HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030602Comments.pdfRE€EIVEIJ (IIFILED ZO03 JUN -2 AM 8; 51 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 iUrt !;~) ()UULiC UTILITIES COt1MISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the - State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minImum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEA TIN G EXPENSE. tj3l This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary(?Ypuc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. --------- --- - _n- i~EQEIVEID m!LED 2003 JUN -2 AM 8: 51 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 li:ii'"ii0 i ~;- UbUC UTILITIES CtH'1MISSH.1N It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the - State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minImum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, /', 3cy Y7 ~ e6()-/836 This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary(?Ypuc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. - '----- - _n . -- - - _n- HECEIVEID III fit EO 2003 JUN -2 AM 8: 51 Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 iU),1'i(, ; :;; UUUC UTILITIES cOt~1HjSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the - State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minImum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary(?Ypuc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ----.---------- ---- Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , Idaho 83720-0074 RECEIVED mFILED 2003 JUN -2 AM 8: 51 fU/\i\::j i"UisLIC UTILITIES CDr-1NfSSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the - State of Idaho for a 32 % increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household accounts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minImum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. We are seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, -162-57f1 This increase is going to happen to all of us if we do not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary(?Ypuc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ------------ -- --------- - -, '--------- Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 HECEIVED FilED 2003 JUN -2 AM fB: 51 iU/ii'iL! i";UbuC UTILITIES CO~1MISSION It is our understanding that Intermountain Gas has partitioned the -- State of Idaho for a 320/0 increase in our gas bill to heat our homes. Homeowners are experiencing a big deficit in our household acc~unts. It is to the benefit of all of us to help hold increases to a minimum. Schoolteachers are taking cuts, Micron employees are laid off or taking cuts. The majority of all business we work with is seeing a big decline. Weare seeing increased expenses in all phases of our economy. We have just had a sales tax increase. Now is NOT the time to INCREASE THE BILL ON OUR HOME HEATING EXPENSE. Sincerely, This increase is going to happen to all of us if we not respond to the P.C. (Idaho Public Utilities Commission) no later then June , 2003. We have an opportunity to stop this increase if we all act now bye-mail or sending letters such as this NOW. To comment on this issue or register a complaint www.secretary(?Ypuc.state.id. Your comment must be in written form, either e-mail or letter. ------- -- - - __n n..st Southe..11. Baptist Chu..chIH'Ml.I~ 1311 E. Sherman. : BIJJJRB1J Nampa, Idaho 83686 Office: 208.466.0682 E-mail: nfsbc~juno.comJohn S. Henry, Pastor Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise 10 83702 c::;: ::0 """' fT1 c.""?--!c !"T1 r;:; 2'rt'I (/):""",."(") - (!JCD - ::ta -,,~" :J:z::r"- (,!);::::- (J') .::- May 28, 2003 Gentlemen: We have received the customer notice from Intennountain Gas Company proposing a rate increase of 43% for commercial customers. As a non~profit organization depending on donations to pay our bills, this much of an increase could force us to discontinue many of our services to our members and to the community, especially during the winter months when our heating bills already reach $300, and sometimes more. The notice states of average monthly increase of $78, but it doesn t indicate how they arrived at that figure, or what is represents. If we should have a cold winter, it could be much more pre month and that would be difficult for us to manage. We ask that you consider long and hard before approving this increase. Sincerely, (lIJ f/t:::r Or. John S. Henry, Pastor JSH:eg Making Ch..ist lat.own th8'ough C&8'iDg and Sha..ing RE€EIVEG fit EEl 2003 JUN -2 AM 8: SQ i;jfJ lt'j fJ l1dLiC UTILITIES C&~H1ISStON June I , 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission o. Pox 83720Boise, ID 837?0-0074 Gentlemen: Concerning the rate increase of ~3-4~ percent for gas consumption, we are v~ty much a~8in~tthis. T;le use natur8l g8 s for heat ine: ",ater and our home. 1i!hen g,3 s v.J8 s fir st air", il~ bJ e in Boise vIe were told by you that it would be cheaper than oiJ for heatinv, but this h"'s not been the case. We are senior citizens on a fixed income and wi th the down turn in the economy, plus the recent raise in our property taxes , we would certainly appreciate this raise ~or gas bedenied. :;;;:J!