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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160128GTI Funding.pdfEXECUTIYE OFFICESi I rurgnruou NTAI r* Gls Cor"rPeNv sss SoUTH coLEBoAD . p.O. BOxToo8. BOISE IDAHO83707 o (ZOs)3r/{000 e FAx:3774@7 Rf CEIVED iBlS Jfrt{ ZB flH 9: 03 iD,\ii: ;?tiBLlc Juty 1O 2015 'i i jl iTifi,ti fl0MMlssl0t{ Mike Rasmuson Director - Marketing Services Northwest Pipeline, l,IC PO Box58900 \' Salt Lake City, UT 84158 Dear Mr. Rasmuson: It has been well over a decade since lntermountain Gas Company made its election with GTI to voluntarily fund GTI's Research and Development Program. lntermountain would like to hereby update that original election agreement letter, dated February 22,1999, to reflect two changes that have' occurred since the signing of that letter. First lntermountain would like to update that original election to reflect the lnstitute's name change from the Gas Research lnstitute (GRl)to the Gas Technology Institute (GTl). Secord, the signatory on the original election is no longer with the Company and this updated letter reflects my signature as the currcnt hcad of the Comparry. All other aspects of that original letter agrecrncnt rumain unchanged as indicated below. As you are aware, distribution members of the Gas Technology lnstitute have approached GTI inquiring how they can continue to fund GTl. lt is my underctanding that, as part of thc FERC Scttlement, Williams has agreed to act as a voluntary collection agent for customers that want to continue contributing to GRI and to include this on the pipcline invoice via the "check the bof system below. It is our understanding that lntermountain Gas Company would make an clection as to the voluntary contributions lntennountain wouH like to makc to GTI's Rcsearch and Dcvelopment Program, and these collections would bc cotlerted throtqh your inrclces. This letter serves as notke that lntermountain Gas Company would like to participate in GTI's "check the box" program. Please invoice Intermountain Gas Company atlinitial oll applicable choicesl: _The one part rate of 2C/ Dth for mry applicable volumes. - The two part rate of 16clDth demand charge and 0.88C/Dth commodity charge on rry FTS, ITS and NNS volumes. lLow load foctor customersl. fi*part rate of 26clDth demand charge and 0.88C/Dth commodity charge on rrry FfS, ffS and HNS volumes. lHigh lwd foaor customersl. _ lnvoice me at S _J month (fixed amount designoted by customersl. _ Do not irwoicc me for any R & D contributions at this time. lntermountain Gqs Company would like for thcse oontributions to be: -6**retroactive to January 1, 1999. _ Effective next billiry period. I understand that you will continue to collect and remit the GTt surcharge under the above elections until notified by lntermountain Gas Company, in writing. Cancellations will be effectirre thirty (30) days from the first day of ttE month following your receipt of the cancellation notification. The appropriate R&D amount, as stipulated by this letter, should be included as part of our monthly invoice. You willcsllect and rcnrit these funds to GTI with a cover letter listing the amount of confiibut'rons by customer. My voluntary contrlbutions will be applied to GTfu dispersed and targeted R&D prograrm as dlrcctcd bytnmpany throqh GTfs tDC R&D Mutual Fund Program. lntermountaln Grs Company Cc MichaelMcGrattU l6C Ron Snedic, GTI