HomeMy WebLinkAbout201009012010 IRP.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY RECEIVED 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608. BOISE,IDAHO 83707. (208) 377-600 . FAX: 377-6097 18fDiAUG 31 PH 3=1¡9 August 31,2010 IDAHO PU,-:"¡~-~ . UTIUTIES COM~éíSSION Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington St. P. O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE: Intermountain Gas Company's 2010 Integrated Resource Plan Case No. INT-G-10-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached for filing with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission are the original and seven copies of Intermountain Gas Company's 2010 Integrated Resource Plan. If there are any questions regarding the attached, please contact me at (208) 377-6168. Very truly yours, "L~J~w4 Katherine J. Barnard Manager Gas Supply and Regulatory Affairs KJB/sc Attachments cc F Morehouse E. Book D. Haider L l' r-l L ri J J J ,1 J, J ') Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan .. INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 1~ ,__J , I ,~J.., J J J INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN, C N -l _:: -r_ e:- c: :P ;0 ,2011-2015 ~~ § ~f.o W m0-0 - -0.. ,~=-C,:: -0 ~'~"O" -. 3:::- .-INT -G-l 0-04 (jc; 'ct::" (Jo 0"z I~TERM()UNTílN~ GAS COMPANY . . . . -A Subsidiary of MOU Resources Group, Inc. " . In the CômmunitytoServe~. AUGUST 2010 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN 2011-2015 '1 r-"J~_:::d _ .'1- AUGUST 2010 U fl' L' J d :'--1'h.i:' , ¡ ,.1 ñ :J¡.~ , 'I~.:_,j 1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 5 DEMAND FORECAST OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 14 HEATING DEGREE DAYS AND DESIGN WEATHER................................................................................29 USAGE PER CUSTOMER ............................................................................................................................33 INDUSTRIAL USAGE FORECAST ...............................................................................................................40 LOAD DURATION CURVES .........................................................................................................................45 TRADITIONAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES.............................................................................................. 51 NON-TRADITIONAL SUPPLY RESOURCES ..............................................................................................61 AVAILABLE AND POTENTIAL SYSTEM CAPACIT ENHANCEMENTS ................................................65 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELING ......................................................................................................... 67 THE EFFICIENT AND DIRECT USE OF NATURAL GAS ........................................................................... 69 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT PROCESS........................................................ 76 RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION ........................................................................................................................ 80 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 2010 IRP VS. 2008 IRP ................................................................................. 88 2 - '1 ¡ , -1, Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Table of Exhibits Appendix A: John Church Economic Forecast Appendix B: Intermountain Gas Market Penetration rates Appendix C: Intermountain Gas Market Conversion Rates Appendix D: Base Case - New Customers, Adjustments & Total Customer Forecast Appendix E: High Case - New Customers, Adjustments & Total Customer Forecast Appendix F: Low Case - New Customers, Adjustments & Total Customer Forecast r¡ i Exhibit No. 1 r-i I , l ) , 1 ~J fl- ~ - J Exhibit NO.2 Appendix A: Regression Data - Therms and Degree-Days Appendix B: Regression Statistics Exhibit NO.3 Appendix A: Total Company Design Weather - Base Price/Growth LDC Data Appendix B: Idaho Falls Lateral Design Weather - Base Price/Growth LDC Data Appendix C: Canyon County Area Design Weather - Base Price/Growth LDC Data Appendix D: Sun Valley Lateral Design Weather - Base Price/Growth LDC Data Appendix E: State Street Lateral Design Weather - Base Price/Growth LDC Data Exhibit NO.4 Maps 1 - 3: Western North America - Natural Gas Basins, Pipelines and Storage Projects Charts 1 - 6: Natural Gas Deliveries, Production, Index Prices and Basin Price Forecasts Load Duration Curve Inputs Supply Resource Inputs Transportation Capacity Resource Inputs Supply Resource Pricing Inputs 2011 Optimization Model Results 2012 Optimization Model Results 2013 Optimization Model Results 2014 Optimization Model Results 2015 Optimization Model Results Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5.1: Table 5.2: Table 5.3: Table 5.4: Table 5.5: 3 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Exhibit NO.5 Appendix A: Boise Public Workshop Announcement & Agenda Appendix B: Pocatello Public Workshop Announcement & Agenda Appendix C: Boise/Pocatello Workshop Presentation 4 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Executive Summary n V'.J Natural gas continues to be the fuel of choice in Idaho. Southern Idaho's manufacturing plants, commercial businesses, new homes and anticipated new electric power plants, all rely on natural gas to provide an economic, efficient, environmentally friendly, comfortable form of heating energy. Intermountain Gas Company ("lntermountain"f'IGC") endorses and encourages the wise and efficient use of energy in general and, in particular, natural gas for high efficient uses in Idaho and Intermountain's service area (see Page 69). Forecasting the demand of Intermountain's growing customer base is a regular part of Intermountain's operations, as is determining how to best meet the load requirements brought on by this demand. Public input is an integral part of this planning process. The customer demand forecast and resource decision making process is ongoing. This Integrated Resource Plan document represents a snapshot in time similar to a balance sheet. It is not meant to be a prescription for all future energy resource decisions, as conditions will change over the planning horizon impacting areas covered by this Plan. Rather, this document is meant to describe the currently anticipated conditions over the five-year planning horizon, the anticipated resource selections and the process for making resource decisions. The planning process described herein is an integral part of Intermountain's ongoing commitment to make the wise and efficient use of natural gas an important part of Idaho's energy future. fJt.,:,: L: nU Backdrop Intermountain is the sole distributor of natural gas in Southern Idaho. Its service area extends across the entire breadth of Southern Idaho; an area of 50,000 square miles, with a population of approximately 1,000,000. During the first half of 2009, Intermountain served an average of 305,309 customers in 74 communities through a system of over 10,000 miles of transmission, distribution and service lines. Over 120 miles of distribution and 2,883 service lines were added during 2009 to accommodate new customer additions and maintain service for Intermountain's growing customer base. ~J Ll The economy of Intermountain's service area is based primarily on agriculture and related industries. Major crops are potatoes and sugar beets. Major agricultural-related industries include food processing and production of chemical fertilzers. Other significant industries are electronics, general manufacturing and services and tourism. Intermountain provides natural gas sales and service to two major markets: the residentiaVcommercial market and the industrial market. During 2009, an average of 275,522 residential and 29,673 commercial customers used natural gas primarily for space and water heating, compared to an average of 272,657 residential and 29,263 commercial customers in 2008. This equates to an increase in average residential and commercial customers of 1.1 %. ;1 Intermountain's industrial customers transport natural gas through Intermountain's system to be used for boiler and manufacturing applications. Industrial demand for natural gas is strongly influenced by the agricultural economy and the price of alternative fuels. Forty-one point two percent (41.2%) of the throughput on Intermountain's system during 2009 was attributable to industrial sales and transportation. J j J Intermountain's peak day loads (throughput during the projected coldest winter day) are growing at a manageable rate. The growth in Intermountain's projected peak day load is attributable to two factors: 1) growth in Intermountain's customer base, primarily residential and commercial, and 2) production related growth occurring in Intermountain's industrial firm transportation market which impacts Intermountain's distribution system while not impacting the need for additional interstate pipeline capacity. 5 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan The customer growth forecase was created and analyzed from both a total company perspective and also by specific geographic regions within Intermountain's service territory. The regions were selected based upon the anticipated or known need for system upgrades within certain regions of Intermountain's service territory, The regions, as more fully delineated later in this document, consist of The Idaho Falls Lateral Region, The Sun Valley Lateral Region, The Canyon County Region, the State Street Lateral Region and the All Other Region. Peak day sendout studies and load duration curves were developed under design weather conditions (see page 29) to determine the magnitude and timing of future deficiencies in firm peak day delivery capabilties from both a total company interstate mainline perspective, as well as geographic region specific perspectives, Residential, commercial and industrial customer peak day send out was matched against available resources to determine which combination of new resources would be needed to meet Intermountain's future peak day delivery requirements in the most cost effective manner. Forecast Peak Day Sendout Total Company Residential, commercial and industrial peak day load growth on Intermountain's system under design conditions is forecast over the five-year period to grow at an average annual rate of 1.75% under the base case scenario. The table below summarizes the forecast for peak day sendout under the "base case" customer growth assumption. LOAD DURATION CURVE. TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volume in Them) NWFirm Peak Day Sendout Incrementa Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industal Core Industral Capacity ~Firm CD Tota Market FirmCD1 Total FYll 2,751,270 3,599,903 190,010 3,789,913 FY12 2,743,760 3,652,007 190,010 3,842,017 52,104 0 52,104 FY13 2,736,250 3,718,077 190,010 3,908,087 66,070 0 66,070 FY14 2,728,240 3,801,171 190,010 3,991,181 83,094 0 83,094 FY15 2,699,590 3,882,776 190,010 4,072,786 81,605 0 81,605 i Future growth in trnsport CD is IißUte to T -4, which does not afect Inteountan's interstate pipeline capacity reuirements. The above table highlights the fact that growth in the peak day is commensurate with the growth projected to occur in Intermountain's residential and small commercial customer markets. Existing Resources: Intermountain's existing firm delivery capabilty on the peak day is made up of the resources shown on the following page: 1 Multiple residential and commercial customer growth scenarios were developed. Each scenario ("baseline", "high" and "low") was driven by the potential for varying outcomes of Idaho's economy (See Pages x-x.) 6 r ) r-i Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan PEAK DAY FIRM DELIVERY CAPABILITY 11 I (Volumes in Decatherms)il FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Maximum Daily Storage Withdrawals: Nampa LNG 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 Plymouth LS 1,096,235 1,096,235 1,096,235 1,096,235 1,096,235 Jackson Prairie 30,337 30,337 30,337 30,337 30,337 SGS Total 1,706,572 1,706,572 1,706,572 1,706,572 1,706,572 Storage Maximum 2,751,270 2,748,770 2,751,270 2,743,760 2,736,250 Deliverabilty (NWP) Total Peak Day 4457842 4455.342 4,4S7 842 4450.332 4442.822 Deliverabilt r L ~l i ri.\. ;,~When forecasted peak day sendout is matched against existing resources, there are no peak day delivery deficits, n FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE J\ (Volumes in Therms) FY11 FY12 FY13 il Em Peak Day Deficit'0 0 0 0 0 Total Winter Deficit 0 0 0 0 0 Days Requiring Additional 0 0 0 0 0 Resources 1 ~ .1t.,: 1, l Regional Studies As mentioned above, certain geographic regions within Intermountain's service territory were analyzed based upon the anticipated or known need for distribution system upgrades within each specific region. Not unlike the total company interstate mainline perspective, the projected peak day sendout for each region was measured against the known distribution capacity available to serve that region. In addition to the firm delivery requirements for Intermountain's residential and commercial customers, the needs of those industrial customers contracting for firm distribution only transportation service (Intermountain's "T- 4" customers) were also included as part of these regional studies. A wide array of alternatives were evaluated in formulating the best plan to meet the projected deficits in the various regions within Intermountain's service territory (see "Non-Traditional Resource Options" - Page 61). Additionally, each region is analyzed within the framework of the Company's Distribution System Model (See Page 67). ¡'o. j J J 'i Idaho Falls Lateral Region The Idaho Falls Lateral ("IFL") is 1 04 miles in length and serves a number of cities between Pocatello in the south and St. Anthony in the north (See Map on Page 13). The customers served by the IFL represent a diverse base of residential, commercial and large industrial customers. The residential, commercial and industrial load served off the IFL represents approximately 15% of the total company customers and 19% of the company's total winter sendout during December of 2009. 7 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan When forecasted peak day sendout on the IFL is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (810,000 therms), a peak day delivery deficit occurs during 2011 and increases at levels shown on the following tables: LOAD DURATION CURVE. IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therrs)Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Incremental Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm COl Total Market Firm CO2 Total FY11 810,000 657,874 221,750 879,624 FY12 810,000 668,933 221,750 890,683 11,059 0 11,059 FY13 810,000 685,566 221,750 907,316 16,633 0 16,633 FY14 810,000 703,123 221,750 924,873 17,557 0 17,557 FY15 810,000 716,620 221,750 924,873 13,497 0 13,497 1 Existing firm contract demand includes T -4 and T -5 requirements. 2Future growt in transport CD is limited to T -4 which only impacts Intermountain's distribution capacity requirements. FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therm) FY11 FY12 FY13 Peak Day Deficit 1 69,620 80,680 97,320 Total Winter Deficif!93,090 123,350 178,490 Days Requinng Additional Capacity 2 3 3 FY14 114,870 240,800 4 FY15 128,370 281,460 4 1Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. 2Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of interstate capacity less total .peaking" storage. Peaking storage does not require the use of Intermountain's traditionl intersate capacity to deliver inventory to the citygate. The industrial customer base on the IFL is unique in that a few of these customers have the potential and abilty to mitigate peak day consumption by switching to fuel oil during extreme cold temperatures. Although these customers prefer using natural gas to any other fuel alternative, Intermountain believes that small, short duration peak day distribution delivery deficits in the future can be mitigated by working with these customers to facilitate the use of fuel oil at these customer's facilties. Additionally, with the addition of the Rexburg LNG facilty, these deficits can easily be mitigated by bringing gas on from the facilty. However, the projected delivery deficits are of such magnitude that "looping" of the existing system is warranted adding the necessary firm delivery capabilty to that area. Sun Valley Lateral Region The residential, commercial and industrial load served off the Sun Valley Lateral ("SVL") represents approximately 4% of the total company customers and 4% of the company's total winter sendout during December of 2009. When forecasted peak daysendout on the SVL is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (175,000 therms), a peak day delivery deficit occurs during 2011 and increases at the levels shown on the following tables: 8 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan n J"L~ _l:., ~l !- -l- L D fJ:~d d L LOAD DURATION CURVE - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Incremental Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total Market Firm CO2 Total FY11 175,000 173,957 8,150 182,107 FY12 175,000 174,868 8,150 184,422 911 °911 FY13 175,000 176,554 8,150 184,704 1,686 °1,686 FY14 175,000 178,846 8,150 192,187 2,292 °2,292 FY15 175,000 181,053 8,150 189,203 2,207 °2,207 lExisting finn coct demand includes T -4 and T-5 requirements. 2Future growt in transport CD is limited to T-4 which only impact Intennountan's distribution capacity requirements. FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) r. '1 I, ',.'( ~:" ~J ri-t;~ , I J FY11 FY12 FY13 Peak Day Deficit 1 7,110 8,020 9,700 Total Winter Deficit 9,710 13,260 17,790 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 2 2 3 .E 12,000 24,570 FY15 14,200 30,220 3 4 1Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. 2Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of interstate capacity less total "peaking" storage. Peaking storage does not require the use of Intennountain's traditional interstate capacity to deliver inventory to the citygate. As can be seen from the above table, growth along the SVL wil warrant a future upgrade to the existing pipeline system. The tourism industry driven industrial load on the SVL is limited in size and does not currently have the capabilty to switch to alternative fuels as a means of mitigating peak day sendout. Again, a wide array of alternatives were evaluated in determining the potential ways to best meet the projected deficits. Intermountain plans to increase the delivery capabilty and ultimate capacity on the SVL using a series of cost effective system upgrades, beginning in 2011 with a planned compressor station which wil add additional capacity, removing any peak deficits through 2015. In addition, to better manage this additional capacity, the company received approval to provide incremental snowmelt loads on an interruptible only basis, which wil help to offset demand during peak day loads. ,.. d Canyon County Region The residential, commercial and industrial load served off the Canyon County Lateral ("CCL") represented approximately 14% of the total company customers and 13% of the company's total winter sendout during December 2009. J 9 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan When forecasted CCL peak day design sendout is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (700,000 therms), there are no peak day delivery deficits occurs during the 2011-2015 planning years as shown on the following tables: LOAD DURTION CURVE. CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Then) Existng Distribution Peak Day Sendout Incrementa Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industral Core Industrial Capacity M!Firm CD! Tota Market FirmCDz Tota FYll 690,00 514,776 100,100 614,876 FY12 690,000 530,677 100,100 630,677 15,901 0 15,901 FY13 690,00 544,680 100,100 64,780 14,003 0 14,003 FY14 690,000 561,428 100,100 661,528 16,748 0 16,748 FY15 690,000 578,274 100,100 678,374 16,846 0 16,846 IExisting fi contract demand includes T -4, and T-5 reuirements. 2Puture grwt in trsport CD is limited to T -4 which only impacts Inteunta's distrbution capaity reuirments. FIR DELIVERY DEFICIT - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Peak Day Deficitl IT o FY12 o FY13 o ~~ o o Total Winter Deficir o o o o o Days Requinng Additional Capacity o o o o o ¡Equal to the tota winter sendout in excess of distrbution capacity.2Equal to the tota winter sendout in excess of interstate capaity less tota "peng" storage. Peang storage doe not reuire the use of Intermountan's traditional interstate capacity to deliver inventory to the citygate. While diverse in nature, the industrial customer base served by the CCL does not currently have the capabilty to switch to alternative fuels as a means of mitigating peak day sendout and Intermountain is currently exploring optional means of enhancing the distribution capabilty on this LateraL. State Street Lateral The State Street Lateral makes its first appearance in this IRP, and there is currently no threat of capacity constraint. However, it is an area that Intermountain is watching, and wil continue to watch as demand is beginning to approach design capacity. During the 2011-2015 time frame, there are no capacity constraints as shown on the following tables: 10 r-1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (1 LOAD DURATION CURVE - STATE STREET DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) r-1 '1 Existing Distbution Peak Day Sendout Incrmenta Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Core Indusal Capacity Market Firm CD! Total ~FirmCD2 I! FYll 585,00 511,270 17,100 528,370 FY12 585,00 514,66 17,100 531,766 3,396 0 3,396 FY13 585,00 519,276 17,100 536,376 4,610 0 4,610 FY14 585,00 526,531 17,100 543,631 7,255 0 7,255 FY1S 585,00 534,459 17,100 551,559 7,928 0 7,928 ~ r ¡Exsting fi contrt demand include T-4, and T-5 reuirments.2Future grwt in trport CD is limite to T -4 whch only impats Interounta's distrbution capacity reuirments. fl ei- L _ FIR DELIVERY DEFICIT - STATE STREET DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therm) ~ 1 Pea Day Deficitl EX o FY12 o FY13 o FY14 ~ o o j Total Winter Deficit2 o o o o o ~ 1 '1-;"' 1 Days Requiring Additional Capacity o o o o o ¡Equal to the tota winte sendout in excess of distbution capacity.2Equal to the tota wintr sendout in excess of interstate capacity less total "peng" storage. Peang storage do not reuire th use of Intermountan's tritional intetate capaity to deliver inventory to the citygate. Assessment of Potential DSM Programs 1 In addition to reviewing traditional and non-traditional resource alternatives, the company has also analyzed potential DSM (Demand Side Management) measures as a solution for potential constraint areas. The company continued to utilze information from the Navigant Study to develop potential DSM programs to be included in the resource optimization modeL. For planning purposes, the company focused on programs that would not duplicate other programs, would not be redundant with regard to codes or other regulations, and would provide truly additional energy savings. Cost-effectiveness was important, but the measures selected had to impact the greatest number of customers, and their most significant gas usage. ,J , ¡ , _ J As a result the company evaluated 2 different programs. In the Conversion market, the company analyzed the continuation of its $200 rebate to customers that install a 90%-or-greater efficiency natural gas furnace at the time of conversion. The company also evaluated offering a $30 rebate when a customer installs a .64 or greater energy factor (EF) gas water heater at the time of conversion. The The company also evaluated expanding its conversion equipment rebate program to existing customers who replace a lower efficiency furnace with a 90%-or-greater efficiency natural gas furnace and evaluated J Ll 11 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan offering the proposed water-heater rebates to those customers who replaces a .59-or-below EF natural gas water heater with a .64-or-greater EF natural gas unit. The additional programs - water heater conversions, and the furnace/water heater upgrades would be deployed in a pilot program on the Idaho Falls lateral in Calendar 2011. Our advertising promotion of high-efficiency new homes and ENERGY STAR is ongoing. Summary Residential, commercial and industrial customer growth and its consequent impact on Intermountain's distribution system were analyzed using design weather conditions under various scenarios for Idaho's economy. Peak day sendout under each of these customer growth scenarios was measured against the available natural gas delivery systems to project the magnitude and timing of delivery deficits, both from a total company perspective as well as a regional perspective. The resources needed to meet these projected deficits were analyzed within a framework of options, both traditional and non~traditional, including DSM measures, to help determine the most cost-effective means available to manage the potential deficits. In utilzing these options, Intermountain's Core market and firm transportation customers can continue to rely on uninterrupted firm service both now and in the years to come. 12 c~. t. .I. t" : " - , . . . . , " . " . . ~,~ : - , , . , . . , ~ " '~ Ç~ L i : ~ c: : -:: - , ,',~ ~ .t ; NA T U R A L G A S S Y S T E M IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y -w CA N A D I A N G A S UA N B A S . S U N V A L L E Y KE T C H U M I E L K H O R N ., H A I L E Y LE G E N D CO N D A i) S O A S P R I N G S I GE O R G E T O W N I MO N E U E R - W I L I A S P I P N E IN R M O U N T A I N G A S C O . S E R V I C E L A T E R A L S . T O N S S E R V E D B Y I N R M O U N T A I N G A S C O . C! I N T R M O U N T A I N J A S C O . O F F E S sc l e : 2 5 M I L E S I ' I 4/ 0 9 I\o....II\0_ .. : : oi _ _( 1 ;; 3 (1 0 CO i : à ; ; (1 ~ . a. : : :D ( j (1 l D CI C I g ( ) 00 (1 3 "t i lD : : :: - o Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan DEMAND FORECAT OVERVIEW The first step in resource planning is forecasting future load requirements. Three essential components of the load forecast include projecting the number of customers requiring service, forecasting the weather sensitive customers' response to temperatures and estimating the weather those customers may experience. To complete the demand forecast, load projections of non-weather sensitive customers are also included. Intermountain's long range demand forecast incorporates various factors including divergent customer forecasts, statistically based gas usage per customer calculations, varied weather profies and banded natural gas price projections (all of which are fully discussed further in this document). Using various combinations of these factors results in eighteen separate and diverse demand forecast scenarios for the weather sensitive Core market customers. Combining those projections with the largely non-weather sensitive industrial market forecast provides Intermountain with eighteen total company demand scenarios that envelop a wide range of potential outcomes. These forecasts not only project monthly and annual loads but also predict daily usage including peak demand events. The forecast is further refined by the development and inclusion of base, high and low gas price forecasts and customer growth scenarios. The inclusion of all of this detail allows Intermountain to evaluate the adequacy of its supply arrangements under a wide range of demand scenarios. The next several sections outline the methodology used to build the demand forecast for this IRP. This section of the Plan describes and summarizes the residential and commercial customer growth forecast for the years 2011 through 2015. This forecast provides the anticipated magnitude and direction of IGC's residential and small customer growth by IGC Distribution System Segments for the company's current service territory. Customer growth continues to be the primary driving factor in the company's five-year demand forecast contained within the IRP. The Segments are as follows: · The Canyon County Segment, which consists of the Core Ma.rket Customers in Canyon County. · The Sun Valley Lateral Segment, consisting of the Core Market Customers in Blaine and Lincoln Counties. · The Idaho Falls Lateral Segment, consisting of the Core Market Customers in Bingham, Bonnevile, Fremont, Jefferson, and Madison Counties, along with approximately 35% of the Core Market Customers in Pocatello, Bannock County. · The "North of State Street" Lateral Segment, ("State Street") consisting of the area of Ada County north of the Boise River, bound on the west by Kingsbury Road west of Star, and bound on the east by State Highway 21. This segment is newly-defined and included in this 2010 IRP. · The All Other Customers Segment, consisting of the Core Market Customers in Ada County not included in the "North of State Street" segment, Bear Lake, Caribou, Cassia, Elmore, Gem, Gooding, Jerome, Minidoka, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Twin Falls, and Washington Counties. Additionally, 65% of the Core Market Customers in Pocatello, Bannock County, as well as the rest of Bannock County, are included in this segment. IGC's customer growth forecast is based on three (3) key components: · Residential New Construction Customers · Residential Customers who convert to natural gas from an alternative fuel . Small Commercial Customers 14 , \ '--1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan r'l r-1 --1 :J f1 rJ'~ '1 To calculate the number of customers added each year, the annual change in households for each county in the IGC Service Territory is determined using the Idaho Economics 2009 Economic Forecast for the State of Idaho by John S. Church (Church Forecast or Outlook), dated September 2009. Using the assumption that a new household means a new dwellng is needed, the annual change in households by county is multiplied by IGC's market penetration rate in that region to determine the additional residential new construction customers. Next, that number is multiplied by the IGC conversion rate, which is the anticipated percentage of conversion customers relative to new construction customers in those locales. This results in the number of expected residential conversion customers, and when added to the residential new construction numbers, the total expected additional residential customers across the periods is derived, by county. Although the new State Street segment contains a small portion of Canyon County in addition to the major portion entirely in Ada County, an additional estimate was made for that segment after the total Ada County forecast was derived. Using the 2005 COMPASS growth forecast for Ada County, the forecast growth in the Traffic Analysis Zones (T AZ) in the State Street segment was compared to the overall forecast growth for all of Ada County. This was calculated to be 27%. This was used as the base for estimating the forecast growth in the State Street segment. The residential new construction numbers by county are multiplied by the IGC commercial rate, which is the anticipated percentage of commercial customers relative to residential new construction customers in those locales, to arrive at the number of expected additional small commercial customers. The residential numbers must be split across our two residential rate classes, RS-1 and RS-2, since these classes have different load patterns. RS-1 is a customer who does not have both a gas furnace and a gas water heater, regardless of other appliances. RS-2 customers have at least a gas furnace and a gas water heater. Virtually 100% of IGC's residential new construction customers go RS-2, while only regionally varying percentages of IGC's residential conversion customers go RS-2. So, the additional residential conversion customers are split, depending on the region. c.l ~ 'JL 1 With the continued downturn in the housing market, IGC growth projections are down considerably, when compared to the 2008 IRP. The Church Forecast household numbers are employed to determine the relative overall number of customer additions, as well as the distribution of those customer additions, that is, the location of additional customers within our system. The following graph depicts the relationship or "shape" of incremental customer additions by segment. ,J J J 'j IRP BASE CAS INCREMENTAL CUSTOMER GROWTH BY SEGMENT _,GO 40600 4,GO i3,50 l DFY113,GO DFV12 2,50 _FY13 DFY14 2,GO .FY15 1,500 r- 1 ,GO .. ndj~150I:: ~-I::0 CANYON SUNYALEY IDAHO FALLS STATE STREET ALL OTHER 15 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan The Church Forecast provides three economic scenarios: base case, low growth, and high growth. Intermountain has incorporated these scenarios into the customer growth model, and has developed three five-year Core market customer growth forecasts. The following graph shows the annual additional customers for each of the three economic scenarios. Annual Additional Customers Residential and Small Commercial 12,00 8,00 _High Growth..SaseCase ..LowGrowth 10,000 6,000 4,00 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 The following table summarizes the results from the 5-year customer growth model for each scenario for the total customers at each year-end, and the annual additional or incremental, customers: TOTAL CUSTOMERS ANNUAL ADDITIONAL CUSTOMERS Rangeasa %Average as a %Rangeasa %Average as a % Of Base Case of Base Case Of Base Case of Base Case Low Growth 99%-100%99%88%-93%91% Baseline 100% -100%100%100% -100%100% Hiah Growth 100%-101%101%111% -117%114% Range Range (2011 - 2015)Average (2011 - 2015)Average Low Growth 314,241 - 340,412 326,n2 5,660 -7,760 6,603 Baseline 314,657 - 344,069 328,665 6,100 - 8,800 7,260 High Growth 315,334 - 349,229 331,365 6,760 -10,290 8,288 As mentioned earlier, the economic downturn, and its resulting negative impact on housing and business growth has resulted in a much reduced IGC customer growth forecast in the years common to the 2008 and 2010 IRP's. The following graph provides a comparison of the customer additions forecasted under base case conditions, 16 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Ann u a I Add ltio n a I C u s to me rs II Residential and Sm all Com m erelal 2010 IR P VS. 2008 IR P 12,000 l...i........ ....,-. r:.',"10,000 A _20101RP _20081RP8,000 6,000 - rn...'.'~.....'....... ~:,., :~~4,000 FY 11 FY12 FY13 Vl..,.....'.'