~ - . ' G,d'~-'-A '11 len R It orie 'tf1ty ~-~- 1?1~4 West ~:~~s DriveBoise, ID ~3709 /tJtJ7 0~ D/,1. ~7t:J.1 ;'tJ~- d~'- G; ():J p~ cJ.9, ~~~~() f)1r: COJ7Ql:6 ~~ dd Cf 57&:; CJtJ!,Y 2; elk- .b.v /dU jl,fliJ~ /Jr - -' ~~, / CL~ ~~tl/ p ~ c:: 1'-) ."...\ = _, -"= ".....:~ u.; t "'""' =-it !"fl -- - T ~ ,_.., rrI rr1 ~. - -00:: '-'- u-, ~ w -c::0- r:1, 0 (:?~. :::c~; ::t':8~t 3 c.n ;;:, em c.nc; c..", fir;'iW L,"~ t, =-", FROM : DEANS TIRE FACTORY FAX NO. : 2083652872 Ma~. 30 2003 11: 17AM P1 MAY 29, 2003 IDAHO PUC DEAR SIRS: AS A CONCERNED CITIZEN I AM WRITING TO PROTEST THE PROPOSED RATE 'mNCREASE I~TERMOUNTAIN GAS IS HOPING TO RECEIVE. AT THIS TIME, OYi ECONOMY CAN NO~ SUPPORT AN INCREASE OF ~% LET ALONE 33-43%. I CAN NO~'l'BELIEVE MORE PEOPLE DIDN I t APPEAR TO OBJECT TO THIS- UNUSUALLY HIGH RATE INCREASE. PERHAPS THE PUBLIC WAS NOT WELL INFORMED !!!! PLEASE LET IT BE KNOWN THAT WE DO OBJECT AND HOPE YOU WILL VETO THIS INCREAS'E. ,TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE ALREADY 'FlGHTING TO - MEET THEIR UTILITY RATES AS THEY ARE NOW WE DO -NOT NEED HIGHER RATES. YOURS TRULY 6Ih ~~ W- *-- "YIII"I.. 'J;~L &,.3 b /~fP7- FROM : DEANS TIRE FACTORY FAX NO. : 2083652872 Ma~. 30 2003 10: 41AM P1 MAY 29, 2003 I'DARO PUC DEAR SIRS: AS A CONCERNED CITIZEN I AM WRITING TO PROTEST THE PROPOSED RATE ~NCREASE INTERMOUNTAIN GAS IS HOPING TO RECEIVE. AT THIS TIME, O~Z ECONOMY CAN NOT SUPPORT AN INCREASE OF 5% LET ALONE 33-43%. I CA~ NOT"~BELIEVE MORE PEOPLE DIDN't APPEAR TO OBJECT TO THIS UNUSUALLY HIGH RATE INCREASE. PERHAPS THE PUBLIC WAS NOT WELL INFORMED !!!! PLEASE LET IT BE KNOWN THAT WE DO OBJECT AND HOPE YOU WILL VETO THIS INCREASE. TOO MANY PEOPLE "ARE ALREADY ETGHTING " MEET THEIR UTILITY RATES AS THEY ARE NOW, WE DO NOT NEEDHIGHER RATES. FROM : DEANS TIRE FACTORY FAX NO. : 2083652872 Ma~. 30 2003 09: 35AM Pi E AN'S 'T I,R E SE R V ICE 309 N Washington ~mrnett; Idaho 83617 Phone (208) 365-5066 Fa.x (208) 365-2872 MAY 29,003 IDAHO PUC DEAR SIRS: THIS IS TO PROTEST' THE APPLICATION FOR RATE INCREASE FOR INTERMOUNTAIN GAS 33-43%. AS A SMALL BUSINESS WE ARE TRYING HARD TO STAY IN BUSINESS WITH THE ECONOMY AS IT IS AND WE NEED NO MORE RATE INCREASES TO ADD ' THAT MUCH MORE EXPENSE TO OUR BUSINESS. I THINK THE WHOLE BUSINESS COMMUNITY FEELS THE SAME WAY. I KNOW OUR CUSTOMERS W0UDD~ CERTAINLY OBJECT TO THE, RAT& INCREASE THEY ARE ASKING FOR AT THIS TIME. YOURS TRULY, DEAN" S TIRE FACTORY";' DEAN SMELCER, PRES Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellMonday, June 02 , 2003 10:34 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Monday, June 02 , 20039:34:15 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Steven F. ScanlinStreet Addres s: 612 Locus St.Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83712HomeTelephone: 331-9190E-Mail: FoxScan~aol. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Al though I am not a low income consumer , the increase thatIntermountain Gas has requested is much too high. They have been fluctuating widely upand down in their prices and rate requests and the Commission should act as a moderator ofthe rates. Wi th the economy in its present condi tion and other utili ties being stable , alower increase , if any, in in order. Thanks for your positive consideration of mycomments.Transaction ID: 62934.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 1 9 8 . 8 1 . 2 6 . 2 0 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 198. 81 . 2 6 . 200 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellSunday, June 01 , 2003 7:35 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Sunday, June 01 , 20036 : 3 4 : 4 4 Case: int-03-Name: Matthew SellStreet Address: 2357 n Sunview LaneCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83702HomeTelephone: 208 385-7616E-Mail: msel144~hotmail. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: The proposed gas rate hike for Intermountain Gas is an outrage!These are difficult financial times for everyone. The state is cutting costs , employersare laying off employees , and no business is in a position to pass on huge cost increasesto their customers. To do so would risk losing those customers to competi tors out ofstate. This means employers will be forced to further reduce costs , and payroll is one ofthose costs. This will result in more Idaho employees being laid off to compensate fordrastically increased utility expenses. To survive , all businesses must carefully controltheir expenses. Wouldn t this be a nice world if every business was guaranteed a profitover and above their expenses? We I d all like to have guaranteed profi ts likeIntermountain Gas Co. but only public utili ties are given such a ridiculous benefi t. It Itime for I.C. to join the real world and start reducing their expenses & costs like every other business -- and not rely on obscene price increase like the one they I ve proposed. Please deny Intermountain Gas Co. I s request for this rate increase. Transaction ID: 611834. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 1 6 . 2 2 2 . 4 . 1 0 2 Us e r Ho s tname: 216. 222 . 4 . 102 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellSunday, June 01 , 2003 1 :32 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Sunday, June 01 , 200312:31:57 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Lloyd FaylorStreet Address: 3109 EdsonCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83705HomeTelephone: 208-343-5184E-Mail: lloydfaylor~aol. comCompany: Intermountain Gas Co.mailing list _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: The proposed rate increase of 33 to is outrages. It seems theutili ties wants to increase rates every year. They never come down. When customers likemyself who are retired are constantly having to accept tax hikes and rate increases. If wedont like it , it I s too bad , it I S not their problem. Intermountain Gas Co. rates during thewinter months are very high and with an increase of $18.00 and up may not seem much but can be hard on fixed income customers. And please don t compare gas usage wi th potatoes.At least they do go down after they go up and you can t say that about utili ties for theyare always asking for more rate increase and the amount they are asking is way too much.Was the Public hearing mention in the Statesman or on local televison stations. I didn Ihear of it. It looks like I wasn t the only one. Thanks to Ken Day we wouldn t have known about the resul ts of the low turn out. Transaction ID: 61031. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 1 9 8 . 8 1 . 2 6 . 2 0 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 198. 81 . 2 6 . 200 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 4:14 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 20033 : 13 : 4 6 PMCase: INT-G-03-Name: gary malekStreet Address: 314 west beechCi ty: caldwellSta te: ZIP: 83605HomeTelephone: unlistedE-Mail:Company: Idaho Powermailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I clearly obj ect to a rate increase! I am un-employed and have tough time making ends meet now. Let them invest in energy conservation programs thatwould help the consumer. Respectfully Submi t Obj ectionTransaction ID: 5301513.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 2 4 . 11 6 . 13 2 . 1 6 9Us e r Ho s tname: 24. 116 . 132 . 169 Page 1 of 1Jean Jewell"..,.."..,,""""" .."."".""",. "".."...."...."."".""",. .o ".."...."...."."".,.'"",. .o"".."....."...."."".""",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o"".."....."...."."".""",. .o "..",."".."."".""",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o"".."....."...."."".""",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o"".."....."...."."".""",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o"".."....."...."."".""",. .o ".."....."...."."".,.'"",. .o "..",...".. .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ....... .. ..... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... From:secretarySent: Friday, May 30 , 2003 2:39 PMTo: Barb Barrows; Ed Howell; Janet Bahora; Jean JewellSubject: FW: NO TO 380/0 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS HIKE----------From: Dawn U rata (SMTP: D - U RA A~AI RV AN IDAHO. COM)Sent: Friday, May 30 , 2003 2:32:20 To: se creta rySubject: NO TO 380/0 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS HIKEAuto forwarded by a RuleI am appalled by Intermountain Gas ' proposed 38010 increase in rates. There has been noinformation, that I find supporting, to merit this OUTRAGEOUS fleecing of consumers. Thereare so many people who are on fixed incomes , unemployed , etc. that this increase would bedevastating. I personally find it difficult for any company, private or public , who could honestlyjustify such an OUTRAGEOUS request. Where is the guarantee that I will be getting a 38010raise increase on my paycheck? You should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking ofsuch an astronomical raise hike! Maybe 10010 would be more sufficient , if any! ---Sincerely, Dawn Urata , 925 W Loon St , Meridian 10 83642 *208-288-2269 6/2/2003 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontFriday, May 30 2003 1 :24 Jean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Friday, May 30 , 2003 1: 29 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 