The Commission issues Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to competitive local
exchange carriers (CLECs) seeking to provide local exchange services in Idaho. The
Commission uses certification to register and review applications to provide local
telecommunications services. Each CLEC application shall include the following information:
I. Proposed Services
A narrative description of the telecommunication services provided by the Applicant, the
geographic area, and the market to be served by the company. Other items of interest are
whether the company is a facilities-based provider or a reseller, or some combination
thereof; what general plans the company has to build facilities in the future; to which
markets the provider will appeal; how the provider will market its products; whether the
company currently provides or has a history of providing other services in Idaho; how the
corporate family is structured.
II. Name, Address and Form of Business
a. If the applicant is the sole proprietor,
1) Applicant’s personal name and any assumed business name,
2) Business address (street and mailing), and email address (if
b. If the applicant is a partnership,
1) Provide the list of the partner’s names, business addresses (street and
mailing), and email addresses (if available); and
2) The partnership’s business name (including assumed business name)
c. If the applicant is a corporation or limited liability company (LLC):
(1) a short statement of the character of public service in which it may
(2) The entity’s name (including any assumed business name) and the
name of the state in which it is incorporated, or organized,
(3) The street and mailing address of the entity’s principal, office and of
its principal office in Idaho, and email address (if available);
(4) A certified copy of the entity’s articles of incorporation or certificate of
organization if an LLC; and
(5) The names, titles, and addresses of the entity’s officers and directors if
the entity is a corporation, or of at least one (1) governor if the entity is an
LLC (i.e., a manager of a manager-managed LLC or a member of a
member-managed LLC);
(6) Names and addresses of subsidiaries the entity owns or controls;
d. If not incorporated or organized in Idaho:
i. a certificate of authority from the Idaho Secretary of State,
ii. a certificate of good standing issued by the secretary of state of the
state in which the entity is incorporated or organized, and
iii. the name and street address of the entity’s registered agent for
service in Idaho.
iv. The name and address of any corporation, association, or similar
organization holding a five percent (5%) or greater ownership
interest or a managerial interest in it, and the amount and nature of
the ownership interest, and nature of the management interest.
Include a copy of any management agreement with the application.
III. Service and Territory
1) A description of customer classes and customer services that the applicant
proposes to offer to the public. The application shall indicate the date on
which the applicant proposes to begin construction or anticipates it will begin
to provide service in Idaho.
2) A description sufficient to determine whether service is to be offered in a
particular location and the names of incumbent local exchange corporations
(ILECs) with whom the proposed utility is likely to compete. The application
shall also describe the intended manner of service, e.g., resold services or
facilities-based services; and a general description of the property owned or
controlled by applicant.
3) A reasonably sized and detailed map showing where the applicant proposes to
provide service including exchanges (if different from existing exchanges),
rural zones, and local calling areas. If the service area is identical to an
incumbent LEC’s service area, then applicant may refer to the incumbent’s
service area.
IV. Financial Information
1) The current detailed balance sheets, including detailed income and profit
and loss statements of applicant reflecting current and prior year balance
for the twelve (12) months ending as of the date of the balance sheet, or if
not readily available, for the period since the close of the preceding
calendar year. If a balance sheet and income statement are not available,
the applicant shall submit financial data sufficient to establish it possesses
adequate financial resources to provide the proposed services.
2) The latest annual report, if any.
V. Tariffs and Price Lists
Proposed initial tariffs or price sheets setting forth rates, rules, terms, and regulations
applicable to the contemplated service. Initial tariffs and price lists filings shall be in an
electronic form as well as paper. The tariffs and price lists in electronic format will be in
computer searchable Adobe Acrobat (PDF) or submitted on a CD-ROM or other format
as prescribed by the Commission Secretary.
VI. Tariff and Customer contacts
The name, address, and telephone number for those persons responsible for tariff and
price list questions, as well as customer complaints and inquiries. The application shall
state the toll-free telephone number for customer inquiries and complaints.
VII. Interconnection Agreements
1) Whether the applicant has initiated interconnection negotiations and, if so,
when and with whom. Include copies of any interconnection contracts
which have been completed for the provision of telecommunication
VIII. Compliance with Commission Rules
1) A written statement that the applicant has reviewed the Commission’s
rules and will comply, or request for waiver of those rules believed to be
inapplicable, or both.
IX. Conservation of Telephone Numbers.
(1) An acknowledgment that non-paging telecommunications carriers with
telephone numbering resources in Idaho shall be subject to numbering
conservation measures including mandatory one thousand (1,000) block
pooling. See Commission Order No. 30425. All CLECs shall evaluate their
numbering resources and donate to the numbering resource pool unused one
thousand (1,000) number blocks and one thousand (1,000) number blocks that
have fewer than ten percent (10%) of the telephone numbers assigned.
Applicable carriers shall also file the necessary utilization reports with
NeuStar and semi-annual report their number resource utilization/forecast
(NRUF) data at the one thousand (1,000) block level for each rate center
within their service territory. The Federal Communications Commission has
appointed NeuStar to manage the assignment and conservation of telephone
area codes and telephone numbers in North America.