.,.... tt~J The following sections explore, more fully, the different components of the customer forecast, including the Church Forecast, market penetration and conversion rates, and small commercial growth. HOUSEHOLD PROJECTIONS I CHURCH FORECAST tl '1 í:.t ¡ The September 2009 Church Forecast provides county by county projections of output, employment and wage data for 21 industry categories for the State of Idaho, as well as a population and household forecast. This simultaneous equation model uses personal income and employment by industry as the main economic drivers of the forecast. This model uses forecasts of national inputs and demands for those sectors of the Idaho economy having national or international exposure. Industries that do not have as large a national profile, and are thus serving local communities and demands are considered secondary industries. Local economic factors, rather than the national economy determine demand for these products. The Church Forecast uses two methods for population projections: (1) a cohort-component population model in which annual births and deaths are forecast, and then the net number is either added to or subtracted from the population; and (2) an econometric model which forecasts population as a function of economic activity. The two forecasts are then compared and reconciled for each quarter of the forecast. Migration into or out of the state is arrived at in this reconcilation. As previously mentioned, the Church Forecast provides three scenarios: (1) baseline, (2) high growth, and (3) low growth. The baseline scenario assumes a normal amount of economic fluctuation, a normal business cycle. This becomes the standard against which changes in customer growth, as affected by the low and high growth scenarios, can be measured, \.1 J .. The Base Case Economic Growth Scenarios The September 2009 Economic Forecast for the State of Idaho and its 44 counties is for a weaker economic outlook than that contemplated in the Summer 2007 Forecast. Along with a slowdown in housing and overall construction, Idaho's economy is expected to post significantly reduced employment 17 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan growth through the forecast period. This is in stark contrast to a growth rate earlier this decade that was at least twice the national average rate, and at times, close to three times that of the nation as a whole. The manufacturing industries in Idaho, which were the hardest hit in the national recession of 2001, had stil not regained employment to pre-recession levels by the end of 2007. The prospects for future manufacturing job gains have softened even further in the September 2009 Outlook from those projected in the Summer 2007 Outlook. In particular, Idaho's natural resource-related manufacturing industries, and its high-tech manufacturing industries are deemed to be troubled through most of this economic outlook. Idaho's manufacturing sector had been the State's engine of growth throughout the 1990s. With the onset of the 2001 national recession and the subsequent manufacturing job losses, by 2005, Idaho had shed nearly 9,500 manufacturing jobs from its August 2000 pre-recession peak, when the manufacturing sector employed nearly 77,000 statewide. Similarly, the natural resource industries of logging and mining also experienced severe employment cutbacks dunng the last recession which, in total, reduced the industry's employment in Idaho by nearly 10% during the 2001 to 2005 period. And, despite an unprecedented level of housing demand in the nation during 2005, Idaho's lumber and wood products industries did not even exhibit a glimmer of renewed life in spite of the overwhelming demand for lumber products. Add to that a serious downturn in the prices for computer memory chips, and two of Idaho's larger manufacturing industries that one would have expected to be a continuing source of economic strength throughout the current decade have faltered badly. Idaho's mining industry did show some renewed strength with the temporary rise in precious metals prices which occurred a few years ago. During the current national economic slowdown, and the concurrent slowdown in the Idaho economy, state government in Idaho has experienced a sharp drop in income and sales tax collections. Faced with the prospect of annual operating budget deficits, the state has found it necessary to not only cut spending, but to curtail employment. State government employment in Idaho, which, in the few years prior to the current downturn showed positive employment gains, has weathered layoffs and wage freezes. In 2009, Idaho's economy posted an overall loss in nonagricultural employment of 4.3%, about 28,300 jobs. Not surprisingly, construction employment in Idaho dropped significantly in 2009, with 8,000 jobs lost, or 19.9% below the 2008 leveL. The first hits were in the residential realm, with Idaho's 2006 slowdown in residential housing construction. Reduced commercial and infrastructure construction activity in the following couple years made for the job losses in that sector. Other major statewide sectors losing jobs during 2009 were Manufacturing, with nearly 6,000 jobs or 10% lost during 2009; and Trade, with a loss of 7,000 positions, or 6.4% of the 2008 total. The only non- agricultural job category which showed any positive change during 2009 was Educational and Health services, which grew by 3,700 jobs or 4.6% during the year. And while the aforementioned job reductions have been felt everywhere in Idaho, the Treasure Valley endured over 50% of the employment losses that the State experienced from December 2008 to December 2009. In the September 2009 Economic Forecast, nonagricultural employment in Idaho is projected to be nearly 4.4% lower by the year 2030 than the level projected in the 2007 Forecast. Manufacturing employment does not fare so well in the September 2009 Outlook, slipping 5.1 % below the levels forecasted in the Summer 2007 Outlook by the year 2015, and dropping by 4.4% by the year 2030. Projections of the future population growth in Idaho weaken in the September 2009 Outlook compared to the Summer 2007 version, Idaho's total population is forecasted to grow from the estimated 2010 figure of 1,566,260 to 2,192,470 millon by 2030, an annual growth rate of 1.7%, Incidentally, this projected 2030 population figure is 3.9% below the 2030 population level anticipated in the Summer 2007 Outlook. The number of future households projected in the State is similarly lower in the 2009 Outlook. 18 i (Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan The High and Low Economic Growth Scenarios '-¡ '1 r1 The High Growth and Low Growth Scenarios of the September 2009 Economic Forecast present alternative views of the economic future of Idaho and its forty-four counties. The High Growth Scenario of the Economic Forecast presents a long-term vision of a more- rapidly growing economy in Idaho. For example, the High Growth Scenario produces a projected statewide population of nearly 2,539,500 in the year 2030 versus a Base Scenario Idaho population forecast of 2,192,470 in the same year. The High Growth scenario presents an absolute population gain of nearly 917,000 over Idaho's estimated 2010 population of 1,622,400, and an annual average compound rate of population growth of 2.3% per year. .J ~'1 ~....: \ . fld (1 , .J Alternatively, the Low Growth Scenario of the September 2009 Economic Forecast does not present as optimistic an economic outlook for the Idaho economy. In the Low Growth Scenario, Idaho's 2030 population is projected to reach the much lower level of 1,967,900. The Low Growth Scenario's projected 2030 population is 400,500 above Idaho's estimated 2010 population of 1,567,400, and represents an annual average compound growth rate of population growth of 1.1 percent per year. While the High and Low Growth Scenarios of the Economic Forecast represent two significantly different views of Idaho's economic future, they are not unprecedented. An examination of historic employment, population, and household growth over the 1970 through 2000 period was performed. This examination, using either 5-year or 10-year moving averages of the growth of 1-digit SiC code employment concepts, population, and households in order to dampen the effects of peak periods of economic growth, revealed that historic levels have exceeded the projected rates of growth in the High and Low Growth Scenarios of the September 2009 Economic Forecast. An examination of the possible economic and demographic events that could produce the economic and population growth projected in the High and Low Growth Scenarios is outlined below. High Scenario Economic Forecast: Assumptions \ J In the High Growth Scenario of the Summer 2009 Idaho Economic Forecast, it is assumed that the state of Idaho continues to be an attractive environment for manufacturing firms. Therefore, in spite of the employment losses that the State has experienced in this economic downturn, it is assumed that Idaho's manufacturing industries regain some economic traction, and wil expand in the future. However, the High Growth Scenario does not assume that the new growth in the manufacturing sector wil be the sole driver of economic growth in the state. The greater number of manufacturing jobs in the High Growth Scenario, when compared to the Base Case scenario, account for approximately 12.4 percent of the total additional jobs projected in the High Growth scenario. The specific assumptions concerning the manufacturing industries in the high growth scenario are: ! 1 u ¡. j · The Food Processing industry regains strength, and increases employment. By the years 2010 and 2020 the High Scenario forecast projects that employment in the Food Processing industry employment wil be nearly 400 jobs and 900 jobs, respectively, higher than in the Base Scenario forecast. The High Growth Scenario forecast assumes that at least two additional food processing plants (all dairy product processing plants and all located in South Central Idaho) wil open during the 2010 - 2035 forecast period. It is also assumed that Idaho's traditional food processing plants, which primarily process vegetable products, wil not fare well in any of the projections of future scenarios. In the High Growth Scenario, it is projected that the traditional vegetable processing plants wil only lose jobs at a slower rate than would be the projected case in the Base and Low Growth Scenario forecasts. The projected employment gains in the food processing industry are all expected to be in those plants processing dairy products. Those plants are most likely to be located in the Magic Valley area of the State, and may be more likely to be located at the periphery of the traditional concentration of the dairy industry in that area -- Le., on the eastern edge in either Cassia or Minidoka Counties, or in Elmore County on the western side of the area. ,~J J 19 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan · Employment in Idaho's Lumber and Wood Products manufacturing industry has slipped in the current recession. In the High Growth Scenario, it is assumed that the lumber and wood products industry in the state only recovers to prerecession levels in the forecast period. Most of those jobs wil be in wood product manufacturing - doors, windows, moldings, etc. · Idaho's Electronics Industry rebounds in the High Case Scenario, with the projected opening of a new production plant in the Boise MSA. This plant is projected to be roughly equivalent in size to AMI's facilty in Pocatello, and is expected to employ approximately 1,500 people by the year 2010, and 2,500 by the 2020. In the Base Case Scenario it is projected that other, already existing electronics industry manufacturers in Idaho are expected to add nearly 2,500 jobs over the 2010 to 2035 forecast period, with other new-to- Idaho manufacturers adding nearly 3.500 new jobs in the 2010 to 2035 forecast period. As a result, the High Growth Scenario does not produce a much higher level of employment that that found in the Base Case Forecast · Idaho's employment in Stone, Clay, and Glass Products, and Fabricated Metal Products manufacturing is projected to be nearly 8.0% greater in the High Case Scenario than in the Base Case Scenario by the year 2010, and 6.0% and 8.0% higher than the Base Case by the years 2020 and 2030, respectively. This assumption is based upon an economic outlook that anticipates a continuation of high levels of activity in the region's Construction Industry. This assumption adds an additional 250 manufacturing jobs to the High Case Scenario. · Transportation, Communications, and Utilties employment in the High Case Scenario is projected to be nearly 9,300 jobs greater by the year 2030 than in the Base Case Scenario. The High Case Scenario increases in Transportation Industry employment are expected to occur in Idaho's air transportation sector. It is anticipated in the High Case Scenario that growth in air transportation employment in Boise wil accelerate, and that a long-rumored regional air freight hub wil be established at the Boise Air TerminaL. In addition, a new airport for the Wood River Valley wil be put on a fast track. This new, larger, and safer, airport facilty wil attract increased air transportation activity, not only directly to the Wood River Valley, but also indirectly with connecting flights to Boise. In addition, the Communications and Utilties sectors are expected to see higher levels of employment in the High Case Scenario. In both the Communications and Utilties industries, a large portion of this projected increase in employment is in reaction to faster population and household growth in the State of Idaho. However, another component of this projected higher level of employment is the assumed continuation of the growth in the Communications industrys "call center" facilties in Idaho (T-Mobile, and others), and the possible establishment of five to ten large independent electric power production facilties, including wind farms, in Idaho. · Wholesale and Retail Trade industry employment in the High Case Scenario is projected to be nearly 7,950 jobs (4.7%) jobs greater by the year 2010 than in the Base Case Economic Forecast. This trend continues with the High Case Scenario projected to have nearly 14,700 and 18,700 more Wholesale and Retail trade jobs than the Base Case forecast by the years 2020 and 2030, respectively. This difference is largely due to the higher levels of population and households projected in the High Case Scenario. It is also anticipated that most of this Wholesale and Retail Trade employment would physically be located on the Snake River plain of Southern Idaho near the population and household growth. · Service industry employment in the High Case Scenario is projected to be even more robust than in the already strong outlook found in the Base Case Scenario. In the High Case Scenario the outlook for employment in the Service industries is projected to be nearly 3,900 jobs (2.0%) greater than the Base Case outlook by the year 2010, and 8,500 jobs (12.0%) and 51,150 jobs (15.0%) higher than the Base Case Scenario by the years 2020 and 2030, respectively. Again a large portion of this difference is due to the higher levels of population and household growth anticipated in the High Case Scenario. Hotel and motel accommodations and related activities are also classified in the Service industry category. The High Scenario forecast assumes that tourism-related or recreational travel in Idaho increases, and as a result, employment in the lodging and recreation sectors also increases. In the High Scenario forecast, the Tamarack 20 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Resort is assumed to recover from its current financial troubles, and flourish under new ownership. ~ ri c,: · The Service industry outlook in the High Case Scenario assumes that there is a portion, roughly one-half, of the projected higher level of service industry employment that is caused by the relocation of firms new to Idaho. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco speculates that a portion of the strong economic growth that is currently being experienced in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Idaho is due to an outmigration of population and businesses from Califomia. Their studies have shown that many small California firms have come to the realization that the cost of doing business in California has become too great for them to remain competitive. Therefore, an increasing number of these firms are making decisions to relocate close to, but outside of, California. Hence, the very rapid growth occurring in Nevada, Arizona, and to a lesser extent Southern Oregon. Currently, New Mexico, Utah, and Idaho are capturing only a small portion of that exodus. The High Case Scenario assumes that this trend continues, and that Idaho, over time, captures a larger share of those relocation decisions.u fl- L ß :i · Federal Government employment in the High Case Scenario is projected to be nearly unchanged from the Base Case Outlook by the year 2010, with only 600 jobs greater by the year 2020 and thereafter. These increased Federal Government jobs are all assumed to be associated with increased activity at INEL in Eastern Idaho. On the other hand, total Government employment in the High Case Scenario is projected to be nearly 10,700 jobs higher (5.6%) than the Base Case Scenario by the year 2020. This difference expands further to where Total Government employment is 15,542 (9.9%) higher than the Base Case Scenario by the year 2030. Higher rates of population and household growth in the High Case Scenario is the primary driving force behind the projected greater employment numbers for Government employment. ~j fl. ¡ -,-,. " 1 · By the year 2010 the High Case Scenario forecast of population and number of households in Idaho is 4.3% higher the Base Case Forecasted figures. This represents nearly 66,145 more people in the State by the year 2010 and nearly 28,500 additional households. The projected gap between the High Case Scenario and the Base Case Scenarios widens by the years 2020 and 2030. In 2020 and 2030 the forecasted population of Idaho in the High Case Scenario is projected to be nearly 259,250 and 347,000 more, respectively, than that predicted in the Base Case Scenario. Similarly, the forecasted number of Idaho households in the High Case Scenario is greater than the Base Case Forecast by 99,100 in the year 2020 and 133,560 more than the Base Case in the year 2030. Low Scenario Economic Forecast: Assumptions In the Base Case Economic Forecast it is projected that Idaho wil gain nearly 11,500 manufacturing industry jobs over the 2005 to 2035 period. In the Low Case Scenario Idaho continues to go in a direction counter to the national trends for manufacturing employment and gains nearly 2,150 jobs over the period 2005 to 2035. However, this represents a much slower pace of growth -- 0.1 % per year over the period 2005 to 2035 -- than that projected in the Base Case Scenario forecast which is projected to increase at an annual average rate of 0.5% per year over the period 2005 to 2035. ¡".j · In the Low Case Scenario the State's loss of jobs in the Food Processing industry accelerates, and nearly 3,200 additional jobs are lost over the period 2005 to 2035. The potato processing plants in Southern Idaho would realize most of these job losses. It is assumed in the Low Case Scenario that the JR Simplot plant in Caldwell would close with a loss of nearly 2,000 jobs. It is anticipated that in the Low Case Scenario that the sugar processing plants in Southern Idaho would also feel increased pressure from competition, and would find it necessary to close the sugar processing plant in Nampa, Idaho, along with one of the other processing plants in Paul or Twin Falls, Idaho. The dairy industry and its associated food processing plants would reach a point where no further capacity could be added due to increased population and environmental pressures. J i'-__J 21 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan · Employment losses in Idaho's Lumber and Wood Products manufacturing industry are assumed to accelerate in the Low Case Scenario. In this scenario the brunt of these additional losses would be felt in those portions of the wood products industry that could be increasingly vulnerable to low-cost, foreign-produced products the Wood Grain Molding plants in Fruitland and Nampa, Idaho. · Idaho's Electronics Industry continues to add jobs over the period 2005 to 2035 in the Low Case Scenario, but at a pace that is much slower than in the Base Case Scenario. The Base Case Scenario projects that nearly 5,000 jobs wil be added in the Machinery and Electronics manufacturing sectors over the period 2005 to 2035. The Low Case Scenario projects that only 2,000 additional jobs wil be added by the Machinery and Electronics manufacturing industries over the period 2005 to 2035. No existing firms are assumed to close in this scenario. On the contrary, the forecast can accommodate the addition of one or two small Electronics manufacturing plants equivalent to AMI's Pocatello facility. In the Low Case Scenario the plant being constructed in Pocatello to manufacture photovoltaic cells and panels is assumed to open and operate for 5 years, and then close because of pressures from foreign competition in the industry. · Idaho's employment in Stone, Clay, and Glass Products and Fabricated Metal Products manufacturing are both projeced to be at lower levels in the Low Case Scenario. This projection is based upon an economic outlook that foresees lower levels of construction activity in the State. In general, manufacturing employment in Idaho does not recover over the period 2005 - 2035 to levels that were seen prior to this current recession. · Transportation, Communications, and Utilties employment in the Low Case Scenario is projected to have nearly 3,620 fewer jobs (a decline of 7.5%) by the year 2030 than in the Base Case Scenario. It is assumed that the lower overall economic growth inherent in the Low Case Scenario results in lower levels of demand for transportation. Also inherent in the Low Case Scenario is the assumption that there wil be closure of some of the State's food processing facilties which require large amounts of truck transportation · Wholesale and Retail Trade industry employment in the Low Case Scenario is projected to be nearly 1,740 jobs (1.0%) jobs lower than the Base Case Forecast in the year 2010. This trend continues with the Low Case Scenario projected to have 6,450 and 8,200 fewer Wholesale and Retail trade jobs in the years 2020 and 2030, respectively, than does the Base Case Forecast. The difference is largely due to the lower levels of population and household growth found in the Low Case Scenario. Nevertheless, the Wholesale and Retail Trade industry employment growth represented in the Low Case Scenario averages 2.2% per year over the 2005 to 2035 period · The forecasted Low Case Scenario employment in the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sector falls 6.6%, approximately 2,160 jobs below the Base Case Forecast by the year 2020 and slips further to 8.5% (3,200 jobs) below the Base Case by the year 2030. Again, the difference is largely due to the lower levels of population and household growth found in the Low Case Scenario. · The Low Case Scenario assumes that employment growth in the Service sector wil slow to a 1.7% pace from the present to 2015, compared to the robust 3.7% rate that the State experienced between 2000 and 2007. By the end of the forecast period, the year 2035, the Low Case Scenario forecast of Service industry employment is nearly 51,150 jobs below (15.0%) the Base Case Economic Outlook. The 1.7% pace of Service industry employment growth over the period 2010 - 2035 in the Low Scenario is a reasonable, but not stellar pace, of growth. · Future Government employment in the Low Case Scenario is projected to be 1,910 jobs (1,6%) lower than the Base Case Scenario in the year 2010, and 12,450 jobs (9.2%) below the Base Case in the year 2020. The differences expand further by the year 2030, with projected Government employment in the Low Case Scenario being 15,540 lower (9.9%) than the Base Case forecast. 22 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan . In the Low Case Scenario the forecasted population and number of households in Idaho is nearly 0.8% below the Base Case Scenario figures by the year 2010. This represents nearly 13,100 fewer people and nearly 6,620 fewer households in the State in the year 2010. The projected gap between the Low Case Scenario and the Base Case Scenario widens further by the years 2020 and 2030. The projected Idaho population in the Low Case Scenario is nearly 127,560 and 224,520 less in the years 2020 and 2030, respectively, than that projected in the Base Case Scenario. Similarly, the forecasted number of Idaho households in the Low Case Scenario is lower than the Base Case Forecast by nearly 46,329 in the year 2020 and 82,305 less than the Base Case in the year 2030. 'i i ~'"l Fl The following graphs ilustrate the relationship between the three economic scenarios for the annual total households forecast and the annual additional households forecast for the IGC Service Territory counties. f) , I 510,000 1"1 .',.r 495,000 480,000 465,000 450,000 !j"- L ( J- I''I... il 435,000 420,000 ~ANNUAL TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS FORECASTl _HIGH GROWTH ~BASE CASE _LOW GROWTH FY11 FY12 FY14 FY15FY13 14,000 \ J 12,000 10,000 u u 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 ~A N N U A LAD 0 IT 10 N A L H 0 USE H 0 LOS FOR E CAS T I~-- --~--- .-.- -- _HIGH GROWTH _BASE CASE _LOW GROWTH FY11 FY12 FY14 FY15FY13 The graphs on the following page provide comparisons of the growth in households forecasted under base case conditions for the years common to the 2008 and 2010 IRP. 23 IA N N U A LAD 0 IT 10 N A L H 0 U S EH 0 LOS FO RECAST I2010 IRP VS 2008 IRP 12,000 10,000 '"~¿ 8,000 _20101RP _20081RP- 6,000 4,000 F Y 11 FY12 FY 13 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ANNUAL TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS FORECAST 2008 IRP VS. 2010 IRP480,000 470,000 I _20101RP_20081RP I 460,000 450,000 440,000 430,000 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Market Share Rates IGC utilzes market penetration rates that vary across the service territory. These regional penetration rates are applied to the IGC service-territory counties within the three specific regions: west, central, and east. These penetration rates are the ratio of Intermountain's additional residential new construction customers to the total building permits in those regions. The forecast additional households, per the Church Forecast, multiplied by the regional market penetration rate provide the anticipated residential new construction customers. Intermountain develops market penetration rates by way of the county construction reports that the company's marketing and construction personnel use in prospecting for new construction customers. The residential new construction sales in the specific areas covered by these reports are divided by the total dwellings listed in the reports to derive the market penetration rate. The major population centers in IGC's Service Territory are then grouped into three regions. For the Western region (Ada/Canyon Counties) it is assumed that the rates wil remain relatively static through the forecast period since they are already near 100%. However in the Central and Eastern regions, the forecast are forecasted to increase due to anticipated gains in market share. The same set of market penetration rates was used in 24 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan the baseline, high growth, and low growth scenarios. The following table summarizes the market penetration rates for the 2011 to 2015 period. fl'. ~:_- (1, 't.'" FY11 mg FY13 fl FY15 Western Region 95%95%95%95%95% Central Division 94%94%94%94%94% Eastern Region 85%85%85%85%85% MARKET PENETRATION RATES The application of the above market penetration rates to the forecasted growth in households results in the following estimated residential new construction growth under the three economic scenarios. ~ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION GROWTHl 10,000 ('-)- L::; L:::; L. -.IGH GROWTH _ASE CASE _LOW GROWTH 8,000 6,000 '-J t-'di:: ¡t '-1; ;'t.." ;J 4,000 FY 11 FY 12 FY13 FY14 FY 15 The following graph ilustrates the change in the residential new construction forecast under base case conditions for the years common to the 2008 and 2010 plans. ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION GROWTH 20081RP VS 2010 IRP 10,000 u U 11 9,000 ...... - 8.000 ~010 IRP ~008 IRP 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 FY 11 FY12 FY 13 25 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Conversions The conversion market represents another source of customer growth for Intermountain. The company acquires these customers when homeowners replace an electric, oil, coal, wood, or other alternate fuel sourced furnace/water heater with a natural gas unit. IGC forecasts these customer additions by applying regional conversion rates based on historical data and future expectations. The following table shows, by region the assumed conversion rates over the five-year period. These rates represent the percentage of new construction additions which wil be conversions. REGIONAL CONVERSION RATES FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 EYWestern Region Base Case 10%10%10%10%10% High Growth 10%10%10%10%10% Low Growth 10%10%10%10%10% Central Region Base Case 14%14%14%14%14% High Growth 14%14%14%14%14% Low Growth 14%14%14%14%14% Eastern Division Base Case 11%11%11%11%11% High Growth 11%11%11%11%11% Low Growth 11%11%11%11%11% The following graphs ilustrate the relationship between the three economic scenarios for the annual residential conversion growth forecast and provide a comparison to those the levels forecasted in the 20081RP. ~ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION GROWTHI 1,000 800 _HIGH GROWTH ..BASE CASE _LOW GROWTH 600 400 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 26 r-1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION GROWTH20081RP VS 2010 IRP 700 rCi 650 ..*:& '-¡ 600 -:0101RP ""008 IR P ; l fJ': L ~-l 550 500 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Small Commercial Customers r 1 , fl" U (1 .;:".. Small commercial customer growth is forecast as a percentage of new construction customer additions with the assumption that new households require additional new businesses to serve them. Since household growth is the primary driver of the Company's residential growth, similarly household growth drives small commercial customer growth. Based on the most recent three-year sales data, this ratio of small commercial customer growth to residential growth has averaged 11.83%. Therefore, a company- wide ratio of 12% was applied to the residential new construction forecasts to develop Base, High, and Low Scenarios for the small commercial market. The following graphs show the annual additional, as well as the annual total small commercial customers for the period 2011 - 2015. IANNUAL ADDITIONAL SMALL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS~ 1,000 800 ..HIG H GROWTH ..BASE CASE ..LOW GROWTH j J 600 j 400 J FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 27 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ITOTAL ANNUAL 8M ALL COM M ERCIAL CUSTOM ERS I 33,000 _HIGH GROWTH _BASE CASE ..LOW GROWTH 32,000 31,000 30,000 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Similar to the comparisons in the residential sector, the following graph ilustrates the difference in the annual small commercial customer growth forecasts between the 2008 IRP and the 2010 IRP for the years~ommon to both studies: ANNUAL ADDITIONAL SMALL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 2010 IRP VS 200B IRP 1,000 ..*..800 __20101RP 600 ..20081RP 400 F V 11 FV12 FV13 28 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan n HEATING DEGREE DAYS AND DESIGN WEATHER n t..:j Intermountain's Integrated Resource Plan demand forecast captures the influence weather has on system loads by utilzing Heating Degree Days (HOD's). HOD's are a measure of the coldness of the weather based on the extent to which the daily mean temperature falls below a reference temperature base. HOD values are inverse to temperature meaning that as temperatures decline, HOD's increase. The standard HOD base - and the one Intermountain utilzes in its IRP - is 65°F (also called HDD65). As an example, if one assumes a day where the mean outdoor temperature is 30°F, the resulting HDD65 would be 35 (i.e. 65°F base minus the 30°F mean temperature = 35 Heating Degree Days). Two distinct groups of heating degree days are used in the development of the IRP: Normal Degree Days and Design Degree Days. ¡'il;.:Customer Weighted Weather n Since Intermountain's service territory is composed of a diverse geographic area with differing weather patterns and elevations, Intermountain uses weather data from seven NOAA weather stations located throughout the communities served by Intermountain. This weather data is "weighted" by the customers in each of the geographic weather districts to arrive at weighted weather for the Total Company. Several distinct laterals and areas of interest are also addressed specifically by this IRP. Those regions are assigned unique degree days as discussed in further detail below. (1""" t Normal Degree-Days t..........j"........ L.o L U f..,.-j... ~:' -.