200312 : 2 9 : 0 6 Name: Virginia RoseStreet Address: 8445 Winchester DriveCi ty: BoiseState: IdahoZIP: 83704HomeTelephone: 376-2617WorkTelephone: NAE-Mail: vrosefour~aol. comHome Business: HomeBusiness Name:Business Street Address: Business Phone: Complaint Company: Intermountain Gas Contacted utility: yes Complaint description: The proposed rate increase of is WAY too high. We have a very high rate of unemployment now , and are almost in a depression. Why make it worse at thistime? What are people on very low or NO incomes supposed to do? A $20/month increase on my gas bill at this time will mean MORE cutting back than I already do. I was just notified that my property tax is increasing by $132/yr. ANOTHER $11 more per month! How is a person on retirement and Soc. Securi ty supposed to keep up??? Transaction ID: 5301229. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 1 9 8 . 8 1 . 2 6 . 2 0 0 Us e r Ho s tname: 198. 81 . 2 6 . 200 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 12:52 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 200311:51:57 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Mary Lou VaughnStreet Address: 12070 W. Savage DriveCi ty: BoiseState: IdahoZIP: 83713HomeTelephone: ( 208 ) 939-2244E-Mail: richsri verboat~yahoo. comCompany: Homemailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: In the Statesman paper I read the Gas Co. wants to ralse our rates.We did not hear about a Public hearing on Wednesday on this proposalto raise the rates on the Intermountain Gas Co. The 33 to 43 percent is terrible. We tryto live in a world that everything goes up except our pay checks. If this is allowed I forone will heat my home wi th our wood stove as many others will do. We had or tax I s raisedso much our house payment went up $74.00 a month last year and this assessement wer e c i eve d for n e x t yea r wen t up not her $ 1 8 9 . 0 0 ma kin g it a tot a 1 0 f $ 6 4 3 . 4 5 for the twoyears. Mortgage Co I s can t even figure the amount to add to the reserve accounts to beable to pay the Tax I s at the end of the year. Now its up again . I can t see how theutli ty Co I s can t run the Co wi thout going in the red. We need to make them responsible manage wi thout the customers bailing them out whenever the feel we should. I will try attend the next meeting and see how it ends up. Mary Lou & Richard Vaughn Transaction ID: 5301151. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 0 6 . 14 9 . 4 . 7 6 Use r Ho s tname: 206. 14 9 . 4 . 7 6 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 11 :56 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 200310:55:38 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Allan EbelStreet Address: 2207 EllisCi ty: BoiseState: IdahoZIP: 83702HomeTelephone: 208 345-2084E-Mail: ebelallan~yahoo. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: Why should the PUC be surprised that no one attended the BoiseWednesday, May 28 , Workshop hearings in the Intermountain Gas case I I II let you in on dirty li ttle secret , - for the vast maj ori ty of consumers the PUC is perceived as nothingmore than a producer and keeper of paperwork on behalf of , in this case , IntermountainGas.In your May 14 Workshops/, hearings release you state:The purchased gas cost adjustment (PGA) comprises about half the rate paid byIntermountain Gas customers. It is adjusted upward or downward , usually on a yearly basis depending largely on the market price of wholesale gas. I f granted , Intermountain Gas ' proposed PGA would raise an addi tional $ 61 million in revenue , all of which must go toward recovering expenses related to purchasing gas for its Idaho customers. Is there or has there ever been an intent by the PUC to audi t and reVlew the business practices of Intermountain Gas You proclaimed in ORDER NO. 29199 that "Staff further found that the Company has Slnce taken steps to minimize the volatility of gas prices to customers What went wrong Is it possible that Recommendations through 4 were mere window dressing; that that there was never any intent to comply wi or enforce Recommendations 5 and 6; that Recommendation #7 is now and has been nonexistent Transaction ID: 5301055. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 1 6 4 . 1 6 5 . 14 5 . 2 1 Us e r Ho s tname: 164. 165 . 145 . 