HomeMy WebLinkAbouteas-form.pdfEXTENDED AREA SERVICE (EAS)The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) evaluates requests for toll-free telephone service (Extended Area Service or EAS) between exchanges by analyzing calling data. Before the PUC will grant an EAS request, it must determine whether there is an on-going relationship among a significant number of residential and business customers in the exchanges. The PUC will consider several factors in determining whether a community of interest exists. When identifying the reasons why you would like toll- free calling (EAS) from one area to another, please keep these factors in mind.* Primary Indicators of Need for EAS!Geographic proximity (What is the distance between exchanges?)!Presence of geographic barriers between exchanges (Are there mountains, canyons or otherbarriers between the two exchanges?)!County seat relationship (Are both exchanges in the same county?)!Relationship to school district (Do both exchanges share the same school district?)!Proximity to medical facilities and services (Are the closest available hospital and health careproviders located outside of the exchange? Can you reach those facilities and services withoutplacing a toll call?)!Willingness of customers to pay increased rates (Are you willing to pay a higher monthly rate forlocal service in order to have a larger toll-free calling area?)Secondary IndicatorsA second set of factors will be considered also. These represent adjustments to the six primary community-of-interest standards listed above. !Number of lines in the home exchange(s) and the target exchange(s) !Toll-free access to information providers, such as Internet access providers, on-line databases, and distance learning resources !Number of foreign exchange, private line and 1-800 customers in each exchange *The cost of changing a long-distance toll route to a toll-free EAS route usually is paid by the affected customers through an increase in their monthly local exchange rate. Customers may see no change or a net increase or decrease in their bills, depending on their individual calling patterns and volume. PETITION FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE We, the undersigned customers of ______________________________________, petition the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to institute Extended Area Service and provide toll-free calling between the communities of_________________________and_________________________. The reasons for our request are: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________(Attach additional sheets as necessary)LL Please print or write legibly.77 Please fill in the requested information, noting the additional monthly amount you are willing to pay for Extended Area Service. The Idaho PUC will use this information as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you will pay if this request is granted. Name City & Phone Number more than $10.00 per Are you willing to pay month for EAS? LL Please print or write legibly.77 Please fill in the requested information, noting the additional monthly amount you are willing to pay for Extended Area Service. The Idaho PUC will use this information as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you will pay if this request is granted. Name City & Phone Number Are you willing to pay more than $10.00 per month for EAS?