-, .'L~- ¡ A Normal Degree Day is calculated based on historical data, and represents the weather that could reasonably be expected to occur on a given day. The Normal Degree Day that Intermountain utilizes in the IRP is computed based on weather data for the thirty years ended December 2009. For each day of the year, the HDD65 for that day for each year of the thirty year period is averaged to come up with the average HDD65 for the thirty year period for that day. This method is used for each day of the year to arrive at Normal Degree Days for a year. Design Degree-Days -j (1 :.. ,J . j A Design Degree Day is an estimation of the coldest temperatures that can be expected to occur for a given day. Design Degree Days are useful in estimating the highest level of customer demand that may occur, particularly during extreme cold or "peak" weather events. For IRP load forecasting purposes, Intermountain makes use of design weather assumptions (See table below: Design Degree-Days by Month). Aggregating the daily HOD's over months and/or seasons allows Intermountain to construct normal and design scenarios. Design Weather Development1 Intermountain's design year is based on the premise that the coldest weather experienced for any month, season or year wil occur again. The basis of a design year was determined by evaluating the weather extremes over the last thirty years of heating degree data from NOAA (see the Degree Day Tables on page 30). The review revealed Intermountain's coldest twelve consecutive months to be the fiscal year 1985 (October 1984 through September 1985). This year, with certain modifications discussed below, represents the base year for design weather. These degree days reflect a set of temperature extremes that have actually occurred in Intermountain's service area and would result in a maximum customer usage response due to the high correlation between weather and customer usage, Intermountain engaged the services of Dr. Russell Qualls, Idaho State Climatologist, to perform a review of the methodology used by the company in calculating design weather and to provide suggestions that may enhance design weather planning. One crucial area that Dr. Qualls was able to assist Intermountain ~.. .1 29 :_ i Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan in was in developing a method to calculate a peak day, as well as in designing the days surrounding the peak day. Peak Heating Degree Day Calculation To develop the peak heating degree day, or coldest day of the design year, Dr. Qualls fited probabilty distributions to thirt years of daily temperature data from seven weather station locations (Caldwell, Boise, Hailey, Twin Falls, Pocatello, Idaho Falls and Rexburg). From these distnbutions he calculated monthly and annual minimum daily average temperatures for each weather location, corresponding to different values of exceedance probabilty. Two probabilty distributions were fitted, a Normal Distribution, and a Pearson Type II (P3) distribution. Dr. Qualls suggested it is more appropriate for Intermountain to use the P3 distribution as it is more conservative from a nsk reduction standpoint. According to Dr. Qualls, "selecting design temperatures from the values generated by these probabilty distributions is preferable over using the coldest observed daily average temperatures because exceedance probabilties corresponding to values obtained from the probabilty distributions are known. This enables the company to choose a design temperature, from among a range of values, which corresponds to an exceedance probabilty that Intermountain considers appropriate for the intended use". Intermountain used Dr. Qualls' exceedance probabilit data to review the data associated with both the 50 and 100 year probabilty events. After careful consideration of the data, Intermountain determined that the company-wide 50 year probabilty event, which was an 81 degree day, would be appropriate to use for the design weather modeL. For modeling purposes, this 81 degree day is assumed to occur on January 15th. Design Modification A few adjustments were made to the base design year. First, since the coldest month of the last thirty years was December 1985 (1638 HDD's), the weather profile for December 1985 replaced the January 1985 data in the base design year. For planning purposes, the aforementioned peak day event occurs on January 15th. To model the days surrounding the peak event, Dr. Qualls suggested calculating a 5-day moving average of the temperatures for the thirty year period to select the 5 coldest consecutive days from the 30-year period. December 1990 contained this cold data. The coldest day of December 1985 (the peak month) was replaced with the 81 degree day peak day. Then, the day prior and three days following the peak day, were replaced with the 4 cold days from the December 1990 cold weather event. While taking a closer look at the heating degree days used for the Load Duration Curves (LDC's), it was noticed that the design weather HDD's in some months were lower than the normal weather HDD's. This occurred generally in the non-winter months, April through July. However, the Total Company and Idaho Falls Lateral design HDD's had this same occurrence in November, although the differences were minimal (1 to 3%). This occurred because, while FY 1985 was the coldest year on record and therefore used as the base year for the design weather, the shoulder months were, in some cases, warmer than normaL. Manipulating the shoulder and summer month design weather to make it colder would add degree days to the already coldest year on record, creating an unnecessary layer of added degree days. Therefore, Intermountain decided not to adjust the summer and shoulder months of the design year. After design modifications were complete, the total design HDD curve assumed a bell shaped curve with a peak at mid-January (see the Chart on the following page). This curve provides a robust projection of the extreme temperatures that can occur in Intermountain's service territory. 30 -) I S-l Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan DESIGN DEGREE DAYS BY MONTH HEATING DEGREE DAYS - NORMAU ACTUAL FY 85IDESIGN 65 DEGREE BASE '1 Weighted Actual Design - Bell Month Normal (30 yrs)Fiscal 1985 Shaped Curve ;1 October 44 605 606 November 826 834 833 December 1129 1350 1360 ¡J Januar 1145 1512 1711 Februar 890 1196 1188 March 707 1026 976 0 April 466 435 427 May 269 236 241 June 80 69 71flJuly601.,August 11 35 43'........ September 140 288 317 Tota Year 6112 7586 7774 rJ' L rJ U Degree Day Graph i , J 1800 1600 1400 ~ 1200 c 1000 ~ 800C) i! 600 400 200 o rA rA ,£(. Çi Çi §' i~ olf'Q .l0~ d'~ ':tG'S ,.~~ ~t§ ~~o çf , i ~J ----.30 Year Weighted Normal - Actual FY 1985 - - Design Weather U J ~tf ø ':~~ .. ~ ~':oS.. ~t: ;¡0-~($ 0~'r ~ C: Months ,I I.. J 31 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Area Specific Degree Days In the 20081RP, Intermountain noted the unique characteristics of certain areas of its distribution system. These are areas Intermountain carefully manages to ensure adequate delivery capabilties either due to a unique geographic location, customer growth, or both. The areas Intermountain is currently monitoring include the Idaho Falls Lateral, the Sun Valley Lateral, the State Street 12" Lateral, and the Canyon County Area. The temperatures in these areas can be quite different from each other and from the Total Company. For example, the temperatures experienced in Idaho Falls or Sun Valley can be significantly different from those experienced in Boise or Pocatello. Intermountain continues to work on improving its capabilty to uniquely forecast loads for these distinct areas. A key driver to these area specific load forecasts is area heating degree days. Intermountain has developed Normal and Design Degree Days for the Idaho Falls Lateral, Sun Valley Lateral, State Street 12" Lateral, and Canyon County Area. The methods employed to calculate the Normal and Design Degree Days for each of these areas mirrors the methods used to calculate Total Company Normal and Design Degree Days. Having distinct weather for these areas of interest allows Intermountain to better forecast peak heating loads in areas of the system that have unique weather characteristics, pipeline capacity issues, and population growth patterns. 32 fl L. L::. rl q Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan USAGE PER CUSTOMER This section of Intermountain's IRP discusses the calculation of therm usage per customer. These results, when combined with the design degree days and customer forecast, are complete the development of the IRP demand forecast. '...'...1,. r.;¡Lc.: .. Because of the diferent usage characteristics associated with the peak-load winter months (November through February) and the non-peak months (March through October), different modeling techniques have been used for these two distinct seasons. In the winter months, the link between the weather and customer usage is strongest, so a daily usage per customer equation is used. During the non-peak months, an equation is used to predict monthly usage per customer and that usage is then converted to a daily usage formula. The development and application of these formulas is discussed in greater detail in the following sections. l..,..-......-.I,.!. L:".1:. Customer Usage During Peak Months f') ~i Usage per customer per degree-day under design weather is based upon a multiple regression equation for each month during the peak heating season of November through February. Because the relationship between weather and usage is so strong during the winter months, it is possible to develop a daily usage per customer equation. The following section discusses peak month model development. eJ .'...........j.~.. ," , ~ -::L .1 Variable Selection Time Series The first step in developing the regression equations was to determine the appropriate time period to include in the study. Studies by the American Gas Association show that natural gas usage per customer has decreased by about 1 percent per year for the past 38 years. This means the average U.S. home using natural gas service is using one third less natural gas today than it did three decades ago. Following the national efficiency trend, Intermountain has also noticed a decline in usage per customer in its service territory. Some possible reasons for the decline in usage per customer include the Idaho Residential Energy Code which' was adopted by many cities beginning in 1991. This new building standard was designed to improve the energy effciency of new homes and commercial buildings. About the same time, efficiency standards for furnaces and water heaters were improved. Additionally, programmable thermostats are now installed routinely in new construction, and many people have installed them in older homes as a way to reduce their energy expense (see "The Efficient and Direct Use of Natural Gas", beginning at page 69). ~J All of these conservation influences began impacting usage in the early 1990's. Since roughly 60% of Intermountain's customers are new since 1990, the efficiency factors and building codes have had a tremendous influence on our customer base. Rising energy prices have also heightened the customer's interest in conservation. Higher energy prices in recent years have created an economic incentive for people to use natural gas as efficiently as possible, creating downward pressure on our usage per customer, and contributing to the structural changes we have seen in the data. ¡,J To account for these structural shifts in the data, Intermountain used a time series beginning with the winter of 1989/1990 through the winter of 2008/2009 to develop the regression equations. d Dependent Variable - Daily Usage Per Customer Intermountain does not currently have technology that allows daily usage data to be collected by customer class. As a result, total residential and small commercial market sendout for each day during the peak months is used. 33 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Because this Core market group is non-homogeneous, Intermountain would like to test whether models developed based upon the individual customer classes would perform better for predicting peak usage per customer than models developed using total Core market data. Intermountain investigated options that would enable the collection of daily usage data by Core market customer class. Current technology requires the meters be read daily to collect daily data. This method of data collection is currently cost prohibitive, and there is some concern that daily ERT interrogation would measurably shorten the life of the units resulting in increased capital expenditures. Market research tells us that new data collector ERT units are currently in the development stages. These units would collect daily data. This data could then be downloaded as part of the normal monthly meter reading process. Intermountain wil monitor this option as well as continue to look for other opportunities that would allow for a cost effective method to collect daily customer usage data. Until that time, Intermountain wil continue to collect daily Core market sendout which enables a daily Core market usage calculation. Therefore, the dependent variable, usage per customer, is calculated by dividing the total residential and small commercial market sendout for each day during each of the peak months by total residential and small commercial customers for each day during each of the peak months. Daily customers are developed by evenly spreading the diference between the customers at the beginning of the month and the customers at the end of the month to the days of the month. Independent Variables The following independent variables were tested as explanatory variables that would help explain changes in usage per customer: 1. Actual sixty-five heating degree-days (65HDD) for each day during the peak months 2. Intermountain Gas natural gas prices 3. Consumer Price Index 4. Bank Prime Loan Rate 5. 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate 6. Gross Domestic Product 7. Idaho Per Capita Personal Income 8. A weekend binary variable to establish whether or not a relationship exists between usage levels and the weekend. Methodology and Results A regression equation was developed for each of the peak months. For the November, December, and January models, the independent variables included in the model to explain changes in daily usage per customer are, daily actual 65HDD, IGC prices and the weekend binary (see "Regression Equations," Exhibit 2, Appendix B). Neither IGC price, nor the weekend binary variable were significant in the February model, so the 65HDD variable is the only explanatory variable in the February modeL. Each of the selected models meets accepted standards for statistical soundness. The models all have high R2 statistics which determine what percent of the variabilty in usage per customer is explained by the independent variables. T-statistics for each of the variables indicate they are individually significant (p~O.05). The models have all been corrected where necessary to ensure the Durbin-Watson statistic falls within an accepted range, and the F-statistics indicate that the regression models are significant (See "Regression Statistical Output," Exhibit 2, Appendix A). After the regression equations were developed, design degree-days were used in the models in place of actual 65HDD to calculate the daily usage per customer during the peak months. 34 '1 il E"l ;-) ¡) n LJ Pl......... kJ Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Customer Usage During Non-Peak Months Modeling usage per customer for the non-peak months begins with a slightly different data set than the peak usage month models. The dramatically diferent usage patterns of the various classes of customers during the non-peak months as well as a weaker link between weather and usage led Intermountain to develop unique models for residential space heating customers (RS-1), residential space and water heating customers (RS-2) and small commercial customers (GS). As discussed in the previous section, Intermountain does not currently have the capabilty to collect daily usage by customer class. Therefore, the Non-Peak month models begin as monthly usage models. Variable Selection Time Series Intermountain has developed a database of historical monthly data going back to 1981. All three customer class models were developed based upon data for this entire data series. However, as outlined in the discussion of "Customer Usage During Peak Months" above, Intermountain has seen structural shifts in the data based upon customer usage patterns and price realities. Since it is difficult to construct variables that effectively model these structural shifts in the data, Intermountain also tested models based upon the shorter datasets of 1991 forward and 2001 forward. Intermountain found that the time series 2001 forward provided the best statistical fit for the RS-1 and RS- 2 customer classes. The Residential classes have seen rapid growth which would create a bigger impact on them of the conservation and efficiency factors outlined above. In addition, they can be fairly responsive to price signals. 1..........1,LJ rJ ;J However, the longer time series of 1981 forward more accurately explained Small Commercial customer usage. Although this customer class has grown, it has been at a slower rate than the residential classes. In addition, the small commercial businesses represented in this class would be affected not only by price signals, but also by business cycles. The longer data series may more accurately capture those business cycle impacts. Dependent Variable - Monthlv Usage Per Customer To calculate separate models for each of the Core market customer classes (RS-1, RS-2 and GS), Intermountain used monthly usage per customer data. The total usage data for the month was divided by customers for that same month to arrive at usage per customer for a given month. ;J'1",. , )~,.,-- iJ ~~-- .J ; j Independent Variables The following independent variables were tested for their statistical validity in explaining changes in usage per customer: 1. Actual sixty-five heating degree-days (65HDD) weighted by customers 2. Intermountain Gas natural gas prices 3. Summer/winter seasonal natural gas prices 4. 2 and 3-year moving average natural gas price 5. Lagged Prices 6. Consumer Price Index 7. Bank Prime Loan Rate 8. 30- Year Conventional Mortgage Rate 9. Gross Domestic Product 10. Idaho Per Capita Personal Income 11. Idaho Housing Starts Methodology and Results A regression equation was developed for each of the three Core market customer classes. The model for each customer class is slightly different, reflecting the unique characteristics of the class. The only statistically significant independent variable that remained in the RS-1 model was actual 65HDD. The 35 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan RS-2 model uses the 65HDD variable as well as a two-year moving average price variable. The GS model includes the 65HDD variable and a winter usage trend binary variable. (See "Regression Equations," Exhibit 2, Appendix B). Each of the selected models meets accepted standards for statistical soundness. The models all have high R2 statistics which determine the percent of the variabilty in usage per customer explained by the independent variables. T-statistics for each of the variables indicate they are individually significant (p::0.05). The models have all been corrected where necessary to ensure the Durbin-Watson statistic falls within an accepted range, and the F-statistics indicate that the regression models are significant (See "Regression Statistical Output," Exhibit 2, Appendix A). Since the models calculated monthly usage, the constant, price and trend variables were divided evenly by the days of the month to arrive at a daily factor. Then, the heating degree day coefficient was multiplied by design heating degree days for each day of the month. These components were added together to arrive at daily usage for each day of the month. Price Elasticity With the volatile natural gas market we have seen in recent years, much interest has been generated in quantifying price elasticity of demand for natural gas. The price elasticity of demand is defined as the percent change in demand for each 1 % change in price. Intermountain tested for the effect of price elasticity in both the non-peak and peak models during this IRP process. In the non-peak models, price remained a significant variable in only the RS-2 equation. RS-2 customers use natural gas for both space and water heating, and may have a greater opportunity to conserve natural gas than either RS-1 or GS customers. The RS-2 price elasticity was a 0.7% decline in usage given a 10% price increase. Price did not remain in the GS models as a significant explanatory variable. However, in reviewing the statistics of the model, it appeared that perhaps something was influencing usage that was not being captured by the weather variable alone. The GS customer class is very diverse, ranging from office buildings all the way up to small food processors. The statistical "noise" created by this diversity may have made it difficult to isolate the true response to price. Instead, a trend variable was tested that showed a declining usage trend during the months of Oct - Mar. The inclusion of the trend variable was beneficial to the statistics of the overall GS modeL. The trend variable captures efficiency factors as well as a price response. Intermountain also tested for price elasticity in the Peak Month models. A price coefficient was statistically significant in the November, December and January models, allowing for the measurement of a price elasticity response in those months. As previously noted, the price variable was not statistically significant in the February modeL. The Peak Month Price Elasticity indicates that given a 10% price increase during the peak months of November - January, Core market usage would decrease by roughly 0.5%. Total Daily Usage The total usage for each day was calculated by multiplying the usage per customer in both the peak and non-peak periods by the appropriate customers for that day (see Demand Forecast Overview, page 13). Total daily usage varied depending upon the customer growth assumption that was used (Le. low growth, baseline, or high growth). 36 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Usage Per Customer By Geographic Area In a service territory as geographically and economically diverse as Intermountain Gas Company's, we recognize that there could be significant differences in the way that customers use natural gas based upon their location on Intermountain's system. Particularly in areas that may require capital improvements to keep pace with demand growth, Intermountain used several methods to analyze whether there was a difference in usage patterns versus the Total Company usage per customer. The areas of interest that Intermountain studied for possible usage per customer refinements included; Canyon County, State Street lateral, Sun Valley lateral, and Idaho Falls lateraL. CANYON COUNTY AND STATE STREET LATERAL r,l\.: t ", b:: n' ¡-', C"',,"t,' The locations of both the Canyon County and State Street lateral areas of interest made it impossible to segregate a daily usage per customer for either area. However, both areas are located in the most populous region of the service territory. This means the Total Company data is already weighted more heavily toward representing the Treasure Valley usage patterns. Thus, Intermountain determined the Total Company equations accurately reflected the usage per customer patterns for both of these areas of interest. As the Heating Degree Days and Design Weather section outlines, Intermountain has developed Normal and Design Degree Days for both Canyon County and the State Street lateral areas. The Total Company usage per customer equations were applied to these area specific degree days to provide a unique usage forecast that wil more accurately predict the loads for both Canyon County and the State Street LateraL. SUN VALLEY LATERAL Variable Selection iJ f1 ~J i ) Time Series In the fall of 2002, Intermountain installed an additional meter on the Sun Valley Lateral to measure natural gas throughput in addition to the existing pressure measurement. Because of an equipment malfunctions, the data was lost for the 2003/2004 winter. In reviewing the data, it also became apparent that the data for the 2005/2006 winter was quite low in comparison with other data we had for the area for that time period. The decision was made to remove that year of data from the dataset. Thus, the final dataset represents five years of data. '-'J , t,-.c,. J Dependent Variable - Daily Usage per Customer The dependent variable, daily usage per customer, was calculated by taking the total throughput from the Sun Valley lateral meter and subtracting out the industrial load. The resulting Core market throughput was then divided by residential and small commercial customers for each day. Daily customers were developed by evenly spreading the difference between the customers at the beginning of the month and the customers at the end of the month to the days of the month. j Independent Variable The following independent variables were tested as explanatory variables that would help explain changes in usage per customer: 1. Actual sixty-five heating degree-days (65HDD) 2. Intermountain Gas natural gas prices 3. Consumer Price Index 4. Bank Prime Loan Rate 5. 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate 6. Gross Domestic Product 37 7. Idaho Per Capita Personal Income 8. A weekend binary variable to establish whether or not a relationship exists between usage levels and the weekend. 9. Daily Snowfall totals 10. Daily Snowdepth totals Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Methodology and Results A peak day regression equation was tested for the Sun Valley lateral that included data for the months of November through February for the entire Sun Valley lateral time series outlined above. Daily actual HDD65 and Daily Snowfall totals were both significant in explaining changes in usage per customer. However, the resulting equation did a poor job of forecasting usage based on actual conditions. The equation consistently under-forecast at higher actual degree day levels. Intermountain then tested a model that only included data from the traditional peak month of January for the time series outlined above. The statistics for this model were not strong, and it again performed poorly when tested against actual data. Intermountain is committed to providing safe, reliable service on a peak day. Because of this, Intermountain was reluctant to use an approach that would err on the side of under-forecasting the potential peak load for the Sun Valley lateraL. Since the amount of data in the dataset did not allow for the development of robust regression equations, Intermountain next looked at an average usage per customer per degree day. This method showed that the usage on a peak day on the Sun Valley lateral was roughly 3 therms per customer higher than the Total Company regression model forecast. To account for this difference, the peak day period on the Sun Valley lateral was adjusted upward by three therms per customer. IDAHO FALLS LATERAL Variable Selection Time Series During the fall of 2004, Intermountain installed an additional meter on the Idaho Falls Lateral to measure natural gas throughput in addition to the existing pressure measurement. Because of an equipment malfunctions, the data was lost for the 2005/2006 winter. Thus, the final dataset represents four years of data. Dependent Variable - Daily Usage per Customer The dependent variable, daily usage per customer, was calculated by taking the total throughput from the Idaho Falls lateral meter and subtracting out the industrial load. The resulting Core market throughput was then divided by residential and small commercial customers for each day. Daily customers were developed by evenly spreading the difference between the customers at the beginning of the month and the customers at the end of the month to the days of the month. Independent Variable The following independent variables were tested as explanatory variables that would help explain changes in usage per customer: 1. Actual sixty-five heating degree-days (65HDD) 2. Intermountain Gas natural gas prices 3. Consumer Price Index 4. Bank Prime Loan Rate 5. 30- Year Conventional Mortgage Rate 6. Gross Domestic Product 38 r'l c1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan 7. Idaho Per Capita Personal Income 8. A weekend binary variable to establish whether or not a relationship exists between usage levels and the weekend. Methodology and Results : --1 "1 J rJ ~;;" A peak day regression equation was tested for the Idaho Falls lateral that included data for the months of November through February for the entire Idaho Falls lateral time series outlined above. Daily actual HDD65 were significant in explaining changes in usage per customer. The overall statistics for this model were not strong, however, and the resulting equation did a poor job of forecasting usage based on actual conditions. Again, Intermountain's commitment to providing safe, reliable service on a peak day required the use of an additional method for forecasting peak day load. Intermountain next looked at an average usage per customer per degree day. This method showed that the usage on a peak day on the Idaho Falls lateral was roughly the same as the forecast generated by the Total Company regression model applied to unique Idaho, Falls lateral degree days. Therefore, Intermountain used this Total Company equation to forecast peak day loads on the Idaho Falls lateraL. ¡ l ¡j f) L ' :1 ",1 J rJ \ ",'" J ,-,) 39 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan INDUSTRIAL USAGE FORECAST Introduction A survey of the industrial customers served by Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain") was completed in the spring of 2009 to determine each customer's projected natural gas usage. The survey included a cover letter explaining the intent of the requested information with the assurance that all responses would remain confidentiaL. The survey form was sent to the management of each of Intermountain's large volume contract customers, and identified their historical usage on an annual peak month and peak day basis for the past two years ending 2008. This information helped provide a basis for each customer to determine their future natural gas requirements. Additional information was requested as to each customer's alternative fuel capabilities and if there was a desire for additional service options from Intermountain. The results of this survey were used to forecast three distinct and separate large volume customer forecasts (High Demand, Base Case, and Low Demand) for a six year period, commencing in 2010. The projections incorporate information from the customer's management, engineers, and marketing personnel regarding plant expansion or modification, equipment replacement, and anticipated product demand. Other forecast data was then utilzed to adjust the survey data base for two of the three forecasts (Base Case and Low Demand). The 110 customers were further refined into six separate sub- groupings comprised of: . 16 potato processors · 37 other food processors including sugar, milk, beef, and seed companies . 3 chemical and fertilzer companies · 18 light manufacturing companies including electronics, paper, and asphalt companies . 27 schools and hospitals . 9 other companies Plant efficiency and getting the most production out of their plants using the least amount of energy is a very high priority of the owners, operators, and managers of these large volume plants. In order to help them with their natural gas needs and evaluation, Intermountain has developed and deployed an industrial customer website with specific and timely usage reads. The information on this site is gathered through the company's SCADA system, and is transferred to the web-based site, which can be accessed by the appropriate plant personnel from their own location over the internet. This "real-time" information has helped many of the plants with their energy conservation and efficiency needs. Additionally, Intermountain has offered to consult and help direct leak detection and corrosion control efforts on the natural gas piping systems within the customers' facilties. All current customers were assumed to remain on their current tariff, while all new customers if less than 500,000 therms) were assumed to be an LV-1 Customer and those over 500,000 annual therms would be T-4. Base Case Forecast The Base Case forecast, or most expected forecast, was compiled using the surveys with adjustments made to, reflect known changes of existing customers. The projected usage for the Base Case increased 11,237,178 therms, amounting to 4.72% growth over the five year period from the base year 2010. Highlights for each of the market sectors under the Base Case forecast are as follows: · The Potato Processors group is projected to experience modest growth over the five year period. Demand for potato products is good and the supply looks to be very good. No new plants are on the drawing boards in the near future. Most of the plants in this group are looking for ways to conserve resources while stil getting the most out of production thus lowering the overall cost of product unit. 40 ;~1',l.,,:: ~J f1 tJ ri' ¡ L:; rJ" L :J J u " -J.l..:., J J J Î, Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan · The Other Food Processors group is projected to increase by 5.3% with production increases in several plants mostly in the milk and cheese industry. . The three plants in the Chemicals/Fertilzers group wil continue at current levels with no projected growth and production increases in the forecast. In their forecasts, the managers of these plants assume imported fertilzers wil not, at least in the foreseeable future, affect their operations. . The Manufacturing group is projected to have growth across the entire group with paving and oil products leading. There are also some planned plant expansions to increase manufacturing. . The Institutional group is projected to grow at 1 % a year, due mainly to growth of the existing facilties. Medical facilities as well as private and state schools are planning expansions. · The increase in the other group is projected to increase 1.8% over the period due primarily to some moderate expansions at some of the facilties in this group. The following table summarizes the anticipated Industrial load forecast for the 2011 to 2015 planning period. Base Case Forecast by Market Segment (Thousands of Therms) Compound Rate of FY 11 FY12 FY13 FY 14 FY 15 Growth Potato Processors 91,983 92,038 92,148 92,218 92,228 2.1% Other Food Processors 64,850 68,031 68,340 68,320 68,300 5.3% Chemical & Fertilzer 30,440 30,440 30,440 30,440 30,440 0.0% Manufacturers 18,117 18,267 18,417 18,567 18,717 3.3% Institutions 14,584 14.840 15,064 15,097 15.177 4.1% Other 24,064 24,374 24,456 24,484 24,494 1.79% Total Base Case Forecast Therm Sales 244,036 247,990 248,865 249,126 249,356 2.18% High Demand Forecast The High Demand, or most optimistic, usage forecast incorporate usage data directly from the survey with adjustments. The HIGH case forecast starts out approximately 13.2% above the BASE case numbers. The increase from the 2010 annual usage estimate of 269,585,000 therms is projected to increase 23,745,000 therms, or approximately 8.81% over the five year period. Highlights for each of the market sectors under the High Demand forecast are as follows: · Potato production is up from the 2008 IRP projections, and the future looks very good for the potato industry. This scenario shows the processors flat, although at record high levels. The record potato crop in 2009 is a two edge sword-great quality and yield but also higher prices. Natural gas prices should stay steady and low which would keep the plants using gas rather than oiL. · Other Food Processors are projected to be flat across the reporting period again at record high levels. Milk and cheese processors would have expanded and the milk producers would process the entire surplus product. Those plants dealing with cattle are optimistic for steady increases in output. 