21 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:FrontFriday, May 30 2003 10:50 AMJean Jewell; Marilyn ParkerFW: Complaint acknowledgement-----Original Message-----From: Ed HowellSent: Friday, May 30 , 2003 11:30 AMTo: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell;Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya ClarkWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 200310:29:50 AMName: Tom MilesStreet Address: 4347 Nystrom WayCi ty: BoiseState: IdZIP: 83713HomeTelephone: 208-377-2344WorkTelephone: 208-467-2191E-Mail: miles ~abial fal fa. comHome Business: BothBusiness Name: ABI AlfalfaBusiness Street Address: 2323 11th Ave N. Extension Business Phone: 208-467-2191 Complaint Company: Int. Mt. Gas Contacted utility: No Complaint description: The proposed natural gas hike is proposterous. businesses , if profi ts are down steps are taken to reduce costs and increase efficiency. We don t have the luxury of just increasing the price of our product to compensate for lack of revenues. In light of many layoffs throughout Idaho , increased property tax and increased living costs , a price increase at this time is totally unacceptable and unfair. I propose that Int. Mt Gas rate increase be denied at this time. This is the only fair and just decision that should be made. Sincerely, Tom Miles Transaction ID: 5301029. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ cons Use r Add res s: 2 1 6 . 2 2 2 . 8 . 12 1 Us e r Ho s tname: 216. 222 . 8 . 121 In world of most Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 11 :36 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 200310:36:15 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Steve HulmeStreet Addres s: 4623 Camas St.Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83705HomeTelephone: 208/343-5098E-Mail: steve hulme~rmci. netCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I just wanting to express concern about the magnitude of the rateincrease being requested by Intermountain Gas. (Since nobody showed up at the hearing d hate for you think that the only concerned party is the gas company.While I m trying to be pragmatic , and realize that Intermountain Gas has to make a profi t- I and all their other customers are counting on you to represent our interests. I wantmy utilities as cheap as I can get them! (One of the primary reasons we switched from oilto natural gas 9 or 10 years ago , was because of our perception that gas was plentifuland prices were stable. I question whether heating oil has ever fluctuated 40 percentover a heating season. Anyway - please do what you can to minimize the pain for me , and for many utili customers who are stretching even more than I am. Thanks for your interest. Transaction ID: 5301036. Referred by: http: 1 Iwww. puc. s tate. id. us scripts Ipolyform. dlll ipuc Use r Add res s: 2 0 4 . 9 9 . 1 9 9 . 2 1 Us e r Ho s tname: 204. 99 . 199 . 21 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 10:58 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 20039:58:18 AMCase: INT- G- 03- Name: Eleanor M. Hayman (John)Street Addres s: 125 E Pine St.Ci ty: CaldwellState: IdahoZIP: 83605HomeTelephone: (208) 453-1400E-Mail: j ahyman3~mindspring. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: Please , please do not allow an increase in the price of natural gasto residential costumers in Idaho. We live on a very fixed income , have suffered somesevere financial losses as have many others in this down turn. We have no choice but usingIntermountain Gas and maybe they should do a bi t of cutting back on their budget too. Wehope that common sense will prevail and the increase will not be allowed.Eleanor and John HaymanTransaction ID: 530958.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 3 . 1 8 7 . 1 7 6 . 2 2 Us e r Ho s tname: 63. 187 . 176 . 22 Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 10:45 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 20039:44:53 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Dan WilmotStreet Address: 1312 Grant StreetCi ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83702HomeTelephone: 208-870-9297E-Mail: merkime~hotmail. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I would like to cast my "vote " against a 30 pricenatural gas. I have no valid arguement besides just not wanting to payseemingly too high price I pay already.Thank you for taking my comments.Dan WilmotTransaction ID: 530944. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc Use r Add res s: 6 3 . 2 5 5 . 1 7 7 . 2 5 Use r Ho s tname: 63. 255 . 177 . 25 increase formo re than the Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellFriday, May 30 2003 10:22 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Friday, May 30 , 20039:22:19 AMCase: INT-G-03-Name: Bob DrozdaStreet Address: 381 7 N. Burnstead Ci ty: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83704-4483HomeTelephone: 208-322-3342E-Mail: drozdarl~drozdalaw. comCompany: Intermountain Gasmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: I was not aware of the public hearing held recently on the rateincrease request.It seems very exceSSlve.Transaction ID: 530922.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUse r Add res s: 2 0 7 . 2 2 5 . 3 6 . 3 4Use r Ho s tname: 207. 225 . 36 . 34