbtoo~hotmail. comCompany: Intermountain Gas Co.mailing list _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I would like to strongly obj ect to the requested to increasein the gas rates by Intermountain Gas. There are hundreds , if not thousands , of familiesin the Intermountain Gas customer base that simply cannot absorb that kind of price hikein their budgets. Most of the companies that have not laid people off have frozensalaries and in a lot of cases reduced salaries of their workers. People are having give up some of the necessities of life as it is. This would just add to their misery.What are the families wi th only one income , single parents and the elderly or disabled onfixed incomes supposed to do? I am trying to survi ve on a single income and can barelymake it as it is. My mother who is 80 gets less than $1 000 per month to live on. I workin the commercial collection department of a maj or bank in Boise and see many businesses in Idaho failing because of the sluggish economy. If you agree to increase gas rates requested I believe it would put many of those who are just managing to hang on over theedge. Please do no allow this increase. Transaction ID: 642211. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 1 9 8 . 8 1 . 2 6 . 2 0 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 198. 81 . 2 6 . 200 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontWednesday, June 04 2003 4:18 PMJean JewellGas rate increase comment.Anne Records4491 S. Rimview wayBoise, Id. 83716208-344-2298I have had trouble in the past with the gas co. I have not been able to get my records from the gas co. to review my bill tounderstand where my money has gone. I cannot get answers on my bills as to why there have been sporadic increases.I have called PUG in the past for help on these problems , but they just said they looked into it and l owed the money.Even though my bill more than doubled in one months time. I did request they check for a gas leak , but they said theylooked but everything was fine.I do not feel that a rate hike of this magnitude would be warrented at this time , if they cannot give any better service thanthis.Even though I was told I should see a decrease in my bills I never have. I would feel that a 150/0 increase with morelater, if needed , would be a better solution Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, June 04 2003 8:41 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, June 04 , 20037:41:27 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Wayne FuchsStreet Addres s: 810 Delmar DriveCi ty: MeridianState: IdahoZIP: 83642HomeTelephone: 208-888-5783E-Mail: waynefuchs3027~hotmail. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Why would a company have to raise the price that much? A moderateincrease for a longer time would do the same thing. They appear to be anticipating problem and yet they talk about too much of the product being produced earlier. Why don Ithey do more proactive thinking instead of reacting after the problem arises? Seems to methat they are only looking to gain form reacting instead of thinking ahead.What if the prices don t go up are they going to gl ve the money back? I think not.It is no wonder that there was no one at the hearing. The first that I heard of it wasafter it had occurred and was on the news. Transaction ID: 64741. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 0 6 . 2 0 7 . 7 7 . 2 2 4 Use r Ho s tname: 206. 207 . 77 . 224 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellTuesday, June 03 2003 12:30 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Tuesday, June 03 , 200311:29:42 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Marilee Fi tzwaterStreet Address: 3763 Wasatch CircleCi t y: AmmonState: IdahoZIP: 83406HomeTelephone: (208) 552-4692E-Mail: mfi tzwater~msn. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I am a senior ci tizen living on a fixed income. Many of us seniorsare very concerned about Intermountain Gas I s attempts to raise rates for its 200 000southern Idaho customers on average of 37.7 percent. I f approved the average residentialbill using gas heat and water will increase $18 or about No where do I hear about orsee any relief for those of us living on fixed incomes. 38 increase on a monthly billon a fixed income is just not acceptable. Where is the relief for us??? I addamentlyoppose any such rate increase wi thout providing clauses for a much lower rate increase forseniorsTransaction ID: 631129. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 7 . 2 5 0 . 1 0 9 . 2 2 0 Use r Ho s tname: 67. 250 . 109 . 220 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontTuesday, June 03 , 2003 8:08 AMJean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Tuesday, June 03 , 2003 8:33 AMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Tuesday, June 03 , 20037:32:57 AMName: Steven DavisStreet Address: 724 Almo ave Ci ty: BurleyState: IdahoZIP: 83318HomeTelephone: 208- 678-2889WorkTelephone:E-Mail: sdavis 100~cableone. neteHome Business: HomeBusiness Name:Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Intermoutian Gas Company Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I am wri ting about the possibili ty of a 43 rate hike that Intermountain Gas Company wants to charge its customers. If they get this rate hike through , the customers have no choice but to pay it. We can t do business wi th adifferent company. A increase is a bit to much. Transaction ID: 63732. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 6 . 2 2 2 . 6 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 116 . 222 . 60 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellMonday, June 02 2003 9:12 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Monday, June 02 , 20038 : 12 : 11 Case:Name: Jack WeinbergStreet Address: 4714 N. Waterfront WayCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83703HomeTelephone:E-Mail: j ackaw~veloci tus netCompany: Intermountain Gas Comailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: PUC:I know that you will gi ve carefull consideration to thebelieve that the residential rate increase requested increase. Please consider an increase at a lower rate.Thank you for your serVlceJack Weinberg current rate increase request. Ito high for a single rateTransaction ID: 622012.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 2 1 6 . 2 2 2 . 113 . 9 7 Us e r Ho s tname: 216. 222 . 113 . 97 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellMonday, June 02 , 2003 3:35 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Monday, June 02 , 20032 : 3 4 : 3 0 Case: INT-G-03-Name: Karen AndersenStreet Addres s: 781 7 W. Grubs take Dr.Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83709HomeTelephone: 208.362.6322E-Mail: luciere33~msn. comCompany: Intermountain Gas Co.mailing list _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I am a new gas customer having just recently converted to gas fromelectric. I am very concerned about the proposed rate increase of I am a retiree ona modest income; I thought I d be saving money by converting to gas and that theinvestment would pay for itself soon. Please reconsider this increase by eliminating ormaking it more reasonable; i., 10 If things keep going up in Idaho , more people willei ther be leaving the State or going on welfare. I don t want to be one of them. KarenAndersen 6/2/03Transaction ID: 621434.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 7 . 1 . 1 6 . 2 2 8 Us e r Ho s tname: 67. 1 . 16 . 228 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellMonday, June 02 2003 12:27 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Monday, June 02 , 200311:27:13 AMCase: Int-G-03-Name: Harold G. ElginStreet Address: 324 Cottonwood Dr.Ci ty: NampaState: IdahoZIP: 83686HomeTelephone: 208 467-2684E-Mail: helgin~dav. netCompany: Intermountain Gas Companymailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I don t believe that there is sufficient evidence to allow for arate increase of the amount that is requested by Intermountain Gas co. They have said thatif and when the rates got back down , they will ask for a decrease in the rates paid by usthe consumer. I don t see where they have dropped the rate at the same rate they haveraised it. For instance if they are asking for increase , when the rate that theypaid is dropped , we don I t recieve the full amount of the drop, nor do we recieve it at thetime of the drop. I think that the raise , if one is needed , should be about half of whatthey are asking for. I also expect the Idaho PUC to be the watchdog for us in thesematters, and we as consumers should not have to even be concerned about the gas , orelectric companies getting raises that are more than they should have , just becaue there isn t much input from the consumers about the issue. Thank you for your listening to my ideas. Harold G. Elgin Transaction ID: 621127. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 0 6 . 14 9 . 4 . 11 6 Us e r Ho s tname: 206. 14 9 . 4 . 116