4r Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan · The ChemicaVFertilzer group is not projected to increase in size; however, all three plants in this group project steady production and usage at high levels. · The Manufacturing group is projected to have a slow steady increase with the addition of two new manufacturing plants in the high tech industries. · The Institutional group, which is made up mostly of schools and hospitals, is projected by the survey to remain relatively stable with the addition of one new institution. . The Other group is projected to expand by three relatively high usage plants and usage would be flat across the reporting period in this high demand case. The following table summarizes the anticipated changes to industrial demand over the planning horizon: High Demand Forecast by Market Segment (Thousand of Therms) Compound Rate of FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14 FY 15 Growth Potato Processors 103,045 103,048 103,050 103,050 103,050 0.05% Other Food Processors 68,218 68,218 68,218 68,218 68,218 0.0% Chemical & Fertilzer 32,100 32,100 32,100 32,100 32,100 0.0% Manufacturers 30,210 30,360 30,510 30,660 30,810 1.99% Institutions 16,045 16,045 16,045 16,045 16,045 0.0% Other 34,607 36,607 43,107 43,107 43,107 24.56% Total High Demand Forecast Therm Sales 284,225 286,378 293,030 293,180 293,330 3.2% Low Demand Scenario The projected usage for this scenario is based upon the assumption that the agricultural economy wil be weak and experience a drop in sales and production. It is also assumed that natural gas prices wil increase but remain reasonably competitive. With those assumptions, downturns are projected in the Potato Processing group with possible closure of a plant and production downturns at others. The Low Growth Scenario projections start below the base case (18%) in 2010 with overall usage decreasing a projected 16% over the period. A summary of the Low Growth scenario by market segment is as follows: · The price of natural gas was assumed to be competitive against the delivered price of oiL. The loss of a major processor has resulted in the lowest gas usage for the potato processing group. Potato consumption is assumed to remain at current levels. This group, as a whole, looks at any way possible to conserve energy and make its plants more efficient. · In the Other Food Processor group, it is expected to lose one production facilty but the rest are expected to remain steady. Existing facilties wil remain flat. · The projection for the Chemical/Fertilzer group remains flat with no increase or decrease in usage or production. 42 '1 , 1 r 1 ~ 1 "i J '"'1,Ii d '1I,.' '1 j J , J J i ,~j Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan · The Manufacturing group is also projected to increase over the period by 3.8% although starting (15%) below the base case, assuming that no additional"High Tech" production occurs and no unforeseen state or federal highway projects begin. . The growth projection for the Institutional group in the low growth forecast is attributed to the known expansion of universities, schools, and hospitals. . Facilties in the Other group are projected to increase mainly due to some increased usage at Mountain Home Air Force Base and electrical power generation. This projection assumes, however, no sales for ethanol production. The following table summarizes the anticipated load forecast by market segment under the Low Demand scenario: Low Growth Forecast by Market Segment (Thousand of Therms) Compound Rate of FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14 FY 15 Growth Potato Processors 78,940 78,940 78,940 78,940 78,940 0.0% Other Food Processors 48,425 48,425 48,425 48,425 48,425 0,0% Chemical & Fertilzer 26,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 0.0% Manufacturers 15,690 15,840 15,990 16,140 16,290 3.8% Institutions 12,940 14,210 14,424 14,447 14,517 12.0% Other 11,875 11,875 14,736 14,774 14,774 31.0% Total Low Growth Forecast Therm Sales 194,370 195,790 199,014 199,216 199,446 2.6% Firm Contract Demand The survey sent to the industrial customers additional requested information regarding each customer's future peak requirements and their forecasted annual usage. Some of the largest customers predict that while their peak day may not increase, their off-peak day requirements could, due in part to their use of varying work schedules, The individual customer's peak day requirements wil be used to analyze potential future upgrades to the existing laterals serving each community. The existing as well as any new customer's Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ) for each of the Large Volume Firm Services (LV-1), wil not be increased over the projected period because the incremental firm transportation capacity, as contracted with Willams Northwest Pipeline Company, would create additional cost to all customers. Additionally, the tariff service listed above is limited to an annual usage of less than 500,000 therms per year. The total Industrial Contract Demand has increased 11.5% above the 2008 IRP filng most of which was added along or close to the Willam Northwest Pipeline and therefore does not affect the four areas of concern that have been identified and explored throughout this IRP. 43 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan The current peak day requirements for the large volume contract customers are as follows: Segments Total Firm Daily Demand Requirements ITherms) Large Volume Firm Sales Services (LV-1) Firm Transportation Services Total 12,850 869,497 882,347 44 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan LOAD DURATION CURVES ~Cl L::." d:":, The culmination of the demand forecasting process is aggregating the information discussed in the previous sections into a forecast of future load requirements. A brief review of the methodology follows. 1-) J The IRP customer forecast provides a total company daily projection through Planning Year (PY) 2015 and includes a forecast for each of the four capacity constrained segments of the distribution system (Idaho Falls, Sun Valley, and State Street Laterals and Canyon County Area). Each forecast was developed under three different customer growth scenarios - Base Case, High Growth and Low Growth, as well as three different pricing scenarios - Base Price, Low Price, and High Price. i f) \: ri' L The development of a design weather curve - which reflects the coldest historical weather patterns across the service area - provides a means to distribute the Core market heat sensitive portion of the Company's load on a daily basis. Applying Design Weather to the residential and small commercial usage per customer forecast creates Core market usage-per-customer under design weather conditions. That combined with the applicable customer forecasts yield a daily Core market load projection through PY15 for the totally system as well as each regional segment. A similar normal weather scenario was also developed. As discussed in the Industrial Forecast section, the forecast also incorporates the industrial CD from both a company-wide perspective (interstate capacity) and the regional segments (distribution capacity). When added to the Core market figures, the result is a grand total daily forecast for both gas supply and capacity requirements including a break-out by regional segment. Peak day sendout under each of these customer growth scenarios was measured against the currently available capacity to project the magnitude, frequency and timing of potential delivery deficits, both from a total company perspective and a regional perspective. ,1 fJ' k.:;..: j J ;JL" ,J.):.._ J Once the demand forecasts were finished and evaluation complete, the data was arranged in a fashion more conducive to IRP modeling. Specifically, the daily demand data for each individual forecast was sorted from high-to-Iow to create what is known as a Load Duration Curve (LDC). The LDC incorporates all the factors that wil impact Intermountain's future loads. The LDC is the basic tool used to reflect demand in the IRP Optimization ModeL. It is important to note that the Load Duration Curves represent existing resources and are intended to identify potential capacity constraints and to assist in the long term planning process. Design PY 11 - PY 15 Customer Growth Summary Observations Idaho Falls Lateral The Low Growth customer forecast projects an increase in customers of 5,867 through PY15 (Oct 1, 2010 to Sep 30, 2015) which corresponds to an annualized average growth rate of 2.33%. Base Case customers increase by 6,718 customers (2.67%) and High Growth customers increase by 9,287 customers (3.69%). When comparing the PY11 Base Case customer starting point (Oct. 1) of the 2009 , LDC to the current LDC, there is a decrease of 2,232 Base Case customers (4.4%). i Sun Valley Lateral The Low Growth customer forecast (PY11 - PY15) projects an increase of 562 customers (1% annualized growth rate), Base Case customer forecast increases by 657 customers (1.17% annualized growth rate), and High Growth customer forecast shows an increase of 911 customers (1.62% annualized growth rate), When comparing the PY11 Base Case customer starting point (Oct. 1) of the 2009 LDC to the current LDC, there is a decrease of 49 Base Case customers (.4%). 45 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Canyon County Area The Low Case customer Forecast for Canyon County (CC) reflects an increase of 7,256 customers dunng this IRP period (PY11 - PY15), which is an annualized growth rate of 3.25%. The Base Case customer forecast for CC increases by 7,774 customers (3.49% annualized growth rate) over the 5-year period. The High Growth customer forecast shows an increase of 8,324 customers (3.73% annualized growth rate). When comparing the PY11 Base Case customer starting point (Oct. 1) of the 2009 LDC to the current LDC, there is a decrease of 3,540 Base Case customers (7.9%). State Street Lateral The Low Case customer Forecast for the State Street Lateral (SSL) reflects an increase of 2,809 customers during this IRP period (PY11 - PY15), which is an annualized growth rate of 1.26%. The Base Case customer forecast for CC increases by 3,007 customers (1.35% annualized growth rate) over the 5- year period. The High Growth customer forecast shows an increase of 3,254 customers (1.46% annualized growth rate). Because this is the first year that the SSL is in this IRP, there is no comparison to the last IRP. Total Company The Low Growth customer forecast (PY2011 - PY15) projects an increase of 30,721 customers (2.03% annualized growth rate), the Base Case customer forecast increases by 34,075 customers (2.26% annualized growth rate), and the High Growth customer forecast shows an increase of 38,793 customers (2.57% annualized growth rate). When comparing the PY11 Base Case customer starting point (Oct. 1) of the 2009 LDC to the current LDC, there is a decrease of 12,064 Base Case customers (4,0%). Using the LDC analyses, Intermountain wil be able to anticipate changes in future demand requirements and plan for the use of existing resources and the timely acquisition of additional resources. Price Elasticity Combined with Growth Scenario Comparisons Having price elasticity in our load duration curves provides us with the opportunity to combine the different pricing scenarios with the different growth scenarios to show us a 'highest usage case' and a 'lowest usage case'. For example, the highest customer usage would occur when combining the 'high' customer growth case with the 'low' price scenano. The lowest customer usage would occur when combining the 'low' customer growth case with the 'high' pricing scenario. The following tables show these combined customer growth and pricing scenarios, as well as the 'base' growth and 'base' price scenanos for comparison. These scenarios were run using both 'Design' and 'Normal' weather for the Idaho Falls, State Street, and Sun Valley laterals, the Canyon County area, and the Total Company scenario. Idaho Falls Idaho Falls Lateral Design Weather- Total Annual Usage (Dth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 7,291,568 7,400,566 7,517,686 7,668,567 7,788,886 Base Base 7,329,551 7,482,163 7,620,103 7,804,194 7,952,499 Hiah Low 7,381,245 7,647,251 7,877,855 8,142,760 8,387,052 46 --1 ~-1 '"1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Falls Lateral Normal Weather- Total Annual Usage (Oth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 6,475,801 6,569,976 6,664,682 6,792,500 6,898,830 Base Base 6,504,050 6,637,718 6,759,675 6,918,319 7,049,907 High Low 6,554,623 6,791,154 6,997,125 7,231,711 7,449,728 r-i I Sun Valley j rj:l. L,:: (1 Sun Valley Lateral Design Weather- Total Annual Usage (Oth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 1,772,767 1,782,444 1,788,456 1,804,265 1,818,726 Base Base 1,780,187 1,793,792 1,802,661 1,823,417 1,844,050 High Low 1,790,658 1,818,756 1,835,507 1,868,733 1,901,290 U ~J ;J Canyon County Sun Valley Lateral Normal Weather- Total Annual Usage (Oth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 1,533,592 1,539,725 1,543,948 1,556,761 1,568,964 Base Base 1,539,151 1,549,108 1,557,294 1,574,725 1,592,254 High Low 1,549,350 1,572,239 1,588,446 1,617,108 1,645,065 J ¡1 "oe...1 Canyon County Area Design Weather- Total Annual Usage (Oth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 5,325,835 5,462,078 5,590,127 5,735,770 5,887,821 Base Base 5,360,341 5,522,941 5,651,247 5,821,338 5,987,972 High Low 5,404,220 5,620,233 5,778,039 5,973,739 6,158,030 1 .. Canvon County Area Normal Weather- Total Annual Usage (Oth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 4,597,890 4,710,428 4,810,193 4,931,972 5,061,423 Base Base 4,623,344 4,760,571 4,868,168 5,011,702 5,155,020 High Low 4,666,457 4,854,968 4,991,221 5,153,636 5,319,063 I ;J ., i c-J 47 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan State Street State Street Lateral Design Weather- Total Annual Usage (Dth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 ' 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 5,455,565 5,483,546 5,509,922 5,563,936 5,625,140 Base Base 5,485,634 5,530,863 5,553,325 5,617,885 5,686,576 High Low 5,524,950 5,608,365 5,646,170 5,720,918 5,810,914 State Street Lateral Normal Weather- Total Annual Usage (Dth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 4,846,918 4,868,954 4,883,004 4,927,739 4,980,916 Base Base 4,869,008 4,907,810 4,925,084 4,980,218 5,040,076 High Low 4,907,949 4,983,921 5,016,996 5,082,771 5,162,478 Total Company Total Company Design Weather- Total Annual Usage (Dth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 38,965,158 39,431,412 39,932,641 40,614,920 41,316,353 Base Base 39,184,793 39,822,755 40,352,066 41,193,564 42,006,805 Hiah Low 39,472,408 40,466,945 41,195,653 42,179,029 43,229,528 Total Company Normal Weather- Total Annual Usage (Dth) Growth Scenario Price Scenario 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low High 33,359,562 33,722,310 34,086,146 34,645,518 35,233,472 Base Base 33,520,863 34,044,481 34,479,501 35,181,981 35,870,320 High Low 33,804,509 34,665,613 35,290,399 36,127,257 37,027,131 Projected Capacity Deficits - All Scenarios Residential, commercial and industrial peak day load growth on Intermountain's system is forecast over the five-year period to grow at an average annual rate of 2.03% (low growth), 2.26% (base case) and 2.57% (high growth), highlighting the need for long-term planning. This section outlines capacity deficits that would occur absent any corrective action by the Company. Idaho Falls Lateral LDC Study When forecast peak day sendout on the Idaho Falls lateral is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (810,000 therms) in the base price scenario, a peak day delivery deficit occurs beginning in PY11 for all scenarios and continues to increase at the levels shown on the following table: 48 fl Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan IFL - Design Weather Peak Day Deficit Under Existing Resources (Dth) ScenarioNear Low Growth Base Growth High Growth 1, 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (9,275) (9,309) (9,382) (11,777) (12,335) (14,466) (16,432) (17,849) (23,043) (21,457) (24,080) (32,261 ) (24,720) (28,146) (40,187) Sun Valley Lateral LDC Study When forecasted peak day send out on the Sun Valley Lateral is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (17,500 therms), a peak day delivery deficit occurs starting in PY11 on all scenarios and increases at the levels shown on the following table: SVL - Design Weather Peak Day Deficit Under Existing Resources (Dth) :. rj'_ L riu ScenarioNear Low Growth Base Growth High Growth 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (968) (971) (981) (1,733) (1,747) (1,797) (1,604) (1,779) (2,162) (2,226) (2,457) (3,314) (2,523) (3,022) (4,401) Canyon County LDC Study When forecasted peak day send out for the Canyon County region is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (690,000 therms), a peak day delivery deficit does not occur, although in 2015 (High Growth) on the peak day, usage gets within 798 Dth of Design Capacity: J ") " b i ... CC Area - Design Weather Peak Day Deficit Under Existing Resources (Dth) ScenarioNear Low Growth Base Growth High Growth 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 o o o o o o o o o o o o ° ° o State Street Lateral LDC Study When forecasted peak day send out for the State Street Lateral is matched against the existing peak day distribution capacity (585,000 therms), a peak day delivery deficit does not occur. State Street Area - Design Weather Peak Day Deficit Under Existing Resources (Dth) ScenarioNear 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low Growth °0 °°° J Base Growth 0 °°°° High Growth 0 0 °°0 I ,J 49 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan All Other LOC Study No deficits are projected to occur in any of the locations making up the "All Othet' group on Intermountain's system over the five-year study. Total Company LOC Study The Total Company perspective difers from the laterals in that it reflects the amount of gas that can be delivered to Intermountain via the various resources on the interstate pipeline system. Hence, total system deliveries should provide at least the net sum demand - or the total available distribution capacity where applicable - of all the laterals/areas on the distribution system. The following table shows that there are no annual peak day deficits based on existing resources: Total Company - Design Weather Peak Day Surplus/(Deficit) Under Existing Resources (Dth) ScenarioNear 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Low Growth Base Growth High Growth 99,800 99,673 99,627 94,218 93,711 92,866 87,577 86,353 84,539 79,338 77,293 74,346 69,280 66,217 61,896 50 - \ j Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan '"1 r~1 r-1 , l TRADITIONAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES Overview The natural gas marketplace continues to change but Intermountain's commitment to act with integrity to provide secure, reliable and price-competitive firm natural gas delivery to its customers has not. In today's energy environment, Intermountain bears the responsibilty to structure and manage a gas supply and delivery portolio that wil effectively, efficiently and with best value meet its customers' year-round energy needs. Intermountain wil, through its long-term planning, continue to identify, evaluate and employ best- practice strategies as it builds a portolio of resources that wil provide the value of service that its customers expect. n "1.... ':":: t" The Traditional Supply Resource section wil outline the energy and related infrastructure resources "upstream" of the distribution system necessary to deliver energy to the Company's distribution system. Specifically included in this definition is the natural gas commodity (or the gas molecule), various types of storage facilties and interstate gas pipeline capacity. This section wil identify and discuss the supply, storage and capacity resources available to Intermountain and how they may be employed in the Company's portolio approach to gas delivery management. Background The procurement and distribution of natural gas is in concept a straightforward process. It simply follows the movement of gas from its source through processing, gathering and pipeline systems to end-use facilties where the gas is ultimately ignited and converted into thermal energy. Natural gas is a fossil fuel; a naturally occurring mixture of combustible gases, principally methane, found in porous geologic formations beneath the surface of the earth. Natural gas is produced or extracted by drillng into those underground formations or reservoirs and then moving the gas through pipelines to customers in often far away locations. J n Intermountain is fortunate to be located in between two of the most proliic gas producing regions in North America. The first, the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) in Alberta and northeastern British Columba supplies nearly 55-60% of Intermountain's natural gas. The other region, known as the "Rockies", includes many different producing basins in the states of Wyoming, Colorado and Utah where the remainder of the Company's supplies are sourced. The Company also utilzes storage facilties to essentially hold and save natural gas during periods of low customer demand for use during periods of higher demand, , .1 . '1~. Intermountain's access to the gas produced in these basins is wholly dependent upon the availabilty of pipeline capacity to move that gas from those supply basins to Intermountain's distribution system. The Company is also well positioned relating to pipeline capacity as this region has multiple interstate pipeline options providing ample capacity to transport gas to Intermountain's Citygates. A basic discussion of gas supply, storage and interstate capacity resources follow. Gas Supply Resource Options cl J J The last decade has been one of confusing market signals for natural gas. The early part of the decade saw growing demand for natural gas, maturing supply basins coupled with increasing challenges in finding new reserves and production, supply bottlenecks due to natural disasters and strengthening market prices. At the same time, interstate pipelines continued to expand transport capacity from production areas with constrained access - particularly in the WCSB and the Rockies - to higher-priced markets to the East which began to change regional price differentials. As well, the continued growth in natural gas fired electric generation caused a fundamental change in the shape of the demand curve (see Exhibit No.4, Chart 1). One critical issue relating to natural gas is the drastic decline in reserves and production from regions that have historically been top producers, Exhibit No.4, Chart 2 shows that production of offshore and 51 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan conventional gas supplies (the 3ra and 4th layers from the bottom of the chart) is in decline. The good news is that improved technologies for finding and producing non-traditional gas supplies have led to huge increases in gas supplies during this decade. Exhibit No.4, Chart 2 shows how coalbed, shale and new Alaska production (the 5th through ¡lh layers) are not only replacing those declines, but are projected to increase annual production levels through 2024. Increased supplies coupled with softening demand due to the global economic downturn have led lower natural gas prices and a pause in driling activities. These dynamic swings in supply and demand have resulted in fundamental changes in the natural gas market. As a result, both consumers and producers have seen extreme short and long term price volatilty along with changes in national and regional pricing trends. While natural gas prices continue to exhibit volatilty from a both national/global and regional perspectives, the laws of supply and demand clearly govern the availability and pricing of natural gas. For example, periods of higher demand tend to drive prices up which in turn generally results in consumers seeking to lower consumption while producers typically increase investment in activities that wil further enhance production. Thus, fallng demand coupled with increasing supplies tend to swing prices lower. This in turn leads to fallng supplies, increased demand and the cycle begins anew. Finding equilbrium in the market has been challenging for all market participants but at the end of the day, the competitive market clearly works. Supply Regions As previously stated, Intermountain's natural gas supplies are obtained primarily from the WCSB and the Rockies. Access to those abundant supplies is completely dependent upon the amount of transportation capacity held on those pipelines so much that a discussion of the Company's purchases of natural gas cannot be fully explored without also addressing pipeline capacity. On average, Intermountain purchases approximately 55-60% of its gas supplies from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Alberta and northeast British Columbia and the remainder from the Rockies. Exhibit No.4, Map 1 shows the largest natural gas producing basins in North America. Alberta Production in this province has historically been abundant. In fact, at one time Alberta was believed to have the largest natural gas reserves in the North American continent and annually produced 10 times the Pacific Northwest's yearly consumption. However, this decade has seen production and reserve declines and some forecasts indicate continuing declines in availabilty of export gas. The decline is result of producers not being able to adequately replace the prolific shallow reserves and because more Alberta gas is being used in the province to serve growing demand and in the production of tar sands oil. Finding new reserves requires that producers dril deeper wells that generally produce lesser volumes. Lastly, significant pipeline capacity exists to transport Alberta to the Eastern U.S. markets. Consequently, prices for Alberta gas supply has remained strong as Northwest markets must compete for Alberta gas with those traditionally higher priced markets in the Midwest and eastern U.S. Alberta supplies are delivered to Intermountain via two Canadian pipelines (TransCanada Alberta or "Nova" and "Foothils") and two U.S. pipelines (Gas Transmission Northwest "GTN" and Northwest Pipeline "Northwest") as seen on Exhibit No.4, Map 2. On the positive side, Alberta has begun to tap its vast regions of unrecovered coal seam and shale gas reserves and has new found new reserves in the northwestern part of the province. Some of the more recent reserve forecasts predict that provincial supplies wil actually show some slow growth as these new plays are developed. Alberta is also well positioned to receive new supplies the next supply frontier in the Northwest Territories as well as gas from the Alaskan North Slope and/or Canada's Mackenzie Delta Arctic regions when exploration and production commence in those basins although these supplies wil not be available for at least ten years, So, while the short-run supply availabilty from Alberta may tighten somewhat, many longer-term forecasts project adequate export production although future exports wil have to compete with growing U.S, supplies. Intermountain continues to utilize a significant amount of Alberta supplies in its portfolio. The Stanfield interconnect between NWP and GTN offers operational reliability and flexibility over other receipts points 52 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan both north and south. Where these supplies once amounted to a trickle in the Company's portolio, today's purchases amount to approximately 40 percent of the company's annual purchases. ~'Jt,., '1 ~l British Columbia BC has traditionally been a source of competitively priced and abundant gas supplies for the Pacific Northwest. Gas supplies produced in the province are transported by Spectra Energy to an interconnect with Northwest Pipeline near Sumas, WA. Historically, much of the provincial supply had been somewhat captive to the region due to the lack of alternative pipeline options into Eastern Canada or the Midwest U.S. However, pipeline expansions into Eastern Canada and the Midwest U.S. eliminated that bottleneck. Coupled with declining production in some of the more traditional BC plays, supplies for export into the Northwest have tightened. So, while there continues to be an adequate supply from BC over and above provincial demand, new discoveries in Northeast BC and the Northwest Territories are critical for future deliverabilty to Pacific Northwest export markets. Even though these supplies must be transported long distances in Canada and over an international border, there have historically been few political or operational constraints to impede ultimate delivery to Intermountain's Citygates. ,I,t", fJ" L: ~"1~"-' Rockies Rockies supply has historically been the second largest source of supply for Intermountain because of the ever-growing reserves and production from the region coupled with firm pipeline capacity available to Intermountain. Additionally, Rockies supplies have been readily available, comparatively inexpensive and highly reliable. Historically, pipeline capacity to move Rockies supplies out of the region has been limited which forced producers to compete with each to sell their supplies to markets with firm pipeline takeaway capacity. Consequently, Rockies supplies tended to trade at lower prices than the Canadian or other U.S. sources. However, several pipeline expansions out of the Rockies (e.g, Kern River and more recently the completion of Rockies Express pipeline among others) have greatly minimized or eliminated most of the capacity bottlenecks so these supplies now can now more easily move to higher priced markets found in to the East or in California. Consequently, even though growth in Rockies reserves and production continues at a rapid pace reflecting increased success in finding tight sand, coal seam and shale gas, the more efficient pipeline system has essentially eliminated the price advantage that Pacific Northwest markets have enjoyed. This is not to say that Rockies supplies wil be less available to Intermountain but that this region must now compete, more than ever, with markets paying higher prices which wil likely cause an increase in the cost of future purchased supplies. , 1 d J One remaining capacity constraint is found on the NWP system near Kemmerer, Wyoming Oust east of the Idaho border) where the amount of Rockies supply flowing northwest into Idaho is limited. Through capacity release opportunities on Northwest, Intermountain has obtained all the capacity it could with receipt points from the Rockies. This allowed the Company to maximize the amount of Rockies supplies that could be purchased which has helped to hold down the company's purchased cost of gas. Today however, there is no excess Rockies capacity available and the cost of physically building new capacity through the Kemmerer constraint point makes that alternative unlikely to happen. The Company therefore must rely on available gas supply at Sumas and Stanfield as incremental supplies are needed in the future. J J J Imported LNG Another potential supply for the U.S. is Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) produced in such places as Australia, Trinidad and Tobago and Qatar, which would then be shipped to ports in the U.S. LNG shipments are generally off-loaded into permanent tanks where the liquid is stored until it is vaporized and injected into a pipeline system. There are currently several operating LNG ports on the East and Gulf coasts and one on the West coast in Northern Mexico. As a percent of total U.S. demand LNG deliveries are comparatively small but growing. The global abundance of natural gas, declining gas production in some North American basins and strong domestic demand makes imported LNG a viable alternative as a future supply source. But since LNG is traded on the global market, where prices are typically tied to oil, LNG is not yet competitive with North American natural gas prices on a large scale. However, if used to enhance peaking deliveries or supplement baseload supplies, LNG may be a practical alternative. In recent years, three separate import facilties have been proposed for the Pacific Northwest (all in Oregon). As of the summer of 2010, two of those projects - Oregon LNG and Bradwood Landing - have 1,I 53 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan stalled for various reasons. Most industry analysts predict that at best, the Northwest market could only support building one such facilty and today, the project with best chance appears to be Jordan Cove LNG to be located near Coos Bay, Oregon. In conjunction with a new pipeline proposal, Jordan Cove would be able to deliver over a billon cubic feet per day (Bet) of natural gas to markets in Western Oregon and Northern California. Because the time frame to certificate and build these facilties takes years and due to some local and/or state resistance to the project, this IRP assumes that no significant volume of imported LNG wil be delivered into the Pacific Northwest by 2015. A map showing the location of the proposed LNG projects is included as Exhibit No.4, Map 3. Alaska and McKenzie Delta It is known that huge reserves of natural gas exist off the Alaskan North Slope and Canada's McKenzie Delta. However, there is currently no pipeline capacity to deliver these volumes to the North American market although facilties with the capabilty to receive any such delivery do currently exist. Cost estimates to build such capacity begins in the 30 bilions of dollars and adding such huge delivery cost to those gas supplies would not be economic in today's market. Additionally, the time frame to plan, certificate and build such facilties would take, by most estimates, up to a decade. In fact, many long term forecasts predict that these supplies wil not be delivered into the North American market any sooner than 2020 and therefore this IRP does not include any these supply in its assumptions. Finally, with the rate of growth in U.S. production, delivery of these supplies to markets in the U.S. may be much further out on the horizon. Types There are essentially two main types of supply: firm and interruptible. Firm gas commits the seller to make the contracted amount of gas available each and every day during the term of the contract and commits the buyer to take that gas on each and every day. The only exception would be force majeure events where one or both of the parties cannot control external events that make delivery or receipt impossible. Interruptible or best efforts gas supply typically is bought and sold with the understanding that either party for various reasons, do not have a firm or binding commitment to take or deliver the gas. Intermountain builds its supply portolio on a base of firm, long-term gas supply contracts but includes all of the types of gas supplies as described below: 1. Long-term: gas that is contracted for a period of over one year. 2. Short-term: gas that is often contracted for one month at a time. 3. Spot: gas that is for some reason not under a long-term contract; it is generally purchased on a short term basis with a term of anywhere from one day up to periods of one month or even several months. 4. Winter Baseload: gas supply that is purchased for a multi-month period most often during winter or peak load months. 5. Citygate Delivery: natural gas supply that is bundled with interstate capacity and delivered to the utilty Citygate meaning that it does not use the Company's existing capacity. As the natural gas market continues to mature, liquidity at the purchases points Intermountain utilzes has allowed for more flexibilty in the structure of the portolio. The historical heavy reliance on mostly longer- term contracts for the majority of the portolio lessened as the Company found that it can shift more of its supplies to shorter termed contracts. Doing provides a better abilty to balance supplies with seasonal demand and take advantage of price shifts without having excess supply in off-peak periods. Pricing Long-term firm supplies have historically been priced flat to, or at a small premium to, the applicable monthly index priced. As market conditions change over time, Intermountain has found that contracts containing negotiable market sensitive price premiums or discounts allow both buyer and seller to be more comfortable that longer term contracts remain market competitive. The Company also actively manages its various firm receipt points so that to the extent possible, purchases are made at the lowest price possible. Intermountain includes several year-round and winter-only term supply contracts in its portolio. 54 (j Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Spot gas is typically gas that suppliers, for various reasons, do not contact on a term delivery basis. The term "spot gas" may apply to gas sold under differing terms including firm, interruptible, swing, day gas or best efforts and is usually available at almost anytime at varying volumes, prices and contract terms. Spot gas may be bought for one or several days a time, for one month or even for seasonal periods such as the summer injection periods. During peak usage periods, day-to-day spot may be difficult to find, be relatively expensive, unreliable or may be available only on a day-to-day basis. Of course in non-peak months, spot is most often readily found and is often, but not always, inexpensive when compared to term supply.ldl Intermountain frequently purchases firm spot supplies for a given month and as a rule, targets those suppliers with reputation for reliabilty. Intermountain is also active in the spot market as it manages its daily position with the various pipelines on which it flows gas supplies. The Company may use interruptible supplies when a failure to delivery would not result in a risk of serving its firm customers. For example, interruptible may be used to supplement summer storage injections because a failure would not jeopardize any customers and the injection could be easily be made up on a subsequent day. Of course, in order to purchase such gas supply, the Company would require an attractive price. Q" F_:: ¡ ("), ¡ 1"1' ~--- J To help manage price risk, the Company also utilzes NYMEX based products to "hedge" forward prices. Intermountain most often uses price swaps or fixed for floating agreements. The instruments provide Intermountain with the opportunity to lock-in future prices and avoid the sometimes wild market volatilty (Exhibit No.4, Chart 3 shows historical monthly index prices at the main pricing points Intermountainutilzes.) While the Company does not utilze a fully mechanistic approach, its Gas Supply Committee meets frequently to discuss all gas portolio issues, including price hedging, in order to provide stable and competitive prices for its customers. J ,J I ,J For optimization purposes, Intermountain obtained two five-year price forecasts for the Aeco, Rockies and Sumas pricing points from two multi-national energy companies based on the January 6, 2010 market close. After evaluation, it was determined that although the forecasts were not perfectly identical (as would be expectéd), the trends and seasonal pricing levels were actually very similar to one another. Therefore, the Company determined that it could reasonably use one the forecasts for modeling purposes. The selected forecast not only included a monthly base price projection for each of the three purchase points but also included forecasts for plus and minus one standard deviations as well as plus and minus two standard deviation projections. Because the two standard deviation projections seemed too extreme, Intermountain chose to use the plus one and minus standard deviation price forecasts to "band" the base price projection for modeling usage under higher or lower price conditions. Exhibit No.4, Charts 4 through 6 shows the relationship between those various forecasts. For each scenario, the wholesale price forecasts were also used to project retail prices so that the therms per customer projections could be adjusted to account for prices where applicable. Storage Resources U J ;, J j As previously discussed, the production of natural gas and the amount of available pipeline capacity are very linear in nature; changes in temperatures or market demand does not materially affect how much of either is available on a daily basis. As seen in the Load Duration Curve section of this IRP, the steep drop off in core market demand means that attempting to serve peak demands with a level amount of gas supplies and pipeline capacity would be enormously expensive as the vast majority of those resources would be utilzed, at best, only a few days each year. So the abilty to store natural gas during periods of non-peak demand for use during peak periods is a cost efficient way to fil the gap between static levels of supply and capacity vs. the non-linear demand curve, Intermountain utilzes storage capacity in four different facilties from western Washington to northeastern Utah. Two are operated by Northwest: one is an underground project located near Jackson Prairie, WA ("JP") and the other is liquefied gas (LS) facilty located near Plymouth, W A. Intermountain also leases capacity from Questar Pipeline's Clay Basin underground storage field and also operates its own LS facility located in Nampa, ID (See Exhibit No.4, Map 3 for facilty locations). 55 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan All four locations allow Intermountain to inject excess gas into storage during off-peak periods and then hold it for withdrawal whenever the need arises. The advantage is three-fold: one, the Company can serve the winter peak and while minimizing year-round firm gas supplies; two, storage allows the Company to minimize the amount of the year-round interstate capacity resource and helps it to use existing capacity more efficiently; and three, storage provides a natural price hedge against the typically higher winter gas prices. Thus storage allows the Company to meet its winter loads more efficiently and at a generally lower a cost. Liquefied S,torage Liquefied storage facilties make use of a process that supercools and liquefies gaseous methane under pressure until it reaches approximately minus 260°F. Liquefied natural gas ("LNG") occupies only one-six- hundredth the volume compared to its gaseous state and so it is an efficient method for storing peak requirements. LNG is also safe and non-toxic; it is non-corrosive and wil only burn when vaporized to a 5-15% concentration with air. Because of the characteristics of liquid, its natural propensity to vaporize and the enormous amount of energy stored, LNG is normally stored in man-made steel tanks. Liquefying natural gas is, relatively-speaking, a time-consuming process and the compression and storage equipment is costly. It typically requires as much as one unit of natural gas burned as fuel for every three to four units liquefied. Also, a full liquefaction cycle may take 5 - 6 months to complete. Because of the high cost and length of time involved filing a typical LNG facilty, it is normally "cycled" only once per year and is reserved for peaking purposes. This makes the unit cost somewhat expensive when compared to other options. Vaporization, or the process of changing the liquid back into the gaseous state, on the other hand, is a very efficient process. Under typical atmospheric and temperature conditions, the natural state of methane is gaseous and lighter than air as opposed to the dense state in its liquid form. Consequently, vaporization requires little energy and can happen very quickly. Vaporization of LNG is usually accomplished by utilzing pressure differentials by opening and closing of valves in concert with some hot- water bath units. The high pressure LNG is vaporized as it is warmed and is then allowed to push itself into the lower pressure distribution system. Potential LNG daily withdrawal rates are normally large and, as opposed to the long liquefaction cycle, a typical full withdrawal cycle may last less than 10 days or less at full rate. Because of the cost and cycle characteristics, LNG withdrawals are typically reserved for "needle" peaking during very cold weather events or for system integrity events. Neither of the two LNG facilities utilzed by Intermountain requires the use of year-round transportation capacity for delivery withdrawals to Intermountain's customers. The Plymouth facilty is bundled with redelivery capacity for delivery to Intermountain and the Nampa LNG tank withdrawals go directly into the Company's distribution system. The IRP assumes liquid storage wil serve as a needle peak supply, Underground Storage This type of facilty is typically found in naturally occurring underground reservoirs or aquifers (e.g. depleted gas formations, salt domes, etc.) or sometimes in man-made caverns or mine shafts. These facilties typically require less hardware compared to LNG projects and are usually less expensive to build and operate than liquefaction storage facilities. In addition, commodity costs of injections and withdrawals are usually minimal by comparison, The lower costs allow for the more frequent cycling of inventory and in fact, many such projects are utilzed to arbitrage variations in market prices. Another material difference is the maximum level of injection and withdrawaL. Because underground storage involves far less compression as compared to LNG, maximum daily injection levels are much higher and so a typical underground injection season is much shorter, maybe only 3-4 months. But the lower pressures also mean that maximum withdrawals are typically much less than liquefied storage at maximum withdrawaL. So it could take 35 days or more to completely empty an underground facility. The longer withdrawal period and minimal commodity costs make underground storage an ideal tool for winter baseload (i.e, fillng the winter "hump" in the LDC) or daily load balancing and therefore Intermountain normally uses underground storage before liquid storage is withdrawn. 56 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan The facilty with the largest amount of seasonal storage and daily withdrawal is Questar Pipeline's ("Questar") Clay Basin facilty in Northeastern Utah. However, since Clay Basin is not bundled with redelivery capacity, Intermountain must use its year-round capacity when these volumes are withdrawn. For this reason, the Company normally "base loads" Clay Basin withdrawals during the November-March winter period. Just like Northwest's Plymouth LS facilty, Northwest's JP is bundled with redelivery capacity and so Intermountain typically layers JP withdrawals between Clay Basin and its LS withdrawals. The IRP uses Clay Basin as a winter baseload supply and JP is used as the first "layer" of peak supply. The Table below outlines the Company's storage resources for this IRP. :-1 j r-i c1 Table 1 Storage Statistics D' ;.:'.,..t:' ('....). t': r..-',. "1\'.:" Facilty Nampa Plymouth Subtotal Liquid Seasonal Capacity 580,000 1,096,235 1,676,235 Jackson Prairie Clay Basin Subtotal Undgrnd 1,099,099 8,413,500 9,512,599 Grand Total Daily Withdrawal Maximum % of Peak 60,000 17% 113,200 31% 173,200 48% 30,337 8% 70,109 19% 100,446 28% 273,646 lß Daily Injection Max Vol 1 # of Days 3,500 166 5,660 200 9,160 Redelivery Capacity None TF.2 30,337 36 53,933 156 84,270 TF-2 TF-1 1 These figures are based on tariff or contact language; however real-world experience suggests that Plymouth and Clay Basin average daily injections are much higher therefore the number of injection days are less. J , 1d ¡ All four storage facilties require the use of Intermountain's every-day, year-round capacity for injection or liquefaction. Because injections usually occur during the summer months, use of year-round capacity for injections actually helps the Company to make more efficient use of its every-day transport capacity and term gas supplies during those off-peak months when the Core Market loads are so low, Storage Summary The company generally utilizes its diverse storage assets to offset winter load requirements, provide peak load protection and, to a lesser extent, for system balancing. Intermountain believes that the geographic and operational diversity of the four facilties utilized offers the company and its customers a level of efficiency, economics and security not otherwise achievable. Geographic diversity provides security should pipeline capacity become constrained in one particular area. The lower commodity costs and flexibilty of underground storage allows the company flexibilty to determine its best use from other supply alternatives such as winter baseload or peak protection gas, price arbitrage or system balancing. Interstate Pipeline Transportation Capacity As earlier discussed, Intermountain is dependent on pipeline capacity to move natural gas from the areas where it is produced, to end-use customers who consume the gas. In general, firm transportation capacity provides a mechanism whereby a pipeline wil reserve the right, on behalf of a designated and approved shipper, to receive a specified amount of natural gas supplies delivered by that shipper, at designated points on its pipeline system and subsequently redeliver that volume to particular delivery point(s) as designated by the shipper,,j Intermountain holds firm capacity on four different pipeline systems including Willams Northwest Pipeline ("Northwest" or "NWP"). Northwest the only interstate pipeline with interconnects to Intermountain's 57 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan distribution system meaning that Intermountain physically receives all gas supply to its distribution system via "Citygate" taps with Northwest. Table 1 below summarizes the Company's year-round capacity on Northwest (TF-1) and its storage specific redelivery capacity. Intermountain holds enough Upstream capacity on the GTN, Foothils, and Nova systems to deliver a volume of gas commensurate with the Company's Stanfield takeaway capacity on Northwest. Table 2 Northwest Pipeline Transport Capacity Delivery Quantity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TF-1 Capacity- Sumas 41,146 41,146 41,146 41,146 41,146 Stanfield 115,429 115,429 115,429 115,429 115,429 Rockies 92,552 91,801 91,050 90,249 87,384 Citygate 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 Total TF-1 275,127 274,376 273,625 272,824 269,959 Storage (TF-2)143,537 143,537 143,537 143,537 143,537 Max. Cit ate Deliver 418.664 417.913 1 416.361 4 Northwest's facilities essentially run from the Four Corners area north to western Wyoming, across Southern Idaho to Western Washington. The pipeline then continues up the 1-5 corridor where it interconnects with Spectra Energy, a Canadian pipeline in British Columbia, near Sumas, Washington where it receives natural gas produced in northeast British Columbia. Gas supplies produced in the province of Alberta Northwest are delivered to Northwest via Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) near Stanfield, Oregon. Northwest also connects with other U.S. pipelines and gathering systems in several western U.S. states ("Rockies") where it receives gas produced in basins located Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, The major pipelines with which NWP interconnects can be seen on Exhibit No.4, Map 1. Because natural gas must flow along pipelines with finite flow capabilties, frequently demand cannot be met from a market's preferred basin. Competition among markets for these preferred gas supplies can cause capacity bottlenecks and these bottlenecks often result in pricing variations between basins supplying the same market area. In the short to medium term, producers in constrained basins invariably must either discount or in some fashion differentiate their product in order to compete with other also constrained supplies. In the longer run however, disproportionate regional pricing encourages capacity enhancements on the interstate pipeline grid, from producing areas with excess supply, to markets with constrained delivery capacity. Such added capacity nearly always results in a more integrated, efficient delivery system that tends to eliminate or at least minimize such price variances. Consequently, new pipeline capacity - or expansion of existing infrastructure - in western North America has increased take-away capacity out of the WCSB and the Rockies, providing producers with access to higher priced markets in the Midwest and in California. Therefore, less-expensive gas supplies once captive to the Northwest region of the continent, now has greater access to the national market resulting in less favorable price differentials for the Pacific Northwest market. Today, wholesale prices at the major trading points supplying the Pacific Northwest region are trending towards equilibrium indicative of a fungible commodity. At the same time, new shale gas production in the mid-continent is beginning to displace traditionally higher-priced supplies from the Gulf coast which, from a national perspective, appears to be causing an overall softening trend in natural gas prices. So today Intermountain is in an increasingly mega-regional marketplace where market conditions across the continent can, and often do, affect regional supply availabilty and pricing dynamics. While gas supplies are readily available and national prices show a short-term softening trend, Intermountain is increasingly competing with markets that have historically paid higher prices to obtain gas supplies and 58 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan are actively building capacity to access the traditionally lower-priced supplies in the Rockies. In the long run, many forecasts predict tightening price differentials across the continent.'~1 '-)~:. .. r1 Capacity Release Capacity release was implemented to allow markets to more efficiently utilze pipeline capacity. This mechanism allows a shipper with any unused capacity, to auction the excess to another shipper offering the highest bid. Thus capacity that would otherwise sit idle can be used by a replacement shipper. The result is a more efficient use of capacity as replacement shippers maximize the throughput of existing capacity. One result is that pipelines are less inclined to build new capacity until the market recognizes that it is really needed and is willng to pay for new infrastructure. But a fuller pipeline can also mean existing shippers find less operational flexibilty. Intermountain has and continues to be active in the capacity release market. Intermountain has obtained quite a bit of capacity on Northwest and GTN via capacity release. The Company frequently releases seasonal and/or daily capacity during periods of reduced demand. In the past, Intermountain utilzed a specific type of capacity release called segmentation to move firm receipt capacity from Sumas to Stanfield. Doing so not only provided certain capacity release credits but also provided more supply diversity as reliance on BC supplies was decreases. ¡j '.'1.'.',. ~.. . _.d f/t,: (...."...1 ¡. :1 Capacity release also resulted in a bundled service called Citygate delivered gas supplies as some marketers were able to use available capacity to sell gas directly to a market's gate stations. Thus a market like Intermountain could contract for supplies only for a specified time period - a peak or winter period for example - that would ensure delivery of additional gas supplies without having to contract more year-round capacity could very not be used during off peak periods. New Pipeline Capacity There are currently several pipeline projects proposed for the Northwest (see Figure 1 below). Two are designed to increase capacity into the 1-5 corridor between Seattle and Portland (Blue Bridge and Palomar) and another wil increase capacity in southern BC (Southern Crossing). The other pipeline, Ruby Pipeline, would connect Rockies supplies into the Opal, Wyoming area for delivery at its terminal point near Malin, Oregon where GTN interconnects with the PG&E in northern California. Two competitors to the Ruby pipeline could not garner enough interest and appear to be cancelled. U :J '1~C" None of the these pipeline proposals would directly deliver gas supply into Idaho but it is possible that through displacement (i.e. as more gas moves into the Pacific Northwest, it offsets other gas supplies traditionally flowing into the same are), gas supplies typically flowing to markets on the west coast could be available to the existing markets in Idaho. Alternatively, it could be possible to backhaul supply from the interconnect where Ruby crosses Paiute Pipeline in Nevada into Northwest Pipeline in southern Idaho but no information is presently available. LJ '.....:.)..:.. .,. l~. 1L_:j Regulation All activity regarding transportation of natural gas supplies through any part of the interstate pipeline grid continues to be under the review and regulatory oversight of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). For in- state regulatory matters, the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("I PUC") provides oversight and oversees all aspects of natural gas service to Intermountain's customers. Under tariffs approved by the IPUC, Intermountain provides sales and transport-only services to over 305,000 customers in southern Idaho. The vast majority of Intermountain's customers - including all residential and commercial customers - receive a fully- bundled sales service where the Company provides the natural gas and all transportation capacity needed to deliver natural gas directly to the customer's meter. A 59 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan handful of the Large-volume (also called "Industrial") customers also receive the bundled sales service. However, most of Intermountain's industrial customers receive transport-only service on the distribution system under two different tariffs. Intermountain's T -4 and T -5 customers receive firm distribution-only transport where the customer's gas is received at the Company's applicable Citygates and then transported through the Company's distribution system and redelivered to the customers' facilities. The Company also transports gas under a similar T -3 tariff except that redelivery to the customer's facilties is provided on interruptible basis. Supply Resources Summary Because of the dynamic environment in which it operates, the Company wil continue to evaluate customer demand in order to provide an efficient mix of the above supply resources so as meet its goal of providing reliable, secure, and economic firm service to its customers. Intermountain actively manages its supply and delivery portolio and consistently seeks additional resources where needed. The Company actively monitors natural gas pricing and production trends in order to maintain a secure, reliable and price competitive portolio and seeks innovative techniques to manage its transportation and storage assets in order to provide both economic benefits to the customers and operational efficiencies to its interstate and distribution assets. The IRP process culminating in the optimization modeling helps to ensure that the Company's strategies to meet its traditional gas supply goals are based on sound, real- world principles. 60 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan NON-TRADITIONAL SUPPLY RESOURCES "1 Non-traditional supply resources help supplement the traditional supply-side resources during peak demand conditions. Non-traditional resources include two general types: energy supplies not received from an interstate pipeline supplier, producer or interstate storage operator and various methods used to increase capacity within the Company's distribution system that enhance the abilty to flow gas during periods of peak demand. Six (6) non-traditional supply resources and three (3) capacity upgrade options were considered in this IRP and are as follows: ,J f~l.~: ' '. ( :~: r-1. /::;:. Non-Traditional Supply Resources 1. Fuel Oil 2. Coal 3. Wood Chips 4. Propane 5. Remote/Portable LNG Facilities 6. Biofuel Production Capacity Upgrades 1. Pipeline Loop 2. Pipeline Uprate 3. Compressor Station Non-Traditional Supplies "JL ")L 1 While a large volume industrial customers' load profie is relatively flat compared to the Core Market, the industrials are stil a significant contributor to overall peak demand. However, some industrials have the ability to use alternate fuel sources to temporarily reduce their reliance on natural gas. By using alternative energy resources such as fuel oil, coal, propane and wood chips, an industrial customer can lower their natural gas requirement during peak load periods while continuing to receive the energy needed for their specific process. Although these alternative resources have the ability to be used at any time, they are ideally suited to be applied during peak demand. However, only the industrial market has the abilty to use any of the aforementioned alternate supplies in large enough volumes to make any material difference in system demand. More specifically, only industrial customers located along the Idaho Falls Lateral have the abilty to use any of these non-traditional resources. In order to rely on these types of peak supplies, Intermountain would need to engage in negotiations with specific customers to ensure availabilty. The overall expense cost of these kinds of arrangements, if any, is difficult to assess. The two remaining non-traditional resources, Remote/Portable liquid natural gas (LNG) facilties and bio- fuel production, are technically not forms of demand side management but they do have the abilty to provide additional natural gas supply at the most favorable locations within a potentially constrained distribution system. They can therefore supplant the normal capacity fixes - capacity related upgrades to the distribution system. The abilty to create new, portable supply points can maximize capacity possibilities in existing distribution systems. J ~J~~- ' Fuel Oil There are two large volume industrial customers along the Idaho Falls Lateral (IFL) that currently have the abilty to use fuel oil as a natural gas supplement. The plants are able to switch their boilers over to burn oil and decrease a portion of their gas usage, up to 35%, but neither plant has the abilty to run in full operation with oil alone. Burning fuel oil in lieu of natural gas requires various permitting from the local governing agencies, increases the level of emissions from the plant, and can have a lengthy approval process depending on the specific type of fuel oil used. J,,. 61 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Capital costs for fuel oil facilties are approximately $150,000 - $250,000 providing 10,000 - 15,000 therms per day offset. One industrial customer currently does not maintain oil storage onsite, but has the abilty to store approximately three days of oil supply; the second customer currently doesn't have updated permits for oil burn. The estimated cost of oil is between $1 .80 - $2.10 per gallon depending on contractual obligations and time of year. (Note: one gallon of fuel oil is typically 138,000 - 155,000 BTU, depending on grade and blending which calculates into $1.16 - $1.52 per therm.) Fixed operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are approximately $60,000 - $120,000 per year. Coal Coal use is very limited as a resource for industrial customers within Intermountain's service territory. A coal user must have a separate coal burning boiler installed along with their natural gas burning boilers and typically must have direct railroad access to transport the large quantities of coal required to fuel their boilers. Regulations and permitting requirements can also be a challenge. Intermountain currently has one institutional, industrial customer capable of and willng to burn coal on the IFL. This customer typically supplements their winter gas usage with coal and has the abilty to run completely on coal if requested. At maximum usage they would offset 1,800 therms of natural gas each day. The cost of coal in the northwest ranges from $30.00 - $60.00 per ton, depending on the quality of the coaL. Lower BTU coal would range from 8,000 - 13,000 BTU per pound while higher quality coal would range from 12,000 - 15,000 BTU per pound. This translates into a per therm cost of coal roughly at $0.18 - $0.25 plus rail transportation, permitting and equipment O&M costs. Wood Chips Using wood chips as alternative fuel is a practice utilized by one large volume industrial customer on the IFL. In order to accommodate wood burning additional equipment must be installed, such as wood fired boilers and storage facilties for the wood chips. The wood is supplied from various tree clearing and wood mil operations that produce chips within regulatory specifications to be used as fueL. The chips are then transported by truck to location where the customer wil typically store a two (2) to three (3) month supply. The wood fired boilers are currently used on a full-time basis in conjunction with natural gas boilers, 'and technically won't offset gas usage, For comparison purposes, the wood fired boilers, if used to replace natural gas for this specific industrial customer, could offset gas usage by approximately 5,000 therms per day. Unfortunately, this single customer does not have the ability to utilze any more wood fuel than they are currently using. The cost of wood is continually changing based on transportation, availabilty, location and the type of wood processing plant that is providing the chips. Wood has a typical value of 4,500 BTU per pound, which converts into twenty two (22) pounds of wood being burned to produce one (1) therm of natural gas. An approximate cost of purchasing wood chips in the northwest is estimated at $70.00 - $100.00 per ton or $.77 - $1.10 per thermo Propane Since propane is similar to natural gas the conversion to propane is much easier than a conversion to most other alternative resources. With the equipment, orifices and burners being similar to that of natural gas, an entire industrial customer load (boiler and direct fire) may be switched to propane. Therefore, utilzing propane on peak demand could reduce an industrial customer's natural gas needs by 100%. The use of propane requires onsite storage, additional gas piping and a reliable supply of propane to maintain adequate storage. Currently there are no industrial customers on the system that have the abilty to use propane as an alternative to natural gas. Capital costs for propane facilties are considerably higher than that for fuel oiL. Typical capital costs for a peak day send out of 30,000 therms per day, and the storage tanks required to sustain this load, are approximately $600,000 - $700,000. As with oil, storage facilities should be designed to accommodate a peak day delivery load for approximately seven (7) days thus requiring the facilties to be refiled with propane weekly at a cost ranging from $1.00 - $1.50 per gallon. (NOTE: One gallon of propane is approximately 92,000 BTU). Fixed O&M costs are approximately $50,000 - $100,000 per year, 62 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Remote/Portable LNG Equipment ri Remote/Portable LNG equipment allows natural gas to be transported in tanker trucks in a liquid form; meaning that larger quantities can be delivered to key supply locations throughout the distribution system. Liquefied natural gas has tremendous withdrawal capability due to the natural gas being in a different state of matter. Portable equipment has the abilty to boil LNG back to a gaseous form and deliver it into the distribution system by heating the liquid from -260°F to a typical temperature of 50° - 70°F. This portable equipment is available to lease or purchase from various companies and can be used for peak shaving at industrial plants or within a distribution system. Regulatory and environmental approvals are minimal compared to permanent LNG plants and are dependent upon the specific location where the portable LNG equipment is placed. The available delivery pressure from LNG equipment ranges from 150 psig to 650 psig with a flow capabilty of approximately 2,000 - 8,000 therms per hour. ,J fj¡dJ fl,.iJ Intermountain Gas recently purchased a portable LNG unit which is currently in operation on the Idaho Falls Lateral to peak shave the northern end of the system. In addition to the portable equipment, Intermountain also has a permanent LNG facilty on the IFL that is designed to accommodate the portable equipment, provide an onsite control building and allow onsite LNG storage capabilties. The abilty to store LNG onsite allows Intermountain to partially mitigate the risk associated with relying on truck deliveries during critical flow periods. This particular permanent facilty is designed to store up to two (2) days of LNG onsite, and along with the portable equipment, has the ability to send out approximately 50,000 - 90,000 therms per day depending on demand. The cost of the portable LNG equipment is approximately $1 - $2 milion with additional cost to either lease or purchase property to place the equipment and the cost of the optional permanent LNG facilty. The fixed cost to lease the portable equipment is approximately $200,000 - $300,000 per month plus the cost of LNG. The price of LNG is dependent upon time of usage, natural gas prices, liquefaction charges, and transportation costs. U ~J ~.1 Biofuel Production Biogas can be defined as utilizing any biomass material to produce a renewable fuel gas. Biomass is any biodegradable organic material that can be derived from plants, animals, animal byproduct and municipal solid waste. After processing of biogas to industry purity standards the gas can be used as a renewable supplement to fossil natural gas within Company facilities. iJ U ¡i Idaho is one of the nation's largest dairy producing states which make it a prime location for biogas production utilzing the abundant supply of animal byproduct. Southern Idaho has currently seen two dairy farms with test facilities containing anaerobic digesters that capture methane and carbon dioxide from animal waste that would normally have been released into the atmosphere. These test facilties have proven the abilty to produce acceptably pure natural gas, but currently do not transfer any product into Intermountain facilties. As this technology advances and the need for renewable resources increases there is a foreseeable potential for increased biofuel production within Intermountain's service territory and this alternative supply remains an attractive and viable option that Intermountain continues to monitor. Capacity Upgrades The three capacity upgrades discussed below do not reduce demand nor do they create additional supply points, rather they increase the overall capacity of a pipeline system while utilzing the existing gate station supply points. J ,.1 Pipeline Loop Pipeline looping is a traditional method of increasing capacity within an existing distribution system. The loop refers to the construction of new pipe parallel to an existing pipeline that has, or may become, a constraint point. The feasibilty of looping a pipeline is primarily dependent upon the location where the pipeline wil be constructed. Installng gas pipelines through private easements, residential areas, 63 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan existing asphalt, or steep and rocky terrain can greatly increase the cost to unjustifiable amounts when compared with alternative enhancement solutions The potential increase in system capacity by constructing a pipeline loop is dependent on the size and length of new pipe being installed with tyical increases in capacity ranging from 50,000 - 250,000 therms per day on large, high pressure laterals. The cost for a new pipeline installation of this magnitude is generally in the range of $5 - $12 millon. Pipeline Uprate A quick and sometimes relatively inexpensive method of increasing capacity in an existing pipeline is to increase the maximum allowable operating pressure of the line, usually called a pipeline uprate. Uprates allow a company to, maximize the potential of their existing systems before constructing additional facilities and they're normally a low cost option to increase capacity; however, leaks and damages are sometimes found or incurred during the uprate process creating costly repairs. There are also safety considerations and pipe regulations that restrict the feasibilty of increasing the pressure in any pipeline, such as the material composition, strength rating and location of the existing pipeline. Compressor Station Compressor stations are a third capacity-related option. They are typically installed on pipelines or laterals with significant gas flow and the abilty to operate at higher pressures. Intermountain currently has two such transmission pipelines for which the installation of a compressor station could possibly be practical: the Sun Valley Lateral and the Idaho Falls LateraL. Regulatory and environmental approvals to install a compressor station, along with engineering and construction time, can be a significant deterrent, but compressors can also be a cost effective, feasible solution to lateral constraint points. Compressor stations can be broken down into the following two (2) scenarios: A single, large volume compressor can be installed on the pipeline when there is a constant, high flow of gas. The compressor is sized according to the natural gas flow and is placed in the optimal location along the lateraL. This type of compressor wil not function properly if the flow in the pipeline has a tendency to increase or decrease significantly. This type of station can have a price range of $3 - $5 millon plus land, and a typical O&M cost wil be in the range of $150,000 - $200,000 annually. The second option is the installation of multiple, smaller compressors located in close proximity or strategically placed in different locations along a lateraL. Multiple compressors are very beneficial as they allow for a large flow range, redundancy and the use of smaller and typically very reliable compressors. These smaller compressor stations are well suited for areas where gas demand is growing at a relatively slow and steady pace so that purchasing and installng these less expensive compressors can be done over time. This "just in time" approach allows a pipeline to serve growing customer demand for many years into the future while avoiding the single, rather large expenditure to purchase a larger station. However, high land prices or the unavailabilty of land may render this option economically or operationally infeasible. The cost of a smaller compressor station, excluding land, is estimated at $1.5 . $2.5 milion with approximate O&M costs of $80,000 - $150,000 annually. 64 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan AVAILABLE AND POTENTIAL SYSTEM CAPACITY ENHANCEMENTS Throughout previous sections of the IRP it has been shown that due to system growth Intermountain could possibly experience future capacity deficits. Through the use of a gas modeling system that incorporates total customer loads, existing pipe and system configurations along with current distribution system capacities, each potential deficit has been defined with respect to timing and magnitude. Where any such deficit occurs multiple system capacity enhancements were evaluated and provided as inputs to the optimization modeL. The four identified Focus Zones that were analyzed under design conditions are: the State Street Lateral, the Idaho Falls Lateral, the Sun Valley Lateral and the Canyon County Area. Each of these areas are unique in their pipeline characteristics, and the optimization of each requires different enhancement solutions. ri.. t:~.L:.,,' ß........:..'. \"," r r...........l......1,-,.,, i;.:. State Street Lateral The State Street Lateral is a sixteen mile stretch of high pressure, transmission main that begins in Caldwell and runs east along State Street into northern Boise. The Lateral is fed directly from a gate station and is also looped with another pipe system from the south. Much of the pipeline is closely surrounded by residential and commercial population that creates a difficult situation for construction and/or land acquisition, thus making a compressor station or LNG equipment less favorable. A complete review of the situation shows it is ideally suited to perform a pipeline uprate; where the additional pressure at this location is obtainable and the Company has a chance to maximize the potential of its existing facilties before investing in new. The up-rate can be performed in phases over multiple years that provide increased capacity as actual growth is experienced, and the phasing wil minimize the length of pipe that must be taken out of service at a time. As it turns out, the State Street lateral does not exceed capacity, and therefore the model enhancement was not required for the five year projection of this IRP. However, as available capacity is becoming increasingly tight on this lateral, Intermountain believes it wise to continue to monitor and evaluate capacity in this area of its system. At a minimum, the lateral is now defined, all of the related models include it for calculation purposes and this IRP has already set up the necessary procedures to handle it in future IRP filings.J "'j, L 1 Canyon County Area The Canyon County area has multiple pipelines of different diameters and pressures spread throughout the area but there exists a single, undersized, bottleneck line which stands out as the weakest point in the system. The best enhancement alternative for this situation is a pipeline loop that wil remove the current bottleneck restriction. The loop wil be 7.8 miles long and wil be constructed of 8" high pressure pipe. The line loop has a planned in-service date of PY2014 and wil increase the system capacity to 833,000 therms per day. The 2008 IRP estimated this project to be completed for PY2012 but growth estimates in the current IRP show the need for increased capacity to occur two years later. ,J ,J Idaho Falls Lateral Based on conclusions from the 2006 IRP, near-term IFL deficits have been remedied through the installation of an LNG facilty, just south of Rexburg, which operates using portable LNG equipment. The LNG facilty was installed in 2007 and the addition of a permanent LNG storage tank was installed for PY2009, as indicated and planned for in the 2008 IRP. The onsite storage tank helps mitigate the plant's reliance on tanker trucks transporting LNG supply to the site in times of high demand. A second LNG tank is planned for installation in PY2012 for increased onsite storage as demand growth is anticipated. The addition of the LNG facilty increased the maximum daily capacity of the IFL to 1,000,000 therms per day. 65 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Sun Valley Lateral The SVL is a long stretch of pipeline that has almost its entire demand at the far end of the lateral away from the source. Obtaining land in close proximity to this load center is either very expensive or simply unavailable. This tye of situation indicates that a compressor station installed on the lateral would best maximize the performance of the existing line and allow for the installation to be a good distance away from the concentrated load. Based on current lateral dynamics and project estimates, the 2008 IRP stated that optimal timing of such an enhancement should occur prior to planning year 2011. Since presenting the 20081RP, Intermountain has rebuilt the gate station that feeds the SVL and has approved funding for the compressor station project. Land acquisition and permitting for the station is underway with the local Bureau of Land Management, a reciprocating, natural gas engine and compression unit is currently under construction and the housing facility and controls is in the engineering and design phase. The project is scheduled for completion in early fall 2010; the resulting capacity increase wil be available for planning year 2011. The total lateral capacity after this system enhancement wil increase from 175,000 therms per day up to 204,000 therms per day. 66 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan '-1 , 1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELING .J fl" r.::i;.; ri' '.-,". A gas distribution system relies on pressure diferentials to move gas from one point to another. If the pressure is exactly the same on both ends of a particular system gas is not flowing. When gas is removed from some point on a system during the operation of natural gas burning equipment, the pressure in the system at that point is then lower than the pressure upstream in the system. This pressure diferential causes gas to move from the higher pressure point to the point of removal in an attempt to equalize the pressure throughout the distribution system. The same principle keeps gas moving from the interstate pipelines to the Utilty's distribution systems. When load demands exceed a system capacity, the pressure at the far end of the system moves toward zero (or a specified minimum pressure requirement), and the system essentially runs out of pressure. Therefore, it is important that engineers design a distribution system in which the beginning pressure source from interstate pipelines, compressor stations or regulator stations within the system are high enough and the transportation pipe specifications are appropriate to create a feasible and practical pressure differential when gas consumption occurs on the system. Gas flow through a pipe falls under the engineering discipline of fluid mechanics. Due to the nature of fluid movement there is a finite amount of natural gas that can flow through a pipe of a certain size and length under a specified pressure; the laws of fluid mechanics are used to approximate this gas flow rate under these specific and ever changing conditions. This process is known as "distnbution system modeling." Ultimately, lateral and total system throughput under certain gas loading conditions, usually pertaining to weather, can be ascertained. Maximum system capacity is determined through the same methodology using peak degree day demands and contract loading of industrial customers. d 'Jl J The modeling process is important because it allows an engineer to determine the capacity of various distribution systems. For example, if a large usage customer is added to a distribution system the engineer must evaluate the existing system and then determine whether or not there is adequate capacity to maintain that potential new customer along with the existing customers. Modeling is also important when planning new distribution systems. The correct size of pipes must be installed to allow for the flow needed to meet the requirements of current customers and reasonably anticipated future customer growth. Furthermore, existing system capacities can be evaluated using the model by increasing growth in prospective areas throughout the system until pressure loss within the system becomes unacceptable. In order to identify the maximum capabilty of all sections of the distribution system, the Company utilzes gas modeling software to ascertain maximum system throughput under the various demand scenarios. Comparing these flows against pipeline capacities identifies the magnitude and timing of potential distribution system deficits. J J , l j I , ) Modeling by Town Intermountain utilzes a gas network analysis softare program created and supported by Advantica, Inc. (recently acquired by Acquired by Germanischer Lloyd) to model all sizes of distribution systems. The software program was chosen because it's reliable, versatile, and able to simultaneously analyze very large and diverse pipeline networks. Within the software program, individual models have been created for each of Intermountain's various distribution systems including high pressure laterals, intermediate pressure systems, and distribution system networks. The model of each system is constructed as a group of nodes and facilties. Intermountain defines a node as a point where gas either enters or leaves the system, a beginning and/or ending location of all pipe and non-pipe components, a change in pipe diameter or an interconnection with another pipe. A facilty is defined in a system as a pipe, valve, regulator station, or compressor station; each with a user- defined set of specifications. A model for a small town typically consists of approximately 100 - 300 nodes and 250 facilties, a medium town typically consists of 500 - 1,500 nodes and 1,200 facilties, and a large city or area typically consists of 5,000 or more nodes and 5,000 or more facilties. The 67 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Boise/Meridian distribution model is the Company's largest and involves approximately 23,000 nodes and 26,000 facilties. The software program allows our engineers to input and/or manipulate the gas load at an individual node, selected specific nodes, or all nodes within a modeL. By using the forecasted loads within this integrated resource plan Intermountain engineers can determine the most likely points where future constraints may occur based on calculated pressure drops. Once constraint areas are identified, research and model testing are conducted to determine the most practical and cost effective methods of solving the constrained location. The feasibilty, timeline, cost and increased capacity for each theoretical system enhancement is determined and then placed into a comparison analysis and used within the IRP modeL. 1 68 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan "'1 ' . ~ - : i.-:. n THE EFFICIENT AND DIRECT USE OF NATURAL GAS Natural Gas And Our National Energy Picture r' i L r,:)", t,::; L::' According to the American Gas Association, in the United States natural gas currently meets 24% of the nation's energy needs, providing energy to 64 millon American homes. The residential market uses 22% of total U.S. natural gas consumption. Over 5,000,000 commercial customers also use natural gas for their energy needs, consuming 15% of our nation's annual throughput. 200,000 industrial and manufacturing sector customers use natural gas in their processes consuming 33% of the U.S. annual total. And in another fast-rising sector, 500 electric-power-generating enterprises consume the remaining 30% of annual U.S. demand. The simple reason for the widespread use of this energy source is: natural gas is the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuel, period. Continued expansion of natural gas usage can help address several environmental concerns simultaneously, including smog, acid rain, and carbon footprint. Furthermore, 97% of the natural gas used in the United States comes from North America, where supplies are abundant. And the 2.2-milion-mile underground natural gas delivery system has an outstanding safety record, and is reliably capable of delivering natural gas, regardless of the weather. ;jd'-. J Thus, for all the right reasons, the demand for natural gas has risen, and with that, so has its price. Wellhead gas prices have shown considerable volatilty over the last 10 years, reaching levels five times greater than the prices in the mid 90s. Natural gas is stil very plentiful in North America, with an estimated 60+ years supply at current consumption levels. Furthermore, when new "unconventional" supplies such as coal bed methane are included in forecasts, U.S. natural gas supplies could be extended several hundred years. What has happened, though, is that our nation's demand for natural gas has caught up to the deliverabilty of the fueL. While there is enough production and delivery capabilty to meet the demand, it now takes more drillng and more wells to maintain capacity. And with this tightening of supply vs. demand, the price is up. Now, more than ever, it is vital that all natural gas customers use the energy as wisely and as effciently as possible. i Natural Gas Equipment Efficiency "JL "'J': L. L: Technology has given us many new and more efficient ways to meet our energy needs without sacrificing the environment. Over the recent years, new natural gas residential and commercial HVAC equipment and appliances have become far more efficient as Federal and State equipment efficiency standards have taken effect. And in the existing customer group, as older, less-efficient equipment wears out, it's replaced with these newer, more efficient units. Thus, the entire natural gas user base grows more effcient every year. The adoption of more energy efficient building codes and standards - new homes and commercial structures built to higher standards driven by Federal and State codes, has meant far more efficient use of natural gas. And as with the replacement of older equipment mentioned above, older housing and commercial units are being upgraded to higher efficiency standards. Residential gas usage dropped by 1 %/yr prior to 2000, and has dropped 2.2%/yr since 2000. As a result, the average household uses 32% less natural gas thaa it did in 1980, thanks largely to the aforementioned efficiency improvements. And by using energy wisely, consumers wil continue to use less, and therefore help control their energy costs. ,J The Gas Technology Institute continues to perform important ongoing research and development work in the gas equipment arena, from residential to large industriaL. GTI is not just developing new uses for JJ 69 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan natural gas, but is also improving the efficiency and cleanliness of existing applications. IGC has participated in local GTI research and development projects, and wil continue that collaboration as the opportunities arise. Natural Gas Conservation Customer Education Natural gas equipment efficiency makes economic sense in today's new energy era, and IGC wil continue to encourage new residential and commercial technologies, as they become available. On our website, ww.intgas.com. residential and small commercial customers can obtain detailed information regarding energy conservation at home or their business. Large-volume/Industrial customers have their own website from which they can obtain real-time gas consumption information. Also at the website, customers can view our Energy Conservation Brochure, which was mailed to all our +304,000 Core-market customers in January 2010. The web version of this brochure contains a link to the Idaho Department of Water Resources Energy Division. IDWR offers low-interest loans for energy efficiency upgrades, including space and water heating equipment, insulation, and duct sealing. The Energy Conservation Brochure in hard copy is also available at all of our customer contact offices throughout the IGC service territory. ! i In addition to bil paying and other services, IGC customers can also access their individual billng and gas consumption history on the website. Customers can enroll online or by phone. The process is easy, and access is immediate. IGC customer communications, mass-media advertising, website, and marketing information all encourage customers to consider high-effciency equipment when making their equipment purchase or upgrade decisions. We also continue to provide a detailed, 10-minute conservation tips video to our website. These videos were produced by the Allance to Save Energy, and they give a wide variety of energy saving instruction and advice, including do-it-yourself installation of insulation, storm windows, and weather-stripping, as 70 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan well as how-to's for natural gas conservation measures and practices. Customers can view all the videos, or select segments that deal with particular conservation-minded tasks and instructions. We have also provided DVD copies of the conservation tips video to community action agencies and others working to counsel homeowners on wise energy usage. Wherever possible, our communications messages promote the use of our website for such information. "'1 ' 'Intermountain Gas Company's Industrial Website was designed to allow the industrial customer access to the most up-to-date natural gas usage information at their location. The site is accessible via the intemet using a specific logon name and password, making the information on each customer site-specific. It contains a great deal of information useful to the large volume customer. They can access information as to the different services and applicable tariffs. "'1 \;t n L:J Viewing Consumption J ~J'L i 'Wote: Usage information is shown in Decatherms ,J There are several tools to review, evaluate, and analyze the natural gas consumption at their specific facilty. The meter reads are taken hourly, and sent via radio communication to our Gas Control Center. Once this information is in our system, it is available for viewing on the website. This is especially useful in tracking and evaluating energy saving measures and new production procedures. History may be downloaded as far back as January 1994 and all information is available on an hourly, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. IGC strives to keep this site in the most usable format for the customers, so a "feedback" button is also included on the site to let us know how best to fulfil their needs. J ~ j Intermountain's customer contact and marketing personnel are equipped to assist current and potential customers with evaluating the advantages of installng high-efficiency gas equipment where possible. , 1 ,J IGC personnel have participated in energy conservation seminars at the Boise Public Library, the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Idaho Green Expo, and the J R Simplot Energy Symposium. During these talks, the IGC personnel gave a brief outline of the energy pricing situation, offered conservation tips including the installation of automatic setback thermostats, turning down water heater thermostats, and the importance of regular furnace filter maintenance. IGC hopes to continue this particular activity in the future. i i) 71 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Intermountain has a long history of promoting the efficient use of natural gas by our customers. Over the years, IGC has offered rebates and incentives for the installation of energy saving devices such as pilotless furnace ignition systems, furnace flue dampers, and stil to this day, a high-efficiency (90%) furnace conversion rebate. IGC remains a partner in the Rebuild Idaho energy efficiency campaign, targeted toward our state, municipal and county entities, our school districts, and our institutions of higher education. IGC has provided financial assistance to the Idaho Department of Water Resources Energy Division and to the University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab to further their respective energy efficiency research and training. The Gas Technology Institute (GTI) is our nation's leader in ongoing natural gas R&D, as well as the deployment and commercialization of new gas efficiency technologies. IGC has participated in GTI R&D projects, and will continue that collaboration as the opportunities arise. In the spring of 2010, GTI and IGC conducted a natural gas usage and feasibilty study at two larger industrial plants along the Idaho Falls LateraL. The main purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of applying "Super Boiler Technology" which has been developed by GTI with the support of the Natural Gas Companies across the United States. The study has been completed although the decision to invest and move forward with the installation of some or all of the technology is stil being studied. The various applications had financial recovery just in gas and water savings ranging from 1.55 to 7 years. IGC is a member of the Energy Solutions Center Renewable Energy Workgroup. IGC has worked with the Idaho Office of Energy Resources to provide Idaho schools' gas consumption data to energy consultants working to obtain ARRA Stimulus funds for the state's primary and secondary school facilties. In the fall of 2007, IGC became an ENERGY STAR Utilty Partner. Through this partnership, we promote energy effciency in the new and existing residential markets via the encouragement of high-efficiency ENERGY STAR appliances and equipment, as well as ENERGY STAR building practices for new single- family and multi-family dwellngs. Our development of our policies and actions in this area is ongoing. During 2009, IGC assisted the Governor's Office of Energy Resources in devising and planning the implementation of the State Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program (SEEARP). SEEARP wil distribute Federal Stimulus dollars to residents replacing older, less-efficient appliances with ENERGY STAR equipment. IGC is an active voice in Idaho's legislative process as the lawmakers consider new, higher-efficiency building and energy codes. Energy Efficiency Through The Direct Use Of Natural Gas Aside from technical improvements in equipment efficiency, and conservation-minded customer behavior, one overriding factor in efficient natural gas usage is the concept of direct use, whenever possible. "Direct use" refers to employing natural gas at the user point for space heat, water heating, and other applications, as opposed to using natural gas to generate electricity to be transmitted to the user point and then employed for space or water heating. As electric generating capacity becomes more constrained in the Pacific Northwest, additional generating capacity wil primarily be natural gas fired. While development of additional hydro or coal-fired generating facilities may be nearly impossible, those already in place with continue to operate a generally full capacity for many years to come. Direct use wil mitigate the need for future generating capacity. If more homes and businesses use natural gas for heating and commercial applications, then the need for additional generating resources wil be forestalled. And at times of excess capacity, water storage normally used for generating power, can be released for additional irrigating, aquifer recharging, fish migration, and navigation uses. 72 '1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan This more efficient, direct use obviously translates into a much lower carbon footprint. First, let's look at coal-fired electricity, which makes up a sizeable portion of our region's power supply: j Coal-fired, sub-critical steam power plants such as Jim Bridger are 40% efficient at best (a 40% heat rate). The typical sub-bituminous coal used there has a heat-content of 18 milion Btu's per ton (9,000 Btu's per pound). When burned, this ton of coal produces over 3,700 pounds of C02 into the atmosphere (1.85Ibs of C02 per pound of coal burned). At the facility's 40% heat rate, for each kilowatt-hour (3,413Btu's) of electricity produced, 8,532.5 Btu's worth of coal, or about .948 of a pound of coal must be burned. So, 1 kWh of electricity from Bridger emits 1.75 Ibs of C02. To deliver the same amount of energy to the natural gas direct user (3,413 Btu's), requires .03413 of a therm of natural gas, emitting .41 of a pound of C02 when burned. So, natural gas used directly instead of coal-fired electricity has a 76% smaller carbon footprint than the electricity from a coal-fired plant. '°1 J '1";'i::'¡:; J Now, let's consider natural gas powered electrical generation plants: Natural gas fired combustion turbines like Danskin, are generally 60% efficient at best. Furthermore, transmission and distribution losses can total another 5 - 10%. Effectively, half of the energy originally contained in the natural gas has been lost before arriving at the point of use. High-effciency natural gas furnaces are rated at up to 96% efficiency. New gas water heater efficiency standards provide for 60% to 80% efficiency. In terms of the carbon footprint, a therm of natural gas (100,000 Btu's) delivered and burned at the user source emits roughly 12 Ibs of C02 into the atmosphere. The equivalent amount of electricity, 100,000 btu's, or just under 30 kilowatt hours delivers emits roughly 24 Ibs of C02, again considering a 60% generating plant heat rate and 10% transmission line losses. So, in this case, direct use of natural gas, where possible, has a 50% smaller carbon footprint than electricity from a natural gas- fired plant. 'j' t::.:; t, ').l fJ'" r.::; b': , i So, from a resource and environmental basis, direct use makes the most sense. More energy is delivered using the same amount of natural gas. Thus, lower cost and lower C02 emissions spread out over a far wider airshed. This direct, and therefore, more-efficient natural gas usage wil serve to keep natural gas prices, as well as electricity prices, lower in the future. Our success in marketing to Idaho's residential new construction market, where we have nearly a 98% penetration rate along our service mains, is a prime of example the direct use of natural gas, where possible. To ilustrate the significant role that IGC plays in southern Idaho's total energy picture, IGC has over 275,000 residential customers. The average annual therm usage of an IGC space-heating-only customer is 560 therms. That equates to a total residential therm usage of approximately 154,000,000 therms in a year. If the total was used at the Federal efficiency minimum of 78%, then (150,000,000 X .78 = 120,120,000 therms X 100,000 Btu's/therm) or 12,012,000,000,000 Btu's were generated. (A therm is 100,000 Btu's of heat.) There are 3,412 Btu's in a kilowatt-hour. At 100% efficient electric resistance heat efficiency, this means that the IGC residential space-heat customers would use the equivalent of (12,012,000,000,000/3,412) or 3,520,515,826 kilowatt-hours in a year to heat their homes. This is the same as 3,520,516 megawatt hours of power saved, year in, year out. According to their 2008 Annual Report, website, Idaho Power's total annual residential megawatt hour sales for 2008 were 5,297,000. If the aforementioned 275,000 IGC residential customers were using electric space heat, Idaho Power's total residential sendout would rise to 8,817,516 mWh, a 66% increase, requiring considerable additional generation and transmission facilities. :.1 In peak terms, if these 275,000 IGC customers had electric furnaces with 25kw capacity, and just 1/3 of them were operating simultaneously during a cold-weather winter peak, there would be an additional winter peak load of 2,292 megawatts. Again, according to their website, Idaho Power Winter recently experienced a 2008 winter peak load of 2,464 megawatts. Without the direct use of natural gas to heat these 275,000 homes, Idaho Power's winter peak load could reach 4,756 megawatts, a 93% increase! This additional 2,292 megawatt peak load would be the equivalent of nine 250 megawatt natural gas-fired electric generating facilities all running at full throttle. This would probably also require a substantial j '1 LJ 73 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan increase in transmission facilties to handle this peak load, since it would be well above the Idaho Power Summer 2008 peak of 3,214 megawatts. In terms of recently-shed electric load, just since 1991, IGC has converted over 27,500 residential electric heating customers to natural gas. Using the space heating consumption rates shown above, these gas conversions save about 350,000 megawatt hours of residential sendout per year. In winter peak terms, using the "1/3 operating simultaneously" example in the paragraph above, 229 megawatts of peak load is saved. This "year in, year out" electrical conservation is realized at no cost to the electric customers in Southern Idaho. If residential natural water heating were included, the annual sendout figures would rise by at least 25%. In terms of summer energy consumption, IGC residential water heaters also provide significant relief to the ever-growing hot weather electric demand. IGC has over 215,000 RS-2 (space and water heat) customers. If, instead these were 215,000 electric water heaters each rated at 9,000 watts, or 9kW, this would amount to 1,935 megawatts of total load. If this total amount was treated as shifted or curtailed, per the Utah Power and Light irrigation load control credit rider of some years ago, the credit value would have ranged from $1,857,600 in September to $4,334,400 for July. But the summer water heating load curtailment and shifting provided by the IGC water heater customers has come at no cost to electric utilties or their customers. Lost And Unaccounted For Natural Gas Monitoring As part of an ongoing commitment to the efficient use of natural gas, Intermountain Gas Company has been pro-active in finding and eliminating sources of lost and unaccounted for (LUAF) natural gas. As the name suggests, LUAF is the difference between volumes of natural gas delivered to Intermountain's distribution system and volumes of natural gas biled to Intermountain's customers. Intermountain has a standing inter-disciplinary team that reviews the LUAF audit processes currently in place, investigates potential sources of LUAF, and takes remedial action as needed to continue to keep Intermountain's LUAF levels low. Billng and meter audits are important processes that Intermountain has established to address LUAF. Billng audits to identify Low Usage and Zero Usage are performed with each billng cycle. Low Usage Reports are used to compare biled consumption against that same customer's historical usage patterns. If the current month's biled consumption appears low in relation to historical usage patterns, the account is flagged. A courtesy phone call is then made to determine if there is a valid reason for the lower-than- normal usage, or a check-for-dead order is generated for the following day and a service technician is dispatched to field test the meter for functionality. Zero Usage Reports help to identify those meters where usage is arguably taking place, but not registering on the meter. On those accounts that are not documented as being "off" by the system, a check-for-dead order is generated and a service technician is dispatched to field test the meter for functionality. Reports are also generated that review biled consumption for a given meter size. There should arguably be a correlation between the customer's biled volumes and the size of the meter installed to serve that customer. These types of correlated audits sometimes identify malfunctioning meters and at other times identify a problem with the programming in place that translates metered consumption to biled consumption. Intermountain also compares on a daily and monthly basis its telemetered usage versus the metered usage that Northwest Pipeline records. These frequent comparisons enable Intermountain to find any material measurement variances between Intermountain's distribution system meters and Northwest Pipeline's meters. Meter audits are also an important tool in keeping LUAF levels low. Intermountain conducts regular sampling of its meters to test for accuracy. A rotation plan is developed by applying the MIL 1 05D standard for sampling to the eligible familes of meters in service. Sample meters are pulled from the field and brought to the meter shop for testing. During testing, meters are checked for registration accuracy and consistency of measurement between the mechanical meter index and the ERT unit. The results of 74 e -1 '1 (-1 J Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan this testing are evaluated by meter family to determine the pass/fail of a family based on sampling procedure allowable defects. If the sample audit determined that the accuracy of certain batches of purchased meters was in question, additional targeted samples would take place and any necessary follow up remedial measures would be taken. .J f'j:t:"( ~-,d Li :"" In addition to these regular meter audits, Intermountain also identifies the potential for incorrectly sized and/or type of meter in use by our larger industrial customers. Some industrial customers consume natural gas differently over time as the economy changes, the customer institutes plant and equipment improvements, or conservation measures are implemented. A meter size and/or type which may have once been warranted at the customer's premise may no longer be applicable and a change in installed meter size and/or type might be necessary. Many of Intermountain's large industrial customers have remote measurement devices installed at their premise which faciltate a monthly comparison to the biled volumes as determined by the customer's meter. If a discrepancy exists between the two measured volumes, remedial action is taken. Also related to meter audits, and in conjunction with the billng audits previously noted, Intermountain works to ensure billng accuracy of newly installed meters. A Service Tech (different from the Service Tech that installed the meter) performs an audit of the delivery pressure and drive rate of a newly installed meter as it relates to the customer and meter manufacturer requirements. Any corrections are made prior to the first bil going out. J r'J L ~ 1 ¡J On a regular and programmed basis, Intermountain technicians check Intermountain's entire distribution system for natural gas leaks using sophisticated equipment that can detect even the smallest leak. When such leaks are identified, which is very infrequently, remedial action is immediately taken. Unfortunately, human error by an outside contractor or even a home owner sometimes leads to unintentional damage to our distribution system. When such a gas loss situation occurs, an estimate is made of the escaped gas and that gas then becomes ''found gas" and not "lost gas". Audit Results Intermountain continues to monitor LUAF levels and looks for additional opportunities keep its LUAF rate among the lowest in the natural gas distribution industry. Conclusion ,;J eJ Ever-increasing and more pervasive energy standards and practices wil continue to improve the energy efficiency of Intermountain Gas Company's customers. Intermountain wil continue in its active role promoting the wise and efficient use of natural gas and in carefully monitoring LUAF levels. The wise, direct use of natural gas in the coming years wil help keep overall energy costs down in southem Idaho, help protect the environment, and ensure ample, lower-cost electricity for its many other valuable uses. 1 ; .J 75 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan INTERMOUNTAIN GAS DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT PROCESS ii ¡In 2007, IGC began an evaluation of natural gas efficiency and conservation opportunities. The analysis, selection, and potential deployment of such measures is known as Demand-Side Management, or DSM. The purpose of this process was two-fold: 1) to ascertain whether achievable and economically viable DSM could provide a reliable resource in IGC's peak-load management, and 2) to faciltate year-round improvements in natural gas usage. DSM includes behavior modification, building-envelope improvement measures, and higher-efficiency natural gas equipment. DSM measures are tyically grouped into two categories, base load resources and heat sensitive resources. Base load resources are those measures that displace the need for gas supply requirements day in and day out regardless of the weather, such as high-efficiency water heaters. Heat Sensitive DSM are those measures whose therm savings increase the colder the weather. For example, a high efficiency furnace wil lower therm usage in the winter months when the furnace is utilzed the most and wil provide little if any savings dunng the summer months when the furnace is often turned off. Examples of heat sensitive DSM measures include walllfoor/ceilng insulation, high efficiency gas furnaces, and improvements to duct work. These tyes of measures wil tend to offset more of the peaking or seasonal gas supply requirements which are typically more expensive than base load supplies. The Intermountain DSM process consists of four steps: 1. Establishment of broad DSM Objectives 2. Ascertain and address a full spectrum of DSM opportunities/measures 3. Perform an assessment of potential DSM programs 4. Select and design programs for pilot testing and later, possible deployment DSM Objectives . Provide customer service . Accommodate high effciency and off-peak load growth . Limit the need for new staffing resources . Maintain competitive position as low-cost energy provider . Provide environmental benefits . Focus solely on the most cost-effective DSM measures Addressing a full spectrum of DSM Opportunities The first task in assessing DSM opportunities is to analyze and determine costs and the associated energy savings for the DSM measures. Evaluating specific measures involves ranking measures by levelized cost per therm saved. Future years' therm savings are discounted over the life of the measure for proper comparison to other DSM measures and supply side resources. A total resource cost (TRC) approach is used to evaluate cost-effectiveness of all DSM resources. The TRC method compares total net costs of DSM resources to the total net cost of supply side resources displaced. A program or measure is cost-effective if the present value of energy savings and non-energy benefits derived from installng that measure is greater than the total resource cost (TRC) of the program or measure, Non-energy benefits may include, for example, water savings from low-flow showerheads and higher efficiency clothes washers or reductions in maintenance costs. IGC had performed previous DSM analysis in the early- and mid-90s. Through that, we gained an understanding of the various factors and processes involved, and participated in regulatory procedures 76 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan r~i and evaluations. At the conclusion of the process then, it was not clear that DSM made sense for IGC for a variety of reasons and externalities. As a result, the IPUC ordered IGC not to deploy any Core-market DSM programs. .'....'....1.. ..... But at the same time, interruptible transportation contracts with certain Industrial customers provided the least-expensive and most quickly deployed DSM for peak-load management. As previously mentioned Intermountain continued to encourage high-efficiency equipment and practices however the company did not offer any formal DSM programs, since most measures were not deemed cost effective at that time. However, with the many improvements in technology the company believed that a new and updated set of references was necessary. , 1 To this end, IGC engaged Navigant Consulting, of Philadelphia, (Navigant) to assist in the discovery and evaluation of the full spectrum of DSM opportunities. An important requirement of Navigants work was that only established, natural gas DSM measures being employed by other gas utilties were to be catalogued and evaluated. õi u Assessment of Potential DSM Programs IGC provided Navigant with customer segmentation and distribution data, service-area market assumptions, and other pertinent data. Navigants work was very thorough, and various measures were listed, along with their various costs, market deployment potential, potential peak and annual gas savings. DSM programs listed were also broken down by their market potential in the geographically-specific laterals, as described elsewhere in the IRP. The programs listed in Navigants work included ductwork improvements, appliance efficiency upgrades, insulation improvements, ventilation upgrades, improved windows, and other building envelope measures. '.J..........:.b;Navigants list is shown below: J , 1 L J Advanced Efficiency - Condensing Furnace AFUE--96 Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers Below Grade Insulation (R-10) Duct Insulation (R-8) Duct Repair and Sealing Green Roof Drain Water Heat Recovery (GFX) Energy Star Clothes Washer (MEF=1.8) Energy Star Dishwasher (EF:i.58) Faucet Aerators (2.5 GPM) High Efficiency Storage Water Heater (EF:i.64) Hot Water (SHW) Pipe Insulation (R-4) Integrated Space and Water Heating - Premium Storage WH Low-Flow Showerheads 2.5 GPMJ High Effciency Condensing Furnace (AFUE =90) :)L;. High Efficiency Windows (U:i.35) Insulated Exerior Entry Door Insulation-ellng (R-38) Insulation-Roor (R-25) Insulation-Rim Joist (R-10) Insulatlon-Wall2x4 (R-13) Integrated Space and Water Heating - Condensing Furnace (AFUE =90) Leak Proof Due Fittings NW ES Homes - Site Built PTCS Aerosol-Based Duct Sealing Whole House Air Sealing .1 ,.J j 77 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Screening and Ranking i ! For planning purposes, the company chose to first consider programs that would not duplicate other programs, would not be redundant with regard to codes or other regulations, and would provide truly additional energy savings. Cost-effectiveness was important, but the measures selected had to impact the greatest number of customers, and their most significant gas usage. Measures such as building envelope improvements (windows and insulation) wil have a less direct impact on natural gas usage. It's assumed that a more tightly-sealed, better-insulated home wil use less gas for space heat, but the gas-usage impact of such an upgrade is going to be more variable, and a little harder to quantify. On the other hand, appliance efficiency upgrades have a more direct usage impact which is more readily quantified. Furthermore, appliance efficiency upgrades - namely furnace and water heaters - fit in with IGC's ENERGY STAR Utilty Partner efforts. DSM Program Selection and Design IGC's potential DSM programs target the residential market segments consisting of new construction, existing homes who are switching to natural gas from other energy sources ("conversions"), and our existing customers. There are some geographical particulars with regard to weather and our system capacity. As a consequence, DSM approaches and programs wil be devised and deployed within this framework. As part of this evaluation the company is mindful of two things that can affect the cost effectiveness of DSM programs, those are the impacts of free riders and the impacts associated with lost opportunities. Free riders are those individuals that would have undertaken some form of conservation action even if a program had not existed. Measuring free rider impacts makes program evaluation dificult since it requires information on a hypothetical situation that, by definition, wil never be observed. Lost opportunities assumes that the opportunity to install cost-effective conservation measures occurs only once in the life of a home, office, or industrial plant. If the potential cost-effective conservation is not installed atone time, future DSM opportunities may be lost. For example, once a customer installs a new furnace or water heater, it is unlikely that they would replace it for a more efficient model until the end of its life cycle. Therefore for equipment with long-lives it is important to influence the customer's choice for the more efficient model at the time of initial purchase since it is likely 18 to 20 years before such an opportunity would exist again. New Construction As previously mentioned, building techniques and codes, and improved appliance technology have resulted in homes using 32% less gas than in 1980. Additional upgrades, such as ENERGY STAR, typically provide, monthly utilty cost savings that outweigh the additional monthly mortgage payment to cover their added cost. Therefore, new-home buyers already have a financial incentive to include higher energy efficiency features in their new home. Since these new-construction efficiency measures already offer a significant financial incentive, IGC proposes to continue its promotion of high-efficiency new construction in our advertising, builder association participation, and through our ENERGY STAR Utilty Partner activities. This market-based approach makes the most sense in the new-construction arena, as the company is concerned that if it was to provide an incentive rebate program that many of the consumers could ultimately be free-riders. Conversions In order to capture the higher-efficiency opportunity when a homeowner has decided to convert to natural gas, the company wil continue to offer the $200 rebate when that homeowner installs a 90%-or-greater efficiency natural gas furnace at the time of conversion. According to the Navigant study, the typical high 78 "1 j Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan effciency furnace installed in an existing home saves approximately 82 therms on an annual basis and approximately 1 .5 therms on a peak day with a levelized TRC of approximately 63 centsltherm and from a Utilty Cost (UC) perspective the program is approximately 21 cents/therm saved. ~Cl The company is also evaluating offering a $30 rebate when a homeowner decides to convert to a natural gas water heater from another energy source, and installs a .64-or-greater energy factor (EF) gas water heater. According to the Navigant study .64 or greater water heaters provide approximately 15 to 21 therms savings per year and the levelized TRC ranges from 38 to 45 centsltherm saved. From a utilty cost perspective, the $30 rebate would result in program costs of approximately 21 cents/ therm saved. l i Existing IGC Customers ~ j fl" I,,' ---1'.".: ~. IGC is evaluating offering a $200 rebate when an existing customer replaces a below-90% efficiency natural gas furnace with a 90%-or-greater efficiency natural gas furnace. Similar to the conversion market, the company is focused on avoiding a lost opportunity should the customer choose to remain with a lower efficiency modeL. Estimated annual therm savings and costs are the same as those identified above with the conversion market, and the TRC and UC are estimated to be 63 cents/therm and 21 centsltherm respectively. The company wil also be evaluating a $30 rebate when an existing customer replaces a .59-or-below EF natural gas water heater with a .64-or-greater EF natural gas unit. Such an incentive would result in approximately 15 to 21 therm savings per installation at a UC of 21 cents/therm saved and a levelized TRCI of approximately 38 to 45 cents/therm saved. Implementation J fJ' \-,." :J The additional programs - water heater conversions, and the furnace/water heater upgrades would be deployed in a pilot program on the Idaho Falls lateral in Calendar 2011. This pilot approach wil allow for evaluation of the market acceptance of the particular programs, and the opportunity to adjust the programs and develop effcient administration routines. Additionally, focusing on the Idaho Falls lateral could provide additional value due to the capacity constraints identified earlier in the plan. Expansion could come later, based on the pilot program's results. The furnace conversion program is already in place, company-wide and the company continues to promote the installation of high-effciency and ENERGY STAR equipment. J :l\;-:: . J i " ) 79 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION Introduction Intermountain's IRP utilzes an optimization model that selects resources over a pre-determined planning horizon to meet forecasted loads by minimizing the present value of resource costs, The model evaluates and selects the best mix of supply and transportation resources utilzing a standard mathematical technique called linear programming. This summary wil first describe the model structure and its assumptions in general. Initial results wil then be discussed. Data Components of the Model The optimization model has four basic data components: . Demand forecast (Exhibit 4 No.4, Table 1) . Supply resources (Exhibit 4 No.4, Table 2) . Transportation capacity resources (Exhibit 4 No.4, Table 3) . Supply prices (Exhibit No.4, Table 4) Underlying these three components is a model structure incorporating demand side management, transport capacity (arcs) and demand areas (nodes) which mirror how the Intermountain Gas delivery system contractually and operationally functions (see below). In any IRP model, there must be a balance between modeling in sufficient detail to capture all major economic impacts while at the same time, simplifying the system so that the model operates efficiently and the results are understandable and auditable. Since Intermountain's model evaluates gas supply and capacity additions over a 5 year period, the model was designed so that only the major elements are recognized. This is in distinction to a dispatch model that needs to balance every detail precisely and so requires a level of detail that is fully representative of all daily system requirements. For this reason, a more simplified structure is utilzed in the Intermountain's IRP modeL. Model Structure In order to develop a basic understanding of how gas supply flows from the various receipt points to ultimate delivery to the Company's end-use customers, a graphical map of system flows was developed. (Figure 1 on the following page shows a graphical map of the demand and supply nodes and transport arcs of the IRP model). Note that the map shows four (4) major receipt areas including Sumas, Stanfield (which also shows that supplies sourced from Alberta are delivered into Northwest via three "Upstream" pipelines), and two different areas where gas supplies are received from the Rockies. Supplies from those receipt areas are then assumed to be delivered and aggregated at the IMG pool where they are allocated to be delivered to the appropriate lateral/area, or demand nodes, on Intermountain's system. Those map symbols were then converted into a mathematical system of tables so that a system of numbered arcs and nodes reflect physical locations on the map. The resultant set of numbered arcs and nodes are shown on Tables 1 and 2 on the following page. 80 Cl Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Figure 1 Graphical System Map Cl lJ ~ IdahoFaJls I CÐ rnA:: CO'II~ l / ;::I::et I (§ IMG Pool I '7 ~--~N.Green Irn Stfield I ~ ~l S. Gren I"-C§ NIT I Sumas '-1 I f...,."..j'...~.' .~ ~: ' U' !:::-. \. ').'t__~: '1 'èJ Table 1 Demand and Supply Nodes Area # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Sumas Stanfield North South NIT IMG All Canyon Idaho Sun State Green Green Pool Other County Falls Vallev Street Table 2 Demand and Supply Nodes and Applicable Transport Arcs J ARC # Name Area #To Area # 1 Sumas 1 IMG 6 2 Stanfield 2 IMG 6 3 N. Green 3 IMG 6 4 S. Green 4 IMG 6 5 NIT 5 Stanfield 2 6 IMG 6 All Other 7 6 IMG 6 Canyon 8 6 IMG 6 Idaho Falls 9 6 IMG 6 Sun Valley 10 6 IMG 6 State Street 11 AreaIode From Area/Node To J 'J't 81 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Load Duration Curve Chart As previously discussed, to simplify modeling the Load Duration Curve (LDC) was aggregated into 12 homogenous periods with similar load characteristics and then loads for each of those period loads were averaged. The resultant demand curve represents load changes over the entire year but with a minimum of data points. The figure below depicts an LDC aggregated into those homogenous groups. Each aggregated "level" reflects one period modeled in the optimization model although the model stil recognizes the number of days in each period and computes the total flow per period. The bold horizontal lines provide an example of how the LDC looks after the aggregation and averaging is performed. The optimization model utilzes five separate LDC's so as to separately represent the Sun Valley, Canyon County, Idaho Falls, State Street and Total Company demand characteristics. Intermountain Gas Company's 2011-151RP Sample Design Daily LDC vs. Aggregated LDC (Dktherm) 500,000 450,000 400,000 \ . 350,000 t 300,00 a i .. 250,000 'O\.. !, .. .. J200,000 ~ 'O150,000 - -¡ .. 100,000 50,000 0 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166181 196 211 226 241256 271 286301 316331 346361 Chronological Days I- - Daily LOC ''--.'-' Aggregated LDC I The model is also programmed to recognize that Intermountain must provide gas supply and both interstate and distribution transportation for its core market and LV -1 customers but only distribution capacity for its T-3, T-4 T-5 customers. Because Intermountain is contractually obligated to provide a certain level of firm transport capacity for its transports, the industrial demand forecast for these customers is not load-shaped but reflects the aggregate firm industrial CD for each class by specific node for each period in the LDC. Supply Resources Resource options for the model are of three types: supply resources, storage contracts and DSM inputs and all are utilzed in a similar manner. All resources have beginning and ending years of availability, period of availabilty, period and annual flow capabilty and a peak day capabilty. Supply resources have price/cost information entered in the model over all points on the load duration curve for the study period. Additionally, information relating to storage resources includes injection period, injection rate, fuel losses and other storage related parameters are included. Each resource must be designated from a supply area. One advantage of Citygate supplies, certain of the storage facilities and DSM is that they do not utilize any of Intermountain's existing interstate capacity 82 '-l Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan as the resource is either sited within a demand area node or are bundled with their own specific redelivery capacity. Supply resources from British Columbia are delivered into the Northwest system at Sumas while Rockies supplies are received from receipt pools known as North of Green River and South of Green River. Alberta supplies are delivered to Northwest's Stanfield interconnect utilzing available "Upstream" capacity. Each supply utilzes the appropriate transport arc(s). '1 From a model perspective, the DSM resources are considered a subset of supply resources and fil demand needs on the applicable node by offsetting other supply resources when the cost of such is less than other available resources. These resources are assignable to a specific node and essentially offset demand in the specified demand region. These resources have costs and resource capacity that was determined by a separate DSM analysis performed by Navigant. Transport Resources I ri" t: : : ~ t.:i, r~J, i:,', te...,'.. ,1 '1't.'. " J'L :1L;:: Transport resources are explicitly associated with arcs in the model which represent the flow of supplies from specific receipt areas to Intermountain's IMG receipt pool called IMG for ultimate delivery into the Company's demand nodes. Transport resources reflect contracts for interstate capacity, primarily on Northwest Pipeline, but also for the three separate pipelines that deliver gas supplies to the Northwest interconnect called Stanfield (because these pipelines operate in a serial fashion and have nearly identical flow capabilties, for modeling purposes they are treated as one arc and are referred to as "Upstream" capacity). There are also arcs reflecting each of the individual laterals or nodes (e.g. the IFL) and for Total Company. For example, supply resources to be delivered from Sumas to Idaho Falls, first must use the Sumas to IMG arc and from there flow from IMG to the Idaho Falls arc. Supplies such as Rexburg LNG or DSM are already located on the Intermountain system at a specific demand lateral and therefore do not require interstate pipeline transportation. The system representation recognizes Northwest's postage stamp pricing and capacity release. Transport resources have a peak day capabilty and are assumed to be available year round unless otherwise noted. Transport resources can have different cost and capabilties assigned to them as well as different years of availabilty. For example, different looping options for the Idaho Falls lateral are available to the model at different periods to facilitate the flexibilty of timing decisions. Model Operation ¡ The selection of a best cost mix of resources, or resource optimization, is based on the cost, availabilty and capabilty of the available resources as compared to the projected loads at the nodes. The model chooses the mix of resources which best meet the optimization goal of minimizing the present value cost of delivering gas supply to meet customer demand. The model recognizes contractual take commitments and all resources are evaluated for reasonableness prior to input. Both the fixed and variable costs of transport, storage and supply can be included. The model wil exclude resources it deems too expensive compared to other available alternatives. The model can treat fixed costs as sunk costs for certain resources already under contract. If a fixed cost or annual cost is entered for a resource, the model wil include that cost for the resource in the selection process that wil influence its inclusion vis-à-vis other available resources. If certain resources are committed to and the associated fixed cost wil be paid regardless of the level of usage, only the variable cost of that resource is, considered during the selection process. However, any "new. resources, which would be additional to the resource mix, wil be evaluated using both fixed and variable cost. I'.,_J The model operates in a PC environment. The various inputs are loaded via an Excel spreadsheet where they are loaded and utilzed by PC linear programming software. The model is run by first launching the optimization software, opening the Excel model containing all the appropriate scenario of demand, supply, storage and capacity inputs (including all the correct prices) and callng up the correct constraint model set. The optimization softare links the inputs to the constraint model, optimizes all resources to the period demands. Once the model computes the best resource mix, they results are organized by a set of macros that writes the output back into the same Excel model which helps to audit and evaluate the model for reasonableness accuracy. j 83 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Special Constraints .0_'1 , As stated earlier, the model minimizes cost while satisfying demand and operational constraints. Several constraints specific to Intermountain's system were modeled in the IRP modeL. . Both LNG storage and DSM do not require redelivery transport capacity. Both SGS and LS storage are bundled with firm delivery capacity; transportation utilzation of this capacity matches storage withdrawal from these facilties. . All core market and LV-1 sales loads are completely bundled. . The T-3, T-4 and T-5 customer transportation requirements utilze only Intermountain's distribution capacity. . Traditional resources destined for a specific lateral node (e.g. IFL) must be first transported to the IMG pool and then from IMG to the lateral node. . Non-traditional resources such as mobile LNG that are designed to serve a specific lateral can only be employed when lateral capacity is fully utilzed. Model Results The optimization model results for the Design Weather, Base Price and Base Growth scenario for the years 2011 through 2015 are presented and discussed below. The results of the model are summarized, for each demand scenario using the tables described below: . Resource Usage Table (includes both period and annual flow) . Storage Injection Table . Transport Usage Table (includes both period and annual flow) . Annual Cost Summary (includes supply and transport and total annual supply costs) Exhibit No 4, Tables 5.1 through 5.5 presents the results for each year of the selected scenario. A summary discussion for years 1 and 5 of each table is discussed below. The changes in model results between years 2 through 4 are shown in detail in Tables 5.2 through 5.4 but a detailed discussion for those years is not presented in this document. Resource Utilzation - General There are generally three types of supply resources; existing supply contracts, existing storage contracts and incremental/spot contracts. Transport resources include both Northwest and Upstream capacities (to bring Alberta supply to NWP at Stanfield) as well as the capacities for the four regional segments on the Intermountain system. The following sections wil summarize the utilzation of each type of supply and transport resource for the model years 1 and 5. The Resource Usage Tables for the selected scenario is found on pages 1 - 4 of each respective Table 5 in Exhibit No.4, and provides usage information on the supply and other resources available to Intermountain. Column 1 corresponds to the resource number. Column 2 corresponds to a resource acronym, which the model utilizes for printouts. The next column identifies the arc to which the resources are delivered to Northwest (or upstream arc where applicable). For example, the Sum-A resource is delivered to NWP at Sumas. The model selects the best cost portolio based on relative variable cost pricing. However, it also has been designed to comply with operational and contractual constraints that exist in the real world (i.e. if the most inexpensive supply is located as Sumas, the model can only take as much as can be transported from that point and it wil not take inexpensive spot gas until all constraints related to term gas or storage 84 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan f.,., '..'.'..1... ': ¡:: °1 are fulfiled). In order for the results to provide a reasonable representation of actual operations, all existing resources that have committed must take contracts are assigned as "must run" resources. Other incremental resources are evaluated only by variable cost. The Company's minimal commitment for summer must-take supplies means that those supplies do not exceed demand. In the real world, having excess summer supplies results in sellng those volumes into the market at the then prevailng prices whereas the model only identifies those volumes and cost thereof. Another important assumption relates to the "Fil" options. Fil resources provide intellgence as to where and how much of any deficit in any existing resource exists; the model treats them economic commodities meaning that availabilty is dynamic up to its maximum capabilty The model can select available Fil supply at any node, for any period and in any volume that it needs to help fil capacity constraints. To ensure that the model provides results that mirror reality, these supplies have been aggregated into peak, winter, summer and annual price periods. Each aggregated group has a different relative price with the peak price the highest and the summer the lowest. Additionally, since term pricing is normally based on the monthly spot index price, no attempt has been made to develop fixed pricing for Fill resources but each such resource includes a reasonable market premium if applicable. 1'J' t ~1¡.: The storage injection table provides the amount of resources injected into the various storage facilties for which Intermountain retains direct control. Reflective of the real-world cycling constraints, storage may only be withdrawn in the peak and/or winter periods and injections may only occur in summer periods. The period injection rate multiplied by the period DTH capabilty, including any loss factor, results in the net period DTH injected by period. The transportation capacity usage table provides the same type of information as the supply usage table and is similarly formatted. Each transportation resource has a resource number and acronym. In addition, the receipt (from) and delivery (to) points associated with each transport arc are listed in columns 3 and 4. The usage rates are shown both by period and by total annual flow. , 1 ;J"~ .. Again, the incremental transportation "Fil" contracts are treated as "commodity" resources in that the model can utilze this capacity in the period it needs it, but only in limited volumes subject to maximum and minimum constraints. The current assumption of on-demand Fil incremental transport is likely not "real-world" since it would generally only be readily available on demand in the summer. But, selection of this type of resource in a peak or winter period would generally indicate the need for a term contract of some nature. As most available capacity found in today's world comes via capacity release rather than pipeline expansion, any new capacity is assumed to be available via capacity release. 1 Transportation resources fall into four categories: existing interstate (both for Northwest and Upstream pipelines) and storage redelivery capacity, on-system lateral capacity, and incremental capacity resources. The existing resources are labeled ES on either NWP or Upstream. Incremental interstate or lateral resources are made available as inputs when prior evaluation, or selection of a Fil resource, determines the need for some alternative. Selection of any such resource demonstrates that any deficit would be best satisfied by implementation of that resource over any other available alternatives. Resource Optimization Summary Results While Intermountain has completed runs for all demand scenarios discussed in this document, all of the following year-by-year comparisons are based on the Design Weather, Base Price, Base Growth scenario also referred to as the "Base Case" run. J :J:'l;'. I ;~..,J 85 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Design Base Case - Year 1 (see Exhibit No.4, Table 5.1) Supply Resources The existing supply resources (contracts 2 - 7 and 9) have usage rates of 100% for all applicable periods meaning that these resources are utilzed at maximum capacity in all demand periods (the resources with that are empty reflect resources that were previously utilzed in prior IRP's but not for this IRP. The positions have been left in place with null data for ease of model d~ta loading and auditing and can be considered placeholders for use in future IRPs. Resources 25-28 represent capacity release volumes which Intermountain has provided for certain of its distribution-only industrial customers while resources 29 and 30 reflect the requirements of transport customers who provide their own interstate capacity and commensurate amount of supply at the IMG Pool. These industrial resources are run at maximum for every period to ensure that the Company reserves capacity for these customers at contractual levels. Resources 1 and 63 are similar in that they are also delivered at the IMG Pool but these deliveries are for the Intermountain's sales customers but they have the advantage of not using any of the Company's existing interstate capacity. A significant amount of spot-type supply from all supply basins (Resources 41, 45, 46, 51 and 55) is utilzed during periods 1 - 12. Rockies spot (45 and 46) are utilzed all year long while Sumas and Alberta supplies are needed only during periods 1 - 9. These resources have prices tied to the applicable basin index prices (calculated from Nymex Futures prices plus or minus the appropriate basin differential) and are selected using available existing firm capacity before adding incremental capacity. Note that the Idaho Falls satellte LNG is utilzed in periods 1 and 2 and fully fils the "deficit' on that lateraL. Storage Resources The JP and Clay Basin facilties (resources 14 and 18 - 20) are fully utilzed, or nearly so, in periods 1 - 8 and are completely withdrawn on an annual basis. The Plymouth LS peaking contracts (resources 16 and 17) are utilized for periods 1 - 5 only (the five coldest days) and approximately 27% of the total inventory is withdrawn. Intermountain's LNG facilty, it final peaking resource, shows no withdrawal in any period. As loads continue to grow, further utilzation of these liquid storage facilties can be expected. All storage except LNG is fully withdrawn during the peak day. As described above, injections may only occur in the summer period and after factoring in fuel losses, total injections match the withdrawals in the other periods for each facilty. Although the real world storage cycle can overlap years (e.g. injections could actually occur in a subsequent year), this model was designed a closed system where net injections must equal net withdrawals in any given year. The satellte storage facilty on the IFL shows total withdrawals of 9,308 Oktherm or approximately 10% of the total inventory. DSM The pilot program OSM resource is fully utilzed on the IFL although the total therm savings in year 1 is so low that it rounds to a number below one Oekatherm in every period. Capacity All existing NWP firm capacity is fully utilized for the peak period, which implies that absent any additional storage withdrawal capacity, Intermountain might require incremental capacity as future loads grow. No deficits occur on any the constraint zones on the distribution system. 86 'l Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Annual Cost Summary The last three, pages of each Table 5 in Exhibit No.4, summarizes the variable cost of the supply and capacity resources as selected by the modeL. Per Table 5.1, the grand total of all 2011 discounted variable resource costs are $240.6 milion. '~'l Design Base Case - Year 5 (see Exhibit No.4, Table 5.5) Supply Resources J ti' ( ~'l','.,. The existing supply resources (contracts 1 - 8) are stil fully utilzed. The industrial Resources 25-28 are now at zero reflecting that capacity release to these customers had been discontinued while resources 29 and 30 stil show maximum deliveries from the distribution only customers. A significant amount of spot-type supply from all supply basins (Resources 28, 41, 46, 51 and 55) is utilzed during periods 1 - 12. Rockies spot (46 and 60-62) are heavily utilized all year long including the summer months. '1l .1 r 1 ~. J Storage Resources The JP and Clay Basin facilties (resources 14 and 18 - 20) are stil fully utilzed, or nearly so, in periods 1 - 8 and are completely withdrawn on an annual basis. The liquid storage at Plymouth, WA (16 and 17) is used more heavily with total withdrawals at 442,223 Dktherms or 40% of the total inventory. While Intermountain's LNG facilty stil shows zero withdrawals, remaining Plymouth peaking storage is within 18,000 Dktherms of being maxed out and this assumes no supply failures from any supplier of natural gas or pipeline capacity. In the event of any such supply failure, Nampa is the only remaining resource available. All storage except Nampa LNG and about 18,000 of Plymouth LS is used on the peak day. The satellte storage facilty on the IFL shows 68% of maximum withdrawal in period 1 and a total withdrawal of 28,121 Dktherms over periods 1-3; no other IFL specific resources are needed. No other fil-type resources are needed on any of the Company's laterals except for SVL capacity (see "Capacity" below). DSM Again, all available DSM is utilzed in year, Peak day DSM totals just over 7 Dekatherms while the annual therms savings total approximately 2,253 Dekatherms. The five-year total savings is 5,420 Dktherms. Capacity j J All existing NWP firm capacity is fully utilzed for periods 1-6. Rockies capacity is at near 100% usage through period 10 reflecting the projection of projection of lower gas supply prices. Stanfield is at full capacity through period 8. The model selects approximately 14,000/day of incremental capacity. If the model had no additional capacity available, it would have been forced to use nearly 100% of the Company's liquid storage. No deficits occur on any the constraint zones but the SVL expansion is utilized in periods 1-4; the peak usage is about 50% of its peak capabilty. Annual Cost Summary Per the last sheet of Exhibit No.4, Table 5.5, the grand total of all 2015 discounted resource costs are $337.2 milion. ,1 87 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 2010 IRP vs. 2008 IRP Residential and Commercial Growth Forecast The methodology used to calculate residential and commercial customers for the 2010 IRP is consistent with that used in the 20081RP. However, customer growth in the 2010 IRP is forecast to be more moderate than in the 2008 IRP, mainly due to the recession and the corresponding downturn in housing construction. On average, the forecast annual growth from 2011 through 2015 is 27% less than that which was forecast for the preceding 2009 - 2013 IRP. The current five-year customer growth is now forecast at an annual rate of 2.2% compared to the previous IRP's 3.0%. The 2011 beginning customer figure of 308,758 per the 2010 IRP is 8,588 customers lower than the 2011 projection of 317,346 found in the 2008 Plan. One major difference between the 2008 and 2010 IRP customer forecasts is the incorporation of an additional IGC Distribution System segment in the analysis. This is the "North of State Street" Lateral Segment, ("State Street") consisting of the area of Ada County north of the Boise River, bound on the west by Kingsbury Road west of Star, and bound on the east by State Highway 21. The State Street segment had previously been part of the "All Other Customers" segment in the previous IRP. Usage per Customer with Design Degree Days The method of calculating the design degree days in the 2010 IRP was largely the same as the method used in 2008. Design weather was calculated for the newly added State Street Lateral area of interest utilzing the same method used to calculate Design weather for the Total Company and other areas of interest. For more information on design degree day calculations see "Heating Degree Days and Design Weathet' on page 29. The usage-per-customer calculations for the 2008 IRP were based upon data from 1989 through 2007. The 2010 IRP filng makes use of two additional years of data and therefore includes data from 1989 through 2007. Price Elasticity was a significant explanatory variable in the non-peak month models in the 2008 IRP filng. In the 2010 filng, it has also become a significant explanatory variable in the peak month models. Intermountain analyzed the Sun Valley and Idaho Falls Laterals in the 2008 IRP filing to identify any differences in usage per customer for those two areas compared to the Total Company. In the 2010 IRP, Intermountain also included an analysis of the Canyon County and State Street Lateral areas of interest. Intermountain again made refinements to the peak day usage per customer equation for the Sun Valley lateral based on that analysis. A more detailed discussion of the 2010 Usage Per Customer calculation begins on page 33. Industrial Forecast Energy conservation is a very high priority for industrial customers to maximize production and output in order to stay competitive. The industrials must get the most production from their invested capital and hold the line on prices. Many of Intermountain's customers are using the Intermountain Gas Industrial Website to assist with this effort as they can immediately know whether a process adjustment or other improvement is actually saving them energy. The Customer Contract Demand (CD) forecast reported in this 2010 IRP is basically the same as reported in the 2008 IRP. The overall usage, however, is approximately 8.5% greater in the 2010 forecast. This would indicate that the usage is spread over the year or at non-peak times. There is a mixture of forecast increases and decreases across the market segments the sum of which shows a flat usage forecast over the plan years. (See Attachment No.1, Tables 1.1 and 1.3). 88 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Load Duration Curves r: ¡..J The total company Core market sendout forecast for 2011 ~2013 is lower than 2008's IRP by a range of 4.5% - 6.9%. The overall peak day sendout for the same period is slightly less at a 6.2% - 8.4% decrease (See Attachment 1, Table 2.3). The 2010 IRP reflects no peak day firm delivery diferences for 2011, 2012 or 2013, Storage deliveries are projected to remain the same as identified in the 2008 IRP See Attachment 1, Table 3.3). There are no occurrences where the projected peak demand exceeds peak deliverabilty. (See Attachment No.1, Table 4.3). "1 Idaho Falls LateraL. The 2010 IRP reflects a decrease in peak demand for 2011 ~2013 of between 7% and 9.4% when compared to the 2008 IRP (see Attachment No.5, Table 5.3). Due to reduced customer growth forecasts, the peak day deficit projected occurrences decreased to 2 (from 4) from 2011 through 2013 from the 2008 IRP (See Attachment No.1, Table 6.3). Please note that these two occurrences do not take into account that we have the Rexburg LNG facilty available to offset any deficits.,1 '1d ri Sun Valley Lateral. Peak loads decrease by 3.5% - 6% for years 2011-2013 when compared to the 2008 IRP. The fact that there is no growth in industrial CD highlights the decrease in Core market growth in this region (See Attachment No.1, Table 7.3). There are the same numbers of days of deficit for 2011 (2) and 1 less for 2012 and 2013 (2 and 3, respectively) when compared with the 2008 IRP. In 2011 there is a planned compressor station which wil add additional capacity, eliminating any peak deficits (See Attachment No.1, Table 8.3). (1 U J J Canyon County. Peak load usage waned greatly compared to 2006 IRP projections. In fact, the 2010 IRP showed a reduction in peak day usage by approximately 10.3% on average when compared to the 20081RP. Several system enhancements such as mainline looping and more available throughput at the interconnection between Intermountain and Northwest Pipeline account for the increased capacity projections for 2011. Another interesting note is that in the 2010 IRP there are no projected deficits (See Attachment No.1, Table 9.3). Traditional Supply and Delivery Resources The 2010 optimization model includes flexibilty for a total of 100 distinct supply resources, the same number utilzed in the 2008 modeL. The supply resources include long-term and spot gas supplies, various on and off-system storage options, on system non-traditional supply resources (e.g. satellte LNG alternative fuels) and DSM inputs. The inputs continue to include third-party interstate "citygate" deliveries and other winter-only supply, As compared to the 2008 filng, this IRP continues to show that Intermountain's peak and winter loads are growing faster than the average daily usage when compared to current winter delivery options; however current peak and winter resources are adequate through FY15. .1 ;j"L J J I The resource optimization model allows the user to input up to 30 Interstate transport resources. The 2010 model was adapted to include the capacity requirements and constraints associated with the new "State Street" area. The 2008 IRP indicated that the demand for winter and/or peak resources was growing rapidly. The Company actively monitored the market for capacity and storage opportunities and was able to add new liquid storage capacity to its contracted portolio. With this new storage capacity, the current models indicate that the current levels of capacity and storage satisfy the Company's needs through 2015 even under Design weather and high growth conditions. 89 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Non-Traditional Supply Resources The 2010 IRP continued to utilze the expanded research and definitions of non-traditional resources that was introduced in the 2008 IRP. The options included in the 2010 and 2008 filng include the same researched resources as the 2006 section and also include wood chips, renewable biofuel production, pipeline looping, remote or satellte LNG, and pipeline uprating. The newly included pipeline looping and pipeline uprating, along with additional compressor station research, fall into the recently created sub- section named "Capacity Upgrades"; which is now included in the Non-Traditional Supply Resources section. Distribution System Intermountain used the same softare utilzed in 2008 to model the pressure and capacity of the individual distribution systems. This softare has the capabilty to accurately represent a gas pipeline system by applying user inputs such as customer loads, pressures, dimensions, etc. The results of these engineering models are then used to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of potential system capacity enhancements for each defined restraint point. As before, the model continues to project the capacities for any projected scenario on the State Street Lateral, Idaho Falls Lateral, Sun Valley Lateral and Canyon County area; which are then utilzed in the five-year growth projections. The Efficient Use of Natural Gas Intermountain continues to support and promote the need for efficient use of natural gas, and has continued its conservation education efforts on behalf of its residential, commercial and industrial customers. Intermountain has 1) continued its annual mailng of brochures to all Core-market customers outlining conservation tips and low income assistance, 2) maintained on its website information on residential and commercial conservation measures, and maintained the abilty for customers to view their historical therm usage anytime on-line, 3) maintained prominently on its website detailed conservation videos, 4) held public meetings in conjunction with the IRP Planning Process meetings that emphasize conservation, 5) continued to deploy and improve and industrial-customer website designed to provide real-time and historical consumption data to better enable those customers to make wise energy management decisions, and 6) continues to partner with various agencies on conservation information outreach, Intermountain Gas Demand-Side Management Process IGC continued its evaluation of natural gas efficiency and conservation opportunities. Similar to the approach used in the 20081RP, the company's process focused on 1) ascertaining the level of achievable and economically viable DSM that could provide a reliable resource in IGC's peak-load management, and 2) resources that facilitate year-round improvements in natural gas usage. DSM Objectives The company's DSM objectives remain unchanged from the 2008 IRP. The company's objectives continue to be the following: . Provide customer service · Accommodate high efficiency and off-peak load growth · Limit the need for new staffng resources · Maintain competitive position as low-cost energy provider . Provide environmental benefits · Focus solely on the most cost-effective DSM measures 90 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Assessment of Potential DSM Programs r71" , -1 For the 2010 Plan, similar to the 2008 IRP, the company continued to utilze information from the Navigant Study to develop potential DSM programs. The Company's proposed programs continue to focus on the residential market. In the New Construction market, similar to the 2008 IRP, the company proposes to continue its promotion of high-effciency new construction in our advertising, builder association participation, and through our ENERGY STAR Utilty Partner activities. The company stil believes that this market-based approach makes the most sense in the new-construction arena. In the Conversion market, the company evaluated the continuation of its $200 rebate program for customers who at the time of conversion install a 90% or greater efficient natural gas furnace. The company also evaluated expanding this program to existing customers that replace a lower efficiency model with a 90%+ modeL. The company also evaluated providing a rebate to customers upgrading their water heating equipment form .59 or below Energy Factor (EF) to a.64 or greater EF natural gas water heater. D" ~:, :,:, i'.:L (:1 rJ Since completion of the 2008 IRP, the Company met with Staff to explore the creation of low-income weatherization programs for residences heated with natural gas. The company held meetings with Staff in 2009, and both Staff and the Company agreed that due to the abundance of Federal Stimulus Funds for low-income weatherization, it made sense to delay further development and implementation of a low- income targeted program. Key elements of any new program wil be to ensure that it is 1) cost-effective on both a Total Resource Cost and Utility Cost, 2) additional low-income funds should be targeted thereby maximizing the benefit of those incremental dollars. The Idaho Weatherization Network has received $30 milion of Stimulus funding to weatherize low income homes in Idaho. These funds must be spent by the end of March 2012. Therefore the company wil look hold meetings in late 2010, early 2011 to move forward with program design and development with the hope of including such a program with the Company's 2011 PGA Resource Optimization J U Intermountain utilzed the same consultant and software vendor to run the 2010 optimization as was used for the 2008 IRP. The 2010 model was enhanced over the prior program to include the new State Street constraint area. The enhanced model continues to provide more than adequate capability to input supply, storage, capacity and DSM resources. ... :O 1 The results of the optimization runs indicate that the Company's current resource portolio of interstate transport and storage capacity along with its term and spot gas supplies, are adequate to meet the natural gas demands of southern Idaho, It does suggest that the increased reliance on spot or index supplies in the winter could be replaced with an additional layer of term supply contracts while peaking storage is adequate. Interstate capacity is suffcient although the model did select a small amount of additional winter "Fil" capacity even when liquid storage was stil available indicative of delivered supply's price advantage over liquid storage. On-system load growth required the selection of available distribution system enhancements (e.g. various pipe expansions and compression upgrades) in concert with minor use of some non-traditional resources to meet all Design loads beginning in 2010. The model selected the DSM resource, reflecting the proposed IF lateral pilot project, for each year through 2015. Because each year's additional DSM savings is cumulative, each subsequent year's total therm savings is higher than the preceding year, These results are similar to the 2008 IRP. The Company wil continue to evaluate the effectiveness of additional DSM programs. j The final Optimization model run resulted in an overall system that met all forecasted design firm loads and eliminated capacity deficits over the 5-year horizon. Thus the Company's portolio of supply, storage, and capacity resources is sufficient through 2015 to meet the firm requirements of Intermountain's customers even under Design weather conditions, 91 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Table 1.1 I 2010 IRP Design Base Case Industrial Forecst by Market Segment(Thousands of Therms) 2011 2012 2013 Potato Processors 91,983 92,038 92,148 Other Food Processors 64,850 68,031 68,340 Chemical & Fertilzer 30,440 30,440 30,440 Manufacturers 18,117 18,267 18,417 Institutions 14,584 14,840 15,064 Other 24,064 24,374 24,456 Total Base Case Forecast Therm Sales 244,036 247,990 248,865 ,Table 1.2 I 2008 IRP Design Base Case Industrial Forecast by Market Segment(Thousands of Therms) 2011 2012 2013 Potato Processors 85,278 85,403 85,539 Other Food Processors 56,161 56,174 56,184 Chemical & Fertilzer 27,600 27,600 27,600 Manufacturers 24,323 24,357 24,400 Institutions 14,668 14,882 14,946 Other 16,763 16,612 16,771 Total Base Case Forecast Therm Sales 224,793 225,028 225,440 Table 1.3 2010 IRP Design Base Case Industrial Forecast by Market Segment Over/(Under) the 2008 IRP Design Base Case (Thousands of Therms) 2011 2012 2013 Potato Processors 6,705 6,635 6,609 Other Food Processors 8,689 11,857 12,156 Chemical & Fertilzer 2,840 2,840 2,840 Manufacturers (6,206)(6,090)(5,983) Institutions (84)(42)(118) Other 7,301 7,762 7,685 Total Base Case Forecast Therm Sales 19,243 22,962 23,425 92 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Total Company Design Weather/Base Growth 2010 IRP VS. 2008 IRP Usage Comparison Table 2.1 ':1 ~l 2010 IRP LOAD DURATION CURVE - TOTAL COMPANY USAGE DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) NWP Firm Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 I2 2011 2,751,270 3,599,903 190,010 3,789,913 2012 2,743,760 3,652,007 190,010 3,842,017 2013 2,736,250 3,718,077 190,010 3,908,087 \'....,.1'.,. ~.'.: L: ~......l..,'," lFuture growth in transport CD is limited to T -4, which doe not affec Intermountain's interstate pipeline capacity requirements. Table 2.2 2008 IRP LOAD DURATION CURVE - TOTAL COMPANY USAGE DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) '1' t:"¡ ,t.. 'Jì. J NWPFirm Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 2,751,270 3,837,766 190,630 4,028,396 2012 2,743,760 3,949,245 190,630 4,139,875 2013 2,736,250 4,060,829 190,630 4,251,459 lFuture growt in transport CD is limited to T -4, which does not affect Intermountain's interstate pipeline capacity requirements. Table 2.3 d :"J' :.::' it. ~J J ¡~- ,j 2010 IRP LOAD DURATION CURVE - TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE Over/-Under 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) NWP Firm Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 0 237,863 -620 238,483 2012 0 297,238 -620 297,858 2013 0 342,752 -620 343,372 lFuture growth in transport CD is limited to T-4, which does not affect Intermountain's interstate pipeline capacity requirements. 93 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Total Company Peak Day Deliverabilty Comparison for 2010 IRP vs. 2008 IRP Table 3.1 2010 IRP PEAK DAY FIRM DELIVERY CAPABILITY (Volumes in Therms) 2011 Maximum Daily Storage Withdrawals: Nampa LNG Plymouth LS Jackson Prairie SGS Total Storage Maximum Deliverabilty (NWP) Total Peak Day Deliverabilty 600,00 1,132,00 303.370 2,035,370 2,751,270 4.786.640 2012 600,000 1,132,000 303.370 2,035,370 2,743,760 4779130 2013 600,000 1,132,000 303,370 2,035,370 2,736.250 4771620 Table 3.2 2008 IRP PEAK DAY FIRM DELIVERY CAPABILITY (Volumes in Therms) 2011 Maximum Daily Storage Withdrawals: Nampa LNG Plymouth LS Jackson Prairie SGS Total Storage Maximum Deliverabilty (NWP) Total Peak Day Deliverabilty 600,000 1,132,000 303.370 2,035,370 2,751.270 4.786640 2012 600,000 1,132,000 303,370 2,035,370 2,743,760 4779130 ~ 600,000 1,132,000 303.370 2,035,370 2,736.250 4.771.620 Table 3.3 2010 IRP PEAK DAY FIRM DELIVERY CAPABILITY Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) 2011 2012 2013 Maximum Daily Storage Withdrawals: Nampa LNG 0 0 0 Plymouth LS 0 0 0 Jackson Prairie SGS Q Q Q Total Storage 0 0 0 Maximum Deliverabilty (NWP)Q Q Q Total Peak Day Deliverabilty Q Q Q 94 I Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan '1'\'.c. ATTACHMENT NO.1 Total Company Peak Delivery Deficit for 2010 IRP VS. 2008 IRP Table 4.1 ~l 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE "1' ."::Peak Day Deficit' Total Winter Deficif Days Requiring Additional Resources (Volumes in Therms)~ o o o 2012 o o o ~ o o o lPeaking storage Increases by 78,370 thenns per day in 2010. 2Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of interste capacity less total 'peaking' storage. Peaking storage does not require the use of Intennountain's traditional interstate capacity to deliver inventory to the citgate."J "'":: t... f.'..........l'. i:.. i:.; Table 4.2 '1 d Peak Day Deficit' Total Winter Deficit Days Requiring Additional Resources 2008 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) 2011 o o o ~ o o o 2013 o o o ( J ........,1 Peaking storage increases by 78,370 thenns per day in 2010. 2Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of intersate capacity less total 'peaking' storage. Peaking storage dos not require the use of Intennountain's traditional interstate capacity to deliver inventory to the citygate.f .1 ".i, Table 4.3 iJ J Peak Day Deficit' Total Winter Deficit Days Requiring Additional Resources 20081RP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - TOTAL COMPANY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) 2011 o o o 2012 o o o 2013 o o o , 1. iJ 'Peaking storage increased by 78,370 thenns per day in 2008. 2Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of interstate capacity less total 'peaking" storage. Peaking storage does not require the use of Intermountain's traditional interstate capacity to deliver inventory to the citygate. ,J 95 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Idaho Falls Lateral Design Weather/Base Growth Comparison for 2010 IRP VS. 2008 IRP Table 5.1 2010 LOAD DURATION CURVE -IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 810,000 657,874 221,750 879,624 2012 810,000 668,933 221,750 890,683 2013 810,000 685,566 221,750 907,316 1 Existing firm contract dem includes T.5 and T -4 requiremen. Table 5.2 2008 LOAD DURATION CURVE - IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 810,000 707,330 221,750 875,000 2012 810,000 732,419 221,750 903,050 2013 810,000 757,149 221,750 929,105 lExisting firm contract demand includes T.5 and T-4 requirements. Table 5.3 2010 LOAD DURATION CURVE -IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 0 (49,456)0 (49,456) 2012 0 (63,486)0 (63,486) 2013 0 (71,583)0 (71,583) 1 Existing firm contract demand includes T.5 and T -4 requirements. 96 '-1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Idaho Falls Lateral Delivery Deficit Comparison for 2010 IRP vs. 2008 IRP Table 6.1 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT -IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) '-'1 I W1 2012 2013 J C,_,-) ~..' ~::~'C.~ Peak Day Deficit 1 Total Winter Deficir 69,620 80,680 97,320 93,090 123,350 178,490 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 2 3 3 lEqual to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. Table 6.2 2008 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) !'1' i.L " J, ' ;- J 2011 2012 2013 Peak Day Deficit 1 119,080 144,170 168,900 Total Winter Deficir 263,220 369,340 481,140 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 4 5 5 lEqual to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. Table 6.3 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT -IDAHO FALLS DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) J i:;.:~) 2011 2012 2013 Peak Day Deficit 1 (49,460)(63,490)(71,580) Total Winter Deficir (170,130)(245,990)(302,650) Days Requiring Additional Capacity (2)(2)(2) IE ual to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution ca aci 97 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Sun Valley Lateral Design Weather/Base Growth Comparison for 2010 IRP VS. 20081RP Table 7.1 2010 IRP LOAD DURATION CURVE - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Send out Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 I2 2011 175,000 173,957 8,150 182,107 2012 175,000 176,272 8,150 184,422 2013 175,000 176,554 8,150 184,704 1Existing finn contract demand includes T-1, T-2, and T -4 requirement. Table 7.2 20081RP LOAD DURATION CURVE - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 180,000 180,230 8,150 188,380 2012 180,000 184,037 8,150 192,187 2013 180,000 187,705 8,150 195,855 1 Existing finn contract demand includes T -1, T -2, and T -4 requirement. Table 7.3 2010 IRP LOAD DURATION CURVE - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 20081RP (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm CD1 Total 2011 (50,000)(6,273)0 (6,273) 2012 (50,000)(7,765)0 (7,765) 2013 (50,000)(11,151)0 (11,151) 1Existing finn contract demand includes T-1, T-2, and T-4 requirements. 98 ri ('I '1 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Sun Valley Lateral Delivery Deficit Comparison for 2010 IRP vs. 2008 IRP Table 8.1 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) n L:j 1"') 1.-,:::,,~' 2011 ~2013 Peak Day Deficit 1 7,110 9,420 9,700 Total Winter Deficif 9,710 17,470 17,790 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 2 2 3 lEqual to the tota winter sendout in excess of distribution capacit. Table 8.2 2008 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms)il ~~ Peak Day Deficit 1 8,380 12,190 15,860 1 ,J , 1 ~J · ..J.'.'. Total Winter Deficit 13,960 25,130 38,500 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 2 3 4 lEquai to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. Table 8.3 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - SUN VALLEY DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) .J 2011 2012 2013 Peak Day Deficit 1 (1,270)(2,770)(6,160) Total Winter Deficit (4,250)(7,660)(20,710) Days Requiring Additional Capacity 0 (1 )(1 ) lEqual to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. I,~d 99 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Canyon County Area Design WeatherlBase Growth Comparison for 2010 IRP VS. 2008 IRP Table 9.1 2010 LOAD DURATION CURVE - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm cot Total 2011 690,000 514,n6 100,100 614,876 2012 690,000 530,6n 100,100 630,n7 2013 690,000 544,680 100,100 644,780 1 Existing finn contra demand includes T -1, T -2, and T -4 requirements. Table 9.2 2008 LOAD DURATION CURVE -CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm cot Total 2011 690,000 567,020 102,500 669,520 2012 690,000 591,117 102,500 693,617 2013 690,000 614,610 102,500 717,110 1 Existing finn contract demand includes T -1, T -2, and T -4 requirements. Table 9.3 2010 LOAD DURATION CURVE - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) Existing Distribution Peak Day Sendout Transport Core Industrial Capacity Market Firm cot Total 2011 0 (52,244)(2,400)(54,644) 2012 0 (60,440)(2,400)(62,840) 2013 0 (69,930)(2,400)(72,330) 1 Existing finn contract demand includes T -1, T -2, and T -4 requirements. 100 "1'~: :' Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Canyon County Area Firm Delivery Deficit Comparison for 2010 IRP vs. 2008 IRP Table 10.1 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) 2011 2012 2! Peak Day Deficit'o o o Total Winter Deficir o o o Fl.. t:::L Days Requiring Additional Capacity o o o 'Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of distributon capacity. ~i Table 10.2 2008 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE (Volumes in Therms) q tJ fJ' (_.~ :1 . ~ : '.'-~ 2011 2012 2013 Peak Day Deficit'0 362 2,711 Total Winter Deficir 0 362 3,473 Days Requiring Additional Capacity 0 1 2 'Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity. Table 10.3 LJ 2010 IRP FIRM DELIVERY DEFICIT - CANYON COUNTY DESIGN BASE CASE Over/(Under) 2008 IRP (Volumes in Therms) (" 'J L" J ,J 2011 2012 2013 Peak Day Deficit'0 (362)(2,711 ) Total Winter Deficir 0 (362)(3,473) Days Requiring Additional Capacity 0 (1 )(2) 'Equal to the total winter sendout in excess of distribution capacity, 101 Intermountain Gas Company 2011 - 2015 Integrated Resource Plan ATTACHMENT NO.1 Total Company Firm Receipt Point Capacity comparison for 2010 IRP VS. 20081RP Table 11.1 Intermountain Gas Company 2010 IRP Firm Receipt Point Capacity Through 2013 Volumes in Dth Receipt Point 2011 ~2013 " Sumas 41,146 41,146 41,146 Stanfield 115,429 115,429 115,429 Rockies 92,552 91,801 91,050 Storage 203,537 203,537 203,537 Citygate 26,000 26,000 26,000 Total 478,664 477,913 477,162 Table 11.2 Intermountain Gas Company 2008 IRP Firm Receipt Point Capacit Through 2013 Volumes in Dth Receipt Point 2011 2012 2013 Sumas 41,146 41,146 41,146 Stanfield 115,429 115,429 115,429 Rockies 92,552 91,801 91,050 Storage 203,537 203,537 203,537 Citygate 25,000 25,000 26,000 "otal 478,664 477,913 477,162 Table 11.3 Intermountain Gas Company 2010 IRP Firm Receipt Point Capacity Through 2013 Overl (Under) 2008 IRP Volumes in Dth Receipt Point 2011 2012 2013 Sumas 0 0 0 Stanfield 0 0 0 Rockies 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 Citygate 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 102